#im surprised europa rising doesnt interest me more it just. idk it doesnt
foshi · 2 years
Wait what deep sea horror movies are there?? Do u have any recs? Omg
hi i do have recommendations but my taste in most things isnt super refined just a heads up!!! a lot of these movies arent rlly rated well i just see the woter and im like "hm scary and good enough for me!!
also a lot of these arent really deep sea and/or horror. ill take what i can get tho fr fr as long as its vaguely on theme.
theres a movie called 47 meters down which. was good and i liked it!! its abt these two gals who find themselves in a sunken cage at the bottom of the ocean in shark infested waters and um. its very nerve wrecking and i rlly liked the ending tbh? and lots of tense moments. disclaimer tho ik movies that vilify sharks contribute to stinky things and also i understand that sharks r just creatures tryna eat and not starve and i adore them. predators under water just hit different and movies abt them are Sometimes fun. tbh usually i avoid movies where the whole premise is Scary Shark but this one involved them being trapped in a Cage so it intrigued me
theres also a movie called the cave that i rlly enjoyed parts of but i was so let down by other parts!! these lads find an under water cave and go to explore it. idk how much i should spoil but the one aspect of it that i didnt like is that the set up seemed very practical and realistic and then it strayed so far from what is possible/plausible here on this earth and i think they could have avoided doing that by being a little less scifi with their creatures, and it would have made it so much better. but overall i liked it!! the cave is completely uncharted & Not an environment humans have any business surviving in so. yeah i want more movies just like that.
i Sorta have the similar beef with the movie sea fever? but it seems less out of place somehow. but also its more like.,,, boat horror?? less conflict takes place in the Water so it didnt rlly capture my interest the same tbh. but it was still worth watching imo!!
underwater was solid!! i rlly liked the aesthetics of it, i Loved the Creechure sm, plus like. having to travel so far underwater is so scary, the premise of going along the bottom of the ocean.,,, awful and exactly what i am looking for in a scary aquatic movie. thinits a bit more ,,?marvely than the rest almost. that isnt the right word but i hope it translates.
the meg was entertaining enough but overall i think im more interested in movies that explore unwelcoming habitats with unknown threats than movies that are strictly about big scary monsters. also there are ppl on tiktok who still think its possible for a megalodon to exist Currently so it just. bothers me
i was uninterested in jaws tbh? and i refuse to watch piranha bc,, swarms of things freak me out in a Different Way
Now onto the things i Havent seen yet:
ive been meaning to watch leviathan but its .,, Old. same with abyss. ill get to them soon i think!! but i dont rlly have high expectations. same with the reef
also i heard deep rising is rlly good, and its the next movie im gonna watch!! i am. excited >8)
and then i have a list of other movies i will watch at some point but seem much less interesting for various reasons such as:
deep blue sea, eurpoa report, sphere, endless descent
tho there are some books that peak my interest more than these movies, so who knows!! i heard the novel sphere is a lot better than the movie anyways.
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