#imagine if he complained to Kate Kate who’s family spent all their money coming to Mayfair just so Edwina a could find a husband
only-one-brain-cell · 11 months
God I can’t wait to watch Colin complain about his life to Penelope while just getting back from Greece for 8 episodes straight.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
What snack food could you not live without? I feel like “can’t live without” is pushing it too far, but Pringles is my favorite and I imagine I’d be pretty miserable if they hypothetically suddenly disappear or stop production. Can never get enough of those.
What/where is your favorite restaurant? And what do they specialize in? Yabu. It’s Japanese, but they mainly specialize in katsu so they don’t have sushi or ramen or sukiyaki or other types of Japanese food. I haven’t had my usual since February or March, so I can’t waaaait until I can finally order for myself.
How do you waste time when you are procrastinating? Looking for anything I can watch on YouTube. Once I’ve found a video it usually is able to send me into a black hole of other videos, so it’s been quite the effective way to avoid tasks or things I’m worrying about.
Do you follow any celebrities on social media? Who? I don’t, honestly. I never understood it about myself lol; I’m fascinated by a number of celebrities but the idea of being constantly updated about their personal lives just never seemed appealing to me. I guess I just like them for what they do and the celebrity that comes with it. The only one I follow on Twitter is Hayley Williams.
Who do you admire for what they have accomplished? Probably Arlan. Dude had like 10 orgs while in college, was in the college student council, and he got accepted to Columbia’s graduate program for journalism for the next school year. Idek how he even finds the time to sleep.
Would you like if you never had to work again? Lately I’ve been learning about myself that work gives me a sense of purpose, so even if I was offered all the money in the world, I’d take it but I would still want to work (assuming I’m in a job I like and care about). I never want to go back to how shitty I felt in September when I was neither studying nor working.
Are you a big sports fan? What team and sports? I like watching basketball and volleyball games, but only the ones played in our local university league – that said, I obviously root for my school lol. I like pro wrestling too, but they don’t work in teams.
Do you believe in following your dreams? Yes, but the way there is vastly different for everyone in that some people may have the connections and resources early on, while some will have to work and claw a little harder. The playing field isn’t always level, unfortunately.
Do you like to play board games? They’re fine, but I typically prefer to watch from the sidelines mostly because I’m terrible at following instructions and retaining them in my head as I play.
What were your favorites games as a kid? Does it have to be board games? I played outside way more often and my favorites were patintero, 10-20, and a game we called ‘ice ice water,’ which is really just freeze tag. I also liked pick-up sticks.
Would you like to be a “stay at home” mom or dad? I dunno if I would enjoy that, honestly. Like I said, I like the idea of working as it makes me feel productive...but who knows? I’m only 22, literally a fresh graduate, I don’t have kids, and it’s a long way before I can possibly become a mom. But my priorities could always change; I could wind up being a mom who is content with being a housewife. I really have no clue, and I’ll never know until I get there.
How are your “direction skills” when you are driving? Yeah, they’re nonexistent. I need Waze all the time if I’m the one driving, even if it’s going to a place I routinely travel to.
Do you need to be in charge or are you happy to let someone else take charge? It depends on how confident or familiar I am with the task at hand. I can handle being either a leader or a follower; but I do think that, for all tasks I’m involved in, I do like to help call the shots and decide on things on some level, no matter how little it is. I never just follow, if that makes sense.
Would you rather “talk it out” or “let it go” and hope it’s forgotten about? Talk it out. Communication is really important to me.
What celebrity have others told you that you look like? Anna Akana and Lucy Hale.
Do you like to dance? What kind do you enjoy the most? Only either when I’m alone or have had a lot to drink. I don’t actually know any types of dance.
Do you feel anxious right now? Eh, not really. I’m a little sad, but getting out of bed to sit at my desk has slightly fixed that for the meantime.
Do you like to eat breakfast for dinner? What are your faves? Sometimes my dad will make breakfast food for dinner, yeah. I’m never enthusiastic about it lol, but I don’t complain.
Do you feel like you will ever have enough money to make you happy? Sure, I think so. I know I definitely don’t want to end up being extremely selfish about money.
What is more appealing to you: a pub crawl or a wine tasting? Pub crawl, for sure. I hate wine anyway.
What classes or courses would you take to learn more about? International relations, biology, and anthropology.
Would you ever get a tattoo? What kind would you get? Idk if I would ever get one, but one of my ideas is to have Paramore’s lyrics “For all the joy that is to come / Just let the pain remind you hearts can heal” on my wrist, kinda like as a reminder that there are brighter days ahead. That’s not the correct sequence of lyrics, but combining those lines together was what spoke to me the most. 
How much time do you spend working out a week? (you can fib a little) I don’t work out.
Do you dress up for Halloween? What was your best costume? Only if my friends have something planned. I’ve mentioned this several times lately but my personal favorite costume was going as my old best friend, Sofie. It was so low-effort but everyone understood who I was and had a kick out of it.
How often do you like to shop online? I never really did it regularly before since I had been on a tight allowance throughout college, but now that I’m earning on my own I could see myself ordering stuff online 1-2 times a month.
Have you ever spent time “online dating?” No. I had Tinder before, but just to people-watch. Still not interested in it now.
Do you ever hang out with your parents? How about your siblings? No. We don’t do one-on-one bonding; we’re all emotionally unequipped for that lol. I hate that I missed out on family things like that; and my future kid/s is/are definitely getting a lot of solo dates with me.
What is the number one way that you like to spend your time? Probably going on YouTube. There’s always something to watch over there.
Is it easy or hard for you to be lazy all day? Easy for the most part, but if I know I have work to do I also like getting my ass up to wrap that up as quickly as I can.
How similar are you to your zodiac sign characteristics? Based on what’s been shoved down my throat from social media, Tauruses  love their food, hold grudges, are fiercely loyal, resistant to change, and annoyingly stubborn. Those things are all me.
What are you addicted to? I don’t have any addictions.
What is the last song that you saved to your playlist? Haven’t been using my playlists lately.
If you could listen to only one artist, who would that be? Paramore.
Who would you like to be president right now? We have a dictator of a president at the moment and the list of potential candidates for 2022 isn’t looking too great either, so...who the fuck knows. I’m hoping someone capable – and someone preferably younger – steps up to take the challenge before 2022. I look forward to the day we take to the streets to celebrate the same way America did today.
Were you popular in school? I mean in high school I was kinda on the radar, but I still liked staying at the sides and let my more popular friends take the spotlight. Besides, I was already linked with Gabie and I didn’t want teachers and staff to be on our asses. 
What is your favorite place that you have ever visited? Locally, Sagada. Outside of the country, probably Shanghai.
What places do you want to travel to before you get too old? Ideally I’d want to travel to as many countries as I can, to be honest. Doesn’t matter where. But if I can only afford to do so a handful of times, I’d spend that money on Morocco, India, Thailand, Egypt, South Korea, Iceland, Peru, and Spain (and then maybe go on a European road trip from there).
What is the perfect work schedule that you would love? I’m happy with my current 9-6 shift.
What was the best party that you have ever been to? Rita’s sister’s org’s Halloween party from last year.
Did school come easy for you or was it hard? High school was easy, but I purposely didn’t put much effort into it. I didn’t see the point, considering a) teachers have their established favorite students early on and I knew I wasn’t one of them and no matter how well I did I knew I wasn’t going to get recognized, and b) workplaces could not care less about your high school record. College was also easy, and I found balancing my academics, org life, and social life to be fun and fulfilling.
What language do you enjoy listening to? English or Filipino.
Would you take the time to learn a new language? Sure. I’ve done that with Spanish and Korean before.
If you had a personal assistant, what would you have them do? Make them do the phone calls whenever I would have to at work.
Who is the funniest person that you know? I have several people in mind, honestly - Andi, Kate, Jum, Aya, JM, Hans.
Who is the worst pain in the ass that you know? My mom. Sometimes Cooper.
Whose life do you look to as a “model” of what you would like yours to ultimately look like? Anna, one of the moms from the Korean reality show I watch. Her amazing attitude towards life, her parenting skills, cooking skills, aesthetic, and overall life is all I want.
How much money do you save from your paycheck? I have no idea how to budget yet. AAAHHHHHHHHH
Which is a stronger emotion, fear or joy? I think both can be felt strongly.
What types of people do you follow on social media? Athletes, Influencers? Mostly irl people. The only famous people I follow are AJ Mendez (though she’ll always be AJ Lee to me) and Hayley, like I said. OH WAIT I also follow the entire GMM crew! Idk why I missed that.
Would you ever like to work remotely and travel? That’d be nice, sure.
When were you the poorest that you have ever been? Quarantine.
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chuffyfan87 · 5 years
Hiding. Part 28a
Cowritten with @disastrousintention.
Christmas morning started early in the Fairhead/Duffin household. The family gathered in the lounge to exchange presents, the adults on the sofa and the kids on the floor. Emily was able to sit up fairly confidently now and was revelling in the sounds and sights of her first Christmas. They’d been up late the night before, finishing the last touches to the presents. Charlie squeezed Duffy’s hand as he watched the children on the floor.
Duffy tried not to give away her utter exhaustion as she watched their boys tear through the presents. Emily, on the other hand, seemed quite content to simply play with the wrapping paper as she liked the sound of the it made when she squeezed it in her hands, giggling as it crunched and crinkled.
Reaching into her dressing gown pocket Duffy handed Charlie a small wrapped package. "I know we said we weren't going to but I got you a little something." She whispered.
Charlie smiled as he took the small gift from Duffy. “Hmm, I may have accidentally forgotten that rule too.” He chuckled softly, “Yours is under the tree somewhere.”
Her eyes lit up like a child's at the thought. She waited with barely hidden anticipation for him to open the gift she'd gotten him.
"I hope you like it." She smiled.
Emily watched her parents as she heard the sound of wrapping paper being torn.
Duffy turned away from him slightly to watch the boys. She worried he would think it was too extravagant, that she'd spent too much money.
He opened the box, his eyes widening in surprise at the present. “Duffy? It’s beautiful, thank you.” He said as he placed the watch around his wrist.
She grinned at the genuine delight on his face. "I'm glad you like it." Her smile grew impish. "Can I have my present now?"
“You're so impatient!” He smirked and kissed her cheek. “Boys, do you think you can find your mum’s present for us?” There was suddenly a loud trump and then a giggle from Emily’s direction.
"Emily!" Duffy gasped. "She's been spending far too much time around you boys!" She remarked seeing their failed attempts at concealing their laughter.
Eventually they found what they were looking for and Peter handed his mum her present.
Taking it in her hand Duffy raised her eyebrow at Charlie over the small size of the box. Surely it wasn't...
Emily continued to giggle loudly. “Hey, don’t be blaming us boys. We’re not to blame:” Charlie protested. Seeing her expression, he smiled and whispered; “Open it.”
She tore off the paper and found a small square box, clearly designed to contain a single item of jewellery. She hesitated, chewing her bottom lip.
He’d brought her a ring. An engagement ring. He wanted to marry her and had already asked Kate’s permission.
She handed him the box and nodded.
“Just a nod?” He teased and opened the box.
"I believe you're supposed to ask me a question first." She giggled.
“Duffy? Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?"
"Yes!" She squealed with barely contained delight.
“Yes?” He grinned.
"Yes!" She repeated, holding out her left hand towards him.
He took the ring out of the box and slid it onto her ring finger. He kissed her passionately.
She blushed as they parted a few moments later, hearing the disgusted noises the boys were making between bursts of laughter.
He rested his forehead against hers and kissed her nose. “I love you.”
"I love you too."
A few hours later the wrapping paper had been cleared away and everyone was dressed for the day. Christmas lunch was cooking away in the kitchen as the doorbell rang. Duffy called out that she would answer it. Pulling open the door she grinned at her mum, showing off her hand before her mum even had chance to speak or step inside.
Kate’s eyes widened, “He’s done good! It’s about time Charlie asked you to marry him.”
"Mum!" She complained, rolling her eyes and sounding more like a teenager than the fully grown woman she now was.
“It took him long enough!” Kate teased and smiled. She kissed her daughter’s forehead.
She ushered her mum inside and soon the family was consumed with all the Christmas bustle and madness.
A couple of hours later Jake wandered into the kitchen. "Where's mum?" He asked.
“She went to the toilet.” Charlie answered and glanced at his watch. “Kate, will you be ok while I go and check on Duffy?”
"Of course." She nodded.
As Charlie reached the bottom of the stairs Peter came racing down. "Dad!"
“Yes Peter?” As Peter reached the bottom of the stairs Charlie saw the look of terror in the young lad's eyes. “What’s wrong?”
"Its mum. She's been really sick. She started shaking on the floor too."
“What?” He swallowed, “Stay down here, tell your gran to ring an ambulance. Please don’t worry.” He kissed the top of his head before racing up the stairs. He reached the bathroom door just as the seizure seemed to be ending. “Duffy? Shit!!” He put her into the recovery position. “It’s ok, I’m here.”
A few moments of silence passed before Duffy began to groan, her eyelids fluttering.
“The ambulance is on its way.” He told her, stroking her hair.
She let out a sudden, startled yelp of pain as a pool of fluid began to form around her.
“Oh fuck.” He muttered and swallowed hard, “It’s alright darling, it’s ok.” He didn’t know who he was trying to convince. Her or him.
It was clear from her face that things were progressing fast.
He called downstairs, “We really need an ambulance now!!”
Kate climbed the stairs. "They're on their way." She replied. She gasped as she entered the room. "Lisa!"
“Kate it’s ok, she’s in labour.” He was on the floor with Lisa, stroking her hair.
"But... But... She's not supposed to be having them for another 3 weeks!"
“I know, I know.” He took a deep breath, “Lisa, honey, are you having contractions?” He moved to feel her pulse.
Duffy managed a brief nod, not able to fully articulate everything that was going on.
Her pulse - for the time being - was steady. That was something. “Alright baby.” He kissed her forehead. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m not surprised.” He smiled sadly. There were sirens outside and then a knock on the door.
Peter ran to open it clutching his screaming baby sister in his arms. He'd never been more thankful to see Josh!
“Is your mum upstairs?” He asked Peter as he came into the house.
Kate came downstairs when she heard Emily screaming and took the tot into her arms. It was hard tearing herself away from her only daughter but she had to trust Charlie and the paramedics. “Come and sit in the living room, boys.” She told Jake and Peter.
Josh jogged up the stairs, taking them two at a time, a horrible feeling of deja vu wrapping itself around his insides.
“Don’t you dare go to sleep on me!” Charlie told Duffy. “Please, I couldn’t cope.”
She tried to keep her eyes open but they felt increasingly heavy. "Love you." She mumbled.
“I love you too.” He checked her pulse again, just as Josh and Penny walked in. It was a horrible sense of deja vu - he’d been here once before.
Josh took one look at Duffy and declared. "We scoop and run."
“Yeah, be for the best.” Charlie swallowed. “I need to get her maternity notes and the overnight bag.”
The next few minutes passed in a flurry of activity until, finally, the ambulance was on its way to the hospital, hurtling through the streets of Holby, sirens wailing.
Charlie was feeling incredibly sick in the back of the ambulance, he kept checking her pulse and saturation levels.
As they crashed through the main doors of the department the monitors began to blare a series of alarms.
Charlie handed over the maternity notes to the doctors but couldn’t stay. He couldn’t watch Duffy die in front of him. He went to his office instead, turning out the lights and sitting on the floor by his desk.
About half an hour later there was a gentle knock on the door.
“Come in.” He called quietly. His knees were against his chest.
Josh entered the room looking utterly exhausted.
“Is she dead?” It was the first thing he asked.
"No. She doesn't look it but I swear she's tougher than rest of us put together!"
“It’s that stubbornness of hers.” He replied, “Is she ok? And the twins?”
"It was rough going for a while but both Duffy and the twins made it through the delivery."
He nodded, “Can... Can I see them? How are the twins?”
Josh smiled and nodded. He held out his hand towards his friend.
Charlie took Josh’s hand and stood up. “I couldn’t stay and watch it all over again. The first time gave me nightmares for months.” He admitted. He’d never told anyone that before, not even Duffy.
"You're not the only one." Josh sighed. He'd never tell her to her face but viewed Duffy as like the little sister he'd never had growing up.
“Are you okay?” He asked Josh.
"I'm OK. Just promise me you'll take care of that precious family of yours and never take it for granted."
“I’ll take good care of them. I promise Josh. Nor will I ever take them for granted.”
Josh pulled his friend into a brief hug before turning towards the door. "Let's go take you to meet the latest two members of the Fairhead brood shall we?"
“The latest and last two members.” He smiled brightly.
"Yeh, yeh!" Josh replied, nudging Charlie's shoulder, glad to lighten the mood slightly.
“Don’t jinx us.” He laughed slightly, “These lot break the bank enough as it is. And we need to start saving for the wedding.”
"So you finally asked her then?"
“Yeah I did.” He smiled brightly. “This morning. When the kids were with us.” He reached the room where Duffy was and swallowed hard, a wave of sickness floating over him.
"And here was me beginning to think you'd changed your mind and decided it was far too much fun winding her mum up with your sinful misbehaviour together!"
“Maybe I do get a buzz out of winding up her mum but, ssh, don’t tell Duffy I said that. Or Kate. These Duffin women are scary you know.”
"And I imagine Emily and the twins will quickly follow in their mum and gran's footsteps!"
“The twins are both girls?” They hadn’t found out, wanting it to be a surprise like all their babies had been.
"Yeh, good luck with that!" Josh chuckled.
“Me and the boys are outnumbered. Great!” He joked. “Do you want to come with me? To see them?”
"If you're sure? I wouldn't want to intrude."
“Of course not.” They went to see Duffy.
Duffy slowly opened her eyes as she heard them enter. She was still very sleepy and incredibly sore.
“Hey, sleepy.” He smiled and kissed her forehead.
"What happened?"
“You gave birth to our children.” He told her.
"I remember feeling sick and then..." She shrugged.
“You had a seizure in the bathroom. But you’re okay. And so are the twins.”
"Where are they?"
“In neonatal. They’re ok, both of them.”
"How tiny?"
"3lbs 4oz and 3lbs 2oz." Josh replied.
“Fat, like their dad.” Charlie joked, “Healthy weight for the time they were born.” He reassured her.
"They're really OK?" She asked, her voice increasingly sleepy.
“Yes. I promise.” He kissed her head, “Sleep and relax.”
"Love you." She mumbled.
“Love you too, gorgeous.”
Once they were certain that she was asleep they left the room and began to head down the corridor.
“The twins are ok, aren’t they?” Charlie asked Josh.
"They're just perfect." He reassured.
“We haven’t even thought of names. Not properly. Although there’s two names that I like.” He smiled brightly.
"What are those? I promise not to tell anyone else."
“I like Matilda, Tilly for short. And Charlotte.”
"Tilly and Lottie?"
“Tilly, Lottie, Em and Duffy. My girls.” Charlie grinned.
"Its funny how the two of you together only have girls yet have boys with others." Josh mused.
“What can I say? My sperm can obviously only make girls with Duffy’s eggs.” Charlie laughed gently.
Josh caught something in Charlie's tone that struck him as odd but wasn't sure how to approach it.
“Except that’s not strictly true.” He continued. “Duffy and I... made a son.”
"I don't understand. What happened to him?"
“If I tell you, you have to promise, you can’t tell anyone?”
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joshterry · 7 years
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everybody’s free (to drink iced mocha’s) 
before i start this blog, i just want to say how important i think starbucks is. i don’t think starbucks really gets the credit it deserves sometimes, so here’s to you uniformed coffee empire, here’s to you. today i came into work on very little sleep, after starting a new workout program that i totally bombed, and knowing i had a few calls i had to make that i knew were not only going to be pointless but that i was dreading. a tired, frustrated and unmotivated me is the worst version of me. then by about 2:30, our intern becca went and got starbucks and as silly as it sounds, that tasty iced drink i ordered really changed the mood. so buy starbucks people, it’s the truth.
ok onto what i really want to talk about. aside from the starbucks iced mocha with no whipped cream and almond milk (which i can’t praise enough) i had, i often fail to realize the people and things that come into my every day life that change not only my perspective but my experiences themselves and help keep guiding me on a path that actually benefits me. i’m quite stubborn and rarely ask for help when i need it, so it takes special situations & persistent people to really get me over my own wrongness most days. i’ll start with re-evaluating the start of my day and then try to bring it back to the big picture, almost as if i would have had that lovely iced drink before the day began.
so i woke up at 6 am after less than 4 hours of sleep. i was drool on the floor, don’t want to be here, tired. why’d i only sleep 4 hours you ask? (i know you didn’t ask, it’s rhetorical, stick with me people i’m telling a dang story) it wasn’t because i didn’t sleep well, i slept great or as great as one can sleep in 4 hours, you see i have sleep apnea which i didn’t learn until a few years ago and i have to wear this darth vader looking mask when i sleep that blows air into my mouth so i don’t... you know... stop breathing and die, it’s quite sexy. ladies did i mention i’m single. before i got it though i probably went 7 years undiagnosed and was sleeping at a rate where every 9 minutes my body would literally have a convulsion to wake me up so i didn’t choke on my tongue and die. yep, that’s a real thing. anyway my mom realized something was wrong one night when i was visiting home because i think i sounded like a gun shot wounded dying yeti when i was sleeping and it freaked her out. now i go to a doctor once a year who charges me $200 to watch me yawn and tell me the machine i’m using is working and that he’ll see me in a year. but hey i can sleep now, so i can’t blame my inability to sleep for my tiredness.
so who do i blame for not sleeping? my friends of course. well last night i went to a super late movie with some of my friends who all lead busy lives. we do the same type of work - all with varying level of commitments. some of them have kids (or goats) who poop in bathtubs, some of them travel a ton and recently started new jobs with much higher commitments and stresses, some of them won’t buy new trucks even though they’re about to be rich (ben hutto, this is about you, buy the truck you idiot, everyone tell him to buy the truck in the comments section) but we all got together to watch a movie late at night about dudes in suits who saved the world by killing a drug dealer who lived in cambodia and turns bad guys into hamburger meat, mainly so we could just hangout in the middle of all our busyness and of course see a cameo by elton john where he kills robot dogs with bowling balls (shhh don’t tell peta). anyway, so i got little sleep because i didn’t get home until about 1:30 last night and then had to wake up at 6 am to go to the gym.
now let’s talk about me failing at the gym. i go to the gym 3 days a week with a personal trainer, kenny chesney goes there too, he’s far superior at going to the gym than i am, but i digress. anyone who’s known me for more than 3 years knows that exercise is a new thing for me. i’m pretty sure i didn’t exercise more than 3 times from the age of 1-32 and that includes being the all time worst hurdler on my high school track team my junior year (i still lettered, and if i ever get rich i’m making them retire my jersey and name the track after me). the max exercise i did all those years probably involved lifting a burrito to my mouth and i was dang good at that, could have been an olympian if that was a sport. the only water i drank those years came in the small amounts of water inside a dr. pepper can. today i drink close to 130 ounces of water a day, barely touch soda and i try to eat as healthy as i can. even though editor’s note i did go way off my diet last night and eat an entire family size box of cinnamon toast crunch by myself. i fail sometimes ok, i fail. anyway this gym i go to that i failed at this morning, i would have never gone to if it wouldn’t have been for my friend andrea who invited me to join her gym when i finally got serious about my health. in under 3 years of going there, i’ve lost 50 pounds (41 pounds of which was body fat). i’m stronger than i’ve ever been, i can run without being chased by an animal, i can do pushups like a marine and touch my toes like a gymnast and it actually makes me feel good and i (usually) enjoy going in the morning as it starts my day off in a really good way. the fact that today was a new program and i didn’t feel i did that great is ok, exercise has taught me it’s less about being perfect and more about showing up and putting in the work. my trainer olivia pushed me and encouraged me and got me through it. one of the guys i work with is named paul and paul has been going there for a month & a half and he has the best attitude about it, works super hard and just being around him made me complain less (maybe not cuss less) but definitely complain less. so even though i didn’t master my program today i left feeling way better. and tomorrow morning i’ll wake up at 6 am again and go boxing with my buddy tyler. yea i box now, like mike tyson with less ear biting. i go boxing because my friend kate invited me almost 2 years ago & that day i hated it but she encouraged me to keep coming back and now most weeks (as long as i don’t oversleep) i go about 3 days a week to that too.
by the time i got to work this morning i was spent. the first thing jenn & becca asked was “are you ok?” because i must’ve just looked like death. we got through the start of the day and it’s annoyances and by mid-afternoon after that lovely iced mocha that i’ve been telling you about, we got to talking a little more big picture. jenn, my only employee, reminded me of how we first got to know each other. jenn was persistent on introducing herself to me, and in classic not paying attention to anything me mode, i almost had forgot how many times she made an effort to get an “in" with me & the company. she did radio interviews with my acts, wrote about them in the magazine she ran, heck she even interviewed me one time for her magazine. she introduced herself to me at a college speaking seminar i did. she applied for an internship twice - i turned her down both times without meeting her, and when my former assistant decided to pursue a different career (which involved her famous dog), jenn applied for the job even though i had given her no real reason to want to work with me after all her efforts. my former assistant (who knew me way too well by that point) actually thought jenn would be perfect for the job and actually prepped her about the interview process, gave her cheat notes about what questions i’d ask, so she’d be prepared. jenn was the last person of about 60 that i interviewed for that job, at one point i told leslie “if none of these idiots work out, you can’t quit.” after 59 interviews, i had given up. i had talked to every idiot 22 year old in the city of nashville & they were all wrong. jenn came in and was exactly the type of person i wanted - she was focused, she was a hustler, she wanted to manage bands & she wanted to work for me (which i would have known if i would have paid attention all the times she tried to make an impression on me, but let’s not get past the point that jenn cheated in the interview ok, CHEATER), but i remember we hired her within an hour of the interview. i told leslie “make sure she doesn’t get a job anywhere else or you have to stay.” jenn took the job and leslie is now rich on internet dog money and a new york times best selling author (no really, she is - because leslie is also awesome). jenn’s the best person that’s ever worked for me and that wouldn’t have happened if leslie wouldn’t have helped her cheat and if jenn wouldn’t have been persistent enough to want to work with me regardless of how many times i got in her way. today, paying jenn's paycheck is the only check i look forward to paying every month and anyone who knows me and knows how cheap i am realizes how odd of a statement that is. but she truly makes my company, this job & personal life better and makes things move so much more fluid than i ever could do on my own with all our acts. and after we talked about how much of a cheater jenn was, i got to thinking about clients i had worked with in the past and the clients we work with now and how they all came about. and one after another it became obvious that so many clients we had in the past and had now came from referrals from other clients or people we had worked with before and there was kinda a weird connection between all of them. people who had told me i should try this, or work with this person, even if i didn’t see it at first. the ones that went away were for the better and opened up room for the ones we’ve had great strides with. those same people encouraged me to start my own business 2 years ago too. a decision that scared the crap out of me when i was making it, but that has now made me incredibly happy and i can’t imagine not being an entrepreneur at this moment.
i have countless other stories like this, if i wrote about all of of them or even half of them, this blog would turn into some really long book that none of you would bother reading. so i’ll leave you with this.
i know most days i, and i’d assume most of us, overlook the small things that are actually positive, because frankly it’s easier to look at the annoying things, the tiresome things, or the things that make us feel discouraged. it’s much easier for us to all feel like victims instead of the lucky jerks we actually are. so here’s what i suggest. ready? reflect on the people who impact you and present you with opportunities to change things for the better, stop being so stubborn, and get out of your own way. be open to change, it’s gonna happen whether you’re ready for it to or not, and usually that change leads to the things you really want. trust your gut and just let things happen how they’re going to. you can’t control it anyway. and finally the most important thing i’ll tell you is, and i really want you to pay attention to this part… i really do think you should try these iced mocha things though, and that’s not just because i’m fishing for starbucks gift cards for christmas either… ok i am fishing for those, but you read this until the end and isn’t that the whole point anyway. starbucks for everyone!!!!
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serisuhaida · 5 years
How do I know that he sincerely loves me?
The moment when he looks me in the eyes while holding my hands and says “I love you”.
The moment when he introduced me to his family and friends.
The moment when I accidentally vomited on him but he never even gets angry at me and helps to clean up the mess that I’ve created instead. The moment when we’re so comfortable with each other that we will tell whenever we want to fart. The fact that he was not even feeling disgusted and it never makes him change his mind & heart towards me.
The moment when he throw away all his ego whenever we’re arguing. He said it’s better to lose the argument than to lose me.
The moment when I keep pushing him away and he keeps coming back to me, never gives up on convincing me that he is really being serious with me and he wants me to be his rightful wife.
The moment when he listens to me and stop doing the things that I don’t like.
The moment when he works so hard and OT often just so that he is able to earn that extra money to add on to our wedding & household savings.
The moment when everytime we argue, he still has his hands interlocked with mine so tightly that I could not get away from his grip as I usually don’t like to have any physical contact when I’m feeling mad or sad. He’s just scared that by leaving me alone, my feelings for him will slowly fade away and that I will leave him.
The moment when he doesn’t mind spending time with my family and doesn’t complain whenever he helps my family.
The moment when he lets me have access to not only his phone, but all his social media accounts, gaming and netflix and spotify etc.
The moment when we download the Between couple app where we’re able to keep our memories there and mark the calendar whenever we have dates and errands to run together.
The moment when we download the Life360 tracking app where we’re able to know each other’s whereabouts.
The moment when he doesn’t even complain that I’m being petty or queen control or demanding or over-protective.
The moment when he always treats me on our dates and buy me gifts (be it tea tree oil from body shop, bouquet of flowers & love letters to longchamp bag & MK watch & Kate Spade handbag & many more). It’s crazy how it’s only been months and he has already spent that much on me. I told him he doesn’t need to spend that much money on me and his reply was that’s only the bare minimum because he will continue to spend more money on me after I get the title of being his wife. That I will get much more in the future.
The moment when he always send me home to my doorstep, making sure that I am home safely.
The moment when he always starts and ends our dates with forehead kisses. And the fact that he couldn’t resist hugging and kissing me all the time.
The moment when he says I’m beautiful even when I am not wearing any makeup. Especially when I just woke up next to him and I look like a complete mess with my bed hair.
The moment when he rubs & kiss my belly and said that he can imagine me pregnant with our child.
And the moment when he said he can’t wait to marry me & have a small family of our own. ❤️
Well, me too Sayang. Me too.
Thank you for loving me and accepting me for who I am. I love you so so much too my love. 😘
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I Just Want You To Know Who I Am
(Also on AO3)
The City of Angels AU that I wanted someone to write, but accidentally started writing myself.  With a Happy Ending!  (Not that kind of happy ending.) (But you can add that kind of happy ending if you want. Just consider this a prompt.)
Derek is a doctor.  He went into medicine because he wants to help people.  The more lives he can save, the more he feels he can bury the guilt of the deaths of his entire family.
Stiles is an angel of death.  Escorts souls as they pass from earth to the afterlife. (No, he wasn’t there when the Hale fire happened.)
One day in the operating room, Derek has a police sheriff on his table.  He had been shot in the line of duty, saving a school bus full of kids (or something equally as dawwww and heroic).  Derek has his hands in the Sheriff’s chest cavity, giving compressions directly to his heart.  Stiles is waiting in the room. His long dark coat a stark contrast to the light tiles and cold steel of the emergency operating room.  Derek glances up, directly at the corner where Stiles is standing.
“You can’t have him. Not today.”  It’s a statement.  Made directly to him.  
Stiles is startled.  Never before has he felt he’d been spoken to, so directly.  So intentionally.
He doesn’t take the Sheriff.  He’ll catch hell for it, but sometimes these things happen.  Those near death/temporary death experiences;  An angel missed their cue.
Stiles follows Derek around.  Watches him saving lives, making small talk with hospital staff. Checking in on Erica, Boyd, Isaac.  Derek finances their schooling. He’d set up a scholarship with the insurance money and they are his first three recipients.  Once they finish school he’ll find more at-risk kids with potential to give scholarships to.  They don’t have a relationship per se.  They just know him as their benefactor.  Though, they’ve gotten to know each other through the program and are good friends with each other.
Derek lives a pretty solitary life. Every day he goes home to his cats.
Stiles hangs around his house and hears Derek talking to “Laura”.  At first thinks it’s one of his cats.  Then he realizes there’s a picture of a beautiful dark haired woman tucked into a mirror frame.
Stiles asks around.  Several angels know the Hales.  Eleven of them were called to duty at the same time.  Adults, children, babies, all taken at once. Unfortunately it’s not so unusual.  But there is usually some disaster or war that would require several angels at once.
He finds the angel who escorted Laura.  She didn’t cross until a few years later, leaving Derek all alone.
Stiles visits the Sheriff in the hospital while he’s recovering.  The room is empty save for Stiles sitting in the visitor’s chair.  Which, no one would know, since he’s invisible.
“Doc says I’m out of the woods.  I’m getting better.  Hell, I just got my cholesterol to good levels.  You’re not taking me.  Not today.  Not any time soon.”
Stiles is startled. Does this patient know he’s there?
Nurse McCall comes in. “What was that Sheriff Stilinski?  Complaining about the food again?” Stiles leaves. He must have misunderstood.
Derek checks on John Stilinski more than he would his other patients. He recognized him from the night of the fire. The Sheriff had been a deputy then.
Derek clears his throat quietly and John opens his eyes.  “Sheriff. I’m Derek Hale. I don’t know if you-”
“Derek!  Of course!  From Beacon Hills.  That’s wonderful you’re a doctor now. And not just because you saved my life.”
“You left Beacon Hills too?”
“Yeah. After my wife died… it got too painful. Too many memories.” He looks at Derek. The unspoken, ‘You understand’ hangs heavy in the air.
“Thank you. Really.” John reaches out to put his hand on Derek’s holding the chart.  “If you ever need anything, let me know.”
“Thank you, Sheriff.  I will.”  It makes Derek feel better for some reason.  Like someone will be looking out for him.  He hasn’t felt that since Laura was around.
Stiles decides to make himself visible to Derek.  They talk and get to know each other.  Derek thinks Stiles is a little odd.  Always asking about Derek’s favorite things.  What he couldn’t live without.  What it was like the first time he saw the ocean, the snow.  How it feels to swim. What his favorite foods are.  (Because Stiles has no sense of taste, touch or smell.  And he’s very curious.)
There’s not much Stiles can tell Derek about himself without revealing his true nature.  His job is… delivering packages.  But it’s all very secretive.  He lives… in town nearby, nowhere specific.  Derek doesn’t mind. He enjoys the company.  And he feels like he knows Stiles, despite not knowing much about him.
One day Derek is talking about losing his family.  It’s a big step for him.  It’s the broad story, no specifics, nothing about Kate.  Just the fact that he lost them.  All at once.  Stiles asks what happened to Laura.  Derek reels back in shock.  He’d never mentioned Laura to Stiles.  He becomes suspicious that Stiles had something to do with Laura’s death, that he’s there to spy on Derek or finish the job or something.  He cuts all contact with Stiles.
Stiles is devastated.  The world is bleak, gray and hopeless. The sunrise sounds like nails on a chalkboard.  He’s just existing, but doesn’t even want to anymore.
Out of desperation, he goes to see the sheriff.  Sits in the visitor’s chair again, waiting for… something.
John Stilinski has his eyes closed.  If Stiles couldn’t feel his conscious awareness, he’d think he was sleeping.
“I know you’re there.  Today’s not the day.”  
Stiles makes himself visible to the sheriff.  “How do you know?”
“What, that I’m not dying?”  John opens his eyes and looks at Stiles.  He’s not surprised or startled at all.
“No, that I was here.”
“It’s a feeling.  My line of work.  You see a death or two.”
“But how.”
“It’s a secret.”  
Stiles harumps and crosses his arms.  He would deny it, but maybe he pouts.  A little.
“I’d be willing to let you in on the secret for a Tommy’s burger.”
“Really?  But I can’t.  Derek won’t-”
“Oh. You’ll figure out a way.”
Stiles considers his options for a moment.  Then remembers his original purpose of visiting.
“So. Your doctor….”
“Yes, okay.  Derek...”  He doesn’t know what to say without it sounding like a schoolgirl crush.  He pauses, thinking what to ask instead of, “do you think he likes me likes me?”
“You’re not…” The sheriff squints at Stiles. “You leave him alone. You don’t touch a hair on his head. And you leave his friends alone too. Nobody. No one he cares about. Stay away.  Kid’s had enough tragedy for five lifetimes.
“Not like that!”  Stiles is horrified at even the thought of taking Derek across.  “Sheesh. I wasn’t going to.  But... you know about his family?”
“Yeah, kid. I know.”
“Why do you call me kid?  I’m older than you are.”
“Don’t count on it.”
“What does that mean?”
“Bring me my burger and we’ll talk.”
Melissa brings in burgers one day.  Well, her son brings them in and has lunch with them both. She didn’t know why, but said she’d had a craving for burgers suddenly, and Scott was on his way in so picked them up for her.  Stiles watches them eat together, chatting, laughing.  When the Sheriff takes his last bite and licks the grease off his thumb, he winks at the corner where Stiles is standing, invisible.
Later, Stiles goes to the room when no one else is around.
“Okay kiddo. You fulfilled your end.  Here’s my story.”  He pauses.  It’s probably not for dramatic effect, but Stiles is so anxious to hear it he’s leaning forward in his chair.
“I’m one of you.”
“What?!”  He did not expect that.  Never in- Never could he have imagined that an angel would be able to become human.
“I used to do what you do. Decided I wanted to become human.”
“You have to… fall.”
“And, that’s it.  It might be more the intent of your actions.  But He gets the message.”
“And that’s it? After that you’re human?”
“Well, it’s a learning curve. But yes, you’re human.”
“So all I have to do-”
“But really think about it,” the sheriff interrupts.  “You have to realize what you’re giving up.  Why are you considering this?”
“I-” Stiles can’t put it into words.  He wants to know Derek.  Be with him.  So badly.  “How did you decide you wanted to?”
The Sheriff smiles.  “I spent all my free time watching her.”
“Claudia. Claudia Gajos.  Then I talked to her and it was all over.”
“You fell in love.”
“How did you know how to become like them?
“Met a guy. Like me telling you now. He told me about falling.”
“Did you do it right away?”
“How could you be sure?”
“She was the only thing I could think of. Night or day.  I wanted to...  I just had to be with her.  Hold her hand.  Smell her hair.  Taste her skin.  I felt like I was dying not to.”
“Is she at home?  She hasn’t been to visit.”
The Sheriff gets a sad, distant look. “She passed away.  We were together for five years. I had five years with her.”
Stiles stops.  Considers what that means, to someone in his position.  “Did you know?”
“No, I didn’t know. She got sick, we found out about it four years after I fell. It... went quickly.
“I’m sorry.”
“Yeah.  Thanks, kiddo.  Me too.”
“Would you still do it?  Knowing what you know now… would you still do it?”
“In a heartbeat.”
Stiles nods.  Five years with Derek.  One year.  A day.  He’d take it.  Now that he knows it’s possible.
Derek, more depressed than usual since he cut off contact with Stiles, checks in on John Stilinski.
The sheriff sees his face and raises his eyebrows in concern. “You doing okay, son?”
“I think I’m the one here checking up on you.” Derek smiles wanly and looks over his charts.
“Doesn’t mean you don’t need looking after as well.  You have people who worry about you. Who want to make sure you’re okay.”
Derek is startled. It sounds like-  “Do you know Stiles? Are you- are you working with him?”
“Working with him? Nah.  I’ve gotten to know him.  He’s stopped by.  Kept me company.  Got me that Tommy’s burger I’ve been craving.”
Derek scowls, but there’s a hint of a smile there too.
“He’s a good kid. He’s really, really good.  An angel, really.”
“I don’t know about that.”
“Maybe more literally than figuratively.  Are you going to talk to him?”
“You think I made a mistake?”
“I don’t know what you did.  But you don’t seem happy right now.”
“I don’t know if I can trust him.”
“And he doesn’t know if he can trust you.  But he’s willing to take a chance on you.”
“What does that mean?  I’m not a risk.  I don’t- I’m… I’m nothing.”
“You’re not nothing mister.  You’re an amazing doctor and a kind, caring person.  And he’s pretty special too, and willing to risk everything for you.”
Derek nods.  It’s what he wanted to hear.  What he needed to hear.
Derek goes to the place where they met the most, the park just across the street from the hospital.  To the fountain where they’d eat lunch.  (Well, where Derek ate lunch.  Stiles never ate.)
“I’m willing to take a chance.  I don’t- I can’t offer you anything.  I’m nothing special.  But I want to- I want us to be together.”  He says it to the air, to the water in the fountain, to the angel sculpture perched at the top of it.
There’s no sound save for the normal ambient city/park noises.  He feels like he’s talking to the void.
But Stiles hears him.  In his excitement he goes immediately to the tallest place he knows, the city bell tower.  He falls.
It’s the scariest thing he’s ever done.  Also the easiest.
The Sheriff picks him up.  Takes him back to his home to get him on his feet; i.e. physically able to get around on his own.  They tell Melissa and Scott the secret and they help too.  
Stiles is amazed by everything.
“Holy shit, Scotty!  I just took a shit!  This is amazing!  I’m amazing!”
“Look, Melissa!  I’m bleeding!  There’s blood inside me and it’s coming out!”
“Oh my god!  Curly fries are the best!  I can’t believe I haven’t tasted curly fries before!  Wait, Sheriff.  You’re not supposed to eat these. You’ll thank me later.”
As soon as he is physically able, he finds Derek.
Tells him about who he was. About seeing Derek that day in the operating room.  About asking around to his friends who crossed with Derek’s family.  About talking to the angel who took Laura.  About meeting the Sheriff and becoming human.
Stiles asks Derek to let him, as he is now, as a somewhat clumsy and excitable human, into his life.  Derek of course agrees.  He may cry a little.
Derek takes him to the ocean. To the snow.  On a rollercoaster.  Feeds him cotton candy and funnel cake, truffles and filet mignon, lobster and wine.  He tries to keep him away from caffeine after that first time, but it’s a losing battle.
They have sex, and it is AMAZING! (Someone who is not me please write Stiles’s thoughts on what sex is like for a being who did not have the sense of touch, taste or smell until just now.)
Final scene is a backyard barbecue with Sheriff, Melissa, Stiles, Derek, Scott and Kira.  Also, Derek’s cats and the dogs they’ve adopted.  Oh yeah, Boyd, Erica and Isaac too - Stiles drew them into the family.  (As an aside: Melissa and Sheriff get married so Scott starts to call him dad, then Stiles slips up and calls him dad and it sticks. So then Derek calls him dad too.)
Final, final scene is the same, or maybe Christmas, years later, with everyone - and babies!
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