#in fact i think it enhances his talent
tired-momfriend · 2 years
Jack black needs to be in some sort of hall of Fame. He needs to be immortalized in some sort of way and he deserves nothing less
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 months
Could I request headcanons of Jason Todd with a reader who is a talented chef and baker?
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Jason loves, loves, loves to eat but he loves to eat whatever you make especially.
It’s just so damn good and enticing that he can’t help but want to steal a bite while you were working your magic on some cookie dough in the kitchen.
Jason likes to claim he’s helping you when in actuality he was just being a little shit.
You still remembered the time where you had caught Jason red hand eating something he shouldn’t have, and still have the audacity to look at you with his attempt at puppy dog eyes.
He should be lucky you like him enough to make him whatever he wanted in bulk, seeing as how he had quite the appetite as you’ve once watched him wolf down four homemade burgers, chips and still found room in his stomach to indulge in something sweet.
You couldn’t count how many times you had to swat him away with your spatula when you saw his hand creeping towards a cooling tray of gooey double chocolate chip cookies.
‘Jason!’ You exclaimed. ‘Stop trying to eat the cookie before they’ve had time to cool down!’
‘But sweetheart it’s not my fault that your cookies are so good! They even maintain that gooey chocolate chip goodness that you know I like.’ Jason says as he hugs you from behind, pressing kisses into your shoulder, neck and head.
‘You’re just buttering me up so that I’d give you an early taste.’ You pouted, looking away from him as you feigned hurt. ‘Admit it, you’re only with me for the fact that I can cook and bake your favourite things.’
Jason, feeling a little bad for making you think that, was quick in having you look at him as he apologised. ‘I’m sorry chipmunk, you know I love you beyond your ability to cook food and sweet treats and make it look like an art form. How about I help you cook tonight or let me took for you instead to make up for it?’ He asks as he kept you close to him and planting kisses across your face.
His lips tasted very much like the chocolate chip cookies and after a while you just couldn’t keep up pretending to be mad at him and smile into his lips as you kissed him back before inevitably pulling away. ‘That sounds perfect jay bird but let me cook and you just stand there and look pretty.’ You cheeked as Jason gasped.
‘You only like me because I’m pretty? How shallow of you chipmunk.’ Jason joked and you couldn’t help but kiss his lips once more. ‘I like you because you’ve got a bottomless stomach.’ You then playfully prodded at his tummy and Jason jolted at the touch, which made you laugh as you went back to what you were previously doing before Jason interrupted.
‘Can I at least have a nibble?’ Jason asked after a moment of silence against your neck.
‘No, I think you’ve already had enough nibbles don’t you?’ You asked with a smile as you felt Jason pout.
‘Mean.’ He muttered childishly.
‘Mean is you eating the cookie dough and saying oops after I caught you.’ You replied and Jason stayed silent after that.
Jason hyped up your cooking and baking simultaneously and would praise your natural talent for it to anyone with ears to hear him, which had lead to one or many instances where his friend Roy or his family came over to see what all the hype was about.
Needless to say you’ve gotten more people who were obsessed with your baking/cooking and as for Alfred? You were sharing recipes and what techniques you use when prepping food, the usage of spices and herbs and so on in hopes of enhancing the flavour of the dish.
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corroded-hellfire · 2 years
Different Kind of Jealous - Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: When a pretty girl flirts with you, you think Eddie is jealous that she wasn’t flirting with him. But he’s jealous for a whole other reason. Fem!reader
Note: I love jealousy leading to emotional reveals and this seemed something a little different and fun!
Warnings: bisexual!reader, language. i think that’s it?
Words: 2.6k
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“Do you really think she’s going to call?”
           Eddie restrains himself from rolling his eyes as you ask the question for the fifth time since you’d left The Hideout.
           “Will you relax?” he says. “She was practically crawling into your lap. She’ll call.”
           You release a nervous breath and nod your head. Outside the passenger window of Eddie’s van, nighttime Hawkins passes by in a blur. You’re not really taking in the restaurants that are closing up or the bright streetlights that you see. Your mind is replaying the events of the night over and over again.
           “I like your tattoo.”
           You lift your head to see a girl smiling down at you. Her smile is big and bright, and it makes your breath catch in your chest. She tilts her head at you when you don’t respond, her blonde hair falling over her shoulder.
           “Oh, thanks,” you say. “I like yours as well.”
           She looks down at her arms, both covered in tattoo sleeves. Vines curled around her wrists and wrapped up her arms, shapes and words of great variety were littered among the foliage. Compared to hers, your one small sunflower tattoo on your wrist looks lonely.
           “Thank you,” she says. “I’m Kate.”
“I’m y/n,” you say. You realize you’re just staring at her, and you lower your eyes to the table and clear your throat.
           “Can I join you?” she asks.
           “Oh, yeah!” you say with what was probably too much enthusiasm.
           Kate pulls out the chair next to you and slides into it. She’s wearing a Black Sabbath shirt, which you know your best friend would appreciate. You do as well and tell her as much.
           “Do you like metal too? That’s why I’m here,” she says, “because this band covers metal and they’re amazing.”
           The proud best friend in you beams, excited to tell Eddie that Corroded Coffin had a fan who was there especially for them. Not to mention one as beautiful as Kate.
           “It’s my best friend’s band,” you say. Her eyes light up and you silently wonder which member she’s going to ask you to set her up with. If it was anyone except Eddie, okay. But you selfishly refused to introduce this blonde bombshell to the guy you’ve secretly been in love with for years. Just because you’d come to terms with the fact that he didn’t feel the same way, doesn’t mean you wanted to watch him be with someone else. It was selfish, but…oh well.
           “Really? That’s amazing. You’re so lucky,” Kate says. She rests her elbow on the table, holding her chin in her hand. She shakes her bangs out of her eyes and you notice how blue her eyes are, enhanced by the dark eyeliner and mascara she’s applied. “What does he play?”
           “Guitar,” you say.
           “Oh, he’s definitely the most talented one in the band.” You smile and nod in agreement before she continues. “And he’s cute.” Your stomach drops and your shoulders tense up. Luckily, she isn’t finished talking. “Not as cute as his best friend, though.”
           She winks at you and the feeling in your stomach goes from dread to butterflies in an instant. You’re thankful the lights are dim, so your furious blush isn’t as visible.
           “Thanks,” you mumble shyly. “You’re really pretty, too.”
           “Aw, you’re so sweet,” she says. She reaches out and puts her hand on your arm. Your pulse spikes and you decide to take the risk and cover her hand with your own. That’s when Eddie walks up to the table and stops short when he sees your hand on this mysterious blonde’s.
           Eddie isn’t surprised that you’re flirting with a girl. He was the first one you told that you were bisexual, and he immediately let you know that it didn’t change a thing and you could sleep with anyone you wanted and he’d still love you. Eddie knew that his statement was true but didn’t add the fact that if you slept with anyone else it’d feel like a punch in the gut. The two of you were both virgins and he desperately wanted you to be the ones to change that for each other. So, when he sees you with this beautiful girl’s hands on you, he feels instantly threatened by her. He knows he has no right to feel this way; you’re not his. But he can’t help the jealousy and protectiveness that puff up his chest.
           “There’s the talented best friend,” Kate says, giving Eddie a sweet smile.
           “Uh, hi,” he says. He looks back and forth from you and her, hoping you’ll say something.
           You come to his rescue. “Eddie, this is Kate. Here just to see Corroded Coffin if you can believe it.” You expect this to brighten his face. A pretty fan like her? All he does is raise his eyebrows and nod his head though.
           “Oh,” he says. You frown at how quiet he’s being. Eddie was never one not to talk to anyone about anything that popped into his head. You notice him clock the Black Sabbath shirt she’s wearing, and it hits you. He’s nervous because she’s so attractive.
           You realize Kate’s hands are still on you and you selfishly want him to notice that, keying him into the fact that she’s flirting with you. It’s an awful thought and you feel instantly guilty. Eddie was gorgeous and anyone who didn’t agree was ridiculous. But your unrequited crush on him wanted the beauty of this girl not to have an effect on him.
           Her beauty was having an effect on Eddie, but not the way you were thinking. He was feeling jealous, but not in the way you were thinking. His stomach was tying itself in knots as he forced a smile on his face.
           “Nice to meet you, Kate,” he says. “You really came here just to hear the band?” His eyes fly to her hands on your skin, thinking that she had another reason for being at The Hideout.
           “Yeah, I love metal,” Kate says. “I’ve been here twice before when you guys were playing, and I knew I’d be coming back again.”
           Her genuine smile at him makes both you and Eddie irrationally angry.
           “Well, great,” Eddie says. “It’s nice to know we’ve got a fan. Other than the people we force to be fans.” Eddie smirks and places his hands on your shoulders. It’s a possessive touch, he knows, but you don’t take it that way. You just look up at him and roll your eyes.
           “Have you ever been able to force me to do anything?” you ask.
           Kate giggles as she watches the two of you. “You guys are so cute. I wish I had a best friend like you guys.”
           “Eh, she’s not always as great as she seems,” Eddie says. It’s not unusual of a remark for him to make. You have a friendship full of teasing and self-deprecation and you were both constantly pushing each other’s buttons. But in that moment, it felt like Eddie was trying to downplay you to Kate. As if he was trying to say, “Oh, I have no interest in her. She’s just a friend, don’t worry about it.”
           “I don’t know,” Kate says. “She seems pretty great to me.” She gives you another one of her genuine smiles and you feel the butterflies start to fly up to your throat.
           “Eddie!” Gareth calls.
           Eddie looks over his shoulder and sees Gareth glaring at him. He motions for him to come backstage with him. Eddie checks his watch and curses under his breath.
           “We’re about to go on,” he says. He shakes his head and turns towards you. “Um, I came over to see if you fixed my necklace.”
           “Oh, yeah!” You reluctantly pull your hands away from Kate to fish Eddie’s pick necklace out of your pocket. On the drive over to the bar the chain snapped, and Eddie freaked. He always wore the necklace and the idea of going on stage without it made him feel naked. It was an easy fix, you assured him, and you’d work on it while the guys were setting up. “Here you go.”
           He takes the necklace from you and lets out a sigh of relief. “Thank you. You’re a life saver. I’ll see you after the show?”
           “Yeah,” you say. “No problem. Break a leg!”
    ��      “Nice to meet you!” Kate says.
           Eddie gives her as kind of a smile as he can and nods his head. “You as well.” He slips his necklace back on as he heads backstage with the guys. The other band members could immediately tell something was off with Eddie, but none of them commented on it. No one needed him to get moody with them right before they went on stage. But during the show, Gareth and Jeff kept glancing at each other as Eddie strummed the strings a little too hard or screamed a lyric rather than sang it.
           Eddie’s knuckles are turning white on the steering wheel, no matter how much he internally tells himself to calm down. It’s not fair to be upset with you. You should be excited. You deserved this. But it felt like a white-hot iron jamming through his heart.
           “She was so hot,” you say, still looking out the window.
           You sound more like you’re talking to yourself rather than him, so Eddie doesn’t bother answering. He wasn’t sure how to respond, anyway. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees you turn your head from the window towards him.
           “Wasn’t she?” you ask.
           He swallows thickly, forcing himself to nod. “Yeah. She was.”
           You frown, mistaking the reason for his curtness.
“Oh, come on, Eddie.”
           His eyes snap towards your face before looking back at the road. “What?”
           “Just because you’re jealous means you can’t be at least a little happy for me?” you ask.
           Eddie almost swerves the van off the road, so he decides to pull over. He didn’t think he could have this discussion while operating a motor vehicle.
           “Jealous?” he asks. Had he been that obvious? You’d known all along how he felt about you? He wasn’t sure if that made the events of the evening more or less painful.
           “Yeah,” you say with a shrug. The hem of your shirt suddenly becomes interesting as your fingers begin to fiddle with it, your eyes avoiding Eddie’s face. “Corroded Coffin’s most beautiful fan was flirting with me, not you. She left with my number, not yours.”
           Eddie stares at you as his mind catches up with what you’re saying. He squints his eyes as he tries to piece together what you’re talking about. It didn’t occur to him that you’d think he wanted Kate. It clicks into place for him and lets out a deflated sigh.
           “Sweetheart,” Eddie says. “No.”
           “What?” You chance a peek over at him before looking down at your hands in your lap.
           “That’s…” Eddie trails off, not sure how to convey his thoughts. “That’s not what’s happening.”
           You groan and rub your hands over your face. “Well, if you aren’t jealous then what’s your problem?”
           Eddie rests his head back against the headrest and squeezes his eyes closed. This whole evening had turned into a shitstorm, and he feels like he’s about to make it even worse. He can’t come up with a convincing lie that would get him out of this situation, but he didn’t want to lie to you anyway. You deserve the truth, even if it changes your friendship forever.
           “I am jealous,” he says. “But not like that.”
           You face him fully now, brow furrowed in confusion.
           “I don’t understand,” you say.
           “Fuck,” Eddie says. He licks over his lips before turning to look you in the eye. “I’m not jealous that Kate wants to date you. Why wouldn’t she? I’m jealous that you want to date her.” You stare at him, and he isn’t sure it’s fully hit you what he’s trying to say. “I want to date you.”
           You continue to stare at him, too shocked to speak. Eddie watches as you blink repeatedly, and he can practically see the gears turning in your head.
           “You…like me?” you ask. You sound unsure, like you’re not quite understanding the situation.
           Eddie purses his lips. “That seems like an understatement to how I feel about you.”
           “Me? You like me?”
           Eddie lets out a breathless laugh. “You believe Kate has feelings for you but not me?”
           “No,” you say, shaking your head. “It’s just…it’s you. You’re…Eddie.”
           The crack in his heart starts and he feels it digging deeper as seconds go by.
           “Yep,” he says with a sigh. “Just me. Just Eddie.”
           Eddie jumps at the ferocity of your voice.
           “That’s not what I meant,” you say. You look at him imploringly and reach over to take his hand. “I just can’t believe it. Why haven’t you ever said anything?”
           He avoids your eyes as he strokes his thumb over the top of your hand. “Cause you’re my best friend. And I didn’t want to scare you or ruin it. Ruin us.”
           “Oh, you could never,” you say. You lean forward a press a kiss to his hand. “Eddie, I’ve wanted you from the day we met.”
           His eyes snap up to meet yours, shock coloring them.
           “You what?”
           Even though he made the confession first, your face still heats up as you say it to his face.
           “Like is an understatement for how I feel about you as well, Eddie.”
           “But Kate,” Eddie says lamely.
           You shrug. “She asked. I didn’t think you ever would.”
           A grin slowly grows on Eddie’s face as he looks at you.
           “Well, then thank God for Kate for making this moment possible.”
           You laugh and lean forward to rest your forehead on Eddie’s shoulder.
           “Then hurry up and ask me on a date,” you say. You turn your head on his shoulder so you’re looking up at him.
           “Hmm?” he hums in question.
           “Ask me on a date. So that when Kate calls, I can tell her someone beat her to it.”
           “Right,” Eddie says. He smiles and rests his head against yours as you close your eyes. “Would you do me the extraordinary honor of accompanying me on a date?”
           You giggle at his formality, and it makes him laugh as well.
           “I would love to.”
           Eddie turns to press a kiss to the top of your head. You rest there against one another for a few silent minutes. Both of you basking in the adrenaline running through your veins at the expressed and shared feelings. Cars pass by on the road, headlights shining in the van every time.
           “I should get you home,” Eddie finally says.
           You groan in protest and shake your head. “No.”
           “Mhmm,” he hums. “You need to get your sleep, so you’ll be ready for our date tomorrow.”
           Your head pops up and you look at him with wide eyes. “Tomorrow?”
           “If that’s okay?” Eddie asks.
           The grin on your face tells Eddie it’s more than okay. You surge forward and wrap your arms around his neck. He wastes no time in wrapping his around your waist and pulling you as close as he can in the driver’s seat.
           “I do take issue with one thing you said, though,” Eddie says.
           You pull back and frown at him. “What?”
           “You called Kate Corroded Coffin’s most beautiful fan. That position has been taken since the moment you came to one of our shows,” he says.
           For the second time that night you’re glad there’s dim lighting. But Eddie wishes for the opposite. He can tell you’re blushing and wishes he could see it in all its adorable glory.
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charlotte-of-wales · 3 months
A speech by The Duchess of Edinburgh at the Community Sport and Recreation Awards, at Headingley Stadium, Leeds, ahead of The Duke of Edinburgh’s 60th birthday:
First may I say how wonderful it is to be here with so many people who are doing so much to change lives through grassroots sport. There have been some remarkable stories that have been honoured today and a particular congratulations to Fulham Reach Boat Club for being recognised as Community Club of the Year.
If I may, I beg your indulgence for a few minutes, as I wanted to also take this opportunity to recognise another great milestone and share a small tribute to my darling husband as he celebrates his 60th Birthday, this Sunday.
Now I know from the many years of marriage we have chalked up, 25 years in June to be precise, he will be horrified at seeing me up here speaking about him in public. Without looking at him, I am guessing he will now be sitting back with slightly narrowed eyes, possibly with his arms folded, or one arm stretched out across the table and to all intents and purposes looking identical to his father when I made speeches about him.
I twice spoke about The late Duke of Edinburgh in his presence, on both occasions feeling like I was about to launch myself out of an airplane without a parachute, but holding on to the vague hope of a soft landing. You have to appreciate that my father-in-law never liked anyone to pay him compliments, believing that it was the organisations he supported that were important, not him.
However, the fact that I wasn't in the doghouse after either of the speeches reassured me that I hadn't at least committed any major faux pas and I was therefore able to stand the getaway cars down.
So, like then and with my husband of the same opinion as my father-in-law, and with fresh fully fuelled cars at the ready here goes – as I give you more of an insight of the man to whom I am so proud to be married.
Edward is probably best known for his support of the youth organisation the DofE, founded by his father which takes much of his time as he chairs committees, writes strategies as he helps to guide and shape the current activities and future of the charity in the UK and across the world. He challenges those who lead it, encourages others who work within it or support it, and loves meeting and chatting with those who benefit from it. You can only guess the number of hours he devotes to this, the most inspiring of youth charities.
Beyond the DofE, he passionately supports an array of other charities and organisations, each of which he takes as seriously. Whether it be focussing on the sporting endeavours from athletes around the Commonwealth both able and disabled; encouraging organisations offering opportunities for people to gain access to sport and activities such as the fantastic work of the Sport and Recreation Alliance, which we are celebrating today; working throughout the arts with young talented musicians, or seasoned professionals who enrich our society, or visiting and encouraging the wonderful Central Caribbean Marine Institute which does so much to protect and enhance our unseen and vital underwater world. The list is long and a reflection of just some of his interests.
I encourage you to take a walk through his CV of affiliations and marvel at the breadth of them, each doing their part to make our world a better place and to understand that he is not just a name on a piece of paper, but that he commits of himself to them all and cares deeply for each of them.
He takes undoubted pride in his military affiliations too. Not only do I think that he wears a uniform extremely well, he takes an enormous interest in their vital work and loves nothing better than to go offline and spend happy hours talking one-to-one with those who do so much to serve our country.
He has been my guide and shown me the way over the years. He has given me much help and advice (not always taken I admit), and his knowledge and instincts that have been honed over decades of service are invaluable - so we share speech notes (not this one, sorry darling!), chat through issues our patronages may be tackling, and together I think we make quite a good team.
Like an iceberg, what is seen above the water or in public is only a small proportion of what goes on behind the scenes. What is never seen or can ever be quantified is the effort spent on ensuring good governance for his patronages, encouraging people to support worthwhile causes, chairing committees, meeting chief executives and think tanks, writing papers, speeches, forewords, introductions, the list goes on.
But whatever he is doing he gives 150% of himself, and if all else fails he gives any energy he has left out to our exhausted dogs or laying waste to the garden. Like my father-in-law, my husband never seeks compliments for himself. So when acknowledgment has come his way it has always been a total surprise to him, which is why I am grateful for this chance to, for once, be able to publicly celebrate and compliment him.
He was so happy and humbled when Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth made him a Knight of The Garter in 2006 and was equally delighted and moved the day His Majesty The King – who we are both incredibly proud to support – made him Duke of Edinburgh. Both he deserves in equal measure and I am so proud of the man he is.
He is the best of fathers, the most loving of husbands and still is my best friend.
So here's to you my darling Edward and may I along with all your family and so many friends and many others wish you the Happiest of Birthdays!
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scope-dogg · 8 months
Some generic thoughts I’ve recently had about AC6 lore lately after seeing other people’s commentary:
I think it’s notable that 621 is a 4th gen enhanced human on a meta level - while human augmentation is a constant across AC and very common in mecha fiction as a whole, arguably the most famous and one of the most memorable examples is that of Four Murasume, the cyber newtype from Zeta Gundam. In fact “cyber newtype” is a bit of a translation liberty, in Japanese it’s “kyouka ningen” ie. Enhanced human, the exact same term AC6 uses. I think this is notable because Four lost her memories and identity as part of the process, and thus her number and the facility where it was performed became her identity. In my head canon 621 is the same, and as such when Walter refers to them by number it’s not meant to be a slight - he probably has nothing better to call you.
On a related note, emotional instability is noted as one of the side affects of gen 4 augmentation, which may be another call-out to Four’s character, as drastic changes in personality and emotional outbursts were the result of her piloting the Psyco Gundam. It’s also notable that Iguazu is also gen 4 and I think this accounts for why Iguazu is the way he is and probably also why Michigan puts up with his shit to the extent that he does. If I’m thinking along the right lines it probably recontextualises his obsession with you as less pathetic and more tragic - it might be less that he’s just a salty little bitch and more that he has a serious mental illness due to the augmentation. It would also put him in line with the characters of Ypsilon and Rada Niva from Votoms, two other enhanced characters that were similarly insecure and/or obsessed.
If you manage to lose to Invincible Rummy in the grid 86 mission, he immediately starts begging for Carla to reward him with coral. This makes it seem like she’s exploiting Rummy’s and probably the rest of the Dosers working for her through their addiction, highly predatory and immoral behaviour if I’m reading it right.
Open Faith, V2 Snail’s AC, uses predominantly needle-like weapons, some of which use electrical discharge which is kind of like AC6’s version of poison. The cone snail is a marine snail that poisons prey by shooting a poison barb into its prey before devouring it. The laser lance he uses is even shaped a bit like a cone snail shell.
V1 Freud is the most notable user of the laser drone back weapon, that’s an obvious fallout to funnels and other remote controlled “bit” weaponry, which is one of the signatures of the Gundam series. This is usually used to denote characters or technology that goes above and beyond the norm, such as powerful newtypes, or technology that emulates their capabilities. AC6 subverts this in that Freud, as far as I know, is one of the only AC pilots in the game, and certainly the only one amongst the Vespers to have no augments at all, which means that he’s operating his bits on nothing but raw talent - the game even draws attention to this through Carla’s dialogue. With this combined with the fact that he’s rated as the number 1 AC pilot on Rubicon really draws attention to what a monster the guy must be (even if his actual fight doesn’t quite live up to his reputation.)
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zhongrin · 1 year
bajsbdjs hi hello it's me, the anon who was complaining about childe always finding his way into my teams, and i come bearing great news:
i finally got alhaitham!!
i slapped on all the artifacts i prefarmed for him + harbinger of dawn (bc i don't have any good 5 star sword and he needs more crit rate) and wow. just. wow.
for context, my alhaitham is stuck at lvl 70 atm with his talents barely leveled up (only his e is up to level 3 lmao while his basic is at 2) and let me tell you, the way i CACKLED when i realized that not only does he absolutely shred all the bosses/camps i've thrown him at before his dendro infusion even ends, but he also kills the wenut faster than my childe (who has r1 skyward harp, 5-8-8 talents, and honestly better artifacts) does. i am on the floor, dying of laughter and honestly i don't think childe or i could ever recover from the fact that alhaitham outdps-ed the character who carried me through every boss, abyss, and domain in just one day.
to say that childe is pissed would be an understatement.
he's livid. he watches you dote and praise your beloved new dps, al dente or whatever his name is, spoil him with enhanced artifacts blessed by yours truly - a luxury he was deprived of despite his show of devotion for you, and just overall ignores him altogether when he's right there.
the brunette seethes when the newest addition to the team glances at him at hearing your detailed comparison, and he nearly shoots his hydro arrow in reflex when the insignificant vermin's eyebrows raises - as if mocking him.
oh, he'll show you.
he'll show you that he's stronger. better.
just like how he had always proven himself countless times on your journey.
at the end of the day, you'll come back to him again. he'll make sure of that.
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crescencestudio · 5 months
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2023: A Year of Connection
Hi everyone!
As I told you last month, this month's "devlog" will be more like an end-of-year recap. For those of you who have known me a while, you'll know that I get ~in my feels~ and Very Nostalgic at the end of the year. And this year is no exception to that.
Looking back on this year, I realize I did much more than I thought I did. The year was filled with so many waves of uncertainty, burnout, and ruts, that I felt like I wasn't accomplishing anything in the moment. Now that the year has actually wrapped up, I can see that was Once Again my imposter syndrome whispering words of sweet nothings into my ears.
In fact, this year, I find that I did Way More than what I did last year. Crazy, considering how busy I remember 2022 being. Let's take a walk down memory lane, shall we?
If there is one thing this bitch did, it's fucking write LFMASODIJ. For all my complaining this year of routes taking too long, getting creative ruts, etc., I still wrote (what I consider) a Very Good amount. While I may not have hit my writing goals that I had set out, I still ended up writing around 255k words in total this year. Most of this being for Alaris, and some of it being for my dissertation (LOL) and other side games, like Intertwine and Jam Games.
This number also doesn't include deleted passages, edited passages, etc., so the amount I've spent writing, reviewing, etc. was Significant this year. Here's to hoping that momentum continues into next year and finishing the rest of Alaris!
Side Games
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Something completely unexpected, but that I'll forever be grateful for, was my decision(s) to join game jams this year. It all started with Otojam, a visual novel jam I'd wanted to join for a WHILE.
Intertwine was, without a doubt, one of my most memorable moments from this year. The friends I made/grew closer to during that jam. The people I connected with because of Intertwine. The people I got to work with. Everything about the experience surpassed my expectations, and Van and Summer 2023 will always hold a very special place in my heart because of it. Thank you to everyone who enjoyed that game. It was my first full game I ever released, and I couldn't have been more nervous about it (no literally. I wasn't sleeping and I was nauseous for a week before release).
Knowing there was no "revision" afterwards that I could hide behind or promise that there would be a "better"/"enhanced" version made the release terrifying. But the reception you all gave to it and support from so many friends made me feel so connected and grateful for the community.
The other three side projects were... well, Unexpected. LOL. Before these jams, I'd never wanted to work in team settings, mostly because I have Mad Imposter Syndrome, and I've always imagined I'd be dead weight in any given game dev team. My skills on writing, art, and/or coding alone aren't "exemplary" enough for me to think I, well, deserve to be on a team. But when a couple of short jams were being held by a friend, and teams were being made filled with other friends, I thought maybe I could help, even if it's just to QA/playtest. But I've walked away from each of these experiences learning so much from other talented people and with very dear friends.
Each of these side games truly tested my chops in terms of writing, narrative design, and coding. But I'm glad I challenged myself to take part in each of these experiences because I've walked away with so much more than I would've expected.
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My Heart. My Soul. And at times, My Worst Enemy.
As much as I may have talked about how I Wasn't making progress on this baby. I, in fact, made A LOT of progress:
Art: 15 CGs, Updated Sprites, Kickstarter Artwork
Commissions: 20 BGs, Complete GUI, Personality/Affection Indicators, Editing, Voice Acted Lines, Complete OST (8 Tracks!)
Writing: Three Finished Routes
Shipped Kickstarter Merchandise
I'm going to be Real with you all. I'm not in the mood to recap everything for Alaris in the way I did with everything else LAFKMSDFOIJWOEI. Main reason being, I do that Every Month, and at this point, I would feel like I'm repeating myself for no reason. But let me tell you, when the Enhanced Demo comes out, you will see what I'm talking about with progress made. And I'm excited for the next year when I start getting to show things off (read: Demo Release and Route Beta Releases) now that assets have really come together ^^
I will say, thank you for sticking with this project for so long. It's easy to get bogged down in development when a project like this is as big as it is. It's just as easy to think that no one will care about this by the time I release, or people will start losing their patience with me as development goes on. So I'm forever grateful for how kind, supportive, and patient you all are, especially this year <3
Connections: The True Theme of 2023
If you've made it this far, I'm extremely impressed with you. And to reward you, I'll give you a moment of honesty and vulnerability which, to be frank, I Don't Do as a person and especially with my dev persona LMFAOO ((Before I do, let it be known, CW: mention of death, grief, alcoholism, chronic illness, suicidal thoughts))
Something I don't talk about much is that for all of 2022 and most of 2023, I was not in a good place mentally. At the beginning of 2022, I lost three very important people in my life back-to-back (I'm not exaggerating when I say back-to-back it was within 2 weeks, three separate deaths lol). That, on its own, was hard to deal with. But on top of that, I soon found myself having to cope/help with a family member's chronic illness and another family member's mental health (read: alcoholism, suicidality).
While this isn't a particularly unique situation, it was one that I found myself struggling with pretty severely on top of a pretty demanding work life. And it was a situation I found myself in until about midway through this year. Things have lightened up. I navigate a new life with some pretty severe triggers, and without the presence of some of my most loved ones. But overall, I at least feel like I can breathe and function, which is a state I didn't feel like I could exist in for over a year (and started to believe I may never exist in again).
Because of this new room in my life, I was able to connect with people again, in a more genuine way. I've grown closer to a lot of dev friends, to the point I consider some of them genuine close friends. And IRL, I've been able to reconnect with some of my dearest loved ones. The main reason I bring all of this up is because this year, I felt unbelievably connected to people, whether that was dev friends in the community, people who support my games, and IRL people.
And sometimes, when you interact with people solely online, it's easy to think they don't care as much about you as you do for them. But this has been disproven to me time and time again this year. And I've found myself in a state of appreciation for so many of the people I've been blessed to meet and befriend <3 I felt this especially so during some of the game jams, with the Secret Santa gift exchange, and with my recent Holiday Tree.
So thank you for everyone who has let me take up some space in their life. You literally Do Not Know how much it means to me and impacts me. This year, while I started it in a state of slightly hopelessness and numbness, I find myself ending it with gratitude and connection.
I hope the rest of this year (the very few couple of days we have left LOL) treats everyone well. I'm excited for how we get to start 2024 and what we'll get to experience together <3 Thank you again for the memories and support, love you all very dearly ^^
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piracytheorist · 6 months
Episode 34 notes!
I was a little surprised we had a "previously on" part on this one. Were they trying to fill up time? XD
I do love, though, that they thought it very important for us to see this face (and getup) of Loid's again.
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Best Spy of Westalis, everyone.
Anyway, onto the action! Damn McMahon scared me he was going to die, with how he lay there slumped like that.
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Yor really got a second wind after her realization. Seconds ago she was barely able to lift her head up, and now she's up and fighting with multiple open wounds, and still getting the katana guy all bruised up and tired.
And I'm thinking, she believes Loid would forgive the blood on her hands and the fact that she may have to leave them, because he'd see how she's done it for the betterment of the world... and he actually would, because he's doing the same. We now need to see that she'll provide the same understanding and forgiveness when his secret comes out.
I find it a little funny that all this deathly action was taking place up above and everyone else, even Twilight, were none the wiser. Like we go from Yor and Katana Guy fighting to the death and then there's Anya jumping from excitement from the fireworks and Loid just being like "I'm glad you had fun".
And again, following what he thinks is her worries, he apologizes for not being able to find Yor. He's determined to comfort her and I find that so sweet. And then
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Anya may be realizing she's too young to have the attention span needed for a professional spy. She's prioritizing fun without realizing it, and to the detriment of her plans, Loid is actually enabling that XD I love my weird family XD
Loid finds out about the bombs and though his spy training tells him to stay out of it and leave it to the SSS to handle the crisis, his knack for amassing responsibility rears its head.
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He not only considers the worst possible scenario, he also takes it upon himself to avoid it, like he does with the cold war situation. Nothing of this is on him to blame, but he still thinks that "I can help avoid that" and he just runs straight into danger to do just that.
I wonder if he considers that a consequence of his enhanced abilities. If he believes that he's not above anyone else because he's smarter, faster, stronger, etc than the average human, but because he has all those innate skills and talents, he owes it to the world to use them for good. I don't know, maybe I'm taking it too far with this XD
Anyway. He will certainly be questioning how the very ship he happened to travel on just happened to have a ton of bombs on it to make it sink. That's another thing that will make total sense post-identity reveals when Yor tells him why she was really on that ship XD
Loid doesn't even get to start coming up with ideas for where to leave Anya, and Anya already very conveniently offers the probably best solution: a kids play room XD
Like, again, this show is comedy at its core, so even when there's action and tension going on, things will conveniently happen without making the most sense because it's how comedy works XD Endo knew what he was doing when he started it XD
But also, another thing that will make more sense to Loid after identity reveals. Because he wanted to focus on the bomb, Anya said she wanted to play and he was like "Please for the love of god not now" and she somehow went like "Imma go play on my own and have supervision so you go do your thing" and he should know this isn't common at all. He does say it's lucky but he has no idea XD
The anime added a bit more in this small section, as in the manga the daycare worker doesn't even get to speak to Anya, because she escapes immediately. In the anime Anya plays with a ball for a bit, then asks to draw, and as the woman starts picking up drawing supplies, Anya takes her chance and she's off!
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"Hello, I am most definitely not voiced by Takuya Eguchi"
I just love how he just dropped his voice a few pitches instead of putting on a fake voice. And just as I wrote a meta about how Twilight uses a different timbre of his voice when he speaks as Loid, huh XD
Again, we get a mention of "Western extremists". Loid mentioned at the start of the cruise that Princess Lorelei is "the pride and joy of Ostania", so it would make sense to take it down as a fuck-you to Ostania from a rival country. However, without relevant intel, Twilight also considers the possibility that it was simply rigged to spark the fire of war between the two countries, without swearing on it. That's some pretty good deduction without passionately taking sides.
I just think it's very interesting that despite being from Westalis, he never takes the side of its government. He's only on the side of peace and he'll protect both or either West and East interests if it means peace can remain.
It's amazing how Anya's involvement helped things! And how it was even set up!
I was just thinking, a little before I watched the episode, that indeed Yor was missing her weapons. The first dagger was left in the crow's nest where the sniper was, the second was broken by the guy with the mace, and the third slipped from her hand when katana guy first fought her. Which means all this time she's managed to bruise and tire out Katana Guy with her bare hands, while he had his katana on O_O
Ok listen.
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First of all, consider the muscle strength a five-year-old would need to throw that dagger that far. And it's not a simple, light dagger, it's strong and massive enough to break through a wooden door and a human skull at once, it's gotta carry some weight. And Anya was able to throw it up an entire story above her and then some more.
But then, it's also the placement of where the dagger ended up - in front of the pipes so that the other guys wouldn't see it immediately upon turning the corner.
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Like, they would see the pipes, and prepare to jump over them as they turned the corner, but it would be easy to not spot it and slip on it - and again, because of its position, the guy who slipped on it had the pipes on the right height to first hit his head on them before his back could land on the ground. If it was a little closer he would hit his legs or hips on the pipes, and his body would bend over backwards, and if it was further he would first land on his back and probably not hit his head and lose control of his weapon.
But as it was, he did hit his head, he did lose control of his weapon, and he did shoot the other assassin.
Okay, it was a little ridiculous that the dagger had so much velocity from being slipped on to jump around and land with its pointy end right on the ass-assin (sorry), but it's funny so I don't mind at all.
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Just according to keikaku.
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Watch out, she's armed!
I love how Katana Guy had been fighting her bare arms and was still exhausted and bruised, and yet when she picked up the weapon she's proficient in he went like "Hmph! I will finish this" like my dude where do you find the confidence, she's been mauling you bare-handed and you think you'll handle her armed??
McMahon coming to at the very right moment to kick Sniff Jobs' ass and I breathe a sigh of relief. (Thanks to tare-anime for sharing the fandom's chosen nickname for that guy! It's funnier than calling him "Turtleneck Guy" XD)
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Gotta love how she goes from "demonic assassin" to "sweet cinnamon roll too good for this world" in a single blink.
Katana Guy is down and I breathe another sigh of relief! That was intense!
Anya was so happy she helped her Mama! I still don't know if she grasps the actual gravity of the situation, she should normally be having nightmares about it XD
Twilight is more stressed of being surrounded by SSS agents than having to diffuse a bomb and I think that says a lot about him XD
And then Yor used too much power fighting all those assassins that she couldn't even wonder properly how her weapon ended up in the butt of a guy she wasn't even fighting. The family braincell was being thoroughly used by Twilight in that moment, it couldn't multi-task XD
I saw the blood on the ground from Sniff Jobs and immediately went like "O_O Where did that guy go!"
And then, even in the midst of a very important and dangerous situation, the SSS agent is being a dick and bossy. In the manga Twilight wonders it the SSS are trying to save face and that actually would make a ton of sense.
I like how in the manga, when Anya walks next to Sniff Jobs, his thoughts are shown in bubbles with a black background.
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Dark thoughts, dark background. It's happened before.
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Then he puts his nose at work and actually becomes the reason the ship is saved. He smells the explosives in the clock, Anya hears his thoughts, then casually transfers the info to someone who can take care of it.
I love how the security guy was so worried about how to find the bombs that he yelped when Anya said a simple "Excuse me" XD
The guy dismissed Anya's request at first, which got her to cry, and I wonder how real that crying was. She was, after all, facing the threat of a bombing attack. But it got the guy to check the clock in the end! And also because Anya is such a small kid that he wouldn't suspect something's up with her.
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Sniff Jobs was right - the assassin profession is one built on trust, yet he didn't follow his own advice. The informant didn't trust the assassins and put bugs on them, they didn't trust him and planned to betray him, and because of that they all died. The informant planted the bombs, and the guy followed him to kill him, and one of those bombs ended up being the death of both of them.
That said, I kinda love how that story ended. I have a weakness for a felled villain trying to reach out in despair and anger, even while they're heavily wounded and in pain, and then just getting their comeuppance for good. There's some sort of humanity shown there, but that they use to such wrong lengths that you can't feel sorry for them. But it is interesting to me, in a way :D
I guess Informant Guy didn't expect an elite spy to be on board who'd want to stop his plans. Twilight wonders what purpose the bomb in the clock had and I'm a bit confused. The bombs in the lower decks were there to create holes to make the ship sink. Wouldn't the bomb in the clock cause commotion in the upper decks, making it harder for people to escape as much as it's possible?
If anything, Informant Guy was counting on the devices being retrievable so that the Ostanian government would blame the bombs on Westalis and start another war. It's creepy, too, how lightly he was taking the whole thing.
Knowing how it goes it's actually pretty funny to see Twilight just rip the clock off and go like "Imma throw this into the sea bye" and then just run for it.
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Rip I guess, whatever that was.
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And what Olka says to her too! It's practically the realization Yor had on her own about her job. That she gets her hands bloody and risks her life to provide a better world for her loved ones, but she doesn't see those hands as worthy of affection. And yet Olka shows her that, and an innocent child does as well!
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This is what she coats her hands in blood for, and this is a moment of someone recognizing her for that, giving her physical affection and affirmation as a thanks for her sacrifice.
Yor reached that point on her own, but Olka and Gram giving them their affection reassured her of it. It's worth it. She is worth it.
Just let her work under a less abusive boss please I beg
Olka actually wishes for Yor and her family to find happiness. Yor was there simply to provide protection, but they both gave each other hope for the future. And that ties back to the main theme of the entire story. Hope. Humanity. Connection. We're not meant to fight. We're meant to love.
Excuse me while I ponder over this for the next three to five days and probably my entire life T_T
As others have mentioned, McMahon reminds Yor to not become sentimental, that they're merely foot soldiers on the trenches of the cold war, yet he gives her the last day off to relax with her family. And he actually says that is a reward for her doing her job well. The music even turns hopeful and sweet.
I just realized that it looks like Yor hasn't sleep at all during the trip? The first night she stayed vigilant while the others slept (though Olka was awake for some time, too), then she had a long fight with a bunch of assassins, and now McMahon told her to stay on alert until dawn breaks. So she's pulling two all-nighters with an extended fight in between where she got injured and hit her head. Is my girl okay???
And a bunch of steps back on the acceptance front stands Twilight.
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He worries about having left Anya on her own, not because he might look suspicious, but because he's spent most of the trip focusing on her emotions and trying to help her have fun. And in the midst of that, he had to pass her off to a daycare to go be a responsible spy saving the world. The fact that Anya had the time of her life and was excited that he was saving the ship is irrelevant, since he doesn't know she was, and he only sees that as a failure of his as a pretend father.
And then catches himself, but even then! He can't even fully justify it to himself!
Boy is starting to slip majorly and he's starting to lose his footing on his denial. His "for the mission" excuse is starting to not suffice... and he's starting to see that.
That's a big step both Yor and Loid have made in their progress of accepting their place in the family, though Yor has a huge head start and Loid will probably still hang onto his denial as much as he can. I'm really curious to see how their dynamic will develop now that they'll meet on the island, and how it will continue once they return home!
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As I said this was sweet af but it's also funny how there's so much inconsistency on Anya's size. Like! She legit looks like a baby here! I know Loid is supposed to be bigger than you'd expect but Anya isn't that small XD
The music that played in this scene was a soft variation of the theme playing when they board the ship, as well as during the fight in the previous episode after Yor secures the trio. It's very subtle cause it's mostly a piano playing the harmonies instead of the melody.
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Yor put her earring back on! As in the manga, in the end of the fight with Katana Guy she's still missing the earring that she threw at Sniff Jobs and probably ripped her earlobe with. But when she met up with Olka and helped them off, she had put it back on. So she did an absolutely insane thing and put the earring back on even though her earlobe was wounded. This woman eats hot coals for breakfast.
And off we go! Three episodes left in the season and this anime only is trying to not lose her mind 🤪 it's been a wild ride and I've loved every second of it but I am really trying to not despair over the fact that it's three weeks left and then another year of waiting 🥲
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simplyclary · 15 days
Beauty and Brains All In One
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(Photo edit by me)
"The great thing about Taylor is what you see is what you get" - Nicholas Galitzine
There’s something so powerful about intelligence. It’s not just about knowing facts or being able to recite statistics on command; it’s about the way a person thinks, processes the world around them, and communicates their understanding. For me, one actor embodies this essence of intelligence in the most profound way. Taylor Zakhar Perez is not just a talented performer with a stunning presence; he is a thinker in a world that often celebrates superficiality.
From the moment I first saw him on screen, it was clear that there was something unique about Taylor. His performances were always nuanced and deeply felt, but what truly captivated me was what he said off-screen. Every interview, every public appearance, every candid moment revealed a mind that was always engaged, always questioning, and always seeking to understand more.
I find myself getting genuinely upset when people try to degrade his intelligence. It’s as if they can’t accept that someone so attractive could also be so profoundly smart. They reduce him to just another pretty face, ignoring the depth and thoughtfulness that define him. But to me, his intelligence is one of the most attractive things about him. It’s not just about the words he uses, but the ideas he shares and the way he articulates them with such clarity and insight.
Taylor is never half-assed about anything. Whether he’s discussing a role, addressing social issues, or sharing his thoughts on life, he speaks with conviction and kindness. He’s not afraid to speak his mind, but he does so in a way that is respectful and considerate. His words are never meant to hurt or belittle; instead, they aim to enlighten and inspire. This approach only amplifies his attractiveness, showing that his beauty is not just skin-deep.
What sets Taylor apart is his ability to convey complex thoughts in an accessible manner. He has a way of making you feel like you’re part of the conversation, inviting you to explore ideas alongside him. His intelligence isn’t about showing off or proving others wrong; it’s about genuine curiosity and a desire to connect on a deeper level. This quality makes him not only a remarkable actor but also an inspiring individual.
When I listen to him speak, I feel enriched. His perspectives challenge me to view the world through a more thoughtful lens. It’s this intellectual connection that deepens my admiration for him. He’s more than just an actor I enjoy watching; he’s someone I respect immensely for his mind and his heart.
In a world that often prioritizes appearance over substance, Taylor stands as a testament to the power of intelligence. He shows us that beauty and brains are not mutually exclusive but can coexist in a way that enhances both. His intelligence is a reminder that true attractiveness lies in the ability to think deeply, speak kindly, and inspire others.
To those who try to belittle his intelligence, I say this: Taylor Zakhar Perez is proof that being smart is not just an accessory to beauty—it’s an integral part of it. His mind is a treasure trove of insight and wisdom, and that is one of the main reasons I love him. He is, without a doubt, more than just a pretty face, and his intelligence only makes him more compelling and admirable.
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yanderes-galore · 6 months
May I request headcanons for a romantic/platonic Trickster from DBD where Darling is a relatively newly known singer that he was aware of before they both were brought into the entity's realm (Darling is a survivor so, fun times xD) whether the obsession started before that is up to you :)
Sure! I'd love to :) Ended up with a romantic pairing due to some implications.
Yandere! Trickster with Singer! Darling
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Jealousy, Stalking, Manipulation, Sadism, Intimate implications, Possessive behavior, Death/Murder, Forced relationship.
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Ji-Woon most likely heard about you before being taken by the Fog.
Hell, he was probably even a little interested.
He's heard your voice before and found it has a distinct melody.
When you're famous you often hear of other stars.
As narcissistic as Ji-Woon is, he will admit there's some talent there.
But he knows it could be enhanced.
You know of Ji-Woon, he's one of the more popular idols in the industry.
Maybe you've met him before or have only heard of him.
You may even be inspired by his flashy appearance on stages and his voice.
You're a small singer compared to him, but people still adore you.
Ji-Woon is envious of the fact you're drawing attention... yet he sees the appeal.
Once Ji-Woon snaps and is sent through the Fog, he wasn't expecting to see anyone he knew other than Yun-Jin.
Then he recognized your looks... your voice...
That cute singing voice of yours....
Oh how lucky, he gets to hear your screams.
You'd probably be Ji-Woon's favorite.
Ji-Woon finds pleasure in the screams of people, why else would he use them as instruments in his songs?
For the first portion of his obsession he'd chase you with the intention of making you scream.
The noise is delightful to his hears, heavenly even.
No wonder you're a singer... your voice sounds euphoric.
He loves your screams of pain... however...
He begins to wonder what other noises you could make for him.
Soon his obsession shifts his goals.
He no longer wants to sacrifice you, he wants to farm that voice of yours.
He wants to make you sing... to make you scream... to make you his.
He's still quite envy of the attention you bring.
Except this time he doesn't see you as a rival.
He now feels he desires you... he thinks the other survivors will try to steal you.
He already feels joy in sacrificing them to The Entity...
But the idea of doing it because they have what isn't theirs makes him eager.
Ji-Woon often only thinks of himself.
He loves the attention.
As a result he feels he's entitled to you.
You both are idols, plus he's quite the fan of your lovely voice.
These other... cretins don't deserve to lay their hands on you.
Ji-Woon sees you as his personal songbird.
When he corners you he expects your voice to please him.
At this point he doesn't care if you scream, talk, sing, or whimper.
Any noise your voice makes he plans to devour it.
Like a delicious treat, he craves you and your voice.
He wants to swallow your warmth and claim you as his.
He doesn't care if The Entity intervenes.
He expects to be rewarded with you at some point.
Ji-Woon wants you to sing for him and only him.
He'll show you that you two were meant to do your own little "collab" in this realm.
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loveroftoomanyfandoms · 3 months
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Mise en Place, Chapter 4
Pairing: Chef!Matt Murdock x F!Journalist!Reader
Rating: M
Story Summary: Here
Warnings/Tags: Hallmark levels of fluffy, cheesy goodness, no use of Y/N, Matt is not a vigilante, things gone get SPICY later 🔥 (aka smut in future chapters)
Word Count: ~2600
A/N: Here we are with another update!
Divider by the phenomenally talented @theradioactivespidergwen!
Tag List: @danzer8705 @shouldbestudying41 @capylore @mattmurdockstateofmind @yarrystyleeza
“New text message.”
Matt finished blending the batch of Daredevil's house salad dressing he was currently preparing and put it in the fridge to set before pulling his phone out of his pocket and tapping at the screen.
He smiled when his phone announced that the text was from you.
“Thank you so much for the flowers,” it read off to him. “They're beautiful. By the way I'm thinking of you too and also can't wait to see you again. Heart emoji.”
Matt's smile widened into a grin. He had spent thirty minutes at the florist this morning trying to choose the perfect bouquet of flowers to send to you and come up with the perfect message to go on the accompanying card.
“Ooh, heart emoji,” Foggy teased good-naturedly from over at the sink. “You two must've had a really good time last night.”
Matt chuckled. “Not in the way you're insinuating, but yeah, we did.”
“And? Tell me all about your evening with your woman.”
“One second.” Matt hit the reply button and dictated, “I'm glad you like them, smile emoji” before sending his response.
He put his phone away and moved back to the prep counter to peel potatoes for the day's batch of gnocchi. “Okay, so…”
He began to recount his evening with you to Foggy, from the hug the two of you had shared when you had first arrived at Matt's apartment, to holding your hand while you went up to the roof and your gasp of delight at the decor, and the long conversation that you two had shared during dinner. “We talked for so long that I almost forgot about dessert, so rather than having her wait upstairs while I finished making it I suggested that we just have dessert downstairs, which she said she was fine with.”
He smiled at the memory. His original plan had been for the two of you to have dessert on the roof then head downstairs to cuddle on Matt's couch, but he had to admit that the alternative had been quite enjoyable as well. “She also said that she likes watching me cook, even if I'm just making whipped cream in a mixer.”
Foggy joined Matt at the prep table to start peeling and chopping some carrots. “Aww, that's sweet, although I think it's more of the fact that it's you making it, buddy.”
Matt grinned. “Anyway, I had been wanting to kiss her all night but hadn't really had the opportunity, so while we were having dessert I told her she had chocolate mousse on her mouth and made my move.”
Foggy huffed out a laugh. “Matthew Murdock, you smooth sonofabitch.”
Matt shrugged. “Turns out I wasn't that smooth, because right after I kissed her she asked how I knew she had something on her face.”
Foggy gasped. “Oh shit, what'd you say? She doesn't know about your freakishly sensitive senses, does she?”
Matt shook his head. Foggy and Karen both knew about how the chemicals that had blinded him had also enhanced his remaining senses far beyond normal human capabilities, but he wasn't comfortable sharing that information with you quite yet. “No, I’ve only told her that my palate became sensitive after the accident and that's how I got into cooking.”
“So then what'd you say?”
“She didn't really have any chocolate mousse on her mouth, so I told her that I didn't actually know and had just wanted to kiss her.” Matt grinned. “She said I didn't need to make up a reason to try to kiss her, so I took that as permission to kiss her again and we wound up making out like teenagers in my kitchen.”
Foggy lightly bumped Matt with his shoulder. “Yeah, go Matty.”
Matt shook his head. “Anyway, needless to say that the evening turned out really well, so I told her in no uncertain terms that I wanted to see her again then walked her home and kissed her good night.”
“And bought her flowers this morning.”
Foggy stopped chopping. “You know, I know things haven't been easy for you since She-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named, but I'm honestly really glad to see you happy.”
Matt nodded. “Thanks, Fog.”
While you genuinely seemed to enjoy watching Matt cook and didn't mind having to wait while he finished preparing and plating your meals, Elektra had never been one to be willing to wait for her food or hang around the kitchen -- she had always wanted her meals fully prepared and ready to eat before she sat down for a dinner date and refused to be Matt's taste-tester whenever he was experimenting with new recipes. “Honestly, Matthew,” she had said the first and only time he had asked her to taste-test for him. “I have much better things to do with my time than to sit there and watch you play around in the kitchen.”
In hindsight, Matt should've realized that Elektra had been using him. You, however… 
You were genuine. I don't want to have to wait until later to ask her out again.
He set his vegetable peeler down. “I'll be right back.”
Foggy huffed out a laugh. “Tell her hi for me.”
Matt grinned and headed to the office, pulling his phone out of his pocket in order to call you.
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“... Anonymous sources tell the Bulletin that the surprise inspection stemmed from a report of food poisoning originating at the restaurant. Requests for comment from owner and executive chef Wilson Fisk were not returned by press time.”
Skyler huffed out a laugh as you finished reading your story about Kingpin's closure out loud. “Pretty easy to fact-check when we're the ‘anonymous sources’, isn't it?”
You grinned. “Plus we got an exclusive.”
You paused as your phone rang, Matt's name flashing across the screen. “Oh, hold on a second. It's Matt.”
You answered. “Hello?”
Matt said your name. “Hi.”
You couldn't help but smile at the sound of his voice. “Hi, Matt.”
“Is this a bad time?”
“No, not at all. I'm just finishing up an article to send to my boss for approval.”
Skyler lightly tapped on your desk and mouthed, “I'll talk to you later.”
You nodded. “Okay.”
“So what's your article about?” Matt asked.
“Kingpin's closure,” you replied. “It's just a short thing for the online edition since we weren't able to make the print one this morning. We're late reporting about it but at least we have information that the other publications don't about what triggered the closure.”
“Ah, yeah, Foggy did say that Skyler mentioned that the Bulletin was covering that.” Matt paused. “Hey, um, speaking of Kingpin, I don't know if you can mostly write about whatever you want or if your boss assigns all of your articles, but major violations like the ones that got Kingpin shut down don't just happen overnight, so if you're able and have time you might want to dig into their past health inspection records and see if anything looks funny to you.”
Your eyes widened. Matt could possibly be handing you a major scoop. “Are you saying that you think they were falsified?”
“I honestly can't say for certain,” Matt replied hesitantly. “ But there's been rumblings within the industry for years about Fisk being involved in a lot of shady and underhanded dealings, so it really wouldn't surprise me if it turned out that he had someone at the Health Department on his payroll.”
You were pretty sure that the health department’s inspection records were publicly available, but even if they weren't you would easily be able to file a request through the Bulletin . “My boss does assign some of my articles, but he gives me enough autonomy to where I can at least look into it.”
“Okay, thanks.” Matt paused. “Anyway, that's not actually why I called. I was wondering if maybe we could meet for lunch tomorrow? Say around noon?”
Your heart fluttered at the thought of getting to see Matt again so soon -- you honestly hadn't expected him to have time for you until the weekend at the very least. “Yeah. Yeah, I'd love to.”
“Great! I thought maybe we could go to that little park near the Bulletin , have a picnic then take a quick walk together if there's time?”
You knew which park Matt was referring to -- you occasionally took walks along the walking path there on your lunch break when you needed to escape from the chaos of the office for a bit. “That sounds wonderful.”
“Oh, and one other thing. I wanted to let you know that business at the restaurant has already picked up thanks to your article -- we got 12 reservations overnight just for this evening alone, and I'm sure at least a few more have come in since Foggy checked the reservation system this morning.”
You grinned. You had hoped that your article would help get the word out about Daredevil. “Oh my gosh, Matt, that's amazing! I'm so happy for you.”
“Thanks. And actually I have to run so I can get back to helping Foggy with prep since we know we'll be busier than usual, but I'll see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah, see you tomorrow. And I'll let you know if I find anything that seems suspicious about Kingpin's health inspection records.”
“Okay. Sounds good.”
“Talk to you later. Bye, Matt.”
You hung up, a smile on your face.
You read over your Kingpin article one more time before emailing it to Ellison, then got up and headed to his office. 
You knocked on his open door. “Hey, Mitch, you got a second?”
Ellison looked up from an article he was proofreading. “Yeah, what's up?”
“I wanted to let you know that I just sent you the article on the Kingpin shutdown, but I also received a tip that Wilson Fisk may have been bribing employees at the health department to falsify their inspection reports.”
Ellison's eyebrows raised. “Holy shit, really?”
You nodded. “Chef Murdock told me that there's been talk in the culinary industry for years about Fisk engaging in shady business practices and that the health code violations that triggered Kingpin's shutdown don't just happen overnight, so he suspects that Fisk had people from the health department on his payroll. It seems like it's worth at least looking into, so I figured I could submit a public records request for Kingpin's health inspection reports to see if I notice any kind of discrepancies.”
Ellison thought for a moment, then nodded. “Yeah, go ahead. Let me know what you find and we'll proceed from there.”
“Okay, thanks. I will.”
You returned to your desk and pulled up the website for the New York Health Department, then submitted an online request for hardcopies of Kingpin's health inspection records.
You smiled as the bouquet of roses Matt had sent you caught your eye once again.
It had been an incredibly kind and sweet gesture and needless to say that you were definitely looking forward to your lunch date with Matt the next day. Yeah, he's nothing like Kelsie had made him out to be.
“Hey, so what did Chef Hottie want?” Skyler said as she stopped by your desk. “Did he ask you out on another date?”
You shook your head with a grin. “Okay, first off, can you please start calling him Matt? I don't know how Foggy would feel hearing the woman he's dating referring to his best friend-slash-business partner as ‘Chef Hottie’.”
Skyler laughed. “Okay, fine. Did Matt ask you out on another date?”
You nodded. “As a matter of fact, he did. We're having lunch together at the park down the street tomorrow.”
Skyler wiggled her eyebrows. “Ooh, a picnic lunch. How romantic.”
“He also said that the restaurant got a boost in reservations yesterday.”
Skyler huffed out a relieved breath. “Oh, good. I know Foggy had been worried about that.”
“Matt too.” You thought about telling Skyler what Matt had suspected regarding Kingpin's health inspection records, but decided to keep it to yourself until you knew if there was actually any weight to it. “I was thinking about picking up some dinner from Daredevil tonight but I don't want to bother him, especially if they're extra busy.”
Skyler shrugged. “How about drinks after work instead? We can hit up happy hour at that new library-themed bar near my place, fill up on wine and appetizers, gossip about our guys.”
You nodded. “Yeah, that sounds like fun.”
“Okay, great. I've got to go cover the Rotary Club’s monthly luncheon, but I'll be back in a few hours.”
“Okay.” You winked. “Don’t have too much fun.”
Skyler shook her head with a smile. “It’ll be a struggle, but I’ll try.”
You grinned as Skyler headed out on assignment. Last week may have been a shit show, but this one was definitely looking up.
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theamityelf · 2 months
We’ve got enough Kamukuras to fill up a bucket or something at this point, lol. Regarding that, what’s your thoughts on a Kamukurafied Komaeda? I’ve seen peoples takes on him before but I’m just curious on what yours would be
Oh, I love this. More Kamukuras than we know what to do with. I've definitely seen some sketches of a Nagizuru concept, and those were awesome, but let me think, lol.
I feel like his luck has to do something during the surgery itself. Like, I think we almost can't have a character with Nagito's luck and say his luck was being chill during something as pivotal and time-consuming as the Kamukura Project. So I'm thinking the scientists made a small but crucial mistake on him that is both good luck and bad luck depending on how you look at it.
I'm going to say, instead of just removing his emotions and autonomous motivation, the scientists manage to accidentally give him super overactive reward centers. The rest of the project was a success. His emotions are still gone in most ways, but now, unlike most Kamukuras, he gets powerful hits of dopamine for completing tasks. He considers himself lucky, since he's enjoying himself more than the other Kamukuras, but the result also means that he becomes severely pleasure-seeking.
The only thing he can feel is reward. This means he is addicted to practicing his talents, but it also means he will go out of his way to use as many of his talents as he can.
The scientists initially write this off as a positive; feeling highly rewarded for a job well done means he's more engaged in what they ask of him than any of his predecessors. Sure, they're a little worried when he starts disassembling and reassembling things over and over, worried that becoming addicted to small, meaningless busy work will start to take priority over the actual things they want him to do. But he's still a Kamukura, and he still eventually gets bored of repetition, so it's fine.
They should be more worried about the disassembling part. The fact that he feels just as rewarded by tasks he himself creates, just as rewarded by work he himself makes necessary, just as happy to fix what he himself breaks, should worry them more.
They should be really worried about how easily he gets bored.
But this trial of the Kamukura Project (and if we're including every other AU in this, then I guess he's Iteration 4, after Mahiru's Iteration 3, lol. Byakuya I still see as more of a joint endeavor between the Togami Corporation and Hope's Peak, not nominally a part of the Hope Cultivation Plan, but rather a "separate" project, maybe called the Heir Enhancement Plan. He's still called Byakuya Togami. Then again, it would make sense for Nagito to have been before Makoto, since I could see Hope's Peak using a luckster and a reserve course student one year, then the next year's luckster as well. Maybe Mahiru got thrown in because she caught them dragging off Sato, idk. So, Iteration 1 is Hajime's Izuru Kamukura. Iteration 2 is Nagito. Iteration 3 is Makoto. Iteration 4 is Sato, but for right now I'm saying there was some complication and she died while they were working on her. And Iteration 5 is Mahiru.)
But this trial of the Kamukura Project is really pleasant to be around. When the scientists question him, he's very eager to answer the questions. After all, positive social interactions are highly rewarding for him.
He's extremely physically affectionate with the other Kamukuras, though Makoto is the only one who always tolerates it, so Makoto is the one he goes the farthest with, especially when Izuru isn't around to stop him. (Byakuya will also intervene, but not as regularly. And Mahiru sees it as respecting Makoto's autonomy to let him decide who's allowed to touch him.) He'll just be cuddling Makoto and nuzzling into his hair, and Makoto is just blinking and stoic. Bonus points if Makoto says something like, "I like it," one time when they do this, and it's the first thing he's ever said he liked. His first opinion ever, as Iteration 3, is that cuddling is nice.
(Izuru will be jealous of this. And Nagito would feel extremely rewarded by the accomplishment.)
Nagito Kamukura does not have compassion or all that much regard for the consequences of his actions. Because of his new analyst talents, he's able to plan ahead which courses of action will be the most rewarding for him, which means his pleasure-seeking isn't short-sighted, but if a course of action contains 5 guaranteed instances of pleasure and 10 possible negative repercussions, it is probably full steam ahead on that plan unless he can think of one with more guaranteed instances of pleasure. The only consequences that matter are ones that limit his ability to keep doing things.
In the at-this-point-inevitable event that there's some mass breakout of the Kamukuras, I could see Nagito staying behind to tend to the few scientists who didn't immediately die by Byakuya's or Mahiru's hand. Once he finishes bandaging them up so they're on the mend, he'll break an arm here, a leg there, so he has more stuff to heal.
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verrescent · 3 months
"Regulus has the more gorgeous curls ever!" AND YOU WANNA KNOW WHY
for the longest time he just left his hair slicked back or combed over. (yes im pushing my choir boy reg agenda WHAT ABT IT) like he didnt even know he had curls till he was too lazy to comb it over one lazy morning and all of a sudden his head was a frizzy curled mess. (picture a horrible perm) he didnt even know until a slytherin first year who was jumping through hoops for his favor offered to teach him a bird repelling spell. after asking why, he was horrified and the first year apologized.
He tried potions and spells and chants and stones yet nothing seemed to help calm his hair... and he couldn't very well ask Sirius for help since his hair was much less coiled than Regulus's. After about a month of tireless effect (anger filled quidditch practices when he cursed every great wizard for keeping the one muggle custom of hating anything that isn't straight) he finally caved and called in reinforcements.
You know where I'm going with this, right?
Listening carefully, while James nodded without actually listening (occasionally saying things like 'mhm mhm yes sir you make a fine point.' to impress or bother lily enough that she'll like him ...she'll never admit it but she giggled a little internally) operation make 'regulus handsome again!' was forced in motion.
James tried a natural salve that his dad made that 'enhanced your roots and made your strands shine!' It sort of worked, except they found out that Regulus is allergic to unicorn horn dust and sapflowers.
Lily tried massaging oils that she'd seen her mom use occasionally (and Mrs Evans had the prettiest curls ever!) but it weighed down the strands too much since she applied enough for three people so regulus kind of just looked like Snape. (After regulus saw his reflection, he looked like he'd braved a fight with a dementor)
Remus, who'd been the last one to try anything, and who did the least for his curls (yet they still looking impeccable! fking lupin genes 😒) decided to lend Regulus some of his self made soaps and conditioners that never really worked for him. Regulus did, reluctantly, and found that the frizz was almost gone, and that it smelled very reminiscent of citrus and eucalyptus. In fact, they looked so good that not only did lily ask for the recipe and James berated Remus for never hooking him up with his idiotic talent for accidentally making things that work wonderfully, he was able to convince his mother to left him open his own gringotts vault (of which he planned to use to finally rid his surroundings of those horrid walls of horrid memories.) the end!!!!!! Idk when I wanted this to go but it went somewhere I think
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tj-dragonblade · 4 months
Would love to hear about Treasure for the WIP game
Okay, this one's shameless pwp from a few smut prompts last spring (jewelry, make-up, finger-fucking, piercings, and panties). It's nothing but an excuse to have Dream dolled up in lace panties and stockings and heels and tons of jewelry (piercings and otherwise, including a tiara) and gothy makeup, and let Hob take him apart a few times. It may develop emotional themes as we go; time will tell. The very beginning is still in progress but doesn't need much; the full first orgasm is written and whenever the mood strikes I'm working on orgasms 2-4. An excerpt, heading into nsfw territory:
"You named me your treasure," Dream purrs, fingers toying with the back of Hob's hair, low down at the nape of his neck.
Ah. Yes. He does vaguely remember such an endearment slipping from him just last week, panted helplessly into Dream's mouth while Dream undulated slow and relentless in his lap.
"I have. Adorned myself, accordingly."
"I mean. Treasure's not just gems and fine fabric and precious metals, y'know. Can be…anything, really." He doesn't know why that's what comes out of his mouth, except that Dream decked out like this, straddling his lap, leaning in close—it's shorted all his higher brain functions and his mouth is just running on auto-pilot, apparently.
Dream pulls back, the first hints of a pout showing on his ebony mouth. "Do you wish to argue semantics or do you wish to plunder your treasure?" His head tilts up, haughty and aristocratic, tiara enhancing the effect. "Or do I need to change into something more to your liking?"
"Please don't." Hob grips tighter at Dream's bony hips, forcefully re-engaging his capacity to think. "This is, in fact, very much to my liking. Sorry I'm no good at poetry, but you look…bloody amazing. Delectable. Wanna lay you out on an altar and worship, you're so damn pretty."
Dream's self-satisfied smirk returns, at that. "Then worship me upon the altar of your lap, Hob Gadling." He presses closer, sinks gentle teeth into Hob's lower lip and pulls, letting it slide free easily. He reaches somewhere and thunks a bottle of lube down onto the table beside them. "I crave your touch, the talents of your fingers within me."
"Of course, yes. Anything you like, whatever you want. But first—" he grips Dream under the thighs, hefts him up with a mighty grunt, rising half out of his chair to turn and deposit Dream onto the table "—first, let's have a proper look at you." He sits back enough to see all of Dream and Dream smiles slightly, indulgent.
"As you wish, then. Look your fill of the treasure before you." He plants his hands behind him, tilts his head up, spreads his legs wide, invitation written into every line of his body.
And Hob. He appreciates every detail of how Dream's dolled himself up, the stockings and heels and makeup and the jewels adorning everything; he truly does, but right now his focus is narrowing quickly. His hands go to Dream's thighs without thought, smoothing over the black pearls and the rubies sewn into the lace bands topping the sheer silk stockings, moving up to edge under the lace wrapping Dream's hips. He leans in, brushes lips to Dream's sternum beneath the looping strings of jewels, glances up to catch Dream gazing fondly down at him as he moves lower; it's a look that makes it impossible to hold back his words.
"God, do you know what a hard cock in fancy lace does to me? And when it's you?" He presses open-mouthed kisses to the soft flat of Dream's belly as he goes, tonguing the navel piercing briefly.
"Perhaps," Dream allows, so smugly that it's clear the panties were no coincidental serendipity on his part. His fingers thread into Hob's hair, a gentle hold round the back of his head as Hob mouths lower, and Dream leans back accommodatingly.
WIP List
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captain-ozone · 1 year
I’m going absolutely feral after seeing The Little Mermaid. My inner child has been FED, and I HAVE NO ONE TO TALK TO ABOUT IT YET so here I am to spew my thoughts. Spoilers below:
1. Halle was perfect. I will accept no criticism on this point. The only thing I cared about when this live-action movie was announced was that our new Ariel would have a voice to match Jodi Benson’s, and Halle did more than deliver. She epitomized the spirit of Ariel in every way. She was playful, she was inquisitive, she was joyful and bright and fun, she was so good at tugging the heartstrings (even without dialogue!!!) and appealing to our innate wanderlust and desire to discover and experience,  and she was so so EARNEST in her portrayal I can’t even. 
2. THE DEPTH THEY ADDED TO PRINCE ERIC’S CHARACTER OKAY!?!?! LIKE?!?!?! Okay, I will NOT GET OVER THIS. It was SO CLEVER of them to mirror Ariel’s journey with his desire to break free of his position’s restrictions. It worked incredibly well and did not once detract from our heroine’s spotlight. Rather, it ENHANCED their connection and sold me on their three-day love story in a deeper and more meaningful way than the original did (more on that below). ALSO ALSO ALSO SO COOL of them not to kill off his ADOPTIVE mother. ADOPTIVE. Marvelous choice! Truly. His mother’s fear of the sea gods offered a parallel to Triton’s fear of the surface world, and *CHEFS KISS*
3. Melissa McCarthy’s Pour Unfortunate Souls was a FUN TIME. 
4. Awkwafina as Scuttle? Inspired. 
6. Wherever they filmed? The castle? Fucking gorgeous.
8. Grimsby is the GOAT. Enough said.
I may get some hate for this, but I’m not the biggest fan of Lin-Manuel Miranda.  Idk how to put this. He has an insane amount of talent, but for...untraditional musicals. I wouldn’t say he’d be my first choice to write new songs that fit the more traditional Broadway-like musical vibes that characterized so much of the Disney Renaissance. 
That being said, The Scuttlebutt was the strongest of the bunch, I think. It was very much a Miranda song, and in most instances, I’d be a little irritated by how they included a song that has a style so different from the rest of the lyrical music we know and love from the original animated movie. But it worked here, likely because it was delivered by Awkwafina’s Scuttle and FIT the character.
Honorable mention to Wild Uncharted Waters, only because WOW Jonah Hauer-King went OFF on that performance. This boy said “I get one musical number and I’m going to KILL IT” and he did.
Also very much liked the Part of Your World (Reprise II)! It tied everything together really nicely.
I LOVE THAT ARIEL WAS FORCED TO FORGET SHE NEEDED A KISS FROM ERIC. --> THIS. THIS IS FREAKING AMAZING. I can’t even express how much more I felt for Ariel and Eric’s love story. How much more real it felt. How much more believable and true. I don’t buy in to one-day (or few-day) love stories very easily, especially when physical intimacy/attraction is a driving force. My little aroace ass dug the fact that kissing Eric literally was the last thing on Ariel’s mind. She got to be herself, explore this new world, AND do it with someone who appreciated her curiosity and found joy in how much joy she was experiencing, who could have just as much fun as she could. God. Goals. 
I LOVE THAT ERIC KNEW SOMETHING WASN’T RIGHT WITH VANESSA, EVEN IF HE COULDN’T PUT HIS FINGER ON IT. Very reminiscent of Prince of Song and Sea by Linsey Miller (a YA AU retelling told from Prince Eric’s POV. It’s a fun, easy read, if you’re curious).
All of these changes were important and mean a lot to me. I think it challenges a lot of the issues people have with the original animated movie, in that, here in the 2023 version, no one can argue that Ariel made her choices because she was lusting after a man. Or that she’s a damsel in distress. Very good stuff there.
11. My critiques
Some of the cinematography was weird. The transition between acting scenes and singing scenes didn’t always flow right. They felt abrupt and awkward. I definitely worried a bit about the CGI too, and it wasn’t too terrible imo. 
And my biggest complaint: idk what it was about the ending, but it didn’t *quite* hit right. In the original animated movie, one of the last bits of dialogue comes from Triton, when he says, “...how much I’m going to miss her.” The finale of the animated movie is then a spectacle of swelling music and a heartfelt case of “show” rather than “tell.” The hug between Ariel and Triton on the wedding barge is perfect. The way in which the mer-people come to witness the wedding and send off Eric and Ariel is perfect. 
The live-action ending felt...a little too somber. It became too much about Triton letting go and not enough about Ariel and Eric setting off on adventure together or about their worlds colliding in peace. I wouldn’t say that the last conversation between Triton and Ariel in the 2023 movie cheapens the line “...how much I’m going to miss her” and the bittersweetness with which he gifts her back her human legs, but it came close. I would have MUCH rather had a little more from Eric and Ariel than from Triton. LIKE HELLO??? WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT RING GRIMSBY KICKED AWAY!??? THERE WAS SOMETHING THEY COULD HAVE USED RIGHT THERE. Or better yet: if they wanted to do something super touching, they could have had Eric’s mother and Triton do a short aside by themselves, or perhaps even have a sort of moment where they acknowledge each other with respect/compassion/understanding before we all refocused on Ariel and Eric for the grand finale. But nah, they did what they did, and I’ll be a bit salty about it forever.
But anyway. Overall, I was very pleased. My disappointment with the lack of emotional impact from the ending does not supersede my enjoyment of everything else.
If you made it this far, please share your thoughts! I’m eager to talk to people, because all my friends aren’t like me and didn’t go see it opening night, lol.
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spitdrunken · 2 years
Yes to the rollo hcs! I’d love to hear more of your thoughts about him :D
<333!! SOB... thank you for giving me an excuse to talk more about him <3 i've been thinking about a few specific things! for anyone reading this, these are not romantic / x reader hcs. they are just general hcs a handful of about rollo’s character.
Rollo is a great appreciator of handmade objects (or, rather, 'magicless' crafts) . This extends to a lot of things, such as the food he eats, the clothes he wears, the furniture in his room, and more. I imagine that, in Twisted Wonderland, magic is often used as a way to mass produce products, enhance them, or easily change an object’s properties. Rollo would prefer to spend a lot more money to get something truly authentic, as he sees it. He thinks magicless people taking the time to foster their talents, and truly work on them, not taking the easy and lazy way that magic users do, is beautiful. The presence of this craft is ever on a slow decline, and it’s a fact that genuinely worries and upsets him.
His way of seeing work without magic as superior extends to his own life as well. He tries as best he can to do everything on his own. For example, he would never use magic to clean the The Bell of Salvation, and finds the mere thought appalling. Of course, the process takes much, much longer, but Rollo feels incredibly pleased with himself whenever he finishes.
Because of the above, he also has a special fondness for the arts. Especially written works, such as poetry or novels. They are things that magic will simply never be able to recreate or play a part in; anyone can engage in writing with no regard for magical prowess. Like we have a genre dedicated to fantasy writing (that often includes magic), Twisted Wonderland has plenty of novels imagining how a world without magic would function. Rollo devours these, though he is often very critical of them, and makes neat little notes in the margins in pencil. 
(Like the escapism of our world, Rollo sometimes fantasizes that he and his whole family could have been in a world without magic to begin with. Perhaps, then, his brother would not have suffered the fate that he did. But these are fruitless thoughts and he has concrete plans to put into action, so he never lingers long on them.) 
He’s very behind in using technology as well. Rollo strongly prefers not to use things that solely rely on magic, and would even use older and less efficient products to avoid exactly that. To others, he just looks like an old man because of this. He absolutely does not have any social media presence whatsoever, and doesn’t care for it at all. 
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