#including a healthy dose of the Dragon Age magic system
undefeatednils · 1 year
Gonna spend the evening trying out a The Electrum Archive-inspired spell generation system... 132 words spread evenly across three categories, with four different ways to combine said categories.
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liliannorman · 4 years
What would it take to make a unicorn?
The unicorns in the new movie Onward may look like the beauties that adorn fanciful clothing and school supplies. But don’t be fooled by their silvery white color and shimmery horns. These gussied-up ponies act like dumpster-diving raccoons while snarling at residents. They roam the streets of Mushroomton, a town populated by magical creatures.
The unicorns popular today typically aren’t garbage-eating pests. But they often have a similar look: white horses with heads that have sprouted a single spiraling horn. While everyone knows that these unicorns are just a flight of fancy, is there any chance they could ever exist?
The short answer: It’s highly unlikely. But scientists have ideas about how these animals could become real. A bigger question, though, is whether it would be a good idea to make one.
The long road to a unicorn
A unicorn doesn’t look that much different from a white horse. And getting a white horse is pretty easy. One mutation on a single gene turns an animal into an albino. These animals don’t make the pigment melanin. Albino horses have white bodies and manes and light eyes. But this mutation can also mess with other processes inside the body. In some animals, it can lead to poor vision or even blindness. So unicorns that evolved from albino horses might not be all that healthy. 
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Maybe unicorns could evolve from albino horses. These animals lack the pigment melanin. That leaves them with white bodies and light eyes. Zuzule/iStock/Getty Images Plus
A horn or rainbow coloring are more complex traits. They tend to involve more than one gene. “We can’t say ‘we are going to change this gene and now we’re going to have a horn,’” says Alisa Vershinina. She studies the DNA of ancient horses at the University of California, Santa Cruz. 
If any of these traits were to evolve, they would need to give a unicorn some advantage that helps it survive or reproduce. A horn, for instance, might help a unicorn defend itself against predators. Colorful features might help a male unicorn attract a mate. That’s why many birds have bright and bold colors. “Maybe horses would be able develop these crazy colors … that would favor boys that are very beautiful pink and purple,” Vershinina says.
But none of this would happen fast because horses (and the resulting unicorns) have relatively long lifespans and reproduce slowly. Evolution “doesn’t work in a snap,” Vershinina notes. 
Insects generally have short generation times, so they can evolve body parts quickly. Some beetles have horns that they use for defense. A beetle might be able to evolve such a horn in 20 years, Vershinina says. But even if it were possible for a horse to evolve into a unicorn, that “would take more than a hundred years, probably, if not a thousand,” she says. 
Fast-tracking a unicorn
Perhaps instead of waiting for evolution to make a unicorn, people could engineer them. Scientists might use the tools of bioengineering to cobble together the traits of a unicorn from other creatures. 
Paul Knoepfler is a biologist and stem-cell researcher at the University of California, Davis. He and his daughter Julie wrote a book, How to Build a Dragon or Die Trying. In it, they ponder how modern techniques could be used to build mythical creatures, including unicorns. To transform a horse into a unicorn, you could try adding a horn from a related animal, Paul Knoepfler says. 
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dottedhippo/iStock/Getty Images Plus
A narwhal’s tusk looks like a unicorn horn, but it’s actually a tooth that grows in a long straight spiral. It grows through a narwhal’s upper lip. That might make it tricky to successfully put one on a horse’s head, says Paul Knoepfler. It’s not clear how a horse could grow something similar, he says. If it could, it might get infected or damage the animal’s brain.
One approach would be to use CRISPR. This gene-editing tool lets scientists tweak an organism’s DNA. Researchers have found certain genes that are turned off or on when animals are growing their horns. So in a horse, “you might be able to … add a few different genes that would result in a horn sprouting on their head,” he says.
Explainer: What are genes?
It would take some work to figure out which genes are the best to edit, Knoepfler notes. And then there are challenges to making the horn grow properly. Also, CRISPR itself isn’t perfect. If CRISPR creates the wrong mutation, this could give the horse an unwanted trait. Maybe “instead of the horn off the top of its head, there’s a tail growing there,” he says. A change that drastic, though, would be pretty unlikely. 
A different approach would be to create an animal that contains DNA from several species. You might start with a horse embryo, Knoepfler says. As it develops, “you might be able to transplant some tissue from an antelope or some animal that naturally has a horn.” But there’s a risk that the horse’s immune system might reject the other animal’s tissue. 
Explainer: How CRISPR works
With all these methods, “there’s a lot of things that could go wrong,” Knoepfler notes. Still, he says, making a unicorn seems almost realistic compared with creating a dragon. And for any approach, you’d need a team of researchers, plus veterinarians and reproductive experts. Such a project would take years, he notes. 
The ethics of making a unicorn
If scientists succeed in giving a horse a horn, it might not be good for the animal. Vershinina questions whether a horse’s body could support a long horn. A horn might make it harder for a horse to eat. Horses haven’t evolved to deal with a horn’s weight as some other animals have. “Rhinos have this awesome horn on their head. But they also have a massive head and they can eat with it,” she notes. “This is because this horn evolved as a part of the body.”
There are many other potential problems. Lab-grown unicorns would never have existed as part of an ecosystem. If they entered the wild, we have no clue what would happen and how they would interact with other species, Knoepfler says. 
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Cartoon unicorns sometimes sport vivid rainbow manes. “To have something like a rainbow, it’s got to take tons of genes interacting in a very interesting way,” Alisa Vershinina says.ddraw/iStock/Getty Images Plus
Also, huge ethical questions surround the possibility of modifying animals or creating something like a new species. The purpose for creating these unicorns would matter, argues Knoepfler. “We’d want these new creatures to have happy lives and not suffer,” he says. That might not happen if they were being bred like circus animals just to make money.
Vershinina has considered the ethics of trying to recreate creatures, such as mammoths, that don’t exist anymore. One question that would apply to unicorns and mammoths alike is how such an animal might survive in an environment to which it’s not adapted. “Are we going to be solely responsible for keeping it alive and feeding it?” she asks. Is it OK to make just one, or does a unicorn need others of its kind? And what happens if the process isn’t successful — will those creatures suffer? Ultimately, “who are we on this planet to play this role?” she asks. 
And what if unicorns aren’t the sparkly, happy creatures of our fantasies? “What if we did all this work and we have these beautiful perfect unicorns with rainbow manes and these perfect horns, but they’re very grumpy?” Knoepfler asks. They could be destructive, he says. They might even turn out to pests, like the ones in Onward.
The origins of the unicorn myth
The earliest description of something like a unicorn comes from the fifth century B.C., says Adrienne Mayor. She’s a historian of ancient science. She works at Stanford University in California. The description is found in the writings of the ancient Greek historian Herodotus. He wrote about the animals of Africa. 
“It’s pretty clear that [his unicorn] would have been a rhinoceros. But in ancient Greece, they would have had no idea what it actually looked like,” Mayor says. Herodotus’ description was based on hearsay, travelers’ tales and a heavy dose of folklore, she says.
The image of a horned white horse comes later, from Europe in the Middle Ages. That’s from about 500 to 1500 A.D. Back then, Europeans didn’t know about rhinos. Instead, they had this “enchanting image of a pure white unicorn,” Mayor says. In this period, unicorns were also a symbol in religion. They represented purity.  
At that time, people believed unicorn horns had magical and medicinal qualities, Mayor notes. Shops that sold medicinal compounds would sell unicorn horns. Those “unicorn horns” were actually narwhal tusks collected at sea. 
What would it take to make a unicorn? published first on https://triviaqaweb.tumblr.com/
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fighttowinfanfic · 7 years
Fight to Win - Sailor Moon Vs Lina Inverse
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It’s a girls’ night out surrounded by myth and magic! Who will cast the right spell and claim victory?
Might and weapons are good for some, but sometimes all one needs to win out is a healthy dose of magic.
Like Sailor Moon, Princess of the Moon Kingdom
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And Lina Inverse, bane of bandits and monsters everywhere.
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I’m Tommy the Bomb-Y, and it’s my pleasure to pit fiction’s champions against one another, in a
The Moon Kingdom, a prosperous and ethereal monarchy lead by the noble and beautiful Queen Serenity, alongside her noble Sailor Guardians.
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However, no paradise could last forever, and disaster struck. Serenity’s final wish was for her guardians to be reincarnated as normal girls who could enjoy a peaceful life in the twentieth century. Included in this promise was her own daughter, who would find herself thrust into her past life as Sailor Moon.
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Name: Usagi Tsukino Age: 16 Height: 4’11” (150 cm) Weight: 110 lbs. (50 kg) Race: Human (reincarnated Moon Kingdom denizen) Homeland: Japan Alias: Sailor Moon Neo Queen of the Moon Kingdom Usagi Tsukino was living a normal life until the enemies that destroyed the Moon Kingdom once resurfaced, causing her powers and identity as the Princess of the Moon Kingdom, Sailor Moon, to awaken. With her newfound magic powers, Sailor Moon leads her team of fellow reincarnated Sailor Guardians into battle against the forces of evil.
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...Unfortunately it would take a lot of work to discipline her into a proper warrior. Before she knew of her powers, Usagi’s disposition was that of a ‘clumsy crybaby’. However, her magic amplified even that. Through her cries, Sailor Moon is capable of emitting Supersonic Waves, which can incapacitate foes and even knock them unconcious. The closest comparison to a real life sound doing such a thing is a horn made by a Dutch acoustic facility made for the purpose of being capable of killing a human. The sound produced was that of 154 decibels, tantamount to standing near several jets during lift off.
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Sailor Moon’s favorite weapon is her Moon Tiara, which she wears at all times and can remove to use as a throwing weapon that can destroy most Monsters of the Week she faces in a single shot. Virus monsters, fire monsters, snow monsters, any kind of monster is cut through like butter. She also has her Moon Rod, which uses the Moon Princess Halation Attack, blasting a stream of moonlight that knocks out most foes. While primarily used to purify cursed and bewitched civilians, it has the power to be purely offensive and destroy a foe if needed.
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Despite her incredibly small stature, Sailor Moon’s power has also gifted her greatly in the area of defense. In battle with Rubeus of the Black Moon Clan, Sailor Moon found herself exposed to Rubeus’ ability to alter gravity. Rubeus had exposed Sailor Moon to gravity levels that forced her to the ground in a manner of seconds. While a normal human would no doubt be crushed to death under such pressure, Sailor Moon not only survived, but got back on her feet to fight soon after. This would mean she’s capable of lifting many times her own body weight.
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Sailor Moon also displays incredible travel speed. She’s shown to be able to travel to different planets of the solar system with incredible speed. This is likely thanks to Sailor Teleport. Combined with the powerful Sailor Moon Kick, she can create a very distracting and devastating tactic.
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And what’s a magical girl without a transformation? Sailor Moon can transform into Super Sailor Moon to tap into superior magic, such as the Moon Spiral Heart Attack and the Ranbow Moon Heart Ache. Sailor Moon can even take her transformation a step further into Eternal Sailor Moon, tapping into the vast magic power and wisdom of her future self, Neo Queen Serenity. In this form, Sailor Moon gains her final weapon, the Moon Power Tiare. This weapon carries Sailor Moon’s most powerful attack, Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss.
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Despite her incredible power, Sailor Moon is still incredibly young. She’s inexperienced, immature, and be driven to act impulsively or throw a tantrum in the middle of battle at her worst. But her, magic has proved to be enough to destroy foes such as Queen Beryl, who displayed enough power to destroy the world. If this clumsy crybaby can keep a stiff upper lip and try her hardest, she can give any number of foes a double dose of Girl Power.
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The Lord of Nightmares--the ultimate being that looms over four different worlds. Each world is inhabited by two races; Gods and Monsters, and on each world, these beings war without end. 
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It is said that the victory of the Gods will bring peace, and the victory of the monsters will bring destruction unending. Passed down by both gods and monsters is magic, to be practiced by humans bold enough to take it up; mages, such as Lina Inverse.
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Name: Lina Inverse Age: 18 Height: 5’1” (155 cm) Weight: Not documented Homeland: Zephilia Race: Human-Mage Alias: Lina the Pink, Bandit Killer Enemy of All Living Things By the age of 14, Lina was already famous around the world for her mastery of magic. Motivated by her desire to step out of the shadow of her older sister, Lina sets out. Where treasure is to be found, she’ll take it. Where there are bandits, she’ll make them pay for their crimes, and where there are monsters, victory shall be hers!
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Lina is commonly referred to as a genius in the art of magic, and this is not hyperbole. She has mastered the dark and light arts, from offensive attack spells to shamanism. Although proficient in the art, her young age and small stature means using a great deal of magic takes a great physical toll on her, and she usually has to eat copious amounts of food to compensate.
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Lina’s trademark method of destruction is the Dragon Slave, a massive gust of fire that’ll reduce most foes unlucky enough to stand in its path to a smoking pile of ash. The attack contained enough to power to destroy a small mountain, meaning it can roughly be equated in force to about 100 tons of TNT. The attack has been known to wipe out entire cities if Lina is careless.
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For close range combat, Lina can cast the Ragna Blade, a melee weapon composed of magic straight from the Nightmare King. Wielded like a sword, it is capable of one-shotting foes such as the wicked Kanzel, and is perfect for getting up close and personal with a foe that doesn’t want to, no matter how much they tower over Lina.
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Lina can further enhance her power with the Demon Blood Talisman, augmenting herself with four universal dark lord destroyers. This also allows her access to even more spells, like the deadly Flare Arrow and Blast Ash.
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Lina’s light magic also extends to healing--although exhausting to the human body and sometimes detrimental if used in excess, Lina can recover small wounds to keep herself fighting if need be.
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Doubtless, the most powerful spell in Lina’s arsenal is the Giga Slave, an enormous blast of dark magic calling upon all of the entropy of the universe. Lina has used this to destroy fragments of the demon of all demons, Shabranigdu. It is said that if a user of this spell isn’t entirely careful, the Giga Slave as the potential to destroy the universe and everyone in it, making it a last resort that takes a great toll on Lina to control.
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Despite the incredible power she can expel, Lina is only a human in the category of durability. It’s hard to touch her when her magic is going hot, but she’ll fall to any well placed wound like any human. Also, Lina’s magic calls upon corresponding forces; for instance her Dark magic promptly gathers energy from the world’s dark beings; meaning she really can’t use a certain type of magic against someone well imbued with that type of magic. Lina describes it as asking someone “Hey, you, help me kill you.”
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But this is a small hurdle for a magical genius. With her tools only as numerous as her brilliance in the art, there’s neither dungeon nor dragon that can hold Lina Inverse down.
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Ladies and gentlemen take your seats for the show! If you’re lucky, one of our ever talented magicians will need a volunteer!
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Location: Tokyo Shopping Mall
DJ Funky Freeman’s Music Choice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyRpVHtyVuQ
Usagi’s hand had blistered over the time she spent mashing the arcade machine buttons. “I’ve got the high score locked up!” Usagi exclaimed. “Motoki is gonna be SO impressed!” Despite the sweat on her palms, Usagi tightened her grip on the arcade controls. “Eight thousand...NINE THOUSAND POINTS….JUST A FEW MORE!” Usagi watched her points rise up with every monster the Sailor V video game character blasted to digitized bits on the screen. The number reached a hundred thousand, and Usagi could already imagine how shocked Motoki would be to see her initials at the top of the scoreboard. “FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND…...ALMOST THERE…” At 599,999 points...Usagi’s heart skipped a beat as the arcade machine burst into flames. ”WH-WHA?!” Usagi was so engaged with her game, she didn’t notice that the arcade around her was in blazes...and upon further inspection the entire mall the arcade sat inside. “Oh man…” Usagi reached into her purse for her Broche. “Moon Prism Power!”
Outside, Lina Inverse threw one last ball of fire that set the bath soap shop ablaze. “HAH!” Lina laughed. “That’ll show those bandits! Hard to steal stuff when you’re ash!” The young mage looked around at the shopping mall...which was in almost total disarray. “I...may have gotten a little carried away though…” she admitted aloud. “Shop owners probably won’t be happy...BUT I got those bandits for them. I’m sure one day they’ll look back at this and laugh!” Lina was about to step out of the complex, before she was alerted by the surprise a girl about her age leaping down from a higher floor of the shopping mall. “How DARE YOU! The Mall is a place for refuge and relaxation! Setting it ablaze is unforgivable! I am Sailor Moon!” The mysterious superheroine struck a lavish pose, pointing one finger toward Lina. “And in the name of the Moon, I’ll punish you!” Lina cracked her knuckles. “So, Little Miss High and Mighty’s gonna teach me a lesson, huh?” Lina gestured toward herself. “Come and get some, Bun Head!” FIGHT! Sailor Moon reached for her forehead, removing her tiara. “Moon Tiara...Action!” Sailor Moon threw the tiara, which surrounded itself with a golden light as it spun at Lina. Lina managed to duck before the weapon hit her head. Heh, easy! Lina rose back up. “FIRE…” Before she could begin the incantation, Sailor Moon’s tiara came back around, slamming the back of Lina’s head on its return trip. Sailor Moon enjoyed a hearty laugh at her opponent as she reclaimed her tiara, placing it back on her head. Lina rubbed the large, red bump Sailor Moon’s tiara left on her head as she got back up, seething with anger. “Alright...my turn!” Lina cupped her hands. “FIRE...BALL!” As the words of the spell echoed, an orb of flame circulated between Lina’s palms. Once it reached a size that eclipsed ever her own body. Lina let the attack fly at Sailor Moon, who, with a squeal of fear, leaped out of the way. While she was able to jump out of the way in time to avoid the line of fire, the force of the incredible combustion was enough to knock her off of her feet. Sailor Moon hit the hard floor with great force, bruising her knee. “Owwww!” Sailor Moon whimpered. “That...HURT!” Tears streamed from Sailor Moon’s eyes as she let out a deafening cry. Lina covered her ears, but was surprised when she felt the sheer force of the sound waves physically crash into her. Lina not only felt her ears split by the sound and frequency of the Sonic waves, but they were strong enough to send her crashing into the ground hard enough to break through the floor. Sailor Moon regained her own composure with a sniffle, rising back up to her feet. Lina did the same, dusting herself off. “Time to turn up the heat…” Lina reached into her belt of magic artifacts, unveiling the Demon Blood Talisman. “This’ll burn up that stupid meatball hair!” Sailor Moon lifted her moon stick in front of her, while Lina reenacted the hand motions of her trademark technique. “Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the stream of time...is where your power grows, I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand...before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand, Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I possess...DRAGON SLAVE!” Enhanced by the Talisman in her grip, the Dragon Slave raged toward Sailor Moon out of Lina’s hands. Sweat poured down Sailor Moon’s face as the burst of fire neared her. “M-MOON--” Sailor Moon tried to call out her next attack, only to be immediately cut off by the overwhelming flames. The barrage of fire rolled out for what felt like hours. As the flames finally dissipated from her hand, Lina exhaled. “Well, that takes care of that!” Lina clapped her hands to wipe off the ashes, while the flames billowed around her. “I’m really GOOD at this!” ”Don’t get all proud just yet!” Lina felt a chill run up her spine. She saw Sailor Moon, clear of burns or injuries, stroll out of the curtain of flames. Followed by a glimmering light, Sailor Moon’s outfit had changed by the addition of ribbons all about her skirt, and golden, wing shaped beads in her hair. “You can’t stop me that easily!” The young heroine posed once more, her fingers extended. “I am the Pretty Guardian! Who fights for Love and for Justice! Super Sailor Moon!” “Transformation?” Lina gaped. “Talk about tacky…” Sailor Moon twirled her Moon Stick in a circular motion. The Silver Crystal in its center illuminated the entire battlefield. “Moon Princess Halation!” From the scepter, Sailor Moon let fly a bright, moonlight ray. Lina rubbed her eyes, burned by the light before the blast made contact. Knocked down to one knee, Lina breathed heavily as she shook off the attack, the magic energy badly burning her midsection. “That’ll teach you to make a warzone out of this quaint shopping mall!” Sailor Moon declared. Lina stood back up, stomping a single foot in anger. “YOU’RE FIGHTING HERE TOO!” Lina cupped both of her hands on top of each other. “And your glittery sparkles aren’t gonna measure up to my dark magic!” In Lina’s cupped hands, black lightning began to spark. ”Fragment of the Lord of Nightmares, Release thy heavenly retribution, Blade of cold, black nothingness, Become my power, become my body, Together, let us walk the path of destruction, And smash even the souls of the Gods, RAGNA BLADE!!” Between Lina’s hands, she now gripped a sword made of chaotic, sparking, dark energy. “That’s something else…” Sailor Moon arched her legs, as Lina came rushing in, swinging her massive blade of magic. Sailor Moon jumped backwards out of the way of the swing of Lina’s Ragna Blade, which destroyed the very floor panels it hovered above. The second swing connected with Sailor Moon’s midsection, sending her skidding backwards, clutching her stomach in pain as her feet left marks as she slid backwards. “And now...the finishing touch!” Lina wound back the Ragna Blade, swinging it across where Sailor Moon stood for what she intended to be the final blow, only to realize she was gone. Lina looked around, quickly noticing Sailor Moon rematerializing out of the corner of her eye, a few feet away in the air. “THAT was Sailor Moon Teleport!” The Sailor Guardian extended one of her legs in Lina’s direction. “And THIS is SAILOR MOON KICK!” Sailor Moon’s red boot made contact with Lina’s face. The powerful dive kick sent the mage rolling over the shopping mall floor and out the window behind her. She crashed through the glass, rolling over onto the sidewalk by the shopping complex among several small shards. Sailor Moon jumped out after her. “You’re gonna pay for your crimes!” She smiled, her Moon Stick still in hand. Lina, struggling back up to her feet, extended both of her arms. “You’re not leaving me much of a choice!” Sailor Moon’s eyes widened as a hot, white energy gathered between Lina’s hands. This one resembled her Dragon Slave, but was far brighter, and seemed to practically pull all surrounding energy into it. As more power rushed to the center of Lina’s hands, her cape billowed as small bits of the earth broke out and scattered around her. "Darkness beyond blackest pitch, Deeper than the deepest night, Lord as vast as the largest ocean, Colder than the coldest ice, King of Darkness who shines like gold upon the Sea of Chaos, I call upon thee and swear myself to thee. I stand ready to bear the strength you give me. Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed By the power you and I possess!” Sailor Moon, in response twirled her Moon Stick around herself. “Calling upon such sinister power is unforgivable!” Sailor Moon, coating herself in the magic her tools expelled, bathed in the glow that altered her outfit once more. Two broad, angelic wings expanded from her back, as her skirt and gown turned white with etherious light. “You’re tough, but as Eternal Sailor Moon, I’ll punish you, once and for all!” As Sailor Moon finished her transformation, Lina finished her incantation. “GIGA SLAVE!” The blinding light extended from Lina’s hands, powered directly by the Lord of Nightmares himself, destroying the floor below as the blast stretched forward toward Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon, for the first time in the entire battle, remained calm in the face of Lina’s attack. “I’m not afraid anymore…” Sailor Moon watched as the Moon Stick extended into the improved Eternal Tiare weapon. In her opposite hand, a bright light summoned forth the Holy Moon Chalice. “These weapons together, I’ll end this battle.” Equipping the two tools together, Sailor Moon began to elegantly dance in place, her wings scattering feathers in every direction. Twirling the long Tiare in her hand as she jumped and kicked, Sailor Moon ended the pattern by pointing the staff at Lina. “Silver Moon...Crystal Power Kiss!” Before the Giga Slave could make contact with Sailor Moon, the Tiare flared a golden light that shot out, colliding with the Giga Slave. Lina felt Sailor Moon’s attack push against her own, the force nearly knocking her off of her feet. “If you think I’m giving in, you’ve got another thing coming!” Lina screamed as she forced every bit of power she had into her attack, expanding the width of her blast, as it continued to ram against the Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss. Sailor Moon, her Tiare aloft, carried on all of the effort she could, fueling the struggle with a tight grip on her weapon. ”I’ve never faced a dark power quite like this… Sailor Moon felt her arms shake against the Giga Slave’s tremendous force. ”I’m...not sure I can make it...I’ll let everyone down.” The faces of all of her friends flashed through Sailor Moon’s head. Memories of Ami, Rei, Mako, and Minako made her chest well, she felt herself invigorated. Sailor Moon pushed on her attack, the golden light of her magic pushing back against Lina’s. I...may lose this battle… Sweat fell down Lina’s face. “Lose this battle? And let my sister rub it in later?! NO...WAY!” Both titanesses of magic forced every inch of their power into the blasts that extended from their beings. Like two immovable locomotives, the Giga Slave and the Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss pushed into one another, sending bits of debris and earth outward from where they both raged on. Sailor Moon’s heart pounded in her chest. She felt the warmth of her own friends surround her arms, as if, although unable to be seen, the power of the faith her friends had in her were holding up her weapon against the immense, cataclysmic onslaught. Their voices echoed in Sailor Moon’s head. Mercury Power! Mars Power! Jupiter Power! Venus Power! Sailor Moon let out a triumphant yell. “IN THE NAME OF THE MOON...I’LL PUNISH YOU!” This last push was all Sailor Moon needed to force the Power of her attack forward, breaking through the barrier of the Giga Slave. Lina felt the weight of both attacks relieved, shortly before the beams of light rushed at her. The mage was swallowed by the great light as the Sailor Guardian’s attack lifted her into the air and down into what remained of the shopping mall. KO Sailor Moon fell to her knees, every ounce of her power drained. Her wings and regal gown fell apart as she reverted back to her school blouse. She took a look ahead to see Lina, knocked unconscious and lying in a pile of rubble, her hair grayed, a dizzied look in her eyes. “Heh..wait ‘til Chibi-Usa hears about this one.” 
((Victory circle music: www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1xAPQgGZ0U )) An extremely close call--Lina was packing far more destructive force and was the more experienced fighter, but Sailor Moon’s magic had more variety and, surprisingly, she was made of tougher stuff than her opponent. This meant that the battle could go either way from a physical standpoint, but the crux lied in the reliability of their magic. Lina has some incredibly powerful incantations, more than capable of leveling most foes, but her magic can be unpredictable. Take the few times she has used the Giga Slave. When she first used it on Shabranigdo, she needed the aid of several outside sources, including Gowry���s sword to use as a conduit, and the help of Rezo, who was possessing Shrabranigdo at the time, to keep the monster in place. After the ordeal was fulfilled, Lina’s hair was turned grey, it took so much out of her. Another occasion, when she used the spell on Fibrizo, was successful, but largely because of an ill conceived plan Fibrizo concocted that allowed her to land the attack. Sailor Moon has a more consistent history safely landing her strongest spells. The Giga Slave is capable of destroying the world, but so was Sailor Moon’s nemesis, Queen Beryl, who was once augmented by Queen Metalia, and casting a spell to destroy the earth before Sailor Moon stopped her. Sailor Moon was strong enough to push against the powered up Beryl’s assault to a point where she could destroy her, leaving little doubt she could do the same against a similar attack like the Giga Slave. And while, similarly to Lina, Sailor Moon is at her strongest with help, sharing immense power with the friendship of her fellow Sailor Guardians, Sailor Moon defeated Queen Beryl after all of the other Guardians had DIED, and she was still able to call upon power using the memories of their friendship, showing that her allies don’t even need to be near her for Sailor Moon to fight with their power. Really, fighting Sailor Moon alone is like fighting someone with the force of all of the guardians at once, this way. Lina may have been more intelligent than her foe, but Sailor Moon’s magic power made it all too difficult for Lina to land a decisive attack, and even if she did, Sailor Moon’s superior durability gave her a better chance to strike considering just how drained Lina wound up after using her magic. The winner...is Sailor Moon
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Next time on Fight to Win...
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Frieza is powering up for the next battle! And...considering he’s from Dragon Ball, THAT might take a sec. In the meantime we still have his opponent to reveal, and you’ll have to stay close to this blog to be the first to know!
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kayawagner · 6 years
Cyber Monday 2018 [BUNDLE]
Publisher: Little Red Goblin Games
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
Goblin Rations: Sasquatch Race Regular price: $0.00 Bundle price: $0.00 Format: PDF Everybody eats at our table! Gather 'round the table and eat up! This Goblin Ration's made with some Cajun spices! Line up and get a healthy scoop of Pathfinder goodness with "Sasquatch" race in this Goblin Ration, our free micro PDFs! Happy gaming, Little Red Goblin Games... Alien Party Bus- New Races for Starfinder Regular price: $3.34 Bundle price: $1.00 Format: PDF All Aboard the Alien Party Bus! The goblins are back again to bring you more gonzo-style content! In this installment the little red goblin crew (Scott Gladstein & Ian Sisson) put in space suits and dive head first into Starfinder to bring you 5 new and exciting races! Add a little whimsy and humor to your game with these races- it's not all gloom and doom in space! Featuring: Baa'hundu: Friendly misshapen lumps that smell like candy Devron: Snarky turtle-men with a chip on their shoulder Frokes: The tiniest angry bundle of Napoleon-complex rage you’ve even seen Gron: Burly camel-men that eat lightning Katzbalder: The lazy middle-managers of the universe! They delegate everything but still somehow make you all more efficient! Technical: Page Count: 21 (1 cove... Behold the Bizzelwhack! Regular price: $0.00 Bundle price: $0.00 Format: PDF Hark! A Bizzelwhack Approaches! Bizzelwhacks are profound frognostics, ripping through the mindules and phazarhs of the mindscape with their trusty himples. With a clash and a flare of kiffle-fire they earn their place in our hearts and minds. Trained from a young age in one of the various frognostic court-shelters, the road to becoming a bizzelwhack is not for the faint of heart. These savage institutions produce some of the most extreme examples of bizzelwhacking in the known world; none can compare (not even those trained in the frognostic art of anti-calling). Feared by aberrations and respected by all, bizzelwhacks walk the thin line between raza and nim. Included The Bizzelwhack base class for Pathfinder. Tips for scrubbing your himple moist. Art from the designer. Boo... D20 Minigames: Fantasy Grand Prix & Obstacle Course Regular price: $2.67 Bundle price: $1.00 Format: PDF Take Pathfinder in a Different Way! This book contains two different kind of mini-games you can play using content from the Pathfinder Core Rulebook. We wanted to explore what other kinds of games were possible in a fantasy world, things beyond just delving dungeons and slaying dragons. This book is (hopefully) the first in a series of short systems that allow you to convert your Pathfinder game into something totally different. In our first entry we include “Fantasy Grand Prix”, a sort of racing game that allows you to play something akin to fantasy Mario Kart, ancient chariot races, or the Palio di Siena (a famous, violent, horse race in Italy) in a fantasy setting. The second is an in depth system for obstacle course and like you might see on Ninja Warrior, Ultimate Bea... Gonzo Regular price: $6.02 Bundle price: $1.00 Format: PDF The Gonzo Book  When titling this book, we had to find an appropriate phrase, and “gonzo” was the only one that gave us a perfect fit. This book looks at the Pathfinder system as being more malleable in terms of inspiration and tone; that is to say, designers and players can use this book to inject a heavy dose of other genres and aesthetics into what would normally be a traditional (somewhat Tolkien-inspired) fantasy game. That being said, these classes are a bit “out there.” Over the years we’ve all played or ran (or thought of playing/running) a quirky game that did not quite mesh with the established tropes and deviated from the standard source material. Maybe you played a spelljamming quasi-scifi magic punk game, a dying earth game, a l... Gonzo: Mad Science Regular price: $6.02 Bundle price: $1.00 Format: PDF Space Gone Mad Gonzo: Mad Science brings very “out there” science fiction topics to Starfinder*! We’ve got rules for time travel, black holes, mimic spaceships, werewolves in space, all-consuming nanobots, and more! Much of the content is focused on higher level play and delves into a lot of weird topics in theoretical physics (such as white holes, exotic matter, n-body problems, etc) that is only made stranger with magic! *And, by extensions, Pathfinder if you are willing to convert a few things. Included 3 New Base Classes! Replicator: Command a swarm of nanobots to consume and construct things for you on the fly! Technician: A hacker class that can digitize themselves and create “digital weapons”! Time Traveler: Unstick yourself from time! Shep... Little Red Goblin Games Racial Guide 4: Nontraditional Races Regular price: $6.69 Bundle price: $1.00 Format: PDF Races- The Likes of Which You’ve Never Seen! We have THIRTY TWO new races, unconnected to traditional fantasy and unlike anything you’ve played before. That means they are not a new subtype of elf, orcs with the numbers filed off, or another human with an elemental connection. These are new races, hot off the press, and ready to be dropped into your next game! Each race comes not only with lore and racial traits (all of them are balanced as player races) but they each come with additional material. While it’s something of a mixed bag, we wanted to use these extra sections to say something about the race, they can include: racial weapons, racial feats, racial deities, racial animal companions, etc. Highlights: -Living anthropomorphic weapons! -A playtest bal... Space Corgis Regular price: $0.66 Bundle price: $0.00 Format: Watermarked PDF Corgis... In Space! Grab your corgi, a few treats, and a handful of treats because this short book brings your two corgis for use in your Starfinder game! Includes are the "space corgi" (CR 1/3rd), a corgi evolved for life in space ships, and the fearsome "giant two-headed attack corgi" (CR 5) who are lovable as they are destructive. ...
Total value:$25.40Special bundle price:$5.00Savings of:$20.40 (80%)
Price: $25.40 Cyber Monday 2018 [BUNDLE] published first on https://supergalaxyrom.tumblr.com
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