#instead of making it smaller it basically just smoothed down all 1st and 2nd trimester bumps
fundielicious-simblr · 7 months
(Adalynn's pov)
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We've started summer, and the boys are finishing up their last few bits of school work before summer holidays begin. We've been focusing on how to proper structure a letter, so after a few practice runs on composition, spelling (and spell checks), and grammar, the boys selected a few family members and wrote letters to them. I went out and bought stamps so that we didn't have to make the trip to the post office. I advised them to pic family members of different ages so that they can have a range of conversation topics, so they picked a cousin, one of their aunts and uncles, and one or both of my parents.
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The boys had their first official trip to the pool recently. Whilst modesty is important to us, we understand that not everybody keeps to the same standards, and visits to public spaces like our community pool is a great lesson for the boys. We've prioritised swimming lessons for the boys since in the warmer months we do spend time at the pool and swimming in lakes, Mason and I agreed that it was a necessary expense for peace of mind in terms of the boys safety.
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Madelynn and Molly took on the brave task of getting the boys to the pool and supervising them whilst they swam. Molly has been in Willowcreek to get their new house set up as well as get registered with our local birthing centre. The boys have been loving having their auntie here, and with me being in the last stages of pregnancy, she and Madelynn offered to take all the older boys out to the pool so I can finish up my nesting projects. Tabitha is at home with a toddler and an infant, so she sat this one out. Molly is in her first trimester and thankfully doesn't have morning sickness that bad, I was so grateful that she even wanted to take the boys out to go sit in the heat. The boys came back with such great stories and were begging their auntie Molly for another trip to the pool. I've started getting braxton hicks, so to be even more helpful, Angie came and took the younger boys for a bit to give me even more solid work time. Baby could come any day now and I'm excited for the house to have a newborn again!
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