#interactions « ❦ » cora mills
miindfuck · 1 month
event starter for glislaine ! @wvsteria
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“I see you’ve found my humble little garden refuge.” She called it hers, but technically it was a public park. If this stranger actually had been trespassing, Cora’s greeting would not have been so polite. But as it was, she couldn’t force them to leave, so she put on a good face and pretended she didn’t mind the company. “I think it’s a good place to wait out the storm, don’t you?”
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miindfuck · 3 months
starter for @hiddenpxpercuts (gretchen)
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"Sometimes I wonder if anyone in this city's heard of tasteful decorations," Cora muttered as she looked over the store's tacky Valentine's makeover. It was too busy, too much, and so bright it was giving her a headache. The only good thing about it was now that the holiday was over, they'd be taking it down soon. She shrugged, glancing at the person beside her. "But I suppose I'm just one opinion. What do you think?"
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miindfuck · 3 months
starter for @nightwhispcrs (zahra)
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"Zahra, dear, it's been too long since you and I had a proper conversation. Let me take you to afternoon tea." Cora smiled at the other woman, tilting her head. "I hope you're not too busy for little old me?"
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miindfuck · 15 days
starter for anastasia ! @spellbcok
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"It was the most incredible feeling. Only I can't explain how I knew how to do it. It was almost like an instinct." Cora shook her head in the midst of explaining how she had killed her target in the assassin game. Years of studying magic only to do something she hadn't found in any of those books. She turned away momentarily, calling over one of the more expendable members of her staff before tilting her head and flashing a smile at Anastasia. "Would you like me to show you?"
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miindfuck · 15 days
starter for sabrina ! @spellbcok
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"Sabrina!" Cora waved a hand when she saw the other enter the restaurant, rising from her seat at the table and offering the other a hug. It was a rather informal greeting, unusual for Cora, but she'd make an exception for her long-lost daughter. "Take a seat," she said, directing her towards the unoccupied chair. "I went ahead and ordered a bottle of Cabernet for the table. Get whatever you want. It's on me."
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miindfuck · 22 days
@mvsicinthedvrk asked: [ intrude ] feng yu walks in on cora treating their wounds
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Cora pursed her lips and shut her eyes, swallowing down the pain as she applied alcohol to her injuries. When she heard someone approach, her eyes flew open and any sign of pain or weakness vanished from her face. She turned towards the other, on guard and suspicious. She had successfully completed her murder, but that wouldn't matter if she let someone kill her now. "I'd like to be left alone, if you don't mind," she said with an edge to her tone.
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miindfuck · 29 days
@vcndetta asked: [ blood ] sender notices that receiver is bleeding ( aurora && cora )
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"Oh, that? It's nothing," Cora said with a dismissive wave of her hand. She turned her body so that the injured shoulder that had bled through her shirt was out of Aurora's line of sight. It was important not to show weakness, especially in the middle of all these seemingly random attacks. "Only a scratch."
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miindfuck · 1 month
event starter for emma ! @drvcxrys
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Cora glanced up at the sound of someone approaching, sighing to herself. Her good-for-nothing bodyguards seemed to have disappeared on her, but that was alright. She was capable of defending herself as necessary, and she could deal with them later. She kept her pistol concealed but ready in case she needed it, her eyes looking Emma over. "If you've come for a tea party, dear, I'm afraid you've caught me at a bad time."
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miindfuck · 1 month
event starter for romeo ! @devilsmenu
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Cora took a sip of her tea from the inside of a cafe that, for whatever reason, was still open today. She was keeping well aware of her surroundings, and watching the outside world from the window. "I wonder how the news will cover this one," she said, a bit of amusement creeping into her voice. "I suppose they'll call it what it is. Mass hysteria."
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miindfuck · 1 month
event starter for inej ! @irresistiibles
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“Oh!” Her hand flew to her chest when she saw Inej. She had thought the room was empty. “What do you think you’re doing?” she said sharply, trying to cover up the fact that she had briefly been terrified. “Chosen to hide from all of this uncivilized violence, have you? Well, I’m certain you could’ve found a better place than this.”
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miindfuck · 1 month
event starter for misty ! @vcndetta
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“Get away from me this instant!” Cora shouted at the group of strangers that had gotten far too close to her. For a moment she experienced real fear — wondering if she would actually die here on some random corner of Washington — but the group just seemed startled by her outburst and crossed the street quickly. Her eyes met Misty’s and she raised an eyebrow, composing herself. “You. Do you know who those… those miscreants were? They’ve been following me for five blocks. I suppose they thought they could scare me.”
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miindfuck · 1 month
event starter for the tenth doctor ! @hiddenpxpercuts
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Cora would have been quite content to wait out all of this mess in the comfort of her own home, but something got her in a car headed downtown anyway. Restlessness, curiosity perhaps. Standing far enough away from all the current fights, she observed the chaos for a bit, tilting her head. She looked at the person nearby. “It’s fascinating, isn’t it? I can’t say that I like it, but I am impressed.”
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