#into the tommyverse au
strawberrylemonz · 2 years
Yes, it is about the fics
Rewritten Fanfic:
Memories in the Stars
A fanfiction in where Dsmp!Tommy transitions to becoming Hermit!Tommy. The rewrite will go more into detail of Tommy's earlier days of how he was when he first arrived to Hermitcraft. Grian learns he is Tommy's missing brother much earlier in the story, and they become bird bros. A set ending is already in the making of this version.
And Then He Said “I Love You”
This Double Dadza fanfic is also a rewrite, one that starts off with Past!Phil's POV with his sons. Plot points have been planned out, and Dsmp!Dream better sleep with both eyes open. Also, the young SBI brothers shall make an eventual appearance in the "present" timeline (around Doomsday, before Dream is taken to prison). A little spoiler, but toddler Tommy is the key to a young Wilbur and young Techno to going feral in an instant.
Into the Tommyverse
This will start off similar to the original fic. Each version of Tommy will be diverse, and each will be described and "named" to fit their role in the Tommy Crew. The eventual collapse of the multiverse that causes all of their world to try and merge into one? Of course! Will they attempt to fix it? Duh, all Tommy's are cursed with being forced to play the hero. Will they succeed? This is the one time they aren't supposed to. They aren't supposed to save the world, they only need to save themselves.
Reluctant Hero’s Tale
Tommy's feelings will still be connected to the group. The way the group "steps into" Tommy's memories will be altered, as well as how Clara appears. Kristin is still going to be present, defending her favorite child against almost everyone. Also, Karlnappity, I miss you :(
New Fics:
Shooting Stars Aren’t Toys
The tale of a broken family, one that can't see eye to eye, especially the youngest. One night, while looking up at the starry sky, a wish is made. Due to this, Tommy no longer exists. Now forced to deal with their new reality, Philza, Technoblade, and Wilbur live in a world where Tommy never grew up. The consequences of this are dire, and the three will fight against the gods, against fate itself, to hold Tommy once again. They didn't mean for this to happen. They're sorry.
Two-Player Game
A regular world au where the Watson family moves from the UK to the US. Wilbur is staying in London for college, Techno already in the US for university. They didn't call Tommy much, and Tommy eventually stopped trying. The only family member he's close to is Kristin. Tubbo already lives in the US, having moved there years prior. Looking to his internet friend, Purpled, he only found comfort in him as the two meet irl. Throughout their everyday struggles, the two find joy in a strange scenario: video games are leaking into the real world. Working together, they repair broken relationships as they try to save the world. Golden Duo shine like the sun.
Lemon Trees Grow Feral Boys
Fallout AU, where Tommy and Purpled are foster kids who are evacuated, frozen, and transported to other vaults to be experimented on during a nuclear attack. Upon waking up, the two decide to adopt each other as brothers in this strange world. Wanting answers, and Tommy wanting to see what came of the family that was in the middle of processing his adoption, they travel and master the shambles of the world as they hike to their hometown. They are eventually joined by Kristin, Sam, Quackity, Karl, Sapnap, Eret, and Punz. Of course, SBI is the family, and they have also woken up in the future, long after the nuclear attack, just like the boys. Beeduo are in this (pog).
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winteriine · 3 years
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“Who the FUCK are you?!”
Fanart for @strawberrylemonz‘s Into the Tommyverse AU! It’s a really cool concept with all of the Tommys from the different universes meeting eachother, and I love it so much XD
Go check out the AU here! Part 1, Part 2
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freyfall · 2 years
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so i made an "into the tommyverse" au like a while ago and i cannot stop thinking about it + all the dynamics they have
oh also some of the designs changed a lil since the first concept - would anyone appreciate ref sheets or is that JUST my brain going "you want to make ref sheets AGAIN"
(and yes, they have nicknames! revive is tommy classic, simons is cc!tommy, clementine is fem tommy, vice pres tommy is innit, masked tommy is theseus, and raccoon tommy is just... raccoon lol)
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strawberrylemonz · 3 years
The Other Side
Part 3
Part 4 [CURRENT]
Part 5
DT: @wintercat96
“This is serious! Is everyone here yet?”
“Question, why is he here?”
“Shut up!”
“Okay, but does everyone need to be here? What is this even for?”
Puffy rubbed her forehead, annoyance filling her as the endless chatter filled the room. She began to regret calling everyone in for the meeting she had announced. Finally tired, she raised her voice over everyone else.
“Okay! We’re all settled down now, right?”
“Actually, Puffy, we’re missing someone.”
“Yes, Tubbo?”
“Tommy’s not here.”
Puffy watched as the various members on the server showed different reactions. Techno tensed as he averted his eyes, Phil’s lips pushed into a thin line as he stared down the ground in front of him. Tubbo seemed anxious and on edge, obviously worried for his best friend. Niki and Jack both seemed relieved, Sam was obviously distressed. Puffy felt let down as most of the server seemed indifferent or relieved at the news. Finally, breaking the silence, Dream spoke up.
“So what? He’s probably sleeping in or avoiding us. This is Tommy we’re talking about.”
“No, that’s not the issue. Tommy’s gone, guys.”
Puffy noted that she could have worded that better. She didn’t realize how it sounded, not until Tubbo’s eyes watered with tears. Realizing her mistake, Puffy quickly spoke up.
“No! I could have worded that better. He’s not dead, Tubbo, don’t worry. He’s been taken.”
Puffy watched as Tubbo shot up in his seat, Ranboo following in suit. The enderman hybrid did his best to calm his friend down, who was on the verge of hyperventilating. Techno seemed to have summoned a pickaxe without realizing it, and Phil used his flightless wings to instinctively cover both Wilbur and Techno. Sam appeared to be even more alert, his eyes shining with a bit more hope. George seemed indifferent to the news, not really caring. Sapnap narrowed his eyes, obviously still on the fence with the boy. Eret seemed truly devastated at the news, obviously regret showing through his body language. Surprisingly, the next person to speak up to Puffy was HBomb.
“How do you know this?”
Puffy pursed her lips as all eyes returned to her. Some of the eyes, like those of Ranboo, Tubbo and Sam, were filled with unspoken hope. Other’s, like Phil and Techno, were filled with confused rage. Building up her courage, Puffy confidently looked everyone in the eyes as she began to relay the events of the day Tommy disappeared.
Wilbur was terrified. Tommy was nowhere to be seen, much to his devastation. He asked around everywhere, and managed to sneak into dangerous areas, hoping to find the boy. As much as he tried to push the boy away at the beginning, Wilbur eventually caved in and got attached to Tommy. The kid was like a younger brother to him, and now he was gone. Now, confused and hoping for answers, Wilbur had resorted to asking for others around him to join him on his quest to search for Tommy. Much to his dismay, however, only two people bothered to show up at the meeting place.
“It’s okay, Wilbur, we’ll find Tommy.”
“Yeah, then maybe he won’t want to go after me all the time.”
Wilbur hummed as he turned to face the only two who showed. Niki sat on a small boulder, hands on her knees, as Ranboo sat beside her, timid as ever. Shaking his head, Wilbur had to remind himself that it was even a miracle that anyone bothered to show up. Sitting down in front of the other two, Wilbur crossed his legs as he sighed.
“Okay, let’s go over the basics. When did we all last see Tomm-”
“Sorry I’m late, everybody. I just saw some...tasty meat.”
Wilbur quickly turned to see Tubbo, who wielded a knife, fresh with blood. Squinting his eyes and scrunching his nose, Wilbur just silently gave the boy a look. Tubbo just smiled at him, sitting down on the ground beside Ranboo.
“Where were you guys with the meeting?”
Grunting slightly, Wilbur huffed as he let the boy be. He had to keep reminding himself that finding Tommy will have been worth it.
“We were just about to discuss when we last saw Tommy.”
“Oh, easy! I saw him last week! It was kind of weird, honestly. He picked up this weird looking crystal, and then he was pulled away by it? I went to see what was happening, but then he disappeared in a flashing light.”
“I’m sorry, he what?”
“Okay, where is he?!”
Techno and Phil were getting annoyed, their nerves being tested with every passing second. Wilbur, who joined them for lunch, just seemed amused at their interruption. Leaning on his arm, Wilbur smirked as Phil held Techno back, rubbing his eyes as he did so. The three of them watched as their intruders, disheveled and angry, threw accusations at them. Deo stood in between Bitzel and Luke, all three looking beyond enraged at the leaders of the other factions in front of them. Finally having enough, Phil slammed his fist on the table in front of him. This seemed to silence the boys, but it did nothing to calm their enraged states. Clearing his throat, Phil finally spoke up.
“What the fuck are three going on about?”
Deo narrowed his eyes as he stared down Phil, obviously mocking the leader.
“Don’t think you can fool us, you’re about the only ones who would take him. Now, once again, where is he?”
Phil and Techno seemed at the end of their patience, causing Wilbur to clear his throat. Rolling his eyes, the man spoke with an amused voice to the three members of Business Bay.
“Where is who?”
“Do you think we’re stupid? Are you serious? Tommy! Where is Tommy!? Who else would we be talking about?!”
Wilbur’s amusement left his eyes. Techno quirked an eyebrow as Phil sat up, confused. Sure, the three declared Business Bay as enemies and all that, but they all agreed on one thing: Tommy was amusing. The three of them had formed some form of attachment to the young teen, and they enjoyed teasing him. It was obvious that Wilbur viewed the boy as his younger brother, Techno treating him as such, no matter how much he denied it. Wilbur straightened his posture as he narrowed his eyes at the three boys, who haven’t settled down yet.
“Tommy is missing?”
“Of course Tommy is missing! Why else would we be here? Now, where is he?”
All six occupants in the room quickly turned to the entrance, all at their wits end with no answer of where Tommy is. There, panting for air at the entrance of the room, stood an exhausted Wisp. As soon as he stood up, he seemed to be relieved at the sight of everyone who was in the room. Finally catching his breath, he finally spoke up.
“Business Bay! Perfect, that makes all this so much easier. Wilbur’s here too! Great, no more running around.”
Deo grit his teeth, not in the mood to deal with any of this.
“What do you want? We’re in the middle of something.”
Wisp nodded his head, obviously returning to his manic state from earlier.
“Right, sorry, but this is important.”
“Well? What is it?”
“Tommy fell off of the Business Bridge and disappeared in a flash.”
“What are we going to do with the boys?”
Phil pinched the bridge of his nose, obviously in distress. Smiling at the distressed blonde, Kristin put a hand on her husband’s as she leaned on his shoulder. The two sat alone in the main foyer, watching the flames flicker from the fireplace. Humming, she traced shapes of all kinds on the back of Phil’s hand. Peering up at him, she spoke up with an amused tone.
“It’ll all be sorted out, Phil. We still have enough time left to rule, and we have three children. Techno, Wilbur, and Tommy are all finding their way. They have each other’s backs, and they have ours, just as we do them. The kingdom will have their new king in the future, not to worry.”
Phil chuckled as he peered down to his wife, who playfully nudged his shoulder. As per usual, his wife was right. His sons were allowed to enjoy their freedom at the moment, they didn’t need to worry about becoming kings, not yet. They still had so much to learn, so much to see. Smiling down at his wife, Phil leaned down as Kristin laughed, lifting her head to meet his. They were, sadly, quickly interrupted. The two jumped as the double doors slammed open, causing them to bump heads. Rubbing their foreheads, the two rulers turned to see who had run into the room in such a hurry. A servant was hunched over, out of breath, trying to speak to the two. Phil and Kristin stood up, concerned at the sight. Suddenly, Wilbur and Techno ran in, relieved to see their parents. It was obvious that the two were terrified, worried beyond belief. Walking over to her sons with haste, Kristin cupped their faces in worry.
“What’s wrong, boys? Why do you two look unease? And where is your brother?”
Wilbur appeared to be heartbroken at her words, tears welling up in his eyes. Techno was obviously in pain, no matter what his expression seemed to exhibit. Kristin hesitated for a moment, slowly lowering her hands. Wilbur quickly grasped her hand, terrified as desperate. Techno, on the other hand, loosely held onto her other hand. Phil made his way to his family, worry filling him as well.
Kristin pursed her lips together, sharing a look with her husband. Returning her gaze to her sons, she put on a stern tone as she spoke up once more.
“William, Technoblade, what’s wrong?”
Wilbur couldn’t speak, he couldn’t bring the words to leave his mouth. Finally, unable to keep it in any longer, Techno spoke up. His quiet, emotional voice left Kristin and Phil shocked. His words, however, would haunt them.
“Tommy’s gone. He was taken from the grounds.”
Phil sucked in a breath, not believing what he heard. There was a moment of silence, only a moment. Then, piercing the silence, was Kristin’s heartbroken scream as she fell to her knees.
Jack hummed as he sat on the porch, watching the rain fall from the sky. Niki and Tommy had momentarily left, both taking advantage of the fact that Niki could roam the overworld. The two promised that they would finally finish the “special gift” they had planned for the blaze hybrid. He didn’t mind being left alone, not at the moment. This was one of the few moments that he enjoyed sitting back, watching the droplets hit the ground. He wasn’t in any pain, and that’s all that mattered. The overworld was large, that was something that he learned quickly. It seemed endless, covered in diverse lands and structures. It was full of different kinds of people as well, something he found interesting. He was glad to have found Niki and Tommy, grateful even. His mind wandered to the name of their group. The Misfits, as Tommy had dubbed the three of them, fit nicely. They truly were viewed as the “weak-links” of the group, no matter how dumb the reasons were. So what if Niki could only leave the water when it rained? She had a huge advantage in the lagoons and oceans! It was because of her that he even had a safe way to enter her secret ocean base. And Tommy? Jack didn’t understand why the others thought that his ability to glide, float and increase his speed, were all dumb abilities. It was because of Tommy that Jack was even able to come up to the overworld, and his abilities to glide truly did help him complete that with haste. No matter, the three of them were amazing. Only time would show everyone else that as well. Before he could continue his train of thought, however, pink hair caught his eye. There, running from the forest, was Niki. Panic filled her eyes as she ran up to Jack, who stood up from his spot on the porch.
“Niki? What’s wrong?”
Standing up straight, Niki’s panic seeped into her tone of voice. Jack was growing concerned, even more so when he couldn’t spot Tommy anywhere. Did the boy get injured? Did he run out of food?
“There was this purple gem! It was so sparkly and pretty, so unique and new! Tommy picked it up to hand it to me, but then it pulled him into the air! Before I could even react, he disappeared in a bright light!”
And before Jack could respond, the rain stopped pouring.
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strawberrylemonz · 3 years
Disappearance After Doomsday
Welcome to the first chapter of my Into the Tommyverse AU! This entire AU is dedicated and partially shared with @wintercat96
Hope that you all enjoy!
Part 1 [CURRENT]
Part 2
Everything was in ruins. Nothing was going to be okay, not again. There was no rebuilding, no foundation, no people. His father he told you not to call him that, idiot. He doesn’t want you as a son anymore had stated that his actions were what Wilbur wanted. The thought made him laugh.
Technoblade was obviously hurt, convinced that Tommy only saw him as a weapon to use, something that Tommy didn’t do at all. But this was Tommy we were talking about, he lacked the proper communication skills to tell his brother don’t call him that you idiot such things. But still, to shoot at the young boy with fireworks and then destroy his nation down the bedrock? Talk about unnecessary overkill towards the teens. Then there was the tree, and the lack of reinforcements. Tommy was confused as to why this kept happening to him. Everyone claims that they’re just teaching him a lesson, but what was the lesson being taught? What was he missing? Why won’t they let him breathe for five seconds?
“They’ve replaced you”
“How could they?!”
But what about Dadza??? Technobro???”
“I thought we were going to be a family again…”
“Why won’t they just listen to you?”
“At least Tubbo is safe, Chat. Besides, Ranboo deserves shelter and happiness. He’ll be a better son and brother than I ever was. Wilbur will love him once he’s revived.”
Chat was mixed with protests and agreements towards the boy, who was busy making a dirt home. He was alone, stuck with his thoughts and Chat. At least he spoke to Tubbo. His heart could rest with that.
Before Tommy could place another block, he heard a noise behind him. Turning around, weapon in hand, he saw that no one was around. Furrowing his eyebrows, he went to investigate his surroundings. There wasn’t much outside, everything seemed to be as he left it. Humming with a frown, Tommy turned to go back inside. Suddenly, a light shined in his eyes.
“Hey! What the fuck!”
He turned to the source, only to see a gem laying on the ground. The sunlight had reflected off of it, shining Tommy with a beam of light. Huffing, we went over to pick it up. Confusion set in as he realized that he had never seen a gem like this before. It looked like an emerald, but it was blue. Shrugging, he tightened his grip on it and turned to go inside. Opening his enderchest, he figured he’d store it in there until he knew was to do with it.
“At least I have something cool. Beat that, bitches.”
Suddenly, the gem began to glow. Startled, Tommy knocked his enderchest over, spilling its contents across the floor.
“What the fuck?! Get out of my hand, bitch! Shit, now my other hand is stuck to it. Hey! Where the fuck are you taking me?!”
Tommy struggled against the pull of the gem, unintentionally knocking over his things as he did so. By the time the gem began to drag him outside, his house was a wreck. Kicking and screaming, he did his best to defy the pull. Unbeknownst to him, a figure was walking around in the area.
Captain Puffy was headed to the ruins of L’manburg, flowers in hand, to pay respect to the fallen nation. She still couldn’t believe that her renounced duckling had done such a thing to the home of many.
“STOP IT!!! What the FUCK?!”
She froze in her spot as she tilted her head, confused. There, in the distance, was Tommy. The child was being dragged across the ground, screaming. At the sound of another yell from him, Puffy dropped her flowers and ran towards him.
“Tommy?! What’s happening?”
The boy in question quickly turned to face the captain, relief briefly flashing through his eyes before panic returned.
“I found this gem, and the fucker started dragging me away! Please!!! Hurry up!”
And she was. She tried her best to dash towards the boy, but the ruined path was making it hard to do so. Trying to comfort Tommy as she hastily made her way to him, Puffy kept reassuring the boy as he fought against the pull, to no avail.
“I’m coming, Tommy! Try and hold out a bit longer! You’ll be okay, I’m here now!”
She finally pulled herself up onto the ground from the hole she had navigated through. Quickly pulling herself to her feet, she began running to the boy with haste.
Puffy reached for the terrified boy as he was pulled into the water. As soon his entire body was submerged, a blinding light emitted from the water. Puffy dove in without hesitation.
She kept diving and searching, but the boy was no where to be found. Desperate to find a way to him, she forced herself out of the water and ran towards his home, searching for clues.
A bouquet of flowers lying forgotten on a footsteps of ruins.
He felt like he was suffocating. Forcing his eyes open, he saw that he was no longer in the water. Had Puffy saved him? Did she make it in time?
“Fuck, why am I so sore?”
Coughing, Tommy forced himself to sit up. Wiping sand off his hand, he-
There wasn’t sand on the shore where was being pulled.
Jesus, he sounded terrible and frail. Groaning, he stood to his feet and wiped the sand off himself. Taking a look at his surroundings, it was clear that he wasn’t in the SMP anymore. At least, not where he previously was. Feeling something in his pocket, he pulled out the blue gem.
“Alright, what the fuck did you do to me, bitch? Where’s Puffy?”
The crystal only glowed in response. Huffing in annoyance, he pocketed the gem, hoping to use it to find Puffy. With one final look out into the water, he began walking towards the trees.
He felt as if he had been walking for hours. Grumbling about how much bullshit had managed to fit in one day, he searched for something to settle his grumbling stomach. That’s when he tripped on something.
“Fuck! Come on!”
Picking himself up, he turned to see what he tripped on. After a quick viewing however, he realized that it was more along the lines of a someone.
Himself, to be exact.
As his double groan and sat up, Tommy yelped and fell backwards, onto the ground. The double rubbed his head, a yellow gem in his other hand. Finally, he made eye contact with Tommy. The two stared at each other, before synchronized yells filled the air.
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strawberrylemonz · 3 years
Have You Seen My Tommy? Please, I Miss Him Dearly
Part 6
Part 7 [CURRENT]
Part 8
@wintercat96 @snapdragonfirefly @artistconk 
A month. His baby brother has been gone for a full month.
Wilbur had left early from the trip, excited. As he separated from his father and twin, he happily made his way home, to where his 9 year old brother was waiting for him. Key word: was. The house was eerily quiet when he arrived. He had called out for his brother, trying not to seem too worried. Tommy had been extremely angry with the three of them when they had left him behind for adventure. His anger and betrayal was mainly directed towards Wilbur, who was leaving him behind for the first time. Ever since Phil and Techno’s first trip, it had always been Tommy and Wilbur, together forever. Not anymore. Tommy never left Wilbur’s mind, who kept shopping for things to give to his baby brother. He was hoping that one of these gifts would be the one to make Tommy forgive him for leaving. He had promised to tell Philza and Techno how Tommy reacted to the gifts.
Instead, he told them how their youngest member had disappeared, seemingly out of midair. 
Aside from a few pieces of furniture and items thrown and pushed about, there was no trace to where Tommy could have been. No blood was found, and his fading scent had never left the house. He was just gone.
Phil and Techno returned immediately, panicked by the pain and fear that was present in Wilbur’s voice during the call. They hadn’t left since returning, all three determined to find Tommy.
They had to find Tommy.
“So you’re saying that you’re just going to do nothing?!”
“Sir, I don’t know what else to tell you. We looked back at the CCTV, and there’s nothing. It showed him using his usual path home before turning to static. When it returned to normal, he was gone, it was like he vanished.”
“So you guys give up? He’s my son! A kid! Only 15!”
“We’re not giving up, Mr. Watson. We’ve just been swarmed with new cases every day. I’d advise you to go home and keep an eye out. We’ll call you if anything comes up.”
Phil had never felt so angry and helpless. Ending the call, he huffed as he leaned back in his seat, staring at his office wall with a sense of uselessness. Vanished. The stupid officer had said that Tommy had vanished on his way to school. Swallowing his anguish, he kept his thoughts in line as he left his office. Walking down the hall, he froze in front of a bedroom door. Tommy’s bedroom door. Biting back a frown, he slowly twisted the knob, opening it. 
Phil could still remember the day his son had disappeared. He had actually been excited that day, talking about some group project that he, Tubbo, Purpled and Ranboo were doing together. Stuffing a pancake into his mouth, the rowdy boy had quickly finished his breakfast before walking out the front door, yelling a bye to Phil. Techno and Wilbur had left for school early, for tutorials, so Tommy insisted on walking to and from school. 
Phil should have offered a ride. 
Peering into the room, Phil felt himself start to choke up. Wilbur and Techno were silent, sitting on Tommy’s bed. Techno held onto a book, holding it close to his chest. Phil recognized it as a book on Mythology. Wilbur sat beside him, guitar in hand as he sniffed back his sobs, head leaning on his twin’s shoulder. 
“Techno, Wilbur-”
“Hey, Dadza. Techno and I were just talking to Tommy. I played him one of my songs, and Techno was just about to read him a story before bed.”
Wilbur covered his face, hunching himself into a ball beside Techno. Soft sobs erupted from his throat as Techno fought back his sad expression.
“It’s my fault! I told him to stop being a big baby and to just walk home alone! If I had just went with him instead of going to Niki’s-”
“-If I had walked with him instead of staying after school for chess club-”
“-he’d still be here!”
Phil frowned as he approached his teenage twins. Sitting at the foot of the bed, he gave them a pointed look as he shook his head. Peering over at a photo of Tommy with the twins, he hummed as he returned his gaze to them.
“Tommy wouldn’t want you to blame him.”
“Tommy wouldn’t admit that he’d want to-”
“Stop it, now. You know that isn’t true. Forget what the police say, we’ll get him back, no matter what, okay? We’re family, and family always find a way back to one another.”
The three sat there in Tommy’s room for who knows how long. They sat on the bed as Wilbur softly strummed his guitar, Techno reading the story of Theseus from his book. It was only when Wilbur stopped strumming that everything stopped. Turning to him, Techno and Phil sent him quizzical looks. Hope filling his eyes, Wilbur held his guitar close as he peered back at them.
“Why don’t we ask Spider-Man for help?”
Phil was a mess. The moment that Niki and Jack had told everyone that Tommy was gone, the Avian had broken down right then and there. Tommy, his baby bird, was gone.
Phil hardly left his birdhouse nowadays. Wilbur and Techno would make their way up, delivering food and updates for him. All they found was the same thing: Phil sitting in the same spot, looking through the same photos he had of his son. From Tommy’s egg to his 16th birthday, Phil kept track of every moment of his son’s life.
And now his son is gone. 
Phil had been waiting for Tommy to show up the moment the rain had stopped. The two had made plans for Phil to help him stretch his wings, something Tommy was looking forward to. He had made hot cocoa for the two, baking a nice meal for his son as the clouds began to part. Ten minutes had passed, Tommy had not shown.
Ten turned to twenty, which then turned to forty, eventually reaching an hour. Hot cocoa and treats left to become cold, the worried father quickly threw his coat on before taking off. He had located his adopted sons, landing behind them as he took note of the rest of the server members being present. It was then and there that he heard the news. His world fell apart, Techno and Wilbur yelping out as they tried to steady him and keep on his feet.
“I’m a terrible father.”
Phil held the most recent photo of his youngest son to his chest. He felt like he’d never move on from this. Tommy had been the light of his life, as well as for Techno and Wilbur. He was their pride and joy, their ray of sun that flew down from the Heavens. And within a day, he had returned to the Heavens. Closing his eyes, Phil was already waiting for his tears to threaten to spill once again. Before he could wallow in more depression, however, the sound of hurried footsteps could be heard. Techno and Wilbur scrambled to Phil, their eyes wide. 
“What are you two-”
“It’s Tommy! SMajor found something related to his disappearance! We have a strong lead.”
And for the first time in what felt like forever, Phil allowed himself to hope.
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strawberrylemonz · 3 years
Tree of Innits
Part 4
Part 5 [CURRENT]
Part 6
DT: @wintercat96 and @snapdragonfirefly
They were not expecting this, not one bit. They were expecting more Tommys, of course, it was expected at this point. What they didn’t expect was receiving so many at such a rapid pace. Thomas was feeling grateful for making such a big tree, only to realize that they would need more room soon. That was a future problem, however, for the group had a very important topic to discuss. 
“I want to be called Tommy!”
“What the fuck, I don’t want to be called Theseus! You can be called that.”
“Fuck no! You can have Theseus, I’ll take Tommy!”
“I’m Thomas!”
“No, I’m Thomas!”
“Maybe finding different variations of our name was a bad idea.”
“No shit, sherlock.”
“Okay, everyone, shut the fuck up! Sit down, and chill out. We’re all restarting, we’re getting new names.”
Tommy’s of all kind pushed each other around, no ill intent behind any of the actions. From a distance, it appeared as if there was a group of clones playing like children. In a way, this was an accurate description. As the group sat down by the tree, they began to come up with new names for each other.
“Hey, we all agreed on the rules. The one with the most trauma is the one who bares the name Theseus. Sorry, not our fault you’re the most fucked up out of all of us.”
Theseus grumbled as he crossed his arms. It wasn’t fair! He was just Thomas, now he’s Theseus? That stupid name seemed to haunt him wherever he went. Technoblade’s stupid story would haunt his mind forever, followed by the wither attack. Stupid Dream SMP. That server seemed to be cursed when he was on it. Rolling his eyes, Theseus reached over and swatted the winged teen upside the head.
“Shut it, Chirp.”
Chirp, also known as Avian, just grumbled as he rubbed his head. He glared over at the only other winged Tommy there, who was laughing at his misery.
“Oh, shut up. At least my nickname isn’t fucking Tweet.”
Tweet, also known as Ash, glowered at Chirp. Much to his annoyance, Chirp just gave him a smug smile. Rolling his eyes, Tweet huffed as he spoke up.
“It’s not my fault that BB claimed the nicknames TB and Phoenix. Selfish prick.”
“I’m basically you, so that makes you a selfish prick as well. And I’m the one with the phoenix feather necklace. I was also the third Tommy to show up, so deal with it.”
Rust snorted as he tuned his guitar. He found it quite amusing how some of them got their names, himself included. Name them after the worlds they came from? Why didn’t they think of that earlier? Tommy, Toms, Rust, he didn’t care what he was called as long as they all had names to distinguish themselves from one another. He peered up to see Princey, deemed as Thomas, run his fingers across the carvings in his crown. Thomas, unlike most of them, grew up with a family. This didn’t mean that his own problems were less than everyone else’s. Sighing, Rust got up to sit by Princey. Across from them sat the youngest Tommy there. As the youngest, being only 9 years of age, he was automatically given the nickname Champ, but they also agreed to call him Toms. The young boy smiled as he spoke to RL and Sunny. RL came from a world where it was only him and Boffy. He spoke of dragons and creatures of all kinds, as well as the harsh weather. Sunny was a starchild, a demigod amongst them all. He spoke of the gods and goddesses that ruled the worlds, as well as the children who came from them. 
“Really? A sun?”
“Yup. Kristin had begged Clara to save that dying sun, and Clara was more than happy to do so. From that dying sun came a baby boy, me. I was gifted to Kristin, and then eventually joined Phil, Techno and Wilbur, all gods themselves. I still haven’t earned the role of a full god.”
Terraria hummed as he watched Magma show off his abilities to Kraken and Danger. Once he was done, they turned to Kraken, who proudly showed off his sorcerer and shapeshifting abilities. When it was Danger’s turn, he just shrugged. He explained that he came from a world without all these abilities. He did bring up that he learned to fight from Technoblade, much to his annoyance. He had been adopted by Phil a few months prior to this strange experience. Both of his new “brothers” didn’t seem to like him, not that he blamed them. He was always labeled a troubled kid by the foster system. 
“They taught me how to fight, and that’s about it. I do know some tips on thieving and running away, so there's that. I also play video games and watch YouTube.”
“What are video games?”
“What is a YouTube?”
“Holy shit, my phone better work in this place. I’m showing you guys my favorite song.”
The Tommys were busy at work, all settling into their new home. Avian and Ash settled down on the tallest point of the trees. Avian was having a blast as he teased Ash about being called Tweet, making the latter even more annoyed. Danger was setting up his things in his area, pleased that his presence brought internet with him. He was, however, disappointed to find that he couldn’t message Tubbo. Champ just sat down on Danger’s bed, watching as the older boy explained the concept of video games. Theseus sat outside of the tree, in front of the entrance, and stared into the trees. So much was happening in such little amount of time. So many versions of himself had popped in, almost all at once. The most concerning manner was the fact that they had received a Tommy that was far too young. Everyone else but Champ were 16, making them all confused as to why Champ was the only 9 year old there. No matter, they all had a silent agreement to keep the child safe. 
“So much for three makes a team, huh?”
Theseus hummed in agreement, continuing to stare ahead as he was joined by Rust and TB, both sitting on either side of him. Rust was the first to speak up. 
“So, unkillable? God slayer? And you can fly a plane?”
“Eh, what can I say? The phoenix feather works wonders. Besides, I was also a baby zombie to those around me. The name had to stem from something.”
Theseus snorted as he and Rust turned to face TB, giving the smug boy amused looks. 
“What about you, huh? At least I didn’t create a dome cult.”
“He’s got you there, Rust.”
As the three of them conversed, they couldn’t help but feel a sense of peace. They didn’t know what the future held, but that didn’t matter. As of right now, they were all safe and sound.
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strawberrylemonz · 3 years
Laying out Foundation
Part 1
Part 2 [CURRENT]
Part 3
Dedicated to @wintercat96 I’d like to thank them for sticking around and helping me out in the little ways!
“Who the FUCK are you?!”
“Me?! Who the FUCK are you?!”
“I’m TommyInnit!”
“Wtf? No you’re not! I’m TommyInnit!”
“Fuck you!”
“No, fuck you!”
Before either of the boys could say another word, a loud boom of thunder caught them off guard. Falling back in similar manners, the two yelled out in synchronized shock as a bolt of lightning barely missed them.
Catching their breathes, the two Tommy’s exchanged a look before scrambling to their feet. Quickly wiping off the dirt off their clothes, the Tommy with the yellow gem cleared his throat, speaking up. 
“Okay okay okay okay, let’s figure this shit out after we find shelter.”
“Yeah, I can agree with that. Let’s get out of here before the weather turns all shit on us.”
The two of them grabbed their items, not that they had much on them. Aside from the blue gem, a handful of bread, some seeds, and a water bucket, Tommy didn’t own much at the time. Everything else was back at his house. The other Tommy seemed to only really have his yellow gem and a guitar. Giving a nod to each other, they made their way through the trees.
They had managed to find a couple of large wooden crates and some strong bungee cords. Using their strength stubbornness, the two managed to pull one of the crates up into a large tree by a decently sized clearing. After struggling for a bit, they managed to secure it with some cords. A groan could be heard from the large crate in the tree. 
“Why don’t we just chop down a tree to craft some wooden planks? We don’t have axes, so it won't be as fast, but it’ll be easier than this!”
The other Tommy just raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms. Giving out a partial laugh, he motioned towards the trees around them.
“Alright, big guy, then show me how it’s done.”
Rolling his eyes, the Tommy in question climbed out of the tree, grumbling as he approached a nearby tree. Looking at it up close, he noticed how different it looked compared to the trees back at home. Confused, he just shrugged and began punching, much to the confusion and concern of the other boy. Finally, afraid of having to clean a future infection without the proper supplies, he climbed down to stop the tree puncher.
“Alright, alright, stop stop stop stop. You don’t have to break your fucking hands because you’re annoyed with me, what the fuck ma-”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
He froze in place, completely baffled and unsure as to whether or not he was seeing things. His double, who he was sure was insane, had just punched a chunk of the tree out. That wasn’t the only crazy thing about, the tree was still standing up, despite missing the center of its trunk. He watched in silence as the boy continued punching the tree, somehow causing its leaves to drop apples, tree saplings, and stick. Once his double finished, he somehow turned the punched tree parts into planks, then used those and crafted a small table. He stared as the boy made ladders, stairs and planks. 
“...whA T  THE FU C  K?!”
The two soon realized that there are abilities that the two of them can both do, as well as abilities that only one of them are capable of doing. After a screaming of match about such stupid logic, they accidentally discovered that they could combine their separate abilities to create something new. This became evident when they accidentally created a rope ladder for the tree. After all their arguing, however, there was one thing the two discovered that they could agree on.
“This treehouse is kick-ass”
“Hell yeah it is!”
As the sun began to set, the two boys quickly climbed into their newly made shelter. As one Tommy pulled up the rope ladder, the other spoke up to get rid of the silence. 
“I wonder how many mobs will spawn in tonight.”
“I’m sorry, how many what?”
“Y’know, mobs. Zombies, skeletons, creepers, endermen, spiders-”
“I’m going to stop you there because I have no idea what you’re going on about. Sounds like complete, utter bullshit.”
“You said the same thing about the tree”
“Fuck you”
It had been a week since the two Tommy’s were brought to this strange world. After much debate, they had finally decided to give each other nicknames, hoping that it would make telling the two apart by other people (if they did ever come across actual people). Despite these nicknames, they still referred to each other as “Tommy” when speaking to one another. 
“Dude, how did you learn to sew? That makes all this so much easier for us.”
“I just kinda learned back when I was younger. I actually ended up making the uniforms for the revolution back home.”
“Holy shit”
Rust!Tommy [Toms] shot himself a confident smile as he stared at his reflection in the glass. Adjusting the broach made from his yellow gem on his coat, he fixed the fingerless gloves on his hands. Turning to peer behind him at his counterpart, he stepped aside to allow him to see his reflection. Dsmp!Tommy [Thomas] adjusted his trench coat, admiring his his handiwork. He forgot what it felt like to make outfits for fun, for comfort, not for war or survival. Humming in approval, he clasped the broach, which was made from his blue gem, closed, closing his leather belt around his waist.
“Looks nice, bruv”
“Heh, I know”
“We should design hats for us! Know how to make a cowboy hat?”
“Why the fuck would you want a cowboy hat?”
“I’ll look fucking awesome”
The two laughed as they climbed out of their treehouse, which, to Toms, was surprisingly still in the tree. He had asked Thomas about how that was possible, to which he just replied with, “That’s just how my world works.” 
“You grab the wood and mine some cobble. I’ll gather sand and get the furnace going”
“Have fun hauling around buckets of sand!”
“Oh, fuck off. You know I can’t just store it in thin air like you can”
The two wrestled with each other’s arms, trying to mess up the other’s hair first. Toms cheered in victory as Thomas grumbled, heading to the trees. Humming to himself, he pulled out an axe and began cutting down wood. The two were working on an actual house to live in. As much as they enjoyed their treehouse, it wasn’t very big on it’s own. That’s why, much to their delight, it was getting an upgrade. Once Thomas cleared out a good amount of trees, he took out some saplings and bonemeal. putting four saplings by each other, he stepped back and added bonemeal. A giant tree grew towards the sky, towering above the surrounding forest. He couldn’t help but smile at how the tree looked, being much more round than his trees back home. Patting the bark, he walked over the crafting table and began crafting. He was never a talented builder, but he did remember the different builds made back home. Besides, it was only his double that was sticking around. As different as the two were in most aspects, they wouldn’t seriously insult each other’s handiwork. 
“That’s a huge tree”
Thomas, who was hallowing the inside of the tree, looked back at his double. Toms was staring up at the tree, bucket of sand in one hand, his other shielding the sunlight. 
“Are we going to need all this room?”
“We’ll find a way to use all the space. I wouldn’t worry about it too much.”
Nodding, Toms started on loading the furnace, getting the glass started. Pulling out some rope, he began making more rope ladders for the tree. Thomas, on the other hand, finished hallowing out the tree and towered up the leaves using the inside. Sighing a content sigh, he began leveling the leaved area, shearing away the leaves and placing down wooden planks. He began putting up the third wall by the time his double climbed up. Looking around, Toms nodded in approval. Peering up at the leaves above them, he finally decided to speak up. 
“What if we make large area? Just in case we have guests, or whatever.”
Thomas looked back at Toms, before also looking up at the leaves. Making a noise of agreement, he pulled out a piece of paper. Sitting down on the floor, he set out the paper and pulled out his ink and quill, handing it over to Toms. 
“Let’s see what you’re planning. Go all out on the blueprints, I can build it.”
And with a warm look of approval at each other, the two got to work.
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strawberrylemonz · 3 years
Three Makes a Team
Part 2
Part 3 [CURRENT]
Part 4
Thomas - DSMP! Tommy [Post Doomsday - Pre Disc Saga Finale]
Toms - Rust! Tommy
The Tommy’s took Thomas’ disregard for physics and gravity to their advantage. Anyone who had the ability to visit the two would have voiced their concerns, but the two wouldn’t care. If anything, they’d laugh at the mere thought of their house not being stable. It didn’t matter if the different areas of the treehouse was lopsided, because it looked cool as fuck. 
“Think we should finally visit that town we saw up North? Maybe we can figure out how currency works here.”
“We literally have nothing else to do, let’s do it.”
Packing up a few supplies, the two climbed down the rope ladder and out of the trunk. Humming as Thomas walked past him, Toms pulled a branch, causing the ladder to retract and the trap door to close from above. After the two secured their home, they made their way down the half made path towards the nearest town. 
“Well, thank fucking god you went mining, Thomas.”
“Tell me about it. All that annoying work paid off, and now we have enough money to pay for whatever we want.”
The two flashed each other grins as they peered through shop windows, looking for things to put in their empty house. Just as they were about to enter a shop, an all too familiar voice caught their attention.
“Are you sure you’ve never heard of it? Positive? Well, have you heard of Deo? No? That doesn’t make sense! I was literally just on Business Bridge!”
The two Tommy’s exchanged a grim look as they rushed towards the voice, excusing themselves from passing pedestrians. Peeking around the corner of a shop, they saw what they expected. There, messing with the cuffs of his suit, stood another Tommy. Thomas perked up as Toms tilted his head, unsure of where this Tommy came from. Walking up from behind, Thomas tapped the Tommy’s shoulder. And as the new addition turned around, Thomas and Toms prepared for what was to come. 
“Yea- whAT THE FUCK?!”
The two managed to calm the extra Tommy down, giving quick apologies to passerby's. As they sat down in a clearing by the woods, a sandwich for each boy. After a moments silence for them to take a good amount of bites, they began to speak up, introducing themselves. Once the first two were finished with their introductions, it was time for the new addition. Swallowing the bit of sandwich that was in his mouth, he nodded before speaking.
“I’m, well, Tommy, obviously. I’m from Business Bay, in the SMPEarth server. I was walking down Business Bridge to meet up with Deo, when I saw this gem. Next thing I knew, the wind blew me over the bridge. Before I could hit the water, I fell on a ledge by a small mountain nearby this town. I wandered around before I ended up here, and began asking around for help. That’s when you two found me.”
“Gem? Can you show us?”
“Sure, here it is.”
Digging into his pocket, the dapper looking young man pulled out an orange gem. Holding it up for the others to see, he shrugged as he took another bite from his sandwich. 
“You have one too?”
He stopped chewing before turning to the others, quickly swallowing before lowering the gem. Confused, he placed his sandwich in his lap and tilted his head. 
“Too? You mean, you two have one?”
“We each do, see.”
Showing off their broaches, they revealed their identical gems, shining in different colors. 
“What kind of voodoo-”
“-shit is this?”
After much discussion, they decided to investigate once they got back to the T-Tree. Finishing up lunch, the three finished shopping in the town’s shopping district. Gathering their new belongings, they made their way back home, Thomas and Toms explaining how the treehouse works, and how it came to be. As they climbed into the tree, the sun began to set beneath the horizon. Thomas was setting up the living area for their new recruit while Toms was gathering sleeping clothes for him, the new Tommy inspecting the home during all this. Nodding in approval, he didn’t realize Toms’ was approaching him. Yelping, he nearly punched the scarred look alike. Apologizing, he accepted the clothes as he walked off to change. When he arrived back to the living area, he quirked an eyebrow at seeing the other two on their own couches, obviously dressed for bed.
“Alright, what’s this then?”
“What you going on about?”
“Don’t you guys have your own rooms?”
“Duh, so?”
“So, why are you two here?”
“Tommy inauguration! You’re joining our Tommy Team”
“Stupid name”
“Shut up, you were thinking about it”
“I didn’t say it”
“Fuck you”
The three joked and laid around as they spoke about themselves. Finally building up his courage, the newest Tommy asked the question that plagued his mind.
“How did you two get your scars?”
Toms was the first to shrug, not seeing it as much of a big deal. 
“Mine are mainly radiation burn scars. They aren’t too bad, though. If you wanna see more scars, you’d have to meet Wilbur-”
“Wilbur? Wilbur Soot?”
“Yeah, turns out we all have one we know. “
Thomas chuckled as he settled down, bringing up his own experience. 
“My scars came from wars. This one is where I lost my first life, from Dream. This second was also from Dream, during a duel. This one is from a few accidents in Pogtopia after Wilbur and I were exiled. This one is from the fighting pit during my fist fight with Technoblade. These burns are from falling into lava too many times, these explosive scars here are from Dream blowing up Logstedshire. What else...oh! These are from the fireworks shot at me, Tubbo got in the way to save me so it didn’t leave too bad of a scar-”
“Tubbo? He’s in your world too?”
“And in mine, hes a cannibal”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Already asked that, it’s pretty...yeah”
“Okay, then. Let’s back up a bit, you fought in wars?”
“Don’t act like you haven’t-”
“Not the point, mine weren’t too bad or serious. The Antarctic Empire weren’t that ba-”
“Please, don’t mention them.”
“Let’s change the subject.”
“Agreed, what’s the worst word you know?”
It was around midnight when the three decided to settle for bed. Humming as he watched the other two settle down, the newest questioned.
“So, you're Thomas? And you’re Toms. Should I have an alter name, too?”
“Makes sense to me. What do you wanna go by?”
After talking for a bit, everyone giving suggestions, they all dozed off to bed. Thomas was sprawled across one of the couches, halfway off the couch. Toms was curled up into a ball on an armchair, his blanket tucked underneath him. And the newest recruit, T.B., was sprawled across the makeshift bed on the floor. As the three boys slept the night away, their gems lay untouched, glowing brightly throughout the night. 
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strawberrylemonz · 3 years
When You’ve Made a Home
Part 5
Part 6 [CURRENT]
Part 7
DT: @wintercat96 and @snapdragonfirefly and @artistconk
“You’re a spider?!”
“No, idiot! They’re just powers! And I have more than just spider abilities!”
Danger groaned as the other versions of himself began to banter with him over hiding his abilities. This wouldn’t have even happened if he had been more careful. If he hadn’t slipped up, then Champ wouldn’t have seen him use his abilities. As he sat there, explaining his powers, he couldn’t help but sense a small bit of pride. None of them acted disgusted with his ability to mimic insects and arachnids of all kinds. They thought he was cool. Before he could utter another word, Theseus spoke up.
“Why didn’t you tell us?”
“I didn’t want to seem weird.”
The sound of snorted caught him off guard. Peering past Theseus, Danger couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at Chirp, who was wheezing. The cackling avian was finally shut up when Tweet smacked him upside the head. 
“What so funny?”
“Sorry, it’s just... look at us! You’re telling me that you looked at the rest of us and went “mmmmmm yes, can’t have them think I’m weird.”? That’s kinda funny, really.”
Chuckles and laughter washed over the group as Danger rubbed his eyes. Chirp was right, they were a bunch of weirdos (not that they’d admit that to anyone else). Staring down at the palms of his hands, Danger couldn’t help but smile at the sense of peace that washed over himself.
Champ wasn’t stupid. He knew that although his second nickname was Toms, no one would be calling him that anytime soon. It was because of how young he was, how much he would have to (unfairly) carry on his shoulders. They knew how hurt he felt regarding the nickname, the one that his brothers and father gave him. The same brothers and father that left him alone, up to the point until he finally decided to leave the quiet, empty cottage, finally tired of his family’s adventures. The only nickname that brought him comfort on his bad days. He knew why they chose their words carefully around him. He knew that he was from a timeline that paralleled Theseus’s. He knew that if his timeline didn’t change, he would end up in Theseus’s shoes. He remembered the moment they all realized this was the case, just a few hours ago. He didn’t want to believe it, didn’t want to. He remembered silently getting up and running away from them all. Now he sat alone, staring off into the distance while swinging his feet from the edge of the mountain cliff. He wanted his family more than ever when that moment happened.
“Hey Toms, how are you holding up?”
He didn’t tense at the name, not this time. It was one of the few times that the boy welcomed the name. Or, at least, the familiarity of it. Frowning, the nine year-old child turned his head to see who addressed him. Standing behind him was one of the older Tommy’s, staring off into the distance with his arms crossed. 
The older boy nodded as he confirmed who he was, walking up to the younger version of himself as he did so. Sitting down beside the small child, Theseus couldn’t help but laugh at the irony. Champ just tilted his head in confusion as he watched his older self stare down at the ground below them, an unfamiliar emotion swimming in his eyes.
“It’s kind of ironic, really. Sitting here, at the edge of a cliff. Technoblade would surely be yelling at us right now. That is, if he even cared anymore.”
Toms was not expecting this, but he should have. He should know himself better than anyone else. But could he really be blamed? Staring at the scarred and broken shell of Theseus made it hard to even imagine that they were the same person. Frowning as he followed Theseus’s gaze to the drop below, Toms couldn’t help but question his older self.
“Why would Techno be yelling at us for sitting on a cliff? It surely isn’t the first time we’ve done this.”
Theseus snorted, but agreed nonetheless. After momentarily thinking things over, he hummed as he shifted his gaze to his younger self. The young boy was content with swinging his feet over the cliff, watching as water from a nearby stream fell over the cliff. The child then shifted his gaze from the stream to his older self, who gave him a small smile.
“Hey, Toms? Every heard of the story of Theseus?”
Dinner, as usual, was chaotic. The only difference was that, much to everyone’s delight, Toms seemed to be more comfortable with them. He also seemed determined to help Theseus by changing his own actions when (if) he ever got back home.
It was funny, really, how they all struggled to stick to one home. They all were adamant about not settling in completely, all making comments about finding a way to get back home. Utter bullshit, and they all knew it. Because as much as they all denied it, they couldn’t avoid the obvious sign. As they bickered and chatted amongst themselves, food spread upon the long wooden picnic table, they all couldn’t help but feel at peace. No one had to say a word to know the truth about the giant tree in this strange world. They had made a home.
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strawberrylemonz · 3 years
AE! Tommy: "I miss Phil. He's such a great dad."
Dsmp! Tommy: "The fuck you talking about, bitch?"
I’m assuming this is in regards of Tommyverse, but if not, still valid.
AE: “I miss my amazing father, Phil-”
Dsmp: “The fuck you talking about?”
Rust: “You have a dad? I just have Wilbur. He’s like my brother and shit”
Dsmp: “Yeah, Wilbur is grea-”
Business Bay: “What kind of bullshit-”
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strawberrylemonz · 3 years
Well, time to add AvianInnit to my Tommyverse AU
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strawberrylemonz · 3 years
This is for @sleepy-bunbun-ace !!!!
The many looks of my Tommy’s so far (up to March 26, 2021)
Blood Bird: His hair is short and mostly kept neat (lazy days are an exception). He doesn’t have any scars (this changes as he gets older). He always wears a silver necklace, small metal wings attached to it.
Default: In his default clothing, Tommy wears a white button up (untucked), black slacks, and red sneakers. His hair is tame, but not fully fixed.
Casual: This is the outfit Tommy wears after he’s allowed to begin experimenting with his aesthetic. He begins to add more red to his everyday wear, replacing his button up with his red and white t-shirt. He switches his black slacks for khakis and decides to wear red and white sneakers.
Formal: As prince, and the heir, Tommy must look presentable for formal occasions. He dawns a white button up, his Antarctic Empire suite (buttoned up all the way, his small emblem with the empire’s symbol polished and neatly adjusted on the right side of his chest). He wears his black slacks, as well as his black dress shoes. He also wears his blue AE cloak, but will occasionally take it off.
Tommyverse: He always wears his bandana around his neck. He also constantly has his Tubbo compass and his Friendship Emerald on the same necklace string. His hair is longer, a small braid tucked beneath the rest of his hair. His hands and arms are usually bandaged, but the coat hides most of it. He has a bandage on his left cheek. He always has his blue gem. He is covered in many scars, the freshest coming from Doomsday.
Default: His default clothing consists of his usual t-shirt, khaki shorts, and sneakers. His blue gem usually stays in his pocket.
Sandbox 1: Once arriving into the sandbox, Theseus creates outfits for himself (all versions). The look he chooses to acquire include a chestnut brown trench coat, containing patches to represent L’mangburg, Arctic Empire, Snowchester, Pogtopia, basically almost all the groups formed on the Dream SMP. He still wears his usual t-shirt and khaki shorts, but his sneakers are exchanged for slightly bulkier and more sturdy ones. His trench coat has a belt that goes around the middle, which has a buckle that allows Theseus to put his blue gem in.
Sandbox 2: Instead of a trench coat, Theseus wears a brown aviator jacket. His name is stitched above the right chest pocket, and patches to represent people he knows decorate his sleeves: bee for Tubbo, ender pearl for Ranboo, guitar for Wilbur, crown for Techno, crow for Phil, 3-D glasses for Jack, creeper head for Sam, cake for Niki, etc. (He doesn’t know a way out, so he chooses to try and not forget the people he knows by using patches). He wears khaki pants with many pockets, as well as the sturdy sneakers. The gem is put as a necklace, sitting right next to the compass and friendship emerald resting around his neck.
Double Dadza: Always has his bandana, friendship emerald, red sneakers, and compass. Just like Theseus (Tommyverse), he has many scars covering him, the latest coming from Doomsday.
Default: His hair is similar to Theseus’s (Tommyverse), his braid hidden away in his small ponytail (even looking at the braid is enough to make his eyes water). He hates looking at his scars, so he wears a long sleeved version of his t-shirt, bandages underneath his sleeves just in case. He wears khaki pants and his sneakers. His bandana is usually tied around his upper right arm, his compass and emerald tucked away in his pockets.
Gifted Fit: Phil makes Tommy a new outfit, making the boy happy. He gives the boy a red hoodie, two small discs sewn on the right chest side. Tommy’s hair is shorter, the kid allowing Phil to cut it for him. His friendship emerald is turned into a bracelet, one he wears on his left wrist. He wears his compass as a necklace around his neck, letting everyone see it. He has a golden pin, shaped as wings, that was given to him by Phil. He wears it on his actual t-shirt. Without the jacket, he’s seen wearing short sleeved shirts again (he usually wears his usual red and white, but Phil has been having him try different styles and colors), allowing his scars to be more noticeable. He wears khaki shorts again, only changing them to khaki pants for colder areas. The bandana returns to his neck.
The Reluctant Hero’s Tale: Poor kid looks dead when they see him again. He has white streaks from when Dream revived him, his hair unkept and frantic. His eyes are no longer their bright blue, showing a more dull color once more. He has dark bags, prominent scars, and his clothes seem to be more disheveled by the days. He keeps his compass, bandana and friendship emerald close to him.
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strawberrylemonz · 3 years
When I develop a consistent art style for animatics and comics, it’s over for you assholes
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strawberrylemonz · 3 years
If no one makes an au where rust! Tommy and dsmp! Tommy end up meeting each other and need to rely on one another to survive a new world in order to get back home, then what’s the point???
Smh, might fuck around and make the au myself
Fuck it, read the tags for proof, I’m making an au now
‘Tis au is created by me and I shall name it “Into the Tommyverse”
Im a genius
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strawberrylemonz · 3 years
DSMP/MCYT Fanfictions
Here is a list of all of my MCYT fics up to date! Some chapters will be altered in the future when I actually begin editing them, so do check in from time to time to see what’s new! I will also be updating this list with every new chapter and series! I hope you enjoy!
∞ Memories in the Stars [Inspired by @petrichormeraki ]
<> Tommy had disappeared many years ago, right before Doomsday occurred. Confused and broken, he found himself in the center of Hermitcraft. As he grew and healed alongside his new friends, Tommy soon uncovers secrets from his past as he embraced the future. As his family grows bigger the longer he keeps his heart open, an unsuspecting terror is crawling up to say hello.
∆ Contains: Hermit!Tommy, Triplet Grian, Antarctic Empire background, Kristin Minecraft, StarInnit, Clara the Space Goddess, DadInnit, FWT Fanchild (created by @petrichormeraki ), Theo the furry demigod, Clementine the shifter, William the gardener
Part 1 - Fateful Night
Part 2 - Innit an Adventure?
Part 3 - Campfire Tales
Part 4 - Mother for Two
Part 5 - Kitchen Utensils
Part 6 - Lovely Encounter
Part 7 - Her Name is Clementine
Part 8 - Young Cubs
Part 9 - To Be Okay
Part 10 - Family
Part 11 - Opened Gates
Part 12 - See You Again
Part 13 - Reunion Ruckus 
Part 14 - Broken Bonds
Part 15 - Cousin Corner
Part 16 - Ride of Our Lives
Part 17 - Masked Crowns
Part 18 - Birthday Surprise
Part 19 - Enter: Twins!
Part 20 - From Three to Five, We're By Your Side
∞ Double Dadza
<> Doomsday had just occurred, and everyone is prepared to go their separate ways. Before they could all leave whatever remained of L’manburg, however, a notification in the communicators caused them to become sidetracked. A different Phil from a different time is stuck with them, and no one knows what to do. He’s working to get back to his sons, but he’s determined to fix a few relationships during the process. 
∆ Contains: Dsmp Phil, Past Phil, Dadza content, crossing timelines, Kristin Minecraft
Part 1 - Dad’s Arrival
Part 2 - Unwanted Nap
Part 3 - A Father’s Embrace
Part 4 - Father to Father
∞ Into the Tommyverse [Co-owned by @wintercat96 ] (And partially inspired by @snapdragonfirefly)
<> Tommy was all alone. Tubbo was off in Snowchester, Ranboo took his place with Phil and Techno, Dream was off doing who-knows-what, and no one looked at him anymore. All this changed when he found a strange gem outside his home. Now, stuck in a new world, he must work with alternate versions of himself to try and get home. 
∆ Contains: Dsmp!Tommy, AvianInnit, Demigod Tommy, Rust!Tommy, Business Bay!Tommy, MCU!Tommy, literal childInnit, There’s so many Tommy’s, wtf was I thinking with this AU.
Part 1 - Disappearance After Doomsday
Part 2 - Foundations
Part 3 - Team of Three
Part 4 - A Look Back Home
Part 5 - Innit Tree
Part 6 - When You’ve Made a Home
Part 7 - Have You Seen My Tommy? Please, I Miss Him Dearly
∞ For the Blood Bird [Dedicated to and inspired by @lynnarts ] 
<> Once Wilbur turned 15, Phil decided to take him to a hardcore world to teach him the ways of surviving. There was only one problem, Phil had a new baby to take care of, Tommy. Techno was a 15 year old king who didn’t expect his best friend and father figure to dump his youngest child on him. Watching the child grow under his care, Techno eventually names Tommy as his prince and heir. Just when things appear to be going great, however, darkness falls upon the youth of the lands.
∆ Contains: Technodad vibes, SBI, Prince Tommy, Antarctic Empire, King Technoblade, Prince Tubbo, Princess Lani, Princess Drista, Prince Ranboo, Prince Purpled, King Dream, King Punz, Queen Niki, Kidnapping pog, Cottagecore Clingy Duo Pog
Part 1 - Baby in the Basket
Part 2 - Birthday Boy
Part 3 - My Gift to You
Part 4 - Strictly Business
Part 5 - Castle Scare
Part 6 - Friends
Part 7 - Baby Bird’s Kit
Part 8 - Brothers
Part 9 - Dinner Surprise
Part 10 - Breakfast Banter
∞ The Reluctant Hero’s Tale [For my beloved @bargledblocks and my beloved @snapdragonfirefly ]
<> Sam was panicking as the sound of tnt exploding filled the air. He had been monitoring Tommy’s visit, one that they boy claimed to be his last. Things were finally looking up for the boy, only for it to all start crumbling down now. Before he could investigate the security issue, however, he’s pulled into a strange world. He finds that he isn’t alone, not even close. In fact, it seemed as if everyone from the server was there, everyone but Tommy. Joined by other characters, everyone must watch Tommy’s tragic history on the server. Not only will they watch, but they’ll feel and hear it all too. You want to be a hero, Tommy? No, no you don’t.
∆ Contains: Basically a “watching the show” fic but Dream SMP, Minor changes to a few characters and the plot, nothing too big to where it’s completely different, Glatt, Ghostbur, Wilbur, SBI is family, my own tweaked version of aging, yes Tommy is a child with a gun, not everyone knows SBI is actually family lol, WingInnit, Piglin hybrid Tommy, Behold Tommy the Prince of Trauma, Tommy needs a hug, Sapnap will deck Dream in the face
Part 1 - Tonight’s Showing
Part 2 - Accepted Invitation
Part 3 - First Day
Part 4 - The Piglet Who Touched The Sky
Part 5 - Disc(o) Boy
Part 6 - Team With Me
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