alijahburch · 1 year
Weber theory - https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2015/04/07/a-deep-dive-into-party-affiliation/
Democrats consistently benefit from party identification among different races. 39% identify as independent, 32% as Democrats and 23% as Republican asccording to stats provided in 2014. Women lead Democratic by 52%-36%. While Republicans hold over married men 51%-38%. A third of college graduates (34%) identify as Democrat.
Marx theory - https://www.investopedia.com/terms/w/working-class.asp
Working class is a term to describe people who work jobs that require little to no skill. Marx describes the working class as the masses. They're the ones who usually create the goods and provide the services that created a society's wealth. Most of working class jobs used to consist of working in factories. Nowadays working class jobs are Retail sales, Clerical Jobs, and Low-skill manual labor vocations.
The Bordieu Class Theory -https://socialsci.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Sociology/Introduction_to_Sociology/Book%3A_Sociology_(Boundless)/09%3A_Stratification_Inequality_and_Social_Class_in_the_U.S./9.05%3A_The_Impacts_of_Social_Class/9.5E%3A_Education
Educational attainment is tied in with social class. Those who are in high social classes are likely to achieve the highest degree of education. Upper class parents are more likely to send their kids to private schools. But also have them go to school in non impoverished areas. "Educational inequality is one factor that perpetuates the class divide across Generations."
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coursegate · 5 years
(Course Gate)
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parkerfarrah3213 · 2 years
How Does the News Media Cover Social Class and Inequality?
Marx’s theory of social class: https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/224531
This article discusses what Marx’s theory is about. How class should be defined. The article reads that "Class" is seen to refer to social and economic groupings based on a wide variety of standards whose interrelations are those Marx finds in the real society under examination. By conceptualizing a unity of apparently distinct social relations.”
Weber’s theory of social class: https://socialsci.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Sociology/Introduction_to_Sociology/Book%3A_Sociology_(Boundless)/08%3A_Global_Stratification_and_Inequality/8.06%3A_Sociological_Theories_and_Global_Inequality/8.6F%3A_Webers_View_of_Stratification#:~:text=Weber%20supposed%20there%20were%20more,and%20the%20manual%20working%20class.
This article talks about the three sources of power. Weber believed that there more class division. Class is a person’s economic position in a society, based on birth and individual achievement. Status refers to a person’s prestige, social honor, or popularity in a society. Power refers to a person’s ability to get their way despite the resistance of others.
Bourdieu’s theory of social class: https://www.jstor.org/stable/41035374?seq=1
This article discusses the cultural dimensions of class. Class was determined by different degrees of social, economic, and cultural capital. Society classed things that look symbolic good to rise to the highest class. Bourdieu once wrote “differences in cultural capital mark the differences between the classes” because of dominance of cultural capital.
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meldyomare · 2 years
Ch.10 Fieldwork
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Marx’s theory of social class
Article: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/marxism.asp 
Marx’s theory according to this article is “every society is divided into social classes, whose members have more in common with one another than with members of other social classes.” He believes that there are two social classes, capitalists and the working class. Another key point stated in the article was basically how Marx believed that the working class would one day overthrow the capitalist. 
Weber’s theory of social class
Article: https://socialsci.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Sociology/Introduction_to_Sociology/Book%3A_Sociology_(Boundless)/08%3A_Global_Stratification_and_Inequality/8.06%3A_Sociological_Theories_and_Global_Inequality/8.6F%3A_Webers_View_of_Stratification  
In this article, Weber’s theory of social class basically describes where you were born into and your achievements from the day you were born. How I understood this was that you can be born into a not so high social class, but if your achievements prove otherwise, you may be able to move up. Also he believed that there were 4 classes in which people could be placed in, “ the upper class, the white-collar workers, the petite bourgeoisie, and the manual working class.”
Bourdieu’s theory of social class
Article: https://www.socialcapitalresearch.com/bourdieu-on-social-capital-theory-of-capital/
Bourdieu’s social class theory is defined by individuals who are in similar situations and not their “property”. In this article, it is stated that others believed that social class was defined by those who were able to acquire a better status or power, but not Bourdieu.
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raeeesposts · 2 years
Marx social class- To Marx his social class is all about ownership. Marx wasn’t worried about the income a person gets or their status but he broke it up into 3 Class one was The Bourgeoisie, The Landowners, and the proletariat. Also when you think about class don’t think of one person one thing I can say about Marx is “class” is a whole or many people that may be together and some people may have been poor growing up or some could be rich.
Weber Social Class- Now Weber has 4 Social class the upper class,the white collar workers, the petite bourgeoisie, and the manual working class. Now with him it’s somethings I don’t agree on that he said and that “Many wealthy families lacked prestige and power, for example, because they were Jewish.” I just would like to know what them being Jewish had to do with power or being wealthy because you could be black, white, blue, red or pink it doesn’t matter. Also it was like he was kind of debating with Marx he was talking about more so what congress can do or how much power or prestige they have. https://socialsci.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Sociology/Introduction_to_Sociology/Book%3A_Sociology_(Boundless)/08%3A_Global_Stratification_and_Inequality/8.06%3A_Sociological_Theories_and_Global_Inequality/8.6F%3A_Webers_View_of_Stratification#Key_Terms
Bourdieu’s Social Class- He was influenced from Marx he was more so focus on skills, tastes,posture,clothing, mannerisms, and etc. He didn’t have one class that he was focus on he was mainly talking about a couple different ones because everyone is different and many people don’t like the same thing so that mean it’s alot of different point of views on different topics. For example you have people who may like blue instead of red and some one could know how to build a house and another could know how to make clothes everyone isn’t the same. He wrote on a lot but to sum it down people are in different fields than others and everyone not in the same boat. http://routledgesoc.com/category/profile-tags/cultural-capital
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speedessays · 4 years
Directions: Read, listen, or watch the media listed below then answer the questions that follow. Your response should be at least 400 words and double-spaced. Be sure to incorporate concepts learned from this week’s module into your assignment. PLEASE NOTE: If you have difficulties opening any of the files below, please access these files by clicking on the links on the bottom of the Module 7 Homework Assignment Introduction page in iBoard. 1. Listen to the audio file, “Defending and Attacking Polygamy in Saudi Arabia.” Click HERE to access the audio file. http://media.pearsoncmg.com/pcp/pls_coco_2/introduction_to_sociology/assignments/0558859445/media/msl_jump/lis_16_01.html 2. Read the article, “Legal License, Race, Sex, and Forbidden Unions.” Click HERE to access the article. http://ethemes.pearsoncmg.com/0205394213/article_13/index.html 3. Watch the video, “Same Sex marriages and Families.” Click HERE to access the video. http://media.pearsoncmg.com/pcp/pls_coco_2/introduction_to_sociology/assignments/0558859445/dma_samesex_162/index.html 4. Answer the following questions. a. What different interpretations of family and gender roles are being voiced in the items you reviewed? b. To what extent do these differing viewpoints correspond or clash with western notions of family?
Directions: Read, listen, or watch the media listed below then answer the questions that follow. Your response should be at least 400 words and double-spaced. Be sure to incorporate concepts learned from this week’s module into your assignment. PLEASE NOTE: If you have difficulties opening any of the files below, please access these files by clicking on the links on the bottom of the Module 7 Homework Assignment Introduction page in iBoard. 1. Listen to the audio file, “Defending and Attacking Polygamy in Saudi Arabia.” Click HERE to access the audio file. http://media.pearsoncmg.com/pcp/pls_coco_2/introduction_to_sociology/assignments/0558859445/media/msl_jump/lis_16_01.html 2. Read the article, “Legal License, Race, Sex, and Forbidden Unions.” Click HERE to access the article. http://ethemes.pearsoncmg.com/0205394213/article_13/index.html 3. Watch the video, “Same Sex marriages and Families.” Click HERE to access the video. http://media.pearsoncmg.com/pcp/pls_coco_2/introduction_to_sociology/assignments/0558859445/dma_samesex_162/index.html 4. Answer the following questions. a. What different interpretations of family and gender roles are being voiced in the items you reviewed? b. To what extent do these differing viewpoints correspond or clash with western notions of family?
Directions: Read, listen, or watch the media listed below then answer the questions that follow.  Your response should be at least 400 words and double-spaced.  Be sure to incorporate concepts learned from this week’s module into your assignment.
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ghopstop · 7 years
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coursegate · 5 years
(Course Gate)
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speedessays · 4 years
Directions: Read, listen, or watch the media listed below then answer the questions that follow. Your response should be at least 400 words and double-spaced. Be sure to incorporate concepts learned from this week’s module into your assignment. PLEASE NOTE: If you have difficulties opening any of the files below, please access these files by clicking on the links on the bottom of the Module 7 Homework Assignment Introduction page in iBoard. 1. Listen to the audio file, “Defending and Attacking Polygamy in Saudi Arabia.” Click HERE to access the audio file. http://media.pearsoncmg.com/pcp/pls_coco_2/introduction_to_sociology/assignments/0558859445/media/msl_jump/lis_16_01.html 2. Read the article, “Legal License, Race, Sex, and Forbidden Unions.” Click HERE to access the article. http://ethemes.pearsoncmg.com/0205394213/article_13/index.html 3. Watch the video, “Same Sex marriages and Families.” Click HERE to access the video. http://media.pearsoncmg.com/pcp/pls_coco_2/introduction_to_sociology/assignments/0558859445/dma_samesex_162/index.html 4. Answer the following questions. a. What different interpretations of family and gender roles are being voiced in the items you reviewed? b. To what extent do these differing viewpoints correspond or clash with western notions of family?
Directions: Read, listen, or watch the media listed below then answer the questions that follow. Your response should be at least 400 words and double-spaced. Be sure to incorporate concepts learned from this week’s module into your assignment. PLEASE NOTE: If you have difficulties opening any of the files below, please access these files by clicking on the links on the bottom of the Module 7 Homework Assignment Introduction page in iBoard. 1. Listen to the audio file, “Defending and Attacking Polygamy in Saudi Arabia.” Click HERE to access the audio file. http://media.pearsoncmg.com/pcp/pls_coco_2/introduction_to_sociology/assignments/0558859445/media/msl_jump/lis_16_01.html 2. Read the article, “Legal License, Race, Sex, and Forbidden Unions.” Click HERE to access the article. http://ethemes.pearsoncmg.com/0205394213/article_13/index.html 3. Watch the video, “Same Sex marriages and Families.” Click HERE to access the video. http://media.pearsoncmg.com/pcp/pls_coco_2/introduction_to_sociology/assignments/0558859445/dma_samesex_162/index.html 4. Answer the following questions. a. What different interpretations of family and gender roles are being voiced in the items you reviewed? b. To what extent do these differing viewpoints correspond or clash with western notions of family?
Directions: Read, listen, or watch the media listed below then answer the questions that follow.  Your response should be at least 400 words and double-spaced.  Be sure to incorporate concepts learned from this week’s module into your assignment.
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