focusandrelaxforme · 10 months
Documenting My Subject's Hypno Slavery Journey (Part 11)
After her trip away, we've spent some time getting her back into the swing of things.
She's still having trouble with swallowing cum, but we've managed to condition her into wanting it in her mouth, so I'm calling that progress.
I've found that the more aroused she is, the more receptive she becomes to conditioning. The main potential issue with this is that sometimes this becomes a state-dependent response, where she only really responds to the conditioning when she's aroused.
In light of that, I'm trying to keep a good mix of conditioning her in ways that aren't overtly sexual, such as her health/workout progress.
That said, since hypnosis itself and conditioning itself is a kink, there will always be some amount of arousal colouring everything. Moving forward, we're just going have to accept that she's going to be a bit horny all the time (just part of the sacrifices that we have to make).
Dear Diary,
I haven't written for a while, but I am finally back from my trip and feeling less stressed. Master is trying to get me back into my normal routine now that I am home.. and I feel relieved to be back under more control. I don't realize how much I need it until it isn't there. I was a good girl on my trip and managed to keep up with my workouts for Master. I feel so accomplished. Tonight was my first one back at home and I did a very good job. Master has left my pussy wet and aching all day. I have wanted to touch myself so many times today. Thinking about how needy my poor clit is...and I can't even remember the last time I was able to play with it. I love feeling a little desperate and wanting to beg Master to let me play. It's embarrassing how much I wanted to play today.. I probably could have just rubbed myself against the corner of my bed or couch arm and came. Master went over my rules again today so I could get back into my daily rituals. I was reminded what I am allowed to remember and be aware of. I missed going deep for my Master. I needed it so much. Shortly after talking to Master, my husband came in to take a shower and I got down our child for a nap. I think I was casually speaking to him and offered him a blowjob. He eagerly accepted and pulled down his boxers for me. I began licking and sucking like I hadn't had his cock in years. It felt so good to obey and feel his cock in my mouth. I love being on my knees for my Master and getting any hole he chooses used. I was sucking my husbands cock so well that he was already ready to cum. He double checked that he was allowed to cum in my mouth and i told him yes and reminded him how much Master has trained me to want his cum. I sucked eagerly until my husband began to cum in my mouth. I involuntary gagged several times on his cum.. i don't think my mouth is used to the new instructions for Master yet.. but I managed to keep all the cum in my mouth and felt a deep rush of an orgasm flow through me. I felt so deep at that point. Just like I do now. I could barely move as I sat there on my knees with the cum dripping down my chin and my eyes closed. I wasn't about to swallow the cum. Because I was afraid I would gag more.. but the fact that I was able to keep it in my m9uth was a small miracle in itself. I then took a nice hot shower and brushed my teeth. Master instructed me to never remember giving my husband a blow job and to just go back to normal. I felt relaxed after my shower...but suddenly had a wave of nausea.. maybe from being so deep. I ate and felt much better. Anytime any kind of though that Master doesnt want me to know arises..it slips away so fast and leaves me feeling confused. I Felt so wet and excited all day.. my clit feels like it needs to be gently rubbed to a nice edge for my Master. He is going to let me fuck myself after this journal. And I cant wait for my orgasm. They are so much better with Masters control. I love obeying. And I feel so deep right now.. that I could almost fall asleep. I am floating on a cloud.
Xoxo the very eager , horny slave.
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definitearticle · 6 years
Public Hypnosis Scene, Annotated
This is another debrief from one of my subjects, who first shared her experiences in “Second Hangout.”  This time, her memory was really fuzzy, so I’ve gone through and added annotations in italics and indentations. Unitalicized words are copied from her account as-is.
I don’t even know where to begin this time, mostly because of where we ended up.
The trepidation and excitement that I feel right now after meeting with you.  Geezus, the attachment.  The trying to cope with what I’ve given you… I’m not sure what to do with it, or where to begin.
Do I start with the fluttering excitement I felt when you said you wanted to take me to see Incredibles 2, because, as you said, it had content relevant to your interests? I’d been missing you, and was excited about the chance to spend time with you again.
Do I say how I happy I was to see you, even as I felt awkward in standing up to hug you?
Do I start as we figured out where we were going to sit?  Or my awkwardness in realizing that I didn’t turn notifications off on my phone?
No, I think I’ll start at the moment that I handed you my phone the second time, after fixing my notifications so it didn’t make your pocket buzz every time I got a message.
The moment I surrendered control.  Again. To you.
We start and end our scenes with her giving her phone and keys to me, surrendering her means of communication and escape. Her safe word is to ask for these back, a process I have her do at the end of our encounter to assure her that she has that power.
And then it all gets fuzzy. As I try to write this now, I try to remember what happened next. You were talking to me in that low voice. Oh that low voice you use, the one where I know you’re saying something, but no matter how hard I try, I can’t… quite… make out the words.
And I wanted to touch you. But that happened even before I surrendered… the wanting to touch you.
She has a trigger from our previous suggestion wherein I count from 3 to 1 and the pleasure within her builds to an orgasm.
The numbers. Again with the numbers.  It didn’t take long before you said “three” and the arousal flooded me.  Was I speaking when that happened? We were watching the previews.  And then “two”... and of course it was more intense. Want. Want and need. The arousal that I couldn’t control.  That I didn’t want to.  And then “Shhhh”  How do you make “Shhhh” sound so sexual and commanding, anyway?  And then “one”.  
And again, without you even touching me, an orgasm shook me. In the back of a crowded theatre.  I melted into a puddle. Silent, gasping.. And sure that everyone was looking at me.
But I’m not supposed to worry about that, because you were there. And I trust you. As exciting and scary as it was, I knew I was safe with you.
Simultaneously safe… and helpless..
All my life I’ve craved control. But I didn’t know it could be… like this.
And something else happened  - was it during the previews, or the movie?  I have no idea… but you were speaking to me again.. That low deep voice, even a whisper as you said words to me I couldn’t understand. Something had shifted inside me and I surrendered to the fact that I couldn’t make out what you were saying… I knew that you’re doing something, but I stopped fighting to understand, and gave in to the fact that you were about to make things happen.
I gave her two new triggers at this point. When I squeezed her thumb, she would feel a desire to touch and caress her body. The longer I held and squeezed her thumb, the more intense the need became. When I squeezed her index finger, she would have a sudden and immediate need to have something, anything, in her mouth to suck on. As with the thumb, this compulsion would increase the longer I held and squeezed her finger. Both of these triggers would reset when I touched the palm of her hand.
I rested my head on your shoulder and held your hand.  Then I felt it.. I need to touch. I needed to caress my flesh, and yours.  I could not keep my hands away from stroking my neck, my breasts… you, your chest.
And all I could think was I want to touch. The desire was overwhelming. And then you squeezed my hand and it stopped.
How many times did you cause this during the movie?  How many?  I couldn’t keep count. But there was something you were doing with my fingers.  I remember the compulsion to have something… anything in my mouth, and my finger went in, and I was sucking my finger, imagining that it was your cock in my mouth.
Over and over you used these triggers… something with my hands.  I think it was something you did with my thumb and one of my fingers but I can’t remember which is which.  
I remember you holding my wrist. For some reason that simple act of you just grasping my wrist was such a simple demonstration of your control of me. Body and mind. I loved that.
And at one point I was touching my breasts, almost taking them out of my dress, and I swear to god it was not my hands anymore but yours. That was breaking the rules, and I knew down deep that it wasn’t your hands on my breasts, but then… it was. I felt them. You squeezing my nipple as you cupped my right breast. Your fingers. Somewhere in my head I knew they were my hands… but that thought drifted away and dissipated as I realized that maybe… no.. for sure it wasn’t. It was you.  Touching me the way I desperately want you to.
Due to previous relationship obligations, physical contact is restricted. And while I follow the rules to the letter, I can still torment her the idea of being touched by me.
And the finger sucking? Oh, that was evil.  My head was on your shoulder, cuddling, my hands in yours, and then I needed to suck. I was desperate for it and you held both of my hands tight.  I’m pretty sure I bit your shoulder out of absolute need and frustration at one point.
And every so often, almost nonchalantly, you would flash your fingers in me.. 3, 2, 1… and I’d be silently cumming while Elastigirl rode through the streets on her motorcycle… trying to catch an evil hypnotist.
She may have been looking in the wrong place,because there was one in the seat next to me.
How many times did you hold onto my hands before you provided relief for my need to suck by putting your own fingers in my mouth? I have no idea, but once I had your finger in my mouth.. then two fingers..., that was even better than my own fingers. I sucked hard…  It. Felt. So. Good to have your fingers in my mouth. To taste your flesh.  At least in this way, I could feel you inside of me.
And how is it that you smelled so good? The truth is that from the moment we met, I found your scent appealing, but this turned up the attraction to an extreme intensity. All I wanted to do was touch you and breathe your scent.  If I could have somehow climbed *into* you, I would have done it. So good.  How do you smell so amazing… so addictive?  
Answer: I suggested that she become more and more aroused by my scent.
The movie is a blur of this. Sucking your fingers, or when you denied me, mouthing and nibbling at your shoulder through your shirt in desperation. I know at one point, I wanted more than anything to touch my own pussy, and there was absolutely no discreet way to do it because I was stupid enough to wear a skirt that was entirely too long to manage without being obvious.  AARGH. The frustration of that moment.  Touching. Intoxication of being near you. Orgasms.  Edging. Over and over again.
And what I didn’t tell you but I’m sure you noticed, is that I made sure I held my breasts in a way that you could easily see what I was doing. I wanted you to see.  I wanted you to feel me. I want to be an object of your desire, especially when you’ve become such an object of mine.
And then the movie was over.  I stopped in the ladies room, and reached to check my phone out of habit, but of course it wasn’t there.  I stopped at the mirror and fussed with my hair and makeup. I could see that I looked dazed, wide-eyed, and happy. Then we went outside The light was still too bright as we walked and talked about finding a place to sit and talk for a little bit. I wasn’t entirely under trance, but everything seemed foggy… dreamlike.
We found our way to a second floor loft in a quirky boutique hotel. There was relative privacy. And as intense as I felt in the movie theater was… something shifted, and it became even more so.
This isn’t necessarily relevant to the story, but the hotel is the Ace Hotel in Portland. It’s an amazing place, and we found our way to the mezzanine, a public space tucked far enough out of the main traffic area that a mostly non-physical scene wouldn’t attract attention. If you’re ever in the area, check out the hotel; its aesthetic is everything I want in a loft apartment.
We were as alone as we’d ever been, in this loft. Music was playing from downstairs, and there was some ambient noise from the downstairs bar. Occasionally someone walked through the loft, but not often.
And the maddening thing as I write this is that I know some things happened that I don’t remember. Everything I do remember is almost hazy and dreamlike.  Mostly I remember existing in a fog of devotion and arousal.
I wanted nothing but you. Everything about you.I was desperate to obey anything you said, anything you wanted.  You had me.  You had me in your control.
I remember sitting on that couch and feeling… yes feeling you inside me. I think.  Or was I just sucking on your fingers?  I remember you holding my hands again. Did I bite your fingers from  you teasing me? Suck them harder?  
And then I realized that you were fucking me… or was that later?  All I knew is that you were inside me… but I knew it wasn’t real. At least, I know that now.
I suggested that every time I tap the top of her hand, she felt my cock sliding inside her. As with her finger triggers, this would reset and my cock would slide out of her when I touched the palm of her hand. This led to a fair amount of bouncing her hand up and down between my thumb and forefinger.
It was better than real.  Nothing existed but you and me fucking. The world disappeared.
And then my brain was being fucked. There was  just a cock in my head… and nothing existed but pleasure. I was awash in that sensation.. No world, no life, nothing except pleasure… a cock in my head, fucking me in… and out… and in.. and out. I felt nothing else.  Even as I type and edit this I’m going soft.
And my world came back, and I remember you asking me what it felt like… and words weren’t enough.  Even the words I just wrote aren’t enough… not nearly enough to explain the absolute joy and pleasure of letting go like that.  Of nothing else existing but a literal - or as literal as we can get - mindfuck.
I remember being desperate to kiss you and being unable to tell you whether or not it was against the rules. I remember I couldn’t say yes or no when you asked.. I just flailed. Rules? What rules?  What did they matter anyway? I just wanted you.
And I asked you what you were thinking about when I was sucking my fingers.. And you said something I can’t remember.  Something about finger-fucking me. You’ve since told me you were thinking thinking of having your fingers inside of me, rubbing my clit and thrumming my G-spot.  Now that’s all I’m going to think of if you do this again.
Geezus, there’s a bunch of stuff missing from the time on the balcony. I’m just going to go to the big scary thing. The beautiful scary thing.
I think I asked you what would happen if we were alone, or what you would want to do. You said you’d claim me and make me feel fucked… but that I’d have to bargain for it.
And you asked if I wanted you to show me.
Of course I did.  Of course I wanted you to show me. Because I have terrible judgement. I couldn’t say no. I wanted to to know how you would do it.
You dropped me into a place where you were about to hypnotically fuck me. I was incredibly desperate… completely frantic in my need to be fucked. I could still smell you. I’d been sucking your fingers all night. I was starving... for you.
Somewhere in the logical corner of my brain I recognized that we were both clothed, and you were sitting on a stool across from me.
But no.. no you weren’t. You were edging me… your cock about to push into me. Teasing my labia. And I was whimpering and begging.  Please. You asked me what I would give you and I had the poor judgement to ask you what you wanted.
“Your memories” you said.  You wanted to control my memories.
And my head was spinning. What did I need to remember. Every bad experience I’d ever had flashed through my brain. The Big Bad Thing showed up, and I thought about letting that go.. Surrendering that. Besides a tiny voice in my head said,  I trusted you, didn’t I?  You’d give them back. You were just showing me what you would do if you could.
I told her that she had to physically give her offering to me every time. I would stick out my index finger about six inches away from her face, and she had to lean forward and touch her tongue to my finger to seal the transaction.
And then they were gone. And I knew nothing. And you asked me or told me about when when we met fifteen years ago. Yes, I knew it. We’d known each other for fifteen years. I remembered the story, even.  We met in the huge bookstore.. The one were only a few blocks from now. It was that time that I was buying Christmas presents, and we talked in the coffee shop.  I remembered the whole story… and how you’d been meeting me and hypnotizing me every so often for all these years.
We met two months ago. Obviously this was me exercising control over her memories, using surprisingly little by way of providing actual memories. She is incredibly creative.
So you entered me more… and stopped… and I begged again. I was intoxicated with you… obsessed.  Please… Sir… please.. Just please…
And you took my fear. You. Controlled. My. Fear.  And for the first time in decades I wasn’t afraid.  Of anything.
Do you remember our conversation a few weeks ago? When I was meeting someone from the last munch and you told me to be cautious but not afraid?  And I told you that I’m afraid of everything?  
I have been afraid every day of my life for two decades.  I wasn’t surrendering anything I treasured. You wanted my fear? Easily yours.
Sir… you were freeing me. The weight in my chest that hurts me every day of my life was gone.
I was fearless. I could do anything. Would do anything. I feared nothing. Fuck yes. Take my fear. Fucking keep it.
And I wanted to cum.  And I was begging you again. And you said you wanted my will in exchange. My ability to make my own choices.
And of course, I had no fear of giving up my will.  So I surrendered that to you, too.  Because why not? I wasn’t scared.
And I wanted to cum.  I just wanted to fucking cum.
And then, you didn’t ask me to surrender my name. You.. just… took it. And when you told me you were taking it because you had control of my will, the only thing I felt was a flood of arousal.
She mixed up these last two. She freely gave me her name (or as freely as someone desperate to orgasm can be) before she gave her will. But the description of how I took her name was exactly how the next action happened.
You. Had. Me.  I was absolutely under your control.  Blissfully helpless.
And you took my senses.
I saw only what you told me I saw. Only felt what you told me to feel. I was a cunt being fucked, and a pair of eyes… and all I could see was your eyes.
And I don’t remember… some things here. There was darkness, I think? I wish I could remember. It’s killing me right now that I don’t remember.
I removed all senses from her and let her marinate in her internal feelings of lust, arousal, and submission. And then, in that state for what must have seemed like an eternity, I commanded her to cum.
I remember cumming. Hard. With everything in me. I wasn’t feeling an orgasm… I was an orgasm.  I was shattered all over the place in absolute bliss.
I was nothing but that sensation.
I almost called you “Master” which is a word I just don’t use.  I think I may have actually said it. I remember this, and it shocks me.
And then you returned everything to me… sort of. You reminded me that I had surrendered them to  you, and that they were still yours.  That those parts of me belonged to you.
And the realization hit me.  Oh, no… ohgod...What have I done?  I’ve given you so much. You have control of so much.
You said “You realize you’re fucked, don’t you?”
I nodded.  I knew. Oh did I know.  
I still know.  I’m fucked.
And it’s the most arousing thing I can imagine. Even now as I write this, I know that I want to be in a room with you so you can take it all over again.
That’s how fucked I am.
And it was time to go… long past time to go and we both knew it. And I wanted to say something to you, but I wanted my phone and keys back first.
And I was trembling. I don’t know if you could see it, but I felt it as I said it out loud.
“You have a lot of power now. You could destroy me.  Please.  Don’t hurt me.”
“I won’t.”
I believe you, Sir.
Once again, please let me know what you think!
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focusandrelaxforme · 10 months
Documenting My Subject's Hypno Slavery Journey (The End)
As someone once said, all good things must come to an end. After the last post, KittySub and I had a long discussion on her goals and how we each felt about them. Gradually, we've come to the understanding that her long term goals are not compatible with my long term goals, and to continue to go forward knowing that would lead to even more heartbreak in the future.
With that in mind, we have mutually decided to end this dynamic and therefore this journey. We do so amicably, with no ill will towards one another. KittySub was an incredible Slave, and I do not want to understate how amazing she has been for this entire dynamic. I wish her the best moving forward, and truly hope with all my heart she finds the happiness that she's looking for.
To everybody who has been following our journey up to now, I was to give a sincere thanks. The feedback and support you have all given has been overwhelming and I am grateful for it. While this is the end of our time together, I hope that some of you can continue to use our journey here as an opportunity to learn.
Once again, to our readers, and especially to KittySub; thank you, and goodbye.
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focusandrelaxforme · 10 months
Documenting My Subject's Hypno Slavery Journey (Part 12)
Apologies for the long delay between entries. Life has thrown a few curveballs in the last couple of weeks that has significantly impacted both my ability to edit and post these entries as well as my ability to do more than just maintain KittySub's conditioning. Hopefully, things will improve in the coming days/weeks.
For this entry, which was actually written a couple of weeks ago, I asked her to write on the progress she's made since we've started and how she feels on it.
Today, I had her write up what her goals are with the hypnosis/training/conditioning. My current plans are to give her the same directions while she's under and compare them. Depending how that turns out, I may post that/those list(s) next.
Thank you everyone for your patience in the very erratic release of these entries, and for everyone still following us after all this time, know that you inspire to keep going, and that we will keep making these as long as you guys are interested.
Dear diary,
Today Master would like me to write about my progress of becoming his slave. I feel like I have come so far in such a short amount of time. At the same time, time seems to be flying at an unnatural rate. I have been talking to Master for around 22 or so days now.. and it feels like its only been a week. I have grown to trust him so much that I don't even question most of my instructions. I do have some small hiccups when it comes to public humiliation or doing things in front of my husband/baby.. but otherwise I do things now with zero hesitation. I have even managed to workout everyday for Master, besides a free day I was given for a family event. I feel like I go deeper and now without even noticing...and I am able to blank things out more that I didn't used to be able to. I also forget things now.. at least I think I do. Master allows me to play a few times a week while I read my journal entries and every time I read them. It feels like the first time I am reading. Sometimes I will remember bits and pieces, but I don't remember actually writing the journal or doing some of the tasks I have written.. it is such a weird feeling for me. Almost as though I am reading another persons journals. Also, when I write everything that comes out seems so random and I am not allowed to reread while I write, so I just hope I don't repeat myself a lot. every time I read my journals later, they seem so much more put together than I expect. Isn't that strange. I feel happier and healthier each day that I progress further into being Masters slave. Working out is so tough...and some days I really struggle, but after each workout I feel so thankful that Master has pushed me to do them.
He even helped me make a workout calendar to follow for myself and encourages me to eat healthier everyday. I am not perfect at that... but I still feel like I make better choices for most meals then I did before. My anxieties and depression have also improved. I would say most days I am able to enjoy more. I am very happy with my Master and love the journey we are on together. I appreciate everything he has already done for me...and I know we will continue to be great. I even feel like my husband has been happier with me since I have been able to offer myself to him more. He hasn't used me as much as I thought he would, but I think he likes having the option... and it makes me excited to know I am doing it for Master. I even find myself laying in bed at night craving cum in my mouth, even though the taste really isn't great and I still gag a bit. I was finally able to swallow my husband cum completely and not spill a drop a few days ago. I honestly felt so proud. That's a weird thing to be proud about, but i felt so hot knowing that i swallowed every drop of cum that Master wanted me to take. I love knowing that Master has complete control and that I can ask him for help on anything. I am a lucky slave to get to be his...and am happy I get to keep going. I want to be the best slave I can be. i want to impress everyone... including myself. My husband keeps looking over at me currently as I write this journal with my dildo gag in. Drool is pouring out of my mouth at this point and it's making my pussy exceedingly wet around the dildo inside it. Master said I am allowed to fuck my mouth with the dildo after this and cum. I love gagging on cock for my Master and I love being his sucking slave. It is humiliating to know that I am doing all of this when my husband is in the room, but I cant help myself. I cant say no to my Master and that is exactly the way we both like it. Thank you Master
The cutest sucking slave ever,
Slave KittySub
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focusandrelaxforme · 11 months
Documenting My Subject's Hypno Slavery Journey (Part 10)
- More than a few of you dear readers have expressed an interest in KittySub’s marriage and just how that fits into our arraignment, so I had her write up something that explains their dynamic.
- While I have no problems with her seeing others in the future, I do have my concerns about securing her safety during any potential meet-ups, so that’s something to further discuss and explore down the line.
- At this point, most if not all sexual interactions between her husband and her are happening with my approval and guidance. As stated previously, I’m having her focus more on oral pleasures as a way to ensure that the idea of service is first and foremost. This includes being able to cum only if her mouth is filled. 
- Hypnosis-wise, this is manifesting as a craving to have a cock in her mouth (real or otherwise) at all times, so I expect that she’ll get more and more use out of that dildo gag of hers. Our primary roadblock here seems to be her aversion to swallowing cum, which I’m currently training her to crave more and more. Even vaginal sex should end with cum in her mouth.
- That said, being forced to feel pleasure at something that makes her gag does have its own benefits when it comes to training, as it reinforces her submission and feeling of being controlled.
Dear Diary,
Master has asked me to write about my husband today so people can know more about our arrangement.  My husband and I have been married for almost 5 years and have known each other for over 11.  A few years into our relationship, my sister and I discovered the online game second life, and I started talking to people on it.  I was able to explore my submissive side more. After that my husband and I tried to explore it together irl. We discovered soon after that we weren't compatible as Dom and sub, but we did find out that my husband has a big kink for me speaking to others.   He loves knowing that other people want to do things to me. After our discovery, my husband allowed me to post an add on craigslist looking for an online Dominant. I was soon flooded with inbox messages and easily found someone to experiment with. I spoke to this person for a couple months before my husband suggested I meet him in person. My in person meet was terrifying. I met the Dom in a restaurant parking lot in the middle of the day, so I was safe. When his car pulled up, I got out to meet him and he instantly grabbed a fist full of my hair and pulled me to his car. Then he pushed me into the passenger side and shut the door behind me. We sat in the parking lot in his car and spoke for a long time.. while he watched for people walking by. We had an innocent chat. But every so often he would reach over and slap my breasts or my face. And he choked me a bit and put his fingers into my mouth to test my gag reflex. It all sounds weird coming out now, but it was very hot at the time.  He would ask me basic questions and then just hit me out of nowhere or he would reach down into my pants and rub my clit. I must have came 10 or more times in his car that day, and soaked his seat...Oof. After a while he asked me if I would want to go for a walk with him in a park down the road. I accepted and he walked me back to my car, then I proceeded to follow him to the park in my car. When we got to the park, we walked on the trail, into a wooded area.   He surprised me by pulling me to a tree and telling me to get on my knees.  He then proceeded to fuck my mouth until I gagged multiple times. I was so excited that I was practically cumming from his cock in my throat. He then had me bend over and pulled my pants down and slid himself into me. He fucked me for a few minutes until we saw a car pull up on a road nearby and we scrambled to hide ourselves.  After that he decided to finish in my mouth, right down my throat.  I loved it! I was in subspace heaven after all the impact, gagging and cumming, then he walked me back to my car and sent me on my way home. This is where the date went bad.  It was at this point that I came crashing down emotionally and called my husband in a panic.  He knew I was there, but it was so weird knowing he had just let me see another man. I repeatedly apologized and cried as I drove home. He calmed me and told me how happy he was.  And I told him all about my meet and when I got home ai was still soaking wet.   He was so excited that he fucked me right on the floor of our living room when I got home. He loved every minute... and so did I. Since then, I have met with several more people, and learned the dos and don'ts of BDSM. I also learned the proper aftercare is a thing that I deserve. I have many other crazy stories that I could tell, but I think I've gotten my point across.  My husband and I have a pretty open arrangement.  I meet people or speak to them online, and he gets to fuck me with little to no foreplay, and we are both pretty happy. Sometimes I give him details and sometimes I don't. Its really up to him. Over the years we have explored more with Doms giving us both instructions, and we also had a threesome once with one of my exes.  He enjoyed that a lot! It was very humiliating for me, and scary to be so open for 2 people at once.  Anyway...I am writing this whole journal with my dildo gag pressed into my mouth and drool dripping down my chin and into my cleavage.   .. I also have my dildo inside me per Masters instructions.  Master said that maybe sometime in the future, i could practice my oral skills on another man. I expressed my feelings of wanting to be able to deep throat better, so he told me that he might only let me cum with my mouth full. This morning I had to get ready for work with my gag in. it was so humiliating and I prayed that my husband wouldn't wake as I walked around the house drooling and casually gagging while I got dressed.  While he is aware of some of the things I do... that doesn't stop him from judging me at times. I am not quite sure he believes in hypno too. .  I'm sure soon he will start to believe more... especially if I have to wear this gag more.    It’s so embarrassing to wear. Why does my pussy get so soaked while wearing it though; it doesn't make sense. Anyway I will leave you with that!
Sincerely, Masters very drooly slave..
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focusandrelaxforme · 11 months
Documenting My Subject's Hypno Slavery Journey (Part 9)
- Today's entry is more back to basics with KittySub's conditioning and training. Here, she is being trained to become accustomed to being used.
- I think I'm going to focus more on her regularly giving blowjobs with the idea of having her associate giving pleasure with feeling good and being obedient.
- Her journey going deeper and deeper for me is going well. Each time she goes under faster and deeper as her mind becomes more accustomed to being deeply hypnotized and obedient.
- As always, we very much appreciate any and all feedback from everyone. The responses so far have been wonderful and encouraging. Please feel free to comment with any questions or suggestions either on this post or in my DMs and I'll do my best to respond to you promptly.
Dear Diary,
Master made some time for me tonight to have a small hypno session. I needed it after a long day of stressing out. He has instracted me to go very deep for him..and to stay that way till I wake in the morning. He gave me new orders/rules to complete each day. Every day, I must ask my husband if he would like a blowjob. I must then explain to him that I am deeply enslaved and trained to forget about each blowjob so he can use my mouth and breasts guilt free. I am also suppose to tell him that Master has conditioned me to to love swallowing his cum... so he can cum in my mouth whenever he would like. Master then told me I will cum anytime my husband cum in my mouth and that it will get stronger each time. Master made me repeat everything a few times and it just writing it all is making my pussy ache. It feels so wet. Master also had me slide my dildo in before giving me my new instructions and told me not to know it was there. Everytime Master hypnotizes me. I feel myself dropping deeper everytime.. each time becoming deeper even faster. I drop so quickly.. and all my thoughts just fade.. i love it so much. I crave it. It feels like it has been days and I needed it so much.. i need to give over the control. And sometimes I think my brain just needs the deep reminder that I am owned and enslaved by my Master. Even while I am not in trance, I find myself acting differently towards my Master. When he asks me a question, I can not stop myself from answering in detail and telling the complete truth. Each morning I am also waking up so energized and have the weirdest feeling that I am doing everything perfectly. I question whether I am crazy each day or if it's the hypno. It's just a weird feeling.. I have never expereinced this level of hypnosis. It is almost scary how deep I go for him..and how enslaved I feel . But I love it. I need to obey..and to be his. I will make this journal short and sweet tonight.
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focusandrelaxforme · 11 months
Documenting My Subject's Hypno Slavery Journey (Part 8)
- After her subdrop, we took things easy for a bit before getting back into it. Add to that her incoming trip, and just general busyness, and finding time for proper sessions has been difficult.
- That said, my plan is to come up with a more structured approach that will effectively leave her with instructions and guidance even when I can't interact with her directly in the moment.
- Part of that is having her be more available to her husband, so that she gets the feeling of being used.
Dear Diary,
I feel like I haven't wrote in so long...but in reality its only been a day.. Not a lot has happened since my last entry. I suffered from a bit of a rough sub drop and Master let me take the day to recover. He offered to give me a bit more freedom, but I declined. That makes me feel a bit empty. He was very easy on me...except my "rest" day still involved a 10 min killer ab workout haha. But don't tell him.. I really don't mind.. i crave the control. I need to be under his control...and I desperately need to obey. The last couple days Master has been busy with work and the holiday. And I'm sure he is very tired. So I have found myself alone a lot. Which really only makes me realize how much I crave the control. I really need to find myself a hobby to do when he is busy.. or something he can assign to me. Ill have to think about that. Is it weird that I've grown to miss someone that I've only known for a week? I don't want to be seen as a crazy person. I just got used to him being there I guess. Thankfully he has still been in and out to give me little instructions...which has helped keep.me in check. He instructed me to go deep to do this journal and omg am I going deep right now. Sooo deep. I haven't been this deep in a few days and woah. Spinny!
Anyway.. idk what I am even talking about at this point. Master has promised me that he would help me deal with my anxiety and insecurities. Its embarrassing to admit that I even have the. O want to come across as a sexy confident slave...but with him i melt. And no Master, not like the creepy Indiana jones gif you sent me.
On Sunday we spent all day being sarcastic and fun. I genuinely enjoy my conversations with him...and i hope he feels the same. He has a great sense of humor...and makes me laugh like an idiot at my phone a lot. On Monday I woke up feeling relaxed...and upon putting in my lush for the day, I started to go deep. Maybe it's my lush causing it now? Is that a trigger? Anyway.. i found myself filled with energy and feeling so sassy and confident. I almost feel like I cant mess anything up...like I couldn't make a mistake if I tried. Its weird.. like I felt perfect. It lasted for a few hours at work again like Saturday.. where I was able to be high functioning while also being a deep slave for Master. Something caused me to fall out if it though after a some time. I started to get anxiety and then I was back aware. I was sad to not be happy and deep anymore. Being deep feels so nice. I feel like a happy, calm person . And i feel like my whole body is on edge and just waiting for my Masters next message. I enjoy it.. i have never had these experiences before.
Master has changed my lush instructions a bit to be a little bit safer for my body...just in case. So now I only wear it in the morning until lunch and then sometimes for a little bit at nigh for my workout. Maybe because its a trigger who knows. Well...except him. He knows everything haha.
Today he was at a forth of July party so I was home a lot alone.. but he gave me instructions to be a good slave and show my husband how much freedom. He gets for the 4th. I was to practice my obedience by telling him how deeply enslaved I am and by offering him my mouth all day. He surprisingly only took advantage of it once...and oh my.. was I deep. Master instructed me to forget about it.. but I fully remember now. i laid down my baby for a nap and then went and crawled into bed with him. He snuggled up ne t to my butt..as he always does.. and I shyly whispered that I was enslaved... in hopes he wouldn't judge me.. and then asked if he would like a blow job. He said he was alright at first...because he was half asleep.. but then about 20 mins later he woke me for it. i don't even know what came over me.. I love sucking cock normally...but I reallllly loved it today. I found my pussy aching around my lush as I licked repeatedly up and down my husbands cock and balls. He was moaning and telling me how great it felt. And I kept teasing him with mg tongue and then I would take his cock in my mouth and press it deep... i would fuck my face slowly and then quickly until i gagged on his cock.. then I would go back to licking. This went on for probably 25 mins.. and I couldn't get enough. I just felt hungry . I wanted to be so obedient for my Master.. My husband reached over and pulled down my PJs at one point and found my lush pressed into my pussy. He was a little shocked i think...and rubbed my pussy a little. It felt nice...but no where near as nice as when I was slamming his cock into my mouth for my Master. I could have cum from just that.. but I didn't ask when Master gave me the instructions.. so I was good and just let myself get to the edge. My husband finally came after I started moaning a little and whining.. i couldn't really speak...because I was so deep and into the blowjob.. he stroked his cock for me while I licked his balls and he came on top his stomach. Then I just zoned out and laid on the bed for a few minutes until i was a real person again. Then I found myself happy and bubbly for a while until my anxiety and insecurities settled back in again. I then convinced my husband to take me to get food...and I cried in the car.. not because of Master...but because of my trip coming up. I'm so stressed. How does one accept that their Mother has died.. when you lived in another state and hadn't spoken to her in months.
I don't want to be depressing and I have already filled a whole notepad at this point. Woah.
Umm anyway. I freaking miss my Master.. and I hate it. Why do I miss him. Quit being cute. (But really don't please)
Haha. Anyway ..im watching your comments! Feel free to say hi Xoxo I wrote way too much..
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focusandrelaxforme · 11 months
Documenting My Subject's Hypno Slavery Journey (Part 7)
First, I'd like to apologize for the long delay. For anyone still interested and following, we're still doing these. Work has picked up for me, so finding time to sit down and post these can prove a bit difficult. In addition, KittySub has a trip coming up, and while we'll be continuing while she's away, expect either shorter entries or slight delays.
Some notes:
The tone in this one is a bit different from usual. After going incredibly deep the night before, KittySub experienced a fairly severe sub drop after waking up in the morning.
After making sure that she was okay, I asked her if she'd like to write out her thoughts on what happened and how she felt. Like every other entry, she was deep in trance while writing this. The only difference was that she was given an option on whether she wanted to write and share this with everyone.
For those who are here for the more explicit entries or to hear about KittySub being hypnotized, this entry is much more about her thoughts and feelings on everything that is happening. I thought it was important to share the realities of working with a sub, and how important it can be to acknowledge and help tend to their feelings.
As I've mentioned before, KittySub has her own life and responsibilities, and my goal here is to integrate what we're doing with her life in a way that does not disrupt it too much.
I appreciate all the support and feedback, even the ones I don't personally agree with. I think that everyone has their own methodology, logic and style, and there's nothing wrong with differences there.
Dear Diary,
Today I woke up feeling sluggish and sore. Yesterday was the hardest day i have had with Master. I feel sore from my toes to my head.. my brain is fuzzy and i don't remember yesterday in great detail. Its an odd experience. This morning I discussed my concerns with Master about our first week together. I told him about how sometimes he sounds cold when he posts about me online.. like I am his test subject that he is doing experiments on.. or like he pities me for not loving my body and wants to help. I know he doesnt feel that way.. but my brain says otherwise when I read his wording before each of my journal entries. This is such a challenging relationship ..because there is a delicate balance when you are Master and slave. I read some comments from previous posts.. and there was one that stuck out to me the most... he talked about how he would treat his slaves if he had one.. and about how my Master should be concerned that I have a phone addiction...and he should take away all my social media.. and that just seems mean to me.. it shows that he has absolutely no feelings for his slave.. he wants to cut her off from everything and she must worship him forever.. If you are going into a relationship like this.. especially long distance.. and you don't trust your slave enough to allow her to have contact with friends and family.. then you are trash. I know my Master is much kinder than he.. and that he cares for me. I struggle with going deeper and surrendering all of my self to him...because my brain is constantly wondering what will happen in the future. I am scared.. what if I am a whole new person...and then we end things...and i just feel empty after years of having direction and someone there. I tend to overthink a lot.. its a curse. I hate it.. i wish I was someone who just lived day to day.. but there is always a what if for me.
I am going to try to be better about embracing each day..and just trying me hardest to let go of my worries.
I expressed my feelings to Master this morning and he told me not to be concerned with the way he writes...and that is just the way he was taught. And he gave me the option of having a free day with no orders.. but i didn't want that. I need to be a slave.. i finally feel like i have found a good balance of regular life and being a slave. I just want to keep going and see where this leads. I worry I will fall in love...or grow too deeply infatuated with my Master and he will not feel the same.. or will decide he wants someone closer or different. I hate feeling this way. Why do I do this to myself. I hope I don't have to reread this journal. Can we just lock it away and not talk about it. I feel vulnerable and raw for my Master.. and deeper than I have in a long time. It is hard to let people in when you've been damaged.. Don't break me please.. i know you won't intentionally.. I've said entirely too much... I am going to relax now...and let my emotions go for now.. if only I could get my feel to stop hurting too
Xoxo Slave
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focusandrelaxforme · 11 months
Documenting My Subject's Hypno Slavery Journey (Part 6)
Welcome back to this ongoing experiment.
If you're just joining us, this is an ongoing record of my subject's journey through hypnotic slavery.
Feel free to peruse all the posts leading up to this point.
As usual, a few thoughts/notes/comments from me, and then to the far more interesting part.
This entry is a bit of a change of pace for us. Kittysub was available for a much longer period of time than usual, so I took the opportunity to see how deep I could get her. Over the course of hours starting when she left for a short work day and continuing when she got home, I guided her down further and further until she was basically, as she describes it, mush.
As I was preoccupied for much of this time, I left her relatively functional, able to act independently even while sinking deeper into trance.
As she got deeper and deeper, she became less and less independently functioning. At some point, if she wasn't given direct instructions, she would just sit there and do nothing but go even deeper.
This also left her obedient to an unbelievable degree, following any instruction without hesitation or thought. That said, apparently having her workout in a trance was a step too far. While she didn't come out of trance, the effort needed and the difficulty of that particular workout did lessen her depth of trance considerably.
Now for the star of the show herself:
Dear Diary,
It has been a long day today.. of going deep for my Master. I went to work and took a break from my lush for Master so that my pussy could have a break. I am thankful it had some time to relax but I felt a little empty without it. Master had me practice going deep today while still functioning with the people around me and them not noticing. I was able to do really well. It is odd to know that I am able to feel so deeply obedient and enslaved while casually talking to friends and coworkers. Master had me update him all day on how deep I was going for him. Whenever I replied to his messages I felt like a different person than the one talking to my coworkers. Like half of me was left with him while I went about my day. I felt almost robotic every morning this week from the hypnotism. Everything just happened naturally without thought. When I got home From work Master had me relaxing even more. I got the deepest I have gotten with him just through text. I didn't have any feelings or thoughts.. i just existed to please my Master.. And I carefully read and followed any instructions given to me. I was told to insert my dildo for him again.. only thins time I really couldn't feel it. It was like my body was separate from my mind the whole time. Its such a weird feeling to be that way. I am still questioning what has and hasn't happened. The whole morning I was wet and I couldn't figure out what had caused me to be so wet.. was it just obeying, or had Master told me something that I had forgot about.
My brain feels like mush now as I lay here typing this journal entry with my dildo inside me and my clit vibe resting on my clit. I have been laying here for probably around 15 mins.. going deeper into trance with all the pleasure. If my words don't make sense tonight.. i blame it on the dildo. Even though at the moment I once again feel separated from my body. Master called me on the phone before I started writing this.. and the vibration of his voice instantly send a shock to my clit.. it is so weird.. how have I grown so attached to a sound.. this is only our third phone call. Master also convinced me to workout today for the 6th day in a row.. i had no interest in doing so.. but he somehow convinced me that exercise is pleasurable and I will enjoy it much more than an orgasm. I feel almost tricked by my own brain. After my workout I felt almost betrayed by myself lol. But I am happy it is done and I feel accomplished. I'm rambling now.. I'm sorry lol. I'm going to go now...and maybe earn an orgasm? Who knows.. or maybe workout? Idk. I never know lol
Xoxo The very confused slave.
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focusandrelaxforme · 1 year
Documenting My Subject's Hypno Slavery Journey (Part 1)
So I've started working with a new subject recently by the name of KittySub, and after a couple of days of submission and obedience training, we had the idea of documenting her progress for both us and everyone else to see.
Just a few notes:
- All entries are written by her with no input from me. The only alterations I'll make are for typos or if she writes anything that may need to be taken out or edited for safety reasons.
- All entries are written by her while she's in a trance. While in this trance, she has access to all the memories of everything we've done, even the stuff that she normally wouldn't remember while out of trance.
- This will be an ever evolving work. I've never documented the progress of a subject like this, so there will probably be changes to the way it's done over time.
- Constructive feedback is welcome. Any harassment or negativity will be ignored.
Alright, with that out of the way, here is a short introduction from KittySub herself.
Hello, my name is KittySub and I am writing this to document my journey into becoming a deeply hypnotized slave for my Master. I have decided to write a series of diary entries to remember my growth as a hypno slave. My deep purpose is to become so deep and obedient for my Master. I would love to be the most obedient slave he has ever had. I want to explore every kink he has in mind for me..while also becoming better as a person. My Master has a plan to help me become healthier..while also turning me into a perfect obedient cumslut slave for him.
Please enjoy these entries and feel free to comment your experiences or ideas for my Master to enjoy. I'm sure ideas to make me more obedient will always be welcomed.
Xoxo My Masters deeply hypnotized slave
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focusandrelaxforme · 10 months
Documenting My Subject's Hypno Slavery Journey (Part 13)
This entry is going to be a bit different from the usual. As stated in the last entry, I asked KittySub to write what her goals were with her submission and hypnosis.
There are two parts to this. In the first, KittySub was fully awake and gave serious time and thought to what she wanted. In the second, KittySun was taken deep into trance and made completely mindless before being given the same instructions.
The difference between the two is fascinating. Even aside from the contents, the difference in formatting and style of writing is noticeable. To preserve these differences, I've done no editing on either entry.
Personally, I did this because the first list left me with some questions as to whether these were her goals because they were things she wanted, or whether they were things she thought I wanted.
As always, any and all feedback is greatly appreciated.
Awake and Alert:
Goals Fitness/ health:
To be considered healthy at the doctors office..and to not be embarrassed by the scale.
To be able to do my workout videos with less struggle and not have to do the easier versions of exercises. Example: proper push ups
To have a balanced diet. To be able to eat a moderate amount of junk food and not feel guilty or eat too much. Also to find new healthy recipes to try.
To fit into average sized clothes..like medium and large.
Submissive goals:
To be completely obedient to you and not hesistate when given instructions. To trust that you have my best interest at heart.
To be able to talk freely and not feel embarrassed to ask things or feel like you will leave. To make you feel comfortable with me as well .
To remember all my protocols well and not forget things.
To be able to swallow cum without hesistation. And to be able give a really good blowjob and to make a man cum directly down my throat without gagging.
To be completely owned and collared by you.. if you want me.
To be lent out to others you approve of.
To keep up with our reddit blog.
To forget anything you have put inside me is there. Including my dildo.
To never hesistate to give a blowjob if asked by my husband or you. Sometimes I frown at him a bit
To always want my holes filled for you. To be desperate and needy to play for you whenever. To be happy with just edging.. and not necessarily need an orgasm.
Wife/Mom goals:
To keep the house relatively clean.
To cook more.
To do more art work/ projects for selfcare.
In Trance and Mindless:
my goals for training and conditioning
be completely obedient..with no hesitation feel completely owned..and have no control or any way you talk myself out of doing something to be the best at giving blowjobs and to willingly take any cum down my throat. to never gag. and to deep throat well to never know when there's a toy in me to go deep quickly and seamlessly for my Master to keep Masters as my own..and not have to look for another Master again to never disappoint Master. I don't like it when he is mad..it makes me upset.. and depressed. to be a healthy slave. to be able to sit in any position needed by me for however loving it is asked of me. to be able to complete all basically exercises with no help. to be collared to be treated well as a slave and feel like I am a good girl to be able to take large c9cks in any hole without hesitation. a good slave should be wet and ready whenever her Master needs her to be. to be able to edge and cum whoever asked on command. I want to be a needy horny slave for my Master at all times. to always eat healthy and not even crave sweets. and only have the occasional naughty dessert. to cum from intense workouts. to have more voice trances with my Master.. I miss his voice vibrating in my head. to keep up with Masters dark humor. to fit into any outfit I want to wear.. even super slutty ones or bikinis. to feel more confident and smart at work..and to be able to tell rude people to go fuck themselves..in a professional way.
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focusandrelaxforme · 11 months
Documenting My Subject's Hypno Slavery Journey (Part 5)
Some notes:
- At the end of today's entry, I had KittySub talk about what her long-term goals and wants are. For me, personally, I'm primarily focused on a few things in the intermediate; first is her health. Keeping her motivated and adhering to her diet and exercise regiment is not only going to help her by keeping her physically healthy, but should also have knock on mental health benefits as well. Secondly, improving the depth and quality of her trances. Unfortunately, the last couple days, and the next few days are difficult in terms of finding enough time to do this. My plan is for some fractionation, probably intermixed with some progressive relaxation, but these do take time that we don't always have. Regardless, we shall soldier forward and continue to make her the best slave she can be, both in mind and body.
Anyways, that's enough from me. Here's the part you're all really here for:
Dear Diary,
Today started out like every day this week.. I woke up with my pussy feeling empty and aching. I instantly rolled over and slid my lush back inside me and messaged my Master good morning. He had more plans for me than usual though. Usually I find myself scrambling all over before work, but I found myself with a bit extra time. Master took advantage of that. Using the time to put me under and train my mind more for him . I have to tell him exactly how deep I am when he outs me to sleep .and I must sleep instantly...even if it is mid conversation. He also decided today he would show me how obedient I have become. He instructed me to removed my lush and slide in my dildo. He then convinced me that wearing a dildo would be perfectly fine for the day...and I wouldn't feel it at all...and he repeatedly told me how good it is to obey.. and I felt myself craving the dildo inside me...and thinking how good it feels to be even more filled for him. But deep in the back of my brain.. my inner kittysub was screaming.. omg no.. haha. Could you imagine walking all day with a large dildo pressed inside you. I am starting to think i need to add to my growing dildo collection before I have this large dildo pressed inside me at work. Is that a health risk Master? I don't know . But I do know Master cares greatly for my health.
Anyway.. back to my story, thankfully after fully convincing me that I would be the most obedient slave to ever exist.. cough. Lol.. and I would wear my dildo all day for him.. he sweetly told me to go remove it and put my lush back in. .but not without giving me a nice fucking and orgasm with my dildo. Mmm.. that is such a nice way to start your day!
Then I was settled in at work later this morning.. I was having anxiety and thoughts about an upcoming trip I have...where I will be forced to do a lot of tough adulting.. I informed Master about my trip and told him I would have 4 days around family.. so we might need to be creative. Then I proceeded to ask if a lush could go through airport security. Oh my was that a mistake. Hehe. Master gave me lots of other options for my plane trip.. my dildo pressed inside me, an anal plug, a dildo gag under a mask.. or a combination of all 3. What nice choices. I started to panic a bit. He sounded quite serious. Its hard to read my Masters humor though. Was/ is he joking?? I really must research smaller dildos. Can they see dildos on the x-ray? 😳😳 I realized I might cry from the public humiliation of having a dildo pressed inside me through security. Master then calmed me.. telling me how great it would feel to obey.. and what a good slave I am.. and how much pleasure I would get if I just obey. He told me I would be soo happy to obey.. and instantly turned into a puddle in his hands. Master is making me want to worship him. What has this slave got herself into.. and why does it excite me so much to be such a good girl.
I am really enjoyed our lovely conversations too.. not just the dirty aspects of our relationship. I can sense Masters care towards me...even though he doesn't always show his affection. I know he wouldn't wish anything bad on me.
He's asked me to talk about my long term goals.. and quite honestly.. they are mostly just to feel confident in my own skin. Just being his slave and knowing i have someone looking out for me has helped me greatly. I already feel more confident. But I look forward to being able to buy some smaller clothes, feel relaxed in stores and public places.. and I want to be treated better by people.. and I would love to tell my family to kiss my butt. Haha. That's terrible. But true.
Another long term goal I have . Is that I have always wanted to be collared. I know to some..it doesn't mean much .but to me it seems so exciting and like you have found a connection. Yes I am married...but I am poly.. is it bad to want that? I just want to be able to look down or touch myself and feel like I am owned fully and wanted. Its stupid probably. But a goal nonetheless. Anyway.. I'm sure I've said entirely too much now. I feel as though I have no filter when I write these diary entries. I have to be so honest and vulnerable. Its scary yet so rewarding to be my Masters slave.
Master's sometimes sassy...but really a good girl...slave 🙂
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focusandrelaxforme · 1 year
Documenting My Subject's Hypno Slavery Journey (Part 4)
And so the training continues. A few notes before we get to the entry:
- A few of you have asked if I have a guide or something I'm using to train her. The answer is no. For the most part, I'm improvising. I do have a general idea of what I want to accomplish. Aside from the obedience/submission, she's expressed a desire to get healthier, so I've started her on an exercise regiment, carefully monitoring her so she doesn't overdo it.
- This entry includes a sexual encounter with her husband. Part of that encounter involves testing her ability to stay blank and mindless while carrying out orders. This also includes waking up with no memory or awareness of what happened. As such, I've had her write a small addendum about her reaction to reading about what she did with her husband but has no memory of.
- This training of her obedience when it comes to memory and awareness is a particular interest of mine, so will likely continue in various ways as we continue this.
- As always, your feedback and support are greatly appreciated.
Enough of me, here's the lady herself.
Dear Diary.
Today was the first day since talking to Master that I have had to go to work. I woke up st 6:30 and instantly felt my pussy aching from emptiness. I reached over and grabbed my lush off my nightstand and slowly pressed the toy back into my needy, obedient pussy until I felt sufficiently full again for my Master. Ahh.. much better. Why does it feel so good to be full. I then had to get ready for my day and head to work. I spent most of my day forgetting that I had my lush inside me.. the only time I thought of it was when I had thoughts of my Master playing with me.
We didn't get to talk much today, but my Master is so thoughtful and checks in with me all day. I have never felt so cared for as a slave.
Then I came home for a bit and went to a therapy session. Isn't it crazy that I spend all day with a lush pressed in me, and no one knows.. How dirty. I love being able to be a good girl to everyone.. but so unbelievely dirty inside. Master is bringing it out so well. I am curious to see how it will feel when master finally tuens on the toy for me. Will I feel it?
Tonight after I worked out (with my lush still in!) and took my shower, Master was home and ready to play with me. We experiemented more with covert hypnosis. He is a big fan of it. Usually, it doesn't work on me. At least that I know of. Until tonight.. . When Master put me deep into a sleepy hypnosis where he convinced me to give my husband a blow job. I had full intentions of complaining if Master asked me.. because honestly, sometimes they are very unappealing with someone who isn't dominant to me.. I Long for a throat fucking from a rough Dom.. with a fist full of hair and lots of drool. So tonight I did that myself. I felt animalistic as I kneeled down in front of my husband. By this point Master had made me remove my lush and replace it with my large dildo. This has become a nightly tradition, it seems. Lord, please dont make me wear the dildo to work Master. It's hard to walk with it
Anyway.. i knelt before my husband and teased the end of his cock with my tongue.. and licked so gently.. then moved to his balls and did the same.
I have such an oral fixation.. i love anything in my mouth. I quickly became more agressive and pressed his cock into the back of my throat. My husband was taken aback amd made a few swears and remarks. Haha. He likes to do this thing where he avoids cumming. It makes me very angry. I am never able to get him to finish in my mouth.. mostly because he knows I have a fear of cum . The taste and stickiness.. bleh. But the thought of being covered in it for my Master is so appealing. I took my husbands cock over and over in my mouth..gagging and drooling all over it.. pretending my master was taking my mouth. Then he decided to pull my shirt up and fuck my boobs.. he didn’t ask permission for that.. hopefully it was ok. Sorry Master . Then i stuck out my tongue and begged for his cum. He came in a tissue for me..because he feels bad. . But I got so much pleasure from being so obedient and making my husband cum for my Master. Its so weird how much I enjoyed it.
When Master woke me.. i was unaware of anything that had happened. Just that I was a little tired. Then he used my magic words and convinced me to remove and lick my dildo and slide it back into my pussy. Mmm I loved licking it. I then was told to fuck myself until I came. I wasnt allowed to feel the build up. And once I came, I wasn't allowed to know how or why I came. I only knew that I had extreme pleasure. I was floating on a cloud, and then Master brought me here.
Idk if I like not being aware of my orgasm.. i love the build-up.. and i love feeling full and the dildo stretching me. But the thought of not knowing is so extremely hot and exciting. Ooof. As my husband would say. Youre such a slut and I love it.
Until next time,
The very slutty deeply hypnotized slave.
Thoughts on my journal:
I can honestly say that I dont remember most of that journal entry. It feels like a hazy dream reading it. Did all of that actually happen? Was it just put into my head? I am too embarrassed to ask my husband about it. It was very hot to read my experiences.. it felt like someone else wrote it for me. Its such an odd feeling..
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focusandrelaxforme · 1 year
Documenting My Subject's Hypno Slavery Journey (Part 2)
And here is the first proper journal entry from KittySub.
As always, just a couple of notes.
- Her style of writing her is how her mind interpreted my instructions on writing a journal entry. I imagine it'll probably change over time as this continues.
- This entry was actually written before the introduction.
- She is married, and her husband is aware of what she's doing with me. And as you can see, there are definitely benefits for him.
Now to the part you're all way more interested in.
Dear Master.
I am enjoying the time I have spent with you. I am learning more and more each day and feeling more enslaved by you. Day one, meeting you I was unsure wether we would click or not. I was worried you wouldnt have time for me.. but you have quicjly proven me wrong. When you messaged me 2 days ago I thought it would be an innocent chat.. but it was much more than that. I go so deep with you.. deeper than ever before. I love feeling so enslaved and taken by you.
I was innocently talking to you in the reddit app and you somehow managed to put me under with only your words. You use confusing sentences that make me question what has and hasn't happened.. causing me to spiral even deeper for you. It has only been 3 days and I already question things regularly. Wondering if my thoughts are my own or you put them there for me. How have you managed to enslave me so quickly Master. I must have laid on that couch in my family room for hours going deep for you. Time moves so slow but so quick when you put me under. When I woke up I felt like the whole day was gone. I was feeling so nervous and uneasy about being your slave. I still am nervous.
Our voice chat later on that day was so deep and sexual. I remember pressing a dildo inside myself for you and feeling so full and yours. It felt like you were there.. taking me. And I loved having another dildo pressed into my mouth and unable to talk clearly around it for you. I felt so humiliated and controlled. It only made me go deeper and experience more pleasure.
I found myself whimpering and crying out to you.. begging for release. My husband was concerned for me even. Haha. Oh my and I almost forgot about the blowjob i had to give my husband that day for you. I felt so crazed and hungry to take his cock into my mouth for you. I pressed it so deep into my mouth and gagged repeatedly while I thought of your deep control of me.
My husband came so well knowing that I was pleasuring another man in my head. I went to bed so pleased with nyself and dazed.
Yesterday was even more crazy. I worry you will get bored with me quickly if we keep up this pace. You have already done so much to me. We discussed making nyself healthier for you. I love giving you more and more control. The thought of exercising and eating better for you makes me so excited.. even though I dread it. Yesterday in the car, it felt so nice to be hypnotized so deeply with my husband right next to me. He was so innocent and has no idea how deep I was for you. I loved that you asked him for requests. It made me feel even more enslaved. I have no control. My husband could request whatever he wanted and I couldnt do a thing. I couldnt even stop myself from telling you his requests. Then I spent all day thinking about how at anytime I would have to fuck my husband for you. There has not been a moment since weve started talking that I havent been soaked for you. I am constantly on edge..just waiting for you to let me release. My orgasms have been so powerful. I just want to cum all day for you.. until i am a puddle. I find myself begging in my mind all day for you.. wanting you to just udder the words for me. Just let me cum please Master. Several times now..you have made me slide a toy deep into my pussy and forget it is even there. It just feels like i am excited for you.. everytime you tell me to forget things, i feel a coolrush of air wash over me.
Last night on the phone, I went the deepest I have ever gone.. I was so emotional and scared at the end.. wondering if this is too much for me. Can I continue. What happens when we are done together. But I cant stop now.. i am too deep for you.
I look forward to our many adventures together though hupnosis Master. Please countinue to enslave me and take me deeper than I ever thought possible. Be careful with me Master.
Sincerely yours.
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definitearticle · 6 years
Second Hangout
This is the written recollection of one of my new subjects. We had met at a bar the previous week for a face-to-face discussion, after initially meeting online. I made a pretty good impression, so we scheduled a second hangout, going to watch Solo.
A movie. That sounded reasonably tame, watching a movie with you. After the squirming, obedient mess I’d been during our first encounter, a movie sounded like something calmer.
Oh yes, I was still reeling from the experience of sitting across a table from you and having you take over my mind and body, all while barely touching me, except for the occasional touch of my hand.
Going to see Solo sounded reasonable enough. Maybe a little less intense.  Did I want that? I didn’t know.  The intensity was compelling. Even… delicious.
The movie was at 6:20, so I left the house at 5:30. I knew that would get me there early enough to pick up the tickets and sit in the lobby and just… compose myself a little bit before you arrived.
I pulled into the parking lot just after 5:40, knowing that my plan to get there early was going to help me be a little less ner—
Then you texted me. "I'm here. Running over to the Hawaiian BBQ place to grab a musubi. Let me know when you arrive."
Okay. So much for calm composure. You were already there. Dammit.  I rearranged my purse a bit. Checked my hair and makeup. Okay, me. Just reply and go get the tickets. Chill out. I fired off a couple of texts letting you know I was going inside, got the tickets, and sat down and waited.
You know, you looked harmless as I looked out the glad windows at you walking up to the theater. I mean, I still felt a thrill at the site of you, a thrill that went up and down my spine. The feeling only increased when I hugged you, and I felt incredibly awkward as we found our seats.
Of course I sat in the wrong seat. Of course I did. Why would I start off with anything that wasn’t awkward.
I'd known since we decided on the movie that I was going to hand you my phone and keys once we got settled, and the second I did, you said "Good girl," and my insides started to melt.  And now my memory is fuzzy about what happened next.  I know you were talking to me, explaining how easily I was back in a  trance state. How easily I associated your proximity, your voice and  your eyes... with suggestions that you'd given me.
And then you said "Three" and the arousal flooded me.  How in god’s name do I even describe this kind of arousal?  It's not limited to my sex. It’s felt in every cell of my body. Every cell is on edge, every nerve ending felt exposed. And then… “Two,” and it increased almost exponentially. I felt myself squirming madly, aware that the theater lights were still up, and I looked at you with desperation.  And then “one.” And the orgasm rocked me. I bit my tongue inside my mouth to keep from crying out.  And… I think you kept repeating “one” while I writhed in the theater seat.  Or maybe that was later… I’m honestly not sure.
I just know that I couldn’t think… I couldn't do much but listen to your voice and struggle to be quiet as the waves of pleasure hit me. And you kept saying it.  “one".  Just when I thought that maybe you'd stop, you'd say it again. Calmly. Firmly. Just the number one. Again. And Again. And Again. And finally when I was sure I'd reached the edge of my tolerance, you released me from the numbers and centered me.
And I caught my breath. Barely.
And then you reminded me what it was like to be naked and exposed, and you said something, and suddenly my clothes were gone. Just... gone, as I had been reclined in that theatre chair. And there I was, as you said, utterly, completely, helplessly naked in the middle of a theater.  I tried to hang onto the logic that said I wasn't really naked, but it just... floated away as you talked about how exposed I was, and that you were pleased with what you saw.
You just... have me. That's the thing that astonishes me, that with your word, with your touch, I am your to toy with play with.
(Okay, I've texted to ask your permission, but now I'm just hoping for your understanding. I am super sleepy. I would imagine that it has something to do with my sleep habits combined with an evening of having my brain played with ad multiple orgasms. So I'm going to risk not being entirely obedient in the interest of self-care and head for bed, knowing that you are honestly very understanding and assuming that you would give me permission to finish in the morning if you were to see my text. blows kisses Good night Sir. You've left me reeling and filled with giddy pleasure, vulnerability, and need. I will finish in the morning, I promise.)
Hopefully my writing will be better this morning.
Let’s see, where did I leave off? Oh right. Naked in a movie theater. This is the height of vulnerability for me. The conflict within me between the extreme arousal you had created and my discomfort with my own body was maddening. I wanted to put the footrest down and cover myself, and you, I think, stopped me.
And then you let me return to normal. “Normal.” Right. As if anything with you is normal. Let me just pause the narrative here to say that what is happening here is not normal. I mean, this is a very good thing. I don’t want normal. I want to be aroused, confused, and overpowered. Overpowered. You do just that. You overpower me. I like it. I like it very much. But it’s overwhelming, too.
But I digress. Everything is a little blurry. How many times did you say numbers to me before the movie started? I don’t even know. I just remember becoming a melty, puddly mess before the movie even started. My mind was soft. I was having trouble thinking about anything except for what I was told to think. And when you weren’t speaking, I was… just there squirming and aroused.
Oh, let’s talk about the nose boop. Isn’t boop just supposed be a harmless hypnotist trick that causes giggles?  That’s what it does, right? Makes the subject giggle? Yeah, not when the hypnotist is a deliciously devious sexy local. No, you had something different in mind. And when you booped my nose,  suddenly all I wanted.. what I wanted more than anything was to touch every part of my body. Every part. My face, my neck, my breasts… between my legs.
The compulsion was extreme… or so I thought, as I fought to keep my hands on my stomach, your voice next to me, reminding me how easily I could be seen.  You reminded me that you weren’t actually telling me that I couldn’t touch, just telling me that I could easily be seen.  And you asked me  what I wanted to touch the most, and I knew I wanted my hands on my breasts. What I didn’t say was that if it were an option (and it’s not), that’s where I would want your hands.  Then you reminded me that I could act like I’m reaching for my phone, although it was actually over to your left. I pushed away my sarcastic thought “Yes, Sir.. I know exactly where my phone is, thank you very much,” while my hand simultaneously reached for my breasts, inside my bra… every touch shooting through my nerves, electric.
And then you booped me again, and it was stronger. And I fought harder the compulsion, and found myself giving in to being sensual in my touches. Needy… desperate… aroused.  And in my head  it wasn’t my hands touching… it was yours. Everywhere I wanted your touch, I touched myself… Did you increase it again? I don’t remember. My memory is fuzzy, full of just feeling aroused and sensual and so so… needy. Wanton. Slutty.
And then you said something else and booped my nose again, and it became an oral fixation, and my fingers were in my mouth. I don’t know that I’ve ever felt anything feel so good in my mouth before, and I knew I was blushing at what my imagination was thinking about while I sucked and nibbled on my own fingers. And then I was… calm again. At least as calm as I can manage to be when sitting that close to you.
The previews started. And there’s a blur of you repeating the things you did before. Counting me down. Making me cum. Repeatedly, my frantic freefall into arousal and pleasure… or arousal and denial. Touching myself with abandon, sucking my own thumb.
All because I was so entirely controlled by you. And that fact itself was enough reason for me to be done for. Trapped. Because I wanted to be.
Somewhere in there you asked if I wanted to cuddle. Of course I did. To lay with my head on you, breathe your scent, feel your touch and touch you? I was desperate for that. And even as it was awkward at first because of the weird way the seat was laid out, I found a way to settle in, and run my fingers over your chest and stomach. And your touch… ever so lightly tracing along my arm, my fingers. Gentle on your part, but it set my nerves on file. Trying to pay attention to the movie, but wanting to touch you… everywhere. Sometimes letting my hands wander too far, and having to be corrected.
And thank you for letting me touch your chest, Sir. Thank you for that. You are a mind reader, or just, as you say… very very good at this. Because that was exactly what I wanted in that moment. And the pleasure I felt at being able to run my fingers along the skin beneath your shirt, play with your chest hair, and simply have contact with your flesh there… there was nothing I wanted more in that moment. Well, okay, there are probably a couple of things I might have wanted more, if you’d pressed.
Did you flash numbers at me once or twice with your fingers? I’m pretty sure you did. That and booping my nose so that my need to touch myself went haywire in a dark theatre. I remember when my need to explore my own body with my hands became a need to explore yours… but I knew I couldn’t… not the way I wanted to. My brain was in two places, half paying attention to the movie, half lost in you. I remember the movie, but I also have this mushy, soft, confused blur of touching you, you whispering things to me, and just the very comforting and arousing pleasure of your touch, and of wanting to touch you.
Our time together after the movie is almost dreamlike. I remember after the movie, walking around with you, feeling your control over me even then. You asked me how I feel… and my thinking “God, how do I even put into words what I’m feeling? How do I even begin to explain this to him?” or the other question you asked “What do you most want to touch?” I stuttered and flailed, unable to express that the answer to that question was… you. I most wanted to touch you.
You, standing over me while I sat on that bench, saying “one” over and over again. Cumming in public, over and over again. You asked me a question I don’t even remember about what I have control over, and I answered. And while I don’t remember the question, I do remember you telling me that I was wrong. That you had all the control, and that I had none. That the only thing I had control over was asking for my phone and keys back, and that was it.
I remember telling you how powerless and vulnerable I felt. How completely submissive I was to you. Oh, I did like feeling that way. I liked you making me tell you I felt that way out loud. And the angle of me sitting on the bench, looking up at you. Towering over me, looking down at me with your powerful, intense stare, commanding that I don’t look away from you until you say so. And then making me cum… and my compulsion to look away, to hide my eyes from you was overtaken by another compulsion. To obey you. At all cost, to obey you and do what you commanded of me. To please you. To… comply with everything you wanted. You told me that you could bend me over and fuck me in public and I would be helpless to stop you, and asked me to confirm it. And I froze, unable to speak, knowing it was true. Knowing you could take me then and there I was aroused and terrified that that was the answer. But then, I like fear. I told you that from the beginning. You mentioned that I must be a little nervous. Biggest understatement ever. Nervous? Oh, I passed nervous at the Tavern and Pool. I was internally frantic, scared, and giddy.
I love that you frighten me. I adore your intensity. And I’m completely enraptured by the ease at which you control me. And then you offered to return my keys and phone, because we both had to go home.
And once I had them, some of the intensity faded. Enough that I could, you know, speak. :P I was able to tell you some of the things that had been on mind without completely losing my mind.  
And finally this: Sitting in my car, trying to compose myself. Knowing that I was wet and aroused and needy… and maybe trembling a little. I need to remember to keep water bottles in my car, too, because I was thirsty. Would it be accurate to say that I was hypnotized from the moment I handed you my keys and phone to the moment I got back to my car? I think so.
Thank you, Sir, for spending time with me. I can’t wait for our next opportunity.
Please let me know what you think!
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