#is such a realistic detail? having a difficult relationship with your parents doesn't mean there aren't nice moments
parvuls 2 years
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winter break 2014-2015 - the recap (part 1)
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shirogane-oushirou 3 months
馃, 馃巰 and 鈾燂笍 for the OC f/o ask game? :)
hello hi hi hi~ thank you so much for the ask!!! love having an excuse to talk endlessly about my beautiful boy <333 i'm just gonna stream of consciousness ramble about all three rens and hope it all makes sense in the end skdjfkjn ;; 馃挆
馃 - does your oc f/o have any pets? if not, what pet(s) would they want? is there a reason why they don't have them?
not directly! ren never had pets growing up (strict family), and both doc! and v!ren are so busy, out of the apartment all of the time, that he knows it wouldn't be responsible to keep a pet, no matter how much he'd like one :( once i'm in the picture, though, and start living with him... i mean. i spend most of the day at home in bed KJNASKFJN so time for kibby~~ on one of his off-days we go to some cat cafes to see what we're both interested in cat-wise and how both of our energies play off of them. that way, once we decide to get one, we have SOME idea of the kind cat that would enjoy BOTH of our companies!! r!ren doesn't have pets of his own, but he DOES live with his sister who owns a small coop with a couple of hens! when he wants a quiet moment to think, he'll sit in the backyard and hold a hen and scritch around her wings while he listens to music. one of his niece's chores is to take care of the hens (as much as she can, at least), and he'll sometimes help her out with some of the more difficult things, like cleaning out and replacing the bedding.
馃巰 - what aesthetic(s) do you associate with your oc f/o? bonus point if you make an aesthetic board for them!
may have gone... a little overboard with this one... KAJNSDKJN. to my credit, i decided it would be a good opportunity to make some "album covers" for my multiple in-the-works ren playlists teehee (so THANK YOU for choosing this q sjdkjnk i needed the kick in the butt). there's overlap in their aesthetics (especially doc! and v!ren) so i tried to divvy them up as best i could. i'll post these on their own over the next few days, but for now: [cw food, blood, trypophobia, open water, fungi, iv bags] 1: RenRo 2: General Ren 3: Retail!Ren 4: Doctor!Ren 5: Villain!Ren
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鈾燂笍- how smart is your oc f/o? is it academic smarts, emotional smarts, etc? where does your oc f/o thrive and where do they lack?
(this is so long. i apologize in advance. o7 ) ough. they're all very smart book-wise. trained from an early age and all that, plus doc! and v!ren went to med school and now work in a specialty unit at a university hospital, performing both as a clinical mycologist and doing research when not tending to patients. r!ren went no-contact with his parents before he went to college and went straight into the work force. he's just as intelligent, he just hasn't gone through several years of med school on top of what he already knew. (i am debating the possibility of community college for him, though. need to do some research and cost comparisons... so that's still up in the air!! ;;) emotionally... hmmmmmm. it's complicated. he's VERY observant and people-pleasing, but to a degree that can be off-putting. for doc! and v!ren, this manifests as insecurities due to past failed relationships, which either due to the partner not being Great OR ren over- or under-pleasing them. tl;dr he puts so much pressure on himself to Mask Perfectly to be the Perfect Partner so as to avoid past mistakes... that he'll end up doing things like over-analyzing small details about whether my facial expression indicates that i liked his silly joke instead of recognizing that like. i might like him back and just enjoy his company? KAJSNdKJn. so i think he has the POTENTIAL for good emotional intelligence, but he focuses too much on his own behavior in response to other peoples' feelings instead of properly processing what he observes. if that makes sense. r!ren's a little more realistic about all of this, so his observational skills are more refined, and we start dating MUCH faster because of that lol. he does still have that matching-other-peoples'-energy thing but. yknow. i can make him better LMAO. street smarts-wise, all three are baseline okay. ren grew up in small-town maine and wasn't really allowed a rich social life, so he wasn't very street smart when he first moved away. doc! and v!ren have lived in a big city for several years since then, and he spends a decent number of free evenings walking around the city, so he can take care of himself. r!ren's jumped around to different locations before settling with living with his sister and niece in a rural area, so i guess he has a more shallow but wider breadth of different kinds of street smarts. he's spent a decent amount of time out here, so he's probably more rural street smart. again, still bad about picking fights, though. so i've gotta dock points for that. so uhhhhhhhhhhh in summary doc! and v!ren have higher book smarts, lower emotional smarts. r!ren has higher emotional smarts, lower street smarts.
(ask game)
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franklyshipping 3 years
"Tentative Trust and Tickles" okay so i haven't finished reading it but i wanted to say this before I forget. The way you are able to write conflict is so brave and strong, especially when you mainly write fluff. I always find it difficult cause I just want to fix it. Dark and Blank fighting in the beginning shows you aren't afraid to show they're still human, even if they're fictional. Delving into Blank's anxiety and practically teaching the reader that there is always more than surface level emotions, how when you're afraid it can be infuriating trying to convey something and that person not understand. Plus also showing how it can be frustrating when you can't understand something and the other person not making it easy. It's what a lot of parents have with their kids, but Dark is different, cause from experience I learned that there is something more than just what they say. And sometimes, i do struggle when someone is upset cause I want to fix it, but the only way I can think about fixing and helping is when they open up, and i know there may be times that even after years of knowing something, I'm gonna have to be the gate to open that up. I never really have anxiety, the most I have is after a small mistake i ponder if people are judging me or pick someone else to be their partner instead because they don't like me, so it can be difficult for me to read what someone who does have anxiety is trying to convey. And with a lot of help, they've taught me what to ask and say for THEM. I know anxiety is different for everyone, but like Dark i know if I experience someone else having bad anxiety to be patient and let them have room to speak.
I also love how Dark forgets that just because Blank trusts hin doesn't mean he feels the same about everyone, and I love how he uses that to an advantage. Blank trusts Dark and Dark trusts the doctors and therefore it's more comforting, once they're calmed down. I can definitely say there have been some crucial details that i forgot about that would have saved my friend from being upset. Heck there was a time I accidentally said something that was mean and really hurt their feelings and I had to gain their trust again, even when I apologized, but I unnderstood their feelings were hurt and that we both had to move on from it to heal.
Sorry if I'm making these feedbacks more of personal anecdotes btw! I just want to say that I love how you write characters and make them human and emotional and make us aware that sometimes not everything goes at plan. Dark and Blank's relationship is definitely one of the more realistic ones I ever read, really nailing it in as if Dark did take Blank under his wing and that just because now he's his father figure doesn't mean there aren't still struggles that any relationship can have. I'm not saying you have to do it more, it's up to your comfort how much conflict there is in a story, but I just want to say that you're writing is really incredible!
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