#is this a coherent thought process? probably not so to summarize: sladick make serotonin go brrr!
magiwou-meowvin · 1 year
I saw you reblogged the ship ask game! What about Sladick?
Lexi is particular is gonna see this and know the obvious answer lol I definitely ship it!
What made you ship it?
not sure honestly? I actually haven't seen them interact much in any canon but I've always been a fan of hero/villain relationships and sladick just kinda clicked as a no-brainer in my head. I mean look at them?? Zero your art is actually a pretty big instigator of my love of them ngl
What are your favorite things about the ship?
listen. listen. I love the dichotomy of them. the weird power dynamics, the age gap, how it's unhealthy by default pretty much regardless of what corner of DC you look at? that's interesting!
there's so much to explore for Dick and Slade individually because they work really well as foils, but as a couple? oh man. they're just really fascinating in the way you can take these two characters with totally opposite morals/personalities/outlooks/etc. and make them work both in spite of and because of their messy, intertwined history
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
not really sure what's considered unpopular for them so I may be totally off the mark here but I definitely wouldn't want to see them "fix" or "convert" the other if that makes sense? I like their differences, it's what makes them so interesting to me
thank you @zeroducks-2 for the ask! as the resident sladick expert feel free to judge my takes and/or send me fic/comic/series recs lol 💞
send me a ship?
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