#is this inspired by those amazing millennial Bertie posts? maybe
aceredshirt13 · 9 months
as an American currently living in Japan. can’t stop thinking about modern AU Jeeves and Wooster where Bertie can’t flee from Aunt Agatha to America because she can just fly there and find him so he has to find somewhere even further away, resulting in Bertie and Jeeves taking the most sterotypically white tourist trip to Japan known to man. featuring:
Bertie saying “Konnichiwhat ho, Jeeves!” the second they get off the plane
Bertie getting complaints from the cat cafés because the cats adore him and the other customers are upset that he’s hogging them, leading to a blanket ban from every establishment in Tokyo
Jeeves (who is either inexplicably still Bertie’s valet or is an incredibly dedicated live-in PA) critiquing the technique of everyone working in the butler cafe, leading to a blanket ban from every establishment in Tokyo
karaoke night where Bertie knows all the lyrics to various anime songs but is absolutely not even close on the pronunciation (Jeeves watches him with impassive, amused fondness)
Bingo, for some reason
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