#is this the cutest thing I ever made and why is the answer yes?
milkywayes · 8 months
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(flustered chittering)
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gay-dorito-dust · 3 months
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I blame @valeskafics for reviving my zuko brain rot with that modern!Zuko post! How dare 💜💕
If there’s one thing that you’ve come to learn about Zuko and that’s the fact that he doesn’t own clothes made to keep him warm. He has a plethora of jackets but they’re the thin kind of jackets that wouldn’t protect you from even the smallest of chilly breezes.
When you asked him about this when you first started dating, he only shrugged and said ‘I run too hot for those fleece jackets to ever feel the need to own one of them. I’m warm enough for the both of us as it is.’ Which is true. Zuko ran abnormally hot for a normal human being but that was one of the reasons why you loved cuddling up to him when it’s cold.
‘What happened to those warm blankets you normally bundle up in when you’re cold?’ Zuko asked as you proceed to cuddle yourself deeper into his side.
‘I just happen to have found something better in keeping me warm.’ You replied cheekily as you pressed a kiss to his cheek before you burrowed your face into his chest. Zuko sighs as he looks away from you to hide his flushed cheeks from sight as he smiled dopily, still not entirely use to an over abundance of affection directed towards him in a positive and healthy manner.
‘So what I’m hearing is that I’ve been demoted to your personal body warmer?’ He says rhetorically.
‘Think of it more as a promotion from my extremely warm boyfriend to extremely warm boyfriend who doubles as a personal body warmer.’ You replied, tightening your hold on him as you leeched more warmth off of him. ‘Don’t you find it dangerous?’ Zuko asks as he opened his palm to a small flame. It was practically harmless in your eyes, but Zuko always ingrain into you of the destructive power that even the smallest of flames possessed.
‘No.’ You answered honestly as you reached a hand to hold the back of his own that housed the small flame, enticed by its beautiful colours and flickering image with every movement being made. ‘Not really because I trust you more than I probably trust others.’ You added softly as you looked over at Zuko who was already looking back at you with a soft look in his eyes and an even softer smile. ‘Sounds like you should reevaluate that if you’re willing to put your trust in me.’ He said, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
‘No I don’t think I will ever want to reevaluate who I put my full trust in.’ You told him truthfully as you helped close his hand, extinguishing the flame as trails of smoke drifted upwards, only to dissipate before it could even reach the ceiling. ‘I’d like to think I am a sound judge of character and I defiantly don’t regret saying yes when you asked me out.’ You then kiss Zuko on the nose and felt his breath hitched in his chest. Zuko always has the cutest reactions to many things, but when it came to being some love and affection, those reactions were the ones you happen to love the most.
‘Then I hope to never make you second guess your choice to trust me with your heart.’ Zuko replied with a smile as he pressed a sweet kiss to your lips.
‘You never do, now be a good personal body warmer and let me leech off your warmth some more.’ You joked as you snuggled yourself into him and felt him place his arms over your waist, rubbing the skin that had been revealed when your nightshirt raised up a little, causing you to sigh under his touch as sleep slowly began to weigh heavily on your eyelids.
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nawoken · 18 days
   Yes, because I got bullied by both of the games I played so... I'm here to rambling some stuff that has been stuck inside my head since forever.
How about... Reader with cute aggression, especially for those small, fluffy creatures, like... cats! (Ơ w Ơ).
You can't help squeezing, kissing, and biting (lightly) those cuties. Yes, you have Grim, but he won't let you pet him since you're too much, his words.
And TWST boys that by some accident, maybe from alchemy class or their clumsiness. They, unfortunately, have turned into those mischievous creatures.
   You don't know that. You just walking around, minding your own business or headmage supposed to be business. Then, you saw it, a cat with the fluffiest fur and cutest eyes you've ever seen run by. And you know, you've fallen in love :)))
   TWST boys, now in cat body don't know that they're in danger, roaming around freely with the hope that someone they know will realize and help them.
   Oh, is that our calm and kind prefect? Surely, they can help our poor boy, right? No! They're deadly WRONG!!!
   The next thing our boy knows after approaching prefect is that he's trapped in your embrace, being kissed, squeezed, and petted while you compliment him on how smooth and healthy his fur looks.
   Damn it, prefect! He is not an actual cat, can’t you see it?! The answer is… No, you can’t. You’re busy admiring his cuteness.
   He is struggling, embarrassed by your doing. Some of them might feel ashamed since it feels like he is taking advantage of you… or the other way around, some just aren’t used to being pampered. But, the worst thing is… prefect, please don’t rub your face on his stomach! Mmraooo!!! :’)))))
   After a while, you finally stop, he sighs out of relief, … but why do you look at him like that? D..do you finally realize that he is not a cat?
   You stared at the poor creature in your hand, thinking. And, this made him concerned, what are you planning to do?
   Before he can do anything, you chomp on his face, more specifically, his muzzle … Yes, you do it without your teeth. But... YOU BITE HIM!!! ON HIS FACE!!! C...CAN THIS COUNT AS A KISS?!
He is panicked and stunned while you're in heaven. This might be the sweetest cat you've ever seen, he doesn't even bite or scratch you when you do all this to him.
Suddenly, pink smoke emitted from the cat, and with a "pop" sound, it turned into a human. Not to mention, you know him. Is it a good or bad thing? You don't know, the only thing you know is... you're DOOM!
You should know that this is a magical world, so you can't just hug any stray cat on the street, it can be anyone, not to say this is your crush. But you got tricked! By those sparkling eyes! And those fluffy ears! And now you can die from embarrassment.
Now, you're the one who panics while he just stands there, not knowing what to do or to say. The cure for this potion, it's a true love kiss. (Another version of the "The Princess and the Frog" potion but instead of a kiss from the princess, it's a true love kiss, why not? :))))
You two end up looking at each other for a whole minute before he decides to speak up but are cut off by you. "Please, just forget everything, this is so messed up of me, I promise I will try to make it up to you somehow, but please just erase that shameful thing I have done from your mind!" (QAQ)
Then you ran off, left him there with bewildered expression.
That's longer than I expected :'D
But, yeah, this has been stuck inside my head for too long, finally it can appear under the sunlight...
You know, I want to make a request for that idea. I've followed so many good TWST writers. But, well I'm shy and don't really sure how to, so I just keep it in.
The idea for this post is... I have a cat, she's been suffering from my cute aggression. Ehe, poor her, but she never bites me when I'm chomping on her muzzle. So sweet of her.
But yeah, I can't stop laughing when I think about TWST boy turning into a cat and being chomped on. That must be terrifying for him, but they still tried their best to not scratch you, their dear prefect. Except: Riddle, it's just his reflection, and he feels regret right after. And maybe Leona? Or, he just shows his claw to threaten you but doesn't actually do it.
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Nom nom :3
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jimblejamblewritings · 4 months
the fake date plot | part 6.
Summary: Gryffindors, seventh years, classmates, unrequited love. Just a few things Y/N and James Potter had in common. When a brilliantly dumb plan is hatched the two end up getting something a little different than what they wanted.
Warnings for the Series: oh, this is a slowburn now. Or at least that's the plan.
Pairing: James Potter x reader
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: yeah I know I've been gone for a year... I have no words, my bad
Previous Part | (Series Chapter List)
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James came down with the rest of the marauders to find you had already fixed a big plate of breakfast for him. He gave you a peck on the cheek as he took off his quidditch jumper before sitting down. 
“Thanks, bug.”  
“Why do you call me that?” you asked, taking a bite of your English muffin. 
“Do you not like it? I can call you something else.” 
“No, I like it. I was just wondering why.” 
James shrugged. “Never thought about it… You’re cute and little, some bugs are cute and little. Yep, makes sense.” 
“I’m not little.” 
“You’re littler than me. It counts.” 
“You’re freakishly tall.” 
“Remus is freakishly tall.” 
“So are you.” You popped a fried potato chunk in your mouth. 
“Just accept it, bug.” 
You went back to your breakfast, deciding his answer and little argument was satisfactory enough for you. James nudged you with his shoulder, beginning a mini battle between the two of you until he finally conceded. It was still a learning process for the two of you, trying to figure out how to play up your fake dating. Your friends were definitely suspicious and while Lily seemed to move a bit closer, Xeno didn’t even glance your way. 
You were worried that maybe you and James were switching places in regards to the objects of your affection. You felt something squeeze your thigh ever so slightly and looked over to see James was seemingly in conversation with Peter. He must’ve caught you staring too long at the Ravenclaw table and a certain someone. 
Shaking your head, you went back to eating. That’s right. You were with James and you two needed to be sickeningly in love. Besides, Lily was coming around so maybe Xeno was just distracted right now. You opened up your journal to jot down a few notes. A looming presence hung over your right shoulder. 
“Yes, Jamie?” you asked without looking up. 
“I’m just looking at your calendar.” He pointed to a blank Wednesday. “Quill in a study date, right when classes end.” 
“Study? James Potter, when have you ever studied anything that wasn’t Charms and Defense?” 
“Well, do you really need to study wand lore or broom craft? And does memorizing a whole script count as studying?” 
“It does when you’re in a drama club. And if I can’t become an actress then I need to feed myself so I’m learning to make quidditch equipment. You idiots break at least two brooms every week each, not to mention the other stuff. I’ll never have to worry about money.” 
“You’re learning about quidditch?” 
You finally looked up, recognizing the shift in James’ tone from when you two were acting for your friends versus being genuine. Giving your fake boyfriend a smile, you stole some food off his plate. 
“It’s not because you like it. It’s because you, especially, are rich and will buy my brooms and convince all your teammates to buy my brooms.” 
He laughed so loud it made students at the other houses’ tables, including Xeno, look over. James squished your cheeks and gave you a peck. 
“I should have known you were only with me for my money. Well, I hate to inform you, love, I’ve just squandered the family fortune on flying carpets.” 
You rolled your eyes. “How do you have a cute comeback for everything?” 
“You think it’s cute?” 
You stood up from the table. “You are the cutest, Jamie. The most adorable scrumdiddlyumptious squishy-wishy super-duper boyfriend in the whole world.” 
“I sense I’m being teased.” 
“I would never tease you, Jamie bo-baimey taimey waimey rai—” 
“Ha ha, very funny. Now you deserve the punishment jumper.” 
“Punishment jumper? What am I, five years old?” Your words were muffled by a red jumper covering your face before your head popped out the other side. You looked down. “You just wanted me to wear your jumper.” 
James blushed and you wanted to laugh. Natural blush wasn’t easy with fake dating but the two of you figured out a relatively uncomfortable trick if the two of you weren’t on the same page. You were allowed to picture Xeno whenever you wanted and James was allowed to picture Lily. He was totally imagining her in his jumper— it probably helped that you and Lily were the same height and body type so the jumper fit exactly like it would on her. 
Your fake boyfriend scratched the back of his head. “Some of the team was talking about how they like seeing their partner in their jumpers and I wanted to know what that was like.” 
“Don’t know yet, it just looks like I dropped it on you.” 
“That’s cause you did drop it on me. Wait, let me fix it.” 
You pulled out the collar and untucked your shirt so the tails were sticking out. The sweater almost covered your skirt entirely since it was already oversized on James that you weren’t sure if you’d get a violation or not but you didn’t try to adjust it. You gave a little twirl. 
“You look great.”    
Leaning over James, who covered your skirt with his hands to make sure nothing showed, you collected your stuff. “I’ll see you later, okay? Marls, are you coming with me to Herbology or still eating?” 
Marlene tried to recover from getting caught staring, mouth open, at you and James. She shook her head no and you made your way out of the Great Hall to head to Herbology. James left only five minutes after you in order to give your friends space to gossip in peace. 
The two of you were counting on Sirius and Mary to get louder by the minute until it garnered everyone’s attention. You were sure it worked when Alice came into the greenhouse practically squealing at you. You and James were the hottest topic in school. All you could do was roll your eyes and keep taking notes as Alice started planning your entire future together. You turned to look at your friend. James wouldn’t hate you for telling one person. You both had planned to tell your closest friends when the time was right and you couldn’t take keeping a secret anymore. 
“Hey, Alice. Me and Jam—” 
The door to the greenhouse swung open but it was Professor Sprout that came in. It was James standing in the threshold. 
“Your birthday is this weekend,” he said, pointing an accusatory finger. 
“Yes, James.” 
“Bug, you didn’t say what you wanted for your birthday.” 
“I’m okay.” 
“What?” His eyebrows crinkled together. “You don’t want anything?” 
“It’s not that big a deal.” 
“Birthdays are a completely big deal.” 
“Well… I just don’t want anybody spending too much on me this year. My parents and I are saving up for university… if there is a university.” 
It was an unspoken thing that no student might make it to university when the war was ramping up. If Voldemort and the Death Eaters got bigger, a draft was likely to happen. And unlike muggles, men and women were drafted in the wizarding world since all the fighting was done with magic and didn’t require any strength outside of mental. James shook his head. 
“That’s an even better reason to give you something. It won’t be large, I promise.” 
“Small things can still be very expensive.” 
“Honestly, I’ve never looked at a price tag in my life.” 
You sighed. “You and Sirius live totally different lives from the rest of us, I wish I had rich parents… Okay, I concede. If it isn’t big then it can be whatever you want.” 
“Good. I have to go now before Slughorn loses his mind that I’m not there or worse pairs me up with Snape as a punishment.”   
(part 7...)
@starsval @helloitsmeeeeeee @callsigndiamond @isabela30 @rachelccollier @ghostkingblake @b3t0xic @tendous-pretty-hair @caelum-the-part-time-nihilist @superduckmilkshake @sendnuwudes @prongsprincessworld @slightlynotslightlyobsessing @wildernessflora @siriuslycaptainofthedawntreader @mommymilkerfanclub @amandachrystinallc @lupinsbookshelf @harrysgoldenwatermelon @loving-and-dreaming @that-simp-sin @bubybubsters @peachesgaeass @jellyfishlioncrab @cenkisabibl
@venomsvl @peaches-n-sunscreen @summerellaz @supernaturallover2002 @sambucky8 @9daykrisr @thebitchinleo @23victoria @scarlets-widow @pagetpagetpagetpaget @lovexnatasha @awesomebooklover17 @1234-angelika @imatrisk @blackreaderatrisk @princess-jules47 @alexloveskili @a-marie-a @siriuslysirius1107​ @i-have-no-life-charlie
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thought--bubble · 4 months
Michael Gavey X (Preacher's Daughter Reader)
Warnings Below
Word Count: 2,886
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Banners by @arcielee
Michael Gavey Masterlist
Full Masterlist
Warnings:: Corruption Kink, Oral sex (M receiving), Fingering, dubcon, coercion, religious guilt
A/N: This was really fun to write because I'm a math gal myself 🤣
Based on THIS request.
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Michael is walking on clouds today. As far as he is concerned, today is a great fucking day.
He has been working as a tutor all semester trying to plump up his resume so he can go for that TA position he knows is going to open up next autumn.
Thus far, every student he has worked with is an airhead. The worst was Farleigh, who didn't actually want to learn anything and would just wait until Michael spoon fed him the answers and take off as soon as the assignment was finished.
But today, today Michael was told he was going to tutor you. The cutest little thing he has ever laid eyes on. With your mid-thigh length plaid skirts, high socks, and little cardigans, it was like you walked out straight out of his dreams and into Oxford.
You were a pastors daughter. Prim and proper, always walking around with that little silver cross hanging from your neck. Michael had spotted you as soon as school had started, and it only took about a month before the dreaded Felix Catton had set his sights on you. As if it wasn't bad enough that Michael's only friend Oliver had already been wrapped up in Felix's little web now, Michael had to watch that web get spun around you.
Which is why it came as such a big surprise when you turned him down. Felix had been trying for weeks to hook up with you. Following you around like a puppy, it made Michael sick. Couldn't Felix see how special you are? How could he treat you as just another name in his little black book?
Michael's vindication came in the form of a very public rejection where you called out Felix for "only wanting one thing" in the courtyard for multiple students and staff to see.
The public embarrassment this afforded Felix only made Michael more enamored with you. He found himself constantly daydreaming of you. He imagined you sitting on his lap as he kissed you. Your pure innocent lips on his never having been soiled by another man's touch. He imagines pushing up that little plaid skirt and sinking his fingers deep into that cunt, sweet. Innocent, and just for him.
Michael was feeling a bit nervous as he sat and waited for you in the library. He knew his personality left a lot to be desired. If there was anyone in this wretched place, he didn't want to scare off with his brashness it was you.
"Just be normal. Just be normal, " he whispers to himself as he continues to wait, fingers tapping on the thick wooden table.
"She was supposed to be here by now," he wonders aloud. She didn't show up because it's me probably. She's heard all the horror stories of me being annoying or weird. I've already ruined it before I had a chance to meet her. Well, if she's going to be like that, then I wouldn't want her anyway. She's just like all these other posh Neanderthals. Judging someone before they've even properly gotten to know them.
Michael's brain continues to rattle off thought after thought bouncing between sadness, rejection, and anger, as he glares toward the entry to the library picking at the table with his fingernail.
Then you walk in, books clung tightly to your chest, a pink and gray pleated skirt, white knee high socks and those cute black shoes with the straps, a pink cardigan and shining in the light the dainty silver cross you're never seen without.
He sits up straighter, clearing his throat, as he subtly shifts his books, notebooks, and pens on the table.
"Michael?" Your voice sounds so sweet to Michael that he has to force himself not to salivate.
"Yes. That's me, I take it you're my new pupil?" Keep calm, Gavey. Don't act like a creep. He repeats these two rules to himself while sporting a look of indifference on his face.
You reach your hand out to him and tell him your name. He takes your hand and shakes it. So small, soft, and delicate. Perfect hands. Just the right size to be engulfed by Michael's rather sizable hands, he thinks to himself.
"Hello?" You look at him questioningly as he stares at you while absent-mindedly continuing to shake your hand for far longer than was necessary.
What you didn't know was in Michael's head he was all over you, he had you bent over this wooden table, skirt pushed up to reveal your rounded bum, him sliding himself in and out of your body while you begged him for more.
He shakes himself out of his thoughts, and his cheeks burn crimson when he realizes he is still shaking your hand. "Right.. umm" he shifts uncomfortably in his seat and pulls on the collar of his shirt. The heat on his face has traveled to his chest.
As you sit, he can't help but watch you. You're so gentle from the way you sit to the way you place your books on the table.
"So what specifically are you struggling with?" He already knows she is failing the class in its entirety, but he can't seem to find another way to initiate conversation.
You whimper, and Michael just about dies
"Everything. Every single thing." You put your hands over your face clearly stressed.
"Oh. Well, we will start from the beginning then." Michael starts with what he thinks will be the easiest, basic statistics.
Even with this, you struggle greatly, the hours spent in the library do prove beneficial but only slightly and the novelty of being with you has started to wear off for Michael due to the sheer shock of how bad you are at this.
Michael rubs his temples, his head just barely hovering over the wood of the library table. "Did they not touch on any of this in secondary school?"
"They did, I wasn't any good there either, but I was able to make it up in other ways"
Michael lifts his head and looks at you quizzically. "Other ways?"
"Extra credit, community service, church duty." You explained this as if it was perfectly normal to pass maths because you picked up an extra shift helping at the church.
Michael blinks as he blankly stares back at you. "Right.......of course...... obviously......"
He looks around the library and sees it's mostly cleared out. "Well they'll be kicking us out of here any minute now" He sighs as he closes the books on the table packing up to leave, relieved that this elongated torture session has come to a close.
You stand up nervously. "No!" You didn't mean to shriek, but you did, voice reverberating around the nearly empty library.
"The quiz is in two days! I..... I can't fail! My father! He will....... oh no, please! Keep going. I'll do anything!"
Michael immediately stops moving and fights the small smirk, clawing its way across his features. Anything. I'll do anything. The words float through his mind like a beautiful song he has been waiting to hear.
"Well, you could come back to my dorm, and we could continue......." He starts as he looks around sheepishly.
"Yes! Oh my goodness, yes! Thank you, Michael!" You excitedly collect the rest of your things from the table.
"But," Michael interjects. "We will have to....... make the process more interesting because i was nearly falling asleep a moment ago"
"Sure! whatever you suggest." You beam a smile at him, and he smirks. Oh, he has a suggestion that will keep both of them awake.
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Michael opens the door to his dorm, holding his arm out and gesturing for you to go first.
You enter the room and look around. It's extremely neat. No personal effects save for a photo of Michael and his parents.
Michael walks in behind you, closing the door and setting his books down on the small table in the corner.
"Sit." He motions toward the chair across from him.
You place your books down on the table and slowly lower yourself into the chair.
" So I have an idea...... that might give you the proper.... motivation" his eyes travel up and down your form, and he slightly bites on his bottom lip before he continues. "I'm going to show you an example problem. Then I'm going to give you the same type of problem to solve. If you get it right, i remove an article of clothing. If you get it wrong, you do"
"Oh! umm Michael.... I'm not sure. " You nervously wring your hands in your lap. You are terrible at maths you would surely end up naked in no time.
"You said anything, and this will keep me awake. We could always just call it for the night......" He trails off looking to the side.
"Wait! no! ok"
Michael smirks. "Ok, then let's get started.
As expected, you get most answers wrong first, taking off your shoes, socks, and earrings. When you finally get one right, Michael chuckles and takes off his belt.
"Good, good. See? What did I tell you? proper motivation." He scoots his chair forward, a bit closing the space between you.
A few more problems later you are sitting there in nothing but a bra and panties Michael in his shirt and boxers.
As you try to focus on the current problem, you can't help but be distracted by the rather sizable bulge in his boxers.
"T-there," your voice faulters as you slide the paper back towards Michael for his review. He looks it over quickly.
"Sorry darling, that's not quite it." He leans forward, explaining where you went wrong with the formula.
"Oh." You feel the heat pool in your cheeks as you unlatch your bra. Trying to cover your breasts as you remove it.
Michael's eyes light up as he takes in your almost nude form. The bulge in his boxers becomes even more apparent as he races to write you up a new problem.
"What happens when I run out of clothes?" You know, at this point, it is an inevitability that you will end up completely nude, but you are learning and starting to get problems correct. If you can learn just enough to pass the quiz, you could possibly save your grade in this class.
"We will figure something out between the two of us, I'm sure." He brings his hand down to your knee, gently rubbing circles there with his thumb.
You focus completely on the next math problem, trying desperately to hold off the inevitable removal of your panties.
"Bravo!" Michael cheers as you slide a math problem done correctly over to him. "Guess you survive this round" He stands up from the chair and pulls his boxers off, exposing his fully erect cock.
You mean to look away. You should look away, right? That would be the polite thing to do but you can't. He is long and girthy and painfully hard.
He gently rubs at himself, watching you watch him. "Hmmm, next problem," he slides the paper over to you.
"Right, of course." You take the paper and try to focus on the problem as your eyes consistently slide back towards him as he strokes himself slowly.
"I don't mind if you look" He rubs his thumb over the slit and the tip of his cock spreading the precum around the head.
Your entire face flushes with heat. "I wasn't, ummm." You look back at the problem trying to work it out. You feel like you are writing hieroglyphics, as if you have never seen these symbols before.
"Well, that's incorrect, sorry." Michael grins happily as he waits for you to remove your final article of clothing.
"I can't. I can't expose that. " You nervously rub your palms against your thighs.
"How about we just do this?" Michael leans forward and slides your panties to the side.
Your eyes go wide, and you make a loud gulping sound.
"That's not so bad, is it?" Michael runs a finger up your slit feeling the obvious wetness there. "From what I gather, you seem to be enjoying this"
He collects some of your slick and brings it up to your pearl, drawing slow circles around the nerve.
"Oh!" You instantly close your eyes. You have touched yourself before. Something you would always pray for forgiveness for right after, but this felt different. Micheal's large finger and course fingertip make the sensation more intense, and your body instantly reacts, wanting more.
"Ahh." You breathe out as Michael applies more pressure to your bud, increasing the speed at which he applies that pressure.
Michael leans forward, completely kissing up the side of your neck. "It's ok. I won't tell anyone."
"I .... I have to remain chaste. " You moan as he slides a finger into you while holding the pressure down on your bud.
"There are things we can do without....... breaking the seal..... just relax, " He whispers into your ear as he continues sliding his finger against your walls.
You feel the pleasure building up in your lower stomach and instinctually spread your legs wider.
"That's it, good girl, I'm going to make you feel really good, ok?"
Your head rolls back as the pressure continues to build, the guilt in your mind losing to the pleasure coursing through your nerves.
Micheal moves his thumb quickly against your clit and pushes against the spongey spot inside your walls and sends you into a tailspin.
"Oh, Michael! Michael!" You gasp as the pressure in your stomach pulls taught, threatening to snap at any moment.
"I got you, let go for me, beautiful." As he whispers these words into your ear, the band snaps.
"Ahhhh, Mich-" You can't get the words out as your jaw goes slack and your entire body vibrates.
Michael continues his movements while you ride out your high, only pulling his hand away once you whimper at the overstimulation.
Michael takes your juices and rubs them on his cock as he slowly strokes himself. "That was glorious, you look so pretty when you cum"
You watch him touch himself with curiosity. "I can teach you more than maths." he says suddenly as he increases the pace of his movements.
"Come here." He motions you toward him, and like a puppet on a string, you go to him. You have already gone this far. What is stopping you now?
"Get on your knees." You quickly comply, dropping to your knees before him.
"Good, think you are going to learn this much quicker" He brings the weeping head of his cock to your lips.
You flick your tongue out and lick the tip you had heard of oral sex before. Kind of had a decent idea of what it entailed.
Michael groans. "Open up and flip your lips over your teeth."
You follow his instructions and he slides his cock into your mouth pushing past your lips. "Good, good, breath through your nose."
He grips the hair at the top of your head slowly dragging you forward pushing more of his cock into your mouth.
"Use your tongue beautiful" He sighs with pleasure as you slide your tongue along the underside of his cock.
"So fucking good." The grip on your hair tightens as he pushes further hitting the back of your throat, earning him a gag.
"What a pretty sound," He coos as he starts to move his hips while holding your head in place.
"Just like that." His breathing gets heavier as his speed increases. "Fuck, yes. Look at me" He grunts as he starts to batter the back of your throat with his cockhead.
You look up at him with tears streaking down your face and drool slipping from your chin.
"Almost there." He wipes a tear from your cheek with his thumb. "So pretty when you cry"
Michael grips your hair tight, pushing himself fast and hard into your throat.
"You're gonna swallow what I give you" You do your best to attempt to nod while he fucks your face, pushing himself as far as he will go, the hairs at his base coming in contact with your nose and chin.
"That's it right there...... FUCK!" Michael spurts directly into your throat. You hardly have to swallow at all.
He pulls himself out of your mouth and smiles down at you, wiping the drool off of your chin.
"Think we can call it a night, yeah?" He pulls his boxers up and collapses back in the chair a look of lazy satisfaction on his face.
"Yeah, that might be best." You wipe the tears from your face and gather your clothes.
"There are still two more days before the quiz. Come back tomorrow, and we can continue." Michael gets out of the chair and wraps his arms around you from behind, gently kissing your neck.
"I love teaching you. Tell me you'll come back tomorrow."
You blush at his words, "Yes, I'll be back tomorrow"
Micheal sees you out and watches as you walk down the hallway and disappear out of sight before going back into his room and flopping onto his bed with a contented sigh before he chuckles to himself.
"I got what Felix couldn't"
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euphoricwritez · 1 year
★ Virgin ★
ethan landry
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cw: FEM READER!!! major nsfw, blowjobs, protected p in v, slight bondage ig u could say, hair pulling, loud ethan, make outs, he really likes ur boobs, name calling (slut), overstimulation, riding, shit writing
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you and ethan were laying down on his bed watching a movie. everything was normal and quiet, but you decided to finally shoot your shot. "hey ethan," you started, "can i ask you something?" he looked at you, " yeah of course," "it's a bit weird," "just ask me" "have you ever had sex?" you don't know where you got so bold from, maybe it was the fact it was 3 am, no one acts sane at this time. he choked on his own spit, sending him into a coughing fit. "why- why do you ask?" "because i want to have sex with you," you both roughly started kissing, the feeling of relief, and need. you grabbing at his hair and him at your waist. you pulled at his hair, something you both fantasized about for months. he let out the cutest whimpers that made you feel so wet. the way he was desperately feeling up your sides made you feel so horny. you pulled back from the kiss and took his hands and placed them on the hem of your shirt. "go on baby, take it off for me will ya?" he suddenly felt any bit of boldness go away. it was one thing to run his hands down your sides and what not, but he has never done anything like this before, especially not with the person he's loved forever. "don't be shy" whispering in his ear. he slowly lifted his hands, with your shirt riding up until it was discarded somewhere else. "give me your hands, love," you took his hands into yours once again and placed them onto your chest, slowly moving them down onto your tits. he looked at you like he wanted to say something but he couldn't find the right words to say. his hands slowly reaching to the back of your bra, unclipping it and letting it fall. you pulled him back into the kiss, his hands messing with your boobs. his body was on fire, he didn't think this would happen, ever, especially not with you. your tongue reached into his mouth, his beautiful whines keeping you going. you pulled back once again causing him to whimper. you suddenly went to kiss his neck, gentle and rough at the same time. in between kisses you said, "you know-" one kiss, "you never answered my question," you bit down on his neck, specifically on his adams apple, sure to leave a mark. he quietly moaned and you reached down to his bulge, slowly palming him. "are you a virgin or not?" you whispered. through moans and gasps he was able to respond with a quiet "yes." you kept on giving him marks all over his neck, not caring for the next day. "p-please, it- it hurts." "don't worry baby, i'll take care of you." you motioned for him to sit at the edge of the bed, although the was confused he obeyed. when you dropped to your knees, you unzipped his jeans and teased him through his underwear. "i know baby," you rubbed his thigh softly, your other hand slowly creeping up to the waistband of his underwear, slowly pulling them off. you looked up at him and saw him already staring, he felt as if he had fever. you admired his beautiful cock, the pretty red tip that leaked out precum. you slowly snaked your hand around the base, lazily pumping it. he covered his mouth to try to fight back his loud moans. "no, let me hear you. i want to hear how good i make you feel," you sped up your ministrations as you held the hand he was using to cover his mouth. after working him for a bit, you finally put him in your mouth. as soon as you did, he let out a choked mixture of a moan and a whine. he was spouting out gibberish at this point, but you were no where near done. you sucked on his tip, letting your tongue lick the slit. he tasted so good it was unbelievably. you hungrily took in the rest of his cock, causing his whole body to shake. his hands were clutching the bed sheets. "ohmygodohmygod please!" he moaned out. you took him out of your mouth to ask "please what?" his embarrassed face could only whisper out "fuck me, please..." that was so fucking hot you couldn't hold yourself back anymore. you pushed him back on the bed and you got up from your knees, quickly getting rid of the rest of your clothes. "you don't know how long i've been thinking about this, ethan," you whispered and
he covered his face in embarrassment. you sat on his thighs, starting to tell him about all the times you got off to the thought of him. you slowly lifted yourself up and hovered over his cock. he was staring daggers into you, his face contorted into a face with need. you looked at him as if asking him if he was ready. "please..." he said again, his voice exasperated. you reached for the condom you kept in your bag just in case this ever happened and put it on him. as soon as it was on, he watched as his cock slowly disappeared into your pussy. he moaned not only at the feeling of you, but the view of you. you slowly started bouncing and he couldn't hold back his moaning, his hands reaching for your tits again. you grabbed his wrists and pinned them above his hand and he whined. "i know you're desperate but you don't have to be such a slut ethan..." increasing your pace. he felt his stomach do flips at the name. you felt his cock twitch inside you. "aw did you like that name? are you a slut for me?" "yes! p- please i'm gonna cum!" with one last bounce, he came with a loud moan of your name. once you got off of him, he pulled you down next to him. you gave him a small kiss. he seemed exhausted but before he fell asleep he said, "thanks for taking my virginity..."
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lovecanyon · 2 years
dad!harry’s coachella interview blurb!!!!
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“Harry, I recently found out you have two children. So to begin with I brought you a record of lullabies that were recorded by Stevie Nicks!”
Harry smiles as he gets handed the record. He couldn’t wait to show Y/N this.
“Thank you so much.” Harry beams. “My fiancé is going to love this record so much.” He waves the vinyl that had Stevie Nicks’ name plastered on the cover. He felt jittery about telling his future wife about it.
The interviewer laughs as he watches Harry look down at the record.
“You really love her huh.”
“I really do!” Harry says, biting his lip trying to suppress a smile but he fails once his lips curl into a grin. He really did love her a lot.
“Since you love your fiancé so much I have here this shirt that says I love Y/N.” The interviewer unfolds a white shirt revealing Y/N’s name printed onto the fabric. What really made the t-shirt was a photo of Y/N and Harry fitted to be a heart.
Harry lets out a breathy laugh as he stares at the shirt. He completely loved it.
“Can I wear it now?” Harry questions grabbing onto the fabric. He really wanted to tear off the shirt he was wearing and put on the I love Y/N shirt.
“You know what, I would love that!”
Almost instantly Harry peels off the yellow shirt he was wearing and replaces it with his new one—his new favorite.
Quickly fixing his green necklace, Harry swipes down the wrinkled fabric.
“I’m never talking this off.” The musician smiles. He truly was never going to take the shirt off.
“I can tell. Your face lit up so much once you saw it.”
“I just want to ask you about the bracelet you're wearing. Who made it?” The interviewer points down at the colorful beaded bracelet on Harry’s wrist.
A smile forms on Harry’s lips as he glances at the brightly colored beads. The story of how he got the bracelet was one of his favorite moments ever.
A squeaky voice calling Harry makes him turn around to find his son. He was wearing one of his shirts which was so baggy on him that it almost touched the ground.
Standing up from his crouched position, Harry catches the tiny body that slams into him.
“Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!”
Beau jumps up and down in Harry’s hold which makes him laugh. He wanted to know why his bunny was so excited.
“What’s up B?” Harry beams, making the three year old shove something into his grip. Looking down at his hand he finds a beaded bracelet. “Is this for me!?” The father playfully gasps.
“Yes I made it with mama!” Beau smiles, feeling proud of the bracelet he made for his father.
Analyzing the colorful beads, Harry finds his name misspelled with only one R, so it’s spelled ‘Hary’. His name not being spelled correctly made it even more special to him.
“I love it. I’m never taking it off.”
Harry grins thinking about one of his favorite memories. He had the best children ever.
“My son actually made it for me.” He answers the interviewer which makes him widen his eyes enthusiastically.
“Your son?! That’s the cutest thing I’ve ever heard!”
“My name not being spelled right makes it more special to me.” Harry breathes out a laugh. He always wore the bracelet that misspelled his name, to shows, events, red carpets and even on movie sets. Wherever he was, the beads were on his wrist giving him good luck.
It never left him.
“I heard your little Inez is a David Bowie fan.”
Still wearing the I love Y/N shirt, Harry giggles as he nods his head. Inez was the number one Bowie fan. She loved every album of his since Harry had played them over and over.
“She is, all she listens to is Bowie!” The singer grins. “Since she was in her mum’s belly.”
“Since she’s the biggest David Bowie fan, I would like to give her this vintage Ziggy Stardust onesie.” Nardwuar hands Harry the kids size shirt.
Harry lets out a chuckle as he unfolds the small onesie to reveal David Bowie’s character Ziggy, Inez’s favorite. He knew once his daughter saw this a gummy smile would grow on her face.
“Inez is going to love this. I can see her face already.” Harry predicts little Nez’s reaction.
“I also have this David Bowie plushie for her!”
Harry loved it.
“This is so cute. I just know she’s going to be obsessed with this. Thank you so much.” Harry smiles at the interviewer feeling thankful.
“It’s not a problem, I know how much you love your family so I brought gifts for all of them.”
Being a headliner for Coachella was something Harry had never expected. He didn’t even expect all the fame after the band broke up, yet here he was getting interviewed about his solo career and even better his new family life.
It was an amazing feeling.
“So you’re going to perform at Coachella again this weekend?”
“Yes, weekend two.” Harry nods. He performed at the festival for the first time last week and it couldn’t have gone any better.
After the performance he drove his family back to their rented Palm Springs house, cooked his favorite pasta for them and had a dance party with his two troublemakers.
Even though it was 11 PM both of the Styles children were up on their feet instead of in their beds sleeping, Inez who barely started walking was attempting to jump up and down like her father and brother but just ended up flat on her bum.
Almost instantly, Harry swoops up Inez in his arms and continues to dance with Beau. Ironically the music that they were dancing to was Harry’s new album that hadn’t been released yet.
Harry’s House was Y/N’s favorite album so far. She loved watching her lovies dance around to the songs that were written about her.
And that’s exactly what she was planning to do.
Holding one of her disposable film cameras, Y/N snaps a few shots of Harry jumping around with their kids.
It's 'cause I love you, babe
In every kind of way
Just a little taste
Know I love you, babe
Music for a Sushi Restaurant was one of Y/N’s favorites. She vividly remembers the day he wrote it, it was one of the best days they ever had together.
“Mama come and join us!”
Beau’s voice made her put down the camera and rush over to her dancing family. Catching Harry looking at her made a smile grow on her face. She loved him so much.
“How was it?”
“It was one of the most exciting weekends I’ve ever had.” Harry beams.
tag list: @harrysmatcha @harryspinkpillow @helen-with-an-a @florencepughily @peterparkerbae @toji-dabi-wife @fallonx @drphilssoulmate @cherriesrae @alienorknight @valluvsu @ivegotparticulartaste @ayeshathestyles @hazgoldenstyles @eiffelmezarry @tsukishimawhore @renatavieira @michellekstyles @eleanordaisy @shawnsblue @academiaghosts @japanchrry @agustdpeach @hannahnikohl @whoscamila @ch3rryrry @msolbesg @seguin-styles1996 @futuristicpalacegardenpsychic @youusunshineyoutemptress @kaitieskidmore1 @cherryfragrancx @ssuziess @milkiane @golden-hoax @flwrmuse @sunshinemendes8 @your--sweetest--downfall @melllinaa @iluvjj @tenaciousperfectionunknown @cashtons-wife @stellarossii @scenesofobx @manifestrry @lomlolivia
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wist0ragic · 2 months
alastor x insecure!reader
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ alastor and y/n are just really good friends, the idea is that y/n opens up to alastor about their insecurities when it comes their teeth and smile because he notices y/n covering their mouth every time (also a little bit of rosie x reader)
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Feeling self conscious about your teeth and smile was something that always plagued your thoughts. You couldn’t help but be painfully aware of the shape, colour and alignment of your teeth. Every time you spoke you always made an effort to have your lips cover them as mush as possible. Not to mention that every time you laughed, let alone smiled, you always covered your mouth with your hand.
And it didn’t take long for a certain smiling demon to realize all of this.
Alastor was sitting in the lounge of the hotel with you sitting across from him. The two of you were simply talking when he had made a funny insult towards Vox that made you laugh. Which of course caused you to cover your mouth with your hand. Noticing this Alastor tilts his head with curiosity
“Dear if you don’t mind my asking, why is it that you always cover your mouth when laughing? It’s quite a shame that I haven’t seen your full smile after all of this time of knowing each other”
Hearing him ask this made you press your lips together anxiously. Fiddling with your hands you avoid his gaze while answering him
“Well to be quite honest with you…. I think my teeth are ugly. They’re not perfectly straight and they’re not pearly white so I just…. prefer not to show them”
you answer with honesty and for a moment there was just silence. Anxiety began to spread through your body as you worried that Alastor might laugh at you. But instead you were greeted with him standing up and reaching his hand out to you
“Come now my dear I know exactly what will help”
blinking in confusion you slowly reach your hand out and place it in his. And just like that Alastor had you two linking your arms together as he began to lead you out of the hotel
“Darling there is no shame in having teeth that aren’t white and straight. That’s just a silly thing that people want you to believe so they can feel better about themselves” he begins, walking you down the steps of the hotel “You shouldn’t have to feel like your smile is for anyone but yourself”
you couldn’t help the heavy sigh that left you as you looked down at your feet
“I know, it’s just hard you know? I feel like everyone else has such pretty smiles and I don’t” you admit, looking ahead as Alastor continued to lead you down the path from the hotel and you couldn’t help but ask “Alastor, where exactly are we going?”
“To go see my dear friend Rosie! I just know that she’ll love you and agree with me about your smile” you were a little shocked to hear this but you felt your heart flutter a little with joy, Alastor really was a good friend and already you were starting to feel a little better.
Thankfully the walk to Cannibal Town wasn’t a very long one and it was easy to find Rosie in her gazebo. As soon as she saw Alastor her face lit up with an excited smile as she waved her hand high up in the air “Alastor! What a lovely surprise, come come!” she gestures to the empty seats next to her “I see you brought a cutie with you” she teases playfully in which Alastor smiles widely “Why yes! This here is my good friend and I thought I’d invite them over for some tea”
You smiled nervously with your lips pressed together as you waved to Rosie “It’s a pleasure to be meeting you, I hope you don’t mind” since you were a little nervous to be meeting someone new, especially an overlord
Rosie let out a happy squeal as she gently grabbed your hands in hers “My goodness you are just the cutest thing ever, of course I don’t mind! Any friend of Alastor’s is a friend of mine” she reassured, pulling out the seat next to her for you. Rosie was quick to make you feel comfortable and relaxed as you, her and Alastor all shared a lovely conversation.
Eventually you opened up to her about your insecurities with your teeth with a little nudge from Alastor.
Her face softened with a gentle smile as she reaches for your hands, holding them with care as she spoke “Oh sweetheart, I know it’s not easy to get over something you’re insecure about, but trust me when I say that it doesn’t matter how your teeth look. Your smile is just as gorgeous as anyone else’s”
the way she spoke with such tenderness and care really made your heart melt and Alastor could notice that her words had an effect on you
“You see my dear” he spoke up “Your smile is such a wonderful thing and something that you should be proud of”
never in a million years did you think that hell would be the place where you eventually would come to love your smile but here you were. Being comforted and reassured by two smiling cannibalistic demons and you couldn’t help but smile, teeth and all, as you laughed softly to yourself “Thank you guys, really, hearing all of this has really helped”
and the two smiled at you with a sort of pride and happiness “Of course dearie it’s only the truth” Rosie says before taking a sip of her tea “Yes quite, it’s lovely to finally see your full smile” Alastor adds, causing you to bashfully look away
The rest of the evening was spent with the three of you talking about anything and everything and of course learning all of the new gossip and you’ve never felt more content.
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aaaaaaaa this is my first time ACTUALLY writing something in so long so please excuse any awkwardness! i had fun writing this and i hope you have fun reading it <3
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zeruby16 · 10 months
reasons to love studying- kim taerae
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18+ MDNI
genre: smut, fluff, romance
summary: when you find yourself in the need of a tutor, matthew recommends his close friend, kim taerae. you finally figure out some way to like college algebra.
word count: 3.2 k
warnings: afab! reader, switch taerae; usage of pet names (sweetheart); cursing; oral sex (giving); fingering; penetration; protected sex (always use protection); slightest degradation kink; please let me know if i missed any
notes: i did not grammar check this, so please have mercy. the ending might be a bit rushed because i wanted to find some way to finish this imagine. please enjoy!
school was never your forte.
you depended on websites for homework answers and decided how c’s could still get you a degree, so you lived your life carelessly.
however, there was one minor bump in your plans. you couldn’t pass college algebra. 
you took the class three separate times and dropped it before you could fail. being a fashion major, you never anticipated anything dealing with numbers unless it was measurements, but here you were.
the amount of drops allowed had caught up to you and the last class you needed to graduate was college algebra. there was no way around it, you needed to take the class and pass with a c or higher. 
you had to graduate college if you wanted to go on and own your own boutique. the thing was you tried taking college algebra seriously, but nothing worked. you needed genuine help.
“why don’t you hire a tutor?” matthew, your closest confidant and first hand witness to your hatred of math, asked.
“i’m a senior trying to pass a freshman class, it’s embarrassing if i hire a tutor,” you sulked.
“it’s the only option left if you want to actually understand the class,” he pointed out, making you sigh in response as he was sadly right.
“i just don’t want anyone to know, it would ruin my good rep,” matthew rolled his eyes.
“you ruined it the moment you presented in speech visibly hungover,”
“in my defense, she said presentations were a huge part of the grade and no excuses could be used unless given by a doctor. she got what she asked for and i still got a b,” you shrugged towards matthew and saw the glint of actual disappointment in his eyes.
“you know what, i have a friend who works in the tutoring center. maybe he’ll be able to tutor you privately without others knowing,”
“is he cute?”
the canadian looked at you begrudgingly, “is that all you care about?”
“you’ll see for yourself, once i convince him to take you in,”
“take me in? what am i? a lost cause?”
“at this point, you are.”
what matthew failed to tell you was that his friend was taerae. 
the kim taerae. the vocal prince who made rounds around the university for his angelic voice and radiant smile. the cutest being you’ve ever encountered and now your tutor.
you considered canceling on him as you felt like your focus would be towards the attractive boy, but you didn’t want to cause any trouble. 
he managed to find time after his vocal class to schedule you in. he was willing to come to your dorm, so you could study privately and avoid being seen by other students. it came at a cost to you, but you appreciated how much he helped.
you pulled out your textbook and notes as you finished tidying up your desk. your dorm wasn’t a mess, but you two needed a workspace. once you heard a knock on the door, you stood still for a second, mentally preparing yourself to bathe in his presence.
the boy knocked again and you rushed to the door realizing how long you had left him standing there. you opened it to taerae’s charming smile as he had his glasses on and held his bag on his shoulder.
“y/n, right?”
“yes and you are taerae, matthew told me about you,” you smiled as you gestured for him to come inside.
“i can’t thank you enough for agreeing, i really never saw myself in this position,” you nervously scratched your neck as he placed his shoes near the door and his backpack on the floor.
“it’s no worries, algebra isn’t the easiest subject,” he politely understood your concern.
he looked towards your desk and pointed at your textbook and journal, “i assume this is the work you’re struggling with?”
your eyes widened as you realized how there was only one desk chair.
“oh yes, let me find you a chair!” you frantically looked under your bed for the extra chair you knew you had while taerae chuckled at your antics.
“thank you, let’s get started shall we?” 
taerae was phenomenal at his job. he fully taught you the concept of exponential equations and how they were solved. he explained how to graph and solve for the equations. 
better yet, he looked hot as hell as he did it. 
you comprehended what he said and how he did things, but you couldn’t help yourself as your eyes would wander off to his lips, his nose, or the little pieces of hair that fell in front of his face.
thankfully, he was oblivious to your eyes, but when he neared you to point towards a graph in your textbook, your heart rate soared and you were slightly turned on.
“okay, think you can solve a problem now?” taerae asked, turning his face towards you as you distracted yourself with your textbook to calm down the butterflies in your stomach.
“yeah, totally,” you gulped, writing down the equation he wanted you to figure out.
you figured out the x-axis of the equation, plugging in multiple numbers to confirm your answer and proceeded to write it down as an answer.
“good job, now try graphing it,” he encouraged, pulling out a loose sheet of graphing paper near him.
you drew the lines and plotted your points, but hesitated to draw the function.
“what’s wrong?” his eyebrows furrowed at your resistance.
“i can’t tell how to draw the line,” 
“well since the equation is in a fraction form with an exponent, is the slope positive or negative?” he asked as he came closer next to you to point towards your work.
your heart nearly stopped. his shoulders were touching yours and his arm brushed yours as he moved it to help explain the equation.
you could smell his mahogany scented cologne. you heard his breath as he rambled on about slopes and solutions.
“is it a negative slope?” you questioned your answer while taerae nodded enthusiastically. 
“you can see it forming too, so connect the dots downwards and make sure the line doesn’t touch the x-axis.” 
the pencil in your hand magically moved itself, drawing out the line he told you to. once you placed your pencil down, you stared at the question for a second to distract yourself from your thoughts.
“see, that wasn’t too hard was it?”
the problem wasn’t hard at all. you actually understood after he explained, but he was making you flustered and you couldn’t conjure any thoughts. 
“are you okay?”
“what?” you jumped a bit.
he laughed at your clumsiness, “you seemed a little spaced out. did the problem make your head hurt?”
you waved his idea off, “no, it wasn’t the problem! you explained it well!”
he leaned back on the chair and crossed his arms, smiling mischievously.
“what was the problem then? you hesitated answering the graph section,” your eyes widened at his observance. 
“oh that- i just forgot slopes for a second,”
“are you sure?” your heart rate picked up as he sat upright on his chair.
“nothing’s bothering you?”
“nope,” he looked at you suspiciously. 
“okay then,” he surrendered to your delight, “let me write up another problem.”
he took the pencil and wrote down an equation for you to graph, handing the pencil back to you once he finished.
“give it a try,” he gestured towards the paper and you switched your focus onto it.
you stared at the problem confusedly, realizing it seemed impossible to figure out.
“this is solvable right?”
he nodded playfully, “what you suddenly forgot how to solve for x?”
“no, i just can’t focus,” you mumbled. 
you were flustered, he could tell, and you knew for a fact this problem had no real solutions.
“you what?” he leaned towards you, trying to hear you once again.
“i can’t focus!” you frustratingly yelled.
you looked at him to see him smiling sheepishly.
“it’s adorable how riled up you get,” he bluntly stated.
“what do you mean?” you panicked, slowly coming to the realization that you were fucked.
he turned his body to face yours and placed his hand on your thigh gently, sending shivers down your spine.
“did you think i wouldn’t notice the staring?” he caressed your thigh as his voice slightly deepened.
“i wasn’t staring!” you protested.
“sweetheart, you were fucking me with your eyes,” his words went straight to your core.
“now, i’ve got you speechless. how cute,”
he lifted one of his hands from your thigh to your face as he caressed your cheek. you avoided his gaze, not wanting to fall deeper into the hold he had over you.
“if i checked your underwear right now, would it be soaking?” he placed his hands down to open your legs, placing his thighs in between them to prevent you from closing them.
“n-no,” you let out, earning a deep chuckle from him.
“you are just a liar, aren’t you?” 
“liars deserve punishment, don’t you think?” he seductively asked, biting your lips nervously, you disagreed.
he took his thighs out of yours and stood out of his chair, you followed his every movement as he stared down at you.
“can you stand up sweetheart? i think it’s time we switch seats,” you immediately stood up and moved out of the way for taerae to sit on your rolling chair.
he sat down and rolled back, patting his lap afterwards. you hesitantly placed yourself onto him, feeling the tent popping out of his pants. 
“here’s what we’re going to do, you are going to answer the next five questions. if you get a single thing wrong, i’m going to stop,” he commanded.
“that’s not fair,” you whispered under your breath, knowing how he would make you lose your focus.
“what’s that?”
“it’s either that or you get nothing at all, do you really want that?”
“no!” you whimpered, accidentally grinding yourself on his lap.
“exactly, now start on your problems,” he placed his hands on your waist, keeping you still.
you shut your eyes, thinking the action would get you to concentrate on your work. the first problem was the easiest. it was too good to be true.
once you got to the second problem, you felt taerae’s hands moving your waist slowly over his clothed hardon. you whimpered, realizing how difficult the next four questions would be.
you finished the second problem and went to the third, while taerae started to kiss your neck feverishly as a reward. you felt him biting lightly, knowing he would leave marks for the next day.
the real problem came when you got to question number four. taerae had stopped moving your waist, but held it with one hand while the other undid your shorts. 
you looked at the graph, trying to figure out the slope of the function and getting closer the answer, until taerae’s finger grazed over your clothed core. you shivered from pleasure as you placed one of your hands on the desk to get ahold of yourself.
“focus,” he growled into your neck, continuing to pepper it with kisses. 
he kept on rubbing your clit over your underwear, while the hand on your waist started to make its way under your shirt.
you continued the problem, moaning softly at his ruthless teasing. you sighed in relief as you drew the line of the graph and made it to the fifth question.
to your demise, taerae took it as a sign to place his fingers past your underwear and feel your heat.
“you’re soaking,” he scoffed. 
“you don’t even deserve this much,” your whimpers drowned out any thoughts involving math.
“finish the question,” he demanded, proceeding to slip his finger into you. you moaned at the action, accidentally scribbling a line on the graph you were trying to work on.
he moved his finger at a rapid pace, while you tried to finish the last part of the question. you gripped onto the desk as if your life depended on it and muffled your moans. you were bathing in pleasure as he kept going with no stops.
once you placed the pencil down anxiously, taerae looked over your shoulder and took his finger out. you looked at him with dismay, complaining about the emptiness until he smirked.
“what’s this line?” he pointed, using the finger with your juices coated in it.
“an accident! i scribbled it when-”
“don’t care, you got the question wrong,” he concluded.
“but i didn’t mean to write it! this is the line-” you protested, trying to convince him to spare you.
“sorry sweetheart, i told you liars deserve punishment,” he started to lift you off of himself, his tent still showing.
“but what?” he looked at you expectantly and you suddenly gained confidence as you dropped to your knees.
“i can help you,” you mentioned, starting to palm his hard-on. 
his eyes closed behind his glasses in pleasure as you continued to move your hand over him. 
“you think you can get away with lying by making me cum?” he tried to clearly say, your eyes staring right into his as you unbuttoned his pants.
“please?” you begged, hands starting to touch him over his underwear.
he hesitated in answering as you proceeded to pull down his underwear and grabbed his cock, rubbing the tip. you kept stroking him, spitting on your hands at some point.
“i just want to thank you for helping, isn’t that fine?” you teased, placing his tip into your mouth and rubbing your tongue over it.
“fuck!” he groaned, placing his hands on your hair to grab ahold of you.
“you haven’t said it’s fine,” you scolded, stopping your movements.
“okay! just don’t stop!” he begged and you smiled, continuing the motions you went through before.
taerae was thick, so consistently moving your mouth on his cock proved to be a challenge, but with his hands guiding you, he neared his orgasm.
“god, you’re doing great y/n,” he praised, groaning as he found your eyes. 
his moans sounded beautiful as he let them out frequently and you fastened the pace of your mouth.
“holy shit,” he moaned, cumming in your mouth. you cleaned all of his cum off, swallowing the contents.
you looked at him dazed. he could cum again at your fucked out state. your hair tangled from his grip, your mouth glistening with his juices, and your eyes dilated at the pleasure.
he grabbed your chin and lifted your mouth towards his, pulling you into a feverish kiss. the kiss went on heatedly as you two fought for dominance, taerae winning as he pushed his tongue into your mouth. you went on until you pulled away breathlessly. 
taerae patted your head, picking you up from the floor as he smiled.
“only because you’ve been a good girl,” he said, pulling you towards the couch adjacent to your desk. 
you followed him, deserting the algebra work he came to help you with.
as much as you wanted to pass college algebra, you needed kim taerae to fuck you more.
he grabbed a condom from his backpack before he sat himself down on the couch, slipping it onto his cock. he proceeded to take off his shirt as he openly checked you out.
you removed your shirt as well and unclasped your bra, showing taerae the handprints he left from grabbing your waist earlier.
you faced him as you sat on his lap and grabbed his cock to line it up with your core. he pushed into you slowly, bottoming out and letting you adjust to his length.
“how are you so wet, yet so tight?” he groaned as you placed your head on his shoulder.
“cause you didn’t fuck me earlier,” you muttered under your breath, wanting to rile up the boy.
taerae placed his hands on your hips and stopped your motions.
“what did you say?” he looked at you expectantly.
“you’re lucky you’re getting to ride me, consider this your last warning sweetheart,” his hands guide your hips and you start to ride him at a fast pace.
his name came out of your mouth so easily, if only you could answer the questions left on your desk the same way.
his motions fastened as well as he felt you getting closer to your climax.
“taerae please,” you begged, trying to bounce faster as he continued to hit your spot mercilessly.
“you’re taking me so well sweetheart, tell me did you ask for my help just to fuck me?” his voice lowered as your eyes closed in pleasure.
“no, i-” you couldn’t get any words out of your mouth, “i needed help.”
“are you sure? what did i say about lying?”
“i promise!” you yelled, not caring about your neighbors. as long as taerae was the man you were with, you wouldn’t shut up.
“i’m so close,” you cried.
tarae continued his motions, adding a finger in between your bodies to stroke your clit. your moans became louder and the only words left you could say was his name.
“go ahead, y/n, come like the dumb slut you are,” his words pushed you towards your orgasm, resting your head on his shoulders afterwards.
he kept pushing himself inside of you until he came again, groaning your name.
you two stayed in your positions until you heard taerae chuckle.
“what’s so funny?” you slightly pouted, looking at his cheeky smile. 
“i’d never thought i’d be tutoring someone as gorgeous as you,”
“shut up, you’re only saying that because of the position we’re in,”
“no, i’m serious.”
he grabbed a piece of your hair from your face and pushed it behind your ear.
“every time i saw you around campus, i would secretly pray about you needing help. i even told matthew about it,” your eyes widened.
“so matthew asked you to tutor me because you found me attractive?” you claimed, looking at him suspiciously.
“i really didn’t think it would get to this point,” he added.
“well i never hid my feelings for you from matthew, so i guess we both lucked out.”
taerae let out another one of his adorable chuckles and placed his forehead on yours.
“we seriously need to get you to study again, you learned nothing from this session,”
“it’s not my fault you’re hot,” you lifted your hands to your defense.
“how about this, after we get dinner next week, we’ll have a productive study session?” he suggested, your cheeks were tinted with pink.
“are you asking me out, taerae?”
“yes sweetheart, i am. unless you only want to stick to-”
“no! i want to go out with you!” he laughed at your rushed response.
after you two rested for a while more, taerae pulled out of you and threw away the condom in the nearest trash can. he also prepared towels for you and cuddled with you on the couch until you fell asleep.
matthew was not one bit surprised when he knocked on your door the next morning to find his friend sound asleep on your couch.
you could care less though because in your last semester of college, you finally found a reason to like studying. 
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a/n: thanks for reading, sorry for any grammar mistakes
@zeruby16 on tumblr | est. 2023
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sunlightmurdock · 1 year
My Future in You | 2.1 | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
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Synopsis: Bradley’s twenty-two years old and not where he’s supposed to be. He’s supposed to be out of the academy by now. Instead, he’s retaking his senior year of college and praying to god that he gets into flight school. Mav’s gone, his mom’s gone. He’s mad at the world. Then, a hook up at a Halloween party changes his future even more than he could have imagined.
Warnings: accidental pregnancy, references to abortion in a few chapters, angst, will be fluff eventually, will be smut so 18+, enemies to lovers kinda thing, requited love but they’re idiots your honour
Bradley wanders through the house, whistling as he goes. It’s maybe a little too quiet, but he’s not complaining. At first, he assumes that you’ve gone to the store or to the park — then he remembers why he’s home early today. It’s Thursday. Lamaze. After you had made such a big deal about the two of you going, there’s no a chance in hell that you would’ve forgotten that it was today.
Dropping his bag to the ground, he rolls his shoulders back and stretches his arms over his head. Spending all day in that stuffy-ass classroom, in this heat, was torture. He’s still trying to wake himself up after that boring day.
His whistling stops as he continues through the apartment, trailing his fingertips along the wall. He glances into the kitchen — no sign. Following forwards, he next checks the baby’s room.
“Hey, Seresin! — You home?”
You scowl at the way he chooses to address you. One hand rested on your swollen stomach, your eyes darken, features stormy as he rounds the corner into the nursery.
“Hi.” He gives you a nod of acknowledgement, leaning against the doorframe, chewing on a piece of gum. He looks handsome, standing there in his flightsuit with a neat, white t-shirt on under it.
“Bradshaw.” You answer him begrudgingly, hoping he takes offence to it as much as you do. Six weeks away from bringing his child into the world and he still calls you by your surname.
His grin falters as he lifts his arm and checks his watch. “Shouldn’t you be getting ready? — That class starts in like forty minutes.”
“Yes.” You reply, continuing to fold the muslins on the ground like that is all part of the plan. His brows scrunch softly — you’re never late and you definitely weren’t this chilled out about the class last night.
“So…?” He prompts you. Your face creases with irritation, calmly folding the cloths, avoiding his gaze.His face drops in realisation, breaking into a delighted grin. “You can’t get up.”
“Yes, I can. I just don’t want to.” You bite back instantly. His grin widens.
“I’ll give you twenty dollars if you stand up right now.” Digging his hand into his pocket, he goes for his wallet, amusement dripping from that shit-eating grin on his face. Your hand balls into a koala printed linen cloth as you lift your gaze and glare at him.
“Why would I want twenty dollars from you?”
You would think that he would know better than to taunt a woman as pregnant as you are, but he continues anyway, his laugh practically a giggle as he urges you on. “I’ll go down on you the second we get home. Stand up.”
You hiss in annoyance, balling the cloth in your hand and launching it at his head. “Get out of my face, I swear to god — you make me want to hit you with things.”
He doubles over laughing, knowing that you just proved his point. Clutching a hand over his chest, he drops to his knees in front of you, cheeks red and flushed with delight. Your scowl twitches. Still laughing, he leans in closer across your criss-crossed legs. “Baby, that is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Let me help you.”
“I don’t need your help.” You frown at him, lips practically pouted. Bradley grins, darting forwards to peck your pouted lips softly. He slips his hands into yours and stands back up, pulling you with him. You groan in complaint and breathe out hard, immediately dropping his hands and resting them against the small of your back.
“You sore?” Bradley asks, brows scrunching softly. You huff, brushing past him calmly and heading for the bathroom.
“Wanna shower together? — Save some time?”
“I don’t think it would save any time.” You reply, walking ahead of him. You leave the bathroom door open behind you anyway. As annoying as he is, you can’t pretend that he doesn’t look especially handsome in his flightsuit.
Now at the end of his second week, he has eased into the adjustment of flight school with more ease than he had your pregnancy. Like he was born to do it.
Bradley hears the water start to run and ducks into the bathroom, glancing down to find your shorts and tank top already discarded on the tile floor.
“Are you coming or what?” Your voice comes from behind the shower curtain.
He grins again. Making quick work of his flightsuit and kicking his boots off, he tugs his way out of the rest of his clothes. Stepping into the shower behind you, he presses his lips to the curve of your neck. He exhales slowly as he gives his arms a gentle squeeze around your middle.
“How was work today?” You rest your head against his shoulder as he smooths his palm over your stomach and then wraps his arms around your middle. He hugs himself closer to you, humming in quiet contentment.
“Was alright,” He tells you softly, turning his face into the curve of your neck and kissing your skin softly. “How was your day?”
“Slow,” You answer him, reaching forwards to grab your body wash. “This kid has me moving like a sloth, and my hips are killing me.”
His hands slide lower on your middle and you almost open your mouth to scold him. He hooks his hands under the bottom of your stomach and braces some of the weight of it under his palms. “Couple more weeks, baby.”
You close your eyes, lingering on the feeling of his chest against your back and the borderline weightless feeling that rushes through you without the added weight in your middle.
He turns his face into the crook of your neck, kissing tenderly at the damp skin. As much as you try to keep your mind level, you find yourself pressing back into him.
“We can’t be late for our first class.” You remind him quietly. He strokes your hair back away from your neck, free hand curling around your hip.
“How ‘bout I just get you off?” He asks, pressing his chest firmer against your back. Your brows furrow slightly, wondering when that happened. When this development had occurred. A few months ago, you’re certain that he never would have offered this. Maybe you just didn’t know him that well back then. Or maybe he didn’t like you that much.
“Baby?” He reminds you to answer him. You whine softly at the realisation that you’re standing there like an idiot, frozen with anticipation.
“We really don’t have time.” You’re just as disappointed to say it as he is to hear it. His hands slide along your front and cup your swollen breasts cautiously, pressing his lips to your neck.
He hums quietly and presses himself against your ass, letting you feel that he’s half-hard. Your hand rests against the bathroom tile, head leaned back against his shoulder. Shitty, first-home kind of bathroom tile. You hope that you’ll remember this. Young, dumb and about to miss your first lamaze class for a quickie against some shitty, first-home kind of bathroom tile.
It turns out that the teacher is running late because of a flat tire — not that you were that late to begin with, Bradley’s already insisting that he knows the fastest ways around town.
He grabs the door and swings it open, balancing your bag on his shoulder and the yoga mat under his arm as he gestures for you to go first. White t-shirt, black gym shorts, still wet curls tucked under a white and green Philadelphia Eagles cap.
He has complimented your sundress six times since you put it on. You can’t pretend that it doesn’t inflate your ego to have him fawning over you. That you don’t love looking in the mirror and smoothing a hand over your ever-growing stomach, delighted with everything that your body has done for you so far.
“So, those are, like, flowers on it? — Roses?” His eyes are on your ass as you walk into the studio, two steps ahead of him. The door swings shut behind the two of you, air conditioning chilling your warm skin. You glance back at him and shrug.
“I thought they were birds.” As you turn back, you notice that a few couples have turned around to look at you.
There are maybe twelve couples in the class. You’re the last to arrive. You’re the youngest by maybe a decade. Your partner almost trips over you because he’s too busy trying to figure out if the pattern stretched over your ass is birds or roses to notice that you’ve stopped walking.
“There’s space here.” He doesn’t notice the change in your demeanor, as quietly confident as always, leaning over your shoulder to peck your cheek and then set up.
Silently, you’re reminded of the cruelest thing that you have said to Bradley. That you don’t want your son to be anything like him. Laying in the hospital, sobbing, terrified of raising someone that could be half as brash and thoughtless as their father.
You watch him now, setting your bag down and rolling out the mat, wordlessly taking your hand and helping you sit. He is completely unaware of the looks that you just received. Maybe he didn’t notice, maybe he just didn’t care. Thoughtless — no. His thoughts are in the right place, his focus is entirely on you and him.
“You’re right, they’re birds.” Bradley decides as he sits down behind you, bracketing your thighs with his and resting his chin against your shoulder. You rest your hands against his knees, squeezing softly. He smooths his hands over the material. “Did you want to get dinner after this?”
His heart beats steadily against your back, the warmth of his cheek resting against the curve of your neck. You trail your fingers in a circle over each of his knees.
“Like a date?”
His brows scrunch. In fact, he almost scoffs. “If you want to call it that.”
Your touch slows, teeth sinking into the inside of your cheek softly. You shrug your shoulders and rest your hands in your lap, “Yeah, if you’re hungry.”
Things with Bradley are complicated. Nothing about the seven months that you have known him has been simple. But, living with him has introduced a whole new influx of challenges. You sleep in his bed, you fuck in his shower — and in most areas of the apartment, for that matter — and you are having a baby together. All signs point towards monogamy.
But, you aren’t going to be the idiot that assumes and gets their heart stepped on.
You decided a few nights ago that you were going to stop sleeping with him until your relationship was defined. You had then woken up to him spooning you; your pregnancy hormones made quick work of dismantling the pact that you had made with yourself.
It says something about you, doesn’t it? — That you’ll carry his child but you won’t put your foot down and ask what you are to him. Truthfully, both answers to that question seem a little bit terrifying. You’re his girlfriend, or you aren’t.
“Hi, nice to meet you,” You’re snapped from your daydream by the stock-image looking couple situated to your left. A smiling blonde woman and her dark-haired husband, looking at you like they’re being paid to be this friendly. “I’m Mark, this is my wife Zara.”
Interesting name for a stock-image woman. You remind yourself that being mean on the inside won’t make you look any friendlier on the outside and force a quick smile. Bradley listens politely as you introduce the two of you to this new couple.
It occurs to him in that moment, that he’s probably going to have to have parent friends. Grown-ups whose shitty kids he has to pretend to like, or carpool places. Maybe he should get into golf or something.
You don’t ask them what they do for work, but Mr. Stock-Image decides to tell you anyway. “I’m in cardiology, my wife’s in a law firm.” Dr. Stock-Image.
He gestures between the two of them and they beam over at you, his hand stretching down to cover her bump. “This is our first, we wanted to wait until the right moment to start trying.”
Bradley exhales an obnoxious sound from behind you and claps a hand down onto your shoulder. Breathing out slowly, you close your eyes and wait for what you know is coming next. “Man, I hate to think of what we could’ve done if we had been trying.”
Smoothing your hand along his knee, you catch hold of a couple of leg hairs and pinch. He places his hand on top of yours and moves it back into your lap.
“So, um, how did you guys meet?” Dr. Stock-Image tries to revive the flow of conversation, that perpetually friendly look coating his features. His wife hasn’t said anything yet, she just keeps on smiling like something from the Stepford Wives.
“Funny story, actually.” Bradley beams. Your eyes widen as you move for a quick intercept before he has a chance to say what he’s going to say. There are supposed to be three more classes after this, you can’t take him making things awkward on the first day.
“Just through college.”
Mark nods calmly. Finally, his beaming wife chips in, “So, have you been together long?”
You almost wince. You’re certain that the couple notices. Exhaling slowly, keeping your smile tight-lipped and polite, you shake your head. You won’t make a fool of yourself by saying maybe three weeks — as long as you’ve been in Pensacola, and you definitely won’t let Bradley have to correct you later on. “We aren’t together.”
He doesn’t say anything. Through the hour long class, you’re left wondering if it’s because he agrees or if it’s because you have annoyed him. Sitting on the hood of the bronco, finishing off some fries in front of the beach, he confirms that it’s the latter.
“Did you mean what you said in that class?”
You wrap your lips around your straw and sip at your sprite, shrugging your shoulders as nonchalantly as your body will allow. Pensacola’s not your favourite place, you already know that you won’t be here for longer than you have to be, but it does have some pretty sunsets. You’re grateful for that. It gives you something to look at other than him.
“I didn’t want to assume anything, especially in front of strangers.” You aren’t looking for an argument, or a broken heart. Your approach is tender-footed, cautious. It makes Bradley’s heart sink to realize that you feel that way. He glances across at you and then looks back towards the beach.
“I assumed.” He admits, leaning back on his palms. You turn your head to look at him. He presses his tongue to the inside of his cheek. Before, Bradley knows that he would have been mad about this. Embarrassed. He’s still a little embarrassed. But he understands your caution.
Things have been rocky between the two of you. Not so much since you got here. Bradley has adored these past three weeks. He was sitting in a pre-flight lecture the other day and thinking about how shitty it would be, coming home to that empty apartment. Maybe going out to bars on weekends and trying to score girls, living off of ready meals because cooking for one just isn’t worth it.
Instead, he gets to come home to you, and laugh at you for being so pregnant that you get stuck on the ground. To watch movies with you in the evenings, or for you to tell him about the book you’re reading because you know that he doesn’t have the attention span to finish it himself, so he doesn’t mind the spoilers.
His favourite part is those late talks with you. When the baby is keeping you awake, and he’s almost asleep already, but you’re just talking. Asking him questions to keep him with you, letting him smooth his hands over your skin. He loves the things that you come up with just to keep him awake.
“Would you… want us to be together?” Bradley asks gently.
You close your eyes. You had been hoping that this decision wouldn’t fall down to you, because you’re half-certain that somewhere along the way, you’ve fallen in love with him. It dawned on you two days ago. He got home early from work and cooked for you — it had surprised you.
You had always thought that he was the kind of guy that would burn toast. He admitted that he probably only knows two recipes, but it had surprised you. The grin on his face when you had admitted that it was good, it sparked butterflies in your stomach that you had thought were just rumours.
“I mean, do you?”
“Yeah.” Bradley’s answer is maybe a second too quick, but not urgent. You’ve got a feeling that if you told him no, he would still do his best to accept your answer.
“So, I’d be your girlfriend?” You turn your head towards him and raise your eyebrows. He adjusts the brim of his cap to protect his eyes from the sun, casting a shadow over their honeyed hue, then nods his head. Your lips quirk softly. You lean into him. “I think I could put up with that.”
Bradley smiles across at you, all golden skin and golden eyes — annoyingly handsome in this oranged tint. He flattens his palm against the hood and leans across to kiss you. Soft, slow, and he pulls back to look at the sky again. There is a moment’s silence between the two of you.
“Lamaze was boring as fuck, by the way,” He decides finally, grabbing his soda from beside you. “You didn’t tell me that it was just going to be an hour of breathing for dummies.”
Lips quirking, you sip at your sprite again. He’s right. It kind of was for dummies, and all of the information in there was available on youtube anyway. You didn’t want to go back anyway.
“There are parenting classes there on Tuesdays, do you think we should just go to those instead?”
Bradley gives a quick shrug of those broad shoulders and dips his fries into his ketchup. “What does that teach?”
“Um, diapers, swaddling, bathing them — nursing and stuff, I’m not sure.” You list off as much as your brain will allow you to recall at this point in your pregnancy. There’s more, but there is no point trying to search your brain for that information now.
“What’s swaddling?”
@thedroneranger @chaoticweirdogeek @alanadetigy @itsmytimetoodream @oldnatgwenaccount @khaylin27 @bioodforbiood @luckyladycreator2 @mizzzpink @mak-32 @cherrycola27 @unordinare @shanimallina87 @heli991113 @ghxst-heart @momc95 @asteria33 @lilyevanswhore @diamond-3 @galaxy-moon @jostyriggslover96 @forgiveliv @shawnsblue @little-wiseone @lovemesomevesey @averyhotchner @diorrfairy
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2knightt · 1 year
can u do a johnny cade fic where he gives readers maximum princess treatment ?? like helping take off ur shoes and giving u a piggy back ride when ur feet hurt, and getting genuinely frustrated when u won’t let him open doors for u. HEHEH AHH🤭 pleaseeee and thank you sm sm !!
↳she just went to heaven and back!₊˚✧
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➬ johnny cade x fem!reader
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he’s so whipped for you, let’s get that out of the way.
he does anything and everything for you.
he helps you get out of cars, like he’s rushing to your door.
“wait a second, babe!”
then he comes tearing around the corner to open your door, holding his hand out for you to take it.
he said, bowing down with a fake british accent as you accepted his hand with a chuckle.
“why, thank you sir!”
no but like, you’re so right. he totally takes your shoes off before his.
like, he doesn’t even think of taking his shoes off unless yours are off.
you just sat down on a chair to take off your shoes, as normal.
until johnny kneels down infront of you, and takes them off himself.
“what are you doing?”
you asked him, laughing a little.
“takin’ off your shoes so you can go lay down faster.”
he answered, taking the other shoe off.
you had been walking all night with johnny, in not the best shoes.
they hurt your feet after walking for 20 minutes, you don’t even know why you picked them.
so, like anyone would do, you started to complain.
“ugh!! my feet are killing me!”
“these shoes i picked! they suck, man.”
you looked at johnny and he was looking down at the ground.
until he asked you a question.
“well, want a piggyback ride? i know your house ain’t too far.”
you whipped your head to face him so fast, you could’ve sworn you got whiplash!
johnny just looked at you, confused.
why are you so shocked? he loves you, don’t he?
“yeah, really.”
he answered with a sigh, as you jumped on his back.
he definitely ran for awhile just to see you smile or hear your laugh.
even if you don’t like your smile or your laugh, johnny thinks it’s the most beautiful thing ever.
you two were walkin’ into the dingo a week later.
for a cute date, he said.
and who are you to decline a date from the cutest boy in tusla?
you were walking ahead of him since he picked up his cigarette box he dropped.
and since you were ahead you opened the door yourseld, and that made johnny cade stop in his tracks!
he raced into the dingo and ran right in front of you.
“what do you mean, ‘what?’ you opened the door.”
“so? i had to get in.”
“yeah but, i always open doors for you!”
he said, looking like a toddler that didn’t get his way.
you sighed at his behaviour and chuckled.
“would you like for me to go back outside just to let you open the door for me?”
johnny thought for a minute before opening his mouth,
you sighed at your boyfriend and turned around to walk outside, but you couldn’t help but smile.
you walked outside and waited as your boyfriend ran outside and then ran towards the door, again.
johnny then opened the door for you, smiling so bright.
you, yourself, couldn’t help but grin at your boyfriend.
johnny cade can and will treat you like royalty if you ask him too.
well—not ask, more like, you being blessed by the gods.
but overall, johnny thinks you’re absolutely perfect in every way and should be TREATED that way!
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may 28th, 2023. 12:00PM
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I’ve literally never been attracted to Bruce but your doting husband series is the cutest thing I’ve ever read
This is also not an ask but I'm gonna treat it like one 💜
"Yes, Master Richard?" he said, glancing up from where he was polishing silver.
"Is Y/N mad at me?" he asked.
"I don't know why she would be," he said honestly. "You haven't seen her since breakfast and as I recall-"
"Her parents were really mad-"
The Butler set down his silverware and tried to weigh what he wanted to say. He hardly understood what had happened, still wrapping his mind around how- frankly unstable they'd gotten when you hadn't rolled over and showed your belly and instead shown your own teeth. "I do not believe," he said, "That that is anything you need to worry about."
"She said they weren't coming back for a long time-"
"And do you believe her?"
The boy hesitated, undoubtedly replaying events in his mind. "She didn't promise," he said finally.
"I see, and that makes a difference does it?"
Dick thought about it. When you said you'd take him to the park if he didn't climb on the chandelier's you did. And you didn't promise. When you said you'd come play with him as soon as you finished your paperwork you did- and he knew because he'd listened at the door. But you didn't promise. "Not this time," he said finally. "She was really sad."
"Yes," he allowed. Waiting. Alfred knew he had questions. A lot of questions- questions to which he didn't know he had good answers. But, he was clearly upset.
"She was crying," he said frowning. "Really bad."
"I'm sure," Alfred said, smiling a little. He'd never seen you cry. But he'd seen the aftermath. And the effort you'd expend not crying in front of people... He'd assumed it was some sort of professional thing. Knowing now that it had been trained into you by your parents. Well. That made him angry in a way he didn't know how to describe. And now it made sense why you'd avoid any direct confrontation.
"Can we make cookies?" Dick asked suddenly, still frowning.
"Why on earth-"
"We can take them to the office," he said still thinking.
"I think that's a lovely thought," he said, "Come along, Master Richard-"
"And on the way there we can go to her parent's house and slash their tires."
"That's less lovely-"
"They did it on Cops!"
"I think we'll allow Miss Y/N and Master Bruce to handle them," Alfred said. "But. We can take cookies to the legal aid office on the way to the park."
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milequaritchsslut · 1 year
Aged Up Yandere Neteyam x Fem Reader x Lo’ak Part 4
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Warnings: Yandere, pet names, swearing, Lo’ak being the cutest ever, heavy Lo’ak x Reader, Neteyam being a lunatic, jealousy, control issues, unhealthy possessiveness, arguing, yelling, kissing, cheating, hissing, slut shaming, Y/n fighting back (yay), blackmail, manipulation, tainted dreams, violence, mentions of choking, mentions of death, crying, hugging, biting (?), love triangle
Word count: 3k
Note: Ngl I kinda got carried away with this chapter 😭 uhm sorry if you don’t like it. It’s totally understandable if you don’t. But I hope you do enjoy it!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 5
“Yes—I am” you nodded, grateful you could soon call Neteyam yours forever. He smiled back, grinning at your gesture. You were such a good girl for him, so sweet and kind. You did everything he asked of you, even though he didn’t ask for much. Except for when you didn’t, when you decided to be defiant and ignore his crystal clear rules. He hated it when you did that, why couldn’t you just listen to him? He let his emotions get the best of him a few times, and would get a little too physical. But he always said he was sorry so it was ok right? That’s what he told himself at least, he even convinced himself it was Eywas “will”. God was he in fucking deep, too deep to get out. He had such a gaping hole not even Ewya could save him. But he didn’t need saving, he was perfectly fine. He had just made a few “mistakes”, is what he called his little outbursts on you. But he never meant to hurt you, he was your boyfriend of course he would never hurt you, so it was ok.
“Y/n, I was wondering if I could have the first dance?” Lo’ak asked, looking up from his food. Trying his best not to glance at his fuming brother across from him. His eyes were filled with innocence as he looked at you. He looked absolutely adorable right now, ugh maybe you should’ve picked him instead of Neteyam. He was so cute around you, never using vulgar language, only talking about things you liked. He was such a gentleman when it came to you, so honorable. What were you saying? Lo’ak isn’t your boyfriend, Neteyam is. What would Neteyam think of this? Oh Ewya he’d probably get really mad at you. He’d probably hit y-. No of course not, that was in the past. Those were just accidents he didn’t mean to make, he’ll never do it again. Mentally, you cursed yourself for your horrid thoughts for another man. You smiled at Lo’ak before answering. “Of course! I would love to” you said, joy beaming from each word you spoke. It seemed like a good idea to you, you didn’t have many friends anymore, due to your lunatic of a boyfriend, so Lo’ak seemed like a good choice.
Neteyam on the other hand, absolutely abhorred the idea. He didn’t need Lo’ak touching all up on his soon to be mate. You were innocent, so pure, for only him to have. Nobody else was allowed to have you, you were made for him. Ewya had created you just for him, that’s what his twisted mind had told him at least. Lo’ak was ruining everything for him, all the plans he had for a future with you were becoming torn down by his idiot of a brother. He wanted to lunge across the table and fucking choke him. Watch his face turn purple and an even darker blue as he sucked the air from his weak lungs. That seemed like a perfect way to end this dinner didn’t it? No, your innocent eyes couldn’t see that kind of scene, you didn’t need all that violence in front of you. You needed to be taken care of, held tightly, enough so you could never leave.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea y/n” Neteyam suggested, almost growling out his response, slowly looking up to glare at his younger brother. “Why not? I think it’s a great idea!” Kiri budged in, sending an innocent smile to her obviously annoyed brother, knowing exactly what she’s doing as she does. Wtf? Why couldn’t his siblings just shut up. This wasn’t their fucking mating ceremony it was his. He gets to decide on who does what with you, that’s his job. He gets to control everything you do, every interaction, every breathe you take he wants—no he needs to control. “Why not Teyam?” You asked, oblivious of their rivalry against each-other. Scoffing at your ignorance, he shook his head, annoyed with you at this point.
“Because I said so y/n” turning his attention back to you, he was cold, so frigid when it came to you. Why was he so stubborn? There wasn’t anything wrong with it, why couldn’t he see that. “She doesn’t have to listen to you Neteyam, you are not her father!” Kiri snapped back, eyebrows raised high at how ignorant her brother was being. The way he acted disgusted her to say the least, you were your own person, he didn’t get to control you. You stayed silent, letting Kiri fight for you, you didn’t wanna rile him up more than he already was. “I was not talking to you Kiri” his fist coming to slam down on the table. “Do not yell at your sister Neteyam!” Neytiri ordered, looking at her son in utter disbelief, she had never seen him so rude. “Yeah bro calm down, it’s not that deep” Lo’ak added, coming to place his hand onto yours, “you ok y/n?” He asked, making sure only you heard. You nodded back, sending a smile to him. “Do not touch her!” Neteyam spat, standing to his feet to knock some sense into his younger brother. “Sit back down boy!” Jake demanded, giving his son a stern look.
“Neteyam are you ok?” Tuk asked, a bit scared of her fuming brother. Neteyam rudely ignoring his younger sister sat back down, sending a cold stare to Lo’ak as he did. “I- I think I’m going to go” you mumbled quietly, standing to your feet to leave. “No—y/n stay!” Tuk frowned, a small pout forming on her little face. “Thank you for having me” waving goodbye, Lo’ak quickly followed behind. Neteyam began getting up, but was pulled right back to his seat by his mother. “Let them be” Neytiri hissed out, sending a death stare to her eldest son.
As you made your way to your hut, you were abruptly stopped by a hand coming to your shoulder. It was Lo’ak, turning to face him you waited for him to say something. “Hey y/n, im sorry for my brothers behavior. He can be a bitch sometimes” leaving an awkward laugh at the end, a smile still propped on his face as he stared into your golden orbs. “Oh—it’s ok“
“No it is not y/n, I don’t like the way he treats you, you deserve better than that” taking his hand into yours, a silence enwrapped you both as you tried to find an answer to his words. But you came out with nothing. So you stood there, your head hanging low, trying not to look at him. “Y/n, I just want you to know I would never hurt you—in any way” his grip tightening for a second as he spoke, he loves you. He loves everything about you, every movement you make he watches in awe. You were beautiful, that was easy for anyone to see. But that didn’t matter to him, it was your sweet soul, and kind heart that he admired. But you knew he was right, Neteyam was a bit strange in showing his love for you, but he did love you. Right?
You looked so good right now, your pupils had widened at his words, and the eclipse moon was hitting your face so wonderfully, you were glowing in admiration. He couldn’t take it, you looked too good not to be touched. Bringing your face into his hands, he tilted your head to meet his. Leaning in, he slowly entangled his lips into yours. You tasted like a sweet nectar he didn’t even know existed, his lips were soft as they touched yours. It was too good to back away from, so you leaned into it, biting that soft flesh that crashed into your own. Wrapping your hands around his head, as you molded into him, your fingernails digging into his gruff skin. He snaked his hands around your waist, pulling you into him, the warmth of his body hitting you like a tsunami.
He felt so good, better than Neteyam? No. This is wrong, you can’t do this, it’s not right. Trying to pull away, you were only leaned into more as you tried to escape his entrancing grasp. Finally pulling your abused skin from his, he let you catch your breathe before speaking. “Lo’ak we can’t do this, it’s wrong, what if Neteyam finds out?” Looking up to find him just smirking down at your worried frame. You were so adorable worrying about your silly little boyfriend everyone hated. “No one will find out y/n I promise” moving a loose strand of hair out of your gleaming face, he smiled at you, his canines popping out slightly. “What do you think your doing?!” A voice yelled from behind him, it was Neteyam. Quickly you pulled yourself loose from his grip, “Lo’ak go” you begged, pushing him to run the opposite direction. “Nah I can take him” he pushed back “Lo’ak please!” You yelped, desperation dripping from your words. Finally he ran the other direction, before Neteyam could get to him.
“What the fuck was he doing to you y/n?” Neteyam asked, finally meeting you. “Nothing Neteyam, just go home” you suggested, changing your direction while you walked away. “Why are you lying to me y/n?” He asked, trying to catch up to you. You didn’t answer. Silence is all he got, but you both knew that wasn’t going to be enough. “Did he touch you?” Silence. “Did he hurt you?” Silence. “Answer me y/n or I swear to Ewya” stopping in your tracks, you turned to him, and looked him dead in the eyes. “What? What are you gonna do? Hm? You gonna bruise me again?” Your voice was drowning in annoyance, he was the last person you wanted to be around right now. You just wanted to go home and sleep.
“Excuse me?” Stepping into you, as he towered over your small frame. “You heard me” you shot back, sick of how he treated you like a child. His eyebrows instantly raised at your snarkyness, a smile poking at the sides of lips. What the actually fuck? What was this lunatic smiling about now? “So your gonna be like that huh?” He asked, tilting his head slightly at your silly mistake. “Yes I am Teyam” you almost hissed back, what kind of question even was that? “Alright then, I’ll go tell everyone about what a little cheater you are, I’ll tell my whole family about your little crush on my brother. And about what a little whore you are. You want that?” Your expression immediately frowned, fear engulfing your vision. What would the clan think of you? Everyone would shun you from their walkway, they’d all see you as a slut. “No—no Teyam, I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to kiss him I swear!” Your voice was so desperate, you looked so pathetic clinging onto his arm, begging him to keep quiet. And he had you just where he wanted you, as usual, begging him not to do something, he had you wrapped around his finger.
“That’s what the fuck I thought” he laughed, you were so piteous, so easily manipulated. “Now let’s start from the beginning yeah?” He asked, tilting your chin to meet his gaze. You nodded slowly, gaze trying to focus on anything but him. “Hey, eyes up here when I’m talking to you” he demanded, waiting for your compliance. And of course you did, your teary eyed orbs slowly meeting his. “Good girl, now answer my question truthfully. What were you doing with Lo’ak?” His stare was so deep, staring deep into your gaze. “Talking” your blunt answer wasn’t gonna cut it, you knew that, but it didn’t hurt to try you thought. “Don’t lie to me y/n” he growled, lips turning into a line instantly.
“We kissed—but“ Before you could say another word, he placed a finger onto your plush lips, shushing you quietly. “That’s all I wanted to hear pretty girl, am I not enough for you anymore? Hm? You getting sick of me?” He asked, already knowing your answer. “No—it was just a mistake. I won’t do it again” your words sent a shiver down his spine, you knew where you place was, you just stepped out for a second. “If I ever see you with him again, I will cut him open right in front of the whole clan” he promised, a sly smirk forming on his striking features. He was so full of himself, so fucking confident for no reason. Yeah he was strong, a good warrior, and the next leader but the least he could do was be a little humble about it. “Let me walk you home hm?” He hummed, placing a peck on your cheek before taking your hand in his to go home.
You laid in your room, your hammock feeling suffocating as you tried to sleep. You were so confused, your feelings for Lo’ak still lingered in your heart. But you loved Neteyam, but was he the right choice? All of sudden a rustling was made outside your window. Your ears perked up, standing up to see what it was. A muscular hand gripped the edge of the wooden window, pulling themselves up as they climbed in. “Lo’ak?” You asked, walking closer to the unfamiliar sounds. “Hey y/n!” Excited to see you, he climbed in, landing with a large thump. “Are you alright?” Quickly coming to help him up, he had landed on his feet, but he had fallen pretty hard. Before you could help him, he stood tall, his muscular frame towering over your own. His muscles were toned from all the training his father had put him through. He was pure muscle, and it fit him perfectly. His body was lightly layered in sweat from how long he had been running. The moon was showing through your window, as he stood in front of you, you couldn’t help but stare. His biceps were lean, as was his body. Your eyes wandered over every curve and dip in his body. And he let you, let you admire his strong form. He was quite enjoying it, it wasn’t like you were trying to hide it either.
“You look pretty tonight y/n” he spoke, a smile molding onto his chiseled jaw. “Lo’ak, about before-“ “you enjoyed it?” He asked, running the pad of his thumb along your cheek. “Yes I did but we can’t do it again” his smile dropped almost instantly at your words. “Was it a bad kiss? I can try better this time if that’s what your worried about” placing his hand on your shoulder, speaking in all seriousness. “No it’s not that, it was amazing. I just don’t want you to get hurt” your hand coming to hold his. Hurt? Him? That was the last response he was expecting. “By who?” “Neteyam” he rolled his eyes, he didn’t care about his brother. As long as you were by his side, his brother would be the last thing on his mind. He could easily protect you, do whatever you wanted him to do, all you had to do was say the word. “Don’t worry about him, he’s a piece of shit y/n. I can easily take him in a fight” he spoke, a bit overly confident in his response. “Neteyam said he would kill you if he ever saw us together again. I’m scared for you Lo’ak” you confessed, a small frown causing your face to fall. “Then I’ll make sure he never sees us” his hand came to intertwine with your own, he had waited so long to touch you like this.
Hundreds of moons, just to embrace you like this. So much jealousy had been felt just so his fingers could hold onto yours. You were the girl of his dreams, the only woman he had ever looked at in such a way. He was infatuated with you, he longed for your touch for so many nights. The nights he had cried himself to sleep, because you weren’t his yet. He loved you in every way possible, more then his own brother longed for you. And he wasn’t about to let his lunatic of a brother ruin this for him. “Lo’ak this doesn’t feel right—l-I feel gross for lying to him” your feelings flooded your eyes, you truly felt disgusting, due to Neteyams harsh words he spoke to you not long ago. “You are not gross y/n, far from it. Neteyam doesn’t matter anymore—it’s just us” “No Lo’ak! I’m becoming mated to him in just 5 moons, and I’m scared!” tears fell down your cheeks, your hands coming to cover your weeping face. His hands moved around your waist, pulling you into him just like before. You cried into him, as he whispered comforting words into your ears.
His chest became a river, your tears covering the length of him. Your eyes became puffy from your salty tears, your lips quivering as you thought of what Neteyam would do to you if he found out about tonight. But as time went on so did your tears, slowly they came to a stop, and you came up for air, looking him in his widened eyes. “Can I sleep here tonight?” Sleep with you? Maybe he meant something else, maybe he’d sleep on the floor. Right? “Wh-where would you sleep?” “Where do you want me to sleep?” Leering at you instantly, your cheeks became a purple. Flustered at his comment, you turned your gaze downwards, breaking eye contact. “I-it doesn’t matter” you lied, a smile poking at the sides of your lips. “Uh huh—It’s getting late, so you better get to bed” he stated, as if he wasn’t the reason you were still even up. “Yeah your right” making your way to your hammock, you could feel his eyes burning into your back. His gaze never leaving your moving frame. As you settled into bed, your back faced him, too embarrassed to look him in the eyes. Your eyelids slowly began to close, before they fully come to a close a large weight scooted next to you. “It’s gonna be cold, thought it’d be warmer with you” his hands coming around your waist as he pulled you into his large frame. Your chest became hot, you were so close, so so close, closer then before. He made you nervous, a different kind of nervous then you were with Neteyam. It was a good nervous, one that wouldn’t hurt you, or get you in trouble. It was bad to be nervous with Neteyam, he saw you as weak when you were, and took advantage of it. But Lo’ak never did, maybe some teasing, but he never made you feel bad.
Your breathe was so uneven, so faltered, uncanny almost. And he could feel it, the way your chest heaved in anticipation for his next move. It made a smile grow on him, the fact he could make you so nervous—flattered him to say the least. The fact he could make such a beautiful woman’s breathe change so easily gave him a boost of confidence. This had been the moment he had fantasized about so often, holding you close to him, as you both fell asleep. You were the only woman he wanted, the only woman that was on his mind at the end of the day. He needed you with him, by him forever and always.
“Sweet dreams”
Taglist: @h3l3na-pandora @iman-lu @neteyamsluvts @arminsgfloll @afro-hispwriter @silententhusiastdreamer @liluvtojineteyam @ihatethridperiod @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @marybby
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welcometothedopeworld · 6 months
Rocky Road Ice Cream ~ *Yuto Inukai*
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Summary: After being threatened with blackmail, Yuto has asked you out. Now he's waiting for you at the ice cream parlor. Surely, you will come right?
Pairing: Yuto Inukai X G/N!Reader
Genre: Fluffy Drabble
Word Count: 1059
Warning: N/A
Yuto was having internal panic. On the outside, he may look a little nervous, but on the inside, he was one second away from running away and hiding. He couldn't stop his fingers from fidgeting or his leg from bouncing. He wanted to leave so badly, but he told himself that he promised you he would be here, and so he stayed.
See, what happened was a week ago, Yuto had been convinced into asking you out. More like forced to ask you out by the rest of GokuLuck. Apparently, they were beyond annoyed seeing his "terrible" attempts to flirt with you. He thought he was being smooth, but according to the others, he was failing miserably. 
After being threatened with blackmail, Yuto managed to scrape together enough courage to ask you on a date. He was surprised when you said yes and even more surprised when you suggested an ice cream date. It's not that he didn't like ice cream. It's just you had the idea at the ready it seemed. It was almost like you were waiting for the day he'd ask you out. Which seemed absolutely impossible to him.
He had been sitting in the ice cream parlor for about twenty minutes and his anxiety was through the roof. He wanted to find you, ask why you were so late, or better yet, just go back to the prison and pretend like none of this had ever happened. That was a better idea. He would knuckle under any taunting he'd receive from GokuLuck. All he knew was he couldn't stay here a second longer, lest he burst from pure anxiety.
However, just as he was about to get up to leave, the bell on the front door rang and you walked in. Though you were positively frazzled, the bright smile on your face made his heart stutter to a stop.
"Yuto! Boy, am I glad to see you! You will not believe the kind of traffic there is out there! And I overslept on top of it! I thought you would have left by now! I am so glad you're still here!" You sighed.
"Oh um," He was about to tell you he was just leaving but realized almost a second too late that that would have been the wrong thing to say. So instead, Yuto said, "I got a table."
"Excellent! Have you ordered yet?" He shook his head and you giggled. "Well c'mon then! It's my treat."
"Oh, no. I should pay." He went to grab his wallet but your hand on his arm made him stop.
Your lips were pulled into the cutest pout as you said, "I'm serious, Yuto. I will fight you on this. I am paying and that's that. Besides, it's the least I can do since you got us a table and you waited for me!"
"O-okay." He stuttered and allowed you to pull him to the counter. He barely paid attention to the choices before him, instead watching you carefully make your selection. When the worker asked him what he wanted, he was so flustered, he picked a random flavor before him.
Soon, he found himself back at the table he was before with you across from him. While it was his first time ever trying it, Yuto found he liked rocky road ice cream quite a bit. Or maybe it was just because you were talking animatedly about anything and everything that some of the overwhelming amount of love he was feeling for you transferred to the ice cream.
He appreciated that the conversation wasn't one-sided. While he tended to be a man of few words, he found it easy to open up to you and answer all of your questions. They were silly, the kind you ask a person on a first date, but it felt like he was being completely vulnerable to you at that moment. He wondered if you knew you had his whole, broken heart in your hand and in this very moment, it felt like the safest place in the world for it.
As you finished your ice cream, you smiled at him. "That was really good, wasn't it?"
He gave a bashful nod. "Yes, it was."
"See, I told you I knew where the best ice cream in town was. And when we come back next time, maybe we can share a banana split or something!"
If he had any ice cream left, Yuto was sure he would've choked on it at your words. "N-next time?"
You nodded. "Absolutely! You didn't think this was going to be a one time thing, did you?"
"Yuto." You stopped him and took his hand. "I want you to know that I was absolutely over the moon when you asked me out. See, I have really strong feelings of admiration towards you and I want to see where this relationship will take us. I'm not sure if it's love yet, but I do know that I want to keep going on dates with you. So please, can we go on another date next week?"
He was frozen for only a fraction of a second before he nodded. "Yes. We can."
"Excellent. I'll let you pick what we do this time around."
"How does dinner sound?" He blurted out. "I-I can make it."
Your eyes widened and your grin stretched wide. "A home-cooked meal made by you? Absolutely! Count me in! I am so excited I can hardly wait!"
He smiled, the tension he was feeling in his shoulders easing ever so slightly. "Perfect."
As you stood up and the two of you said your goodbyes, he froze once again when you pressed your lips to his cheek. "I had a wonderful time, Yuto. I cannot wait to do this again next week!"
"Me neither." 
As he waved goodbye, he sighed. Though he was still annoyed at the rest of the guys for pushing him to ask you out, he was begrudgingly thankful that they did. If they hadn't, he never would have entered this relationship with you, one that he was so excited about. And now he had a date to plan! While he made his way back to the prison he made a list of all the things he needed to buy, making sure to add rocky road ice cream to the list.
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weemsfreak · 1 year
Botany...Of Course, Pt 1
Summary: Peyton is the new Botany teacher at Nevermore. They are a telepath. They find themselves on a trip with Principal Weems. They discover what happened the year before they became a teacher at Nevermore, amongst other things. (Multiple parts)
Tw: None?
Note: This is my first fanfic, I don't know if it's any good! Let me know though. PS. I'm in love with Larissa :) ~2300 words
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You were the new Botany teacher at Nevermore. You didn’t hear much of what happened last year, but judging by the fact that nobody wanted to talk about it, it wasn’t good. All you knew is that the botany teacher had died, and Larissa almost did too. Around three months ago, your friend Ren who worked at Nevermore told you to apply for the position as you had just graduated from your teaching degree. You were extremely grateful that Principal Weems had decided to give you a chance. Being 25, you felt really young and immature around other teachers, so you always tried to be incredibly professional and helpful.
One Friday you were walking to your room after classes. As you walked through the main doors to outside, Larissa was coming in. “Oh Peyton, I haven’t seen you this week, how are things?” she chirped when she saw you. She was wearing her green dress and matching coat with black gloves. This was your favourite outfit of hers if you’re being honest. “Hi Principal Weems, things are great! I’m learning a lot and the students are so well behaved.” “Well, so far, but that’s great to hear!” she said in a tone that seemed a bit hopeless, but caught herself. She paused for a moment and looked you up and down. You didn’t know if that was the end of the conversation and you should go? It sounded like she was going to continue. She was still staring at you, a slight smile on her face ,like she was pondering something. You stared back at her, eyes drifting to her outfit. You loved her style and how she was so confident and put together all the time. You envied her, for more reasons than just that. "You know, I don't have any plans for tonight, care to join me for some wine? Or just to talk if you're not into that. 8pm?" she asked you so sure, and batted her eyelashes when she did. You stuttered when you answered, surprised she would want to spend any time with you. "Yes, uh- sure Principal Weems, I would love to!"
You were facing her grand office doors, your phone read 7:50pm. You were trying to pick an outfit and get yourself together all night, you were surprised you weren't late. Confidence and having your crap together wasn't exactly your strong suit. With ten minutes to spare, you went for a walk through the hallway. Looking at some old photos, you noticed Larissa in one, a photo of award winners from 1991. She won a Literary award and a…Botany award? You thought that was the cutest thing ever. Young Larissa, how you would've loved to meet her. You knocked on her door once and when you went to knock again it opened. She stood there, her face lit up. You weren't surprised she was in a good mood, it was a Friday night, "Ah Peyton, come in!" You walked in and stood in the middle of her office as she gestured for you to sit on the sofa in front of the lit fireplace. As you sat, she poured you a glass of wine and took a sip from hers. She passed it to you and sat next to you, crossing her legs, her knee touching yours. She didn't say anything, just looked at you, again. You were usually uncomfortable with people staring at you, but you couldn't say much, you did the same to her. "I really like your dress, it looks stunning on you" you said, sounding nervous but giving her a sincere smile anyway. Ugh, why couldn't you just say 'I like your dress' and leave it at that, she's going to think you're a weirdo. "Why thank you, I did get it made specially for me" she said with a wink. Of course she did you thought, it hugged her perfectly, as it should. You grinned and looked away, trying to hide it. She asked you about your classes and how you felt with this being your first teaching job. Truthfully you loved it. The kids seemed so happy to be here and learn, and you loved teaching. You didn't know if you would when you took your degree, but you're glad you ended up here. "I'm really grateful to you Principal Weems, I think this was the best place for me to start my teaching career" you beamed at her after a couple glasses of wine. "Well good, I'm so glad to hear that."
You wanted to ask her about last year, about what happened and why the botany teacher died. You didn't want to ruin the mood though, or have her thinking about the time she almost died. You could, of course, try to find it in her memories, but only if she would allow you to. "So, do you have anything interesting going on lately?" you asked, genuinely curious. She poured another glass for you and her, and took her time to answer. "I am going to a principals conference in two weeks, it's being held at a very fabulous hotel in Tennessee" she trailed off, looking into the fire. Looking back at you, "I do feel rather lonely going though, usually I wouldn’t mind, but lately I just want someone to share things with, you know?" You did know, you knew all too well. Was this an invitation? Or was she just confiding in a friend? You weren't the best at picking up on hints or social cues. "I'll come with you" you said in a sarcastic tone, looking into the fire. You would go with her, but you didn't know if she wanted that. "What would you do when I go to the conference?" Oh, she was serious. "Well, I've been there before, they have some shops, including coffee and really good pretzels and cinnamon buns, and they have three different conservatories, it's absolutely incredible. I can get some ideas for our conservatory, maybe you can write it off as a work trip." You were surprised with your response, and so was she. You didn't realize how much you would love to go on vacation, especially with Larissa. She thought it adorable how you called it 'our' conservatory. She smirked down into her wine glass for a minute, then at you. "That sounds very convincing Peyton. If you really want to go, I can book your flight. Unfortunately, we would have to share a room. There are no more available, it's always very busy there." Unfortunate, for who you wondered. "Oh, I don’t want to infringe on your trip Principal Weems, I know it would be much more comfortable for you to not have to stay with me." You looked up at her as she moved closer to you, "Nonsense, it will be fun getting to know each other, maybe you can teach me a thing or two…about Botany, of course."
You leave tomorrow. Since Principal Weems proposed you go to Tennessee with her, you have only talked to her about your trip details. You were excited to get away for a few days, but being alone with her for that long scared you. What if she thought you were boring, what if she thought you didn't like having fun, or what if she thought you weren't responsible or professional? You didn't know which was worse. You had a gift, you thought, you had telekinetic abilities. Not very typically though, like feeling emotion or reading peoples thoughts. Yes, you could move things with your mind, but you were more telepathic. You could see a memory in someone's mind if it was a very joyous or very traumatic one. You could erase a memory/knowledge from someone's mind, and you could give someone knowledge as well. If anything went really wrong, Larissa wouldn't remember it, if you had something to do with it. "So, you're going away with the principal. Tsk, tsk Peyton, does she know you're into women?" Ren loved making fun of you over anything you did. You've known each other for so long, you both loved to bat back and forth. "No, she doesn't, and she's not going to Ren...because it's not like that." "Well, I've worked here for years, and she has never asked me on a trip, but whatever you say Peytato." You packed your favorite clothes, some dress pants and nice shirts, a dress and maxi skirt, your favorite penny loafers and platform sandals, and a black two piece in case you went swimming. "Toni, these bras and underwear are frigging old, are you trying to turn her away?" You didn't know how many times you had to say it. "Ren it doesn't matter, nobody is going to see them" you sighed. "Bullshit, we're going shopping so get ready, now!"
As you both arrived to the airport, you were nervous to get on the plane. It had been awhile since you were on one. You thought that it was fun to take off, but the rest of the trip was anxiety ridden and you could never relax, let alone sleep. As you boarded the plane you took your seat and looked out the window. You had booked your ticket after Larissa, so you couldn't get a seat next to her. As a man sat next to you, you became increasingly more nervous. You didn’t like feeling of doing something scary alone, let alone sitting next to a stranger, a man, doing it. Looking around to see where she was sitting, you bit your nails, you couldn't find her. She saw you looking for her with worry on your face and nails in your mouth. She was sat two rows behind you, and would've been so easy to catch if you had just looked back. Putting your head down you fiddled with your ear buds, maybe they would help with the noise. You closed your eyes and leaned your head against the window. A few minutes later you felt someone's hand on yours, and you froze, not wanting to open your eyes. You realized a mans hand wouldn't be this warm, this soft, this- you opened your eyes, red nails. You looked up beside you and Larissa was sitting there, giving you a reassuring smile. "Rissa, this isn't your seat" you beamed at her, being so relieved that you weren't alone. She smiled wider at your use of her nickname, "I know, I asked that man to trade seats. I saw you looking for me. Do you get nervous on planes? Why didn't you tell me?" You didn’t tell her before, you didn't want her to worry about you. "Yes, I just don't like them, they're loud and crammed and I always feel alone. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to bother you, since we didn't have seats together." "Well, we do now love."
You were laid back next to Larissa, chest rising and falling slowly. She watched you sleep, glad that you were no longer nervous. She thought you looked so beautiful and at peace. You later awoke with a jolt and looked around, just turbulence. All of the sudden you were hit with the urge to listen in on peoples conversations, and you found yourself detecting whether they were being truthful with their words. or not. One man sitting behind you, "Yes, I brought the gift for your sister"- lie, a flight attendant, "We don't have any juice left" - lie, a woman in front of you, "My husband is picking me up when we land" - blatant lie. "Ugh, Wednesday Addams will be the death of me" you look to Larissa who is in a huff, totally engrossed in and typing away on her laptop. You didn't know if she was talking to you or if she even meant to say that aloud. You observed her, her nose was scrunched up, her lips were pursed, otherwise she looked perfect. Perfect posture, perfect hair, perfect outfit, perfect jewellery, soft hands with nails painted perfectly -wait. You didn't pay attention to what she really said, you were too caught up in observing her. "Larissa, what did you just say?" Looking at you confused, she tilts her head and tries to recall if she had even said anything. "Oh, I didn't mean to speak aloud, apologies for waking you." You were asleep? "No worries, but what did you say?" Typing away again, you waited for her reply. "I think I said that Wednesday Addams will be the death of me" she said with a chuckle. You stared at her as your heart ached a bit, you didn't detect that as a lie, though you couldn't say it was the truth, you couldn't see into the future. She caught you staring, "Peyton what's wrong?" Nobody knew you could detect lies, as it was something new to you, and it only came on at random. In fact, nobody knew of your telepathic powers, besides the fact that you could control objects with your mind. "Uh, nothing, all good" you said softly with a forced smile. Turning back to the window, Larissa shut her laptop and put her hand back on yours. "You looked so peaceful sleeping, I'm happy you passed some time getting rest." You smiled up at her, her face so sincere, so true were her words. "I never sleep on planes, I guess I must feel safe enough with you that I can relax." She gave your hand a squeeze, "Only 20 more minutes" she said with excitement in her voice. You smiled, relieved to be landing soon. You took a chance and laid your head on her shoulder, hoping to god that she wouldn't reject you. To your surprise, she laid her head on yours and said in a low almost vulnerable tone, "Peyton, thank you for coming with me. This is so much better than being alone."
Link to Pt 2
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sweaterkittensahoy · 3 months
Taking prompts, eh?! Let's see....Bucky on a sports team of some kind and Buck shows up without fail to support his man without any knowledge of the game whatsoever, and everyone just thinks it's the cutest thing ever 😂
(No queerphobia here; just boys being boys and accepting of people in love; Buck's a captain here on purpose because they're in some nebulous point in training. That's right: No queer-phobia but I gotta be a factual dorkus somewhere.)
In training, there's intramurals. Basketball and baseball and football and even some track and field. A few of the fellas try to get Buck to at least run track, but he brushes them off.
He can't tell them the reason why. Just says they're not his speed and slips away. The answer is that his daddy bet on everything. Including him. And if he didn't win or take the fall? Hell to pay.
But Bucky. Bucky plays any sport he wanders by. He has perfect lay-ups in basketball and runs like a shot for baseball. In football, he's got the ability to plant himself and stay firm, no matter how large the guy trying to push through him.
And in track and field. Well. That's extra-special. He runs. He jumps. He does the hurdles and the pole vault. And Buck shows up to whatever game Bucky's playing because he finally gets to feel some of the joy of simply playing. Joy that Bucky brings to him at the end of the day, unabashedly dropping kisses onto Buck as part of his victory lap. Which is what it is even if Bucky's on the losing side. He's full of compliments on the team that beats him, and his love of the game as something to be loved on its own makes Buck feels safe. It always makes Buck think it's almost worth trying to play again himself. But there's the little boy part of him that simply can't do it again, and Buck is determined to listen to that kid in ways his father never tried to.
"Oh, Captain," Douglass says one day as Buck slips behind him to sit down at a track meet. "We made you a sign."
The boys delight in seeing him in the stands. When he misses games, he has to explain himself. How could he leave Bucky without a good luck charm? What sort of half-assed courtship was this? It always makes Bucky smile and laugh. It's like having a hundred brothers, and he loves them all.
Douglass's shit-eating grin gives him away even before Bucky unfurls the paper, but he makes a show of doing it slowly just to hear the giggles ramp up.
Marry Me, John Egan
There are hearts and flowers drawn around the edges. In the bottom corner, someone's done a caricature of Bucky and Buck. Bucky's flexing and blowing a kiss. Buck has heart-shaped eyes.
"Look, fellas, I'll ask him, but you know what a cad he is," Buck says.
The fellas laugh and agree. They laugh harder when Buck holds up the sign after the first pole vault and shouts, "EGAN! DO IT AGAIN, AND I MIGHT SAY YES."
Bucky reads the sign and laughs so hard he doubles over. "YOU FOOL!" he shouts back. "YOU'RE ASKING ME!"
"LOOKS MORE LIKE A STATEMENT TO ME," Buck says, craning his neck to read the sign.
The crowd cheers. The cheers get louder when Bucky clears the vault height like it's nothing. He jumps to standing on the bag and points towards Buck.
"YEAH YEAH YOU AND ME" Buck shouts back before he's utterly buried in a dogpile from the fellas. He grins to himself, wondering how loud the shouts are gonna be when the boys find out it happened weeks ago.
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