#is writing and narrating a biography for Stevie
ssfoc · 5 years
To be fair i think she meant that it would have been easier for harry to stuck to the pop he used to do with 1d, instead of trying other genres, not because pop is easier but because it was a music path he was already in. this one, even if it's not 100% rock, it's a new territory for him, and sott isn't the typical song you hear on radio.
Forgive me for being jaded.
What Stevie says was what was printed in a thousand articles when HS1 came out. Authenticity, “honesty,” vulnerability, originality were key words to establishing Holo branding. These were words used to differentiate him from One Direction.
These are still the words used to establish branding. I have no doubt that Stevie is fond of Harry. But Harry is a brand and a celebrity, and he is with Stevie partly because they are both Azoff clients. He is different from One Direction— a band whose name he can’t say and Stevie forgot. Azoff’s fingerprints are all over this thing.
I mean I love Harry. A lot. He has so many interesting facets, is so intelligent, so kind, so gorgeous. I think he made a good album, and I love his songs— whatever the genre. I would have liked anything he made; he’s a great songwriter and I’ve said that. He is who he is. He’s not a saint and not a devil— a human being. The fandom’s hagiography of him (dormant blogs suddenly coming to life) is a bit hard for me to take. Sorry.
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