#is2g if the final chapter doesnt give me a chance to save 10h ending e style i will Cry
mister13eyond · 4 months
read 10h's short story and i really like so much of how pod 006's personality was adapted into mama especially.... like it's fun going back to the source and seeing that even before she was calling herself mama in the cage, pod 006 had absolutely developed most of the quirks and idiosyncrasies we see in her personality later on
also the chess scene with 10h and mama was precious? neither of them are good at chess so they're just trying to distract each other into making mistakes....
10h being the final act protag of reincarnation adds So much imo too, like... idk, i've thought a lot about how the thing with reincarnation is that it builds on yoko taro's final trick in replicant/automata so well. like "you would give something up for the fictional happiness of these pixels on the screen, because that's how strong human empathy is- you want to make them happy even knowing they're not real" is such a strong point in replicant and automata but like
reincarnation adds a whole extra layer to that. the people in the cage are not only pixels and data to us, they're even pixels and data WITHIN the framework of the world. they were never even real INSIDE the fiction. they're at best memories of long-dead people whose stories have already ended, and at worst lines of code personified. but they're also 10h's only solace from loneliness. of course she cares about them and feels empathy for them after watching their stories play out over the course of three years. so do we. of course she considers them her friends even though they've had a one-sided relationship through a screen- so do we
10h adds another doll to the russian doll of unreality going on in yoko taro games- she's us, but we're also in the exact same position with her. she's been alone and trapped inside and stir crazy and lonely, with only her pod for company, for all this time, and she bonded with some data she watched through a screen because empathy and investment in stories and having strong feelings about the world inside of a story is a deeply human experience and she and her pod have both gotten a little too human in their time together with the cage
but we have the same relationship with her!! we only know her from a short story and a brief appearance on the other side of a screen, but we care about her! we want her to be happy!!
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