#it does make finding the notes where he does curse even funnier tho
molinaesque · 8 months
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Annoyed/pissed off Raphael moments that tickled me
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hopeswriting · 2 years
colonnello is the just some guy of the arco by the way. and he's the only just some guy among them because civilian as he may have been, skull obviously has never been just some guy a day in his life. and i know tragic backstories are always a nice way to spice up stories and characters, but no, listen, colonnello is literally the most average just some guy you'll ever meet, i just know it. and if nothing else just consider it for a bit for how funnier it makes everything about him.
it's like, he's a kid and makes himself a friend that just so happens to be the world's greatest hitman to be, and then just commits to it because that's what good friends do right, and it definitely got him into dangerous shits way before he could join the army. and even if we say they weren't actually childhood friends and reborn is just a troll, on the worst day of his life where he was just minding his own business trying to save the love of his life, who among the seven people he ends up cursed with decides to fuck with him and make them childhood friends? that's right, the world’s greatest hitman.
he joins the army and meets lal and falls in love with her, but she just so happens to be one of the world's strongest to be, and it dooms them both. he tries to protect her as you do with the love of your life--or you know what, we don't even have to go there because he could simply have been doing his duty (tho he totally could have been doing both, and likely was), i.e. having the back of his superior officer, so like, the guy was just doing his job and didn't really fail at it but sure as hell didn't succeed either, and also now he's stuck in the form of a baby and his whole life as he knew it is over. but he takes it as a champ right, decides he'll still keep smiling and make the most out of that now shitty and hopeless life until it kills him properly, but then a couple of decades later some guy releases poison in the air to specifically kill him and take his pacifier from him he doesn't even know how to and can't use anyway.
eventually he gets the chance to make his life not shitty and hopeless anymore, and also, you know, to not die, and it's clearly a trap and he doesn't trust it but also he'll never have another chance like that again, and instantly he decides that if he actually wins he'll save the love of his life instead of himself, but then his representative loses because he wanted to have a moment with his son. thankfully things still work out and no one dies, except he'll have to grow normally back to his original age from his current state as a toddler, while the love of his life immediately got back her adult body (which he's grateful for, obviously, but you know). and he still proposes to her because he's been waiting for this and she says yes because she's been waiting for this too, but then they fight and have to postpone the wedding because he just CANNOT WIN.
like, do you see the pattern here, it's so fucking funny. it's like, life just has it out for him, it just went "hey, you? i'm going to screw you over any way i can at literally every opportunity", and meanwhile colonnello's just trying to live his life in peace lmao. and maybe it's not narratively interesting or whatever, but don't look me in the eye and tell me it's not funny as shit. (tho with the right skills you could easily make it out to be a tragic thing too, like the guy just keeps losing whatever he does even when he's trying his best.)
but on a more serious note because i feel like colonnello isn't taken seriously nearly often enough, but i really love how all of this shows just what kind of person he is and what kind of person he chooses to be and stay as over and over again. like he's just so optimistic and believing? not naive or unrealistic, but whenever he looks at the world dead-on and sees nothing worth hanging in there for, he just goes "alright, i'll just have to find it/make it for myself then". like, he could easily also have broke down after the curse like most of the others, but no, he was still breathing and alive, lal was still breathing and alive, and the curse wasn't going to kill them right away so you bet he kept smiling and resolved to find some joy in his life still, which unbeknownst to him gave lal just enough hope she didn't kill herself over the curse.
also he's just such a loving person at his core too? it's how he actually ended up becoming reborn's closest friend, whether they were actually childhood friends or it happened post-curse, and when he had to confront reborn's hitman side he probably just went something like "just don't kill me or the people i care about and i'm sure we can make this work". and of course how he tried to save lal from the curse, how he was there at all to begin with specifically so he could save her from it, and how he planned to get rid of her curse instead of his, and how he died saving viper in the future. and ginger bread taunted lal about it, calling him the failed hero or something like that iirc, but it's literally not about it, and colonnello in fact couldn't care less about being a hero or whatever. he just has his heart in the right place. and if it means dying so he can remain true to it, then sure, he'll die without hesitation, even if he'd rather not and it sucks that he has to.
it's just, like. i've said it before, but the whole curse thing happens to him because he's such a loving person. he was never going to let lal climb that mountain without him, but he could have. if he was just a little less loving, if he just loved a little less devotedly, he wouldn't have been on that mountain at all that day, and his life would still have turned shitty because lal would still have ended up cursed, but nothing would have happened to him. except, of course, he was never going to let lal climb that mountain without him.
and i just?? lose my mind a little over it tbh. and love him for it. i love him so much, is what this post is saying, and we don’t talk about him nearly often at all.
oh and ALSO!! i do mean he's just some guy, i'm not saying he's a normal guy at all. because he isn't lol. he's totally just as unhinged as the rest of the arco, and i mean, he did end up genuinely being reborn's friend one way or another, so there's clearly something wrong with him too lmao
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