#it has reached terminal brainrot to the point where he’s not even a character anymore he’s just a funny chew toy
goldensunset · 6 months
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volo… 2!!!
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#but i am gonna say they’re robbing a generation of repressed bisexual girls an ‘oh’ moment as they crush on the most pretty boys in a show
My Top Posts in 2022:
📓 for the ask game. doctor x rose (your choice as to which doctor)
Welp in addition to the ones I mentioned in the last answer, There's just... SO MANY Eight/Rose AUs. Just like... terminal brainrot levels of EightRose in my brain.
So how about the one I did ... sort of start writing but never got far with it; A College AU where she was a child star and he's a return student both studying in the same theater program. This got long, so under the cut it goes!
They meet for the first time at open auditions for the term, and they start talking there, and realize they have a class in common when they see each other the next week.
There's two plot threads really, Rose and her attempt at Normalcy and escaping the assumptions of childhood stardom as she's also trying to reset her mind before pursuing more serious roles. And Eight (John, because I'm lame) and his really shitty political family and their expectations and how they constantly have made him put aside his own desires for his life and the consequences for his decision to break away.
One of those consequences is the fact that after awhile, when his rent goes up, he doesn't really have the funds to stay there anymore. But, luckily he and Rose are friends, and she has a spare room, even though her apartment isn't THAT big. So now, they're roommates.
Insert just... so much 'oh my god they were roommates' and romantic pining content here. There's also a lot of hanging out with their friends, even though they're some of the only non-trad students in their friend group. (Also there's guitar playing and music because I'm a sap and that's just a thing I like)
Then former colleague Jack shows up to visit Rose and being mildly drunk when he shows up in the bar, she's like 'you don't have to go to a hotel, you can stay at my place!' because she's just... like that. And five minutes later she's like 'shit, I don't actually have a spare room anymore' and is apologizing to John and proposes that they share for the day or two Jack's around. It... more or less becomes him just moving into her bedroom because they like cuddling. And each other.
Long story short, the pining reaches terminal levels but they don't want to ruin their relationship, but at that point they're on the road to actually getting together. Rose has, slowly over the course of the story to this point, let go of her discomfort with her childhood stardom and the way some of the professors and other students act around her, so that leaves John's family plot to wrap up, so for MAXIMUM DRAMA, his brother's political campaign wants family shots and video for promotional purposes.
His parents more or less demand he comes home for this, and John invites Rose to come along. His family is not happy about him doing that, but John and Rose decide that fuck it, they love each other, they're gonna be there for each other no matter what, no matter the cameras, no matter the family dynamics they're born into, they get to choose and they choose each other.
Then they go back to the apartment, and live happily ever after. lol. (Also the whole thing totally ends with them having an onstage kiss in a play with just.)
3 notes - Posted March 6, 2022
📚 for Doctor Who ✨
Oh god, there are so many. The Rose-Dimension-Hops-into-the-Time-War fic, the I'm-trash-and-watching-Classic-Who-and-inserting-Rose 'fic' (there is no plot, it's just me wanting Rose and all the companions to be friends lol), the whole CharlEightRose universe. Let me see if I can sift through everything for one that's not... a whole damn cinematic universe in my brain XD.
Oh, man, I had a concept once upon a time of a Nine/Rose epistolary fic, that started life as a supernatural AU where he was like a historical astronomer, but that over the years kinda morphed in my brain just into a more... 'the TARDIS thinks Nine needs a penpal' kind of deal in his wanderings pre-Rose.
And it's just... them writing to each other in 'magic' journals. I still don't know why the journals are magic, it's just a suspension of disbelief point for the concept. But anyway, they write messages to each other, back and forth, in this journal, just... talking about life and the places they go/want to go, Rose talks about how shambles she feels her life is because of her terrible boyfriend (then, eventually, ex-boyfriend) and he just... talks about the places and people he sees.
The whole thing comes to a head when they run out of pages - they're down to the last pages and there's a final message, and then like... the next month he lands on Earth and Whoops, there's Auton's in the shops. Time to save the world. And accidentally meet his penpal lol.
(In the original concept there was unexplained time travel at the end, so I think that's why it ended up morphing in my brain, because like... if he's gonna time travel anyway, he might as well just... be a time traveler.)
3 notes - Posted March 6, 2022
this probably isn't meant for me to answer but 🐹💗 like i credit myself with a decent imagination but i can't bring myself to imagine being intimidated by you because you're so kind and silly and great to be friends with
I just thought it was a cute little ask meme so it’s for whoever wanted to answer.
I don’t see myself as intimidating at all, so like I agree lol. Thanks dear ❤️!
4 notes - Posted August 12, 2022
Okay hi friends. I have not said anything on here, but I’ve been doing NaNo this year. And I have... for the first time ever a) gotten ahead and b) passed 10k.
I usually fail so hard at NaNo, and even if I don’t make 50k this year, I am so damn proud of myself.
That is all, carry on scrolling friends.
11 notes - Posted November 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Dear god, it’s the year 2022 and I have spent the whole day coming up with Tolkien-verse OCs because of the Peter Jackson films.
Teenage me is still alive and well apparently and she killed cringe culture lol.
17 notes - Posted July 13, 2022
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