#it hasnt shown up on my dash and i dont feel like looking for it so its up to me
admircot · 3 months
holy shit wait its groundhog day
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biteitwhenitssoft · 5 years
its really telling that most of the content ive seen on my tumblr dash related to dan coming out is overwhelmingly negative in tone. i mean posts that say stuff like “yeah dan coming out is great but if i see you clowns saying x or y ill kill on site,” and “lets not forget about you gross fuckers who fetishized him and gave him ptsd!” like,,,,,,, i havent seen any posts that just say “congrats dan!! so proud!” like you dont need to make posts all negative? he addressed it all in his video, and in the youtube comments and twitter replies (two lawless hellscapes usually!!!) i ONLY saw overwhelming POSITIVITY!!!!! congratulations, thank yous, acceptance and welcoming!! not ONE post about the negative stuff, and you know what? thats a good thing! believe it or not, its often actually a good thing to not acknowledge the elephant in the room! not publicly at least! dan told us the whole story! everyone knows how bad it was! he personally asked people to keep it down in the comments!! no one needs your clown ass trying to swoop in and claim some sort of moral high ground by trying to be some kind of authority on the matter? i KNOW youre disgusted by the degenerates that were nasty to him, i KNOW you want them to learn their lesson about rpf, but have you considered the fact that snarling at people and backing them into corners to force them to face their misdeeds actually never works? it only ever makes people lash out? wow! fancy that? (and if anyone wants to give me shit about how IM the one being negative now and im not following my own advice, i know, negativity is all ive seen on my dash about this event, and its rubbed off on me :) negativity breeds negativity, you reap what you sow) as someone whos had misdeeds shown to be such in the past (who hasnt?) i know firsthand that what most people need after that is for others to not address it! most of the people who were gross about phan shit got fucking told by dan! dan himself! their idol! i guarantee they feel bad about it! but if you then go and try to MAKE them feel bad about it when they already do i can ALSO guarantee you will flip the spite switch and all that learning they were about to do about how they shouldnt fetishize real life people will not happen! they will instead be fully focused on defending themselves against you, and they will feel justified in how they were behaving before because you attacked them when they were about to remorse so obivously remorse was the wrong answer. YOU know this, EVERYONE feels like this at some point, you can be better than all the authority figures who robbed you of a learning experience of high payoff emotional win by saying one little negative thing to you about how you used to be. you dont have to follow that example, try to drape yourself in positivity! join the party! everyone is so happy dan came out, be proud of him, look up to him, encourage him, and create a happy welcoming community for him! please dont give attention to the gross people when dan needs the attention more.
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