#it hits both (looks cool + captures the intonation used)
humanmorph · 5 months
(transcript by @violentandmagnificent)
It’s quiet here, living in your head. It’s quiet here, and when I talk, you listen, at least when you can hear me, which isn’t always. It isn’t always, but it’s better than never. It’s quiet here, living on this ship. It’s quiet here, and I remember when it was loud, I remember different voices bouncing in these halls, I remember old arguments, I remember myself. I wonder how much I can tell you; because  I can tell you; I have much to say. But you never saw me astride the Prophet’s Path, beside the Resin Heart, imparting wrath and play. So who am I? You only know what they’ve told you. So who am I? You only know what’s written down. So who am I? You only know what’s on recordings, and according to the world, I’m a hypocrite, or drowned. I doubt you can hear me, but I know that she can. So pardon my frustration, I’m just tired of her plan. I lost my life long before I understood, before metaphor became real, before I felt the wheel’s wood. I wonder what she’ll tell you. I wonder what she’ll share.  I wonder what she’ll ask of you, what task of sweat and prayer.  I long to sweat and pray, a body in the day. The color of the sun. The touch, the ocean's spray.  The last thing that I felt in life. (The first thing that I felt in life.) The touch, the ocean's spray.  I hope she tells the truth to you. (I hope she tells the worst to you.) The touch, the ocean's spray.  I loved her like she told me to. (I left her like she told me to.) The touch, the ocean's spray.  We’re running out of time, you know? (She’s running out of time, you know?) The touch, the ocean's spray.  I fear we might be mirrored, two echoes of a call shouted between two queens, two queens who want it all. I fear we might be symmetry, I fear we might be one. Make her tell the truth to you before we come undone.
PALISADE 37: Reach In / Reach Out Pt. 1
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angstmongertina · 4 years
SO MANY OF THOSE PROMPTS WERE EXCELLENT but; ❛i’m afraid if i say it out loud i will cast a curse❜ for Adam? :D
I LOVE ADAM AND ALSO I LOVE YOU. Thank you for allowing me to YEARN. <3
How do you write friendships without dragging? You do not.
This turned out longer than I expected, whoops! But thank you for the wonderful prompt! :D
AO3 Link
After the many long years that they have known each other, it has become an unspoken tradition to wait by the bedside of whomever is stuck in the infirmary, in both a sign of friendship and, at least in the cases when it is Adam who has been relegated to bedrest, in full understanding that, if he does not find some way to keep his friend occupied or at least distracted, he is instead throwing the poor doctor left in charge to the wolves.
Adam knows this just as well as he does, which makes it all the more unusual that, for the first time in memory, his reaction is different, a flicker of something passing over his face, almost too fast for anyone to recognize. Except he has known Adam for these many long years, to the point where he suspects he might recognize the emotion even better than his longtime friend does, or at least is willing to admit.
Biting back a smirk with difficulty, Nate leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “Rebecca made sure she went to rest after that fight but I’m sure she’ll be back in a few hours.”
He can tell the exact moment the words and, more importantly, his friend’s instinctual response, sink in through the man’s thick skull; Adam visibly tenses, his face stiffening only marginally less than his muscles do, and it is because he knows his friend, is one of the few people who begins to understand him well enough to have an inkling of his intentions, that he sighs, low and long.
“She told me what you said.”
“What?” The word is too fast, too abrupt, and he shakes his head, cutting off the attempt at a denial before he can even try. Not that it would make much of a difference, considering Adam has never been good at lying to him.
“Of course, she didn’t say it was you, but…” He shrugs. “It wasn’t exactly hard to work out. How many people here do you think would just throw around a phrase in Latin? Let alone that particular phrase.”
He looks down to find Adam silent, though this time, his speechlessness is seemingly not by choice, and has to fight the urge to roll his eyes. Leave it to their team leader to find a way to make something that is as straightforward as caring for someone who clearly cares just as much back into a complicated ordeal in order to keep her from harm.
At times, he’s almost curious what Surina even sees in him, except he knows, because it is the same things that have gifted him his friendship with Adam. And the fact that she can see his depths is credit enough for her. Which makes it all the more perplexing…
He looks down, trying to catch the cool green gaze, but it is instead fixed on the bedspread and the clenched fists that rest upon it.
“You should tell her.” That gets his attention and despite the years he has had time to develop an immunity to it, he almost, almost, flinches under what he knows is one of Adam’s sharpest glares.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
If he is to be perfectly honest with himself, he is not sure if it is more comical or insulting that Adam apparently thinks he can lie undetected. Not when he knows Adam almost as well as the man knows himself, and certainly better than anyone else can possibly claim.
Well, at least for now.
Still, the fact does remain that he knows the words are a lie, can see it in the tight set of his friend’s mouth, in the cool, detached gaze that meets his, far too impassive to be genuine, even for his usual inscrutability. Adam is not one to lie to him, not with the bond that they have, the brotherhood that has been built across the centuries, which means this…
He looks again at his friend’s form as he glares into the distance, the rigid set of his body, the furrow of his brow, the flicker of something unfamiliar and foreign in those pale green eyes, and he suspects that he can count on one hand the number of times he has seen Adam like this, tense and wary, emotions spilling out from his mask despite even his prodigious control. In fact, one of the most recent times that stands out in his memory is…
Is when Adam had stumbled into Surina’s apartment after his fight with Murphy, barely upright, covered in blood, and afraid for the woman who had been captured, taken from him.
The realization hits all at once and he exhales, long and slow. As close as they are, there are still many things about Adam’s past that have gone unmentioned, that he has always known better than to ask about, but what he does know is enough. Except…
Except this is no way to live, and they, Adam and Surina both, deserve more. They deserve happiness.
“You cannot hide forever,” he says instead. His voice is soft but still the stiff face twitches before smoothing out into its usual inscrutability. “No good will come out of ignoring this, of lying about everything. You know that.”
He is startled when the quiet intonation of his name is neither warning nor plea, but rather a sigh, an acknowledgement of what he has said, perhaps even an acceptance, and in his own surprise, the words slip out before he can stop them: “You are afraid.”
For a moment, he wonders whether he has gone too far; Adam visibly flinches, a momentary loss of control that is all the more concerning for its intensity. But the face that slowly turns toward his is more transparent, more vulnerable, than he has seen in a long while, and he sighs, dropping a gentle hand on the tense shoulder.
“I…” Pale green eyes close for a moment, though whether in fear or in surrender, he can’t be sure. “Yes.”
The response is almost too quiet even for his heightened hearing, and he says nothing else, instead giving a light squeeze. It won’t do anything to combat the specters hanging over him, the memories and experiences that haunt him, that he knows well enough, but…
He cocks his head to the side, catching the sounds of a familiar heartbeat approaching, and hides his smile when Adam, too, notices, his expression softening ever so slightly as his gaze flickers to the door.
But perhaps someone else can.
“Well, it sounds like you’ve got another visitor.” He rises to his feet and lets a grin creep across his face as he gives the shoulder a final pat. “You really should tell her sometime. But then again, maybe you don’t have to if you keep using Latin. You do realize that most people with some knowledge of etymology can probably break down the basics, right?”
Ignoring the faint sputtering from behind him, he chuckles and walks to the door, giving a bemused looking Surina a jaunty wave as he passes.
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ddaenghoney · 5 years
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Series: of Silver
Part 13
Attending a performing arts university, you’ve been managing just fine until the fall semester of your third year starts off by making out at a party only to realize the random guy was actually transfer Jeon Jeongguk, whom you had previously agreed to help get used to the city.
Jeon Jeongguk x Y/N
Below the cut is a written scene from the story, but you don’t need to read it to follow the plot for the fake texts portions!
masterlist link is in blog description
disclaimer: any character depicted do not represent the actual personality of the respected idol in real life.
Warning(s)/genre(s): College!au, fluff, developing relationship, love triangle(s)??, some angst/drama here and there– Jeongguk has a dog this series isn’t allowed to be too tragic.
Tag(s): @butterflylion @rjsmochii @mahakookie @dammit-jjk @joanc24 (if you would like to be tagged send me an ask to let me know!)
If you enjoy, let me know!! : )
set after the events of this chapter.
wc: 831
warning(s): none
Jeongguk dodged an incoming student as he excited the dormitory, clutching his camera bag against his side, remembering in that moment how bulky it was to walk around with the entire thing. But he wasn’t about to walk back up to his dorm, because he knew he’d inevitably be annoyed if he had to carry around a lot of separate pieces instead. 
“Wow,” He turned to face your voice as you excited from the dormitory minutes later, catching the interested stare of yours aimed at the camera bag. “And you acted like you’re not a pro.” He hid the smile by shrugging, 
“Just a lot of stuff.” 
“I can carry it, if you want.” The two of you began walking, Jeongguk’s head shaking at the offer,
“It’s fine. Where did you want to drag me off to?” 
“I didn’t think that far ahead,” You admitted immediately, stifling back a laugh as he stopped in his tracks dramatically gaping his mouth open. 
“We’re out in this cold weather for no purpose?” He complained, not meaning it at all by the sound of his voice, but stayed like a wall in place when you grabbed at his arm to tug him along. “I can’t believe you-” 
“Jeongguk,” His name extended long after the last syllable, tugging more and more to no avail, “How am I not moving you at all?” You both laughed at the observation, “You said you’d make up being a jerk to me-”
“Hey,” He conceded with a guilty smile, now allowing you to actually move him along the pathway from the dorm. “I am sorry about that, really.” He caught up with you as you nodded. Your hands took refuge in your coat as the wind picked up,
“Yeah, I know. I’m not mad at you at all, Guk.” You said softly, genuinely. In turn he felt relieved from the sincerity; less tense as the reaction he anticipated after the initial, frustrated text messages from earlier in the day was found to be untrue. Where he expected a game of silence, or a remark under your breath from his words, you instead started on energetically about going to the streets around the cafe to take pictures there.
“Just curious, but why the sudden interest in photography?” He stepped against the direction of the wind as you came to a stop at a crosswalk, blocking the bulk of the air from hitting you. “Didn’t you sign your soul to filmography, or something.” 
“How’d you know my secret?” He smiled at the dry words, nudging you forward when the light at the other end turned green. “No, but it’s because you and Tae were talking about the photography club and it sounded cool.” You missed his glance at the reasoning, continuing along as you looked around the area for interesting places to take pictures at, “Plus it’s probably boring for me to only ask you to come play the Switch every other minutes.” A bit quieter, maybe embarrassed. 
“If it was boring I wouldn’t show up.” You looked up at him. He thought you appeared happy with the reassurance. “Besides I play games in my room anyways, at least if I play with you I’m guaranteed to win.” 
“You’re,” You sighed, rolling your eyes as his obnoxiously bright grin spread like summertime instead of the impending fall. “I’ll win at photography then.”
“How?” He laughed, “It’s not a game- oh,” He reached for your arm, halting you, “Wait, the lighting’s good here- I’ll take a picture.”
“Of me?” You questioned in shock, “Guk, I’ve been in the classes and the studio all day, I look-”
“No, you look good, don’t worry-” He brushed off the statements, already situating the strap around his neck and turning the camera on, “It’s more fun taking pictures of people, you know?” He chuckled as he saw you through the lens, looking lost of how to pose, “Relax.” 
“How?” The calm, light-heartedness of his voice did help, but your hands were still balled up in your pockets, easy to notice from Jeongguk’s perspective. 
“Think about how Gold left Yoongi for you when we were watching the movie-” The shutter clicked when you smiled in amusement at the memory, “See,” His head perked up from behind the camera, “It’s easy for you to look pretty.” Your lips tightened at the comment while he clicked around to bring the picture back up. Jeongguk stepped towards you, arching the camera to show you, “I like it.” Proud, despite the gentle intonation. 
“Maybe,” You were looking at the unkemptness of your hair from the wind, but found yourself quiet in consideration of you through Jeongguk’s camera-- his perspective of you that he thought enough of to want to capture. You glanced up at his still happy expression with how it turned out, and found yourself smiling in return then more so as his eyes found yours when you spoke up earnestly, “When do I get to take one of you?”
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loganeaves733-blog · 5 years
(PDF) The Character Of Music Genres
Throughout the United States people are obsessed with all forms of music, however have you ever ever questioned which musical genres are most popular during which areas. Americana; the music in regards to the working class. The hopes and goals of the free American individuals. Driving rock that you could hear in bars and stadiums alike. Jazz, rock or classical are terms regularly used to distinguish between different genres" of music. However they is also described as completely different styles". In that sense, style" would denote the more basic and genre" the more specific characteristics of the music concerned. Be that as it might, it's useful to regard genre" as an outline of the social function of music.
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As an instance you are in a shop that's enjoying music and you want to know the identify of the tune or who's singing it. Simply hold down the House button on your iOS machine. Inform Siri Shazam this" and bretedments777471.wikidot.com Siri will give you the track title and artist. Warning: you would possibly lose a whole hour to this… Each Noise at As soon as is a one-web page map of playable audio samples for more than 1500 musical genres, from deep tech house to Finnish metallic to easy jazz to geek people to klezmer to deep opera.
In 2017, more DJs took advantage of the one detail that makes their artwork kind truly unique: they'll play anything. Nina Kraviz, regardless of the absurd controversy it as soon as brought on her, continued colouring exterior the strains, be it with a hundred and fifty BPM techno or straight up drum & bass, on the principle stage at EXIT Competition or in room one at Unsound's Lodge Forum. Avalon Emerson, armed with wildly eclectic music on impeccably organized USB sticks, drifted seamlessly from straight four-4 into hip-hop and R&B. On the final morning of Sustain-Launch, PLO Man appeared intent on encompassing as a lot as possible of all the panorama of digital music in one set, with separate chapters devoted to jungle, garage, deep home, dub techno and ambient. Rock and pop bands use the identical quantity of instrumentation on stage, which is normally two guitars, one set of drums, and one bass guitar. One other similarity is the variety of musicians on stage which includes: vocals, guitar players, bass player, drum participant, and again vocals. The last similarity is the way both type bands perform. Both styles carry out with a robust stage presence, being very energetic on stage. Some examples of bands which might be pop bands and are confused as rock bands are: ‘N Sync, Backstreet Boys, and Justin Bieber. Music in America is at the moment in an interesting place. The internet has made it easier than ever for artists to release their music for the world to hear, but on the same time it might probably feel like a smaller group of artists is capturing the highest of the charts. Still, with regards to touring exhibits and local scenes rock and nation musicians are serving to to carry followers together all throughout the country. While the charts is likely to be dominated by music that's streamed over telephones and computer systems the local concert venues are filled with people searching for that traditional combination of drums, a guitar, and a singer that can make them really feel something. Solo: This can be used anytime, ideally after a round or two of refrain and verse, to add just a little jam feel. Used loads in jazz and can really create cool sections in music. When you find yourself thinking of live performance Solo components are always unbelievable, even if it's not in your released monitor. we fell in love with this music, and it's not one thing you typically grow out of, so long as the music evolves with you. and as long as there is a demand, there will likely be like minded folks supplying.
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Eminem!? Eminem is amazing. I like to recommend looking into his music. My favourite genres are Various, Grunge, and Rock. Eminem has meaningful music. I am okay with you not liking him, but categorizing him with the others talked about? No. Just. No. Before John Lennon and http://www.audio-transcoder.com Paul McCartney's songwriting partnership turned the dominant drive of ‘60s fashionable music, there was Jerry Lieber and Mike Stoller, who were a hit-making duo in rock & roll's earliest days. Elvis made their song Hound Dog"—recorded quite a few times by numerous artists as early as 1953—famous in 1956, and when Presley's new film 'Jailhouse Rock' got here out the next year, they had a monitor ready just for him.
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Music based upon a rhythm style, which is characterized by regular chops on the backbeat, performed by a rhythm guitarist. Reggae is an African-Caribbean style of music developed on the island of Jamaica and carefully linked to the faith of Rastafarianism (though not universally popular amongst its members). Some school students discover that one of the best music to study by is so-called put up-rock music. It's a numerous genre that includes many bands that focus totally on enjoying instrumental music with none vocals. Nevertheless, some bands do embrace restricted vocals with hard-to-discern lyrics. In consequence, their songs typically present perfect background music for learning since they do not draw quite a lot of consideration to themselves.The effect of various musical styles on serum cortisol levels, blood stress, and heart fee is presently unknown. Yes, we have mentioned this earlier than- however ya'll do not listen so we are going to say it again. What you are calling EDM falls below the umbrella term of electronic dance music - but it surely's not EDM. The rationale why, is that there is no EDM subgenre. Wait, you imply EDM isn't a subgenre of EDM? STUNNING. music a sort of contemporary electronic music that developed in the Nineteen Eighties, changing disco as the most well-liked form of dance music. It combines deep bass sounds with components that are sung or performed on a synthesizer.3. Tone and Intonation. Jazz musicians will be obsessive about their sound and their tone quality, however overall I'd say it's less a precedence than it's within the classical world. Sometimes jazz musicians additionally go for bigger fairly than higher on this regard, for the above-stated causes. this is nowhere close to a whole listing of musical genres… what about witch hop or s3rl… or comfortable hardcore… or future base. was just wanting to level that out… there is approach to much music for anyone but a big group of lots of to listing and research.
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ayellowbirds · 6 years
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Keshet Rewatches All of Scooby-Doo, Pt. 6: "What The Hex Is Going On?"
("Scooby-Doo, Where Are You", Season 1 Episode 6)
AKA "The Gang Is Totally Cool With Dead Bodies"
As the episode opens, a voice repeatedly intones, "come... come!!!", and the view moves from an old mansion, to a nearby graveyard. A bat flies past a mausoleum, and can be heard as an aged man walks through the night, arms outstretched.
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The thing is, the guy is drawn with his mouth open in such a way that i thought at first that he was the one chanting the eerie command. And then, without the bat on screen any more, it seems like he’s the one screeching.
Meanwhile, the gang come to visit their friend Sharon Wetherby, who has invited them up to her family estate for the weekend. On their drive up, they catch sight of the old man, and wonder about what he’s up to... but continue on their way.
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Now that’s some good Southern New England Wherever-The-Fuck Gothic. Look at that decayed gateway sign with the family name obscured by hanging moss. On their arrival, Sharon and her father mention that “Uncle Stuart” has gone missing, and when they go to investigate the old “Kingston Mansion” where the gang saw him, they find him hidden in the shadows near the entrance, aged at least twenty years.
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Stu recalls a “ghostly voice” calling him out in a trance to enter the mansion, where he encounters...
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Elias always seemed one of the most iconic Scooby villain designs to me. As he delivers a warning demanding the Wetherby fortune as his right, he transforms Stuart with a mere gesture.
I say “mere”, but it’s one of the most character-laden and dramatic movements in the entire run of Scooby-Doo, Where Are You—completely unlike the fading transition used to age Stuart immediately after it. I think the episode’s entire animation budget went into Elias posing dramatically.
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This haint has style. Look at that oilcloth duster, the inhuman blue tones and yellow eyes. The gesturing.
Mr. Wetherby tries to call the sheriff, but finds the phone line dead. The gang suggest he drive out to get the sheriff in-person while they take turns standing guard, boasting Scooby’s “keen sense of hearing”. Scooby’s having none of it, and pretends to need an ear trumpet.
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Zoinks, don’t put that in your ear, Scoob! You don’t know where it’s been!
As the gang slack off on guarding Uncle Stuart, the voice of Elias Kingston calls to him again. Scooby awakens from a nap to alert the others, and they realize  that both Stuart and Sharon are missing.
In a bit of cowardly foresight that also saves a little on the animation budget lovingly devoted to Elias, Shaggy joins the others not in walking through the abandoned Kingston mansion, but rolling on skates. It proves his undoing when Elias sneaks up on him and sends him careening into a bathroom, resulting in another iconic scene:
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This isn’t about scaring anyone, Elias just can’t stand filthy hippies and thought Shaggy needed a shower.  
Meanwhile, Scooby tries to raid the kitchen, where he encounters an angry bulldog that seems to follow Elias’s directions.
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The gang identify this as their first clue, reasoning that a ghost wouldn’t need a watchdog. But really, don’t even the dead deserve canine companionship? Of course, like last episode’s infatuated stray, this dog is never seen again in the episode after the sequence in which he first appears. The gang return to the mansion later on, and there’s no sign of him.
All the same, they reckon it’s a good clue, but it doesn’t tell them where Uncle Stuart got to... until Shaggy notices someone dressed like him. A significantly older someone.
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Those of you who are coming here after watching the Scoobynatural crossover may recall it being made into a gag that the gang kind of just... shrug off the presence of dead bodies.
It’s not the first time they’ve done that.
Scooby even laughs at Velma’s line in the screencap above, though Elias arrives to issue a warning that he’ll do the same to everyone else in the Wetherby household and properly scares him.
The gang sneak about and catch sight of the “ghost” making his way into the Kingston mausoleum, wondering what he’s doing there. Gee, i dunno. What would a dead person be doing in their own family’s mausoleum? In any case, the gang dust the door for prints, and find them. They figure a real ghost wouldn’t leave fingerprints, and Fred tries to bribe Scooby to investigate further with an offer of a Scooby Snack.
It won’t do the trick, and as Fred ups the ante from one, to two, three, and finally four, there’s a cute little bit of animation cost-cutting where he uses sleight of hand to produce the Snacks... instead of being animated pulling them from a box or pocket.
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Sleight of hand, trap-making skills, and a van full of tools for breaking and entering... where exactly did Freddie pick up this skill set? If this was a Dungeons and Dragons party, he’d have levels in Rogue.
While Scooby is willing at this point, Shaggy snatches up the snacks once again, happily gobbling down literal dog food and volunteering himself in Scooby’s place, even uttering a ��Scooby-Dooby-Doo!” of his own.
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Roo rastard, Scooby seems to think. I rusted roo rike a rother.
Alone in the mausoleum, Shaggy confesses to himself, “there’s times I’ll do anything for a Scooby Snack.” This episode is dark.
Inside the crypt, the gang discovers a book on Crystalomancy, which fantasy nerds might guess is the art of divination by means of—
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Wait, no. It’s Crystalomacy, no N. The gang clearly read it as such, and Shaggy mistakes it for a name, “Crystal O’Macy”. The joke only works with the typo, and since Velma identifies it as the use of crystal balls, someone must have looked it up and either drawn on a source full of typos, or else deliberately misspelled these spells.
The crypt door slams shut, and the gang, having recently left a corpse behind without a care, are locked in a dusty old mausoleum. Like i said, this episode is dark. But Fred Jones is not to be thrown by things such as this, and suggests they start tapping on the walls to see if they can find a secret exit.
Sure enough, they find one, and a few seconds of revolving door gags later, they’re free. The scene transitions to them speeding down the street in the Mystery Machine, apparently having forgotten that they were seeking their kidnapped friend Sharon or that Sharon’s dad was on his way back with the police, having entrusted the care of his relatives to them.
Instead, Fred leads the gang to seek an answer at a “Swami place” mentioned on discovery of the book of Crystalospellingerror. Apparently this is a 1960s take on a fortune-teller’s place of operations and a brief glimpse even reveals a lampshade decorated with a zodiac motif.
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The place is empty except for the contents of a storage closet that “danger-prone” Daphne spills onto Scooby and Shaggy, when the dog fails to hide properly as a customer enters, the gang decide to have Scooby let on the role of the “swami” as she mistakes the turban and robe that fell onto him for genuine mystical garb.
I will take a moment to point out that this scene involves nothing whatsoever related to the actual meaning of the title Swami, and instead seems to be some more of that old-fashioned racism from last episode. This time, it’s south Asian culture (or more broadly, the exotified whole of Asia) being treated as a place from which strange mysteries of the occult originate.
We’re treated once again to Shaggy’s voice-throwing ventriloquism, and some punnery when the customer demands her “palm read”. Scooby pulls out a bucket of paint to make her “palm red”.
Why was there a bucket of red paint sitting there? Is the “real” swami (implied to be Elias, or whomever is disguised as him) just as big a lover of wordplay, or is Scooby simply showing more of his strange reality-warping powers by conjuring a can of paint and a brush? In any case, the customer is scared out, and the ghost of Elias Kingston appears in the crystal ball to menace the gang once more by causing the table to fly about the building, chasing them...
...until it hits Scooby, and he manages to crash it into the ground, revealing what was making it fly.
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An eight-inch-wide fan powered by two D-cells. I’m increasingly convinced gravity works differently in the Scoobyverse.
Along with this, the gang discover several other clues: a professional makeup kit, and a portable camera for television... that somehow connects wirelessly to a TV monitor inside the crystal ball.
This is not technology that was available at the time, but instead of marveling at these wonders of media, the gang hatch a plan to trick the “ghost”.
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The ghost of Elias does love him some wordplay, and i actually feel kind of sorry for him as the gang turn the tables on him with his own camera and projector gimmicks to make him think the mansion is really haunted.
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Immediately after this scene, Sharon Wetherby appears in frame with the gang. where Daphne been standing in the shot just before it. This doesn’t seem to be an error per se, as Fred addresses her by name, and Sharon mentions the hidden room where Elias had her tied up all this time. Exactly how or when she escaped is left for the viewer to guess at, but the gang apparently had the time to put the skeletal remains of “Uncle Stuart” in the room, spooking the unliving daylights out of Elias. As he flees, the gang—with Daphne back in her place where Sharon had been—drop a net on him from the balcony, and that’s that.
It’s revealed that “Elias” was Uncle Stuart all along, having used his skill in makeup and recordings of ghostly chanting to fool the others. Sharon explains that she was nabbed because she saw his bald-wig “blow off”, forcing him to capture her. The “swami” is explained as the best way “for a swindler to disappear”, but Stuart’s keeping quiet, and when Sharon wonders why he did it, her father simply says it can wait for the sheriff’s arrival.
The sheriff.
Who Mr. Wetherby was supposed to be bringing back with him, all this time.
...and for that matter, isn’t it kind of obvious why Stuart did it? I mean, the money, right?
But that doesn’t matter to the plot, because Mr. Wetherby says it’s time to eat.
Too bad Scooby has already consumed the entire turkey dinner intended for no less than seven people, by himself.
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I guess conjuring cans of paint burns a lot of calories?
(like what i’m doing here? It’s not what pays the bills, so i’d really appreciate it if you could send me a bit at my paypal.me or via my ko-fi. Click here to see more entries in this series of posts, or here to go in chronological order)
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