#it so hard to restart on other sites ugh
mossymandibles · 6 months
Ayyy made me a blusky, hmu if you’re on there. Maybe I’ll actually post there unlike my tumbleweed havin ass twitter :p
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osakaso5 · 2 years
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Tenn Kujo Leopard Eyes Rabbit Chat Part 3: Picture Books
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 | Part 5
Tsumugi: Kujo-san, thank you for the magazine shoot and interview you joined us for today!
Tsumugi: It was a pleasure to do “Idols Who Shine Like Jewels ~Diamond Disk Feature~” with TRIGGER.
Tenn: Hello, Takanashi-san.
Tenn: IDOLiSH7 seemed a little too tense when they arrived to the interview site.
Tsumugi: We were nervous, since we're not used to visiting such a big and fancy hotel...
Tsumugi: I know it's embarrassing... >< We should've expected better from Diamond Disk.
Tenn: Yamato Nikaido, Sogo Osaka, and Nagi Rokuya seemed to have it together, so they should train the other four.
Tenn: I'll give them props for switching right into professional mode as soon as the interview started, though.
Tenn: Even Riku didn't slip up on referring to me as Tenn Kujo.
Tsumugi: He practived very hard in the car on our way there.
Tenn: How?
Tsumugi: Iori-san: "Say 'Kujo-san' ten times."
Tsumugi: Riku-san: "Kujo-san, Kujo-san, Kujo-san..."
Tsumugi: Iori-san: "Your brother is?" Riku-san: "Tenn... ah..."
Tsumugi: They had to restart the exercise a few times, but it was a huge success in the end..!
Tenn: Right, as unbelievable as that is...
Tsumugi: Riku-san was trying very hard not to cause you any trouble, since you're very dear to him.
Tenn: Okay.
Tsumugi: Still, I don't think the interview could've gone as smoothly as it did without TRIGGER's help! Everyone's friendly mood helped the camera staff with the shoot, too.
Tenn: I suppose. Everyone but the photographer and the journalist writing the interview was pretty much just going with the flow, after all. I think things went really well today.
1. The picture of the “True Men!” unit was wonderful, wasn’t it!
Tenn: A sultry unit for sultry adults. Not that that's a bad thing.
2. The picture of the “LOVE&GAME” unit was wonderful, wasn’t it!
Tenn: I was surprised that Tamaki Yotsuba and Sogo Osaka could give Ryu a run for his money. Ryu's not exactly a seducer by nature, but that aura of his can overwhelm his co-stars regardless.
3. The picture of the “HureHure! Youth Anthem” unit was wonderful, wasn’t it!
Tenn: Riku should take it easier. Iori Izumi should make an effort to look less blatantly uncomfortable. Somehow, we still got mistaken for a close-knit group, though. And for the last time, I do NOT have a brother complex.
Tsumugi: Also, Tsunashi-san sent me pictures of your work from when you gave each other topics to draw. I had no idea you had so much artistic talented!
Tenn: Don't you think Gaku and Ryu talk about me way too much?
Tsumugi: I think it's nice that you're such good friends!
Tenn: Ugh.
Tsumugi: Do you draw a lot?
Tenn: Riku and I would make our own picture books, so I used to.
Tsumugi: You made your own picture books!? That's incredible!
Tenn: They weren't anything as fancy as you might imagine, considering we were little kids back then. They were mostly about us traveling all around the world together. Riku could barely even leave the house, so I had to get creative in showing him just how big the world around us is.
Tsumugi: That's wonderful.
Tenn: They're probably still there, in my old room.
Tsumugi: I see! Do you mind if I tell Riku-san about this..?
Tenn: Don't.
Tsumugi: Are you sure..? ><
Tenn: The travels we had in those picture books were nothing but childish daydreams. He can travel the real world on his own perfectly fine now.
Tenn: That's why I'd rather leave those drawings in the past. Let them be a nice memory.
Tsumugi: Alright..! I'll keep this conversation to myself. Thank you for telling me all this.
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weerd1 · 5 years
Star Trek DS9 Rewatch Log, Stardate 1907.22: Missions Reviewed, “Explorers,” “Family Business,” “Shakaar,” “Facets,” and “The Adversary.”
Long one tonight! We took a run at the end of season three starting with “Explorers.” Sisko reads about Bajorans of some 800 years before building solar sailing ships to explore their solar system, and possibly even making it as far as Cardassia. 
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 He decides to build one to ancient specification (adding only a gravity web to the floor because weightlessness makes him queasy) and see if he can make it work. He invites Jake, who is initially reluctant to join, but then gets some news that makes him want to hang out with his father.  As they set sail, Jake tells Ben that he has been accepted to a writing fellowship back on Earth. Meanwhile on DS9 Bashir is busy flirting with a new Dabo girl named Leeta when Dax tells him the Lexington is coming to dock.
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 Bashir realizes the woman who beat him out for head of his class is on board, and he prepares to meet her.  She walks past him as if she doesn’t recognize him. Ben reads Jake’s story and is impressed, recommending he take the fellowship. Jake says he’s worried about his dad though and may wait a year. Besides, there’s an freighter captain he thinks Ben should meet.  Before they can finish the conversation, there’s a malfunction and the ship seems to slip into warp. On DS9, after a charming drunken session with O’Brien, Bashir confronts the other doctor to find that she thought “Julian Bashir” was an Andorian. She’s excited to meet Julian for real, and is envious of the long term projects he can undertake. Jake and Ben are lost somewhere in space when suddenly three Cardassian warships appear.  Dukat hails them to reveal that tachyon eddies in the Bajoran system have in fact accelerated them at warp speed right into the Cardassian system. Coincidentally, Cardassia was about to announce the have discovered an ancient Bajoran crash site on their homeworld.
There is a lot of significant stuff going on in this episode. Leeta, who will become a staple of future season and Rom’s wife, is introduced. Though not named, Kassidy Yates is introduced as an idea, and we will see her in the next episode, beginning her long courtship and eventual marriage to Ben. Jake as a writer begins to really flourish setting the stage for his future as a correspondent during the Dominion War. It’s almost enough to make one ignore how little sense the rest makes. OK- 800 years earlier Bajorans built an airtight solar wind sail ship, literally out of lumber. How did they get it off the surface of the planet and into space? But, let’s assume they had chemical rockets that could survive leaving an atmosphere to deliver their wood ships into space, a solar sail would have to be kilometers long.  But, let’s say it’s special reflective material; when the tachyons begin to accelerate them to warp, what keeps the acceleration from crushing them into a thin red paste on the back wall? Ben has gravity control, no inertial dampeners 800 years ago. And assuming they DO survive, I would assume the Cardassian system is several hours at mid-warp from Bajor. Doesn’t take them long here. Then, there’s a crash site on Cardassia; how did the wooden ship survive re-entry? Though, maybe the acceleration DID paste the crew and throw the ship through the Cardassian atmosphere hard enough to crater in.  Holy Prophets that’s tragic.
Quark and Rom have to deal with “Family Business” when a Liquidator named Brunt from the Ferengi Commerce Authority shows up to seize their business because family on Ferenginar is causing trouble. 
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 It seems Quark’s mother has been earning profit, illegal in Ferengi society for a woman. She seems to be…ugh, wearing clothes too! Brunt tells Quark he has to get her to confess, and then pay back the profit she made.  On DS9, Sisko meets Kassidy Yates, and they agree to coffee.  While there, she seems restless. Seems she forgot she’s supposed to listen to a broadcast from her brother out on Cestus III. It seems he is part of a league playing an obscure Earth sport called “baseball.” Sisko is smitten. On Ferenginar, Quark has discovered that “Moogie” has made more profit than they thought. MUCH more. He plans to turn her in despite the fact it will ruin him, but she cuts him in on the profits. She confesses and turns some over, but splits the rest with Quark…mostly; she tells Rom there may be some more even than Quark found.
A neat little look at Ferengi society which of course features the marvelous Jeffrey Combs as Liquidator Brunt (one of no less than seven different Trek characters he played). 
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SNL’s Andrea Martin plays Moogie here, but will not reprise the role later due to makeup issues. We see Ferenginar is constantly raining, and the traditional house greeting of “welcome to my home; what’s mine is mine” is given. The whole episode will prove to kick off some interesting turns for Ferengi society.
Kai Winn comes to DS9 to see Kira, as her old friend and cell leader “Shakaar” is causing trouble in Kira’s home town.  The minister of the Provisional Government has died, leaving Winn not only as Kai, but as political leader. She makes some changes which will pull some farm equipment out of Kira’s province, and away from the farmer Shakaar. He won’t give it back. Winn expects Kira to talk him into it, but instead she negotiates a meeting with Shakaar to find a compromise. 
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Winn dismisses that and sends in security forces to seize the equipment, causing both Kira and Shakaar to gather up the old cell and go back on the run. Sisko refuses to intervene in what Kai sees as a test of her authority. She scrambles more troops into the area, and discord begins to mount, risking a civil war. Shakaar approaches one of the Colonels chasing him, and they realize how futile this is. The colonel brings Shakaar back…with full military support as he decides to run for the position of First Minister displacing Winn.
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  I love how Kira can basically start a civil war on Bajor (as much as I hate Winn) and then just come back to the station when it is all over. It is a tight episode though that really makes you swell your dislike of Kai Winn, and gives Louise Fletcher yet another great opportunity to be loathsome.  Shakaar of course is played by Duncan Regehr, once a staple of tv sf and genre: TNG, V the Series, Disney’s Zorro. I thought he had faded away, but it turns out he is in fact now a very successful painter with art on exhibition all over the world.
“Facets” brings us to Jadzia Dax undergoing a Trill ritual where the memories of each specific host are taken from the symbiont and placed temporarily in another host. This allows a Trill to “meet” all the previous hosts. She selects various people close to her on the station to house the various personalities (including sexually coercing Quark into participating…and then assigning him a female host). 
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 Things get dark when Joran-the short lived host we learned was a psychotic murderer-goes into Sisko, and tries to kill Dax, but it becomes worse when Curzon enters Odo and they two of them merge into a single entity. One that does not intend to return to the Symbiont. Meanwhile, Nog is working on a preliminary Starfleet exam, and ends up failing. Rom realizes Quark rigged it to keep the boy out of Starfleet, but Rom gets Sisko to administer the test again, setting him on the path to Earth next season. 
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Jadzia confronts Odo/Curzon, and realizes that Curzon is ashamed because when he initially failed her out of the symbiosis program it was because he loved her. She accepts his love and tells him she loves him too-as a part of her. An abashed Odo meets her later, admitting that the sensory input of Curzon was tempting, but she thanks him as she now has Curzon’s memory of being part of Odo, and what it is to be a changeling.  
The Dax stuff is fun here, if a little contrived, but we get some great performances out of each of the stars as they assume the personalities of the hosts. Rene Auberjonois is particularly effective as Curzon, though Avery Brooks is downright sinister as Joran. The b-story with Nog is neat, as it is such a great bit of character development for the annoying Ferengi kid from season 1 who is now on his way to a career in Starfleet.  Go Nog!
And season 3 comes to an end when “The Adversary” makes itself known. Sisko is promoted to Captain while a Federation ambassador visits the station. 
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The ambassador mentiones a hostile race, the Tzenkethi, have had a coup, and may restart what were apparently rather brutal hostilities with the Federation. Sisko takes the ambassador out on a flag waving mission along the Tzenkethi border with the Defiant, but O’Brien soon notices strange things are afoot. They realize the ambassador is actually a Changeling, and a hunt through the ship starts to try to keep him from his real mission- using the Defiant to attack the Tzenkethi  and occupy the Federation so the Dominion can make its move. The crew becomes more paranoid as they begin to suspect any of them could be the shapeshifter. A very Carpenter-esque blood test scene happens and Commander Eddington is id’d as the culprit.
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 They soon find Bashir locked away though, and realize the Bashir who conducted the test was the Changeling. Odo liquefies to chase him down, as Sisko prepares to self-destruct the Defiant to prevent war with the Tzenkethi.  Odo stops the enemy in engineering, and for the first time in history a Changeling harms another Changeling as Odo kills the other to save the ship.  As the invader dies he tells Odo, ���it’s too late; we are everywhere.”
The “Thing” like horror aspects of this episode play off pretty well, keeping you guessing who may or may not be the Changeling at any given time. The paranoia we see the crew experience is shared by us as viewers at the end as we realize just how prevalent the threat from The Dominion may be, leaving a very disquieting end to season three. We have to talk here though about Sisko not becoming a Captain until S3. Really? Come on Trek, your first Black commanding officer leading a TV show, and you left him a Commander for three years? At least now Sisko has the rank, he has the goatee, and as we head into season 4, we get the shaved head; Sisko will soon evolve into his final form!
NEXT VOYAGE: Season 4 begins with more Klingons that you can shake a Bat’leth at as paranoia about the Dominion threat leads the Empire to pursue “The Way of the Warrior.” Best of all?  WORF!!!
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