#it’s really giving off brave tangle dragons vibes
xinnamoon · 9 months
One thing I enjoy is when Malleus is included with Zhongli, Dan Heng, and Neuvillette (hoyo dragon boys) making the dragon 4 like yes please adopt the Disney princess he deserve more friends.
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themountainsays · 2 years
In regards to post/677028182159949824/i-wonder-how-many-secret-madrigalcest-shippers-are, I wish I could give you all the... safety? of what shipping was like in the 2000's. Like, it wasn't perfect, there were absolutely ship wars, but like, you might have quietly lost some friends, but no one would outright accuse you of being a pedo even if you shipped Sess/rin before yashahime was a sparkle in rumiko takahashis eye. And you couldn't swing a cat without hitting hiitachincest. :(
Ahhh my friends tell me about the old EA fandom and how it was born in a different era. Frozen was my first fandom actually, I was like... 11. And my only portal into the fandom was ff.net so I wasn't really talking to anyone. But the vibe I got was that... idk that things like EA were inevitable, that you couldn't stop people from shipping it and that there was no point in stopping it, and that the best thing you could do was to curate your own experience and blacklist the shit you didn't want to see. Most importantly, other people's ships may seem "gross" to me, but that didn't make them immoral or dangerous people. I could read someone's snow sister fic knowing they also wrote EA and not care. At the very worst, I would think they had bad taste, but also they wrote well so I was going to read their other work anyway. I don't doubt that, in part, that was me being 11 and naïve and thinking that, because it was everywhere and no one said anything about it, it must be cool. I'm not gonna pat 11 y.o me in the back for being so ahead of her time and smarter than twitter poop-talkers lol no I didn't have "critical thinking" I didn't know what I was looking at. I'm just recalling a memory.
The thing is that, as far as I remember, no one really said anything about it? Again, maybe I was just isolated, but I remember like one person saying they didn't like a specific EA fic, and that was kinda it. No one was writing "EA SHIPPERS FUCK OFF DO NOT FUCKING READ MY FICS IF YOU SHIP EA YOU FREAKS" on their author notes or putting "EA FREAKS DO NOT FUCKING INTERACT I WILL GUT YOU LIKE A FISH" on their profiles and no one felt the need to clarify "THIS IS NOT FUCKING INC3ST OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE I NEED TO SAY THAT" at the start if every fic. Folks in the comment section weren't mentioning EA. People would openly admit to shipping EA in the author notes of their snow sisters fics ("Oh, this was originally going to be EA, but I changed my mind because snow sisters fits it better") and no one would care. And I certainly don't remember anyone making cringe ass posts on ff.net that can't even be called stories because they're nothing but long rants about how bad shipcest is and how "I CAN'T BELIEVE I NEED TO BLACKLIST THE INC3ST TAG EVERY TIME I LOG IN" like certain baby-brained weirdos do in the Encant0 ao3 tag do. The Legend Of The Brave Tangled Dragons wiki even had all of these inc3st ship pages anyone could visit and find fanart in! I'm sure some people must have been quite disturbed by inc3st shipping but no one was shoving the discourse down your throat, forcing you to take a stand, posting shit like "dni if you don't have a dni" on their profiles or chasing shippers away and forcing them into isolated communities. The general idea seemed to be that "yeah it's weird and a bit gross but it's rude to judge". Maybe I was lucky enough to avoid the worst parts of the fandom? But idk it felt a lot less... systemic. it felt a lot less cultural. Like disliking a ship was something you did individually and casually, not something you would create a political party around like twitter antis do.
I would have LOVED to see even earlier times tho. I'm sure nostalgia is doing its part and that it wasn't nearly as idyllic as my friends tell me, but it would be nice to not be told to kill myself every day :)
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princesstadashi · 5 years
Abominable Review
Okay guys! So, I just got back from Abominable and I have to say...
If you can PLEASE go support this movie! It was so fucking good, and it really deserves all the support it can get!
The storyline was so simple and pure it was incredibly refreshing! Rich man captures yeti. Yeti escapes and finds lonely/sad teenager. Teenager and her friend go on magical adventure to get yeti home. No gimmicks, just good old fashioned magical teen adventure. And I LOVED IT. There was a minor villain twist, but it wasn’t Prince Hans style--it was possible to see it coming, and it was actually quite satisfying. 
Now, let’s talk characters!
The cast was great--I loved each and every one of the characters. Yi is dealing with a major loss, and it was nice to see that her family, while worried about her, didn’t try to push unrealistic expectations on her and gave her the space that she needed. Jin caught me a bit off guard--from the trailers he seemed like the nerdy, overly responsible older brother type. Well, turns out? He’s actually the local pretty boy who has a whole crowd of girls following after him. Is he a bit superficial? Yeah. But you know what? I love that, while the movie did get him to rethink his priorities a bit, they never really made him change who he was as a person. They just brought out some of his more caring instincts, but they were already there--he just dug a little deeper to get to them. And Peng--thank GOD for Peng. I was terrified Dreamworks was going to pull their usual body shaming shit, making him the butt of every joke. But NOPE. Sure he’s a bit goofy, but he’s a cute little kid, he’s supposed to be goofy! They never ONCE make any mention of his appearance, and he’s super passionate about basketball. Does anyone ever make fun of him for it? NOPE. Everyone is supportive of his passion and especially in the credits you get to see some really cute shots of them helping him! 
And (SPOILERS) I LOVED what they did with Yi and Jin’s relationship. I went into the movie thinking that there was going to be a stereotypical “Let’s shove the two main boy and girl humans together!” storyline. And actually with the way the movie went I wouldn’t have been that upset if they had. But they movie went out of it’s way to establish that, even though it does’t seem they’re related by blood, Jin views Yi as his little sister and wants to look out for her, and the fact that romance was never even a part of the story? I am SO for finally having a movie where no unnecessary romance is shoved in to hijack the plot! Am I against shipping them? Definitely not! But it’s really nice to see that they were showing that platonic love is just as if not more important than a romantic relationship. (End spoilers.)
The last thing I’ll go into is the animation and soundtrack. The animation is just straight up GORGEOUS, as you can see in the trailer, and I just loved how bright and colorful and natural everything looked. I wanted to jump right through the screen to see everything in person, but even just watching the movie I felt was right there with the characters--I even forgot that I was even watching a movie most of the time, which with my ridiculously short attention span is really saying something!!! As for the soundtrack, the violin music was so, so pretty and I loved it. I was a bit sad that the violin version of “Go Your Own Way” that played in the trailer did not show up in the movie, which was probably my only disappointment. BUT (minor spoiler) they did use the song “Fix You” by Coldplay did get brought into one scene and holy shit if my Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons AMV loving heart didn’t just get a catapult to the past! I’m pretty sure whoever made this movie was part of that fandom because this movie totally gave me a vibe of all the best parts of all of those movies! (End minor spoilers.)
So yeah. I left the movie theater feeling I’d gotten exactly what I’d been promised by the trailers and maybe even more. This movie has definitely claimed a spot as one of my top favorite movies, and I can’t wait until I can buy a copy of it so I can just put it on whenever I want to watch it! I get the feeling it’s going to become a movie that I put on whenever I feel anxious or depressed, because instead of taking away a bunch of emotional energy like most movies do that I just don’t have to give, it left me feeling rejuvenated and more satisfied than a movie has made me feel in a long, long time.
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