#it’s the same trap beginner pianists fall into where they believe practice will inevitably produce good results
chewwytwee · 9 months
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. People need to become more comfortable with making bad art, and people need to be more comfortable with accepting that their art isn’t good. I’m sorry, but sometimes art looks objectively bad (at least as far as the artist is unable to conceive of their artistic vision), and instead of constantly handwaving negativity and brushing critical feelings under the rug people need to develop skills to cope with and progress from those feelings. The VAST majority of art ‘advice’ I see pass across my dash is really just art positivity, where the takeaway isn’t any valuable information, but rather an admonishment for not being kind enough to themselves and corrections you can make to your behavior. It sidesteps the problem ‘I am unfamiliar with art’ and jumps right to addressing the symptom ‘I feel bad I’m unable to create what I want to create’. Instead of working to improve artistic skill and familiarity with creative tools, it tells the reader that they need to work to re-think their conception of artistic quality. There should be space for both of those conversations but they don’t exist to the exclusion of the other. Most art spaces online attempt to create an encouraging space through enforcement of post-over rules and discouraging critical feedback, but inadvertently creates incentives for people to write insubstantial filler so they can post their own work which discourages people who’s art isn’t as impressive or noteworthy because all of their feedback is platitudes. Art communities are consumed by a fear of alienating beginners, but falsely believe that beginners will be alienated by critical feedback and don’t realize that most beginners feel alienated by stagnation and uncertainty. Feeling bad at a skill feels much better than feeling as if you are incapable of improving at that skill, and the shallow insistence of magical thought as a substitute for practice is a self fulfilling prophecy which will make it so.
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