#it'd seal the deal on Hector believing the sundrop is real + increase both his and Adira's faith in Raps and Eugene
birb-tangleblog · 3 years
AU Meme! 👀 Hector and Adira join the group post-Tree. (F in the chat for Hector McBrokenRib, benched in the caravan until he recovers? 😩)
OKAY I LOVE THIS IDEA FOR AN AU TOO, BLESS YOU FOR THIS ASK. Legit give me Hector and Adira joining the group and replacing Shorty + Hookfoot. (And I'm a sucker for scenarios where characters who have a lot of conflict get stuck together or have to cooperate, so this AU hits that note perfectly.)
I can see this AU going a few ways! Like, Hector could accompany the party b/c he accepts Adira's initial offer to return to the DK together (which would have a bigger ripple effect), or b/c they're forced to bring him along with them due to more serious injuries. Another possibility is that Adira also gets hurt, so she can't go back, and they both need to accompany the group.
1. Hector's presence would lead to a lot of tension within the caravan, and be extremely high stress for Hector himself. He's surrounded by people he doesn't trust, outnumbered, unarmed, and weak/dependent on them. He can't stop them from carrying on with their goal, and being bedridden would probably get claustrophobic after a while. Honestly, I think he'd be really caustic- a terrible patient, stubborn, verbally attacking people, etc., at least starting out.
2. Meanwhile w/ the party, Hector's taking up extra space in the guy's side of the caravan, he's ill-tempered, and I highly doubt Eugene or Lance would be too keen on sharing a room with him. I can see there being arguments over pragmatism vs. morality, with Cass being the most unhappy– this guy tried to KILL them, beat her, and they're letting him come with them?? She'd probably see it as another instance of Raps not valuing her judgment/trusting Adira over her- and she's not wrong to feel that way, even if Hector eventually becomes an ally.
3. It'd be interesting and strange for the party to see another side of Adira- she keeps her distance from them for the most part, but now she's sticking close and they're seeing her interact with someone from her past that she knows very well. Overhearing their conversations (and probably listening to them hash out old arguments) would shed a lot of light on her, Hector, and the DK/moonstone. Same goes for Adira spending time with the mains and getting to know them more.
4. Rapunzel would feel driven to try to talk to Hector, both b/c she wants to smooth things over with everyone by befriending him, and b/c she believes that he'll come around if he just understands that she's the sundrop. It'd probably backfire, and she'd be met with a LOT of hostility- but I do think being around her, the party, and Adira would eventually start to erode his way of thinking and the narrative he's trying to maintain about them and the moonstone.
5. Hector + Adira accompanying the party to the Shellhouse would be incredible. Cass and Adira agreeing for once that something is a terrible idea. Hector glaring Matthews into submission when he tries to suggest his animals have to stay in the stables? Baby Brotherhood and BEARCAT CUBS if they get hit by the top- Adira becoming the younger of the two and Hector getting to be older and taller for once b/c of how the top works??
AND MIRROR MIRROR. Ngl, I can see Hector or Adira getting got by demons simply b/c they haven't had a proper mirror in ages, and just wanted to do their hair/paint, RIP. Cue "Hector" strolling in and politely greeting everyone when they sit down for dinner, or "Adira" calling Cass and Eugene by their actual names.
Also consider Adira freaking everyone out when she fights the mirror demons b/c she isn't showing any of her usual restraint against them, and it's REALLY DISCONCERTING. This is more than one bullet point but the shenanigans from including Hector and Adira in the latter half of S2 would've been so good, ok.
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