#it's given me a chance to get to stuff on some of my other muses
wordy-little-witch · 25 days
Plus size Buggy will always be my favorites headcanon for him because it just makes SENSE. Not gonna get too much into negative stereotypes here, but genuinely Buggy’s sixpack in the manga is mildly hysterically to me, given what we know about him. He’s not unfit by a mile, he is too talented of an acrobat for that, but look my square in the eye and tell me Buggy would be the kind of guy to do the kind of restrictive(and in many cases DESTRUCTIVE) eating that’s required to keep a sixpack like that. Anyways: Buggy being the most full figured out of Crossguild and him and Crocodile actually teaming up against MIHAWK for once, who’s naturally a pretty thin guy but also „forgets to eat“ at times Yes / No? Mihawk feels like the kind of guy who would forgo eating when he feels it’s inconvenient or not actively for nutritional sake (save the wine 🍷) and Buggy and Crocodile both being the type of men who can not understand why you would put yourself trough that type of torture when you are rich enough to have all the food you want. Mihawk muses that it’s baffling that they are now discussing important Crossguild news at…."brunch" , regarding them in the afternoon has worked well for them until now, not yet completely realizing that his husbands have actually bonded together to make sure Mihawk actually at least eats something before midday. They would have pushed for breakfast, but there simply was no way for them to get to Mihawk before his morning training session.
Okay yes this, so much!!! I'm gonna project on Buggy here, bro can't eat first thing in the morning, so he Gets It to an extent with Mihawk - but he's also gonna be ADAMANT on SOMETHING for the other if only a light brunch. He's the type to keep small snacks on his person while out and about, and he's not above some mild manipulation tactics to make sure his loved ones are okay and healthy.
Mihawk's natural build is pretty lithe. He's tall, thin, but frankly absolutely RIPPED when it comes to muscle, and Buggy is simply SWEATING when he sees it. It's not even in a That's So Hot way, it's in a Oh My Gods That's Not Safe way.
Crocodile isn't exactly as hard-corded-muscled as Mihawk, but also not as full figured as Buggy, and even he's like "o h" when the goth abs flex.
Buggy tries to be subtle at first, then when they doesn't work ((and after a fairly sharp tongued call out)) he just explodes with waving hands and teary eyes about general health and the way that that stuff can negatively impact people current and future, then he winds up rambling about the beauty industry and media pushing for such unsafe expectations when it ISN'T SAFE.
Just. Buggy levels of meltdowns because if there is one thing he'll go feral for, it's the people he loves and the chances of losing them.
It also helps that he's a pretty good cook and gives Croc and Hawk both the clown baby doll eyes to beg them to have something light with him.
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karahalloway · 5 months
WIP Update - 2024
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Happy 2024! 🥳
Hope everyone had a great holiday period - got the chance to see friends and family, relax a bit - and is ready for the new year!
Harper and Drake certainly did! Thank you @nestledonthaveone for these pics!
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Unfortunately, I was too busy to put together a 2023 Year In Review post, or something similar, but now that things are getting back to normal after the festivities, I wanted to take the time to let anyone who is still around (and reads my stuff) about a few updates.
Tumblr Projects for 2024
My overall plan for 2024 is to try and finish off my outstanding WIPs. These are (in no particular priority order):
(Less Than) Noble Intentions (including Extraction)
Mission: Cordonia
If I have time / the Muse feels supportive, I may post an additional installment for Tales from the Gypsea as well. I also have The Highwayman for January's Song Rewrite Challenge to write (at least the first part).
Please bear with me, as my posting will probably be chaotic. I was supposed to be working on the next chapter of Thanksgiving (as there is only one part left), or possibly the first installment of The Highwayman given that this has a deadline 😬, but instead, my brain decided that I must focus on the next chapter of Intentions 🤷‍♀️
So, I may be dropping one chapter of one fic here, another chapter for another fic there... or there could be a glut of chapters for one particular fic while the other ones gather dust in the corner. Who knows... I certainly don't!
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Original Fiction Project(s) for 2024
In parallel to my TRR fanfic, I am also working on some original fiction in the background, that I hope to publish (as actual books) once they are done (I currently have 3 projects in progress or in pre-planning - I know - my brain is crazy - I blame my association with @angelasscribbles 🤣)
Definitely no ETA on this yet, but if I randomly go silent on Tumblr, then this is why.
In addition to this, there are several series that I want / need to catch up on, but again, please bear with me, as my primary focus will be wrapping up my outstanding series, so my reading/reblogging time may end up being limited (especially if work is also busy).
Thanks for your continued support and interest in my fics (I know the fandom is not quite what it used to be, but my OCD will not let me leave projects unfinished! 😅) and best wishes to everyone for 2024!
PS: If anyone wants on or off my taglist, please message me! I will not be offended - I know real life is busy, and most of us don't have as much free time anymore as we did during the successive lockdowns (kinda miss those, tbh 😅)
@twinkleallnight @lovingchoices14 @kingliam2019 @petiteboheme @angelasscribbles @aussiegurl1234 @nestledonthaveone @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @tessa-liam @alyshak92 @secretaryunpaid @princessleac1 @walkerdrakewalker @tinkie1973 @twinkle-320 @knaussal @nikkis1983 @lunaseasblog @ficloverevie @indiana-jr @differenttyphoonwerewolf @kristinamae093 @eversoaringqueen12 @peonierose @3pawandme @alexabeta @veebug8 @fanfiction-she-wrote @queenmiarys @lancelotsimp @coco-lina-s @lolablackwrites @ivyflowers13 @persephone13 @hollygirl1269 @adri-ja-96 @harleybeaumont @katedrakeohd @uneravine @alj4890
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ecruvianfancontent · 5 days
Have more Biddleford AU!
This is in specific reference to my AU where Fiddleford tried meditation instead of inventing the memory gun, and consequently met and began to worship Bill.
So, I opened that piece of fanart with Fiddleford reaching out a hand to Ford, and telling him that he was welcome.
"Why," you might ask, "is he welcoming in Ford? Doesn't Ford already worship Bill?
Hehehehehe, that's where the fact that Bill is extremely manipulative comes in. More under the cut.
So, in the ficlet that I included with that picture, you'll note that Bill set himself up to be the golden magical savior that would protect Fiddleford from evil spirits and bad luck. Well, Fiddleford falls for it and he falls for it hard. Bill can be very charming and convincing when he wants to be. (...sort of. He does a lot of, like, giving people upsetting gifts and terrifying compliments and stuff. You kind of have to be a little unhinged already to fall for Bill-style charm, basically. Fortunately our pteratron-building man is.)
Fiddleford now belongs to Bill. Great. You'll remember that Ford is not actually able to build the portal himself - he needed help from Fiddleford because his math wasn't strong enough. Okay, so Bill was using Ford to build the Portal, and Ford was using Fiddleford... but now Bill can use Fiddleford directly, so he has two geniuses under his thumb. Even better: Bill had to manipulate Ford by keeping him isolated and paranoid. Fiddleford, on the other hand, we know to be charismatic and sociable. We know that he tends to seek out people who are suffering from problems similar to his and that he can get them to open up. He's also very convincing, and can convince them he has a solution to their troubles. Ivan, whose recruitment we see in Journal 3 and who is the eventual leader of the Society of the Blind Eye, is a great example of this.
So, now Bill has two patsies: a genius nerd who's convinced everyone is out to get him, and a big-hearted but very odd duck guy who wants nothing more than to help people. The second one, the charmer, has a habit of proselytizing.
And, oh, how Bill loves to be worshiped.
So, he still needs and wants Ford, but why would he settle for Ford? Bill starts occupying more and more of Fiddleford's time with the cult, and while he's at it, he himself start to breadcrumb - and eventually ghosts - Ford. It sends Ford into a panic. Ford is getting increasingly stressed and overworked, he's barely making progress, his only friend is spending almost no time with him and acting weird even when he's around, and his muse has seemingly abandoned him. Oh, and by the way: Bill hasn't told Ford that he's in contact with Fidds, and has instructed Fidds to keep the secret.
One day, Bill returns to Ford's dreams.
He's snide. He's cold. He asks for progress, and then makes like he's going to leave. Ford leaps at him, begs him to stay, asks what happened, and what he did wrong.
What are you talking about, Sixer? Aren't you doing fine without me? I thought you were some kind of genius. Well, I'm - I could never do as well alone as with your guidance, Bill! You're my muse! Oh, yeah. That. What is it? What's wrong?
Bill goes on to point out that, well, yeah, Ford was fine, but Bill was really starting to feel lead on. Bill's not just some broad you can expect to keep around forever and never bother pop the question. Like, Bill's a god, not just a """MUSE,""" and it was just kinda getting old, right? Like, you're clearly fine without me, so whatever. What? What's wrong? No, seriously, it's fine if you don't want to commit, you have commitment issues since you abandoned your brother and all. What, you want another chance? Seriously? I'm not really convinced. Oh? Okay, fine. Fine. We'll talk it out. But you are on thin ice, Sixer.
So, Ford is given some pretty strict instructions for the next couple of days, and then he's sent to meet up with Bill's other worshipers.
Ford didn't know about the other worshipers, and he's really embarrassed about this. (Never mind that they didn't exist.) He's angry, he's frustrated, but most of all he's desperate for approval.
So he goes, and he meets...
Bill's been talking to Fiddleford. Bill explained everything to Fiddleford. He explained that Ford is coming, and he's to be the co-ruler of the cult or Fiddleford's right-hand man, but that he needs to behave himself. Ford hasn't always been totally committed, Bill explained, but he's being given another chance.
But it's okay! Fiddleford believes in Ford! Fiddleford one hundred percent is vouching for him, Ford's such a swell guy, always goes the whole way in everything. Fiddleford would never doubt Ford, and together, they're going to prove to Bill that Ford's serious.
Ford... isn't convinced. Ford is having doubts. But Ford has to make sure to never, ever, ever voice those doubts, because that would be proving that he has doubts, and that he's just like Bill was afraid he would be, even though Fiddleford trusts him unconditionally like the good friend he is.
Anyway in this AU the world ends
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msweebyness · 23 days
Mirrorverse Crossover- Cosette
Here it is at last, Cosette’s Mirrorverse short! Thanks to Sparky for helping out with this! Enjoy! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
With a huff, Cosetteweather fluffed her wool as she sat in the seat across from their counterpart, who was nonchalantly humming the tune of what was likely one of those innumerable inane pop ditties that were such a hit with the public for some reason. Looking at the popstar with derision, they decided to engage in conversation.
“What’s that ditty you’re humming? It’s annoyingly catchy.”, the sheep hybrid questioned flatly, resting its chin on its hand, fingers of the other hand tapping the hard surface of the table.
“Oh, that’s just one of our chart toppers, 1 True Love.”, the singer answered with a relaxed grin, before adding in a softer tone, “It’s Zoe’s favorite. She likes the mellower stuff.”
“My Zoe prefers classical music, much more refined.”, the wooly VP snipped, briefly tilting her nose up at Robette, who rather irritatingly seemed nonplussed by the comment.
“To each their own, I guess.”, the teen idol shrugged, “I just enjoy music in general, but it’s fun to get to dance and have fun while you sing!”, before getting up and performing a few iconic 4-Town moves.
“Sure, if you’re a prey. That Gazelle is a joy to watch for sure.”, Cosetteweather said snidely with a roll of her eyes, “Not too smart to have tiger hybrids as backup dancers.”
“Hey, I happen to know both Gazelle and her dancers in this world, and they’re great guys! One of ‘em is actually her fiancé!”, Robette was quick to point out, not willing to let the sheep hybrid speak ill of the woman who had been a kind of big sister figure to her throughout their stardom.
“No offense to Cosette, but what self-respecting pred would be in a relationship with a prey?”, Alix Khan sneered, with IsmaScar nodding, a look of disgust on his face.
“Actually, many people happen to find it beautiful that a pred and prey, like Gazelle and Ralfio, can disregard all the prejudice and find love with one another.”, Snow Mylene said tightly with her hands folded on her lap, ignoring the glares she was still getting from the sea witch.
The two felines were about to retort, only to be cut off by the Princess of the Southern Isles.
“Quiet! My love is talking!”, ZoeHans demanded, holding up a hand to silence everyone, but a certain hero was having none of that.
“You’re not in charge of us, princess! Not any more than King Nutcase over there!“, Aladdix quipped, jabbing a thumb in the direction of Nath of Hearts, referring to how he had tried to do the same thing the previous day when King Marc was talking. She received only a feral glare and a muttered string of curses in return.
“Can’t say I’m surprised you’d be so anti-predator, given that psycho drug you cooked up.”, Robette said tersely, “Shame that you never really got the chance to implement it before you were busted.”
“Well, sometimes your agenda needs a little more push to get it off the ground. Prey’s fear of predator already existed, I just need the right catalyst to light it ablaze.”, Cosettewether retorted, her fingers clenched on the table.
“Kinda sounds like predators and prey should be afraid of you.”, the singer snarked, crossing their arms over their chest.
“You can’t be a leader if you don’t smell the blood in the water and strike. Survival of the fittest, dear.”, the future politician said with a shark-like grin, tenting its fingers.
“And yet you're still second banana to your girlfriend, doing whatever she tells you to do.”, Robette observed, examining their nails, “Not that there's anything wrong with being taking the backseat every once in a while, take it from being part of a band.”
“Ah, yes. Tell me more about these associates in your little teenybopper group! I’m sure they’re delightful.”, Cosettewether mused, figuring it would serve them well to gather information about her counterpart. Thankfully, the musician didn’t seem to suspect anything and gained a fond smile.
“Well, there's Jazz, she’s always wanted to go to art school. Tae's a total sweetie, he loves animals. Erin, they're a little sassbucket, and Aaron's like a golden retriever in human form.”, it listed off with a tender look, earning an eye roll.
“Judging by the look on your face, you care for them quite a bit.”, Cosettewether said with a devious glint in her eyes.
“You better not be planning anything stupid.”, their heroic counterpart told them sharply, immediately picking up on the hidden meanings.
“Let me assure you, Timberlake, none of my plans are ever stupid.”, the politician hissed with a spiteful sneer, already coming up with several different possible scenarios to use this information.
“Really? Because right now I'm thinking you're gonna try and put my family in danger, which is a VERY stupid thing to do.”
“Oh, really? And just what is a preppy little popstar like you going to do?“, came the scoffed response of the villainous VP, only for…
“Maybe a ‘normal’ popstar, but one of our Mari’s students…”, Robette said sharply, grabbing the hybrid’s wrist and getting them into a chicken wing hold, “I know plenty of tricks…including the one Marinette used on your friend!”
With a pained grunt, Ivan Oogie rubbed the back of his neck, where the nerves were still sore from the technique the warrior had used. Mylensula cooed and fussed over her beloved, shooting the warrior a cold glare.
“Now. Can we try to have a civil talk? You gotta have some other hobbies besides plotting world domination.”, Robette said as they sat back down, crossing her arms over her chest.
“I wouldn't call it WORLD domination. More like control of my city. Conquering's more of my Zoe's game. Besides, not too much time for fun when you’ve got a school to run with an iron fist.”, Cosettewether responded, giving a little cackle at the tail of the statement.
“You know, you could stand to loosen up a bit. People tend to support you more when you’re approachable. Not that you actually being in office would be a good thing...”, the pop idol intoned flatly, as they could only imagine what kind of ‘policies’ their villainous self would put in place.
“And YOU could try not flying off the handle when the press gets a hand on your little maid.”, Cosettewether snapped right back, recalling the article she had found earlier while trying to gather info on their alternate self.
“While breaking his camera may have been going too far, as soon as someone touches my girlfriend without her permission, it’s on.”, Robette responded tightly, gripping the edges of the table.
“Well, you could've found other ways to get back at him. You're a celebrity for god's sake, you could have him canceled in a millisecond.”, the villain sneered, fluffing their wool as they gave the musician a superior look.
“Like I said, he grabbed her and I lost my temper. That tends to happen when the one you love is threatened. Am I ashamed of my behavior now, yes. But I also know I can’t change it, only move forward.”, Robette sighed heavily, feeling regret enter its mind again.
“I just hope that temper isn't turned onto your Zoe. I can't imagine what would happen...”, suddenly bleats with fear as the singer grabs their collar and looks it dead in the eye.
“I would NEVER. EVER. Hurt Zoe. Not for any damn thing in the world. You got that through your fluffy head?”, she snarled, their eyes burning with a fury the villainous sheep did not expect.
“M-message received.”, Cosettewether stammered, before they were released and shoved back.
“We're done here. Head on back to your gang of psychos.”, before they turned and walked out of the room, humming to herself casually.
As the singer left, the hybrid scowled as they straightened out their clothes and dusted itself off.
“We’ll see about that.”
It was at that moment that HansZoe rushed up to her partner, “Are you alright?!”, she cried, frantically checking them over for any injuries.
“I’m fine, love. My wool’s just a bit ruffled, is all.”, the sheep hybrid said with a faint chuckle, straightening their glasses.
“When we make these clowns pay, they’ll be first on the list, I promise you that.”, the wicked princess snarled, pulling her love into her arms.
- - - - -
It was just moments before CinderZoe caught up with Robette in the hallway, grasping her partner’s hand and giving it a tight squeeze.
“You know everything they said is crap, right?”, the blonde said gently, “You would never do anything to hurt me.”
“I know, ZoZo.”, the singer said, resting its forehead against hers, “Nothing they say means anything to me. All I care about right now is you…my One True Love…”, with the last words being sung as CinderZoe’s face erupted in a blush.
And there it was, finally. Watch for Max’s short from Artzy, and then it’s Filler Short time again! Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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heavenwithgyu · 2 years
locked in heaven
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pairing: vernon x gn!reader (mentions reader wearing skirt once when describing the outfit somewhat but other than that nothing else!)
genre: fluff !
a/n i got this idea from tiktok lol ! i used filters to come up with the premise (forced proximity and vernon) and the rest was just me so :P also costume party bc halloween is so close and idk how long i’ll keep this writing spree !! i havent written this much in so long its crazy :)) i took the songs mentioned from seungkwans playlist on spotify so its songs he actually listens to and i absolutely adore ftisland so seeing them on there made me so happy
proofread: sorta, tumblr deleted part of my draft so i had to rewrite some which i didn’t reread
warnings: seungkwan says an suggestive joke accidentally, reader repeats it, brief mentions of drinking (reader doesnt and neither does vernon) uhhh kiss/makeout scene
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Seungkwan had finally convinced you to go to one of his halloween parties, when he first asked you about it a couple of years ago, you weren’t as close so you said no.
The year after when he asked, you had already agreed to going to another friends party so you had to decline, treating him to lunch because of how petty he was afterwards. Any time you would ask to hang out a few days after the party, he would be telling you to go ask your other friends before you finally caved and told him you’d pay for him. He agreed.
This year he had asked you before your other friend even began planning theirs, spurring you on with the idea that Vernon would be there. Seungkwan knew you had the fattest fucking crush on him and who were you to say no to being at a party with your crush?
It gave you the chance to get to know him better, so you agreed, telling him you had no idea what to be. He had given you the idea to be an angel, said the halo and wings would look good on you.
You should’ve suspected the reason why he instantly knew what you should be but you didn’t, which is why when Seungkwan pulled up to your house just as you had finished getting ready, Vernon following behind him and dressed as the devil, you knew you were in for one tonight.
“Oh you guys are matching! How cute!” Seungkwan mused once he got inside, Vernon’s eyes locked onto your outfit, his face unreadable as traced up from your white skirt to the halo that you had gotten on your head with a headband and a piece of wire.
“Don’t go corrupting them!” Seungkwan scolded playfully, slight shock overrided you at his words and then he seemed to realize what he said. “Oh, not like that, oh I could’ve worded that better,” he said, his hand covering his mouth and you were giggling, walking over to the other man.
A smile on your lips as you looked at him, his eyes pouring into yours. “You heard him, don’t go corrupting me,” you repeated, his eyes widening while Seungkwan was telling you to shut up, obviously annoyed with you spurring on his misspeak.
Another giggle left you while Seungkwan was pushing you out of your house, Vernon following the two of you out and shutting your door since you were being pushed all the way to Seungkwan’s car. He was scolding you the entire time, saying how it’s not nice to make fun of mistakes, that he is soo nice to you all the time and you treat him like this.
You got into the back seat, letting Vernon have the front seat since he had been sitting there on the way to your house so all his stuff was still up there. Seungkwan was still going on about how he had done so many things for you when Vernon was getting into the car, a laugh slipping out of his lips when he realized that.
Vernon put on some music to shut him up, Seungkwan not protesting since he enjoyed the song that was on, singing along to it immediately while beginning to drive to his house so he could get the party ready.
You knew it wouldn’t rake him long, he probably had most of it set up already and just had to do a few finishing touches like scattered decorations or something of the sorts. You began humming along to Take Me Now by FTISLAND, surprised since the song that had last played was one by Harry Styles.
He didn’t live that far away from you so it didn’t take long to get to your house, the next song started to play as he pulled up. He sighed as he turned off he car, normally if he liked the song enough, he would wait until it finishes to leave but he didn’t have the time to.
You all got out, holding your bag close to you since you had never gone to one of his parties before, you were close with all the guys but it would be more than just them there. Seungkwan asked you to help him put silly stickers around, one’s that were fake blood and had writing that said ‘help me’, and stuff like that.
You were reaching up to put one of the stickers where he told you, up close to the ceiling for some god awful reason, but you couldn’t quite get it there. You looked around for something to stand on, just to give yourself an extra inch or two because you knew Seungkwan would be picky.
“Here, I got it,” Vernon’s voice suddenly said from next to you, carefully grazing your fingers to take the sticker from you, sticking it where he saw Seungkwan tell you to.
You muttered a quick thank you, feeling your fingers buzz from the gesture, it was small, it was nothing, you knew you shouldn’t be this flustered over it, but it was him, you couldn’t help yourself.
A few of the others began to come in, Minghao was dressed as a cowboy, boots and all, a smile gracing your lips at the sight because he looked funny. “Howdy partner!” you called to him, he grumbled, Seungkwan coming over and laughing.
“Seokmin and I made a bet, I lost,” is all Minghao said before he was off into the kitchen, presumably looking for the alcohol to start the night off early. He was ticked off from what it seemed, he hated losing bets, he was a competitive person by all means.
Seokmin followed in after him quickly, absolutely beaming with pride while he was dressed up as Pennywise. “Did you guys see him?” he asked, a slight giggle in his voice and Seungkwan was quietly telling him he was a genius and that he should win bets more often.
Minghao came back out with a cup in his hand, a glare sent to the two who were giggling, Seungkwan instantly trying to find something to pull him out of his situation. “Oh, uhm, Vernon! Help me with the rest of these?” he seemed to have settled on continuing to decorate, holding up the pack.
You glanced at the boy who was still beside you, him blinking a couple times while looking at Seungkwan, “Huh? Oh yeah, sure.” He walked over to the other, grabbing some and walking off to go put them places, not even waiting for Seungkwan to direct him.
A hum left you as you walked over to Hao, letting him complain about how Seokmin most definitely cheated somehow, just to see him wear this. He was planning on being Jack Skellington and had the makeup for him down but he just had to lose the bet, which he wouldn’t tell you about.
He brushed off the question both times you asked, so you just assumed he was holding onto the little bits of dignity he had left. “Y’know, you look like Woody from Toy Story,” you snickered after you looked at his outfit more, a loud sigh coming from him and then he was taking a swig of his cup.
“Whatever,” he muttered, walking off as more people began to file into the house, Seungkwan setting off towards where people weren’t to finish up and make it look like it wasn’t last minute.
You found yourself in the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water, surprised Seungkwan even had them in his fridge at a party to begin with, but you were grateful nonetheless. Sipping it as you walked out towards where the party had seemed to come alive spontaneously, music, people, everything.
While it wasn’t a lot of people, it was still people, you decided to walk around until you at least found someone you knew in the slightest, seeing Chan dressed as fucking Pikachu, no way.
You sat down next to him, holding in a laugh when he meets your eyes because he can see that little glint meaning you were going to make tease him for his outfit, a quick “Hey Chan—”
He quickly cut you off, “I don’t want to hear it,” him sighing right after and leaning his head back against the couch, sulking through his yellow face paint.
From the way he is sitting, you can tell he also painted his neck which causes a laugh to fall from you finally, him turning his head to face away from you at the sound, his nose scrunching.
You reached over and flicked one of his ears to his hoodie, giggling out “You look so cute~ Makes me wish I had a pokeball to—”
“I get it! Pikachu is funny,” He exclaims, making sure you didn’t get to actually make fun of him, which sucks the fun out of him being dressed like this.
A hum and you’re telling him goodbye, making sure to call him Pikachu instead of Chan which causes him to sulk more, walking off to go find someone you knew.
You wanted to find someone who was relatively alone because everyone who you were finding seemed to be very invested in their conversations would means you wouldn’t be spared the time of day.
Another swig of your water bottle as you finally settled on just roaming around, walking through the hallway and peeking into open rooms to find anyone who wasn’t caught up in something— or someone like Gyu was. He must’ve forgotten to shut the door or something because as you peeked your head in, you saw him making out with someone.
A sight you wished you could forget but also you were glad to see because at least he hadn’t gotten any further than that.
You got into a slightly deserted part of the hallway, leaning against the wall and pulling out your phone, trying to pass the time without getting super bored in the process.
You brought your hand up to open your water but a hand grabbed your wrist instead, looking up to see Seungkwan excitedly telling you, “We’re playing a game! C’mon.”
You didn’t protest, letting him lead you to a room that held a random people from the party, a couple of the boys, and Vernon. You quickly realized what they were playing, Spin The Bottle, at least you assumed with how everyone was sitting in a circle.
The thought of Vernon spinning the bottle and landing on someone else, kissing someone else right in front of you immediately crossed your mind.
You almost told Seungkwan that you didn’t want to play and left. Almost. The little devil on your shoulder was telling you all the possibilities if Vernon spun the bottle and it landed on you, that he would be kissing you.
So you sat down, all logic thrown out the window because there had to be at least 15 people and the chances of him landing on you out of 14? Slim. Close to none.
But there was a chance.
Seungkwan set a bottle in the middle, staying there, “So we all know what this is right?” he asked, a few people shaking their heads to where he was sighing, “It’s a combination of Spin The Bottle and Seven Minutes In Heaven, makes it more fun that way.”
Your eyes wanted to look at Vernon, to see his reaction, though you were sure he already knew that since Seungkwan probably told him before he gathered people so your eyes stayed on Seungkwan.
“Who wants to go first?” he asked, his hand still on the bottle, and for some god forsaken reason, Vernon was saying he would.
Your stomach felt like it was in knots as his hand reached for the bottle, his eyes locking with yours before he was glancing around the circle. For some reason, your breath stopped, did he want to land on you?
No you were sat across from him, of course he’d look at you right now, he would’ve looked at whoever was in your spot.
After what felt like an eternity, he spun it, your eyes staring intensely at it as you prayed to every possible God you could think of to have it land on you. You were an angel, they had to help you in your time of need.
The bottle began to slow, your nails wanting to dig into your palms but you tried to act like you didn’t care who it landed on, that the idea of him kissing someone else didn’t make your heart sting.
Because why would it land on you?
You were 1 out of 14, it was stupid chances and you should’ve never played and you wanted to look away to save yourself the disappointment whenever it stopped at— you.
It stopped at you.
Your eyes met Vernon’s, relief faintly on his features but you told yourself that you were imagining it, that he was just glad to have gotten someone he knows.
Why would he want to kiss you? He wouldn’t, he would’ve done it already if he did, there’s no way he wanted to be trapped in a closet with your for seven long minutes.
You were pulled, literally, out of your thoughts by Seungkwan tugging you to stand, Vernon’s arm in his other hand as he was leading you two to a door. You knew this door, this door led to a bathroom would led to another room which wasn’t frequented.
Gulping as Seungkwan pushed you into the other room, smiling at both of you with an evil grin, “See you two in seven minutes~” His voice was sickly sweet and you wanted to pass out when he closed the door.
It was you two, in a room. Alone. At least you weren’t pressed against each other in some tight closet.
“Have you, uhm, have you had your first kiss?” Vernon’s voice suddenly speaks but its quiet, you almost miss it, but you don’t because how could you miss his voice? Your eyes meet his, his hold worry.
You decide to tease him, “No, wanna be my first?” you ask nonchalantly, his eyes widen to comical levels while he’s opening his mouth to say something, shutting it right after. “I’m just kidding, Nonie, I’ve kissed people,” you tell him after a few seconds, walking over and for some reason, putting your hand on his arm.
You tell yourself it’s to help him relax but it’s most definitely just to feel his skin on yours even in the slightest way. “That was a terrible opener by the way,” more teasing leaves you, your hand also leaving him, you miss the way his fingers twitch as he wants to touch you instead.
He laughs softly, nodding, “Yeah, couldn’t think of anything better and the only thing on my mind was kissing so—” He cuts his sentence off short, seemingly thinking he said too much with the way he’s gulping, his eyes moving between yours quickly.
He’s nervous, you can tell, he’s hard to read to most people but to you? You can read him like the back of your hand, shallowly, you can never tell the reason he’s feeling it but you can tell what he’s feeling.
Wait.. the only thing on his mind was kissing? What the hell was that supposed to mean? Was he thinking of the game? Was he thinking of kissing someone else out there? Was he thinking of kissing you?
Your mind was racing with thoughts as you try to decode what he said, hoping by some miracle it’s a confession and you can finally kiss him.
But you can’t, it’s too vague, you don’t have enough to work with to come up with anything concrete. So you two are left looking at each other, words on the tip of your tongue that you want to spill out, that you want him to kiss you, but they don’t come.
Because while you’re silent, he is too, leaving you no indicator that he also wants it. So you’re left, looking at him. “Man, Seungkwan needs to clean this room,” Vernon suddenly says, you hadn’t noticed him look away and you peel your eyes away from him to look around, a laugh slipping past your throat.
“Yeah he really does, jeez,” you reply, not knowing how else to continue the conversation because all you can think about is what the fuck you should do. Fuck it. “Nonie,” you call out to him, his attention immediately on you, and you’re finishing your sentence before he can say anything, “you should kiss me.”
He doesn’t move, neither do you, but he seems to be frozen in his, not even breathing while he stares at you. “What?” he asks, dumbly, after a few seconds and you’re starting to think you’re making a huge mistake but you can’t turn back now so you’re just repeating yourself, quieter this time.
He doesn’t say anything for a few seconds again and your heart is racing and your body feeling like it’s about to throw up whatever you last ate and you realize just how dry your throat is gotten and how you left your water bottle out sitting in the circle still.
You’re too busy overthinking to see him walk over to you, his hand grazing your cheek pulls you back to reality, his eyes pouring into yours, silently asking if you were sure.
You nod slightly to him, letting him know you are, your hands reaching out to hold the back of his neck and he’s softly pressing his lips against yours.
It’s barely a kiss but it’s enough to feel as though matches had just struck your skin, your hands pulling him closer to kiss him more. He practically melts into you, his hands moving to grip your waist so he can ground himself.
You swear you’re losing your mind with how strong his cologne is, how his fingers dig into you to make sure you aren’t going to disappear, how his lips mold against yours— Your head is spinning. It’s too much, but it’s also not enough, you need him to kiss you harder.
It’s still featherlight and you need to feel his lips against yours more, he pulls back to breathe, you think, or find his sanity like you need to do, his eyes still closed. “Vernon,” you whisper, his eyebrows furrowing as you call him by his name, something you haven’t done in what feels like years, “Kiss me like you mean it.”
He smiles at you, his eyes practically sparking as he captures your lips in his again, finally pressing against yours firmly, his arms moving to wrap around you to hold you even closer when that doesn’t feel possible.
Your hands move to his hair, not caring that he had it done up and slicked back, he doesn’t seem to care either because he’s even smiling against you, tilting his head more to deepen the kiss.
Lungs are aching as you both sit there, absorbed in each other, but you couldn’t care, not when he’s like this with you. His lips part and yours do the same, his tongue carefully meeting yours before the door flies open, revealing Seungkwan standing there.
“I knew this would get you two together!” He exclaims triumphantly, a wide smile on his face while you two are practically jumping away from each other, heat spreading to both your cheeks.
You don’t say anything and just look at Vernon, him doing the same and then he’s walking over to the door, pushing Seungkwan out of the room. “Five more minutes,” he says, shutting the door and then walking back over to you, arms wrapping right back around you.
“I like you by the way,” he suddenly confesses, kissing you once again before you can respond and you’re left standing there torn— to kiss him back or confess back.
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letsrilakkusu-blog · 1 year
Thoughts on the final Given chapter
I got my copy of Cheri+ so these are just some thoughts after using my basic Japanese and piecing together the panels with Keru's wonderful twitter translation.
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I was hoping for a cover illustration of Mafuyu AND Ue together but I'm okay with solo Mafuyu too. This was ultimately the story of his grief, discovery, and growth, so to see him smiling at the end of it all is so beautiful. He's surrounded by cherry blossoms, which symbolize change and a new season, and is set against the ocean, which holds special meaning in both of his relationships. I cry.
The fold out poster (pictured above) is so cool!! I really want to cut it out of the magazine and display it somewhere but I'm afraid I'll mess it up...
Given debuted, rejoice!
It's really nice that Kasai wasn't just cast aside as "that jealous girl" competing with Mafuyu for Ue (although she never stood a chance lol) and grew to become kind of a confidant and supporter for him. They may not fully understand each other, but they share a mutual respect and provide little bits of unexpected encouragement for each other and it's so wholesome.
Hiiragi being a menace but also sparkly, usual stuff. It's so funny because Hiiragi and Ue don't get along on the surface (two ore-sama types am I right), but they totally jive as artists, which is why Ue will continue playing support - and "ONLY SUPPORT" says a very bitter Mafuyu - for SYH.
I'm surprised at how little Haruki and Akihiko showed up in the chapter, but we did get crumbs that Haruki is apartment hunting~ They are so stable, just get married already.
When Keru initially tweeted that a significant portion of the chapter covers something she was hoping would happen but wasn't sure if it would, my mind immediately went to the gutter and assumed it was RitsuMafu sex lolol. It wasn't just me, right???
Anyways, they went to the BEACH. Mafuyu has gone to the beach with Yuki, but they went during the biting cold of winter and weren't "officially dating" so they didn't really do date-y stuff. His experience with Ue was totally different. There's several pages of them just eating and having fun, and they look like they can't get enough of each other.
Ugetsu calling Mafuyu out of the blue to thank him for the CD was really sweet. When I initially watched and read the series up to the end of the AkiHaru arc, I wasn't too big on Ugetsu and I actually thought that he was romantically interested in Mafuyu and would stir things up or cause trouble. Clearly I was wrong, and I'm glad. Their friendship is so valuable for both of them as two musical geniuses who are a bit socially awkward, and they've taken turns being there for the other when they needed a push, whether it was to say goodbye to an unhealthy relationship or to take a step towards love and music.
Ugetsu's wish to Mafuyu back when Yoru ga Akeru was in the works - about hoping that despite everything that's happened between him and Akihiko, if at least the music could remain - ends up being the driving point of this chapter and the end of the series. Mafuyu tells Ugetsu that he believes that Ugetsu remains in music, and so does Yuki, even if he can never see him again. When Ue comes back and kisses Mafuyu before offering him a drink, Mafuyu muses that someday, he'll probably forget this moment too, and that's why he wants to keep making music. It ties back to his last time at the beach with Yuki, because Yuki insisted that Mafuyu would eventually forget that day, but now with Fuyu no Hanashi and Umi e, these moments are able to live on.
The kiss had me squealing! It's nothing big or grand, but Ue is kneeling and he looks up at Mafuyu for a moment before going in for the kiss. This is such huge growth for Ue~ Their first kiss was a result of his overwhelming emotions after the live, and he didn't even remember it later! When they shared the classroom kiss after their fight, Ue wanted to take initiative but got shy and so it was ultimately Mafuyu who made the move. Now Ue has kissed Mafuyu on his own, in public!!! and with full intent and absolute love and affection. When he pulls away, the look in his eyes is like Mafuyu is the most amazing being in the world and he can't believe he's his. Ughhhhhh.
There is a full blank page of just text that says, "If only everything could stay like this forever." This is what Mafuyu is thinking as they ride the train back from the beach. I found it a weird thought to highlight because obviously, things WILL and SHOULD change.
As they get up to leave the train, Mafuyu (blushing slightly) calls out to Ue and says, "When we get back, should we do it?" to which Ue responds with "EHHHHHHHH?!" A little unexpected as the final panel of the final chapter but it's a nice callback to when Yuki asked Mafuyu the same question. MAH BOY UE IS FINALLY GRADUATING! I knew Mafuyu was going to have to take the lead, hehe.
I've had two months to deal with the series ending and I had already tempered my expectations knowing the ending was going to be rushed, so honestly as long as Kizu-sensei didn't like, spontaneously kill off a character or break up a couple, I was pretty okay with anything the chapter was going to give us. I do still have some some gripes and things I just wish had been explored more.
My biggest complaint is in regards to the treatment of Ue as an individual and his relationship with Mafuyu. If we recall, Given actually starts off from Ue's point of view. He had been in a musical slump until Mafuyu came along and rocked his world. He had to come to terms with his unfamiliar feelings, and then he also had to deal with the fact that he knows almost nothing about the boy he likes. Even after they started dating, Mafuyu really didn't share anything about Yuki with him, so whatever he knew was very vague and second-hand knowledge. THEN in addition to that, he's tasked with finishing the demo of a piece that Yuki had obviously intended as a love song for Mafuyu. And ironically, he works on this song at the expense of his relationship with Mafuyu. He had brief moments of vulnerability, once when Aki called him out for his feelings toward Mafuyu (this is one of my favorite scenes in the anime), and again when Mafuyu rejected his invitation to SYH's debut concert. But then we never really see him working through these complicated feelings. My boy's been through so much and he is strong, but I wanted to see more growth and development from him. After all, he's just a teenage boy who fell in love for the first time and is trying to balance that with music, school, a part-time job, etc.
As for Ue and Mafuyu as a couple, they are my endgame, my OTP, so while I enjoy the arcs that focus on AkiHaru and ShizuRagi, I was never as invested in them. I was okay reading 20+ chapters of them because I always assumed that the series would circle back around to have a final arc focused on Ue and Mafuyu. I also found the resolution to their problems in the hiiragi_mix arc to be very rushed. They had MAJOR communication issues, which is completely understandable for two young guys. Ue was trying so hard to finish the song as a gift for Mafuyu, but Mafuyu pulled away because he saw a repeat of what happened with Yuki coming again and got scared. The root of the issue is that they've never talked about Mafuyu's relationship with Yuki and Yuki's death.
At SYH's debut live, Mafuyu hears Umi e, instantly recognizes that the song came from Yuki, and then is so moved and inspired that he basically proposes to Ue that he wants to make music with him for the rest of his life. And then the final chapter just cuts forward after this declaration to Given debuting. This resolution is too fast and unrealistic. I would have preferred at LEAST one whole long chapter dedicated to Ue and Mafuyu after the live debriefing and talking. In an even more ideal world, they would have also done it after the talking. I never expected anything explicit but I would have at least liked to see the lead up, because it would have been the truest form of intimacy they could share, and Ue coming to terms with his sexuality and what exactly he wanted to "do to Mafuyu" was such a big part of the series early on.
Regardless, Kizu-sensei wrapped everything up nicely, brought back every character for at least a cameo, and ended things on a happy, meaningful note. I've seen that many people are unsatisfied with it but I mean, I watched Game of Thrones, so I know a bad ending and this was just fine. Although I didn't get everything on my Given wish list, I am glad that I got to see the end. I prefer that over it getting cancelled at some point for whatever reason and being left unfinished. And we still have more to look forward to! I'll be hoping for some extra manga content with the volume 9 release and waiting to hear Umi e in the anime.
Just like Mafuyu says, Given and the music will remain with us. It touched my heart and will always have a special place there. Thank you for everything, Given!
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dragonliiight · 9 days
8 and 9
8. Who’s the first character you chose for a roleplay blog? Who’s your recent one?
Benjii wants to know the deep Sera lore from before we met! And it would have been an original portrayal of Majora from Majora's Mask. I wasn't very popular lmao. I was 17 or 18 when I made that blog? I can't remember if I was out of high school. I probably was. Lol. My most recent one is going to be Olivier Lesage who's on this blog or the secret muse on the zelda multi
9. If you could give any advice to other muns, what would you say to them?
ASDFGHJJKL. So much. I've been on and off this hell site since I was 18, and I have so much stuff that I learned with experience that I wish the baby me had known.
1.) Don't be afraid to reach out to people. (I'm still guilty of this cause of reasons (tm), but honestly 9/10 most people are friendly if given the chance! If you actively complain you're not getting interaction, but then sitting on your ass and twiddling your thumbs waiting for people to come to you, well ??? ???? Sure, I guess.
2.) Try not to get insecure about duplicate. Honestly this isn't everyone's speed and I get mental illness sucks and it can make things super hard (am there. been there. still there), but duplicates are not carbon copies of you. You will occupy a niche, and what one mun takes away from the material will be entirely different than another and those readings on the material can and do make your interactions unique. Also, by not interacting with dupes in an already small scene you're hindering yourself with possible friendships. Case and point: You and I met rping and shipping the same character now we ship irl, so like?? Idk. Go with god my good children, but just my thought.
3.) I'm also guilty of this, but amazing graphics =/= good writing. A blog can be pretty and aesthetically pleasing and the writing be mediocre at best, so try not to get intimidated by people who spend a lot of time on graphics. I'm the type of person who... doesn't have the energy or time to make graphics, nor do I really want to? I love you all and I will draw dion and joshua fucking instead for the time investment. ok thank u <3
4.) This one's kinda personal, but... if you feel your rp group excludes you or makes you feel left out or you feel an rp buddy is not as invested in the stuff you write together then... idk... don't feel tied to it. I know it's hard, and potentially distancing or cutting yourself off from people who hurt your mental health can be hard, but sometimes its necessary. Regardless of everything-- you deserve to interact with people who value you as an rp partner and are just as excited to write with you as you are with them. This is like... something I honestly wished I'd learned 10 years ago. I've gone through many groups and friends, and some I should have cut off way sooner. Cause eventually you will meet people who you vibe with really well and are so enthused to write with you that even if you just churn out shit posts constantly, they're having fun with it. (Benji u are my love and life. Ilu.)
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usamamoweek2024 · 11 months
Meet the Creators - C. A. Elenath
What username(s) and platform(s) can folx find you on? (Please include links!)
@caelenath on Tumblr and AO3, and "C.A. Elenath" on FFN
(Fun Fact) What is your favorite kind of potato?
How long have you been creating works in fandom spaces? How long have you been active in the SM fandom?
According to FFN, my earliest posted work was in 2003. I can't fathom how long ago that was, but there's the evidence.
I didn't join the SM fandom until fairly recently, in the summer of 2021 when Sailor Moon Eternal began streaming on Netflix. After I finished watching, I reactivated my long-dormant Tumblr, got adopted by some fellow fans, and here I am today.
What type(s) of creative works do you usually make? (fanfics, digital art, cosplay)
Fanfiction is my main jam, though I also like to make the occasional meme or bad Photoshop job that maybe only I find funny. I've also been known to cosplay, though not (yet) in SM.
What do you enjoy about creating for the SM fandom?
Creating fanwork is a way to spend more time "with" my favorite character, and to fill in the gaps about them that the canon leaves. And I get to share those works with other fans who are supportive and enthusiastic. It means a lot that there are other people out there who understand the pain and the pleasure of being obsessed with a fictional person.
Are you strictly UsaMamo or do you create for other pairings as well?
Just UsaMamo for now.
What inspires you to create works for Usagi and Mamoru?
If I'm honest? Mamoru is hot, and such a sweet soul.
Their devotion to each other, even to the point of ruin, is appealing to me, and I find a lot of comfort in writing about that. Plus, their origin story is the stuff of epic legend—ancient royalty and destined lovers whose true love has endured across lifetimes, and who have been reborn as superheroes with immense magical powers. Creating works is a means to live and play in that mythology, as well as an outlet for the feelings these characters evoke.
Do you tend to work on multiple projects (WIPs) simultaneously or try to finish one at a time?
I usually have multiple WIPs going on, but I try to have only one long project at any given time, to increase the chances of actually finishing it (=
Do you prefer large projects (chaptered fics, webtoons/zines, highly detailed art) or small projects (one-shots or simple art)?
I like both, but so far I've written mostly one-shots because I need the regular posting and sharing to stay motivated. I often interconnect the smaller pieces though by having them take place in the same universe, share the same headcanon, or feature the same OCs.
Are there any common themes, situations, tropes, or mediums in your work?
I write a lot of "slice of life" stories because I enjoy thinking about the little nothings and idiosyncrasies of everyday life for these characters. Other than that, my work tends to be a bit eclectic, ranging from ice cream dates to religious analogies to facetious cultural commentary.
Is there anything you haven’t explored artistically and would like to try?
I'd like to write a proper serious multi-chaptered longfic, but I'm very bad at plotting. Most of my ideas occur spontaneously. Trying to craft something more deliberately, as opposed to "waiting for the muse," is often a fruitless exercise. Sometimes though, with enough time, I will have enough ideas on the same story to try to form something coherent.
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ask-chaosfam-neo · 3 months
Welcome everyone to Neo's personal ASKBLOG!!
->Where we shall discuss everything from favorite things to munch on to whatever happened while at the Nexus :D
a drawing is meant to be here just gimme a minute to finish it teehee
I feel like every askblog needs to have a set of them, so here you have some really (i guess) basic rules
This is an oc AskBlog taking place in an OC centric Rise of the TMNT apocalypse AU in which earthlings managed to get the upper hand before and at the moment of the apocalypse that happens in the first segment of the movie, leading to much more of a "normal" life while still in the ruins and in imminent danger thanks to the Krang. My OC is in this universe alongside some of my friends' OCs that started this AU, some of them have followed my lead and created askblogs for themselves :D I'll leave links to them right here if you wanna check them out (will update as more askblogs are created)
Dahlia a.k.a. the mother &lt;3
Sho a.k.a. the other (technically first) grumpy emo child
Tysk a.k.a. the sweetest sister :3
Glitzi a.k.a. sciencey chaos child
!!!! I WOULD LIKE TO STRESS THAT THIS BLOG IN BOTH THE ROTTMNT AND OC LORE CONTEXT IS SEMI-CANON !!!! Anything that happens here is affected by pre-established lore but may not necessarily affect future events! so I don't have to worry about timeline issues lmao My sona might make some appearances too from time to time so if you see a star themed gremlin from time to time that's me hiii :D
Neo "Turmoil" Sone Cruz, my silly RotTMNT hybrid oc that you'll get to uncover lore of as the askblog progresses! Basic information would be that they were a child fighter at the Nexus from 8-13 years old, escaped, and much later in life at 17 got adopted by the Kaylus family. Now, at the age of 19, they're moody and sarcastic mostly but for this blog they get to be a bit more laid-back since most of the sad stuff has already happened to them. most of them.
DeesOhTee/superneovastar which is ME!! and just me (for now unless a friend offers to co-manage the blog or smth)
No NSFW pls!!! even though the character is not a minor I'd feel very iffy since this character is still very much a teen and means a lot to me personally :)
Anything that makes me uncomfortable will be rightfully deleted.
If you have any questions that are not related to my OC directly but more like the worldbuilding or me the creator, ask away! Also counts for any confusion you might have about these rules but AS ALWAYS be decent about it and don't be a weirdo ty :3
1. One question per ask please! You may have two only if they’re directly related.
2. M!A is allowed, to a degree. M!As need to be something that could reasonably happen in the apocalypse and mystic context of Rise. For example, if the situation allows it, something like “Neo loses connection while on a mission” or "Neo accidentally stumbles upon a stash of mystic potions and shenanigans ensue" would be allowed. If it's a rlly creative ask maybe I'll give it a chance for the sake of "the funnie and the sillie"
3. IF YOU ARE GLITZI you may have a pass for M!As but only if you run it thru me personally beforehand. But nothing too wild and please always think about stuff that would, again, fit in the context (plushies and alt timelines r fine with me cus i love them as long as u follow these rules :3).
Given these rules into consideration, I wish you a happy time asking away ur most ridiculous questions to my wet cat of a character :) have fun!!
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shimmerbeasts · 6 months
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So, I gave this situation a lot of thought and given that it is the end of the year, that marks the ideal time frame to basically reshape the way, I wanna handle the blog and my muses, going forward. These changes include how my roster functions, certain limitations I am going to give myself, concerning the amount of drafts I have, and changes in verses and some alterations on the ask box. Basically, quality instead of quantity is going to be the name of the game, so hopefully, I can better organise my hobbies and interests and hopefully also my eventual career as an author.
That means first of all: Every single thread I have is dropped. I want a completely clean slate thread-wise, however, dynamics, which we established, can absolutely carry over. I am not gonna flush all the hard work, I did with so many of you (you are all amazing) down the drain.
Now, onto what changes. Let's start with the formal bullshit. I am going to limit myself to twenty drafts and try to adhere to this limit. Those drafts will preferably be plotted. That way, I hopefully can avoid getting overwhelmed, but also really dig into the meat of our threads.
That does not mean casual stuff or crack does not happen. It can still happen, but it will occur with less frequency and those things likely won't carry over much. If I happen to send you an rp related meme, then please just have fun with the drabble. I will try to limit how much I continue those threads.
When it comes to my ask box, I will prioritise unprompted asks and scenarios over rp memes. However, I will always accept headcanon-related memes or memes for me the writer. Again, all these changes will be done to limit the effects of being overwhelmed and to keep my rps at a manageable medium.
When it comes to my verses, I am going to do a massive cut in what types of verses I have. Specifically, I am going to stick to the verses, which basically form a narrative throughline. For most verses, this will basically be the pre-canon, the default and the post-canon verse. Ergo the past, present and future of a muse. This is done so I can focus on what I wanna explore instead of spreading myself too thin. After all, it is better to explore an idea and its ramifications in detail as opposed to expanding and adding five half-baked ideas at once.
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My muse roster will have a bit of an update on its purpose. Because of the fact that I will lean even more into the concept of storytelling and character development, the split between primary, secondary and tertiary muses still exists. Except, there is going to be a crucial change now. The tertiary muses will now be rebranded as supports and are not technically muses on the blog. Let me explain what I mean.
Because of my desire to be more story-driven, certain characters will serve as the supporting cast for other muses. These characters help propel the plot forward but also give your muse a different perspective on the muse they roleplay with. They might also reveal information, you would not get otherwise. Think of them a bit like NPCs but due to the big role, they play in the muse's life or what they represent for the muse, they have a bigger chance of emerging. Your muses might even meet them before they meet the actual muse. There will also be other classical NPCs, which your muse might meet under very specific circumstances.
Now onto the actual muse roster:
My primary muses (who will be focussed on the whole Zaunite lore and story) are going to be Silco, Jinx and Vi. They are the ones, whose plotting will come the most naturally and easiest for me. Their supports are Sevika and Warwick/Vander.
My secondary muses (who have different thematic stories and lore as they occur outside of Zaun/Piltover) will be Naafiri and Ahri. Writing them might potentially require a bit more plotting and forethought. Naafiri's supporting characters will be Nasus and Rek'Sai. Ahri's supporting characters will be Yasuo, Evelynn and to a lesser extent Vayne.
I hope that these changes I am making will lessen some self-made stressors. Again, I do apologise for basically dropping everything right now. I promise, I still want to write with everybody here. I just need to sort out how I wanna make things work. So please, everybody do not be intimidated by those changes. I promise, that my enthusiasm for writing and roleplaying remains unbroken.
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isaacathom · 5 months
ooh, also, i had a fun dream last night
essentially, me and a group of friends are dealing with vampires, and are going to need to infiltrate a big party being held by a fuck ton of them. the plan we come up with is to impersonate a family who have been invited, which involves a bunch of strange stuff.
notably, i am playing the role of a woman called Josephine Brumont, wife of the other older vampire (played by a guy in our group that i have 0 romantic interest in), and who is a belgian expat (wallonia specifically, i suppose). this is something of a problem, as i am definitely not belgian, and my french is abysmal. but im the only person in the group who can possibly play josephine, so josephine i am.
we arrive just on the stroke of 10, having had an ordeal to get there in our disguises. and now that we're there, we find out what the party is really about - solving some murder than occured recently. the host had invited everyone who was a suspect, plus the +1s and so on that would make this seem normal. uhoh!!!
we're each one by one interrogated by the host. I manage to bumble my way through my interrogation, explaining my 'improved english' to the work of my dear and patient husband, and having the answers to questions bc we were quite possibly actually involved in the murder. unclear.
i'm then asked a question that i, isaac, would have no way of knowing, but josephine would know in a heartbeat. my "husband" is like 'oh shit oh fuck'. but lo! i have a lil psychic vision, and im able to explain exactly what josephine was doing at a given time. im released from talking.
that question was meant as a trap, and because i passed, they dont give a shit about me anymore. but some other guy isnt buying it. something up with me. when the lights briefly go out, he attacks me. surprising him considerably, im able to fight him off, flinging the knife he attacked me with away towards the table of refreshments, and berating him for daring to lay a hand on me in such a fashion. he gets dragged off. the vibes suggest he may have been the actual killer, but its not important.
however, i didnt fight him off that well. he stabbed him in the back, in a spot that gets hidden by my long hair (a wig?) and my shawl.
the dream at this point has what i call a 'remix' moment, where it happens close enough to being awake that i can choose to redo it. in the first version, i go up to my "husband" and inform him of The Injury, and beg him to actually turn me into a vampire so i dont die from it. there an argument, which doesnt get the chance to resolve, but i assume involves the fact we're in public and turning me now would reveal that i was human initially. problematic, yknow.
in the second version, i completely hide the injury from everyone, including from my friends, because i know vampires dont bleed. if i reveal that im bleeding, well. so i hide it, get by on adrenaline for a while. for some reason or another, our group get found out (NOT because of me, as far as i can tell) and we are forced to flee to the fancy car we drove here, and we speed off into the night.
its in the backseat of the car, with the member of my group that i'm closest to, that they found out about the successful stabbing.
in my musings later, i decided part of the reason they didnt realise i was actually injured (other than ~exceptional acting~) was that when i threw away my assailants dagger, it hit the punch bowl full of blood on the refreshments table, so that when anyone spots the bloody dagger, they assume its from the spilt bunch, not from Me, Josephine Brumont, 100% Real Vampire.
the later musings also had my friend in the backseat turning me into a vampire when it became unavoidably clear that we were not going to make it to a hospital in time for me to not actually bleed the fuck out, making it the only way to save ya bois life ✌ booyeah
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w0efulboopsoul · 1 year
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First off, welcome! I’m excited to meet you and get to know you and your lovely muse/muses! I’m even more excited to start plotting and writing together! I just have a few things I’d like to address and get out of the way first! 
I am an OC pre-dom rper. Meaning chances are high that I'll approach you with one.
I sadly am EXTREMELY ship-shy, and shy in general when it comes to approaching canons. And tend to avoid approaching them at altogether these days. :) The pressure to keep up with certain demands is too much for me, and my ocs and myelf tend to get mistreated too much. (Do forgive me, I've given up hope after 5 years, I just can't keep up. </3) I prefer to just write stories, ship, and have fun. I am more than open to rping/shipping/plotting with ocs! So please, by all means, come right at me ocs! I'm more than excited to start something. hehehe <3 This being said as well, this does not mean I am not open to the idea of writing/plotting/shipping with a canon, however, they have to be the ones to approach me. Please respect this. Just know, if I'm following you chances are high I want to interact, just unsure of how to approach.
If we start talking and or plotting and then you suddenly stop talking to me. I am going to assume you didn’t want to write and may abandon the entire thing, as I am shy and fear of bugging others tends to stop me from asking if they wanted to continue. So please, keep talking/interacting/plotting with me so I know we are okay!   Even if it's just to say hi the last thing I want is to miss out on a chance to make a new story with you. 
I also reserve the right to choose who I roleplay with. I am a mom of three, and I don’t want to feel overwhelmed or ruin any potential good rps between us by taking on too many partners! 
Please don’t treat any of my fauna shifter ocs as pets, as they have a human form and carry human emotions and nature when human. It is extremely degrading to not only my characters but to me. I will not respond to such threads or plots. <3
I tend to be ship shy especially when it comes to my ocs, and have a hard time asking for a ship/rp, please bare with me for the time being as I gain the courage to ask you to RP. However, I am open to any ship as long as asked and it is plotted. I am 30 years old and will not ship or do NFSW stuff with you unless you’re over 18. 
I am comfortable with almost anything but child-related offenses, rape, incest, self-harm, and suicide all of these things are extremely triggering for me due to some intense things in my childhood. Absolutely no pedophilia rp or anything to do with harming children on my blog, I will not reply whatsoever. Absolutely ZERO talk about self-harm to me ooc please, I am a recovering self-harmer, and that kind of chatter triggers me severely. However rping it as long as it is not c***ing/burning/hitting oneself (like locking themselves in their room type, doing it for rituals or distractions in battle is different.), then I am usually okay.
When it comes to venting: I completely understand that you might be feeling overwhelmed and in need of someone to talk to. However, as a mother of three, I also have other responsibilities that require my attention. While I am always here to lend an ear and offer support, it can be challenging to constantly handle emotional dumping without any breaks. I truly value any and all conversations and enjoy being a listener, but I also need to take care of myself and my family. I hope one can understand where I'm coming from and know that I'm always here to help in any way I can.
When it comes to my aesthetics: Now normally I don't see this in a lot of rules but I feel the need to add it in mine. If I post an OC aesthetic, PLEASE DO NOT REBLOG IT FOR YOUR OWN OC. Especially if we're not mutuals, and you do not plan on crediting me. I cater my work specifically toward my muses and spend hours on said aesthetic. Please, I work hard on them to promote my ocs the last thing I want is to feel like they're just resources. However, if I happen to post an aesthetic related to a CANON CHARACTER, one is more than fine to reblog and reuse all I ask for is credit. :)
No god-modding my characters, canon or otherwise, I will refuse to respond to the post. I respond best with basic roleplay etiquette.
Please do not ask me personal questions about my pregnancies. (Examples: How big I got during each or how big my belly got.) As I find these questions a bit too personal to answer for someone on the internet. :)
I WILL NOT respond to any form of AI-generated replies/rps. I will also not acknowledge the following terms/pronouns for myself. (Cis, chest feeder, birth giver, laborer, womb barer, etc. As I find them triggering and degrading to me. Please refer to me as nothing more than a woman. A simple bi-sexual woman who has had three babies and is married to a MAN.)
I have over 15+ years of roleplay experience under my belt, and I am open for plotting. I am a huge plotter and love to make friends, I’ll even spoil you rotten with ship songs and blurbs of said ship! As much as I love to plot, I am open to winging it too! 
I do double/triple up in characters during roleplay, but that’s only because my muses generally tie into one another at some point.
I am extremely oc friendly, and am just plain friendly in general, I also roleplay on discord too.
DO NOT TELL ME WHAT TO POST AND WHAT NOT TO POST ON MY BLOG. I will immediately block you, as I believe in being free to post/do whatever you want, this includes free speech.
All ocs seen on my pinned are currently available to write with, new ones will be added as I introduce new characters into my book and its world. Please be patient with me, as it takes me time to work on birthing these beans. <3  
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mymanymerrymuses · 7 months
@kisumshi liked for muse suggestions! Honestly I don't know if we even have any muses that we have not already at least discussed throwing at each other BUT Imma throw some stuff out because I will always enjoy plotting with you and seriously take all of my muses and give me all of yours.
HAWTHORN take him take him you need him I need you to have him. Who should take him? Who cares, not me, give me anyone that could reasonably talk to this little isolated introvert living in the woods. If you have a muse that would get lost in the forest, deal, I'll take them and give them to the faun boy.
If you're taking Hawthorn, hey, why not have his sister too, double whammy. Oh look I'm having a two-for-one sale on fauns. Attalea will make friendship bracelets for every single one of your muses given the chance.
Hear me out. 'Man in a walking castle' is a pretty weird and interesting concept, Jack will invesitage anything he's not supposed to. I'm not saying he would break in if he happened upon that monstrosity of a home but yes I am yes he would.
You have dad muses I have child muses it's perfect. Somebody come pick up Ray he's engaging in arson and he comes with two free siblings and oodles of trauma.
+BONUS: Literally anyone else you want
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redwayfarers · 1 year
Fandom: Blood Moon Ship: Angelina x Farro Characters: Angelina Jakovljević (OC), Farroq Khan Words: 1191 Rating: Gen Summary: Farro and Angelina try to discuss an important part of her past.
Read on AO3.
Nero’s note: Now, I’m not normally hugely into vampire/werewolf media. I like it just fine, but I usually prefer other fantasy stuff. However, at a firm recommendation from a friend, I gave Blood Moon a chance and my god, it’s so fucking good, go play it, here we are - two and a half runs in and I’m already writing fic.
What also got me hella interested was the fact that the main pack is Serbian and as you may or may not know, I am Serb myself. So I jumped at a chance to write about my culture in a fantasy setting, and thusly, Ange was born. What more could I ask for but a good muse to write about.
Mind the vague spoilers for the entire game, as minor as they may be.
Full moon’s a very nice time, Ange decides. Her head’s as quiet as a wolf’s head is going to be, and she can reasonably be expected to just rest. Of course, there’s never rest for an Alpha, and she knows this, but by god if she’s not gonna take any chances she can just get as much use of her old, cranky bed with Farro as she can get away with. 
So that’s what she did, and Farro wholeheartedly agreed, so they dropped Hani to Marco with wide smiles and locked themselves in her room. It’s been hours since, and she’s cuddling Farro’s pillow in a piss poor attempt to salvage his full body warmth until he returns from putting his daughter to bed. 
So far she’s counted 10 minutes. When she scents him approaching, she sends out a small, pleased howl that she hopes nobody else heard. While not the most embarrassing thing in the world, given the fact that Farro is her mate, she’d rather not be the subject of teasing for committing the horrible crime of falling in love.
“That’s the fastest she’s ever fallen asleep,” Ange comments when the doors slide shut once more. 
“A miracle,” he agrees, his voice light, but genuine. “I didn’t want to keep you waiting for too long, either. Otherwise, you’d end up– well, like this.” 
“It’s not my fault you’re a living furnace,” she groans and sits up. He’s pulled his hair back and is wearing an old shirt that does little to make her want to not take it off him again. Farro laughs and walks over. Ange likes hearing him laugh.
“Has your warmth been restored, ma’am?” he teases once the mattress creaks under his weight again. Ange curls herself against his side and feels his hand slide down the length of her back. 
“Yes and thank you,” she says in a high voice that for some reason earns her a head kiss. 
“Much obliged,” he responds with a smile. They fall into companionable silence and his hand runs rhythmically over her spine. Up and down, up and down. She’s not immune to a backrub, as much as she likes to stifle the animal in her. Between that and his warmth, the idea of going at it again feels decidedly wrong.
“Hey, Ange,” Farro breaks the silence, “can I ask you a question?”
“Go for it, big guy.” 
“You have a saint’s portrait in your room? I saw it a while ago and didn’t want to ask. But I was curious.” He meets her eyes. “Are you religious?” 
Ange snorts and shakes her head. “That felt oddly serious, Farro,” she replies. “Like it’s wrong to be religious. I’m not, personally, but there might be religious werewolves out there.” 
“It’s perfectly okay to be religious,” Farro frowns and it’s so severely endearing she has to move from her comfy spot and kiss his nose, which makes his brow furrow even more, “I just saw a medal and was curious! And it felt like an odd thing to ask at the time. I saw a portrait in your room when we had sex for the first time the night before a big battle with a vampire.”
“When you put it like that, it is a little weird,” she concedes. She glances at it, standing right at the center of her drawer. Before Lawrence, she kept it in the darkness, but during the renovations of the warehouse, something clicked in her head. She thought it had seen the light of day for the first time since Alek took her in. 
That felt like a lifetime ago. Fuck, it was a lifetime ago. Now she’s Alpha in Alek’s place, and she’s the last one she can afford to lose. 
“You don’t have to tell me if it’s painful,” he says gently. “I’m sorry that I asked.” 
“No, no, it’s good that you did,” Ange sits up and places her feet on the floor. Her footsteps echo in the night. The floor is a little cold, with only a thin layer of socks separating from her soles. With gentle fingers, she lifts it and looks at the painted female face. Venerable Mother Angelina, it says in Cyrillic script.
“The saint I was named after,” she explains. “From my birth pack. This belonged to the Alpha.” She remembers his bright, blue eyes and patchy, dark beard. He hated being called Alpha and insisted on them calling him by his name, Pavle. But he was their leader and he led well. Ange herself never really found it in her to forget that. To her, he was Alpha. “When they were killed, I took this and ran. In hindsight, it probably kept me sane some nights when the moon was loudest. I thought that if I was ever with the moon, I’d tear this to shreds and I would never forgive myself for it.” 
“Ange,” Farro says. He’s behind her, like a big, protective shadow, like Alpha Pavle was. It should be the other way around, Ange - Angelina - thinks. She blinks. Farro’s hand is soft on her shoulder. 
“I still carry his surname, you know,” she continues. She thinks she smells his rakija, and his dark coffee, and her mother’s too sweet perfume. Not even a wolf’s nose is powerful enough to scent the past, but she pretends to do it anyway. “Jakovljević. Might be a bitch to write, but I think I should have it. Alek might’ve taken me in, and I’ll love him for that forever, but my birth pack was good, and cohesive, and would’ve kept us safe if hunters hadn’t come to shoot them all with fucking silver!”
“Ange,” Farro repeats and she clings to it like a lifeline. She thought she was over it. She thought she had it under her paw, but no, it surfaces like a vampire’s rancid stench. “Ange, look at me.” 
So she does, small and in his shadow despite the fact she’s the Alpha, and the world settles. “I’m sorry,” she says quietly. Her heart beats in anger, in pain, in the harm to all the hunters she wished she could rip open in the first few months of being a stray. She holds the portrait tight. “I ruined the night.”
peacepeacepeace, Farro howls. Without looking, she sets it down and buries her head in his shirt. 
“I wouldn’t have asked if I knew it was so painful,” he says apologetically. His hands wrap around her. He keeps howling quietly. “And you didn’t ruin the night. I am thankful that you trust me enough to share this with me. And, uh..” There’s a visible, clear as day, as real as their touch pause. “If you ever feel the need to talk about it, or anything, I’m here. No wolf should have to go through that.” 
“Thank you,” Ange replies. Her voice is muffled by the old, stretched fabric. When they return to bed, her eyelids grow heavy to the feeling of his fingers running over hers. 
safesafesafe, she howls softly one last time before sleep takes her. Even Alphas need to feel safe every once in a while. 
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"Oh I'm so excited about this thread with you! I'll reply to it soon."
6 months later of them replying to newer threads with new followers and followers they found through me they have yet to reply. So I send them the direct link to the thread with the message of in case you didn't have it drafted. They reply after that in about two weeks.
We go back to occasionally messaging one another about funny things, sharing dash posts and such.
And then it's nearly a damn year later and they're still picking up new threads with new people, and have not replied to the thread we had since. They also lost interest in my female OC after they went through to follow mutuals with male muses (canon and OC) I was interacting with and went to town with a bunch of near smut threads littering my dash with them. I will also be clear I'm not after that sort of stuff with those mutuals or this person in question for their male OC.
I just wanted to have the cool world exploring interaction but they just left me out to sea on it to have their OC pursue the dick of just about every male character they have even 5 words with. And given the chance if I said any of this to them they'd probably say I'm being homophobic when I'm really not. I'm just tired of getting dropped.
Honestly, I feel used when someone does this, more so when it's another OC writer who initially interacts with me. And I can tell they cross into my radius of mutuals after meeting me because they aren't interacting with these people until after interacting with me, and it shows in their archives of their posts. Though honestly I don't have enough energy beyond what affected me to care more at this point.
I'm just getting so tired of people doing this shit. So tired of other OC writers just dropping someone like this because they'd rather try to pursue their sexual or fetish fantasy with their character. I'm tired of people fetishizing homosexual relationships in writing, because it all too often is just fulfilling someones fetish and not a realistic relationship of the given type.
Maybe I just crave some reasonable normality and people to stop thinking horny in who they are going to keep or drop for any extended interaction in a literal coffee shop.
Because all it ends up having me ask is: Would you actually treat another human being like this offline? Would you want to be treated like this by someone?
Many of the confessions here are right, too many people in the damn RP community have no freaking communication skills what-so-ever and hide behind convenient excuses of mental/social disabilities to avoid actually communicating with the people they start treating like shit out of the blue. And usually I hold all these feelings in and try not to be a bother to anyone about it.
I have social anxiety, ADHD and I am high functioning on the spectrum and even I have the freaking where with all to at least attempt to communicate with someone despite how many times people treat me like shit and break me. If I can do it despite how many times I've been burned and still be polite, then so can these people.
It's a wonder I don't have more trust issues at this point with people just dropping me in this way.
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nineliabilityrisk · 9 months
⭐ ( @ladyseidr )
[ send a " ⭐ " and i will list muses i would be interested in throwing at yours ]
[ asked by @ladyseidr ]
lets just go down the list here. theres gonna be a damn good few i have SO MANY muses i havent even gotten to play yet. this is going to be so fucking incoherent because i have so many thoughts in my brain. also i KNOW we have stuff pending im working on it i promise im just so all over the place im. yeah 👍
putting my answer under the cut bc this is gonna get LONG
[formatting is "your muse - my muse(s) i would like to see with them"]
funtime foxy - funtime freddy [+ bon-bon] or lolbit ofc!! my muses for them have been inconsistent as fuck lately but i WILL corral them into place eventually
henry emily - literally any of the animatronics. ive hardly gotten to play any of them i want to know how he would treat them. heavy HEAVY emphasis on the rockstars + lefty bc those are HIS bots and his kid and my versions of them are absolute sweethearts. or like. the puppet. or the original bonnie + freddy models. literally any of them. PLEASE god i need someone to come say hi to my fucked up little robots. (/nf) also of course i am shoving mikey and ciar at him thats a given, henry isnt mikes stepdad hes the dad who stepped up i need more content of them. and henry is also not immune to the curse that is ciarán dempsey. he WILL get a hold of him one day. its gonna happen (/lh)
roxanne wolf - cassie. are you kidding. i am picking cassie up and SHOVING her into roxys arms i need more of them literally always i dont care where or when or how. also "secret muse number 2" aka glambonnie who i never bothered to write a bio for. literally my only other actual sb muse because i wasnt interested in sb at ALL until ruin 😭 but i do have a sb verse for michael now too if you wanna have roxy pester him! scare the shit outta that cynical bastard! put some healthy fear of god into him that boy has none left after dying and being brought back to life twice! also if ur willing to wait i am actively working on a sideblog for birdie, my help wanted / sb era oc... i feel like she would get along with roxy REALLY well
michael afton - jeremy jeremy jeremy jeremy i will NEVER pass up a chance to play jeremy. also my henry is always here <3 ive stated this so many times before (including earlier in this post) but michael and henrys dynamic can be something SO personal. pizza sim era or pre-everything or what have you i dont CARE what it is i just want michael to have the caring father figure he was missing and for henry to have the chance to care for a child that he never thought he would have again. i want them to bond over what william did to them. they are everything to me i cannot state this enough. also im dangling all my animatronics in front of ur mikey ooooooh you wanna subject him to the Horrors so so bad. also i think he would like my oc josh theyre both tired minimum wage fazbear employees. also i would be offering evan but that little fuckers muse is GONE atm i dont know where he ran off to im so sorry
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