#it's honestly got me really nervous for the next specials yknow?? which is weird!
welcometogrouchland · 2 years
Pacing around my room (metaphorically, I'm very much in bed) trying to sort out all my thanks to them thoughts. What is going ON in here (my brain)?????
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jihoonslattee · 7 years
Prince! Seongwoo [Pt 2]
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i’m back at it again with that prince seongwoo au because we needa pROPER ENDING for it LMAOO also i edited the milkis logo onto the glass bc it was originally beer but YKNOW THERES NO DRINKING ALLOWED FOR PRINCE SEONGWOO AT LEAST 
Here’s Prince! Seongwoo Pt 1 for all yall who need back story dhfjd
the next day 
you were just kind of chilling at the library sorting books in their places like ya always do 
when you hard a bunch of commotion towards the front of the library, rushing to the front you see the librarian at the back of the crowd equally as confused 
“what’s going on?”
the librarian started laughing and just kind of shrugged 
“i’m not too sure myself! would you like to go to the front and find out what all the commotion is about?”
you simply nod your head and start pushing your way to the front 
while you were making your way to the front you started noticing that the crowd was basically 90% girls and 10% guys who were just very confused as to what was going on and when you could see the front you wree pretty sure you were ready to just turn around and act like nothing was happening
“oh my god he’s actually here”
but it was too late to just run away because daniel spotted you with his HAWK eyes and instantly dove towards you grabbing your wrist
“Y/N hey! We were looking for you! Where were you??”
once he pulled you to the front you met the gaze of Seongwoo who was just giving you a sweet smile 
he was also not wearing his usual princely attire and was in regular clothes with just made you like think “wow he’s even more handsome in regular clothes”
you could feel your cheeks starting to get a bit hot so you just looked down and mumbled
“i was yknow, doing my job like i always do here”
seongwoo just chuckled a little and daniel just laughed which you were confused about because you literally did not say anything funny ???
but at the same time their laughs sounded like more nervous laughs which also didn’t make sense because you were pretty sure you were 110% more nervous about this whole situation
you weren’t even sure why you were nervous you just were
 (lmao me whenever i meet new people in my head im like “ya bettter not say anything stupid” me 10 seconds later “so like we all hate homework right?” HDKFHD)
“ok well um where should we hang out?”
looking up you noticed seongwoo walking towards the crowd instantly making them part like wow ofc they would part for the prince 
when you guys got towards the end of the crowd, you noticed the librarian with her jaw basically dropped 
“y/n and daniel! you didn’t tell me you guys were going to have a special visitor today! i would’ve made the place look nicer and not so dusty!”
seongwoo instantly started shaking his head and waved his head around in a cute way
“no no no! it’s okay! this place is so nice and beautiful I wouldn’t want you changing it”
you lowkey heard girls in the crowd swoon which made you roll your eyes because honestly you were already swooning the second you saw him at the end of the crowd 
he was like the light at the end of the tunnel
wait what your mind totally isn’t thinking that right now 
or is it?
ANYWAYS you guys ended up sitting at a very secluded part of the library thats blocked off because you guys really wouldn’t be able to be comfortable with girls swooning over seongwoo left and right 
also this is where you and daniel are when you both sneak food into the library because the librarian never checks this spot LMAO 
you guys are pretty sure she has forgotten that this secluded part has even existed
so like usual daniel put down the bag he was holding and started bringing out all the drinks and the food 
one of them specifically caught seongwoo’s eye and you honestly found it adorable
“do you want that one seongwoo??”
before he could respond daniel literally dropped the rest of the food he was trying to set down nicely on the table and grabbed the drink
“oops HAHA that’s my favorite drink and i forgot to bring more for you guys so sorry!”
you kind of just gave him the “are you for real now” face and he just kind of laughed while rubbing the back of his neck 
standing up you checked your pockets for money and noticed you had enough for just one so you started to leave 
“i’m gonna go get one for seongwoo bc we have a fake friend who doesn’t know how to share”
while you were leaving the library you could literally hear daniel groaning and gripping about what you probably said which you didn’t really care for bc
he knew it was a joke
but anyways before you were even able to step foot outside the library you noticed that seongwoo was already walking next to you 
“what are you doing?”
“coming with you to get a drink”
“i was gonna get you a drink and come back”
“well i can’t let my beautiful old best friend go alone right?”
you felt yourself blush a little again and just shoved seongwoo slightly 
“gosh just compliment yourself, you have all the good looks”
after you said that you noticed that seongwoo suddenly went quiet so you took a quick glance at him and noticed that he was smiling to himself but trying not to show it 
but it was totally obvious lmao
“are you that happy i called you handsome?”
“basically yeah”
you smiled to yourself too and you both just kept on walking to the local shop 
once you both arrived at the place that served the drinks you both took a seat and ordered
“you’re going to love this drink”
“since daniel loves it so much I’ll probably love it too”
you laughed and seongwoo just smiled again while looking at you laugh 
“you’re so cute”
you instantly stopped laughing and just gave seongwoo a really confused face which made him really flustered and he started pointed behind you
“i-i mean the drink! it looks so cute that i wanted to point it out”
the waiter placed down the drinks and bowed towards seongwoo before leaving 
“star treatment for prince seongwoo hmm i wonder if they’ll make this drink free??”
he chuckled before placing a couple of bills on the table 
“i don’t like to use my royalty as an advantage, i’m just like everyone else yknow? i don’t see a point in acting like i’m at a higher standard.”
nodding you were suddenly reminded of how genuine seongwoo was when you guys were younger and realized that even though you both may be grown up, he probably hasn’t changed much. 
he did look more handsome though, like breathtakingly handsome 
like when you two were younger he wasn’t the best looking but you fell for his personality but now wow he was like the total package, tall, great looks and a great personality?! any girl would be lucky to have him
 seongwoo picked up the drink and examined it before giving you a weird look
“is this watered down milk?”
you literally laughed out loud for a second and shook your head 
“no! just try it!”
he gave one more glance at your before gulping down a ton of the drink 
he gulped the drink down and just flashed you a huge smile 
(^^ pls refer to photo above LMAO)
“this is so good?? I didn’t think it would taste like this!”
you chuckled a little watching seongwoo looking so excited trying out a new drink 
“oof i think i found my new favorite drink!”
he started to order more and you both just started talking, 
mainly catching up since you guys missed a few years with each other
“wait you’re telling me that you left daniel on purpose back there??”
“yeah i just wanted to spend time with you because yknow, i spend time with daniel almost every day” 
“why though? we all could’ve hung out together!”
he laughed awkwardly and just looked down at his drink
which just so happened to be his 5th drink in a row 
you were starting to get a bit concerned for how fast he was drinking them
but back to the story
he looked up at you again and took one of your hands that were resting on the table
“okay i know you probably don’t want to hear this but remember when i suddenly stopped talking to you a couple years back?”
you nodded your head slowly and just watched seongwoo as he took a deep breathe in 
“well my parents wouldn’t really let me see you because...”
“because?? was i like too rowdy? should i apologize to your parents?”
he chuckled a little and shook his head 
“noo, it was because i liked you, i really liked you and they found out and they weren’t the happiest people in the world because you weren’t really royalty and all we did really in front of them was mess around” 
you just slowly nodded your head in response 
“so you..liked me before?”
“no i still like you now-”
his eyes instantly widened and he just kind of let go of your hand to put his hand over his mouth like “wow i just done and did it now”
but for you tbh ohoho a huge smile was forming on your face that you couldn’t really hide
but i mean you weren’t really trying to hide it anyways 
“you like me seongwoo~”
you teased him a little and noticed his ears turned a little red 
“shut up y/n i know you don’t like me back so no need to tease me”
“wait hold up i didn’t say that”
he looked up at you and you just kind of like looked down because wow his gaze was intense and you were just not prepared for it 
but after taking a moment to like gather your thoughts you grabbed one of his hands and looked at him inthe eyes 
“how should i say this? ong seongwoo prince of our kingdom but doesn’t really act like a prince, i like you. and no not because you just confessed to me, i like actually like you, have ever since a year before you stopped talking to me” 
now you could see the smile forming on his face and you felt yourself melting a little because of the way his eyes were just crinkling in happiness and his smile was just so sweet and pure 
you were admitting that you are literally still whipped for seongwoo 
“so are we a thing now then? because i would really like for that to happen”
sipping on your drink you kind of gave him a weird look 
“you just said your parents didn’t really like me?”
seongwoo smiled a little and just shook his head 
“at the party last night after you left and i danced with you my parents came up to me and told me that we looked good together. I told them it was you and that you were just messing around with me when we were younger and let me just tell you that my mom said that i should try getting you back”
“getting me back?”
he laughed a little and looked a little shy
“she said i should get you back because it looked obvious that i still liked you from how i looked like when i talked to you” 
while you two were walking back to the library seongwoo casually slipped his hand in yours and squeezed your hand a little 
“yknow, we should thank daniel for this”
“for what?”
“forcing you to go to the party! i’ve been wanted to talk to you but i just didn’t know how, i thought you hated me”
“i honestly thought you hated me too?? you just stopped talking to me and daniel didn’t tell me why-”
“wait daniel didn’t tell you that i like you? oof i’m gonna need to talk to him later forget about thanking him”
you just laughed and looked down at the both of you holding hands 
“are you sure it’s just okay to be walking around like this? shouldn’t we become an official, official thing?”
seongwoo shrugged and let go of your hand to move his hand around your waist and pulled you closer 
“this is how we’re telling people that we’re a thing!” 
you were honestly so surprised you heart was about out fall out of your chest from it beating so hard 
but you were really happy though because honestly even though daniel forced you to something you initially didn’t want to go to, 
he kind of just actually gave you a gift 
once you both arrived back to the library and the secluded place daniel looked up with jellies in his mouth to see seongwoo’s arm wrapped around your waist 
he huffed a little and just looked back down at a random book, chewing on his jellies 
“so you guys leave me for a good minute to become a couple and do couple things? I had to eat all this because it was just rotting away here!”
“daniel food doesn’t rot within two hours”
“it does when my best friends take too long because they’re flirting with each other”
you both laughed and blushed a little while daniel huffed again
“you guys are literally reacting the same way, you both are meant to be” 
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