#it's like the most deranged planning doc too. i keep doubling back because the au is such that im kind of... just..
corviiids · 2 months
longfic? death note longfic? rook? rook longfic? rook DEATH NOTE longfic??? <- really normal abt ur writing
oh this just made me smile so big. thank u so much!!! means a lot to me that u care about my writing!!! and yes i................... well despite having zero time or energy for anything right now due to [career shit] i started going really nuts with this one death note au idea........... to be honest it's so involved that it could be a spinoff light novel at this point. lol. dont want to say too much about the premise in case i never do it but ivebeen sitting bolt upright at random hours to jot down ideas
i have NOT started writing it. i HAVE been planning it. THIS is the PLANNING document
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girl help
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