#it's the like 15 years of suppressed older sibling instincts coming out
introspectivememories · 6 months
four months into getting to know each other, shouto finds him by touya-nii's shrine. his little brother gently sits down beside him and offers a small prayer.
"yumi-nee-san," natsuo wonders if his little brother will ever drop the second honorific, "said you were the closest to him," shouto says quietly.
after all these years and the use of past tense still makes his heart break. 'you are the closest to him' he wants to correct but that wouldn't make sense anymore. touya-nii hasn't been talked about in the present tense since before middle school. does shouto even remember a time before nii-san's dea-, disappearance?
"yeah, i was," he says, eyes never leaving the photo. it's the one nii-san took for sixth-grade picture day. kaa-san had got him all dressed up and he had hated it. somedays he thinks if he looks close enough, he'll see the displeased pout on nii-san face. "why?"
his little brother says nothing for a long time, back ramrod straight. natsuo has no idea what's going on in that head of his. shouto has so few tells that he's practically a blank slate. natsuo hates his father.
then slowly and so quietly, he has to strain his ears to catch it, shouto stammers out, "do-, do you think he would have liked me?"
natsuo's immediate reaction is to say 'yes'. yes, of course, touya-nii would've loved you. yes, of course, touya-nii would've crossed the heavens for you. yes, of course, he would've loved you shouto; you're his precious younger brother.
but he remembers the way nii-san used to spit out shouto's name when he was a kid. the way his brother's mouth wrapped around it, the face he made, like he had just eaten something disgusting. he remembers the way touya-nii had become almost crazed by the end, hellbent on proving himself the rightful heir to their shitty father's legacy. he remembers the way touya-nii had said, "i just need to prove that i'm better than him,"; the 'him' said with such bitterness and contempt.
he knows instantly that touya-nii would not have liked shouto. that this house and his father would have twisted any ounce of love, nii-san would've held towards shouto, into jealousy and hatred.
(this house may have ruined all of them but it only ever broke two of them.)
natsuo can't say any of that to shouto. his kind little brother who forgave him for not being there. his amazing little brother who falls in love with every cat he sees. his wonderful little brother who has a wickedly dry sense of humor. his soft baby brother who loves him and yumi-nee with a passion. his tender-hearted baby brother who still worries if his long-gone older brother would've liked him.
no, natsuo can't tell shouto that nii-san wouldn't have like him. shouto will internalize it like he does with everything else that hurts him. and there is already so much that hurts shouto, he will not add to that list. his baby brother smiles these days, nothing big like his green-haired friend, but quiet, lovely, ones all the same. shouto talks more these days. they have dinner together when natsuo is home. his baby brother laughs now. it's a miracle like nothing else in this world.
shouto is the best thing to come out of their house and natsuo will die before he ever hurts his little brother. so instead, he curls an arm around shouto's shoulders and pulls him into a loose side-hug.
"of course!" he lies cheerfully, ignoring the ache in his chest, "touya-nii would've loved you. you're his — and our —precious little brother after all. there is no universe in which he wouldn't have loved you."
the tips of his baby brother's ears go red and his pleased little answering smile makes the ache of lie go away. natsuo will tell a thousand more lies if it means shouto never stops smiling like that.
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writeiolite · 4 years
summer camp — [ SOS 02 ]
who: kuroo x fem!reader, nishinoya x fem!reader ; oikawa
what: A/B/O werewolf au, smut in future chapters
wc: 2,542
SOS: m.list . 02 . 03
{ taglist — tell me if you want to be added or taken off: @thighkyuu @caxsthetic @mx-minxx @leiasfanaccount648 @thatsfuckingall @noya-senpai-imagines }
The next summer came and went. Y/N turned 12 while attending summer volleyball camp, but she spent it without her favorite senpais. According to some of the other older campers, Kuroo and Oikawa were too busy with their high school teams to attend camp that year.
The next year was the same. Y/N suddenly left camp right after her 13th birthday for health reasons. She ended up attending Aoba Johsai just like she wanted.
The year after Y/N didn't go to summer volleyball camp at all. At some point in time, Kuroo graduated from Nekoma High. She only heard that from a comment her dad made at dinner, but she didn't get a chance to ask for more details before her younger brother took the reigns of the conversation away from her.
When she turned 15, summer volleyball camp was just a memory. She was in her last year of high school and she indulged in her studies. At home, she faded into the shadows while her siblings became the faces of the family. Her days as the Super Alpha were dwindling away slowly.
And she couldn't be happier.
On her sweet 16, her younger brother vocalized what she already knew while she blew out her candles.
"You may be the oldest, but I'll always be the Super Alpha you could never be."
He had said it with such seriousness that Y/N's tail went between her legs and ears went flat (if she had them). Meanwhile, the wolves around her — mother, father, and baby sister — all laughed it off, not at all feeling threatened by his tone. They didn't have the same innate instincts as she did. And while they all raised her to the expectation of Super Alpha, down to her core she would never be.
No one except her and her family should know that, so here she is: taking a morning shower despite doing the same the night before and swallowing down suppressants. All so she can attend her first day of volleyball camp since she was 13. Five years had gone by since that horrific day. Her 13th birthday was like any other, but like all female wolves, her heat began soon after. Had she been born into the expectations everyone had then she wouldn't have needed to leave camp that year — her heat wouldn't have been so bad. But the unbearable pain and lust were absolutely agonizing, more than what those silly puberty books could've prepared her for. So there was no way she could go back without causing too much trouble for herself and others.
There wasn't another heat like that ever again — her parents made sure of it in order to uphold the lie they've been telling since she was seven. It was around that time that they realized how softhearted she was and made sure chatter about her declined. For years, they knew the day would come where they'd introduce their daughter to the strongest heat suppressants in the country. Their plan had worked smoothly, and every month since she was 13, Y/N swallowed those pills.
Today is no different.
"Good morning, Y/N-chan!" One of the camp directors called out to her as she walked by for breakfast. "I was surprised to see your name on the roster, but I'm glad to have you back here for another summer. You'll have to..."
Another summer. This camp is where a lot of her favorite memories stemmed from. Secretly, she hopes it won't be just another summer. It's her third year in university and she really needs a good summer to take her mind off of studies.
Before arriving, she was almost worried about being too old to attend. But seeing everyone at the camp crowded into the gymnasium, it's clear she couldn't be more wrong or relieved.
In the years she was gone, there had been lots of changes. The number of people attending had grown, for starters. The old camp director isn’t using a megaphone to talk over everyone sitting on the wooden floor — he has to use a whole microphone and speaker system. Next is the staff. There's a lot more staff than before, but that's not what catches Y/N's attention the most about the camp. No, it's something she wouldn't have expected at all.
"This summer's lead camp counselor is Kuroo Tetsurou," the camp director calls out. The raven-haired male steps forward and gives a bow while the director continues to speak of Kuroo's volleyball background. The whole time, while still taking about every detail about his last few years of life, Y/N stares her senpai down. Is it disbelief or excitement she feels? Her heart races at the sight of an old friend and she wants nothing more than the introduction ceremony to end so she can rekindle their friendship.
But life — no matter how horrible or amazing her upbringing was — isn't a fairytale. The ceremony goes on without anything extraordinary until it's time for the campers to start training. No matter her hopes, Y/N's main purpose is to rekindle her love for volleyball and nothing else. The other camp counselors and trainers may favor her just as everyone else usually does, but they aren't going to cater to her unspoken wishes.
Unbeknownst to her, Kuroo had seen Y/N during the ceremony, but there wasn't time for him to acknowledge that. Has she been playing volleyball this whole time? Does she remember me? What is she even doing here?
These are all questions Kuroo wants answers to, and he makes it a point to seek her out during lunchtime. He's not one to stay too fixated on things, but he's always been the type to be fond of an old face. Especially since they grew up together in this little camp for a few years. Still, his eagerness alone isn't enough for him to find her in the dining hall, but he does remember that there's one other place she could be.
Spinning on his heel, Kuroo saunters down the hall to head outside. The wolves that pass him, especially Betas and Omegas, all bow their heads and lower their shoulders as he passes by. He thinks nothing of it now. At almost 22 years old, the Alpha takes pride in his role. He knows they aren't shrinking down just because he's a counselor there or because he's a professional volleyball player. No, they do it out of instinct and respect. His assets just make him that much more of a threat. He can't even begin to imagine what your life as a Super Alpha has been like.
Although, if you're where he's expecting, then maybe it’s not too much different than what he remembers. That thought alone makes him grin as he reminisces on the other unordinary things you did at camp all those years ago. But in the midst of it all, a strong scent pulls him back to reality.
Kuroo whips around, seeing you turn the corner behind him to head toward the dining hall. He didn't turn because he recognized your scent, rather it was so jarring he couldn't help but look. And seeing that it's you nearly makes him trip when he lunges at you.
You jump out of your skin when a hand grips your elbow, quickly looking over your shoulder to see the person you were hoping to see.
"Kuroo senpai!" Before you can get more words out, your childhood summer friend has already pulled you into a friendly embrace.
"Aw don't call me that anymore! I may be older but I haven't been a proper senpai to you in so long," he admits with guilt laced in his smile.
"O-oh, sure! But what the hell are you doing at summer camp as a counselor?" You pull away from the hug, your heart soaring with glee at the warmth lingering on your skin. While you don't intend to, your body reacts to his. Alphas bring comfort to other wolves, so the warmth and scent from Kuroo — Tetsurou...-san? — harmonizes with your primal instincts. You innately almost hope his scent is what sticks to you rather than the crisp smell of Irish Spring soap.
No, no, no, Y/N. Don't have thoughts like that right now. You already took suppressants today, so at least suppress these thoughts too.
"The director asked me to start working here every summer since I graduated from university. What about you?” He has to admit, he’s genuinely glad to be talking to you right now. He can’t help but wonder what your side of life has been like these several years. He doesn’t even realize that he’s fixating on you.
“Ah, I just decided I needed something to do over summer that wasn’t studying,” you tell him with a sheepish smile. “I’m so close to graduating but I’m getting pretty burnt out.”
“Huh?” Kuroo leans down, coming to eye level with you and a little bit closer than you were expecting. “Burnt out? I could’ve sworn you just started...”
“No, no!” You feverishly shake your head, taking a small step back. He’s way too close! Something about his scent makes it hard for you to hide your urges, but you still have to be careful that you aren’t too suspicious while trying to get away from his close proximity. “I skipped two grades, so I’m only two years behind you academically, remember?”
Ever attentive, Kuroo stands up straight with the smell of fresh grass tickling the tip of his nose. It’s obvious you showered, but it’s odd since you’ll just be practicing again right after lunch. Still, he’s always told himself to never dwell on too much and settles on a new topic. 
“Let’s keep talking over lunch! I know there’s not much time left but-”
“Sorry,” you cut him off, “but I already ate.”
“And you didn’t share any with the betas? That’s weird.” The teasing grin under such a relaxed gaze makes you laugh. While it may have been years since you last saw each other, it feels like it was the same 11-month break you two were accustomed to.
Some breaks — specifically lunch — are shorter than others. The two of you make promises to catch up later before parting ways. The rest of the day goes by much like you anticipated: training, workshops, matches, dinner. Not much has changed since your childhood besides the people.
Of these new people, one, in particular, sought you out the next morning.
“L/N-san, right?”
“Hm?” You were in the middle of talking with one of the beta females on your workshop team when a male player shorter than the rest but still slightly taller than you came up to you. “Yes, what’s up?”
Damn, she’s even hotter up close! The brunet bows. “I’m Nishinoya Yuu! Alpha libero from the men’s scrimmage team Hibiscus. I was wondering if you wanted to train together.”
His loud voice draws the attention of the other players getting into duos and small teams. Everyone is supposed to find a partner that doesn’t play the same position as them and learn from each other, which is why you were speaking with Motoyama-chan in the first place. You’re great at all positions, but your receiving could use some work.
Sensing your hesitation, Nishinoya bows even further. “Please consider me as your partner!!”
“Shh, shh okay! Y-you don’t have to be so energetic about it,” you shush him feverishly, glancing between him and the other campers giggling.
Instantly, Nishinoya stands up straight with a grin and a few golden blond locks falling perfectly in place over the middle of his forehead. This is his first time meeting a celebrity like you up close— it’s hard to hold in his excitement. But of course, he can’t just be some fanboy. “I’ll prove to you that I’m the best partner and libero you could ever have.”
His combination of a toothy grin, wink, and thumbs up nearly makes you sweatdrop, but the energy behind it is definitely contagious. “Y-you really don’t have to d-”
“Let’s head over to the net, c’mon!” Already you’re being slung around behind him, electricity shooting through the hand he grabbed.
“Oh, and-” Nishinoya lets go and jogs ahead of you only to toss a ball into your empty hands. “You can call me,” he jabs a proud thumb into his chest, “senpai.”
It was not an invitation. You and Nis- Senpai practiced serving and receiving as expected, but every time he was successful there was a catch. If he successfully received your serves, you had to say “Senpai you’re the best!” If you couldn’t receive his serves, you had to say “Senpai go easy on me.”
...Needless to say, Nishinoya Yuu Senpai is not someone you spend lunch with. 
He’s nice and energetic and all but… His energy is too overbearing for you. And considering your heat is happening, you can’t afford to be around someone that touchy.
Letting the shower water cascade down you and the steam fill your head, you try to scrub away the lingering fuzziness Nishinoya left on your skin. You’ve made it this far in life only because of the suppressants and incredible self-restraint. You’re not going to let summer camp ruin this lie you’ve been leading. You may not be the Super Alpha your parents and everyone else intended, but you’re not that weak.
Alpha Senpai is washed down the drain soon enough, and you’ve already found a new target: snacks.
With lunch ending soon, you set your mind on something quick from the dining hall. Like yesterday, there’s no time to sit down and eat today, but you promise to make it up to yourself by having a late-night snack too. Heats drain your energy just as much as a 3-set match, but half of a turkey club will have to hold you over. 
Kuroo curiously watches you cling to the shadows of the dining hall walls when you come in and go out. It’s faint, but again he can pick out that grassy smell again. Since Omegas sit closer to the walls, he almost feels bad for them that they have to be hit with such a strong scent that’s only amplified by the summer weather. Still, your appearance is fleeting and he doesn’t catch another glimpse of you again until later that night. 
Alphas usually have a hard time hiding their presence from other wolves. Comparatively, Omegas have it easy since they’re usually shrinking away constantly anyway. Kuroo, though, has gotten quite good at it. And seeing you sneak out another sandwich and fruit from the kitchen at 22:41, he guesses you have too. 
He has to say, he’s pretty impressed. He had only been out for a quick walk to clear his mind, but now he’s found something else to replace his thoughts.
The next day he finally catches you. Or, night, rather. Your day was spent with the girls’ teams and Nishinoya, but that night he decided to stop lurking.
“Yo, Y/N, out again?”
You nearly jump out of your skin, not expecting the walls to talk. 
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Name: Clark Rousseau
Age: Forty-Five
Occupation: Herbalist
Kingdom: Cyrell
FC: Daniel Sunjata
Personality Traits:
(+) Light-hearted, Caring, Determined
(-) Secretive, Irritable, Resentful
The normalcy of how he was born was near boring. His mother was pregnant with him for 9 months and then out he came wailing at the sudden light of the world. Clark looked like any other infant- wrinkly, oddly colored, and a complete mess. The only thing that wasn’t normal was how unphased his family was. He wasn’t seen as an angelic giving or anything like that. Clark was just another baby brought into the Rousseau family. With a mother, father, 3 older brothers and a sister, he was just another tally on the list to feed and raise.
Not even 4 years later and another pair of siblings were brought to the house. Identical twins that were treated just like all of the Rousseau children which consisted of nonchalant regards and pure business when it came to raising them. Since Clark’s parents were busy bodies, and his older siblings hit puberty before he did, he ended up taking care of the twins more than anyone else. Don’t get him wrong- he loved them to death, but it was a struggle to get through the menial education only to come home and take care of his brother and sister.
Everything was normal from his innocent childhood to awkward puberty. Well, as normal as any other person could have it with the family business being traveling herbalists from a far away land. Then when he turned 15 life handed him the worst turn over he could have ever wished for. All of it had been a mistake honestly. Clark had been walking home from his studies when he passed by a beggar. They weren’t a rare sight, and while his family wasn’t the richest either, it tugged at his soft heart. So Clark tipped the man a coin before he was on his way home again. It wasn’t to his knowledge that the so called beggar had followed him home, and for the next several days, the Rousseau family was watched. On the sixth night things fell apart.
There was the sound of shattering glass that had woken Clark. Still half asleep, he wandered out of his room to investigate the sound. It was then when he came upon the sight that would stay with him for the rest of his life. The forms of two bodies, that had once been his parents, laid on the ground completely lifeless. The shock that he felt was enough to paralyze him for a moment before a shrill shriek pierced the night air. He snapped out of his horrified trance and ran to the room of his eldest sister. Clark wasn’t the only one awake then.
There was a commotion of all the Rousseau children in the room. There was shouting, the sound of things getting banged around, and then the muffled struggles that he ran right into. In the midst of the flury he realized three things once he breached the bedroom door. His siblings were all fighting cloaked people, half of them were already unconscious and that he was the last one to arrive. Clark barely had the time to take another breath in before he felt hands around his face. A cloth was pressed against his nose and mouth and he instinctively took a sharp breath in from surprise. That’s all it took for him to feel odd and sluggish, and before long he fell unconscious like the rest of his siblings.
When he and the others woke up, he was the first to make sure everyone was okay. The room was dark and the only thing he could hear was the breathing of his siblings and himself, full of fear and uncertainty. They didn’t know where they were or what had happened, but the door opened briefly as a figure slipped in with a torch. It was then where everything was explained. At first it all sounded surreal, but the reality of the man’s words sunk in over time. The people that had captured him and his siblings were a group of mercenaries. They had their parents murdered in order to cut off any sort of authoritative figure besides themselves and kidnapped the children to essentially be turned into one of them.  It was a plan that had been set for the long run and the Rousseau family had just so happened to be a part of it.
Of course, the Rousseau children rebelled against the idea, but with each act of disobedience came a punishment. Clark, himself, was one of the last to fall into their mindless orders but even he bent to their will eventually. He had his skin flayed and cut, muscles torn and wrung out, and even his bones had been split and crushed. It turned him into a hellbent man that learned how to hang onto anger and resentment, but even then he still had a speck of his old self. He was just more careful than others when it came to hiding it, because as long as he was with the mercenaries he wasn’t Clark Rousseau anymore. No, he was known as Dreameye or Stillfall because of the way he dealt with his targets. Clark used his past knowledge of herbs and their properties to aid him in his work. He either poisoned his mark with a paralysis or hallucinogen before he took their life. It was cruel in some cases, but for the most part he favored a quick killing rather than to draw it out.
Eventually he was inked with the group’s mark, and while he had sworn his loyalty to them it was all for show. Make no mistake, he did lose himself for a good few years, but after he was sent out to do the deed that had landed him in this lifestyle.. Well, he came back to his senses relatively quick. All it took was for him to be told to hunt a family of five in the middle of the night. He was supposed to kill the parents and take the children to condition them into being fresh blood for the group, but it sickened him down to the very core. Clark gathered his siblings in secrecy and formed a plan in urgency. It took weeks but eventually they all came to an agreement and waited for the right chance to strike back. When the day came they all fought with every ounce of energy they had, but even then they had been outnumbered. The retaliation had costed the lives of his two eldest brothers, sister and the twins, but Clark and his remaining sibling were fast enough to escape. They had to split paths, but it was for the better. At least that’s what Clark forced himself to believe as he ran to the kingdom of Cyrell.
For the next few years he kept himself hidden where he could. With an inside bounty on his head he didn’t dare to travel into Tyric for nearly a decade in fear of having someone recognizing his face. Throughout those years he worked hard on keeping himself afloat as well as suppressing the habits that he had grown into. Deep down, at the base of his roots, he was a kind man with a good heart, but since the death of his parents he had the seed of hatred mixed into that. Yet with time he learned to accept himself and most of his past deeds, and he never fell back into killing. Clark established his own shop and helped the locals of Cyrell where he could. With that being said, though, it didn’t mean that he still doesn’t struggle with the guilt he carries on his shoulders. The nightmares still plague his slumber just as the marked symbol of the mercenaries forever stain the skin to the left side of his lower back.
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