#it's the same with baldric lol
overlydependant · 2 months
ever wonder what tannhauser looks like under that respirator?
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yeah me neither.
WOW okay jokes aside, I had a lot of fun imagining what Tanny would look like without the mask. Being able to download the character references was also a godsend for this project. I'm so happy the NarraDeclaration team has them available for download, 'cause now I can see every time I forgot a design detail <3 (not complaining though, Skelebean did a wonderful job designing the best gang of chucklefucks in Outset)
This is also the closest I've ever been to trying to be 'anatomically correct.' I had to look up some pretty weird stuff, the tamest of which was 'chin up reference.' I don't think it's 100% accurate anyways, but I had fun and that's what matters.
Uncensored version + more design thoughts under the cut. Trigger warning for some pretty gnarly face modification, specifically to the mouth and lower jaw.
If you don't wanna see that, the basic summary is: I wanted Tanny to look scary lol
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So we know that there was an ACCIDENT that occurred to Tannhauser which resulted in his mostly-robotic form. I'm not sure if it's been mentioned in-game, but my conspiracy theory is that he got mangled by a chainsaw car due to a Tyrant's Guild raid. As a part of THE ACCIDENT, I think he lost his whole bottom jaw, requiring reconstructive facial surgery with leftover skin and more metal to replace the missing bone. The respirator is to help maintain that structure, and to assist in eating and breathing.
Again, it bears mentioning that I had A LOT of fun with this.
Even if he is one of the sillier characters among the party, I think it's always good to remember that Tannhauser can be very intimidating when he wants to be and when he doesn't want to be! The cringefail balances out the coolness perfectly.
Oh and if you're wondering why he's got such sharp canines, the answer is simple: I thought it would look cool and no one was there to stop me.
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flyboytracy · 2 years
Been staring at the hypnotic gif header on your blog for the last few minutes.
Two things…the fact that Virgil’s uniform has highlights in the same green as his baldric, but Scott’s highlights, like on his boots and wrists, are in a light blue and do not match his baldric adds credit to the concept that silver is not his original colour. This can be somewhat chilling as although this is something we’ve all considered, to have it kinda confirmed is ow. Just look at the difference between the bros boots colours vs their baldrics.
Secondly, Scott’s body language is open and ready to move, but calm. Yet Virgil, the usually calm one, has his fists clenched. Why?
And yes, I have thought about all this far too much 😁 Thank you for sharing your wonderful talents.
(Hypnotised by your gifs AGAIN)
You can never have too many thoughts about the earth and the sky.
Icarus is such a good episode for lil moments between them. I always get distracted by Virgil's hearteyes moment (like why would that be) but it's not the only lil moment between them :D So many dramatic turns they got me singing turn arooound.
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I think maybe Virgil's posing for Google Earth. Gotta clench all those glorious muscles 😁😁
He just looks so good in this episode tho like a hurricane could strike that viewing patform and half the 'birds would get blown away but Virg would weather it because he's just so solid and I love it. Scott's always fluid like the tide but Virgil's like a rock in the stream and the contrast is just so good, especially when they pose stand together like that yes please
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It's kinda hard to get it the same shade of blue, it goes turquoise really easily and kind of radioactive which makes me think that Virg would've known where his wayward big bro was at any time. Neon blue looks good on his boots but sheesh it kinda glows when it's more visible lol.
You make me wonder about how the colour change happened - if it happened. Was it a quiet lil thing overnight instead of the huge event it should've been after IR had been operation for a few decades? Was it quiet acceptance that he wasn't going to be able to fix it this time?
Or was it a promise, much like the rescue scout code he recites? That colour is his promise to always make his papa proud, and that his actions will always be worthy of the belt he wears. It's his promise to keep his lil brothers safe and loved in their papa's absence.
It's a promise to help, to guide, to save.
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shinxeysartgallery · 10 months
what's the non-shitpost way that baldric met the other two?
Baldric was mostly on his own his entire life, and eventually even "bought" his own ship at the young age of 16, when he began sailing. He was a solo pirate act from then until he was about 22 and docked at a port town to get supplies. It got the attention of a poor orphan child who was entranced by the supposed riches he had, and she coerced him into taking her with by making him feel bad and crying. That orphan girl would be Daisy. LOL He ended up taking her with him because he felt bad about her not really having anything and adopted her in a way. (Or rather, I guess she adopted him. lmao)
Then it was about three years after he adopted Daisy that he docked at another port town and another orphan child decided that he wanted to tag along with them to escape his poor living conditions, so he snuck aboard the ship. It didn't take very long to discover him though, and he basically got into the crew the same way Daisy did. And that little orphan boy was Kenji. Daisy did help with the decision of keeping Kenji because she begged for a little brother, so he was adopted in a way, too. lol
He won't admit it, but the captain's got quite the soft spot for children. He felt bad about their living conditions and the fact that they didn't have parents at so young of an age, so now he's basically their dad. He excuses it by suggesting that he needed/wanted help maintaining the ship and doing pirate stuff, but we all know the real reason. lmao And the two of them love their dad very much.
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The Girl in The Blue Dress
Chapter 14: Joining the Crew 
@megatraven I never realized that I’ve never really said what Rose’s accent is. I wanted to say that it’s Greek :)). This whole story is kinda centered around Greek mythology (even if it’s a little twisted to my fantasy) so most likely everyone will have a Greek accent. And thank you Meg for helping me describe Rose’s outfit♥! And I do not know much about ships and just let my imagination take control. Plus, I hope you read to the end bc I love the ending because foreshadowing and I’ve been desperately trying to write that part for awhile so yeah. And not much proofreading. And sorry it’s so long LOL-
Apollo looked at the person and he saw that they had green eyes, blonde hair poking out of the black hood, and a smile on their face. But before they could stare anymore, a voice called out. “Ellie! Don’t scare the poor man!” Ellie sighed and got up and walked somewhere. He felt a bit better, so he finally could manage to sit up. He sat up and looked at his surroundings and saw that he wasn’t in a home or on any type of ground, he was on a ship. Panicked, he turned to the other side of him to see he was still at the ship dock. He knew it was the same place because the castle is the same, but farther. “How did I get all the way over here?” 
“Well, you were poisoned and I dragged you here,” a woman said at his side. He turned to the side and saw Rose standing up and looking down at him, but she wasn’t wearing a mask this time and wearing something that really resembled pirate gear. She's got a leather corset over her brown vest, with a sheer, white undershirt with leather, light brown cuffs just above her wrists. Two buckles are drawn over the top of her corset, and a baldric over her waist that holds her dagger. She looked very intimidating, yet she had a nice smile on her face. “I’m not that surprised,” he said with a quiet laugh. Rose’s face changed to a worried look. “Yeah. You said you were new, so people will take advantage of that. They’re all cruel,” she said with her face changing to an angry look. “Well, you will possibly be weak for a little while, so I hope you don’t mind staying with us.” Her face went to a neutral look and waited for an answer. Apollo was going to think about it, but if they were truly going to hurt him, he could fight back, and he didn’t want to get himself hurt worse because of the poison. Then his thoughts went back to his friend and he really didn’t want to somehow spread to him (if that’s even possible). When he realized he was staring, he smiled and nodded his head.
“Sure, why not?” She smiled and nodded in response. She then held out a hand for him and he took it and was really surprised at her strength. Rose was not necessarily weak, but to pick up a man his size? Made him really impressed and he noted that he shouldn’t go against her. She turned to the side and moved her hand from one side to another, showing him her crew. Some were sitting or standing and talking, some working on tying the ropes to something, working on the sails, some looking or tinkering with their weapons, and some disappearing down into the inner ship. “I don’t have as many as other captains do, but these are people I trust with everything in me, so I keep them here and we explore the seas!” Her voice rose in excitement and she seemed truly excited about this ship, and it spread to him. “I’ve never really been out to the seas before.”
The only time he’s ever really heard about the ocean and its creatures was when Poseidon managed to find him and tell him tales of the ocean. He did find the tales interesting, even if almost all of them were dangerous, and he liked the sound the waves were making. Rose leans forward with her hands clasped behind her back and turns only her head to look at him. “So, you said you wanted to stay? You will have to do work, be prepared to possibly fight, share a room with a few people, and be ready for anything. Apollo looked in her eyes and saw her smugness of testing his patience, or maybe even trying to make him scared, but he didn’t back down. He’s seen too many things already and knows how to handle almost everything. Apollo’s mouth formed a smirk and lifted one eyebrow. “You trying to scare me off?” Rose straightened her back and turned to him, her playfulness gone. “Maybe, but I’m also warning you. The seas are dangerous for anyone and I don’t want people to regret joining me, and not know what they’re getting into.” 
Apollo found her genuine concern sweet and kept his eyes locked with hers as he nodded. “I’m ready for it. But I might need some training with swords and daggers, I’m not too sharp on that.” Rose lets out a little chuckle and smiles at him. She quiets down and holds out her hand and he shook it without hesitation. Rose crosses her arms and points towards the ship floor, “Well, how about we get started immediately? You’re still a little weak, and I do not want to push your limits, so I’ll just show you the gestures.” She grabs her dagger from her side and moves it between her fingers in a fast gesture and it ends up in a tight grip with the tip facing the sky. Apollo feels a little excited at the opportunity and agrees to follow her. She walks over to a door that’s attached to the floor, lifts it up, and guides him down a ladder that leads to an empty room that has many weapons. Some small, some huge, some bows and arrows, some bottles filled with what looks like poison, and things to help someone if they’re injured. “Wow, you guys sure are prepared,” he let out a breathless laugh in awe. Rose turns to face him and gestures to the entire room. “It’s always better to be over prepared than under prepared,” she said with a cocky smile. “Anyways, I’m going to start you with a dagger,” her eyes seem to light up with excitement, “which is my specialty!” 
Rose walks over to the wall with weapons and picks up a dagger that looked like hers but only had a black hilt and a red stone in the middle of the hilt. She hands it to him and shows him how to properly hold it. “Now, you don’t want to hold it to close to you, but not too far from you. You have to get close to the enemy to land a critical strike, so you cannot give them a chance to grab it.” She walks very close to him and wraps his hand around the hilt with his fingers holding it and his thumb resting against the beginning of the actual dagger. “But don’t press your thumb too hard because you’ll hurt yourself and we do not want an infection.” She looked up at him with a neutral expression and looked like a teacher that is being patient with a student who has no idea what they’re doing, “Now, what did I just say?” He looks at her eyes and the blue once again captivates him and, since she’s so close, he manages to smell lavender and it distracts him for a moment. When he realizes he’s staring, again, he shakes his head and clears his throat, a blush spreading across his face from embarrassment. 
“I’m not supposed to hold the dagger too close but not too far, and hold it tight with my fingers but keep my thumb not heavily pressed on the actual blade,” he looked at her and saw her smiling. “Yes, that is correct. Now, I’m going to teach you one way of actually attacking,” she positions his arm so his left arm is twisted to the left, arm raised a little in the air, the dagger now facing the ground and titled slightly to the right. Now she moves his fingers to be on the hilt and not on the blade, and squeezes his hand so he will tighten his fingers. “Do you know what kind of attack this is?” He looked at the position and tried to think of different attacks a dagger could actually do, and she waited patiently. “It’s to stab someone? Cut them?” She does a slight smile and shrugs her shoulder. “You’re halfway right. This is used for cutting someone, but it is also used for a specific and bloody attack. This specific position is mainly used for stabbing someone in a vulnerable place, but it also used when you’re swiping the dagger to a side to cut someone in a quick way.” She moves behind him, grabs his hand, and moves it in a diagonal way, as if he is cutting someone invisible. “However, you could also use the previous position to also swipe cut someone, you can use either or.” He nods and she teaches him more ways of holding the dagger where he won’t hurt himself, won’t drop the blade, how to protect himself with even a small weapon like a dagger, but she ends it after a few hours.
“I will teach you more later, but this is how far I will go since you are still hurt from the poison. It will make you feel like you have a fever and I would not like for you to pass out,” she says with a smile, but a small worried look on her face. He nods and he suddenly realizes that he does feel a little dizzy, dying for water, and limbs feel a little limp and weak. “Oh, I really do need to rest,” he said as he ran his hand over his face. She laughed and ran her hand through her hair and sighs. “I do, too, but I can’t go to sleep just yet.” Despite her fatigue, she smiled and seemed excited to do something, so he decided to leave her be. “One of the rooms for the men is down this hallway,” she turns to the door behind her and points at it, “you’ll need to go down until you see doors on each side, and you need to take the second one on the left. I’m sure that one has room. I’ll get someone to bring you some water and food.” She smiled once more at him and did a little bow of her head and excused herself to go to the deck. He stared at the ladder she went up and got lost in his thoughts. He thinks of how she really was caring and patient, but he shakes his head after a moment because she probably acts like that to every new crew member. He begins to fall over for a moment but catches himself and realizes he really needs to go lay down, so he does. 
He goes down the hallway, finds the room, and lays down on the bottom bunk of one of the two bunk beds. The ship slightly swaying from the ocean manages to rock him to sleep and he only wakes when someone brings him food and water. 
The next time he opens his eyes, he’s not where he expected to be. He wasn’t on the ship anymore, and he was still laying on his back, but it felt softer than the bed did, and he saw the stems of flowers surround him and the sky above him. He sat up and looked around and he was in a small flower area and saw a slim path in front of him. Plants and bushes surrounded the sides of the path and trees blocked his vision of any other sight other than the garden. He stood up and brushed some dirt off of him and turned around and saw something strange. He only saw the small flower field and nothing was beyond it. His head hurt when he looked at it because it was so bright and he realizes this isn’t real. It looked like a white void, but his attention shifted when he heard a voice singing. It was light pitched, quiet, and he heard footsteps somewhere in front of him. He begins to walk down the path and the voice is quiet, but slowly getting louder. Then, he sees a person in front of him as he walks. A girl with a dress was walking in front of him. 
The back of the dress had a white top that formed an X in the design, showing her shoulders and part of her arm. The white top ended at her waist, but before it ended, there was a golden corset that wrapped around her middle. The dress part was navy blue, and she had sleeves on each arm, but it looked like robe sleeves. The sleeves started a little above her elbow and ended at her wrist, it hanging down to almost the bottom of the dress, and he then notices she’s barefoot.  “That has to be a little inconvenient,” he thinks in his mind. He then looks up a bit and sees that her hair is a dark brown, it’s in a braid, and is going all the way down to her mid back. After he takes in her appearance, he focuses on her voice and is confused.
It sounds like Rose.
Is this Rose? Did she take him somewhere? Why is she walking away? What is she holding? Why is she so quiet? The questions go through his head, but then he hears a sound among her quiet singing: a cry. A cry comes from a baby and he sees her begin to rock the child, her singing stop and turning into quiet shushes. He can’t see her front and assumes it’s a child. What else could it be? He’s confused and tries to walk faster, but he can’t, as if he isn’t in control anymore. He then hears her speak in Greek, but it’s ancient Greek. It’s the Greek language type that only the Gods know , yet she speaks it fluently. No stutter, no incorrect words, and her Greek accent is strong. However, she stopped suddenly (he does too) and straightened her back and held the baby closer to her body, as if she is afraid they’re going to be taken away. He suddenly feels that way too, feels that something is coming, something...bad. He tries to turn around, but he can’t move and he watches as the woman slowly turns to face him, and the breath is stolen from his lungs when he sees her face.
It is Rose. Everything is the same. Her bright blue eyes, her freckles on her nose and cheek, the dark brown hair, the voice that was singing quietly seconds before, her facial features were the same, but he couldn’t focus on this reveal for long, because he saw her eyes widen, her lips slightly part with a gasp coming through, and fear showing her posture and face. The baby began to cry louder and she just stared at him, but it felt like her gaze was behind him. He wanted to turn, to see what was scaring her so bad, maybe try to fight it away, and he finally did get to turn around, but when he did he wished he didn’t. When he looked behind him everything was the same. The flowers, bushes, trees, and everything was the same, but then he heard a noise he hated. 
A scream rang out into the area, echoing in his head so loud to the point where he had to hold his hands over his ears. After a few moments, it stopped, and he turned back towards the woman, and saw no one. She was gone, the only thing left was a tiny spot of blood, and the white glow and peace began to fade from his mind. Fear, despair, and horror began to go through him a shudder went down his body, and the area disappeared and he heard another voice, but it was too deep and fast for him to even translate.
He woke up with a gasp and sat up in a hurry. However, he forgot he was in a bunk bed and he hit his head really hard, but that pain wasn’t as bad as the pain in his heart that he felt, but...
He doesn’t remember what caused it. 
HEHEH SO...The ending is something I’ve tried to write before in, like, a different story that is still connected to this story (I mean like a little tale not an actual chapter story), but then I decided, “Nah this is the PERFECT time to slip this in :’).” I hope this wasn’t too long and I hope you liked the ending because I finally was able to write what was in my mind correctly, kinda. But yeah hehe I hope you liked the little bit of fluff only to be destroyed at the end :’’’). And here’s the dress I had in mind. The girl is Yuna and she’s from Final Fantasy.
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klaus-goldstein · 7 years
Dreaming in Silver and Gold
Alternate Beginning
Prologue \ Ch. 1 \ Ch. 2 \ Ch. 3 \ Ch. 4 \ Ch. 5 \ Ch. 6 \ Ch. 7 \ Ch. 8 \ Ch. 9 \ Ch. 10 \ Ch. 11 \ Ch. 12 \ Ch. 13 \ Ch. 14 \ Ch. 15 \ Ch. 16 \ Ch. 17 \ Ch. 18 \ Ch. 19 \ Ch. 20 \ Ch. 21 
Demon au requested by @persephonesdarkness thanks for getting my butt back in gear and giving me awesome prompts. <3
Prompt: What happens when Klaus doesn’t show up to save Liz? Or how Liz unexpectedly obtained two guardian angels. 
This is an alternate beginning that @persephonesdarkness and I have been talking about for MONTHS. lol. Happy Birthday, dear. This is one of your birthday presents since I can’t hug you in person. I have no words to describe how important you are to me. XD
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This takes place in my AU universe so if you haven’t read Dreaming in Silver and Gold then you will be very confused. lol.
THIS DOESN’T FOLLOW THE STORY. How this works in comparison to DiSaG is that Sebastian broke his possession long ago before Klaus and Elias were even born. Liz doesn't figure out who Klaus is until the end of this one-shot. Everything else is basically the same. Also, a reminder, my timeline for my Liz is slightly different than canon. She loses her parents at age 9 and attends the academy around age 22. :D
The normal story will resume on Thursday.
The moonlight cast shadows across the wood floor and the trees moving outside the windows made the darkness shift and dance. Liz watched them from her spot against the wall. She didn’t know how long she had sat there in her own sick. The thick scent clung to her like a blanket and added to her discomfort.
Her parents had passed days ago and she could feel the disease that had taken them ravish her body. She knew it would only be a matter of time before death claimed her.
When she realized she was sick, she had prayed to every deity she could think of to save her. She had screamed and cried for anyone to take away her pain but either no one in the village heard her or they were smart enough not to enter the house.
That had been days ago and now she was blessed with a pleasant calm. She would not cry anymore and she would welcome death with open arms. Her breathing was shallow and she closed her eyes to rest. Perhaps she would go peacefully in her sleep.
A loud crack echoed through the room and her eyes flew open at the sound. Her vision swam but two figures slowly came into view. They were sitting in the armchair across the room from her watching her curiously. The woman perched on the arm of the chair was the most beautiful creature Liz had ever seen.
She was slim with lush curves and a full mouth. Her face was soft and perfectly proportionate. Blonde hair fell in loose waves down her back and her emerald green eyes flashed in the darkness. She was poised and elegant and she regarded Liz with concern. 
She stood to her feet and Liz watched in awe as green feathered wings spread from her back. The sound of her boots against the wood floor echoed through the still room as she walked across the room. Her movements were slow and sure like she was trying not to spook Liz. She knelt in front of her and gently grasped Liz’s chin in her palm.
“Hello, my darling. Stay still for me.” The angel spoke softly. Her voice was rich and melodic. Liz licked her dry lips and nodded feebly.
It wasn’t a hard request for Liz to fulfill she didn’t think she could move even if she wanted to. She was so exhausted. Suddenly the angel’s eyes glowed in the darkness and Liz felt a power grab a hold of her. It was a strange feeling like a weight had settled deep in the pit of her stomach. The power moved through every bit of her body slowly. She didn’t know what was happening or what the angel was doing. Was she about to die? Was that why this divine being had shown up? Or was the angel answering her desperate prayer?
Liz jumped at the sound of another voice. She had forgotten that there had been another figure in the room and her eyes snapped back to the chair. A man was sitting on it and gazing at Liz apathetically. He had his elbow resting on the arm of the chair and had rested his chin on his fist as he watched. His dark blonde hair was windswept and he was dressed casually. Liz regarded the baldric full of daggers draped across his chest with curiosity. He was certainly handsome but there was something very closed off about him. 
The angel with the green feathers released Liz and she felt the unusual power leave her body. 
“She’s too far gone for me to heal, Sebastian. She’s dying. Either you save her or Amelia will be here soon to collect her soul. In the girl’s prayer, she asked for life, you need to decide whether you want to fulfill her request or not.”
Liz watched as the man in the chair stood and golden wings appeared at his back. He strode over to Liz and knelt down so he was eye level with her. He cocked his head as he observed her and frowned. Apparently what he saw concerned him.
“Do you want me to save your life?” The angel named Sebastian asked.
Liz wanted to live. She had seen so little of this world and she had so many things she wanted to accomplish. It couldn’t be over this quickly. Liz cleared her throat feebly and whispered into the darkness. “Save me.”
Sebastian nodded and reached out towards her. He placed a hand on the top of her head and Liz felt heat flood her body. It was like being scorched. She felt her herself growing stronger by the second and she was finally able to take a deep breath. Liz’s eyelids grew heavy and soon she fell into a deep, much needed, sleep.
When she woke up she was tucked into her bed under a pile of blankets. A glass of water was next to her on the nightstand and she could hear voices talking downstairs. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and downed the water as quickly as possible. She was shocked at how thirsty she was.
When there was nothing left of the water she stood to her feet and crept quietly to her bedroom door. It was cracked open and she pressed her ear to the opening so she could better hear the conversation happening downstairs.
“We can’t leave her here.” 
A deep sigh echoed through the room in response to those words. The sigh belonged to the angel that had healed her. Liz remembered his name was Sebastian.
“What would you have me do?” Sebastian asked.
“I don’t know.”
“We can’t interfere. I answer prayers, that’s it. What happens next is up to the human.” Sebastian said.
“She’s just a child.”
“Elaine, again, what would you have me do? It doesn’t matter that she’s a child we can’t intervene in her life.”
“I don’t know. Maybe we could take her with us.” Elaine said.
“That would not be a good idea and you know it. We can stay until she wakes up, we can make sure she has everything she needs, and then we have to go.” Sebastian replied. 
“Then I’ll just take her to the underworld and watch over her there.”
Sebastian laughed but there was very little humor in it. “To my brother? What would he do with her? You aren’t always in the underworld and he would not be happy with you leaving a child there. She’s one human, love. Do you know how many times the archangels get prayed to every day? It’s a lot and that’s why we don’t interfere with the human's lives. We answer prayers but their lives are theirs to live. She will be fine she has an entire village that will help take care of her.”
“Yes, and do you know what people do when a plague like this sweeps through town? They lock the sick and their family in their home for forty days until they feel the disease has run its course. That way they can keep the disease from spreading. It’s a form of quarantine. Then if anyone has survived after forty days of being locked in a home with the dying, only then can they leave. The village locked her in her own home while a disease ravished her family and then her. She watched her parents die. Her quarantine isn’t even over. She has three weeks left. Three weeks of being left alone after her horrible experience. There is no food in the house, no wood for fires, and there are two bodies that are decaying and you want to leave her alone?” 
The silence downstairs swelled and Liz could feel the tension of their conversation all the way from upstairs. Sebastian finally let out an irritated growl and the house shook.
“Fine. Fine, she can come with us for three weeks until her quarantine is up then we’ll take her wherever she want’s to go. Whether it’s back here, or another village. Alright?”
“Thank you.” Elaine sounded smug.
It grew quiet again before Sebastian’s voice echoed up the stairs. “I know you’re listening. You might as well come downstairs.”
Liz grabbed one of the blankets off of the bed and wrapped it around her shoulders before padding down the stairs warily. She peeked around the banister and looked at them curiously. Elaine was perched on the kitchen island and Sebastian was standing next to her. His posture was tense but his eyes softened at the sight of Liz. The room they were standing in was noticeably warmer than the rest of the house and Liz wondered why.
“How much of that conversation did you hear?” Elaine tilted her head.
“So, you’re angels?” Liz ignored her question and cut to the chase. She had been told stories of angels and supernatural beings all her life but they were fairy tales. No one had seen an angel in thousands of years and no one knew what happened after death. They were myths. At least that what she thought until now.
Elaine nodded and Liz could see the concern in her eyes. She motioned to herself and then to the other angel. “We’re angels. I’m Elaine and that’s Sebastian”
“You’re taking me with you?” Liz asked.
“Only if you want to come with us. We want to make sure you’re taken care of. You can stay here if you like. It’s up to you.”
Liz thought about staying in her home alone. Her parents were gone she had no one to talk to, no one to care for her. She was alone. She needed to be around people right now not stuck in a silent house. She could feel the tears threatening to fall and she ducked her head. 
“I don’t want to stay here.” She whispered. “Where would you take me?”
“It’s up to you,” Sebastian spoke up. “You’re disease free, we could take you to another town and help you start a life there, or you can come with us for three weeks and then when your quarantine is up we can bring you back here and you can stay in this village.”
“I can’t imagine living anywhere else but here,” Liz said. 
Sebastian straightened. “Then you’ll come home with us and we’ll bring you back in three weeks.”
“Where do you live?”
“The heavens.” Elaine smiled.
Liz blinked at her for a moment and shook her head in disbelief. This was too much for her to take in at once. “So the heavens are real?”
“Well, there are two angels standing in front of you so I think that answers your question,” Sebastian stated.
Elaine nudged him in the side with her elbow and told him to be quiet. Sebastian glared at her. Golden wings appeared at his back and they ruffled in irritation. Elaine smiled and leaned against Sebastian’s shoulder. He rolled his eyes but his posture relaxed at her touch.
“Yes, the heavens are real,” Elaine said. “And so is the underworld and demons and a whole bunch of other legends. We can discuss this later if you would like but Sebastian and I need to get back to our realm. We’ll provide for all your needs for the next few weeks but if there is anything sentimental you want to bring with you then go get it now. Also, change into something warm, preferably pants and a coat.”
Liz nodded and turned to go before she caught sight of her parent’s closed bedroom door. “What about their bodies? I can’t just leave them here to rot for three weeks.” Liz whispered.
Elaine and Sebastian exchanged glances for a moment before Sebastian looked over at Liz. “I can go bury them now if you want.”
“Do you want to be there when he does?” Elaine asked. “We can wait until you’re ready and then do it before we leave.”
Liz swallowed. She hadn’t stepped foot in that room since her parents had passed and she honestly didn’t want to. It had been hard seeing them die she didn’t think she could see them now, especially after a week.
“No, do it while I get ready, please. I don’t want to see the bodies.” Liz answered quietly.
“Okay. Come on,” Elaine jumped off of the counter and walked over to Liz. She placed a hand gently on Liz’s head. “Let’s go get you packed and ready and Sebastian will bury them, alright? He’ll let me know when it’s alright to come back downstairs.”
Elaine led Liz to her room and helped her get ready. Liz could hear the opening and closing of doors downstairs as Sebastian moved about and she let a tear roll down her cheek as she thought about what he was doing. She already missed her family.
Later that night, Liz laid in a large comfortable bed and stared at the glittering chandelier above her in disbelief. Heaven was the most beautiful location she had ever seen. It had been dark when Sebastian and Elaine flew her into the city but despite the darkness, the realm still glittered and shone in the moonlight. Lights lined the streets and buildings glowed against the backdrop of dark clouds. Liz was curious to see what it looked like in the daytime. 
The room she had been given was light and open with gleaming marble floors and beautifully carved walls. Tall floor to ceiling windows covered the expanse of the outside wall and gave her an unhindered view of the sky and clouds outside. The moon cast shadows across the floor and the marble shimmered. 
Liz shifted around as she tried to get comfortable but no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t go to sleep. Her mind wouldn’t shut off and she couldn’t stop thinking about her parents. She missed them so much. She curled her legs up and hugged her knees to her chest as she watched the moon outside. Tears began to fall onto the pillow underneath her when she suddenly noticed movement on the balcony.  Liz watched as Sebastian walked out onto a part of the balcony where there was no railing before diving off the edge of it. He flew higher and higher until he disappeared into the clouds. Liz waited a few minutes before slipping out of bed.
She didn’t want to be alone. She was sad and she wanted her mother but her mother was gone. She didn’t know what to do so she left the room and padded down the hall quietly. Elaine told Liz before bed, that if she needed anything to come wake her up. She had pointed her bedroom out to Liz and that’s where she was currently heading.
Two intricately carved double doors loomed in front of her and Liz knocked on them quietly. She fidgeted with the edge of her nightgown and waited for someone to answer. A second later Elaine peered out the door and tilted her head as she looked at Liz. She saw tears in the girl's eyes and her gaze softened.
“Come on.” Elaine stepped out of the room and held her hand out to Liz. Liz grasped her hand and Elaine led her down another hallway. They emerged into a kitchen and Elaine waved her hand. Candles around the room lit up and Elaine walked over to a cupboard and opened it. She pulled out a container and set it in front of Liz. When she opened it the smell of chocolate engulfed Liz’s senses.
Elaine pulled out two brownies and set one on a plate for Liz before biting into the other. She walked into another area of the kitchen before returning with a bottle of milk and a pan. Liz watched as Elaine snapped her fingers and the burner on the stove in front of her lit up. She placed the pan on the burner and began to heat up the bottle of milk.
“Can’t sleep?” Elaine asked after a moment.
“I miss my family,” Liz spoke quietly. Her voice wavered and she swallowed thickly as she tried to keep her tears at bay. “I’m so tired but I can’t sleep.”
“You know you don’t have to put on a brave face for me. You can cry if you are sad.” Elaine said.
“Wouldn’t you think less of me? You’re powerful and strong and an angel. Isn’t a small human girl crying a little pathetic?” Liz wondered.
Elaine snapped her fingers and the burner extinguished. She turned to face Liz and leaned on the counter so her gaze was level with Liz’s. “Not at all. I would never judge you for feeling sad about your family. They were yours and you lost them. You have every right to be upset. I think you’re incredibly brave. Everyone hurts and everyone gets sad and everyone cries.” Elaine said softly.
“Even angels?”
“Even angels,” Elaine whispered. “Now, I’m going to warm you up some milk and then you need to go back to bed and try to sleep.”
“Will you...will you come sit with me until I fall asleep?” Liz fidgeted with her sleeves and Elaine smoothed her hair out of her face. 
“Anything you need. I’ll sit with you until you wake up if you want.”
“I would like that.”
“Alright.” Elaine relit the burner and began to heat the milk again. The silence stretched between them but it was peaceful. The kitchen was warm and the sounds of Elaine moving around the room was comforting. Liz bit into her brownie and surveyed the angel curiously. Elaine was kind and Liz decided she liked her a lot.
“If you want, you could tell me about your parents. I know you miss them but if you want to talk about them you can. You can talk to me about anything.” Elaine’s voice startled Liz out of her observation.
Liz smiled and began to tell Elaine some of the fond memories she had with her parents. She talked about the holidays and different traditions they had in their house. She told her about how her mother used to sing and her father used to dance with her. It was nice to talk about the good times she had experienced with her family. Liz felt like she was talking too much but Elaine listened to every word and offered commentary when necessary. Soon Liz couldn’t stop yawning and after a glass of milk Elaine nudged her off to bed. 
She pulled a chair up to the side of Liz’s bed and Liz asked for a story. So Elaine told her one, a story of gods and monsters and happy endings. Liz tried to listen, she was enraptured but she was also so very tired. Soon she was drifting off to the sound of Elaine’s voice. She vaguely recalled Elaine pulling the covers up around her and promising to continue the story tomorrow. Then Liz fell into the best sleep she had experienced in weeks. 
Liz growled in annoyance as she trudged through the mud and snow. Yesterday one of the farms located a few miles outside of the village had called for help. Their only cow had broken a leg and they needed help patching it up. Liz was more than happy to help them and had walked out to their farm immediately. 
While she was there a snow storm had hit. The farmer and his family insisted she stay the night so she could navigate the roads in the daytime. She was thankful for their hospitality but after walking through the snow and muck today she was irritated. She would have to pay closer attention to the weather. Winter was always brutal.
“You couldn’t have held the storm off for a few more hours, huh?” Liz grumbled as she stared up at the angry clouds rolling by. “A little warning would’ve been nice, Sebastian.”
After Elaine and Sebastian had brought her home all those years ago, they had been a constant presence in her life. They showed up about once a month, sometimes more, to check on her. They would spend holidays with her and come when she called for them, most of the time. Somehow she had ended up with two guardian angels. They were basically family even if they did drive her crazy every once in a while.
“You know,” Liz continued talking at the sky. “I’m beginning to think you do this on purpose. Last time I journeyed south it rained my entire trip there and back. Then when I traveled to a nearby village last summer it was the hottest it has ever been. Do you enjoy tormenting me?”
It might’ve been her imagination but she could’ve sworn she saw the clouds clear a little. She sighed in relief when her village came into view. It was still early in the morning and the streets were silent as she made her way to her home. When her house came into view she gaped in disbelief at the sight that waited for her. 
A tree had fallen during the storm and landed on the roof of her house. A hole now adorned the top of it and snow and leaves were falling into what appeared to be her living room. She ground her teeth together and stomped into her yard. She slammed the gate behind her before throwing open her front door. Sure enough, a tree now served as a permanent ornament in her living room. 
What caught her attention though was Sebastian sitting in the middle of all the chaos, on her couch, reading a book. 
“You know,” he drawled. “If you’re going to rant at me at least have the decency to do it to my face. I can hear you when you make comments.”
He turned the page in his book and Liz sputtered in disbelief as she motioned to her destroyed living room. He hadn’t even looked up at her. Did he notice the giant tree hanging in her home or had he just ‘poofed’ in and not even looked up? Honestly, Liz wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case.
“By the way, a tree fell on your roof.” Sebastian pointed up to the limbs hanging above his head and Liz fought the urge to strangle him. Could she kill an archangel? She was about to find out.
“I can see that.” Liz hissed through her teeth. “Care to do something about it?”
Sebastian snapped his fingers and Liz watched as the tree disappeared and her house began to form back into its original state. Debree, snow, and broken items were done away with or fixed. The roof rebuilt itself and Liz practically jumped for joy when the hole disappeared. Everything seemed to be back to normal and her posture relaxed. She took her coat off and her boots before padding wearily into the house.
“While you're at it, can you magic me up something warm to drink and something to eat?” Liz called back over her shoulder as she walked up to her bedroom to change. She could’ve sworn she heard Sebastian mumble something under his breath about “not being her butler” but she chose to ignore him.
After slipping on some warm clothes she walked back downstairs and flopped down on the couch next to her irritating angel. A mug of warm hot chocolate sat on the table along with a sandwich and cookies. She tore into the sandwich and laid her head on Sebastian’s shoulder.
“Long day?” He asked as he continued to read.
“If you heard me ranting then you know it was. Seriously, you couldn’t have held off the storm for a little longer?”
“I coordinate the weather with Joseph the archangel of nature. Excuse me, if I don’t check with you first to make sure it’s to your liking.” 
“You should,” Liz grumbled. “Where’s Elaine?”
“Helping out in the underworld. She’s going to stop by later. After I heard you griping at me I decided to come check on you. Good thing I did.” Sebastian snapped his book shut and looked down at her. “Sorry about your house.”
“Yeah yeah, you fixed it. It’s fine.” Liz raised her head and turned to face him. She crossed her legs and scrunched her eyebrows together as she tried to figure out how to spring some news on him. “So, I received an interesting letter the other day.”
“Oh?” He tilted his head and stole one of Liz’s cookies off of her plate.
“I got into Gedonelune Royal Magic Academy. I start in two weeks.”
Sebastian stopped mid bite and blinked at her for a moment. He seemed to be mulling something over. “In two weeks?”
“Yes, I was wondering if you and Elaine would accompany me on the trip there? I know it must be tedious for you but I have no one else and I’m really nervous. Scared, nervous, actually. I would really like it if at least one of you could come, please?” Liz gazed up at him.
“Of course we will. But is there any chance you could push your enrollment back a few months?” Sebastian looked guilty and Liz narrowed her eyes at him. 
“Not really. Why would I want to do that?”
Sebastian continued to look at her and he took another bite of his cookie as he thought of an answer. “No reason, just wondering.” His voice was a little too casual to be believable.
“Sebastian,” Liz warned and Sebastian growled in annoyance.
“There are some seraphim around the academy. You remember learning about seraphim right?”
“I remember all the things you and Elaine taught me about supernatural creatures and the war,” Liz replied slowly. “Why are there seraphim near the school?”
“They’ve moved south and have started hunting humans. They are being dealt with but it’s a little dangerous.” Sebastian said.
“Are other students at the school?” Liz asked.
“Yes, it’s operating normally.”
“Is it being protected?”
“The god of the underworld is dealing with the seraphim.”
“Then what’s the problem? If other students are still there and the school isn’t aware of the threat then I should be able to go. I’ll be safe in the academy and I have you and Elaine to look after me if something happens.” Liz grinned at him and poked him in the shoulder.
“You are going to be the death of me. Fine.” Sebastian conceded. “Knowing you though you’ll probably somehow get involved despite my warnings. Please, please don’t meddle. Leave it to the archangels and just focus on school.”
“Deal.” Liz crossed her heart and Sebastian rolled his eyes.
“Alright, well if you’re going to start the academy in two weeks you need to train a little.”
“Nooo,” Liz groaned and laid her head back against the couch. “We train every weekend and I just had a horrible day. Let me lie here in peace, please.”
“No. Get up and let’s work on your blocking.”
Liz growled but stood to her feet. “I’m telling Elaine you wrecked my house.”
“I repaired it, so it doesn’t matter.” Sebastian glared at her.
“She’ll still be upset.” Liz grinned. “Ruin my day, I’ll ruin yours.”
“You are an evil woman,” Sebastian grumbled as he moved the couch back. “Alright, I’m going to hit you with wind. Block it.”
“If you destroy anything in this living room, I’ll be mad.”
“Mmhmm.” Sebastian dismissed her comment and hurled a gust of wind at her. Liz readied her wand and threw up a barrier spell that blocked his onslaught. It was easy. Sebastian and Elaine had taught and trained her in magic ever since they discovered she struggled with it. They had walked her through the fundamentals and over the years she had gained power and learned control. She was ready for whatever the academy decided to throw at her.
She was not ready for whatever the academy decided to throw at her. So not ready. 
Liz panted as she ran through the darkening woods. She could hear the seraphim behind her and she tried in vain to speed up. Her lungs burned but she pushed forward through the trees.
Liz had seen a few of the younger students go into the forest around the academy and she had gone after them. She knew what dangers lurked in these woods and she had quickly convinced the students that investigating the woods was a bad idea. They had left and Liz had stopped at one of the nearby fields to gather a few flowers for her dorm room before heading back. She had only stopped a few seconds but that’s when she had encountered the seraphim. 
It was her own fault and now she was running for her life through the woods. Sebastian and Elaine were going to kill her if the seraphim didn’t do it first.
She skidded around a boulder and bounded into a clearing. She wasn’t far from the barriers of the school and she hoped she could make it there before the seraphim caught up to her. She was about to enter the treeline again when two seraphim appeared in front of her. She stopped suddenly and began to back away when she remembered the other seraphim behind her. She was surrounded and there was no way for her to kill the seraphim. She needed an archangel.
Suddenly a bone shattering roar rocked the forest. Darkness spread through the clearing as a monstrous beast thundered into the area. It was enormous and was coated in gray and black fur. Its torso was bare and rippled with dense muscle. It walked on hind legs that almost looked like they belonged on a horse or a goat, except for the sharp talons that protruded from the long feet. Liz could just catch a glimpse of gleaming white fangs. Elegant horns twisted from the top of its head and from behind the creature emerged a long scaled tail. 
Liz knew what demons looked like but this one was different than what Elaine and Sebastian had described. Beautiful black wings were tucked close to its back as it lunged for the first seraphim. Two of the creatures turned their attention to the demon while the last one advanced on Liz. It flew at her and Liz waited for the impact.
Nothing happened though and she cracked an eye open. Sebastian was standing in front of her in full armor. A shield and sword were in his grasp and he beat the seraphim back with a blunt hit of his shield. The beast stumbled backward and Sebastian snarled viciously. His canines lengthened and his eyes flashed gold. He looked murderous and Liz almost sobbed in relief at the sight of him. She had never seen him this angry though and she clung to his back.
The seraphim ran at them again and Sebastian dropped his shield and grabbed the monster by its throat. He ripped it out in one smooth motion before pivoting and shoving Liz behind him again as he engaged another one. Suddenly the seraphim froze in their tracks. They struggled against an unknown force but despite their protests, they couldn’t budge. 
Elaine walked from the shadows of the trees with her hand outstretched. Her eyes glowed and she sighed in relief when she saw that Liz and Sebastian were safe. Liz knew about Elaine’s power and how she used it to invade bodies but this was the first time she had ever seen it in action. Sebastian and the demon killed the seraphim quickly while Elaine held them still. That shocked Liz. If the demon could kill them then that meant he was an archangel. Only gods could kill the seraphim. This must be the god of the underworld that Sebastian had mentioned a few weeks ago.
When the seraphim were dead Elaine pulled Liz into a bone crushing hug. “Sebastian heard you calling for us and we came as fast as we could. You’re lucky that Nikolaus got to you first.”
“What the hell were you doing in the woods?” Sebastian demanded. “I told you to stay out of the forest and within the barriers of the school.”
“Some students wondered into the woods and I convinced them to leave before they got too far. Then I encountered the seraphim. I’m sorry.” Liz ducked her head.
Elaine squeezed her again. “Well, I can’t really get upset with you for wanting to help someone.”
“You still left the school and entered into a restricted area of the woods.” Sebastian pointed out. “I’m sure the prefect will think of a suitable punishment.”
Liz snorted. “Well, none of the prefects are going to find out.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that.” A voice came from behind them. Liz whirled around to tell the demon to mind his own business and froze. Instead of the demon though she found Klaus standing in front of her with his arms crossed.
His eyes were solid black and the black feathered wings at his back ruffled in irritation. He had his arms crossed but Liz could see the black talons at the tips of his fingers gleam. Klaus Goldstein was the god of the underworld?
“How...he...your. You’re the god of the dead?”
“Meet Archangel Nikolaus, god of the dead, and my little brother.” Sebastian motioned to him. “Apparently you already know him though.”
Liz gaped at the two of them and now that she was looking at them side by side she could see some similarity between them. Elaine was watching the entire situation with thinly veiled amusement.
“So if he’s you brother, then Elias,”
“Also his brother.” 
Liz glanced to her right when she heard a new voice and saw Elias stroll into the clearing. He looked the same always except as he walked purple feathered wings appeared and unfurled behind him. They spread in the sunlight before he tucked them behind him.
“Hello, Liz.” He smiled at her but all Liz could do was stare at them all in disbelief. 
“So, she’s your Liz?” Klaus directed the question at Sebastian and Elaine. “The one you’ve talked about all these years?”
“That’s her.” Elaine grinned.
“She’s a pain in my side. She’s only been at the academy a few months and she’s trouble. Now, I’m not surprised, considering I know who her guardians are.” Klaus sighed.
“We’re wonderful role models,” Elaine replied innocently and Sebastian scoffed.
“Let’s get back to the academy.” Klaus motioned to Elias and then to Liz. “You are going to be doing extra assignments until your hand hurts.”
Liz glared at him and let out a disbelieving laugh. “I don’t think so. You can take your extra assignments and shove them up your feathered-”
“And with that statement, I think we’re going to go home.” Elaine interrupted her. She hugged Liz one last time and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. Sebastian squeezed her shoulder as he passed by her and despite her irritation, Liz smiled at both of them. 
“We’ll see you this weekend Liz,” Sebastian called over his shoulder and then nodded to Elias and Klaus. “See you in the heavens tomorrow. Go easy on her.” He pointed at Liz.
They walked into the woods and Liz called after them. “So you’re just going to abandon me and let Klaus punish me?”
“Yes.” Sebastian’s voice echoed back to her and Liz sighed. 
“Some guardian angels you are are.”
Elias looked like he was trying not to laugh and Klaus was rubbing his temples.
“Let’s go. It seems Liz and I have a lot to talk about.”
There you go, dear! lol. Happy birthday <3
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