#its a whole thing and jaskier is watching his best friend whom he loves waste away to an emotional leech
roughentumble ยท 3 years
that idea of yours that's Geralt in a shitty relationship while Jaskier supports him as his friend while pining for him? I was thinking about it the other day with Geralt's gf just being a real asshole, wanting an 'open relationship' but only she's allowed to sleep with other people and when he tells Jaskier, Jaskier's a little furious, points out she's cheating on him and how if she wanted to bring someone else into the relationship she could've asked Geralt how he felt about a threesome or something with someone he trusts
And Geralt asks, hypothetically of course, "Would you? If she asked?" and Jaskier immediately scoffs and goes, "I'd be flattered of course but I have absolutely no interest in ever sleeping with her"
And Geralt's like !!!!! bc apparently Jaskier's only opposed to the idea of sleeping with her not Geralt and that's gotta mean something, right?
the words rattle around in his head as he lays next to his partner that night, thinks about how much he cares about jaskier. thinks about all the good times theyve had. maybe jaskier's noticed he's been down recently, has tried harder to cheer him up, something corny but sweet like breakfast for dinner while some upbeat playlist runs in the background, which devolves into dancing in the kitchen and laughing... until his partner'd called and brought the mood down. how more and more often jaskier is the break he needs from the stress of his relationship. thinks if only, maybe, in a different life, etc
but he's too wrapped up in the shit relationship to even think about getting an out, cuz theyve sunk their tendrils in too deep.
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