#its happened multiple times and is happening again with z and izzy
buddysys · 10 months
noticing that a lot of our headmates come in pairs. like it happens a lot
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ladyimaginarium · 4 years
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a .  age:  19 lmao b .  birthplace:  montreal, quebec, canada c .  current time:  10:36PM d .  drink  you had last:  red gatorade im gonna be up all night yall lmaoooo e .  easiest person(s) to talk to: jojo ( @rcdhccdie​​ bc irl bestie yayyyyyyy ), marzi ( @gciltyascharged​ ), jayda ( @angclstrumpct​ ), lilac ( @aurality​​ ), inky ( @inkblccd​ ), tracie ( @tranquilsongs​​ ), izzy ( @warpaved​ ), merc ( @familiarblood​ ), vee ( @hxgure​ ), serena ( @aesthetic-survivor-of-twd​ ) and ket ( @hashirinnegan )  ,,, i ,,, dont really talk to a whole lot of my followers / mutuals unfortunately !! f .  favorite current song(s):  pretty much anything lana del rey and billie eilish sing bc im fckin sapphic and a bi disaster and autistic lmao h .  horror yes or horror no:  tbh that depends on the genre !! serial movie genre ones give me panic attacks and fuckin super terrifying vivid lucid nightmares and i hate them but monster ones like van hellsing are neat tho !! :> i .  in love?:  i no longer feel capable of deeper human emotion nah bro ,,, sometimes i wish i was tho- j .  jealous of people: i mean. i’d be lying if i said i wasnt of at least some people but it’s just probably too complex a feeling for my body to register for long periods of time. at this point i’m just surprised and happy i’m still fucking alive ig. my standards aren’t high enough for jealousy and if i ever am jealous it doesnt last long at all. like. deadass all it does it just make you feel more shitty and that’s,,, not on my bucket list yknow? k .  killed someone:  purposeful edginess isnt funny anymore @ whoever created this meme  l .  love at first sight or should i walk by again?:  shut the fuck up man, you’re not funny :I m .  middle name:  mrwhatzittooya :)))))))))) n .  number of siblings:  two older sisters !! i was supposed to have an older brother but he was stillborn so rip :C o .  one wish:  to be happy and motivated again lmaooooo to be free q .  questions you’re always asked:  ‘are you okay?’, ‘can you do this?’, ‘why are you so lazy?’, ‘what’s up?’, ‘what’re you doing?’, ‘how’s life?’, ‘why’re you here?’ ‘what’re you doing with your life?’, ‘why can’t you do something useful for once?’ ,, all that shit r .  reason(s) to smile:  i can’t remember the last time i actually smiled and meant it !! :’DDDDDDDD well aside from my cats ,,, and yall,,,,, s .  song you sang last:  idr tbh, i don’t really sing anymore bc these stupid classmates i thought were my friends made fun of my singing voice a long time ago and i never really got over it so i stopped and never sang ever again,,,,, thanks school ,,,, you made me feel so good lmao  t .  top 3 fictional characters:  uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh erica ( gangsta. ), daenerys targaryen ( asoiaf ), clementine ( twdg ),,, idk i have a lot tbh u .  underwear & color:  none of ur fuckin business lmao v .  vacation:  i fucking hate leaving the house tbh but i love montreal a lot. its nice w .  when’s your birthday:  july 13th x .  x - rays:  i had a lot when i was a baby and as an infant bc i was born @ 24 weeks premature, and bc i was so fragile everyone in the family thought i was gonna die i mean technically i momentarily died multiple times apparently before they brought me back but i BEAT THE ODDS BITCH !!!! IM HERE ON THIS BITCH OF AN EARTH- sometimes a part of me thinks they shoulda just left me there but that didnt happen so ig im here until i find my purpose yaaaaaaaayyyyyy y .  your favorite food:  uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh pizza z .  zodiac sign:  Cancer sun / Sagittarius moon / Libra rising ( Western ) ; Dragon ( Chinese ) ; Woodpecker ( Native American )
Tagged by:  nobodyyyy Tagging:  all y’all who wanna do this !!
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🥀🥀🥀🥀An Izzy Martinez Film (There's 4 Parts && Part 4 (Episodes 7, 8, and 9) Coming S00n. "Ate My Sanity;" is a film about Shawna Vandiego (i play mostly all the characters) whos mind has been twisted and turned. Every part of this movie lasts an 1hour or more. The plot changes up a lot. Thid movie is basically a less explicit version of my life. The original name i gave it was "Im Fine,No Light,No Lie" or "IFNLNL" but i changed it but its alresdy set up to be in the original title i gave this movie. Btw TRIGGER WARNING!!! Some of this is not acting xx •Definition of Im Fine, No Light, No Lie __Im Fine: Shawnas acting like shes fine so she can help others. But her life(based on mine) has been hell/trauma/Torture occurring 24/7 since from 2001-2018) x every day its a struggle to stay alive, her "im fines" are obviously lies (to some ppl) __No Light: shawna injured her brain multiple times, Ariel Marquez told her "i look into your eyes and i see nothing, no light, absolutely nothing" shes just a body with no living part of her or "dead inside". __No Lie: Shawna has split personalitys, every single mental illness, and is diahnosex "critically insane/criminally insane" && she tries to fuck the system, but Angelique or "Angel" tells her, you cry, you die. But no crime, no lie___💙 Shawna “Seane/Sean” Vandiego is a girl living life on the positive & sometimes wild side after years and her whole life full of pain, tries to live like it never happened . XxzxX she’s very misunderstood and tries to fool everybody by acting like nothings wrong. Full of life but soon starts to fade away. While Jose Vandiego, her brother tries to help her, (while having an affair with her stepmom., and bullying her 2 death) but she still can’t function x she goes insane. Her mom Erika Vandiego is clueless (she is Extremly deathly physically, sexually, mentally, emotionally abusive) When Shawna starts to act out... people notice but in the wrong way. While popping pills, acting out dangerously, and developing another eating disorder , Shawna makes a turn for the worse...Shawnas deceased father Sean Vandiego tortured her to death. Shawna Vandiego (based on my life) has been thru mostly every traumatic thing there is and experienced mostly everything and done mostly it all and shes had brutally traumatizing explicit and fucked up torture pain and bad experiences since since from 2001-2018, occurring nonstop 24/7, Her alter whilst she raises hell Tyler X Alvaro. She's so fucked up she can't function. Sandra Sanchez (played by me) is a staff at the mental hospital who gets attached to her, Shawna Vandiego caused so much trouble she still doesn't know reality. she finally meets Ariel Joey Marquez/Chavez who revived her after another near death experience, Ariel Joey Marquez is 22 years old (played by me) she was raised with an abusive mother (Elaine Marquez , played by Sasha Pierce) , her dad is deceased and Ariel ends up in a mental hospital, she meets Shawna at an unexpected time, while recovering from drugs, alcohol and mental illnesses (PTSD as well) she finds herself losing control and wants to end it all, While Shawna is in a near death situation , Ariel decides to take her troubled ways to get inside her . Amen. Seane Fiasco Vandiego is 1 of Shawna's Alters, she appears in Episode 7 of Part 4, it shows her life which the plot changes so it can show her life and how she came about. Then Sean Vandiego another one of her alters appears in episode 8. Again changing the plot. 🥀. Shawna Vandiego played by me, Izzy Martinez. Erika Vandiego played by Sasha Pierce , Jose Vandiego played by Markous Swrtes. Renee Rios, Dominic Lopez-Huerta, another patient, gets inside her head and fucks up her life a whole lot.&Jonathan "Richie" Gonzalez played by me, Izzy Magdalinoz-Martinez, Gladdis Mendoza-Vandiego played by Sasha Pierce, Ariel Joshua Marquez&Angel Manriquez played by me, Izzy Magdalinoz-Martinez🥀🥀 All characters movie editing, filming by me. Movie created/owned by me. Izzy Magdalinoz-Martinez. [At the end of all the parts of the film, *Part 4/4 Episode 8* there will be the afterstory. It has a total of 20 parts.] [1. Shawnas Episodes, 2. Ariel + Shawna, 3. Tyler X Alvaro Comes 2 The End, 4. Shawnas Clockwork, 5. Ace 2 Fate, 6. Fate 2 Ace, 7. Mania and Shawna Goes Inzane, 8. I’m Fine, 9. No Light, 10. No Lie, 11. I’m Not Fine, 12. I’m Not Light, 13. I’m Not Lie, 14. A Count 2 Oh No’s, 15. A To Z, Shawna, 16. A to Z, Sean, 17. A to Z Seane, 18. Shawna Vandiego, 19. I’m Lie, I’m Light, I’m Fine, 20. Shawna x Endz Under The Law x Goodnight.] Cameos Created And Performed By Me: Alex Chavez, Michael Lopez, Jonathan Mendoza, Sandra Sanchez, Ronnie Rios, Tony Rios, And Adrianna Rios. All in the last part (which I’m working on with Shawna absent and out of the picture.)~Everything Created, Owned, And Made By Me xx🥀🥀🥀🥀
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