#ive taught several of my irl friends new microlabels. i am unstoppable.
amazinglyegg · 1 year
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Thinking thoughts about that one post I will never find again that said Rhys was aroace. Now the entire squad is aroace. I don't make the rules. Although I do apologize for Danse taking up The Entire Goddamn Square like bro we can't even see the flag behind you.
Feel free to use these for whatever you want!!
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+ my silly little aroace spectrum headcanons
Demisexual and demiromantic
Also recipsexual and recipromantic
I can imagine him having no clue he likes Sole like that until Sole confesses to him during his final affinity talk and he's immediately hit with the "oh shit wait I actually like them" train
Probably panics in the moment because????? He thought he didn't feel this type of attraction??? How is this happening?????
Cupiosexual!! Also probably vaguely ace/aroflux or abro??
Look man she just wanted some sort of QPR or friends with benefits thing with Rhys
Like we're bros but we also make out sometimes. Don't think too hard about it.
Super low-key type of thing. All the fun of dating without the effort and drama in her opinion
Sadly even if she did manage to verbalize that properly Rhys probably would have still turned her down
Fraysexual and/or lithosexual??
He's all for flirting until the person starts flirting back and then he hits the Oh Shit button
Unclear whether he actually feels sexual attraction or is just mistaking sensual/aesthetic attraction for sexual attraction and is not good enough with his own emotions to recognize that
Honestly if he communicated enough with Haylen maybe they could have had Something. An open QYR. Little bit of premarital hand holding mayhaps.
But he's too afraid of people taking his advances too far so he immediately backs off the second anyone is interested in him
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