#jane watches stufff
pharawee · 1 month
I never thought I'd see Bom and Tar together again but here I am, eagerly awaiting what's basically a BL-themed ad.
You Make My Day will be released starting 5 May on youtube. Maybe by then I've found out what they're actually advertising for. Ice cream? Cute cutter knives on a string?
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thatgirlunderarock · 7 years
Get to Know you meme
The Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
I was tagged by the wonderful @distinctgoldcalling! Thank you so much!
Nickname: I don’t really have one... You can call me Nichole (which is my middle name ) but I haven’t gone by much else online. 
Star Sign: Virgo! 
Height: 5’ 2"
Time Right Now: 9:27 pm Central time
Favorite Musical Artist: depends on the day you ask me, today its the Civil Wars, Ed Sheeran, Journey and Adele
Last Movie Watched: Jane Eyer
Last TV Show Watched: Once Upon A Time, I’ve just started it and I’m fairly happy with it, though I’m already attached to a character.....
What Are You Wearing Right Now: A black tank top, with batman pajama bottoms and fuzzy socks
When Did You Create Your Blog: February 2016
What Kind of Stuff Do You Post: Lots of Hobbit and Lord of Rings, lots of Richard Armitage stufff (>.<), I occasionally post my own fics and writtings,  From time to time I’ll post Robin Hood, Sherlock, and Marvel things too
Do You Have Any Other Blogs: Ummmm not here.....
Do You Get Asks Regularly: No not really
Why Did I Choose My URL: Because I’m a female, and something of a recluse sometimes so its like I live under a rock oops
Hogwarts House: HUFFLEPUFF
Gender: I’m a woman 
Pokémon Team: Team Mystic! 
Favorite Colour: Any variation of blue
Average Hours of Sleep: uhhhh usually about 6 or 7 hours
Dream Job: I'd love to be a writer. I want to entertain people. I want to for people what other authors have done for me growing up. I considered singing when I was little- nope not going to do anything like that. I do like acting- though up until this semester of uni I haven’t been able to try to get back into it. I was cast in the play for this semester though XD so I guess we’ll see how it goes
Cutest baby animals: I can’t choose between baby penguins, bears or rottweiler puppies
I tag @kategorically-challenged @fromthedeskoftheraven @averil-of-fairlea @princess-of-erebor1992 @happlepie18 @excuse-me-while-i-british @exlibrisfangirl @theadultwitchling And whoever else wants to!
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pharawee · 1 month
GMMTV 2024 part 2 is over and these are the series that caught my eye:
Thame Po - Heart That Skips a Beat
I was low-key hoping for gmmtv idol BL and since WilliamEst have not-so-secretly been a thing for weeks (months?) now I finally got my wish. 🙏 No, seriously, why isn't there more idol BL? Shouldn't it tick all of Thai (BL) entertainment's favourite boxes? Bonus points for all of LYKN appearing. Negl I really enjoyed their time on stage during the break.
And now I wonder why Star Hunter never did the same with ELEMENT (and whatever happened with the group from Boyband the series or the guys from M.Flow's Beyond the Star). Chances were missed and now I'm sad. Luckily there's ThamePo now to cheer me up.
2. Revamp - The Undead Story
Everyone's probably really sad that Boss is no longer part of the project (which was to be expected when gmmtv bought it up) and I feel kind of bad that I'm cheering for Kay who probably took over Boss' role. Then again, Kay gets like, two antagonistic side roles per year and I'm so excited that at least he gets to be a vampire this time. Go Kay! 😍 (But also did they recycle parts of the first pilot trailer? I remember falling in absolute despair over giffing some of the dark scenes. I'm really not looking forward to having to do that again. Why do I never keep my psds?)
3. Leap Day
I love how this is filmed and edited. It has such a movie-like feel to it (even though youtube tells me it's going to be a series), and I'm really looking forward to seeing more of Gun's character.
4. The Dark Dice
This year's contender for 'best The Gifted successor' and every year I fall for it again. Please don't pull a Home School, gmmtv, because this looks really good so far (except for the washed out blue filter). Also, lol Jumanji.
Apart from that, I got invisible MarcPoon in a jittirain series with a cast of like, 73 actors, and no Papang Phromphiriya anywhere. Thanks gmmtv. 😭👍
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pharawee · 2 months
The Two Worlds subs were all over the place this week. Maybe the worst thing about it is the repeated use of wrong pronouns that make it really difficult to understand who is saying what about who:
Jao likes Tai, not Kram. He wants Kram to be with Phupha so he can have Tai to himself.
Tai tells Kram to go look after Phupha. He doesn't really want to look after Phupha himself. 🤣
I didn't pay much attention but I think it's because the (auto-)translator defaulted to "I" whenever the pronouns were missing/unclear in Thai and it created a whole mess.
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