#jatp jem and the holograms au
legolasghosty · 28 days
I Can See the Flashing Lights (Can They See Me?)
Um. Behold. First chapter of the JatP Jem and the Holograms AU.
Rated T, No Archive Warnings Apply. ALL THE GEN/FOUND FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS!!! Also EVENTUALLY Julie/Bobby, Alex/Willie, minor Carrie/Flynn. But like... not any time soon.
Summary -
We all have masks, different ways we act around different people. Personalities we develop to be shared with family or friends or the internet. But how do you remember all the details you let the world see; the real ones and the fake ones? I guess that’s why Instagram and Twitter give you a page to keep track of it all. You need a place to record everything you’ve claimed was the truth. But between the masks we use with the internet and family and friends, there’s always been one question I didn’t know how to answer: which one is the real you? --- OR, the JatP Jem and the Holograms AU that literally no one asked for. OR, Julie is just trying to figure out life when she's suddenly swept into the worldwide spotlight. Bringing her mixed up group of brothers along for the ride, she's torn between the life she dreamed of, the life she wants, and memories that are coming back with the change of scenery. They end up with a lot more than they bargained for, back in LA for the first time since losing Rose.
Read now on AO3 here!
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legolasghosty · 2 months
Ask and you shall receive! Holograms timeee!
Another video began, this one showing both of them, plus Carlos and a younger Reggie, eating ice cream out of a gallon carton. It was chocolate, the only flavor the four of them could ever agree on. And it was all over their faces.
Rose entered the scene, her face playfully stern. “What did I say about ice cream before dinner?”
“Mom, it’s Christmas,” Carlos protested. 
“Yeah, rules are made up anyways,” Reggie agreed, giggling.
Rose smirked. “Well in that case…” she began, opening a drawer, “today’s rule is no ice cream before dinner without me!”
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legolasghosty · 2 months
80 :D
Of course, thanks for the ask!
A lil snip from the Jem and the Holograms AU!
When Julie emerged, she found all three of her brothers in the dim bedroom. Reggie and Luke were curled up on Luke’s bed, watching something on Reggie’s phone in the light of the lamp. Alex was crouched beside her bag, pulling out her hairbrush and supplies. Julie tossed her clothes on the floor beside the duffle and sat down to help him find the travel kit. Was it just her, or was something… buzzing?
A flash of light burst from the bag, making both Julie and Alex jump back.
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legolasghosty · 1 month
98 plz
Woohoo, start of chapter 6 baby!
“Okay so let me get this straight,” Bobby sighed, rubbing at his eyes as if that would help with all the salt water still dripping from his hair. “Your dead mom left you a supposedly dead robot, which is now not dead and is leading you on some kind of treasure hunt around the city?”
Julie winced. It sounded pretty insane when he put it like that. Though she could probably blame the expression on Alex’s fingers in her hair if anyone asked. Hey, he’d promised her braids and the way the strands were sticking to her neck was driving her crazy.
“Pretty much, yeah,” Luke answered. He was leaning back against one of the wooden pillars that supported the pier above them. He seemed way too awake and excited for what must be pushing 3 in the morning by now. “Cool, right?”
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legolasghosty · 6 days
125 please <3
Hiiiii so sorry for the general lack of writing happening by me lately, finals are killing me! But have a bit of scene that has gotten entirely out of hand from Holograms as a treat!
Julie jumped, turning to see Bobby standing in another doorway on the opposite side of the kitchen, one hand held up over his eyes. “What are you doing here?” she asked instinctively, her fingers tightening in Alex’s.
“I live here too, remember?” Bobby snarked. He blinked rapidly as he lowered his hand, adjusting to the light. “Why are you guys even up, you have rehearsal in the morning.”
“Couldn’t sleep,” Alex said with a shrug. He squeezed Julie’s hand once, then let go to fill up a kettle beside the stove. “What about you?”
“Mind your own business,” Bobby grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest and heading for the fridge.
Julie bit back a groan. She’d thought the guy was finally starting to open up a bit, but apparently that didn’t apply to non-music things. Whatever. She wrapped one arm around her own waist and started opening cupboards with the other, looking for a mug or the tea Alex had mentioned.
“Next to the stove, on the left,” Bobby mentioned, not looking away from the now open freezer.
“What happened to minding your own business?” Julie snapped, nerves frayed from her broken sleep and the unfamiliar house.
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legolasghosty · 27 days
let's say 151 please!
Heck yeah!!! I'm riding the dopamine hit from your comment on chapter 1 still! Start of Chapter 7 baby!
“Shove over,” Reggie laughed, wedging himself between Luke’s body and the arm of the couch in their suite.
“You do realize there’s a whole second couch, right?” Bobby asked as he entered the space, a massive bowl of popcorn in hand.
“Oh they know,” Alex sighed from the other end of the same couch. “They just don’t care.”
“It’s tradition, Alexander!” Luke teased, shifting over a bit so Reggie could get comfortable.
Julie just laughed and clambered over the back of the couch to take her place with her back against Alex’s side and legs in Luke’s lap. Bobby shook his head with that hint of a smile that was becoming more common the more time they spent with him. He opted for a spot on the near end of the loveseat. Probably smart, fitting another grown adult on one couch would have been… cozy.
“Wait it’s starting!” Reggie cried. 
He leaned forward and reached for the popcorn bowl Bobby set on the coffee table. Luke reached for it at the same time and they almost knocked it over. The commotion drowned out Caleb’s first words on the massive flatscreen TV.
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legolasghosty · 1 month
91 please!
Hi, SO SORRY about how long this took, been swamped! But some more Holograms for you! Julie and Bobby are... supposed to start actually kinda talking in this scene, but they're not cooperating much so far...
Julie stared out the window, wilfully ignoring the tension in the air. It wasn’t actually silent, LA never was regardless of the time of day or night, but neither she nor Bobby had made any attempt at conversation beyond checking directions in the 20 minutes they’d been on the road. The boys had all fallen asleep right away, Alex snoring softly and Reggie practically lying across Luke’s lap. 
She could tell Bobby was stealing glances at her every so often, probably because she was doing the same thing. There were suddenly a million questions running through her mind about this weird guy who was an ‘intern’ but also apparently related to Caleb Covington? And was somehow set up to run HGC Records in the future? But hated his job? And, on a more personal note, she couldn’t help but wonder what he meant about ‘knowing a lot about grief’. As much as he’d mostly been a jerk so far, a part of her wondered if he’d get what she meant if she brought up her mom and how music felt after losing her. But that was also a super rude thing to just ask someone, right?
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legolasghosty · 2 months
78 please!
Woohoo, I actually managed to move the plot a tiny bit! Hologramssss!
“The coordinates, they go to the Orpheum Theater downtown,” Alex explained.
“Isn’t that like a massive concert venue?” Luke asked, dropping Julie’s hand to peer over Alex’s shoulder.
“Yep,” Alex responded, tilting the device so he could see.
Julie started to respond, ask about where exactly it was, but a bright light cut her off.
“LAPD, hands up,” a gruff voice called from behind her, a dozen yards down the pier.
“This isn’t what it looks like,” Julie said, raising her hands and starting to turn toward the source of the light.
“Isn’t it?” the person responded. “Cause it looks like unlawful entry, defacement of public property and…” The light slowly lowered, allowing Julie to catch sight of the person holding it. “Breaking curfew,” Bobby finished, glaring at them.
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legolasghosty · 2 months
107 today please!
Yesss thank you!!! Love these, even if it takes me a few days to have time sometimes! More Hologramssss! (with a lil cliffhanger cause I'm mean and also the thing in question is sort of subject to change)
“Woah, what the heck?!” Luke exclaimed behind her. 
Julie jumped back, suddenly realizing that the light wasn’t in her head. The claw machine, which had been dead for far longer than Rose, was flickering to life. A few of the tiny bulbs on the sign stayed dark, and the grimy glass was still hard to see through, but the faint, tinny music was just how Julie remembered it.
“How is that even possible?” Alex asked, head whipping back and forth between the machine and Phantom.
“Maybe they’re talking?” Reggie suggested. “Computers do that.”
They kept talking but the words faded into the background as Julie spotted something on top of the pile of trinkets, something that definitely hadn’t been there all those years ago when this was a common stop on family picnics.
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legolasghosty · 2 months
149 please
Yesss, sorry this took a couple days! The start of Chapter 5 of Holograms!
Julie dashed out the front door of the mansion behind her brothers, trying not to laugh as Reggie passed Alex the keys he’d snagged from Bobby’s room. She immediately snagged the passenger’s seat, ignoring Luke’s half joking complaints.
“I need more space for Phantom,” she reasoned, sticking her tongue out at him over her shoulder.
“That thing is even smaller than you are!” Luke protested, laughing.
“You know it can hear you, right?” Julie shot back, smirking. “Hit it, Lex!”
“For the record, this is a terrible idea,” Alex sighed as he turned the key in the ignition. Julie could see the sparkle in his eyes though, even in the dim lights from the dash.
“Come on, we gotta live it up,” Reggie teased, poking Alex’s shoulder from behind him.
Alex rolled his eyes and turned the jeep down the driveway. “Ah yes, living it up: Driving to a creepy dock in the middle of the night in a stolen vehicle, following the directions of a robot that just woke up from a half decade nap.”
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legolasghosty · 2 months
58 please 😁
Hehe of course! More Holograms! The plot continues (wow this is a lot of plot for me, I'm not sure if I'm worried or impressed...)...
Julie couldn’t help but be reminded of all the little puzzles her mom would make for her and her brothers when they were younger. Though this went far beyond word scrambles stuck in her school lunches that spelled out what they’d have for dessert that night, or logic puzzles to find out where Rose had booked a gig with her band over dinner. It felt a little more like the treasure hunt Julie had gotten for her 10th birthday, taking her all over the neighborhood before she got her big present. Just… a whole lot bigger.
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legolasghosty · 2 months
124 this time please
Yesss thanks for the ask! Love these, keep em coming!
More Holograms, cause that's what I'm using all of these for lol.
Julie leaned back to smack Luke on the arm, unable to remove her gaze from the footage above them. It did indeed show a younger Julie, probably around 6, perched on her mom’s lap and tapping at the keys of the grand piano that used to live in their studio in Los Feliz. Rose was laughing as she guided Julie’s fingers through a simple melody. 
Then the video changed, a new clip beginning in the kitchen of their old house. A probably 3 year old Carlos perched on his dad’s shoulders, fingers clenched in his hair as Ray swayed back and forth. Both of them were laughing. Julie came running into the scene, dropping her backpack and reaching for the fresh platter of cookies on the counter.
“What, no hug for us first?” Ray teased.
“Cookies first, hugs second,” Julie retorted, sticking her tongue out at her dad.
Rose could be heard laughing from behind the camera as Ray scooped Julie up, spinning her around while keeping Carlos steady on his shoulders.
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legolasghosty · 2 months
137 pweese
Of course! More Holograms AU for you!
“No, Alex snores too much,” Reggie was protesting as she entered the suite.
“Okay but you’re too much of a morning person,” Luke responded, crossing his arms. “She hates mornings, we all know this. You’ll be dead tomorrow morning if you share with her.”
“No one is allowed to die right now,” Julie cut in, stepping between them as Alex came out of the bathroom. “What is this about?”
Reggie sighed. “Okay so there’s two bedrooms with two beds each,” he explained, pointing to the doors. 
“And there’s a door between them,” Alex added as he joined them.
“So that means that you’re going to have to share with one of us,” Luke finished.
Julie groaned. Of all of the things she’d been freaking out about with this trip, sharing bedrooms with her brothers had not been on the list. She loved them of course, but she knew she wasn’t exactly pleasant first thing in the morning. And while they’ve all shared rooms and beds before on family trips, this wasn’t just a night or two; based on Caleb’s comments on the drive up, they would probably be here for at least 3 weeks, maybe more if all went well.
“And we all have bedtime and morning habits that drive each other crazy,” Julie sighed. 
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legolasghosty · 2 months
214 for you :D
Heheh thank you!!! This is a little more than that, from my JatP Jem and the Holograms AU!
She could feel her brothers’ anticipation gathering around her in the small space, gathering against her skin; an energy that connected the four of them. And then the elevator doors slid open with a soft ding, and she got her first glimpse of the LA skyline out the floor to ceiling windows on the other side of the room, and she felt that energy inside her too. Because they were here. Up at the top of the City of Angels.
Caleb didn’t waste any time admiring the view. He headed straight out of the elevator, motioning for them to follow over his shoulder. Julie made herself take a proper breath in as she hurried after him. Dang the guy walked fast. Even Alex, who had the longest legs out of the four of them, seemed to be struggling to keep up.
“-clothes, hair obviously, then band practice so I can see how they sound,” Caleb was telling a short, blond man with rather striking pink eye shadow when they caught up to him. 
The guy flashed him a smile and a nod, then stepped past him to offer a hand to Julie. “Dahlia, great to meet you,” he said. His makeup sort of reminded Julie of a line from some show about eyeliner being like tiger stripes: a sign to stay on your toes. “I’m Fuego, Mr. Covington’s assistant, welcome to HGC Records.”
“Nice to meet you,” Julie responded, feeling underdressed as she shook his hand. “Julie is fine though, and this is Luke, Reggie, and Alex.”
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legolasghosty · 22 days
eeeeeee 65 please!
Lil baby snippet for you!!!
“Okay, fun time’s over,” their handler called, chuckling and climbing to his feet. “You four have a recording session to get to and we’d better leave soon if you want to get food on the way.”
“Okay Tia,” Reggie teased, clambering off of the pile. 
Bobby seemed a bit confused by the remark but made a show of putting his hands on his hips and scowling like a disapproving parent. “None of that attitude with me, young man,” he tried in a quavery voice.
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legolasghosty · 28 days
oh shit i forgot to send a new one! brain mush.
uh. let's say 75 please?
No worries, thanks for sending these, they're really nice!!! More Holograms (and the introduction of I think the last major character...)
Julie laughed and followed her brother in, Reggie and Alex on her heels. Fuego was standing beside the receptionist’s desk. He looked up and smiled when he heard them approach.  “Ah good, I’ll let Mr. Covington know you’re here.” He turned away from them, pink nails clicking against his tablet. Julie was about to ask about the agenda for the day when she heard a crash behind her. She whirled around to see Alex lying on the floor, someone else practically on top of him, clearly having just bowled him over. “Oh my gosh, I am so sorry,” the new person exclaimed, scrambling to their feet and holding out a hand to Alex. “I wasn’t even looking.”
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