#jd 🥀
babybluebex · 9 months
please share with the class your thoughts on best friend's dad cillian? the world deserves to know what goes down in our DMs
oh my god where to start
ok so like you've known his daughter since you were in diapers, you've been best friends for probably like 18 years, grew up together, all that mess, and you live together once you go to college
and her dad has always been super cool with you, and you've always liked mr murphy, he's super nerdy and cool, one of those dads that wears suits to the office but lounges around the house in old band tees and sweatpants (with reading glasses), has his little Man Cave mojo dojo casa house in the basement with his small collection of favorite books and vintage records, tousled salt and pepper hair, scruffy facial hair, like he is the textbook definition of a dilf
and you come home from college for like a long weekend or something and Daughter Murphy (name pending) sees her dad's car in the garage and is like "oh shit, i thought dad went with mom out of town, you'll be fine with him for the week, right? he'll probably just stay in the basement and read his stupid world war II books all day anyway"
and you come in the house and there he is at the island in the kitchen, drinking black coffee and thumbing through a thick as hell book, and he brightens when he sees you two "oh my days, you two didn't say you'd be coming home" and he hugs you extra tight and ruffles your hair and he generally seems excited to see you two, "how's university?" and you smile "we call it college in america, mr murphy" and his eyes soften as he says "now, i thought i told you to call me cillian"
takes you both out to dinner that night to celebrate, and its when you're in the bathroom at the restaurant, fixing your lipstick, that Daughter Murphy is like "i figured dad would go with mom and try to fix their relationship or whatever" and you're like "Say More Right Now??" "yeah, they're getting divorced and it's really bad, i think they're separated"
and that night, you can't sleep and you wander down to the Man Cave mojo dojo casa house and you're skimming through all the books and the records that mr murphy has, and the light flicks on and he looks SO good, ratty old shirt and plaid pajama pants that are hanging so low on his slutty hips, glasses and extra messy hair and he's like "what're you doing, love, it's past two"
and you can't say anything other than "i'm sorry to hear about you and mrs murphy..."
and he's sorta like "eh it's ok, it was bound to happen, we've been having problems for years"
"doesn't mean it doesn't still suck" and you thumb out a yoko ono record and look at it for a minute before looking back up at him, and he's leaned up against the wall, watching you
"it does" he sighs "she has a boyfriend, i guess you can call it... it just reminds me of how people don't like me"
"i like you" you shrugged "will you play this for me?"
"that's not what i meant, love," he says, but he steps forward and takes the record from you and sets it up and you're like. mhm. ok.
"i know what you meant" you tell him boldly "and i like you a lot"
and he sorta laughs "you're doing something dangerous here, love"
"what if i like that?" and he turns to you and carefully steps up in front of you, resting warm hands on your waist as he tilts his head to examine you
"well" he says, measured "we certainly can't do anything when [Daughter] is in the house" and then, because he knows that you'll whine and complain, presses his soft lips to your neck and draws you into him, he can feel your rapid pulse under his lips, and he whispers "as much as i want to, i can't. not now, at least"
you reach down and cup him through his pants, your breath catching in your throat "you're so hard, mr murphy"
"you know what i'd do to be buried in your little cunt right now?" he asks on gritted teeth "but we just can't. you have to wait"
"mr murphy—"
"i've told you for years to call me cillian" he says "why won't you?"
"b-because..." you start "because i don't want to a cross a line i can't go back on"
and he separates himself from you, going back to his record player like nothing ever happened "which is why we can't do anything" he says evenly. "i think fucking my daughter's best friend is a line that's a little dubious to cross. go upstairs, go to bed... i'll see you in the morning"
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Veronica Sawyer vs the narrative 🥀
in the hypothetical adaptation of my own personal adaptation of a media property which itself is already an adaptation (and a half, if you want to buy into my theory that Heathers (1989) can be considered a roundabout retelling of Macbeth) I think the thing is just... you can't stray from who and what Veronica Sawyer really is. she is, at her core, a person who very much wants to be loved and seen for who she really is, not for how she presents herself. that's why she was so drawn to JD — he saw through her veneer of Heather-ism, noticed she was different and kind of cut clear through all her walls (which he somewhat rightly claims in Freeze Your Brain she doesn't have in the first place) to see a part of her that other people have either missed or ignored. being Seen like that, in a way even her own parents can't see her, is what kept her clinging to JD far past the point she should have known better, and it's also why her diary is so important to her.
in the original film, the diary is an outlet. she scrawls oversized chickenscratch in her free time because she's angry — "I said you're beautiful," "dear diary I want to kill!" etc. in the stage version, the diary is a cry for help. there's a recurring joke about Heather Duke's copy of Moby Dick (a prop that's present in the original movie as well) and Heather Chandler reading The Bell Jar as pseudo-suicide notes. but when Veronica, arms around a bomb, speaks out loud to herself as she thinks she's about to die and says "Dear diary, the irony here is that I didn't get to write my own suicide note," she's not venting. she's not even actually writing. because the audience, just past the shine of lights she can't reach or get past but is albeit somehow far too aware of, has been given the role of her diary. with JD a lost cause (not quite) and her paper mirror out of reach, all she has left by the end of the show is the audience. she's been able to speak to them all along, after all — she's stopped time for them. she's stepped outside those constraints to introduce everyone else to the audience. she knows they're there. they're listening. they're looking. they can see her. they can See her. they're looking into a crosssection of her heart in a way even JD couldn't. she can pour her heart out to them. she can't reach them, hard as she tries there's a barrier of light in between, but she can reach out anyway. she can cry out and scream her pain into that bright void and sometimes, sometimes, she can hear cheering voices in response.
that is the key of V. Sawyer Vs the Narrative. the diary is the only thing that can hold the past and the present. nobody knows except that book. it's her one chance at being Seen and at getting out.
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theninthdoor · 7 months
hi i would like to participate
my initials are jd
venus: leo
song: weekend - taeyeon
idols: itzy yuna, itzy ryujin, and tbz eric
tysm 🩷
mtl to pursue 🕸️ eric || knight of swords: it's likely that he would go for it out of impulse and mess up somewhere along the way (by being impatient or too candid), but his intentions would still be good. you'd just have to make him take it slower lol mtl to reject 🥀 ryujin || strength: a very nice rejection - it wouldn't even hurt your feelings. your personalities are both quite strong, so this would be for the best, I feel like.
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aidarnurulsyahwal · 2 years
Copy Cat 🥀
Sebenernya dari SMP sampe sekarang nih, orang2 yang copy cat tuh banyak banget, rata2 sii kl dulu temen sendiri , entah itu temen sebangku atau yg satu circle, tp ga sampe yg bikin risih :”) 
Sebelum kerja disini, aku juga sempet risih sama salah satu rekan kerja yg selalu niruin apa yg aku lakuin, dan akhirnya resign.
Di kantor ini udah 2 tahun dan udah bener - bener dititik risih sama orang yg suka niruin aku sampe plek ketimplek PERSIS banget niruin semua daily activity aku selama di kantor (sarapan, nyemeil, kl istirahat tidur di meja, duhha, dan shalat di awal waktu), model tas, jam tangan, bahkan kebiasaan aku yg selalu pake sendal cepit . 
Awalanya aku ga ngeh dia niruin aku, berawal dari aku nih yang suka sarapan di kantor alesannya kenapa? aku harus ngejar angkot , jd aku selalu sarapan di kantor , dan sarapan aku ya random kadang bubur, ketoprak / warteg . Dia suka komenin aku yg suka sarapan di kantor, tp ga lama dia jd ngikutin dan dengan menu yang sama T.T
Lanjut aga siang jam 11, aku selalu duhha, alhamdulillah dr kerja pertama kali tahun 2016 selalu dan pasti nyempetin duhha di kantor kl bener2 lg free, kebetulan di kantor ini job desk aku bener-bener nyantei banget, aku bisa duhha setiap hari dan selalu tepat jam 11, awal2 duhha sering banget ngilang dan selalu di gosipin aku tidur di mushalla, aga kaget udah dua hari ini tiap mau duhha dia juga lg shalat di mushalla. 
Lanjut istirahat, kalo malemnya aku ga cukup tidur , aku pasti tidur setelah dzuhur di jam istirahat, tp kl seger, aku nonton di laptop dengan keadaan speakernya dinyalain biar ga sepi, itu udah jd kebiasaan aku dr SMA *tidur di meja , kl kelas lg ga ada guru, waktu kuliah pun sama , di kantor pun sama. Lama kelamaan kok ada yg ngikut ya tidur juga :”) dan kl dia ga tidur ikut2an juga nyalain speaker gt .
Kl di kantor pasti selalu langsung shalat kl udah adzan , karena kl di ntar2 suka mager , udah beberapa hari ini dia juga ngikutin gitu :”) 
Padahal kl di track kebelakang dia tuh dulu kl dateng ke kantor main Hp , istirahat main hp , jam set 1 baru makan, jam 1 baru dzuhur . Tapi akhir2 ini ko ngerasa dia lg niruin aku :”) 
Yang lebih freaknya lagi adalah , dia niruin model tas yg aku pake , jam tangan yg aku pake , bahkan kebiasaan aku yg selalu pake sendal cepit dr pegi kantor sampe pulang dan di dalem kantor pun masi pake sendal cepit . 
Itu semua dia lakuin. Yang lebih bikin risih lagi adalah, dia niruin apa yg aku lakuin, tapi dia adalah orang yang paling suka komenin aku, orang yg selalu nyinyir + julidin aku tiap hari, udah ga paham banget sama itu orang T.T Selalu update status wa nyindir-nyindir aku yg selalu telat dateng, seenaknya di kantor, jorok dll , tp disisi lain dia malah niruin aku . 
Jujur risih + kesel + sebel + jiji aja jadinya .
Apalagi nih dulu pas awal2 kerja , aku suka gelar sejaddah seberes duhha , nanti ashar aku lipet, dia selalu negor harus dilpet, lah skrg malah dia loh yg lakuin itu , sejaddah sama mukena dia di gelar terus . 
Ga paham T.T 
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graywyvern · 2 years
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( via / via )
"first of October— old cobwebs on the ceiling of my basement room"
--JD Nelson
    Assembly Line made for the blind     To handle
What could be so dear As those dark hours?
"The fashion for sentimental cartography was brief, but something like it returned with psychoanalysis."
"To be occasionally quoted is the only fame I care for." --Alexander Smith
The death of the king of pop, by francis bacon, expressionistic oil painting.
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nisastra · 1 month
Aku : kalau jadi ibu rumah tangga tuh perangnya sama perasaan ga berharga
Suami : .......
Aku : iyaa, kalau ibu bekerja perangnya sama perasaan bersalah. jd yaudalah kita syukuri yang dijalani sekarang aja sama lakuin yang terbaik yang kita bisa
Suami : .......
*aku yang ngomong sendiri, jawab sendiri wkwk
emang cuma butuh di dengerin ajah ><
“Iya, kamu itu memang diminta sabar dulu. 5 tahunan anak agak besar, kamu bisa kencang kalau mau 'lari', perjuangan kamu itu berharga.”
Ah, campur aduk. 🥀
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nashwanisroqi · 1 year
[15.40, 24/1/2023] safa akl: tdi ada dana ga [15.41, 24/1/2023] shaqina: ih gua chat di no lu yg satunya [15.41, 24/1/2023] shaqina: ada cowo luuuuu [15.41, 24/1/2023] shaqina: lg becanda ama salma [15.41, 24/1/2023] shaqina: wkwkwkwkwk [15.41, 24/1/2023] shaqina: cowo lu seangkot ama salma literliii bedua doang satu angkot [15.41, 24/1/2023] shaqina: trs td nge smirk gitu ke arah luar ngakakkkk [15.43, 24/1/2023] safa akl: BANGSATTTT [15.43, 24/1/2023] safa akl: lu satu angkot ama dia juga? [15.43, 24/1/2023] safa akl: ih ajg [15.43, 24/1/2023] safa akl: langsung betmut baca ni pesan [15.44, 24/1/2023] shaqina: gaaa, angkot yg gua naikin rame td trs dia ga naik tp nunggu bareng si salma di dpn panti, nah pas gua turun mau nyebrang ada angkotnya lewat [15.45, 24/1/2023] shaqina: relateeeeee pas salma ama nashwan maen bola bareng di rmh jaki gue betmutttt [15.45, 24/1/2023] safa akl: 😭😭😭😭😭😭 [15.45, 24/1/2023] safa akl: apa gua harus pindah rumah [15.46, 24/1/2023] safa akl: salma bnr bnr gua tandain lu [15.46, 24/1/2023] shaqina: dikataaa sini deket rumah gua [15.46, 24/1/2023] shaqina: tadi lebih parah si amel ngomong gini anjir "eh itu dia pacaran ya?" trs gua kaget kannn, hah engggaa gua jawab gitu. trs dia gini, oh itu si dana ya [15.47, 24/1/2023] safa akl: anjirrr untung dia kaga ngomong depan gua [15.47, 24/1/2023] shaqina: gua tau alesan cowo lu gada di mpls [15.47, 24/1/2023] shaqina: WKWKWKWKKWKWKW NGAKAKKKJ [15.47, 24/1/2023] safa akl: gua klo denger langsung betmut sambil gigit jari kli ya [15.47, 24/1/2023] safa akl: NGAPAAA [15.47, 24/1/2023] safa akl: gua langsung pindah di gang benda dh [15.48, 24/1/2023] shaqina: cowo lu kaya telat daftar gituu jd pas mpls dia baru daftar apa gmn gua gatau, jadinya pas mpls ga ikut. trs tadinya pgn di masukin ke otkp 2, tp gajadi [15.49, 24/1/2023] shaqina: iya anjir gcccc [15.49, 24/1/2023] safa akl: eh lu tau drimanaa [15.49, 24/1/2023] safa akl: w otw ngekost [15.50, 24/1/2023] shaqina: amel laahh siapa lagi, trs pas masih rumor mau masuk otkp 2 anak otkp 2 pada seneng katanya grgr ganteng🤨 [15.50, 24/1/2023] shaqina: nge kost di rumah ibu rohani [15.50, 24/1/2023] safa akl: LAHGGGHHHHHH [15.50, 24/1/2023] safa akl: BANGKEEEE [15.50, 24/1/2023] safa akl: w ko emosi sekali ya hari ini [15.51, 24/1/2023] safa akl: sambil bwa bakpia sisa [15.51, 24/1/2023] safa akl: cwo gue😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔 [15.52, 24/1/2023] shaqina: udh mana lg menss [15.53, 24/1/2023] shaqina: WKWKWKWKWMSMSMM [16.04, 24/1/2023] shaqina: sap kirim no induk [16.10, 24/1/2023] safa akl: no induk yg ky gmnbb [16.10, 24/1/2023] shaqina: nisn [16.10, 24/1/2023] safa akl: bntr [16.11, 24/1/2023] safa akl: AHLEAHHH GUA BETMUT BGT JDINYAA [16.11, 24/1/2023] safa akl: LU PKE CERITA AMA SALMA [16.11, 24/1/2023] shaqina: TADINYA GAMAU PAS CUMA NUNGGU ANGKOT, TP PAS SEANGKOT......... [16.12, 24/1/2023] safa akl: maw buat sg galau [16.12, 24/1/2023] safa akl: 😔😭😔😭😔😭😔😭😔 [16.12, 24/1/2023] safa akl: #galau🥀 [16.13, 24/1/2023] shaqina: #seandainyavierra [16.13, 24/1/2023] shaqina: #diarydepresiku [16.13, 24/1/2023] safa akl: #dukalastchild [16.14, 24/1/2023] safa akl: #marijadibadut
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galeritumbang · 1 year
Rasa buat nyerah di november ini kok banyak bgt ya? Ya Allah, ternyata ga mudah bgt hidup sendirian gini.. disaat beras, listrik, sabun, gas, kuota habis secara bersamaan. Undangan nikah bersamaan, dan bulan depan banyak temen yg pada lahiran. Nangis ga? Nangis lah, masa engga. Baperan bgt? Biarin! Belum lagi kalo wajah kusam, jerawatan, kurang hidrasi. Skincare habis, gila ga tuh? Udah jomblo, pengangguran, gimana mau laku?! Ditambah ga ada pemasukan dari ngajar les, karena anak-anaknya sakit dan keluarganya ada acara. Eh semalem kok ya adaaaa aja masalah sama paketan yg astaghfirullah amsyong bgt rasanya😭
Dan hari ini, barusan bgt design produk eh tuannya ga terima kalo pake foto dari hp android yg bahkan ga ada separuh harga dari hp iPhone miliknya. Iyaaa, paham betul kok aku nih kalo hp punyaku ga ada spek dewa sama sekali. Jadi ya jelas jauh bgt emang kelasnya kita. Kayak rasa pengen marah bgt, tapi ya gimana kenyataannya emang bener. Hp dia jauh lebih bagus daripada punyaku🙂 Tapi gapapa, alhamdulillah rasanya sekarang diriku jadi jarang marah, kalau pun kesal paling pol cuma nangis. Ga sampe yg marah bgt. Alhamdulillah mungkin ini salah satu bentuk damai yg didapat dari suatu penerimaan.
Tapiii entah kenapa, dari sekian banyaknya cobaan yg bertubi-tubi, rasanya takut banget sama bulan depan. Gatau kenapa, lebih ke bingung gimana caranya hidup kalo ga dpt gaji dari manapun. Bahkan harga satuannya jam yg semalem jd masalah aja senilai gaji sebulanku, belum lagi ini ada 2 jam yg bermasalah. Kayak mau gimana lagi sih, jelas² salah ditambah ga punya inisiatif. Harga dirinya udah diambang minus bgt kayanya🥀
Apapun itu nanti keadaannya, bismillah semoga Allah mudahkan dan berikan jalan yg tak disangka-sangka. Maafkan hamba yg masih terlalu sering meragukanmu ya Allah🥺
Jogja, 16 November 2022 : 18.27
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ateezgf · 2 years
this is a bit of theory stuff but mingi arriving to ateez high school as a new student and people being wary/scared of him fits with their storyline because before they all became friends, he fought someone in one of those shed thingies nearby where ateez had their hideout. and then jongho and him ended up having a physical fight which caused a fallout in the friendship & pushed him to leave the group.
so to see mingi as a loner troublemaking student at a new school and seeing people ultimately fail at trying to bully him/fight him with that context is so @.@
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ask-4-town · 2 years
4Town disstrack frrrr
you ☝ chucked 🏃‍♂️ me 😗 out 🚫 like 💟 I 👁 was 🖖 trash 🚮 for 4️⃣ that ⬅ you ☝ should 😁 be 🐝 dead ☠ BUT 🍑 BUT 🍑 BUT 🍑 then 👀 it 🎈 hit 👏 me 😹 like 💟 a 🍎 flash ⚡ , what 🤔 if ✍ high 😤 school 📓 went 🚶‍♂️ away 👋 instead 💣 ? Those ➡️ assholes 🤬 are☝️the 😒 key 🗝️, they're 👭 keeping 👐 you 🏃‍♀️ away ↪️ from 😡 me 🙍‍♂️, they 🏏 made 👩‍🍳 you 👩‍🏫 blind, 👀 messed 😣 up 👆 your 🙇‍♀️ mind 🤯, but ✋I🚶‍♂️can ✅ set 🚪 you 👩 free 😉 you ☝ left 👈 me 😹 and 🤐 i 🙅‍♂️ fell 🧎‍♂️ apart 💔 i 🧲 punched 👊 the 😡 wall 🧱 and 👓cried 😿 BAM 🤛 BAM 🤛 BAM 🤛 then 🎦 i 🎣 found 👀 you 👩 changed 🔁 my 🕺 heart 💖 and 🕵️‍♂️ set ⏩ loose 🏃‍♂️ all 💯 that ✋ truthful 🥺 shit 💩 inside 📥 ! And 👍 so 🤷‍♂️ I☝️built 🏗️ a 😉 bomb 💣, tonight 🌃 our 👩‍❤️‍👨 school 🏫 is 😦 vietnam 🇻🇳, let's 👫 guarantee ✅ they 👥 never 🙅‍♂️ see 👀 their 👫 senior 👴 prom 💃! i 😻 was ⌚ meant 🍗 to 2️⃣ be 👼 yours 💁‍♀️ we 👫 were 😜 meant 🍖 to 🤚 be 🐝one 1️⃣ don't ❌ give 👐 up ☝ on 🔛 me 😿 now ⏲ ! finish 🦈 what 🤷‍♂️ we've 🤼begun 🔫 i 🧎‍♂️ was 🧼 meant 🙌 to🏓 be 🅱 yours 👩‍🏫 Veronica 🙇‍♀️ open 👐 the 👆 open 🔓the ☝️ door 🚪, please 🥺, Veronica 🙋‍♀️, open 📖 the ➡️ door 🚪! Veronica 💁‍♀️ can 🥫 we 👫 not 🙅‍♂️ fight 🤼‍♂️ anymore 😟? Please 🙏 can 😔 we 👫 not 🚫 fight 🤬 anymore 😞? veronica i know your🚆 scared🚘 i’ve been🚸 there👮🏻 but👼🏾 i👦🏿 can set🐜 you💄 free veronica don’t🈺 make me🏁 come in there🏉 or🚤 i’m🌖💍 gonna◻️ count🍥 to📺 three🎬 one,👦🏻 two fuck it… oh 🙀 my 🙌 god 😇 . no 😥 . veronica 💃 . please 🥺 dont 😠 leave 🏃‍♀️ me 😿 alone 🧍‍♂️ you 👩 were ⚾ all 🏙 i 👨‍🦲 could 🚕 trust 🤝 i 😾 cant 🙅‍♂️ do 😷 this 💻 alone 🚶‍♂️ . still 🧍‍♀️ i 1️⃣ will 🥀 if 🙊 i 🥛 must 💪
veronica 🤺 i 🖕🏻 bought😂 you🙄 a✌️ snack, 🍟veronica?! 🥺AHHHHHHHHH😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
oh wow heathers, wanna be the veronica to my jd t
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babybluebex · 11 months
billy knight breeding kink billy knight breeding kink billy knight breeding kink
anything for you, my dearest <3 hope you enjoy! cw breeding kink (duh), surprisingly sweet yet feral sex with billy
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“Alright,” you started suddenly, setting down your book on the coffee table. “Spill it.” 
“Huh?” Billy asked, looking startled. “Spill what?” 
“You’ve got something on your mind,” you told him. “I don’t know what it is, but you’ve been acting like this all week, and I’m starting to get worried. What’re you thinking about, lovie?” 
“M’not thinking about anything,” Billy told you. “Just watching telly.” 
“You’re looking at the telly, but you’re not watching it,” you said. “Your gaze is all unfocused, and the subtitles have been behind and you haven’t said anything about it. I just want to make sure you’re alright.” 
“I’m alright, I swear,” Billy told you. “Just… Yeah, just thinking, I guess.”
“What about?” you asked. You moved closer to him, and you set your hand on his arm, rubbing your thumb across his freckled skin. “You don’t have to tell me, if you don’t want to.” 
“It’s…” Billy started, and he shook his head. “It’s stupid. It’s really dumb, but I… I was thinking about you.” 
“Me?” you said, your eyes growing wide. “What about me? Surely, it’s something good, right?” 
“Yes, of course,” Billy said. “It’s nothing but good. Well, maybe you won’t see it that way, but… I was thinking about… Nah, it’s— I can’t tell you, it’s embarrassing.” 
“You don’t have to tell me,” you reminded him, and Billy shook his head, his longish hair bouncing. You liked his hair, but you secretly were not a huge fan of how, the longer his hair got, the looser his curls got. At the length it was now, just at his chin, his curls were all but nonexistent, and you missed being able to twirl a springy curl around your finger as you cuddled. 
“I want to tell you,” Billy said. “I just can’t… Look at you while I say it.” 
“Alright,” you chuckled lightly. You turned away from him, settling your back towards his face, but you reached back and took his fingers in yours, squeezing lightly. “What’s on your mind, darling?” 
“I…” Billy started. He cleared his throat, and he mumbled, “I think I want a baby with you.” 
Before you could stop yourself, you whipped your head back around to look at Billy. You knew that your face was betraying you, your eyes wide with shock and your mouth agape, and Billy squinted his eyes shut. “See!” he said. “It’s stupid,  shouldn’t have—”
“Billy, baby, no,” you told him quickly. “It’s not stupid, honey, it’s not. I just— That was not what I was expecting you to say at all, I’m just… Shocked. A baby? When did you start thinking about this?”
“Just recently,” Billy said. “You remember when we were in the shop a few weeks ago, and that baby kept staring at me?” You could hardly remember the incident, but you nodded all the same. “The baby had brown eyes.” 
“Okay…” you started. “Why does that make you think about having a baby with me?” 
“I have brown eyes,” Billy said. “It got me thinking about what our baby would have, if they’d have brown eyes like me or… Y’know? And then I thought about you as a mother, holding my baby, kissing his cheeks and adoring him and… And then I started thinking about how you’d look pregnant, and I-I don’t know, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about that ever since.”
“Oh, Billy,” you said softly. He really had given it a lot of thought, and you frowned as you considered just how long he had been thinking about it without telling you, suffering in silence. “And you’ve thought about this for weeks? Darling.” 
“I know, I know,” Billy mumbled. “It’s dumb of me to, like, be fantasizing about having a baby, I can hardly take care of myself, and here I am, wanting a baby. I just… I don’t know. Sorry, I told you it was stupid.” 
“Don’t be sorry,” you told him quickly. “It’s okay to have little fantasies and want things, like, there’s a term for wanting a baby; ‘baby fever’, y’know? But fantasizing and actually wanting to try for a baby are different. Which one is it?” 
Billy sighed, and he chewed on his thumbnail nervously. “I guess I just want to be close to you,” he said. “I don’t know. Maybe we should just get a cat instead. “
“Billy,” you said. “Tell me, don’t dodge the question. Do you really want to try for a baby?”
Billy hesitated, then slowly nodded, and you rubbed his arm comfortingly. “Well,” you started. “Just because we… Try, doesn’t mean that we have to have a baby. You know what I mean? We can, like, act it out and everything.”
“I don’t want to act it out,” Billy sighed. “I want a baby with you. This isn’t a matter of me just wanting to-to fuck you and fill you up, this is me legitimately waning a family with you and a life, and… I don’t know. It’s stupid.” 
“Stop saying that,” you told him. “It’s not stupid. You have such a big heart, Bill, my love, and you have so much love to give. I love that you want this, especially with me, but I don’t… I’m not sure I’m ready for a baby. I’m just not sure I’d be a good mother.”
“You’d be an amazing mum,” Billy assured you. “If the way you take care of me is any indication, our baby will always be healthy and loved and reminded to take his meds on time.” That drew a chuckle out of you, and you leaned in and softly kissed Billy’s shoulder. “Can we try? Just try. It’s like you said, just because we try doesn’t mean we actually have a baby.”
You had no doubts about Billy as a father— you knew him to be loving and kind and gentle— but you were still worried. “But there’s—“ 
“We can figure out everything when there’s actually a baby to worry about,” Billy told you. “You know what I mean? It’s one step at a time.” 
“Billy, I love you,” you told him, squeezing his arm. “Are you absolutely sure? Because, y’know, it only takes one time, what if the first time is the time?” 
“Then, that’ll be it,” Billy said. “We won’t have to try anymore. I’m sure, my love. I really want a baby with you.”
You sighed, and you nodded. “Alright then,” you said. “We can try for a baby.”
Billy’s face flushed pink, and his eyes went back to the telly as he put his arm around your shoulders, bringing you close to his body. He smelled good, like his cologne and fresh laundry, and you listened as Billy said, “When do you want to start?” 
“We can start now,” you offered, and you laughed as Billy’s eyes bulged out of his head with shock. “Well, you said you wanted to!” 
“I do,” Billy said.”I just wasn’t expecting you to be so… Ready! Yeah, let’s get started.” 
Billy grinned, and he swooped in and kissed you, his lips soft and warm against yours, and you cupped his cheek with your hand as he deepened the kiss, turning his head and letting his tongue press gently into your mouth. He hummed in satisfaction, and he broke the kiss after a moment as his eyes fluttered open. “I love you,” he whispered, and he put his hands on your hips, pulling at your pants, obviously wanting you closer to him. You threw your leg over his waist and settled yourself to sit atop him, and you leaned down to kiss him again. His scruffy facial hair scratched up your cheeks and chin, but you loved the burn, greedily kissing your boyfriend as if someone was coming to take him from you. But no— Billy was yours, and he was here, and he was tugging at your shirt to pull it up and over your head. You laughed and broke the kiss to help him, and Billy refocused on your chest, moving to kiss your supple skin that peeked above the cups of your bra. 
His deft fingers quickly undid the clasp of your bra from behind your back, and you smiled down at him and smoothed down his frizzy hair lovingly as he leaned forward and carefully licked at your nipple, teasing your sensitive skin. You rippled and melted, and your head tilted to glance at the ceiling as you moaned softly. “Billy,” you whispered. “Fuck.”
“You taste so good,” Billy whispered. 
“You…” you started, but Billy lathed his tongue across your nipple, and he sealed his lips around your pebbled bud and sucked hard, making you squeal. “Bill!”
“God,” Billy hummed. “Thinking about what you’ll look like when you get all big with my baby. You’ll be glowing every day, so beautiful, and, when we’re out together, everyone will know exactly what we’ve done and what you let me do to you. Would you like that? You want everyone to know?” 
“Yes,” you mumbled as Billy switched to your other nipple. His eyes were big and round and wet as he looked up at you, watching your face as he suckled at your tit, and you added, “Want everyone to know I’m yours.” 
“Good,” Billy said. “I like to hear that. Do you want me to get you pregnant here, or on the bed?” 
A bolt of lightning ran through your body and settled all tingly in your cunt, and you whimpered, “Wherever you want.” 
“Hey,” Billy said firmly. “Whatever you want. You’re the one who’s going to be carrying the baby and going through everything. Whatever is most comfortable for you is what we’re going to do.” 
He was too good to you. You lifted his head to look at you and you kissed him, and Billy keened up into your kiss, moaning softly as you rolled your hips down onto him. He was hard in his sweatpants, pressing up against your core, and you pulled away from his mouth with a soft smack of your lips. “Right here,” you told him. “Might be the last time we get to have really dirty sex for a while.”
“Dirty, eh?” Billy chuckled. “You want me to fuck you dirty, baby? Tell me what you want.” 
“I just want you,” you told him. “I don’t care how, I just need you, Billy.”
Billy shushed you, kissing you again, and he whispered, “Baby, tell me what you want. Don’t be afraid of it.” 
“I…” you started. You knew that Billy wouldn’t judge you for the things you wanted, that wasn’t the problem; the problem came when you had to admit to yourself that there was something that you wanted. You weren’t used to being selfish, and even admitting that you wanted Billy was a step above what you were used to. You took a deep breath and looked Billy deep in his eyes, feeling comforted by the deep browns, and you said, “I want to see you… So, missionary, I guess. And I don’t want you to be gentle and sweet, I want you to really fuck me. Make me feel it for the next few days. Make our neighbors have to bang on the wall to keep us quiet.”
“Mhm,” Billy agreed, his hands skating up your body to grab at your tits. “Anything else, beautiful?” 
“No,” you said. “Just that.”
“Perfect,” Billy said. He leaned up and kissed you again, soft and quick, and he pulled away to strip his shirt off, exposing his soft chest and belly to you. You loved Billy’s body, as much as he hated it, and you slid off of his lap to kneel between his legs. Your fingers itched to undo his belt and tug down his pants, and Billy lifted his hips to aid you in undressing him. His cock was already half-hard, laying thick and heavy between his legs, and your mouth watered at the sight. 
“Can I…?” you asked, and Billy nodded, cupping the back of your head with his palm. Your mouth fell upon him in an instant, kissing his warm shaft and licking at his heavy balls, and he moaned softly, his eyes fluttering shut in bliss. You took the throbbing head of his cock between your lips and gently sucked, just enough to make Billy’s hips flex, and you took him deeper, wanting more of a reaction. 
“Fuck, yeah,” Billy moaned, his hand on the back of your head controlling you as you took him further into your mouth. You only stopped when you felt him touch the softness in the back of your throat, and you fell off of him with a gasp. Before he could even ask if you were alright, you went right back to him, suckling on his head as your hands went to gently massage his balls. Spit coated your lips as you started to bob your head on him, really sucking him down, and the slide of him in your mouth only made you groan and Billy moan. “Good girl, taking me so deep… Fuck me, your mouth is so good.” 
Your lips made a popping sound as you pulled off of him, gasping for breath, and you spit down onto his cock as your hand wrapped around him and started to jerk him off quickly. You wanted him fully hard before he got inside you and, so far, it seemed to be working. His cock was hot to the touch, his skin soft over his hardness, and every time your fingers brushed his sensitive head, he groaned and tossed his head back as his eyes rolled back in his head. “Fuck, love…” Billy muttered. “Gonna let me in your cunt soon?” 
You nodded, licking up the spurts of pre-cum that his cock was leaking, and you started to stand up. Your aching knees protested with a quick pop, and you groaned softly, and Billy, ever the attentive boyfriend, grabbed at your hip and looked at you with wide, worrying eyes. “You alright?” he asked, and you nodded. 
“Never better,” you told him. “Fuck me, Billy, please.” 
You laid down on the couch next to him, taking down your pants, and your cunt pulsed as Billy situated himself over you, jacking himself off slowly as he greedily watched you open your legs for him. He reached out and gently let his fingers run across your slit, wet and aching for him, and he grunted as he brought his glistening fingers up to his mouth and licked at them. “God, you taste good,” Billy whispered. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you told him, and you grinned as Billy gave you a smile. He was excited, you could tell, and you pulled him down by his neck to kiss him. “Put a baby in me, Billy, please.” 
“Mmm,” Billy hummed against your lips, and he let out a little chuckle. “I almost told you to wait and let me get a condom, but… Sorta defeats the purpose, huh?” 
“Yeah, it would,” you giggled, and you watched as Billy pressed the head of his cock against your winking hole, waiting for him to fill you. Your heart beat rapidly in your chest at the impending pleasure, and your head fell back in ecstasy as Billy slowly rolled his hips forward, filling you carefully. You moaned at the stretch of him, anchoring yourself in his hair, and Billy reached up to grab hard at your hips to control his slow entry. Every inch of him brought the feeling anew, and you whined a little as he filled you completely, his balls touching your ass as he nestled his hips fully against you. 
“Look at you,” Billy cooed. “Taking it all, what a fuckin’ sight. You ready?”
“Yeah,” you mumbled, already feeling fuzzy, and you moaned softly as Billy pulled his hips back. He rocked forward, filling you again, and you closed your legs around his waist to tug him even deeper, your heels shoving into his ass to urge him deeper. “More, baby, more.” 
Billy started to gain speed, pushing and pulling, ebbing and flowing, working his body against yours and pulling every tendril of pleasure from you. You moaned and keened into him, tugging him into sloppy kisses with every thrust, and soon the electricity began to gather in your belly. How the fuck were you so close already? You suppose you had never had any sort of truly sensual sex with Billy before— sure, you had made love before, but nothing like this. 
“Fuck, I’m close!” you cried, and Billy’s hand went to your cunt, his fingers finding your clit in an instant and rubbing lightly, just giving you enough sensation to make your thighs tremble. 
“Already?” Billy asked. “Even I last longer than that.”
“Shut up,” you huffed out a laugh, and Billy smiled. “I can’t help it that you’re doing everything right.” 
“Boosting my ego, are we?” Billy asked. “I love when you get like this.”
“Like what?” you asked. “Praising you and shit?” 
“Exactly,” Billy said. “Telling me that you’re enjoying this and that you’re having a good time… It makes me feel good that you feel good.” 
“Such a people pleaser,” you told him with a kiss, and Billy’s cock throbbed inside you. He moaned suddenly, as if caught off guard, and his chest flushed red. 
“Sorry,” he mumbled. “I just like when you kiss me.” 
“Don’t be sorry,” you told him. “I think it’s cute.” 
“Really?” Billy asked. “M’sorry, I just— Sorry, I—”
“I love you,” you told him, and Billy gave you a goofy, lopsided grin. 
“I love you too,” he told you. “ Gonna let me get you pregnant? Gonna let me fill you up?”
“Yes, Billy, fuck,” you whimpered. “Fuck me, give me a baby.” 
“I’ll give you all the babies you want,” Billy said. His teeth were gnashed together as he fucked you, holding you firmly and keeping you in place, and the couch creaked under you in time with his hard thrusts. “God, I can’t wait until we have this little one running around.  What’re you thinking for names?” 
“W-Well,” you started, stuttering as his cock nestled straight into your spot inside you, sending sparks flying through your body. “I wanna name them after you. William for a boy, Willa for a girl.” 
“Really?” Billy asked, his eyes widening. “You really wanna do that?” 
“Of course,” you said. “I love you more than words can say, why wouldn’t I want to honor you?”
“You’re so sweet,” Billy chuckled, pushing inside you and making you gasp softly. “I like the name Rosemary for a girl… And I haven’t ever thought about a boy’s name. I’ve just always imagined having a little girl, if I ever had kids. I’ve never seen myself as a boy dad.” 
“I guess we’ll have to see,” you said. “Fuck, baby, I’m so close, a little faster?” 
“F’course,” Billy nodded, and he sped up his thrusts, his belly quivering as you tightened around him. Now, every thrust hit that spot inside you, and you whimpered as the electricity grew and grew. Eventually, the sparks and fire boiled over, and you tugged Billy into a kiss as your body betrayed you, shaking and quivering. 
“Billy!” you whined, your back arching up into him, and Billy leaned down and licked at your breasts, taking your nipple into his mouth again and sucking hard. You gasped, pulling at his hair as you tried to anchor yourself down to earth, and Billy whimpered as his cock flexed.
“M’cumming—” he groaned around your nipple, and you felt him shudder before he came hard, filling you to the brim as he continued to thrust into you, his hips stuttering and faulting as he neared the end of his orgasm. “Fuck, baby, fuck, fuck, fuck…” 
“God,” you sighed, your heart racing inside your chest. “You’re amazing, Billy, I love you.” 
“I’ll never get tired of hearing you say that,” Billy whispered. His forehead was dotted with sweat, and you reached up to mop it up with your wrist as you giggled. 
“I love you so much,” you told him, and Billy gave you a watery smile. His hips were still moving slowly, fucking his cum deep into you, and you closed your eyes and sighed as overstimulation started to set into your bones and joints. “Alright, I love this, but I’m starting to—”
“Shit, sorry,” Billy said quickly, and he pulled out of you, letting his cum drip from your tired hole. 
“No, you’re okay,” you told him quickly. “It was just starting to be a lot.” 
“Sorry,” Billy told you. “Thank you for… For this. For being so cool about doing this for me.” 
“I want this too,” you told him. “I can’t wait until we have this baby together.” 
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It wasn’t long before you decided to take a pregnancy test. You and Billy had been hard at work trying to make a baby, and, as soon as your first missed period passed, you decided that you couldn’t wait any longer to know. You went to the shop on the corner and bought one of those plastic tests, and you brought it home. “Billy!” you called, trying to find your boyfriend in the flat, and he quickly popped out of the kitchen. You brandished the box for the test in front of you, and Billy gasped. 
“You think so?” he asked. “My little Rosemary?” 
“Only one way to find out,” you told him. 
The instructions were simple enough, and soon enough, you were sitting on the bathroom counter, waiting the requisite two minutes for the test to confirm whether or not you were pregnant. In two minutes, your whole life was about to change, and you held Billy’s hand tightly. “What if it’s negative?” you asked softly. “What if I can’t get pregnant?” 
“Easy,” Billy mumbled. “Just because it’s negative doesn’t mean you can’t get pregnant, it just means it didn’t happen this time. And we don’t even know if it’s negative. What if it’s positive? What if our Rosemary is there right now, just waiting to meet us?”
“I still want to name her Willa,” you said softly, squeezing Billy’s hand. “I’m so nervous, Bill. Can you read it for me?” 
“I’m nervous too,” Billy said softly. “Has it been two minutes yet?” 
“Not quite,” you said, looking at your phone clock. “Like, thirty more seconds.” 
“We can turn the spare room into her nursery,” Billy started to muse, rubbing his thumb across the back of your hand. “Just imagine it, done up all pink with cute little rabbits everywhere. How precious would that be?” 
“Pink bunnies are cute,” you said lightly. “But what if it’s a boy?” 
“Blue bunnies,” Billy said easily. “Or we can go gender-neutral and do yellow bunnies. I’ve thought about this, lovie. I love you, and whatever this test says, it won’t change that.” 
You sighed, looking down and seeing that the two minutes had in fact passed, and you squeezed your eyes shut nervously as you grabbed the plastic test. “Oh, I can’t look,” you groaned. “Billy—”
Carefully, Billy took your hands into his, and you buried your head in his neck as he turned the test over to look at the small window. He was quiet for a long moment, only swallowing thickly, and he finally kissed your head. “Hi there, Rosemary,” he whispered, and you gasped. “It’s your daddy. Can you hear me yet? God, I can’t wait to meet you. I love you.” 
“Is it—” you started, and you looked out from Billy’s neck to the test. Two lines. You were pregnant. “Oh my God. Oh my God, Billy!” 
“It worked,” Billy smiled. “God, I’m so in love with you.” 
“I—” you started, and your happy tears started to fall. “I’m gonna be a mum.”
“And what a mum you’ll be,” Billy said, burying a kiss in your hair. “What an amazing mum our baby’s got.” 
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goldenroutledge · 3 years
valentine’s sleepover 💌
since valentine’s day is on a weekend this year, i thought it would be fun to do a little blurb weekend. you all are my valentines xo🌹
valentine’s blurb masterlist
i’ll be taking requests for john b, jj, pope, kiara, sarah, topper (and qb!topper), rafe, and kelce. as far as their actors ill write for drew, jd, deion and austin too.
if anyone out there is an all american fan, ill write for jordan baker, asher adams and darnell hayes. i love all american so i think i might as well give it a try 👀
please no more than 2 prompts per request. requests will be open for this celebration until sunday, february 14th at 6:00pm est. please be patient with me :) thanks everyone and happy valentine’s 💗
list a 💌
list b ☁️
list c 🥀
list d 💍
tagging all of my taglists combined & some moots incase they’d like to request <3: @ilovejjmaybank @rosylinn @nxsmss @cameronsrafe @msgorillagripcoochie @bibliophilewednesday @tovvaa @freddymaybank @annab-nana @babeyglo @sunsetholland @moniamaybank @outerbankspreferences @laneybobeczko-g @jjpouggues @vintageobx @rafescokestash @themaddies-obx @toriswrites @red-hot-children-picker @topperthornton @jaydenkazzy @drewstarkeysbitchh @qtmxybnk @killingbxys
44 notes · View notes
funkyrights · 4 years
Mostly just making this blog as a hub for tumblr where we can link to everyone’s personal accounts and all that!
This post will be updated if/as anyone else makes their personal spaces.
Main Instagram: @/thewitchforeverlives no age restriction as it’s a general account for everyone to share
System Twitter: @/GRRBARKBARKSYS
Main blog: @thewitchforeverlives
Evan & Mark Hansens' blog: +18 only @evanistotallyokay
Shane Oman’s blog: +18 only @goodomans
Rich Goranski’s blog: +18 only @fieryblip
Ben’s blog: @chlorinebreath
Melchior Gabor’s blog: @famishedsaint
FAHC Michael's blog: @litdynamite
H. Chandler's blog: @blacklightchandler
Casey Becker's blog: @daisychainpoet
Annabeth Chase's blog: @wisegirlsuperiority
Ethan Nakamura's blog: +18 only @violenceofdevotion 
Ryan Torres’ blog: @torresofterror
Win's blog: +18 only @ironicallylosing
Nick's blog: @king0fsunnyvale
Alex Chen's blog: @fosterhomedropout
DMs are open!
Emoji Key under the cut:
Nicolas Goode: 🦬
Annabeth Chase: 🧢
Clarisse La Rue: ⚔
C. Beckendorf: 🛠
Thalia Grace: 🌩
Nico di Angelo: ☠
Teddy McLean: 💌
Frank Zhang: 🏹
Travis Stoll: 🧨
Ethan Nakamura: 🗡
Leo Valdez 🔨
Apollo/Lester Papadopoulos: ☀️
Artemis: 🌙
Mr.Blofis: 🐡
Rich Goranski: 🔥
Jake Dillinger: 🏆
Evan Hansen: 🌳
Cynthia Murphy: 🧺
Shane Oman/Khidros: 🍓
Tavros Nitram: 🐮
Sollux Captor: 🍯
Kanaya Maryam: 🐛
Lil Hal: 🤖
Elle Woods: 💖
Agent Washington: ⭐
FAHC Michael: 💣
Victor "Russ" Russel: 🎥
Casey Becker: 🌼
H. Chandler: 🥀
Hannah Washington: 🦋
Bolin: 🍜
Nigel Bumble: 🐝
Ricky: 🎄
Jack Kelly: 📰
Melchior Gabor: 🖋
Ryuji Sakamoto: 💀
Ben: 🦦
Peter Pevensie: 🦁
Peter Parker: 🕷
Branch: 🌿
Mabel Pines: 🌈
Ren Matthews: 🎸
Casey Hartley: 🥁
Will Gorski: 🚓
Steve Harrington: 🍦
Bill Denbrough: 📖
James Sullivan: 📚
River Barkley: 🎹
Jacques Snicket: 🚕
Noah Turner: 🎃
Mark E. Hansen: 🌲
Adrien Agreste: 🐾
Nathan Drake: 🗝
Eurydice: 🌹
Moana: 🥥
Kenai: 🐻
Bucky Barnes: 🦾
Wendy Christensen: 📸
asxdefter: 🎮
Yang Xiao Long: 🐲
Dodger: 🐱
Jesse Cox: 🕹
Legion: 🔦
Sonny: 🚬
Jason "JD" Dean: 🔫
Mogar: 💎
Mad King: 👑
Sonny de la Vega: 🎆
Alberto Scorfano: 🐟
Alistair Theirin: 🧀
Lyna Mahariel: 🌱
Pallas: 🪶
Manolo Sanchez: 🕯
Edd Gould: 🥤
Asterius: 🔗
Megaera: ⛓
Hermes: ⚕
Ares: 🛡
Hades: 🪦
Simon Kalivoda: 🦄
Kate Schmidt: 📣
Samantha Fraser: 📟
Cindy Berman: 👚
Tommy Slater: 🪓
Sarah Fier: 🐷
Ryan Torres: 🔪
C. Berman: 🪣
Jacket: 🐔
Maverick: 🎱
Akihiko Sanada: 🥊
Win: 🫀
Applejack: 🍎
Pipp: 🎠
Carlos Garcia: 🎶
BENdrowned: 🩸
Mashirao Ojiro: 🥋
Alice Hale: 💘
Kenya Kobayashi: 🎞
Juliet O'Hara: ⚖
Izuku Midoriya: 🐰
Yoon Ji-su: 🎧
Lee Eun-Hyuk: 👓
Chester: 🪴
Bumblebee: 📻
Carter Davis: 🧁
David: 🐯
Fred Jones: 🪤
Gwen Grayson: 🃏
Zach Braun: 🔋
Nell Oman: ♠️
Nemo: ♥️
Ilse Neumann: 💜
Luke Isaac Castellan: 🤞
Burgess Sawyer: 🐗
Tubbo: 🐐
Eric Arthur Leone: 🐀
Lenny: 🐬
King Shark: 🦈
Percy "JJ" Jackson: 🌀
Leon S. Kennedy: 🕸
Marshall Lee: 🍟
Hawke: 🦅
Bethany Hawke: ⛅
August "Auggie" Hildebrandt: 🥘
Finley: 🦪
Dewey Riley: 🍩
Mr. Peanutbutter: 🥏
Nikki: 🍬
Jasper: 👻
Ray Narvaez Jr: 🎂
Achilles: ⚱
Lara Croft: 🧭
Jase Voorhees: 🏕
Eva: 🥇
Karina Jacowitz: 🥍
Shitty: 🏒
Kent Parsons: 🥅
Benji Applebaum: 🪄
Bumper Allen: 🎤
Agent 17: 🪙
》 Gav: 🪙🗡
》 Ry: 🪙🔫
Miles Wingrave: 🕰
》 Peter Quint: 🕰⌚
Jean Havoc: 💥
》 Lust: 💥💋
Josh Sauchak: 🔑
Mendel Weisenbachfeld: 📋
Frenchie: 💊
Annie January: 🌟
Jay Corduroy: 💸
Dallas Margolin: 🦌
Boffy: ⛏
Benvolio: 🏳
Brandy Barr: 🔎
Davy Zlatic: 🎻
Ered Miller: 💔
Joey Tribbiani: 🎬
Jesse Tuck: 💧
Filbo: 🍊
Garfield Logan: 🦖
Jack Hodgins: 🦴
Jake Long: 🐉
Takashi Shirogane: 🌠
Allura: 🌌
Hunk Garrett: 🍱
Jerry: 🚭
Julien Solomita: 💿
Jude Lizowski: 🍋
Johanna Mason: 🪵
Katie Mitchell: 📹
Kevin Moskowitz: 🐋
Noah Garrett: 🏍
Sarah Avery: 🏔
Oz: 🔴
Launchpad McQuack: ✈
Robin Hood: 🦊
Ryan Phan: 💻
Michael J. Caboose: 🔷️
Nelson Muntz: 🏈
Winston: 🦍
Shane Madej: 🌭
Ram Sweeney: 🍻
Skipp: 🍂
Tré: 🎺
Foxy: 🍕
Sunset Shimmer: ☄
Henry Griffin: 📿
Ace Torrington: ⏳
Xavier Delsin: 🍒
Shiloh: 🍑
Price/Prep: 🤍
Blake/Jock: 💙
Baron von Gikkingen: 🎩
Aiden Grant: 🥈
Steve: 🧱
Jesse B. Schmidt: 🐖
Dust: 🔮
Herobrine: ⚠️
Tim Drake: 🩹
Dick Grayson: 🎪
Jason Todd: 🛑
Conner Kent: 🕶
Poison Ivy: ⚘
Phase: ⚛
Ani: 🧋
Horace: 🔱
Paul Munsky: ⚾️
Sapnap/Nicky: 🏮
Louis: 🙂
Trace: ⚜
Trevor Sterling: 💼
Atsuko Kagari: 🐇
Amanda O'Neill: 🧹
Brad Hamilton: 🍏
Hans: ❄
Bug: 🐞
Petey: 🚀
Lyra: 💫
Louis: 🎭
Legoshi: 🐺
Jack: 🌻
Riz: 🍅
Pina: 🐏
Brett Hand: 🧃
Susie Carter: 📏
Nea Karlsson: No emoji yet
Mac Loudon: 💐
Evander "Crash" Kostas: 🍍
Alex Chen: 💭
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babybluebex · 2 years
okay but... high school sweethearts with grunauer but he promises if he survives the war he's coming back to marry you (and he does 😭)
oh my GOD baby boy peter grunauer 😭 i got carried away, per usual
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The train whistled, signaling its eminent departure, and Peter turned back to look at you with wetness in his big brown eyes. He had been crying almost nonstop ever since he had gotten the draft letter; your Pete always did wear his heart on his sleeve. "I don't wanna go," he told you, grappling to grab your hand. "What-What if I flunk the eye test and they have to send me home?"
"Pete, please," you sighed. "You know you have to go."
"I know," Peter said softly. "I know..."
"I'll be right here, waiting for you to come back," you told him, and you reached up and righted the little cap he wore over his shorn curls. Your tears caught in your throat, and you uttered "Waiting for you to come home to me."
"What if I..." Peter began, dropping his eyes to look at your intertwined fingers. "What if I don't make it home?"
"You will," you told him firmly. The image of him got all wishy-washy as your eyes brimmed with tears, and you dragged him into a tight embrace. He smelled just like he always did, nice cologne and the sweet tang of his own body, but you took a deep breath of him. Who knew when the next time you'd see him was? Who knew if you'd ever see him again?
"Doll, you know," Peter started. His hands touched your back as he held you, his chin settling on your head, and he pressed a kiss into your victory-rolled hair. You had only gotten all dolled up to take one last photograph with Peter before he was shipped off, and the film was stuck in a tiny plastic container in your purse. "You know I ain't coming home."
"Don't say that," you sniffled. "Pete, don't you dare—"
"It's easier, y'know," Peter said. "If you pretend like I'm a lost cause. It won't hurt when it happens, and, if I do come home, it'll be a big surprise."
"You're not a lost cause," you told him. "Stop it. Just let me think for five minutes that I'll see you again. That I'll get to hold you and kiss you—"
The train whistled again, and Peter was quick to cup your cheek with his shaking hand and kiss you. His lips were soft against yours as he held you tight and kissed you, and he only broke the kiss with a heavy sigh. "I'm gonna marry you, doll," he said urgently; your time had come to an end. "When I get home, I'm marryin' you. How about that? Now I've gotta come home."
"You'd better," you sniffled, and you kissed him quickly again before he stepped away, back onto the train. "You'd better come back to me, Peter Grunauer, you hear me?"
"I hear you," Peter said. "Loud and clear, Mrs. Grunauer. I love—" The train blowing its final whistle drowned him out, and the chugging and clanking of the train only served to break your heart further. But you watched his lips form the word, you watched his big eyes as the door to the train car was closed, and you watched him as he pressed himself against a window to wave goodbye as the train departed. You couldn't watch anymore, though.
Two years. You got weekly letters from Peter for two years. Most of them had been heavily censored, his lead pencil marked out with black ink. No names, no destinations, not even what time of day he was writing the letter. Thankfully, the important parts, the parts about him loving you and coming home, persisted through the edits.
And then, one day in May, two years since he left, no letter came. Peter never missed a letter, not once. You kept every single one in a box under your bed, and you rifled through them as you tried to find any reason why he would miss a letter, other than the obvious. Maybe that letter had been too full of redacted material and the US Army hadn't even bothered to send the scrap along. That was your theory.
And then the next week came along, with no letter. And the week after that. And the week after that.
No word from Peter for four weeks, and you tried to keep your spirits up. He promised you he was coming home. He promised you that he would marry you. Peter made good on every promise he had ever made, all the way back to high school.
You had first met when you were 15 years old, when Peter asked to borrow a pencil in math class. He was handsome, in the boyish sort of way that he always had been— big brown eyes and freckled cheeks and plush pink lips— and you had fallen for him immediately. He was good to you, kind and funny and loving, and you had been together ever since then. And he had promised time and time again that he was going to marry you. "Just gotta get enough money for a ring," he always said with his charming smile. "And then I'm marrying you."
Then, the damn war. The damn draft.
You got a letter from the Army five weeks after Peter's last letter. It stated that Peter's paratrooper squad was shot down and that they had been unable to locate him, and to assume that he was either deceased or missing in action. You held the letter to your chest and collapsed in the doorway, heaving sobs from the very pit of your stomach. The letter was so clinical, no room for emotion, and it hurt. You wanted to destroy it, to tear it up or throw it into the fireplace, but you needed it. It was your last link to Peter.
You reread his letters every night. You looked forward to it, to mourning your husband-to-be. Eventually, you stopped calling him that and started calling him what he was: he was your husband, through and through. Reading his letters made it feel like he was there with you, and you needed the encouragement to get through the day. Your friends gave condolences and your parents hugged you when you cried, but nothing fixed your heartache like reading his letters.
The wound felt like it would never heal. Until a year later.
A knock came at your door just as you were setting down dinner for your parents, and you wiped your hands on your apron. "I'll get it," you told them. "Start eating, it's gonna get cold."
The knock came again, heavier, more intense, and you frowned. "Coming!" you called, and you wound your way through the house to the front door. Nobody ever used the front door of your house, always opting for the side door, and you couldn't imagine who was rapping on your door at this time of night. A third knock came, firmer than before, threatening to do the poor door right in, and you flung it open with a quick "Can I help you?"
Your heart stopped, your throat dried up, your eyes wetted with tears. You could hardly believe it. Your Peter stood there, looking worse for wear, deep wrinkles in his forehead with a slight limp as he stepped forward. But it was him. "I—" Peter started, and you sobbed out, grabbing him and pulling him into you. His arms grabbed you tightly, holding you even closer to him than ever, ever before, and he held your head close to his heart as he whispered, "I wanted to say somethin' funny, but, Jesus, you look so beautiful. My girl."
"How—" you sobbed. "I thought you were—"
"I know," Peter whispered. His chest was warm against the cold night, and you nestled close into him. "I thought I was too. How much do you know?"
"Your plane was shot down," you whimpered. "I-I was told to assume the worst."
"Yeah," Peter said softly. "Plane went down... We were in enemy territory, and I fucked myself up pretty good, broke my leg in two different places. But I survived, managed to get myself to a French family that took care of me. My leg didn't heal right and I walk like this now, but—"
"But you're home," you whispered. "You came home to me."
Peter angled your head up to look at him, deep in his dark brown eyes, and you finally pressed forward and kissed him. He tasted just the same as all those years ago, back before everything awful that could have happened did. But Peter was home.
"I promised you that I'd marry you," Peter said into your mouth, and he gripped you tightly. "And I'm gonna do it, doll."
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babybluebex · 2 years
IM SORRY for spamming you (not really) but okay. here's the thing... tom is distinctly not very good at giving head, however he makes up for it in pure enthusiasm and being a very fast learner. he'd be so excited when he finally made you come that way...
oh for sure, he's def bad at first but let's be honest there IS a learning curve there, but he's so psyched to be eating your pussy that it instantly adds like a whole lot of pizzaz yknow the energy is infectious
you def have to teach him how to do it really good, though, telling him just how to use his tongue on your clit and how to suck on it and how to lap at your hole, he eats it up (metaphorically and literally)
but once he's figured it out, he's gonna make you squirm and cry with how good he's doing it, licking at you and sucking hard at your clit and even adding his fingers, tugging on his hair only encourages him
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babybluebex · 2 years
and oh god, I can't believe i'm saying this off anon but, tom from make up... gives me 'talks you into trying anal' vibes. like, he's really patient about it and helps you take it really slow, and he thinks it's so hot that you're letting him do this to you, and he has to really work hard not to get too rough with you because he's so turned on he can barely think
off anon horny asks are the BEST kinda asks are you kidding me
say it with your whole chest: TOM TALKS YOU INTO TRYING ANAL
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it definitely starts after he puts his thumb in your ass while he was fucking you from behind, he loved the way you moaned so deep in your chest and got tight around his cock, it got his gears turning
he couches it as like "you don't have to but it would be really fuckin hot if you did", and you pretend to think about it just to fuck with him "give me a little while to mull over it"
at dinner he'll ask "thought about it?" "still thinking" getting ready for bed "i'm still thinking about it, tom; ask again and i'll say no"
but of course you've had your mind made up from the second he brought it up, you just like seeing him sweat
when you finally tell him yes, he short circuits bc he wasn't genuinely expecting you to say yes, and he tackles you into a kiss
ugh all the training you do to be able for it to be comfortable, taking his long fingers first during regular sex and stepping it up until he's got you spread wide open and he's slowly pushing his cock into your ass, and it's like nothing you've ever felt, you feel so full and you go a little dumb
when he's fucking your ass the only thought in your head is "🥰tom!🥰" and his only though is "🥰you!🥰", and he keeps having to control himself bc he's so aroused he can't see straight and he WILL roughly fuck you into next week but he literally has to physically stop himself from fucking you like that, but it doesn't matter much bc he fucks you brainless anyway
kisses you all over when you're done, praising you and he keeps emphasizing what you did "you took my cock in your arse so well, i'm so proud of you" and he'll cuddle you and love on you for the rest of the night bc you made one of his fantasies come true
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