#jeez I got carried away it's half meta half fanfic
beyond-far-horizons · 2 years
Jace’s Mission - S2 potentials...
I’m intrigued as to how they will play Jeyne Arryn and Cregan Stark but I hope:
Spoilers for Fire and Blood....
I hope they stick with the feminist and family angle with Jeyne and keep her lesbian status - GRRM has a few really awesome lesbians and bi ladies and three of them are in this story. I wouldn’t mind Jeyne toying and testing Jace but I’d loathe the Mushroom version of this interaction. I’d like there to be an initial coolness which thaws out to both encounters (Jeyne and Cregan with Jace), which show his diplomacy and warmth. Harry has this, although I’d like the script to start giving him opportunities to show it.
I want the news of Storm’s End to reach the Eyrie just after Jace leaves and show us Jeyne’s face turning haggard. I want Jace to stay ahead of it as dragons are faster than ravens. He reaches Winterfell, dealing with autumn snows and initially has difficulty adjusting to the legendary Northern grimness. Cregan intends to honour his father’s vows I think but he wants to test this princeling’s character. There’s a lot to consider, it means war and Winter is almost there and he has to prepare. The North doesn’t favour a woman ruling but Cregan himself almost had his lordship usurped and Jace reminds him of his beloved dead younger brother. 
Not sure how the possible ‘Sara Snow’ element mentioned by Mushroom could fit in. Initially I loved it when I first read Fire and Blood years as it fit into the Lyanna/Rheagar ‘Prince that was Promised’ thing which I was obsessed with and the deal that Cregan and Jace make is literally called ‘The Pact of Ice and Fire’. When the title of the entire series gets name-dropped you know it’s significant. The problem is D & D so thoroughly ruined that for me with S 7 & 8 of GOT I get edgy just thinking about it. There’s a lot of hints in the Winterfell section that could point to the larger mythos - Vermax’s eggs, the namedrop itself, the parallels to Rhaegar and Lyanna which weren’t just at times coded as romantic but also laden with prophecy. I also really see this as the place HBO could lean heavily into retconning S8 and setting up the Jon Snow sequel, they’ve been laying the ground-work with Aegon’s dagger and prophecy. The issue is I really hate that because of said issue with S8 and also because it changed some of the character dynamics of Rhaenyra, Alicent, Viserys and Daemon. Hmm I’m in two minds, I *want* to love it if they can make it work but given some of the missteps I’m not sure. 
I love the idea of Sara because who doesn’t love a prince falling in love with a feisty Northern ‘wolf girl’ and I love the whole fire and ice opposites but I’ve really grown to like Baela or at least her potential and I don’t want to see her side-lined and undermined yet again. So...we’ll see. 
Whatever happens to be honest I just really want to see Jace and Cregan becoming unexpected bros. When Jace is really alone, under the burden of duty, at the end of the earth in the North amongst these grim Northmen he suddenly finds a confidante  - someone who can be the older brother to him the way he’s always been to the rest of his siblings, who knows the pressure of birthright, duty and the secret fears of not being enough but having to do it anyway. 
Then the raven comes...Jace is just being accepted by his bannermen as Cregan walks down the steps, his face grimmer than Winter. Jace feels the ice settle in his stomach. Wordlessly the Lord of Winterfell motions him to follow so he can have privacy when the news hits him as it hit Cregan before. But Jace demands the scroll. He reads it and screams. Vermax screams with him. He beats the wall and bloodies his hand. The Northern lords are aghast. Can it be his mother? What happened? 
The prince raves that he has to go, he has to reach his dragon and go now and kill Aemond One-Eye who’s killed his baby brother. Cregan grabs him and calms him, telling him he didn’t come all the way here for nothing and a storm is on its way as snow flies past the windows.
The whole thing comes out - Lucerys - a innocent boy and nephew of Aemond, under oath as an envoy - brutally murdered in the skies above Storm’s End. He’d been hounded out of Guest Right in Lord Boros’s hall. If the Northerners weren’t for Jace and Rhaenyra beforehand, they are to a man now. Cregan pledges his sword and the North for Jacaerys and his mother - the Dragon Queen and the whole hall rings with the shouts as only Winterfell can. 
In his moment of greatest anguish and guilt Jace wins the frozen North and finds fellowship and brotherhood where he least expected it. 
I really hope they develop that angle fully as it’s the heart of the Starks and the Targaryrens that I love and it’s that bond of brotherhood that Cregan and Roddy take with them long afterwards. 
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