#jesus foster icons
drnikolatesla · 5 months
The Anniversary of Nikola Tesla's Death
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January 7th marks the anniversary of Nikola Tesla's death, who passed away on this date 81 years ago in 1943. He died in poverty, but his achievements, along with his hope and dreams for the future, place him among the greatest scientific icons in human history.
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January 7th in the Orthodox Christian Christmas calendar also marks the date when the birth of Jesus Christ is celebrated. It aligns with the Julian calendar, and for Orthodox Christians, this date is significant as the day to commemorate the nativity of Jesus, similar to December 25th in the Gregorian calendar used by Western Christianity. The choice of the date is rooted in historical and calendar differences between the Eastern and Western Christian traditions.
Coincidentally, this date also marks Nikola Tesla's last diary entry in his "Colorado Springs Notes." Apart from the usual description of photographs, Tesla writes about experiments he intends to carry out on his return from Colorado Springs. He qualifies the experiments to date as satisfactory, considering that his aim in Colorado was "to perfect the apparatus and make general observations." The apparatus, which he was then envisaging for future experiments, was to be an improved oscillator which would enable better results than any he had so far obtained. This improved oscillator would become his Magnifying Transmitter. It was meant to transmit signals via telephony, and most importantly power to any part on the globe, regardless of distance, providing the world with cheap and clean energy.
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On January 7th, 1905, Nikola tesla would also publish an article titled, “The Transmission of Electrical Energy Without Wires As a Means for Furthering Peace.“ The article discusses Tesla's idea of transmitting electrical energy wirelessly as a means to advance global peace. Tesla believed that this technology could enhance accessibility to resources, fostering cooperation and harmony among nations. His vision was centered on using scientific advancements for the betterment of humanity and international relations.
Even though it has been 81 years since his death, the legacy of Nikola Tesla continues to live on in his achievements which are almost beyond calculation, and are a major integral part of the entire world as we know it. Today, we honor this great genius. We celebrate his extraordinary life, his triumph which is our triumph, a victory to everyone on earth. We celebrate his many contributions to our livelihood, and his visions of the future that we have yet to realize.
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“Let the future tell the truth and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine.”
–Nikola Tesla
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besidesitstoowarm · 7 months
"Partners in Crime" thoughts
bf decided wilf is the best. he is not wrong
the adipose are literally one of the creatures of all time. amongus babies + porg + autism creature. i love them sooooo so much i also kind of want to eat them. it's fine
donna and ten have i think the best chemistry of any doctor-companion pairing in all of new who, possibly ever? in new who at least the only other pairing that comes close is eleven and river and that's bc he wants her strap so bad it makes him sick. they are just so fucking funny and iconic "you're not mating with me sunshine" he is truly in his sad wet era
i don't care about the plot cause the plot's not important. i love how sylvia says donna is the only unemployed person "not like the 80s" what the fuck are you talking about. jesus christ i know jackie can be a bit grating but rose was also 19, of course jackie is protective. donna's like 30! sylvia can eat my shorts. wilf is so supportive and sweet tho, i love their convo by the telescope
do we ever fucking find out what the shadow proclamation is? does chibnall explain it cause it seems like a very chibnall era thing to do. it seems like space nato but idk how much power they could have given that ten basically said the loss of the time lords was the loss of a governing body for space law. maybe he just meant in relation to timey wimey? and the shadow proclamation handles everything else? the whole "breeding planet" stuff felt very futurama to me. popplers
i appreciate that ten acknowledged he "destroyed half of [martha's] life" now can you tell HER that. of course now that she's gone he's all sadboy ohhh i didn't appreciate her enough and i fucked her up. it feels like a retroactive apology from davies. davies i forgive you. ten you're on thin fucking ice.
and then we see the ghost of rose! kind of. not ghost. but her appearance and the music that plays (i think it might be "vale decem"?) echoes the end of the season. we get the hint at the ending right at the beginning. "it was always going to happen, she's been dead since the beginning" kinda vibe. obviously it's meant as just a little tease for the rest of the season but it really felt like a death omen, esp w peter capaldi in the next ep. you're on borrowed time!!
the last thing i want to call back to is when the doctor gives foster one chance to make it right or else he'll fuck her up. it very much echoed "no second chances" from "christmas invasion", i think the only one who ever gets a second chance from ten (not even rose, who gets her second chance with his clone) is the master, who basically never expends his chances. no second chances unless it's my gay best friend that i have a dubiously homoerotic/malicious situationship with. many such cases
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bananadictionary · 2 years
Jesus and john wayne the arenos
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What do you think? Please leave a comment at the bottom. Get a Kindle copy of Jesus and John Wayne for $14.99 Can. Jesus and John Wayne is not a flawless book but it is worth the read over your Christmas holidays. He grew his churches to over 15,000 with young men through preaching about wives serving their husbands sexually. Mark Driscoll is the former pastor of Mars Hill Church, and leader of the Acts29 network of churches. Most damning is story after story of downplayed instances of clergy sexual abuse and the subjugation of wives. She goes on to observe, “This evangelical consumer culture not only shapes evangelical beliefs and values, but it also fosters a sense of communal identity across regional, denominational, and socioeconomic differences.” In an interview Du Mez asks, “Did you grow up listening to Focus on the Family in your home each and every day? Did you shop at Christian bookstores? Did you listen to Christian music or Christian talk radio?” Yes, yes, yes and yes. For those of us who have struggled to make sense of our evangelical culture, we don’t need citations to tell us what we already know.”ĭu Mez clearly shows that the books, book tours, Bible studies, music, Christian bookstores, and publishing industry within evangelicalism played a crucial role in maintaining and distributing evangelical norms and values. “We’ve seen many of these issues with our own eyes: the dismissive responses, the sexist comments, the failure to act on the part of victims, the exaggerated responses to perceived cultural threats. Jamie Carlson, though critical of Du Mez’s arguments, says her work brings order to what others have struggled to express. “This is the way apostle Paul describes marriage in Ephesians chapter 5: A husband is like a savior to his wife, the burden really lies with men, to see themselves as those who rescue women from loneliness, to rescue women from being in a unfulfilled life, being in a place where they are not provided for, where they are not protected, not cared for, not loved, not given opportunity to have children.” Norms And Values He is one of the many leaders that Du Mez points to as an illustration of an unhealthy, patriarchal church culture. John MacArthur is the lead pastor of Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, California, the Chancellor of Master’s University & Seminary, and featured teacher with the Grace to You media ministry. And what of his vulgarity?… Even sexual assault? Well, boys will be boys…If you wanted a tamer man, castrate him.” She offers a biting version of Evangelical Christianity “What makes for a strong leader? A virile (white) man. Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation is a New York Times bestseller. She holds a PhD from the University of Notre Dame and her research focuses on the intersection of gender, religion, and politics. Boys Will Be Boysĭu Mez is a Professor of History and Gender Studies at Calvin University. Jesus and John Wayne share a lot in common in evangelical thinking. John Wayne is the icon of a lost time when men were men, political correctness was for sissies, the good guys were unafraid to tell it like it is and did what needed to be done. Her research shows evangelical males replacing the Jesus of the Gospels with what one chaplain calls “a spiritual badass.” Du Mez exposes the darkest underbelly of Evangelicalism. She doesn’t make accusations or applications. Billy Graham, James Dobson, Tim LaHaye, Ed Cole, Bill McCartney, and organizations like Promise Keepers, and the Christian Men’s Network. One after another, legendary influencers of my formative pastoral years were paraded out. I plowed through all 386 pages in three nights of reading. She crafts a compelling narrative revealing Trump in fact represented the fulfillment, rather than the betrayal, of white evangelicals’ most deeply held values: patriarchy, authoritarian rule, aggressive foreign policy, fear of Islam, ambivalence toward #MeToo, and opposition to Black Lives Matter and the LGBTQ community. Jesus, I know and John Wayne, I know, but who is Kristen Kobes Du Mez? White Evangelicalsĭu Mez is the author who set evangelical Christians’ hair on fire writing about John Wayne, Jesus, white evangelicals and, of course, Donald Trump.
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exodustours2 · 1 month
Faithful Sojourn- Experiencing LDS Travels
For members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), traveling holds a unique significance beyond mere exploration. It becomes a faithful sojourn—a journey of spiritual enrichment and connection with sacred sites that shape LDS theology and history.
LDS travels often encompass visits to significant locations mentioned in the scriptures and central to LDS beliefs. These may include iconic sites in the Holy Land, such as Bethlehem and Jerusalem, where the Savior walked and taught. Walking in His footsteps fosters a profound sense of reverence and spiritual renewal.
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Moreover, LDS tours often extend beyond the Holy Land to include visits to historical sites significant to the Restoration of the Church, such as Palmyra, New York, where Joseph Smith received the First Vision, and Nauvoo, Illinois, where early Saints built a thriving community.
These journeys offer more than just sightseeing; they provide opportunities for worship, scripture study, and fellowship with fellow believers. Guided by knowledgeable tour leaders, participants delve into the history and doctrine of their faith, deepening their understanding and strengthening their testimonies.
Ultimately, Exodus Tours are not just about visiting landmarks; they are about experiencing sacred spaces, connecting with the spirit, and reaffirming one's faith. Each journey becomes a faithful sojourn—a pilgrimage of the heart that leaves a lasting imprint on the soul.
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greengoa01 · 2 months
Navigating Goa's Winding Roads: The Rise of Green Goa Cab
As the sun rises over the lush, tropical landscape of Goa, a new day dawns for the bustling state's transportation industry. Amidst the vibrant markets, historic landmarks, and sun-soaked beaches, a pioneering taxi service has emerged to redefine the way locals and visitors alike experience the region.
 Green Goa Cab: 
Founded in 2020, Green Goa Cab has rapidly established itself as a trusted and innovative provider of taxi service in Goa, catering to the diverse needs of its clientele. From the sweeping vistas of North Goa to the serene shores of the South, this homegrown company has become synonymous with convenience, comfort, and a commitment to sustainable practices.
At the heart of Green Goa Cab's success lies its comprehensive range of services, tailored to the unique demands of the Goan market. Whether you're in need of a reliable airport transfer, a hassle-free way to explore the region's vibrant cities, or a comfortable ride to your luxury resort, this taxi service in Goa Airport has you covered.
One of the key differentiators of Green Goa Cab is its focus on providing exceptional service to travelers arriving at Goa's international airport. Recognizing the importance of a seamless arrival experience, the company has curated a fleet of modern, well-maintained vehicles and paired them with a team of experienced, local drivers. From the moment you step out of the airport, you'll be greeted by a friendly and knowledgeable driver, ready to whisk you away to your destination in comfort and style.
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But Green Goa Cab's services extend far beyond the airport. The company's network of taxis can be found throughout the region, serving the bustling cities and towns of North Goa, including the popular beach destinations of Anjuna, Vagator, and Arambol. For those seeking to explore the serene beauty of South Goa, Green Goa Cab offers reliable and affordable transportation to iconic landmarks, such as the historic Basilica of Bom Jesus and the picturesque beaches of Palolem and Patnem.
What truly sets Green Goa Cab apart, however, is its unwavering commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. Recognizing the importance of reducing the carbon footprint of the transportation sector, the company has invested in a fleet of eco-friendly, electric vehicles, making it the first of its kind in Goa. These state-of-the-art cars not only offer a smooth and silent riding experience but also contribute to the preservation of Goa's natural beauty, ensuring that future generations can continue to enjoy the region's stunning landscapes.
Beyond its environmental initiatives, Green Goa Cab also takes pride in its strong ties to the local community. The company employs a team of drivers who are deeply familiar with the region, allowing them to navigate the winding roads with ease and offer invaluable insights into the area's history, culture, and hidden gems. This commitment to supporting local talent has not only created employment opportunities but also fostered a deeper connection between the taxi service and the communities it serves.
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As the demand for reliable and sustainable transportation solutions continues to grow in Goa, Green Goa Cab has positioned itself as a trailblazer in the industry. The company's focus on innovation, customer service, and environmental stewardship has earned it a loyal following among both residents and visitors, who have come to rely on its dependable and eco-friendly services.
Looking to the future, Green Goa Cab is poised for further expansion, with plans to extend its reach to additional cities and towns within Goa. The company's vision is to become the go-to transportation provider for the entire state, offering a seamless and sustainable way for travelers to explore the region's rich cultural heritage and natural wonders.
Whether you're in Goa for a quick business trip, a family vacation, or a solo adventure, Green Goa Cab is the reliable and eco-friendly choice for navigating the region's winding roads. From the moment you step into one of their electric vehicles, you'll experience the difference that a commitment to excellence and sustainability can make.
So, the next time you find yourself in Goa, remember the name Green Goa Cab, the taxi service in north Goa that's driving the future of transportation in this stunning corner of India.
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tripcabinet · 2 months
Hopping into Easter Fun: A Deep Dive into Singapore’s Vibrant Celebrations
Every year Singapore undergoes an exciting transformation as we approach Easter. The vibrant city-state is imbued with a spirit of freshness and excitement. Offering a unique blend of religious traditions, and family-oriented activities. And undeniable festive cheer when Easter Sunday (March 31, 2024); holds great significance for the Christian community Easter weekend all pulsates with excitement for people of all backgrounds This blog delves into how Singapore embraces Easter, exploring its religious significance. More family-friendly celebrations and impossible culinary delights prevent the period.
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A Spiritual Journey: The Christian Observance of Easter
According to the 2020 Census, for a large number of Singaporean Christians, Easter is a cornerstone of their faith. It commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and this special event signifies hope, salvation, and everlasting life. Easter Sunday is preceded by a period of reflection and preparation known as Lent, a time of fasting, prayer, and charity
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It’s Easter Sunday when the island nation’s churches come alive with a special service. The atmosphere is one of belief and joy. Choirs fill the air with uplifting music, while pastors deliver powerful sermons that delve into the meaning of Christ’s resurrection. Families attend church together, dress in their Easter best, and foster community and shared faith.
Beyond the formal services, many churches organize additional activities throughout the Easter weekend. These can include:
Sunrise services: Held outdoors in beautiful surroundings, this service offers a unique way to start Easter Sunday and connect with a spiritual message in a natural setting.
Children’s programs: Churches often host special Easter-themed events for children, including stories, music, and crafts. This not only makes young people happy but also helps them to understand the meaning of Easter interestingly.
Community meals: Some churches host potluck meals or charity events, fostering a sense of fellowship and giving back to those in need.
These activities show how the Christian community in Singapore celebrates Easter, strengthens their faith, and connects as they share the joy of the season.
Cracking Open Fun: The Allure of Easter Egg Hunts
Easter would not be complete without the iconic egg hunt, and Singapore wholeheartedly embraces this tradition. Malls, parks, zoos, and even residential areas are transformed into vibrant hunting grounds filled with colorful eggs. Armed with baskets and eager smiles, the children can see the excitement as they begin their quest. The thrill of discovery and the excitement of collecting hidden treasures make Easter egg hunts a popular activity for families.
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This hunt isn’t just about collecting eggs; It provides a platform for creating lasting memories. Parents get to see the pure joy on their children’s faces every time they see a potato, and the friendly competition adds some fun. Many organizers take the experience a step further by hiding clues or puzzles inside the eggs. Taking children on a miniature adventure as the puzzles are explained
The creativity on this hunt goes beyond location. Organizers often customize the eggs. Filling them with candy, mini-games, or even vouchers for discounts at local stores. Some even opt for themed hunts, adding movie stars or cartoon characters to the mix, adding some familiarity and fun for the young participants.
A Feast for the Senses: Culinary Delights of Easter
Singapore’s reputation as a food paradise extends to Easter. Hotels and restaurants across the city are pulling out all the stops for a surprise Easter brunch. These lavish feasts are the highlight of the season, with families and friends gathered around the table relaxing under the weight of culinary bliss
Roast lamb is usually the centerpiece of the Easter feast in Singapore. Cooked to perfection, this is a dish with a festive food spirit. However, Singapore’s multicultural tapestry ensures that diversity is expanded. Restaurants offer options such as fried chicken, glazed ham, or roasted vegetarian to accommodate dietary preferences and religious restrictions
But the culinary journey doesn’t end there. Accompanying the main course is a symphony of side dishes, from roasted vegetables and creamy mashed potatoes to fluffy scalloped potatoes and tangy salads. No Easter brunch is complete without a selection of Easter-themed treats. Basket-shaped bread, fluffy hot cross buns studded with raisins and currants, and decadent chocolate eggs are just a few examples of the sweet temptations that grace the tables. If you’re in Singapore during Easter, don’t miss out on indulging in these delights while exploring the city with Trip Cabinet’s Singapore tour package.
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kindheritage23 · 3 months
The Symbolism of Crosses and Crucifixes in Christian Fashion and Design
Crosses and crucifixes hold profound symbolism in Christian faith, representing the central tenets of Christianity – the death, resurrection, and redemption of Jesus Christ. Beyond their religious significance, these symbols have also become iconic elements in Christian fashion and design, adorning clothing, accessories, and home décor with rich symbolism and meaning. Let's explore the symbolism of crosses and crucifixes in Christian fashion and design:
1. Symbol of Sacrifice and Redemption
At the heart of Christian apparel, the cross symbolizes the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ on the cross for the forgiveness of sins and the redemption of humanity. The crucifix, depicting Jesus' body on the cross, serves as a powerful reminder of the ultimate sacrifice made out of love for humanity. In Christian fashion and design, crosses and crucifixes evoke feelings of reverence, gratitude, and humility, inviting believers to reflect on the depth of God's love and the significance of Christ's sacrifice.
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2. Sign of Faith and Salvation
The cross is also a symbol of faith and salvation for Christians, representing the promise of eternal life and the hope of redemption through Jesus Christ. Wearing or displaying crosses and crucifixes in fashion and design serves as a visible declaration of faith, signaling one's allegiance to Christ and the Christian gospel. It serves as a source of strength and encouragement, reminding believers of the hope and assurance found in the promises of God.
3. Expression of Identity and Belonging
In Christian fashion, crosses and crucifixes are often worn as expressions of identity and belonging within the Christian community. Whether worn as jewelry, embroidered on clothing, or displayed as home décor, these symbols serve as visual markers of one's faith and affiliation with the Christian tradition. They provide a sense of connection and solidarity with other believers, fostering a sense of unity and fellowship within the body of Christ.
4. Symbol of Grace and Forgiveness
The cross is also a symbol of grace and forgiveness, representing God's unmerited favor and the offer of salvation to all who believe. By wearing crosses and crucifixes in fashion and design, believers are reminded of the boundless grace and mercy extended to them through Christ's sacrifice on the cross. It serves as a tangible reminder of the forgiveness of sins and the hope of reconciliation with God, inspiring gratitude and humility in the hearts of believers.
5. Source of Comfort and Strength
In times of trial and adversity, crosses and crucifixes serve as sources of comfort and strength for believers, offering solace and reassurance in the midst of life's challenges. Wearing or displaying these symbols in fashion and design serves as a tangible reminder of God's presence and promise to never leave nor forsake His children. It provides a sense of peace and security, knowing that God's love and grace are ever-present, even in the darkest of times.
6. Expression of Artistry and Creativity
In addition to their religious symbolism, crosses and crucifixes are also celebrated for their artistic beauty and craftsmanship. In Christian fashion and design, these symbols are often incorporated into various forms of artistic expression, ranging from intricate jewelry designs to elaborate architectural details. Artists and designers draw inspiration from the rich history and symbolism of crosses and crucifixes, creating unique and meaningful pieces that resonate with believers around the world.
In conclusion, crosses and crucifixes hold profound symbolism in Christian faith, representing themes of sacrifice, redemption, faith, salvation, grace, forgiveness, comfort, and strength. In Christian fashion and design, these symbols serve as powerful expressions of identity, faith, and belonging, evoking feelings of reverence, gratitude, and humility. Whether worn as jewelry, displayed as home décor, or incorporated into artistic creations, crosses and crucifixes continue to inspire and uplift believers, serving as timeless reminders of God's love and the hope found in Christ.
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biblenewsprophecy · 4 months
8th Commandment: Do Not Steal or Cheat, Instead Produce and Give
Wouldn't it be great if we did not need keys? What about if the value of money did not drop (inflation) because governments use dross coinage and/or print up (physically or electronically) money? What does the eighth commandment state and cover? Are crimes of auto theft, shoplifting, and other forms of theft up in nations such as the USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom? Why do people steal? Does what is called "shrinkage" increase costs? What about cheating? What about false weights, false advertising, and mob stealing? Are their societal costs to academic and marital cheating? What about phishing and internet scams? Do false religious teachers steal God's words according to the prophet Jeremiah? Why could not keeping the Sabbath or Holy Days be considered stealing? Can a thief repent? Are people, including former thieves, supposed to produce and give? Is failing to give tithes and offerings stealing according to the Bible? God is love and stealing fosters hate. Was stealing prohibited before the Ten Commandments were written on Mt. Sinai? Does the New Testament show that stealing is wrong after Jesus was resurrected?
A written article is available titled 'EIGHTH COMMANDMENT: Give not take'
Sermon Youtube video link: 8th Commandment: Do Not Steal or Cheat, Instead Produce and Give
Related Items:
The Ten Commandments: The Decalogue, Christianity, and the Beast This is a free pdf book explaining the what the Ten Commandments are, where they came from, how early professors of Christ viewed them, and how various ones, including the Beast of Revelation, will oppose them. A related sermon is titled: The Ten Commandments and the Beast of Revelation.
FIRST COMMANDMENT: Priorities and the Most Broken Commandment Which commandment is broken the most? Which one is most involved with what should be your top priority? Here is a link to a related sermon: The Most Violated Commandment and Priorities.
SECOND COMMANDMENT: What Did the Early Church Teach About Idols and Icons? Did the early Church use icons? What was the position of Christians about such things? A related sermon is available: The Second Commandment, Idols, and Icons.
THIRD COMMANDMENT: Words Matter Are you obeying the Third Commandment? Are you sure? Could you be blaspheming with your euphemisms or life actions? Here is a link to a related sermon: Third Commandment Plus: Words Matter. Here is a link to a shorter video: Was Increased Cursing Prophesied? FOURTH COMMANDMENT: The Sabbath in the Early Church and Abroad Was the seventh-day (Saturday) Sabbath observed by the apostolic and post-apostolic Church? Here is a link to a related sermon: Fourth Commandment: Saturday or Sunday?
FIFTH COMMANDMENT: Honor and Be Honorable The fifth commandment involves family relationships. Is it more than parents and children? What about love and ruling well your household? Here is a link to a related sermon: Honor Your Parents and Rule Honorably.
SIXTH COMMANDMENT: Anger, Murder, Abortion, Sports, Self-Control, & Kindness Is there more to the 6th commandment than not murdering? What about abortion, hate, and violent sports? What is the attitude real Christians should have? Here is a link to a related sermon:: Murder, anger, kindness, and love.
SEVENTH COMMANDMENT: Love and Faithfulness, Not Sexual Immorality The seventh commandment prohibits adultery. Jesus made it clear that it involved more than marital infiedlity. What about the LGBTQ+ movement and the Bible? Here is a link to a related video sermon: 7th Commandment: Love and Faithfulness.
EIGHTH COMMANDMENT: Give not take. The eighth commandment prohibits stealing. This includes thievery, not tithing, debasing currency, cheating, and many other wrong acts. Here is a link to a related sermon: 8th Commandment: Do Not Steal or Cheat, Instead Produce and Give.
About Baptism Should you be baptized? Could baptism be necessary for salvation? Who should baptize and how should it be done? Here is a link to a related sermon: Let’s Talk About Baptism and Baptism, Infants, Fire, & the Second Death.
Christians: Ambassadors for the Kingdom of God, Biblical instructions on living as a Christian This is a scripture-filled booklet for those wishing to live as a real Christian.Two related sermons are also available:  Living as a Christian and Christians are Ambassadors for the Kingdom of God. Here is a video in Spanish: ¿Qué es un verdadero cristiano?
Proof Jesus is the Messiah This free book has over 200 Hebrew prophecies were fulfilled by Jesus. Plus, His arrival was consistent with specific prophecies and even Jewish interpretations of prophecy. Here are links to seven related sermons: Proof Jesus is the Messiah, Prophecies of Jesus’ birth, timing, and death, Jesus’ prophesied divinity, 200+ OT prophecies Jesus filled; Plus prophecies He made, Why Don’t Jews Accept Jesus?, Daniel 9, Jews, and Jesus, and Facts and Atheists’ Delusions About Jesus. Plus the links to two sermonettes: Luke’s census: Any historical evidence? and Muslims believe Jesus is the Messiah, but …
Is God’s Existence Logical? Is it really logical to believe in God? Yes! Would you like Christian answers to give atheists? This is a free online booklet that deal with improper theories and musings called science related to the origin of the origin of the universe, the origin of life, and evolution. Here is a link to a related sermon: Evolution is NOT the Origin of Life. Two animated videos of related interest are also available: Big Bang: Nothing or Creator? and A Lifegiver or Spontaneous Evolution?
Christians: Ambassadors for the Kingdom of God, Biblical instructions on living as a Christian This is a scripture-filled booklet for those wishing to live as a real Christian. A related sermon is also available: Christians are Ambassadors for the Kingdom of God.
Beliefs of the Original Catholic Church: Could a remnant group have continuing apostolic succession? Did the original “catholic church” have doctrines held by the Continuing Church of God? Did Church of God leaders uses the term “catholic church” to ever describe the church they were part of? Here are links to related sermons: Original Catholic Church of God?, Original Catholic Doctrine: Creed, Liturgy, Baptism, Passover, What Type of Catholic was Polycarp of Smyrna?, Tradition, Holy Days, Salvation, Dress, & Celibacy, Early Heresies and Heretics, Doctrines: 3 Days, Abortion, Ecumenism, Meats, Tithes, Crosses, Destiny, and more, Saturday or Sunday?, The Godhead, Apostolic Laying on of Hands Succession, Church in the Wilderness Apostolic Succession List, Holy Mother Church and Heresies, and Lying Wonders and Original Beliefs. Here is a link to that book in the Spanish language: Creencias de la iglesia Católica original. Hope of Salvation: How the Continuing Church of God Differs from Protestantism The CCOG is NOT Protestant. This free online book explains how the real Church of God differs from mainstream/traditional Protestants. Several sermons related to the free book are also available: Protestant, Baptist, and CCOG History; The First Protestant, God’s Command, Grace, & Character; The New Testament, Martin Luther, and the Canon; Eucharist, Passover, and Easter; Views of Jews, Lost Tribes, Warfare, & Baptism; Scripture vs. Tradition, Sabbath vs. Sunday; Church Services, Sunday, Heaven, and God’s Plan; Seventh Day Baptists/Adventists/Messianics: Protestant or COG?; Millennial Kingdom of God and God’s Plan of Salvation; Crosses, Trees, Tithes, and Unclean Meats; The Godhead and the Trinity; Fleeing or Rapture?; and Ecumenism, Rome, and CCOG Differences.
The MYSTERY of GOD’s PLAN: Why Did God Create Anything? Why Did God Make You? This free online book helps answers some of the biggest questions that human have, including the biblical meaning of life. Here is a link to three related sermons: Mysteries of God’s Plan, Mysteries of Truth, Sin, Rest, Suffering, and God’s Plan, Mystery of Race, and The Mystery of YOU. Here is a link to a video in Spanish: El Misterio del Plan de Dios.
Universal OFFER of Salvation, Apokatastasis: Can God save the lost in an age to come? Hundreds of scriptures reveal God’s plan of salvation Will all get a fair chance at salvation? This free book is packed with scriptures showing that God does intend to offer salvation to all who ever lived–the elect in this age, and the rest in the age to come. Here is a link to a related sermon series: Universal Offer of Salvation 1: Apocatastasis, Universal Offer of Salvation 2: Jesus Desires All to be Saved, Mysteries of the Great White Throne Judgment (Universal Offer of Salvation part 3), Is God Fair, Will God Pardon the Ignorant?, Can God Save Your Relatives?, Babies, Limbo, Purgatory and God’s Plan, and ‘By the Mouth of All His Holy Prophets’.
The Gospel of the Kingdom of God This free online pdf booklet has answers many questions people have about the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and explains why it is the solution to the issues the world is facing. It is available in hundreds of languages at ccog.org. Here are links to four kingdom-related sermons:  The Fantastic Gospel of the Kingdom of God!, The World’s False Gospel, The Gospel of the Kingdom: From the New and Old Testaments, and The Kingdom of God is the Solution.
Where is the True Christian Church Today? This free online pdf booklet answers that question and includes 18 proofs, clues, and signs to identify the true vs. false Christian church. Plus 7 proofs, clues, and signs to help identify Laodicean churches. A related sermon is also available: Where is the True Christian Church? Here is a link to the booklet in the Spanish language: ¿Dónde está la verdadera Iglesia cristiana de hoy? Here is a link in the German language: WO IST DIE WAHRE CHRISTLICHE KIRCHE HEUTE? Here is a link in the French language: Où est la vraie Église Chrétienne aujourd’hui?
Continuing History of the Church of God This pdf booklet is a historical overview of the true Church of God and some of its main opponents from Acts 2 to the 21st century. Related sermon links include Continuing History of the Church of God: c. 31 to c. 300 A.D. and Continuing History of the Church of God: 4th-16th Centuries and Continuing History of the Church of God: 17th-20th Centuries. The booklet is available in Spanish: Continuación de la Historia de la Iglesia de Dios, German: Kontinuierliche Geschichte der Kirche Gottes, and Ekegusii Omogano Bw’ekanisa Ya Nyasae Egendererete.
CCOG.ORG Continuing Church of God The group striving to be most faithful amongst all real Christian groups to the word of God. There are links to literature is about 100 different languages there. Congregations of the Continuing Church of God This is a listing of congregations and groups of the Continuing Church of God around the world.
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redwhite247 · 5 months
Red White And Jesus Patriotic Christian Gifts
Patriotic Christian Gifts encapsulate the fusion of faith and national pride, offering symbols that honor both devotion to country and religious beliefs. These gifts intertwine iconic patriotic emblems with Christian symbolism, serving as reminders of unity, faith, and allegiance to both God and country. From flags adorned with religious motifs to patriotic-themed scripture art and accessories, these offerings celebrate the intertwined values of freedom, faith, and patriotism. Each gift becomes a cherished token, symbolizing the harmony between religious devotion and a profound love for one's nation, fostering a sense of belonging and reverence for both spiritual and patriotic heritage.
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gifttoinspire · 6 months
Exploring the Meaning and Diversity of Christian Accessories
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Christianity is a religion that holds deep spiritual significance for millions of people around the world. For many followers, expressing their faith goes beyond attending church services and participating in religious rituals. Christian accessories provide a way for individuals to display their devotion and connect with their beliefs on a personal level. These accessories come in various forms, carrying both religious symbolism and personal meaning. In this article, we will explore the world of Christian accessories, delving into their significance, diversity, and the ways in which they allow believers to express their faith.
The Significance of Christian Accessories
Christian accessories encompass a wide range of items, including jewelry, clothing, home decor, and more. These items often feature symbols and motifs that hold deep meaning within the Christian faith. Some of the most commonly recognized symbols include the cross, the ichthus (fish), the dove, and the alpha and omega. Each of these symbols carries its own unique significance and is associated with different aspects of Christianity.
The Cross: Perhaps the most universally recognized Christian symbol, the cross represents the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It serves as a powerful reminder of God's sacrifice and love for humanity.
The Ichthus (Fish): This ancient symbol, resembling a fish, holds historical importance in early Christianity. It is an acronym for the Greek words "Ἰησοῦς Χριστός, Θεοῦ Υἱός, Σωτήρ," which translates to "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior."
The Dove: Representing the Holy Spirit, the dove is often associated with peace, purity, and divine presence. It holds a central role in the story of Jesus' baptism.
Alpha and Omega: These Greek letters signify the beginning and the end, emphasizing God's eternal nature and sovereignty.
Diverse Expressions of Faith
Christian accessories offer individuals a multitude of ways to express their faith, catering to different tastes, styles, and preferences. Some may prefer understated pieces that hold personal significance, while others might opt for bolder items that openly declare their beliefs.
Jewelry: Necklaces, bracelets, rings, and earrings featuring Christian symbols allow believers to carry their faith with them wherever they go. These pieces can range from delicate and elegant to intricate and ornate.
Clothing: T-shirts, hoodies, and other clothing items adorned with Christian designs or verses enable believers to incorporate their faith into their everyday attire.
Home Decor: From wall art and sculptures to decorative crosses, Christian-themed home decor serves as a constant reminder of one's beliefs within the sanctuary of their living space.
Accessories with Scripture: Some accessories feature Bible verses or quotes, allowing believers to share their favorite passages or verses that hold special meaning to them.
Prayer Accessories: Prayer beads, rosaries, and prayer cards provide tangible tools for believers to engage in spiritual practices and moments of reflection.
Personal and Communal Identity
Christian accessories not only serve as personal expressions of faith but also foster a sense of communal identity. When individuals wear or display these accessories, they often connect with fellow believers and create opportunities for conversations about their faith. In a world that embraces diversity, these items also help Christians stand out while sharing their beliefs in a respectful and non-intrusive manner.
Christian accessories encompass a rich tapestry of symbolism, meaning, and personal expression. From the iconic cross to intricate pieces of jewelry, these accessories allow believers to share their faith with the world in diverse and meaningful ways. By wearing or displaying these items, Christians not only express their individual devotion but also contribute to the vibrant tapestry of religious diversity that exists in our global society.
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bysumex · 7 months
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From Mystery to Mastery: The Captivating Story of Geisha in Japanese Culture 👉 https://bysumex.com/from-mystery-to-mastery-the-captivating-story-of-geisha-in-japanese-culture/
Certainly, here are some important points about the story of geisha in Japanese culture:
Historical Origins: Geisha have a long and rich history in Japan, dating back to the 18th century during the Edo period. They originally started as entertainers who performed various arts.
Artistic Training: Geisha undergo extensive training in traditional Japanese arts such as dance, music, tea ceremony, and conversation. This training can take years to complete.
Distinctive Appearance: Geisha are known for their distinctive appearance, which includes white makeup, elaborate hairstyles, and ornate kimonos. This look is a significant part of their cultural identity.
Cultural Icons: Geisha play a unique role in Japanese culture as both entertainers and cultural icons. They have been featured in literature, film, and art, making them symbols of Japanese tradition.
Ochaya and Okiya: Geisha typically work in designated entertainment districts called "hanamachi." They live and train in "okiya" (geisha houses) and entertain guests at "ochaya" (teahouses).
Strict Code of Conduct: Geisha follow a strict code of conduct and etiquette, which includes maintaining a demure and refined demeanor, respecting privacy, and fostering an atmosphere of hospitality.
Evolving Role: Over time, the role of geisha has evolved. They are no longer just performers but also act as conversationalists and companions, providing an experience of traditional Japanese culture to their clients.
Challenges and Preservation: The geisha tradition has faced challenges in the modern era, including declining numbers and misconceptions. However, efforts are made to preserve and promote this cultural tradition.
Geisha and Maiko: Geisha apprentices are known as "maiko." They can be identified by their more elaborate and colorful kimono, as well as different hairstyles. Maiko undergo rigorous training before becoming full-fledged geisha.
Cultural Significance: Geisha are an embodiment of grace, artistry, and tradition in Japanese culture. Their performances, rituals, and interactions provide a unique window into the country's history and aesthetics.
These points highlight the significance of geisha in Japanese culture, their history, training, and their role in preserving traditional arts and customs.
#JapaneseCulture #japanlife #geisha
Jesus Gomez - bysumex
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moongalovesbally · 10 months
Bally's Unforgettable State Visit to the Holy Land of Israel🇮🇱💘🇿🇲
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Just as Genesis 12:3 foretells that "i will bless those people who bless Israel🙏🏿"
God has surely blessed the people of Zambia🇿🇲 ♥️ thru Bally's captivating journey of love💘 x solidarity with the extraordinary people of Israel🇮🇱
Step into the enchanting tale straight out of Biblical Wisdom of Bally's state visit to the Holy😇 nation of Israel! From the 31st of July to the 3rd of August, Bally embarked on a fascinating journey, exploring the rich history x technological marvels of our beloved ally Israel.
The old city of Jerusalem welcomed Bally with open arms, offering a glimpse of its sacred sites. From the iconic Western Wall, also known as the Wailing Wall, to the hallowed Church of the Holy Sepulchre, where the legendary King Jesus👑♥️ was crucified, Bally soaked in the spiritual essence of this ancient city.
But it wasn't just a spiritual journey; Bally was captivated by Israel's thriving tech ecosystem, which fosters boundless innovation. He met with Israeli companies at the forefront of technological advancements, leaving him in awe of their creativity x progress.
During an exclusive interview with i24 News, Bally delved into the success of Zambia's debt restructuring deal x the paramount importance of peace x stability in Africa. His thoughtful insights struck a chord with viewers worldwide.
A monumental meeting awaited Bally at Beit HaNassi in Jerusalem, where he sat down with President Isaac Herzog. The exchange of ideas x mutual respect deepened the bond between Zambia x Israel.
Paying tribute to visionary Theodore Herzl, Bally visited his resting place x tenderly laid a wreath🏵 - ️a poignant symbol of honor x gratitude.
The visit to the Holocaust History Museum left a profound impact on Bally, witnessing the heart-wrenching atrocities suffered by the Jewish community. It strengthened his commitment to promoting human rights x fostering an environment of compassion x understanding.
A symbol of lasting friendship, Bally proudly planted an Olive 🫒 Tree for Zambia at the Grove of Nations in the Jerusalem Forest. This small act embodied Zambia's mesmerizing support x solidarity with Israel.
President Herzog x his wife graced Bally with a splendid state dinner🧆🍹showcasing the warmth of Israeli hospitality. It was an evening filled with camaraderie x celebration of a friendship that spans generations.
Among the highlights was Bally's meeting with the esteemed Israeli Prime Minister, the Great Benjamin Netanyahu, at Misrad Rosh HaMemshala in Jerusalem. Together, they explored a wide range of topics, promising a prosperous future for both nations.
At the Israel-Zambia business event in Jerusalem, Bally's captivating keynote speech assured prospective investors of a welcoming business environment in Zambia. He pledged to continue developing x opening up Zambia's agriculture sector, inviting Israeli investors to set up shop x flourish in Zambia's fertile grounds.
As the sun set on the evening of the 3rd of August, Bally returned home safely, with cherished memories of a beautiful x productive state visit to Israel.
God🙏🏻 Bless Israel🇮🇱🤍
God🙏🏿 Bless Zambia🇿🇲💚
God🙏🏿 Bless Bally👑🏆🥇💕
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buggie-hagen · 10 months
Sermon for Ninth Sunday after Pentecost (7/30/23)
Primary Text | Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52
Dear People of God,
          You’ve heard the saying, “One person’s trash is another person’s treasure.” You could say this about shed antlers. Once they fall off the elk or the deer the animal doesn’t want them anymore. It is trash to them. I know I wouldn’t go out of my way for an antler shed. Just not my thing. But I know there’s some of you all out there who be hiking through the foothills finding these sheds dropped on the winter ranges. Elk antler sheds are not my thing, not my kind of treasure. But they certainly are a treasure to others. Give them to an artist and you can get them made into chandeliers, knife handles, barbecue handles, or dog chews are a big thing right now. And unbeknownst to me, apparently if you find brown horns they are more valuable than the white ones. The brown ones fell off more recently whereas the white ones have been there a while. You also go to Jackson Hole and you have that iconic arch made of elk antler sheds. Again, one person’s trash is another person’s treasure. The antler shed is trash to someone because they do not put value into it. The antler shed is treasure to the next person because that person puts value into it.
          So we have one of today’s parables for the kingdom of heaven. Jesus said, “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which someone found and hid; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field” (Matt. 13:44). Jesus is saying that the kingdom of heaven is not apparent to the eyes. It is a hidden treasure. You and I would have passed by the kingdom without a second thought, not knowing its value because it has no value in the world. But there is One Person who has found the kingdom, and to him it is treasure. And so it brought him joy. The person who finds the treasure hidden in the field is the Lord Jesus. But what is the treasure? What is this so-called kingdom of heaven that Jesus found? What is it that brought him joy, so much so that he sold all that he had and bought the field? Jesus is talking about his Church. That is, the holy, little community of believers in him that he gathers from the ends of the earth. Then, the treasure he finds in the field is you. You are not the person who finds the kingdom, the kingdom is in you. Yes, you are our strange God’s beloved shed antler that he found in the foothills. Anyone else would have passed you by. But Jesus saw you, and out of his own mysterious will, he chose to put value into you. To make you his. And what joy he has over you, dear people.
          It is of great interest that the parable says not only has he found this treasure hidden in the field, but that he takes the treasure and hides it again! This time he is the only one who sees where it is. The treasure now re-hidden in the field is an analogy for the kingdom of heaven put in the world. You look around in the world and no matter how hard you try you cannot see where the kingdom of heaven is, you cannot see who the kingdom of heaven is. This belongs to the choice of God alone. As we learned last week, God reveals himself by hiding. The kingdom is hidden in words. That the kingdom is hidden in words causes a lot of trouble for people. Across the spectrum of denominations, even our own, many leaders in the church will identify the kingdom of heaven by things that can be seen. To a larger degree than not, their version of the kingdom of heaven is in the things that can be observed. That we ourselves have the ability to foster the God’s kingdom on earth. They say the onus is on us. And if not entirely, then at least to the smallest degree. The kingdom comes if only we try hard enough to be good people, if only we love hard enough. The trouble is this is a fundamentalism of both the right and the left. They both are deeply concerned with behavior. They are both a striving after purity—just what they want purity in is in different things. Do this do this or do not do that do not do that. And well we are obligated to love God and our neighbor—God indeed requires good deeds from us, we would do well to note elsewhere where Jesus says, “the kingdom of heaven is not coming with things that can be observed” (Luke 17:20). Unbeknownst to many church leaders and most regular people, the kingdom is especially not in the things that can be observed with the eyes. You can’t take a ruler and say here is the kingdom or there is the kingdom. Which means that the kingdom of God is not determined by our own purity. And let us be glad about this. I like where Luther says, “Beware of aspiring to such purity that you will not wish to be looked upon as a sinner, or to be one. For Christ dwells only in sinners.” That’s right, against what we would expect Christ dwells only in sinners. That’s not as newly created being, but a gnarly sinners. So it’s not purity, it’s not perfection that matters here. God’s power is found in weakness, in vulnerability, and in inability.
The treasure that Jesus re-hides in the field is entirely a thing of faith. We here have a trust in what cannot be seen. So the success of the kingdom is God’s prerogative alone. God does the kingdom where and when he chooses. The kingdom of heaven cannot be seen with the eyes. It is heard with the ears. The kingdom comes about whenever God’s Spirit gives us grace to believe his holy word. God hides himself, and thus he hides the kingdom, in people and in words. Precisely not in the most righteous and pure of people, but in people who are truly sinful. So you, dear people, are God’s kingdom of heaven. After all, there’s no king without a people of the kingdom. You are therefore Jesus’ priceless treasure. He sold all that he had to buy the field you’re in, he gave everything when he died on the cross, that his life becomes your life. He made you his treasure by entirely by forgiving you your sins. He enacted his mercy on you without any conditions placed upon you. What joy and value and delight you are to God. To put it in local terms, you are God’s beloved antler shed. God in his word has made you a wonderful piece of art. And you, together, with the church in heaven and the church on earth—have been made into a living chandelier with beauty unknown. What a delight God has in you, and what joy it is that you are Jesus’ treasure hidden in the field.
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monasteryicons · 11 months
The Saint Who Bumped Into Things
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An image of purity, courage, and prayer, Saint Kateri Tekakwitha was the first Native American woman to be canonized by the Catholic Church. Daughter of a Mohawk chief and an Algonquin Indian woman who had converted to Catholicism, she was born in in present-day New York in 1656. A smallpox epidemic in 1661-1663 left her an orphan, with a badly scarred face and impaired eyesight.
Because of her poor vision, Saint Kateri was named "Tekakwitha," which means "she who bumps into things.”
She was taken in by her uncle, who was bitterly opposed to Christianity. As a young girl, in accordance with Iroquois custom her foster family paired her with a young boy who they expected she would marry. However, Saint Kateri chose to dedicate her life to God.
When she was 18 she began instruction in the Catholic faith in secret, having come into contact with the Jesuit missionaries that frequented Mohawk villages after the French forces defeated the Mohawks. Her uncle finally relented and gave his consent for her to become a Christian, provided that she did not try to leave the Indian village. For joining the Catholic Church, the young girl was subjected to accusations of sorcery and promiscuity, and ridiculed and scorned by villagers who even threatened her life.
Taking the name Kateri (Catherine) at baptism, two years later she escaped to the Mission of St. Francis Xavier, a settlement of Christian Indians in Canada.
The village in Canada was called “the village of the praying Indians.” Here she was known for her gentleness, kindness, and good humor. On Christmas Day 1677 Saint Kateri made her First Holy Communion and on the Feast of the Annunciation in 1679 made a vow of perpetual virginity. She also offered herself to the Virgin Mary, asking Our Lady to accept her as a daughter.
Most of these early Indian converts were women, devoted to the Christian ideals of charity and asceticism. When they learned of nuns and convents, many wanted to form their own and created an an informal association of devout women. Saint Kateri taught prayers to children and worked with the elderly and sick. She would often go to Mass both at dawn and sunset and was known for her great devotion to the Blessed Sacrament and to the Cross of Christ. A Jesuit priest quoted Saint Kateri as saying: “For a long time my decision on what I will do has been made. I have consecrated myself entirely to Jesus, son of Mary. I have chosen Him for my husband and He alone will take me for wife.”
During the last years of her life, she endured great suffering from tuberculosis. She died on April 17, 1680, shortly before her 24th birthday, and was buried in Kahnawake, Quebec, Canada. Her final words were "Jesus — Mary — I love you."
The Jesuit priest Fr. Cholenec later wrote: “This face, so marked and swarthy, suddenly changed about a quarter of an hour after her death, and became in a moment so beautiful and so white that I observed it immediately.”
Before her death, Saint Kateri promised her friends that she would continue to love and pray for them in heaven. Both Native Americans and settlers immediately began praying for her heavenly intercession. Several people, including a priest who attended her during her last illness, reported that the saint had appeared to them and many healing miracles were attributed to her. She is venerated as the Protectress of Canada and the patron saint of Native Americans and ecology.
The Monastery Icons icon of Saint Kateri is here: https://www.monasteryicons.com/product/saint-kateri-tekakwitha-icon-479/
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newxdiary · 2 years
October 2, 2022
Coffee Time: 8:38 pm
I began writing this while cab-driving last night: I’m sure what I have conceived has been thought up by others and presented before, and by more articulate thinkers.
Rather than believing that I have an immortal soul, I believe that I am dependent physically upon the body that I inhabit and on all of the circumstances that brought this specific body into existence. Like a flame on a candle, I only exist on the specific candle-wick that I burn on. I may seem exactly like every other flame, but I am intrinsically different. I believe that my existence is wholly dependent on John J. meeting Harriet A at that bank in Brooklyn nearly 60 years ago. it’s dependent upon James and Bridget Hopkins emigrating from Ireland in 1906(?) subsequently, had my mother miscarried in the years preceding my birth, I certainly would not have come into existence. Furthermore, given that I was born in February of 1967, it follows suit that I was conceived during a specific sexual encounter between my parents in April or May of 1966: any event that might have prevented that occurrence precludes me, and thus prevents my consciousness from existing. I believe this, only in the sense that this is one way in which my specific existence can be proven. I cannot prove that my consciousness could exist in other circumstances, only that they definitively do in these.
Suppose my soul and conscious could simply attach to another living entity. So many physical differences and experiences would then be mixed in to form this consciousness in other ways from how it is now. To be succinct, there is evidence that the only existence of myself is entirely dependent on my consciousness inhabiting my body that was brought forth by the chain of events that led to a specific creation of a specific embryo on a specific day in the spring of 1966, in which a specific sexual encounter created the specific competition for  a specific sperm in an ejaculation of my father’s semen, to win the race to the specific egg that was released by my mother’s ovaries, and the successful implantation of that embryo in my mother’s uterus: any other outcome to this event most likely fosters a different  entity to come into existence. Had my siring sperm got tired on the way and slacked off, and I am not conceived. Had traffic in Brooklyn caused my father to be late coming home, or had my mother not been in any mood for sex and I don’t come into being. Had, my both of my grandparents not emigrated from Ireland, and I don’t come into existence. Had the potato famine not happened, and the circumstance of their emigration may have never come about. And I thus don’t come into existence. My existence is not just dependent on my parents having that specific sexual encounter, but upon all the events, large and small, that would have facilitated that sexual encounter. From my father possibly not getting home at the right time, or having gotten too drunk, to the American Revolution and Columbus landing in America. All of these events would have affected the probability of the occurrence of that sexual encounter. Had Columbus never sailed in 1492, and it’s all thrown off. Sure some other European imperialist would have surely found America, but it would have altered all the following events. Had Julius Caesar not conquered western Europe, would Columbus have ever come into existence. Had Pontius Pilate decided not to crucify Jesus. Had Moses choked and not led the Israelites out of Egypt. Had Baucis and Philemon treated Zeus and Hermes like too tedious beggars, wouldn’t they have been swallowed in the flood?
It's hard to conceive of this result this genesis of one consciousness by a grand series of physical incidents that determine my presence, driving a cab in the twenty-first century. It’s easier to indulge the indefinite notions that ignore this dependency. It’s less excruciatingly stark to see my existence in some other way that bursts that timeline of minutiae that makes up who I definitely can be defined as. DNA, cells, matter and thousands of years of happenstance: wouldn’t you rather have a soul?
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coghive · 2 years
Selah Celebrates 25 Years With Two Milestone Recordings
Renowned for their impassioned interpretations of timeless hymns and classic songs of faith, 11-time GMA Dove Award-winning vocal trio Selah is celebrating 25 years in Christian music with the release of two highly anticipated full-length recordings this fall. Adding to an unparalleled discography showcasing Selah’s signature take on some of the most popular Inspirational songs of all time, Greatest Hymns Vol. 3 bows October 14 alongside At This Table: A Christmas Album. Both projects—releasing via the group’s label, 3Cre8tive—will be available exclusively at national retail with various singles slated for digital release. Greatest Hymns Vol. 3 Selah’s third Greatest Hymns compilation delivers 13 piano-driven arrangements of genre-spanning favorites. Produced by Jason Kyle Saetveit, the album features such Sunday morning standards as “Blessed Assurance” and “Oh, How I Love Jesus”; an emotive new rendition of the iconic Imperials/Russ Taff anthem “Praise The Lord”; and the “Twila Paris Medley,” a tribute to one of Christian music’s seminal worship singer/songwriters. The project’s forthcoming single, “Put Your Hand In The Hand,” a rootsy, blues-infused cover of the 1970s pop-gospel classic, is slated to hit streaming platforms September 30.
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“I am so excited about both projects we’re releasing this year, but the hymns album is especially close to my heart,” shares Selah’s Allan Hall. “It harkens back to the spirit of our very first album, Be Still My Soul, which was filled with hymns and classics set to simple piano/vocal arrangements. We wanted to involve our fans in selecting the songs this time around, so after receiving thousands of responses with many wonderful suggestions, we narrowed it down to the most requested songs and got to work. I’m pleased with how the project has turned out, and I truly hope our fans enjoy it. This album was made for them with much thought, care, and love.” At This Table: A Christmas Album Continuing a milestone year, Selah is also set to release At This Table: A Christmas Album October 14—their first new holiday recording since the 2002 classic Rose Of Bethlehem. Showcasing a range of modern and traditional songs of the season, the 10-song set was produced by Jason Kyle Saetveit and Chris Bevins. The lushly orchestrated title-cut—co-penned and originally recorded by stage and screen star Idina Menzel—encapsulates the album’s theme, welcoming listeners into a poignantly reflective Christmas collection. The song will be available on streaming platforms November 4.
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“I first heard ‘At This Table’ in a coffee shop and it stopped me in my tracks,” remembers Selah’s Amy Perry. “It so resonated with me because I’m from a large family with several siblings adopted through the foster care system—and now my own family is on a foster care journey as well. No family sees eye-to-eye all the time, but my parents were adamant that no matter the differences, their home and hearts were always open to us. That’s a picture of how Jesus feels about us, too. No matter the circumstance, we are always welcome at His table.” Additional highlights of At This Table include the sacred carols “Away In A Manger (Sweet Melody)”; “It Came Upon The Midnight Clear”; and “The First Noel,” as well as such contemporary Christmas tracks as “The Night That Love Was Born” and “Mary Had A Little Lamb.” Selah – 25 Years Since the release of their watershed debut, Be Still My Soul, Selah has become one of the most beloved groups in Christian music with more than 750 million streams and over 4 million albums sold. The trio’s genre-spanning renditions of cherished hymns and Inspirational classics, as well as their signature originals, have been beacons of hope and healing to listeners around the world for 25 years. “There have been many highlights in our career so far, including performing at Carnegie Hall; singing at the U.S. Capitol and the Pentagon after September 11, 2001; making our debut on the Grand Ole Opry; and headlining the historic Ryman Auditorium,” says Selah’s Todd Smith. “However, the stories of how God has spoken to others through our music mean the most to us.” “We received a letter from a lady recounting a dark moment when she felt she had nothing to live for and was on the verge of ending her life with a handful of pills,” Smith shares. “She cried out to God and said, ‘Jesus, if You are there and if You care, will You show me?’ Her clock-radio alarm suddenly switched on, tuned to a Christian radio station she’d never listened to. Our song ‘Press On’ was playing. ‘When the valley is deep/When the mountain is steep/When the body is weary…In Jesus’ name, we press on…We find the strength to press on.’ In that moment she put down the pills. I’m so grateful that God has used us in His story for the past 25 years.” Selah’s iconic anthems include “You Raise Me Up,” “Press On,” “Wonderful, Merciful Savior” and the multi-week #1 hit, “You Amaze Us,” among numerous others. Comprised of Todd Smith, Allan Hall and Amy Perry, the group has garnered 11 Gospel Music Association Dove Awards—including seven Inspirational Album of the Year trophies—two Gold-certified albums, and eight #1 singles to date. Read the full article
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