#jiroon isnt very strong but she seems to have been the most emotionally intelligent and healthy of the apprentices by far
Najin and Jiroon are. like. They're good for each other, but they have to tear each other apart first. This is still one of Najin's healthiest relationships. It's arguing until they're both too tired to argue anymore and then refusing to look each other in the face as they spill their guts. It's them saying something about yourself that you already know, but don't like looking at. One of you will flinch away but the other one won't, and it's not the one everyone thinks of as fearless. It's finding someone who you can be mean and messy with and it's finding someone who can actually take your horrible attitude down a peg. It's seeing someone who excels at something you're not good at, and one of you works to get better and find her place without much prompting other than her own resolve, and the other one of you has to be figuratively mauled to get his ass into gear.
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