#johnny's one of those guys that like...he sees women he doesn't find attractive as nonhuman
rosesradio · 2 years
so if we’re gonna acknowledge how shitty johnny’s character is this season...i haven’t seen a single mention of the moment in s5e3 when miguel asks johnny for advice with sam. and somewhere miguel mentioned demetri has a girlfriend (as delightful as their...”relationship” is). and johnny scoffs and says “i bet she’s a looker”
i. i just 🤢
like i get the joke is that demetri’s a Dork™ and yasmine is Actually Hot and wow how’d he land her!!1! in this magical karate world where mediocre men breathe and hot girls with no character of their own automatically swoon for them
(this isn’t demetri hate btw i love him--)
but like. that felt like...so regressed from stuff we’ve seen? i get that johnny’s not a Woke King (and if he were that’d be corny as hell) but what attempts he’s tried have been...somewhat funny and with good intentions imo.
but that just set me off. like something something johnny’s only Less Shitty to women he’s attracted to, and he’s Abominably Shitty to women he doesn’t find attractive (even if, in yasmine’s case, he hasn’t met her). i am. whew i can’t take this anymore--
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