#jopper get murrayd
nyxi-pixie · 2 years
microwave viability surverys being like 'mike doesnt like will back theres no evidence' is so funny bc it really proves my theory that the st general audience is.. fucking stupid
almost Every Single Canon Couple (and non canon too) on the fucking show has to be set up Through Other Characters bc the gen audience straight up wont understand otherwise
genuinely the only cases of this not happening that i can think of is susie and dustin (who got tgthr off screen and we as the audience are just told theyre tgthr) and lumax(arguably bc they were def getting there anyway but we do have dustins 'i felt the electricity' thing so??)
like does someone have to bonk mike on the head and be like "YOURE GAY FOR WILL" before the general audience agrees that theres proof for reciprocated byler😭😭😭
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