#journeys end in lovers meeting
naffeclipse · 7 months
Finished another rewatch of The Haunting of Hill House and Nellie saying "I love you completely. And you loved me the same. That's all. The rest is confetti." <<< seared into my brain and remaking my genetic makeup forevermore
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merriconstance · 1 year
Eleanor Vance truly was the perfect victim for the House. She has no love for her family, no home to return to, and a deep longing for somewhere to belong, to be wanted. And that’s what killed her. Through no fault of her own, she has been taken in by the House, making her a part of it. The House is breaking her down and slipping in the cracks, and only lets her go when it’s too late for her to stop it, so she can have that one moment of clarity before the House takes her forever.
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hangsawoman · 6 months
what are you guys favorite shirley jackson quotes?
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camcorderrevival · 2 months
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world's most fucked up deleted dialogue. a few months of no amy pond had him romanticising the mundane.
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septembersghost · 2 years
i just wanted to share a little musing on why i think it's actually vital that kim was not around for the full-blown saul goodman transformation - reasons beyond, "saul is a sleazy jerk and obviously had no one he cared about, so they had to match established canon."
i know a lot of us theorized for years that maybe she WAS secretly behind the scenes during brba era, running her own practice or helping him out of sight, and maybe there's some way that they could've finagled it to make it work and have all the scumminess be merely a front to protect her, but after the events of S6, i'm relieved they didn't go that way. that would've been a kim stripped of her essence, her strength. that would've made what howard said to her seem true, and it wasn't. i know there's been a lot of talk, from me included, about kim essentially erasing herself and imploding in self-punishment/self-recrimination, and she did, but the choice to leave was also her clawing for any remnant of her soul that she could possibly still salvage. her staying - and worse, being okay with - saul as we know he becomes is a FAR worse tragedy, as devastating as the breakup is. she still loves him fiercely, but she knows she has to get out. watching kim erode as significantly as jimmy-as-saul does would've been horrifying, and there's an even bigger factor here - she could never have come back from that. to me, that's a much bleaker story. there is no hope for her in that story. there is only poison without antidote. if she were still with him for those events, her narrative would be far more damning for her. where would the chance be for her to ever climb out of that?
but she's gone. it may have been an act of self-loathing and self-sacrifice as much as it was self-protection, but she fled the warped image she knew she was becoming - and from that heartache and destruction, something new can grow. leaving gives her the chance of finding something in herself to hold on to again. it gives her the chance to slowly heal and rebuild. it hurts like hell that they couldn't do that together, it's supposed to, but there's resilience in her choice.
if she hadn't left, i'd be sure they were doomed. never to find one another again, never to have a chance at redemption (separately or together), or maybe even reunion (even if it's bittersweet and momentary). her leaving gives her possibility. gives her agency. i save me. and maybe, just maybe, it will grant her the power to help save him too, whatever that looks like or means. i feel that reconciliation of jimmy's arc won't even be possible without her in some way.
this is a tragedy, but the thing is - the tragedy has already happened now. we've seen it, or we know what it's coming to, we only don't know the final resolution. it doesn't have to be dismal and harsh - i'd argue neither brba nor el camino are! they both have breaths of humanity and recovery woven into their conclusions, and that's a far darker journey of the soul than bcs is in many respects. poignancy is not a false note to strike here. i don't believe kim's arc is finished. hope doesn't exist on its own, there has to be grief and loss to make it distinct, to make it matter. and you can't have a reunion without first being parted.
there's a line i keep thinking about (from shakespeare or shirley jackson, respectively): journeys end in lovers meeting. there's a metaphor in it about being intertwined irrevocably, being destined to find each other over and over again. one ends happily, one decidedly does not, but i still keep thinking about those lines, and wondering whether we might end on something in the middle.
what's to come is still unsure. /// I have spent an all but sleepless night, I have told lies and made a fool of myself, and the very air tastes like wine. I have been frightened half out of my foolish wits, but I have somehow earned this joy; I have been waiting for it for so long.
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thisseethingcoast · 1 year
In the mood to re-read hill house, it's getting bad again girls
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leafatlaw · 3 months
honestly I might like the “haunting of hill house” show if I ever was to watch it. But my problem there lies in the fact that a major point of the book is “journeys end in lovers meeting” and in the show, their all like siblings or something
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seaquestions · 2 years
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each morning i get up i die a little.
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impossiblesongs · 3 months
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Doctor/River + TTTW quotes → “Home sweet home. No place like home. Take me home, country roads. Home is where the heart is. But my heart is here. So I must be home.”
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2hollis · 1 day
the hellbound heart👀👁️ are they lovers, worse
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lovelaceisntdead · 10 months
Okay but like I have spent an all but sleepless night, I have told lies and made a fool of myself, and the very air tastes like wine. I have been frightened half out of my foolish wits, but I have somehow earned this joy; I have been waiting for it for so long. If you even care or anything.
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milkybottombergara · 5 months
i thought that i was prepared for the gay drama that is TMP, but i really wasn't
This truly was an angst with a happy ending, slow burn, breaking up and making up, hurt/comfort wonder.
Jim's heartbreakingly happy face when Spock returns, only to have his heart shredded moments later.
Captured the feeling of still being in love while broken up, ouch!
But then they get back together!
The hand kiss!
The gentleness, the sweetness!
They'll work it out, they will sit down and talk!
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dangermousie · 1 year
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So not the hard magic blade she wanted you to be pointing at her!
10 eps in and it’s 100% Journey of Flower remix, so I have high hopes than once she goes evil she’s gonna chain him to the bed etc. Censors, pls be merciful!
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spindaonateaspoon · 2 years
Just finished Haunting of Hill House babes
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breathingsong · 2 years
shirley jackson queen of eerie literary references
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jehans-flower-pot · 9 months
at journey's end already.... pls i dont want to
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