#jude mann
shesthespinstersimmer · 5 months
Square Biz (4)
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LO: Know what? Send out a group email - tell everyone next meeting they each have to bring a fresh idea for next year's editions.
JUDE: Inspired yet?
CORA: You have no idea. I can't wait to get home and tell you all about it.
[ Meanwhile, in San Myshuno... ]
( Redd knocks )
CAPTAIN: It's open.
Hey, Daddy.
What'd you need me to do?
CAPTAIN: What do I need? I need you to cut the bullshit and tell me what's going on.
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egyptiankingg · 1 year
no i will not have hope i had hope for MONTHS now i’m heartbroken excuse me while i cry some more
Where jude comes to lfc
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It was a sunny day at Liverpool's training ground, and Trent Alexander-Arnold and Jordan Henderson were sitting together, scrolling through their phones and laughing. "What's so funny?" asked Jurgen Klopp, walking over to them.
"The fans on Twitter are going crazy about Jude Bellingham not coming to Liverpool," replied Trent, still chuckling. "They're all saying we missed out on him."
Klopp grinned. "Don't worry, boys. I've got this." He pulled out his phone and dialed Bellingham's number.
"Hey, Jude! It's Jurgen Klopp. I hear you're not coming to Liverpool. What's going on?" Klopp joked.
Jude laughed. "Sorry, boss. I guess I was just having second thoughts."
"Well, snap out of it, silly boy," Klopp teased. "Get your ass over to Liverpool, and we'll sign you up!"
"Okay, papa!" Jude shouted, grinning from ear to ear.
A few hours later, Jude arrived at Liverpool's training ground, and Klopp welcomed him with open arms. They sat down together, and Jude signed the contract to officially become a Liverpool player.
Just as the news broke, Pep Guardiola was sitting in his office, scrolling through his phone. When he saw the announcement, he flew into a rage. He ripped all of the pictures of him and Klopp off his walls and threw them in the bin.
"Those Liverpool scoundrels!" he muttered to himself. "They always get what they want!"
Meanwhile, Klopp, Henderson, and Trent were all high-fiving and laughing. "We did it, boys!" Klopp exclaimed. "Jude is now a Red, and there's nothing Pep can do about it!"
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luckydiorxoxo · 11 months
Cabaret At The Kit Kat Club" - After Party
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A Haunting in Venice (12A): Gothic murder mystery that fails to thrill.
#onemannsmovies #filmreview of "A Haunting In Venice". #AHauntingInVenice. Gothic murder/mystery, neither horrific nor mysterious. 2.5/5.
A One Mann’s Movies review of “A Haunting in Venice” (2023). I’ve been on holiday for a few weeks, so have some catching up to do at the cinema. But I thought I’d start with “A Haunting in Venice”, out today and the latest Kenneth Branagh/Poirot mystery. I’d been looking forward to this one, since – unlike “Murder on the Orient Express” and “Death on the Nile” – I wasn’t familiar with the Agatha…
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olivierdemangeon · 1 year
HALLOWEEN KILLS (2021) ★★★☆☆
HALLOWEEN KILLS (2021) ★★★☆☆
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weclassybouquetfun · 4 months
We still have a ways to go before awards season is over, but we put one major one to bed: The Golden Globes.
Here's Cillian Murphy accepting his award by opening with a joke referencing the much talked about story of Christopher Nolan not having chairs on his set.
*I got the joke, Cillian. Don't let those little titters from the audience let you think that it wasn't funny.
Cillian's ruddy nose is due from a kiss from his wife Yvonne, who accompanied him with their son Aran. Or at least it looked like Aran, unless Malachy and he favours.
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Aran in a film.
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Good on ya, Cillian.
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Depending how the SAG-AWARDS, BAFTAs and Oscars go, maybe Cillian will continue the Irish love triangle with Barry Keoghan and Andrew Scott.
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The true winners in my eyes.
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While Barry is still on the awards season push, he is starting promotion for AppleTV+'s MASTERS OF THE AIR. Next weekend he'll join costars Austin Butler, Rafferty Law (son of Jude and Sadie Frost), Nate Mann, Anthony Boyle and Callum Turner and their executive producer for a Q&A.
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shape · 5 months
Der jüdische Sozialpsychologe Kurt Lewin schrieb 1939, unmittelbar vor dem deutschen Überfall auf Polen, in der Zeitschrift "Jewish Frontier" einen heute - leider - wieder erstaunlich aktuellen Aufsatz, aus dem ich hier zitiere. Titel der deutschen Übersetzung: "Angesichts von Gefahr".
"Freundlichkeit ist nicht die richtige Reaktion gegenüber einem Aggressor. In den letzten Jahren haben wir in der Weltpolitik gesehen, wie unwürdig, moralisch geschmacklos und unklug die Politik einer Beschwichtigung des Aggressors ist. Es ist beides, beschämend und dumm, mit einem Mann zu reden, der entschlossen ist, dich zu vernichten. Für den Feind bedeutet solch ein freundliches Reden nur, dass man entweder zu schwach oder zu feige ist, ihn zu bekämpfen." ... "Der Jude wird begreifen müssen, und er wird schnell begreifen müssen, dass es bei dem Kampf gegen die Nazis und ihre Verbündeten nicht angebracht ist, rücksichtsvoll zu sein. Es gibt nur eine Art, einen Feind zu bekämpfen, und das ist, Schlag für Schlag zu erwidern, sofort zurückzuschlagen und wenn möglich härter." ... "Aber der junge Mensch wird begreifen, dass es ehrenhafter, würdiger und mehr dem Geist des Judentums und Amerikas gemäß ist, sofort und nachdrücklich auf die erste Beleidigung zu reagieren, als zu warten, bis der Feind stark genug geworden ist, seinen Willen mit Gewalt durchzusetzen. Eine Beleidigung zu übersehen mag einem kultivierten Geist großzügig erscheinen, aber in einer Lage wie der unsrigen, wo es geradezu um die Existenz des jüdischen Volkes geht, können wir uns den Luxus dieser Geste nicht leisten. Abgesehen von der moralischen Frage handelt ein Mann, der kein Rückgrat zeigt, unklug. Er fordert die Bestialität des Mobs heraus, der stets bereit ist, seinen brutalen Spaß zu treiben, aber sich scheut, sein Haupt zu erheben, wenn er weiß, dass ihm Widerstand geleistet wird."
Kurt Lewin ist nicht nur wegen dieses Aufsatzes erstaunlich aktuell. Er schrieb auch über jüdischen Selbsthass, ein Phänomen, das wir derzeit beispielsweise bei jüdischen BDS-Unterstützern und überhaupt bei jüdischen Israelfeinden beobachten. Er schrieb über "Die Erziehung des jüdischen Kindes", darüber, wie Kinder auf das Leben in einer antisemitischen Umgebung vorbereitet werden sollen. Er entwickelte Reeducation-Konzepte, bezogen auf Nazideutschland nach der Niederlage, die aber heute Anregungen für den Umgang mit der Bevölkerung in Gaza nach der Zerschlagung der Hamas bieten können, oder auch für den Umgang mit hiesigen Antisemiten.
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leylainisrael · 1 year
Scham und Schuld
Die nächsten paar Zeilen sind ziemlich privat.
Ich weiß nicht, ob ich jemals mutig genug bin, diesen Eintrag zu veröffentlichen, aber ich will ihn nun wenigstens schreiben. 
Nicht weil ich über das folgende Thema so gerne spreche, sondern weil man darüber sprechen muss. Und ich will nicht mehr so tun, als wäre ich nicht „man“.
Bei meinem ersten Arbeitstag bittet mich meine Chefin in ihr Büro, damit sie mich in Ruhe kennenlernen kann. Irgendwann schloss sie die Tür. Sie machte mir klar, dass sie möchte, dass ich mich wohl fühle. Falls jemand mir doof kommt, soll ich es ihr sagen. Das war lieb von ihr, fand ich.
Es ist ein seltsames Gefühl, wenn etwas Ernst genommen wird, was sonst tot geschwiegen wird. Es lässt einen übertrieben vorkommen. 
Es lässt einen denken „Ach kommt. Es gibt nun wirklich schlimmeres“ 
Es lässt einen schuldig fühlen. 
So ein verdammt gemeines Wort. 
Weil wer denkt, er sei schuldig, schämt sich. 
Und Scham ist ein verdammt gemeines Gefühl. 
Aber bin ich Schuld, weil ich nett war? Bin ich Schuld, weil ich nicht aufgestanden und gegangen bin? Bin ich Schuld, weil ich es zugelassen habe?
„Nächstes Mal sage ich etwas.“
Doch nächstes Mal sage ich nichts. Sitze nur da und hoffe, dass es vorbei geht. 
Obwohl ich doch weiß, dass ich einfach gehen kann. 
Und deshalb fühle ich Schuld. 
„Hätte er dasselbe getan, wenn seine Familie dabei gewesen wäre?“, fragte mich meine Chefin, als ich dabei war den Patienten in Schutz zu nehmen, der seine Hand auf die Innenseite meines Beines legte, während er mich mit Geschichten seines Lebens voll laberte. „Nein, das hätte er wohl nicht“. Als religiöser Jude, darf man nicht mal in der Bahn neben einer Frau sitzen. Meine Ausrede funktionierte also nicht, dass er es wohl nicht so meinte. Dass er es als Geste der Aufmerksamkeit machte, wie man sich kurz am Arm berührte, um eine Verbindung zum Gesprächspartner aufrecht zu erhalten. 
Ich schäme mich. So sehr, dass ich an einem Tag früher von der Arbeit gehe. 
Ich wusste nicht, wer davon weiß, aber eine Pflegerin kam auf mich zu und sagte, ich solle nächstes Mal einfach seine Hand wegschlagen. 
Ich schämte mich, dafür dass ich es nicht getan habe und dafür, dass jetzt jeder von meinem Versagen wusste.
Ich wünschte, ich hätte nichts gesagt. Wie ich es sonst immer tue. Einfach schweigen, weil man es dann so einfach und so schnell vergessen kann. 
Man will nicht daran erinnert werden, wie schwach man ist. 
In der Bahn fasste mir ein älterer Mann in den Schritt. 
Beim Joggen wurde ich mit den Worten „I love you“ „you want me?“, angehalten. Nachdem ich klar machte, dass ich ihn nicht will, kam er näher und sagte „just one kiss?!“. 
Als ich mit mit meiner Freundin tanzen war, wurden wir angefasst. Selbst nachdem wir ihn anschrien, dass er gehen soll. 
Ein andere filmt uns. 
Das sind nur die Sachen, die ich mich traue zu erzählen und die, die groß genug erscheinen, sie hier aufzulisten. Ich beschwere mich gar nicht mehr über das hinterherrufen, die Blicke, das pfeifen, die doofen Sprüche. So klein erscheinen sie mir. 
Es ist einfach jetzt zu sagen, dass es ein Problem des Auslands sei. Ich berichte hier schließlich über meine Erfahrungen in Israel. 
Aber leider ist es nicht so einfach. Leider passiert es überall und jeder. 
Leider traue ich mich erst jetzt es auszusprechen. Dabei hätte ich schon mit 15 schon eine lange Liste gehabt. 
Ich kann mir vorstellen, dass bei euch verschiedene Emotionen hochkommen.
Vielleicht fühlen einige mit, manche sind stolz auf mich, andere machen sich Sorgen und wahrscheinlich findet es auch jemand von euch übertrieben. 
Und das darf alles sein. Ich will versuchen mich davon abzugrenzen und einfach zu erzählen, was in mir vorgeht. Denn ich kann nicht mehr schweigen, obwohl ich es viel lieber tun würde. 
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shesthespinstersimmer · 5 months
Dotted Line (1)
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Daaaamn! Okay!
I swear, if y'all promised to dress like this more often, I would chip in on wardrobe myself.
CORA: If you're serious, you can amend our contracts. We're here for business, right?
LO: Well, shit. A'ight... let's get down to business. Any problem with the contracts?
JUDE: I ran them by my manager and my lawyer. They're legit. However...
LO: Please don't say more money; I squeezed out as much as I could. I'm even paying y'all more than the girls. By the way, don't ever repeat that.
CORA: Actually, we were thinking more along the lines of a few tweaks.
LO: Go on.
JUDE: Well, for one, I have other contracts that require me to travel to other locations and maintain some level of flexibility.
You can always tap on remotely, that's fine. And when you can't, you can't. No big deal. Just keep me and Blair in the loop.
What about you, Cor?
CORA: I just need the freedom to work on my book; I don't wanna get wrapped up in this, and have that fall by the wayside.
LO: I hear that. The way I see it, those two things are interchangeable; you'll get plenty of info for your bookworking here, and if you're smart, when the book is ready, you'll use your built-in fan base to promote it.
JUDE: She's got a good point, Cor.
CORA: Yeah she does. I keep forgetting how smart she is.
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claudia1829things · 2 years
Movies Set During Depression Era U.S.
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Below is list of movies set during the Great Depression here in the U.S.  The list is in chronological order and . . . you might find them interesting:
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1.  “The Group” (1933) - This movie is an adaptation of Mary McCarthy’s novel about a group of friends and Vassar College graduates between 1933 and 1940.   Sidney Lumet directed.
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2.  “Bonnie and Clyde” (1967) - Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway starred in this biopic about the infamous Depression-era bank robbers, Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow.  Arthur Penn directed.
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3.  “Sounder” (1972) - Martin Ritt directed this adaptation of William H. Armstrong’s 1969 novel about the struggles of an African American sharecropper family in the Deep South, during the Depression.  Paul Winfield, Cicely Tyson and Kevin Hooks starred.
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4.  “Paper Moon” (1973) - Ryan and Tatum O’Neal starred in this comedy-drama about a pair of grifters on a road trip in the Midwest, during the Depression.  Peter Bogdanovich directed.
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5.  “The Sting” (1973) - Paul Newman and Robert Redford starred in this Best Picture winner about a group of grifters who set up a major con against a crime lord responsible for the death of a friend.  George Roy Hill directed.
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6.  “The Untouchables” (1987) - Brian De Palma directed this account of U.S. Treasury Agent Elliot Ness’ investigation into crime lord Al Capone’s bootlegging operation in Chicago, during the last years of Prohibition.  Kevin Costner, Sean Connery, Charles Martin Smith, Andy Garcia and Robert De Niro starred.
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7.  “O Brother, Where Art Thou?” (2000) - Joel and Ethan Coen wrote and directed this satire set prison escapees in 1937 Mississippi, which was loosely based on Homer’s poem, “The Odyssey”.  George Clooney, John Tuturro and Tim Blake Nelson starred.
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8.  “Road to Perdition” (2002) - Sam Mendes directed this adaptation of Max Allen Collins’ 1998 graphic novel about a mob enforcer, who seeks vengeance for the deaths of his wife and younger son, while protecting his older son, a murder witness.  Set in 1931 Illinois, the movie starred Tom Hanks, Tyler Hoechlin, Jude Law and Paul Newman.
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9.  “Seabiscuit” (2003) - Gary Ross starred in this adaptation of Laura Hillenbrand’s 1999 book about the famous California racehorse from the late 1930s.  Tobey Maguire, Jeff Bridges, Chris Cooper and Elizabeth Banks starred.
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10. “Cinderella Man” (2005) - Russell Crowe starred in this biopic about boxer James J. Braddock and his struggles to survive the Depression via the sport.  Directed by Ron Howard, the movie co-starred Renee Zellweger and Paul Giamatti.
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11.  “Public Enemies” (2009) - Johnny Depp and Christian Bale starred in this biopic about the exploits of Depression-era gangster John Dillinger and the efforts of F.B.I. Special Agent Melvin Purvis to capture him.  Michael Mann directed.
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brokehorrorfan · 2 years
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Halloween Kills will receive a new Steelbook edition on 4K Ultra HD (with Blu-ray and Digital) on September 6 via Universal exclusively at Best Buy, where it’s available to pre-order for $30.99.
It’s identical to the sold-out Steelbook that came out when the film hit home video in January, only with a revised color scheme. Both the 105-minute theatrical and 109-minute extended versions are included.
David Gordon Green returns to direct the sequel to 2018’s Halloween from a script he wrote with Danny McBride and Scott Teems. Jamie Lee Curtis, Andi Matichak, Judy Greer, Will Patton, Thomas Mann, Anthony Michael Hall, Kyle Richards, Nancy Stephens, Charles Cyphers, and James Jude Courtney star.
Special features are listed below.
Special features:
Theatrical & extended cuts
Audio commentary by director/co-writer David Gordon Green and actresses Jamie Lee Curtis and Judy Greer
Deleted and extended scenes
Gag reel
Haddonfield’s Open Wounds featurette
The Kill Team featurette
Strode Family Values featurette
1978 Transformations featurette
The Power of Fear featurette
Kill Count
The Halloween night when Michael Myers returned isn’t over yet. Michael manages to free himself from Laurie Strode’s (Jamie Lee Curtis) trap to resume his ritual bloodbath. As Laurie fights for her life from injuries from her last encounter with Michael, she inspires her daughter Karen (Judy Greer), granddaughter Allyson (Andi Matichak), and all of Haddonfield to rise up against their unstoppable monster. The vigilante mob then sets out to hunt Michael down, once and for all. Evil dies tonight.
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judeswhore · 11 months
I literally love your hey Jude tag so much Mann Ughh it’s literally my crack 😩😩
I hope you know that me as in I, go through this tag with my headphones on blasting my playlist imagining every little scenario. Because it will definitely happen to me 🤭
Anyways yea, just wanted to say🩷
i’m glad!!! i also do the same🤭🤭i’m very thankful for everyone that sends stuff in (u included bc ur stuff is always incredible!!) bc it makes me silly too and i love interacting w everyone it makes being here sm fun
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The Oscars "Best Animated Short" Nominees, 2023.
#onemannsmovies review of the Oscar "Best Animated Short" film nominees for 2023.
A One Mann’s Movies review of the nominations for the Oscars in the “Best Animated Short” Category. I’ve not done separate reviews for these Oscar “Best Animated Short” nominees but am including brief reviews for them in this one post. The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse (2022). Bob the Movie Man Rating(s): Plot Summary: A lost boy is helped with guidance and advice from the animals he…
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Sunday 26 May 1839
12 ½
very fine morning F52° inside and 69 ½° outside in the sun at 9 10/.. and breakfast in about 40 minutes then out with – by the walk to the meer and round to its head and did not come in till 11 ¼ when found Joseph Mann come – had been at Low moor – the new shaft for the fly wheel much stronger than the one that was broken – it was finished by 2pm yesterday – to come here very early on Monday and the men not to leave their work till they had finished it, if they had to sit up all night – we are to be going again on Tuesday – Mr. Rhodes the foreman or manager very civil – assured JM. no time had been lost – when the shaft broke and all was stopt on Wednesday afternoon the men had driven 32 yards length of Airgate mine, and no more – the men do not make wage – must be mended – but JM. thinks 6d. per more or the main gate will do – it is now with task of coal 3/. per yard main gate and 1/. per yard back gate or little gate – this latter is on the right hand of the men as they work up from Listerwick pit to Airgate pit –
the men drive in the 16 hours about 1 ½ yard per day in each gate –
main gate 4ft. wide and little gate 3ft. wide, but with raking i.e. taking coal at the sides and walling up with scale they get the coal for 9ft. wide at each gate – but they got 50 loads a day .:.
9 yards of square of ground yields 50 loads i.e. 50/9 = 5 5/9 loads per yard 50 loads a day will be got in like manner in driving the two heads from AP. to WP. and on getting up to AP. we may 50 loads more a day – or as much as we like of the portion of coal allotted to Listerwick pit – we may put in 6 or 8 colliers without doing any harm – I said more coal must be got to make the engine pay better – mentioned also that if Robert Mann could eventually take charge of the engine, it would not be a hard job and would keep him at Listerwick – I wished to do as well as I could for both of them (Joseph and Robert M-) but the concern could not afford 3 men at £50 per annum – as Joseph was at Whiskam Walker pit banking seemed most fit for him and he could do
it and the bottom stewardship of the whole concern very well – told Joseph to think of all this- he seemed well inclined to Robert M-‘s eventually taking the engine – said his brother John Mann was working at the gas house and had told him Holts’ partners were annoyed at my coal being tried – did not want me to interfere – Joseph M- sure we can supply ¼ of the contract – it should be 8/. per ton – would not advise me at present to take more than ¼ - it was now the servants dinner time and I sent Joseph in to dine with them – then at luncheon with A- and then in the tower study (she with me writing to her sister) arranging my books till off to church at 2 ½ and waited 10 minutes – Mr. Horsfall did all the duty – preached 30 minutes very good sermon from Epistle of Jude latter part of 3rd verse – 17 minutes at Cliff hill – Mrs. AW. well as of late – home at 5 20/.. and A- and I (her proposal) walked in the Lodge road till 6 ½ - dinner at 6 40/.. – skimmed over the newspaper – coffee – came to the blue room and had written all but the 1st line of today now at 9 20/.. – then with A- downstairs looking at plan of Hipperholme [?] Brighouse respecting  the Sutherland Rookes (upper Rookes) coal – came up to bed at 11 at which hour F55°  inside and 48 1/2° outside – very fine day – stood making memoranda –
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world-of-news · 2 months
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Meet our cast!
From top to bottom left to right
- Topaz, Jasper, Lapis, Onyx
- 1-RYS, Hayden Christopher, Ricky Roy Christopher-Mei, Marilyn Mei, 1-CCE
- 5-NLS, 5-PCE, Loralie West, Jude, 5-GAR, 5-NPS
- 6-ARF, 6-ARQ, Emi Graveyard, Yato Mann, 6-TCH, 6-OOP
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