#just got rly emotional earlier today bc like. havin long hair and bein non op and wanting to wear pretty things? doesnt make u not a dude
saintbleeding · 1 year
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[ID: Digital art of Martin and Jon from TMA. Martin is a short, fat, white man with long brown hair in a low bun, wearing glasses and a rosy pink half-binder. Jon is a taller British-Indian man with grey hair tied back and a patchy beard. He has various different scars across his body and wears a mostly-unbuttoned short-sleeved green shirt. They are facing one another with fond smiles as Martin reaches to place a small bunch of forget-me-nots in Jon’s beard, which is already full of apple blossoms and yarrow flowers. In the side of his hair there is a dwarf sunflower, and in Martin’s there is another apple blossom. They are encircled in various flowers and plants (clockwise from top): yarrow, cornflower, apple blossoms on branches, ivy leaves, forget-me-nots, red salvia flowers, and dwarf sunflowers. Behind them a clear blue sky is faintly visible. End ID.]
firstly im not immune to choosing which flowers to draw based on dubious floriography resources. secondly. men in love. thank u
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