#just like. yeah hey dude do you wanna go into another palace tomorrow? takemis messages if you have her confidant maxed literally seem to
birthday-of-music · 1 year
while november 20th did cause me irreparable damage it was much less than i expected and i think there should be more. look it hurts when canon has a bunch of angst but it hurts more when canon SHOULD have a bunch of angst but DOESNT.
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vgckwb · 4 years
P5R: Rebel Girl (A FeMC Story/P5R Rework) Chapter 8: Mission Prep
When Ren woke up, she felt Morgana cuddled up near the foot of her bed. She smiled. She liked the reminder that someone was there for her. She got out of bed and got dressed for school before Morgana woke up. She decided to wake him up. “Morning sleepyhead.”
“Ugh” Morgana groaned. “Morning.”
Ren smiled. “Get up. We’re going to school.”
“Oh. OK” Morgana said, half asleep. “Wait, WE?!” he said, waking up.
“Mm-hm” Ren said. “You heard Sojiro. This a restaurant. You can’t be hanging around here all day.”
Morgana seemed displeased. “I could walk around and stuff…”
“I guess” Ren said, sitting down next to him. “But I’d rather you be close by just in case.”
“Hm. Very well” Morgana said.
“Alright, in you go kitty” Ren said, opening her bag.
Morgana gave her an uneasy look. “Do you need to call me a cat?”
Ren looked surprised. “I thought that by affirming your status it might make things easier for you.”
“You mean the more you call me a cat, the more I’ll get used to it?” Morgana asked.
“Well, if most people are going to see you as a cat anyway, it would be beneficial to get used to it,” Ren said. “Plus, you told me you don’t mind it.”
“Well, I appreciate the thought,” Morgan said, “but I’m not sure if I quite like it yet.”
“Fair enough,” Ren said. “Well, hop in anyway. I don’t want to be late.” Morgana hopped in Ren’s bag, and the two set off for school.
At school, Morgana hid in Ren’s desk. Morgana helped Ren out on occasion, but Ren was knowledgeable for her age.
In the afternoon, Ren got a group chat message from Ryuji.
Ryuji: Hey, so I uh can’t take you to that weapon place today.
Ryuji: My mom needs me to go shopping today.
Ryuji: Does tomorrow work for everyone?
Ann: Sorry, I have a photoshoot tomorrow.
Ren: You do photos?
Ryuji: You didn’t know?
Ryuji: She’s a model.
Ann: Well, part-time…
Ann: And it’s not really something that comes up too much.
Ann: In case you forgot, something happened that would have put sharing that information on the backburner.
Ryuji: Right.
Ann: Why don’t just you and Ren go to the weapon place tomorrow?
Ann: It’ll give the two of you a chance to get closer!
Ren: Are you sure?
Ann: Of course!
Ryuji: Alright then. It’s settled. Meet me at Shibuya Station tomorrow Ren.
Ren: Got it.
Ren: I think I have a lead on some medicine.
Ren: I can handle it.
Ryuji: Alright. I’ll leave it up to you then.
Ryuji: Later.
Ren put away her phone and went back to paying attention in class.
Once school was done for the day, she traveled back to Yongen-Jaya. She asked about the doctor to the street dwellers and found that the doctor was close by. Dr. Tae Takemi ran a clinic here in Yongen.
She also heard a few off-hand rumors about her. She apparently has some strangely strong medicine, but she’s also a bit dangerous. Ren didn’t let that bother her too much. After all, she knew a thing or two about being unfairly labeled. Maybe they were just exaggerating.
Ren made her way to the clinic and walked in. Sure enough, she was there, although in a doctor’s coat rather than her full punk-goth getup. “Hello,” Ren said.
Dr. Takemi looked up. “Hm? Oh, you’re that girl from before. What brings you here?”
“Um, I need medicine,” Ren said.
“Medicine huh? What for?” Takemi asked.
“Well…” Ren was panicking. However, she thought she could use that to her advantage. “I’m exhausted.”
“Exhausted?” Takemi said.
“Yeah. I’m constantly worried about entrance exams. Not to mention all of my social anxieties” Ren continued.
“Really?” Takemi said, not quite believing her. “You seem fairly outgoing.”
Ren smiled. “Well, I guess I can be.” She paused. “But there are some things that I’m worried people will find out about me.”
Takemi smiled. “Say no more. Follow me.” Ren met up with her in the office. “So, based on what you said, I think some painkillers might do the trick. Is that alright with you?”
“Well, you’re the doctor,” Ren said.
Takemi smiled mischievously. “If that’s the case, maybe some sleeping pills might be better.”
“Hey” Morgana said from Ren’s bag. “That won’t work in the metaverse.”
“You think she’s on to me?” Ren whispered.
“Well, you can’t be a doctor if you’re not smart,” Morgana said. “Dang it.”
Takemi giggled. “Do you need some metal help as well?”
“Huh?” Ren said.
“You’re talking to your bag,” Takemi pointed out.
“Oh, uh, well…” Ren said nervously.
“It’s fine,” Takemi said. “You seem to be under a lot of pressure. Both here and at the cafe. You seem like a good kid though. I’ll get you whatever you want.”
Ren was relieved. “Thank you doctor.”
“For the right price, of course” Takemi stated seriously. “I do have to keep this place afloat after all.”
“Right. For your other patients” Ren pointed out.
Takemi was surprised then giggled. “I like you. Feel free to stop by when you need something. I’ll be here for you.”
Ren nodded. “Thank you.” She made her purchases and left the office.
While still in the clinic, she saw an aggressive man barge in. “Out of the way kid” he said, pushing her to the side. He barged into Takemi’s office.
“How may I help you?” Takemi said.
“Cut the crap. You know why I’m here” the man said.
“I’m a doctor, not a psychic,” Takemi said. “Although, if you’re looking for something like that, I’ve heard good things about a fortune teller in Shinjuku.”
“Obstinate as ever” the man said. “You should have known that any rumors about you creating special medicine would get back to me eventually.”
“Oh my. You’re keeping tabs on me?” Takemi said. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you have a crush on me.” Ren heard the man growl. “However, I’m not one for these grade-school antics. I much prefer a more mature approach.”
“Laugh all you want for now!” the man yelled. “But if these rumors keep persisting, I’ll make sure you won’t have a license anymore!”
There was a silence. “Is that all?” Takemi said. Ren noted the change in her tone.
“Yes,” the man said.
“Then I’ll ask you to leave,” Takemi said.
“Hm” the man pouted. He left, passing Ren by rudely again. Ren followed him out
On the streets of Yongen, Morgana popped out and asked “Did you hear that?”
“Which part?” Ren said.
“Apparently Dr. Takemi is working on some special medicine. That could be more helpful than the stuff we bought.”
Ren smiled. “You’re always focused on the job, aren’t you?”
“Well, what did you take from that conversation?” Morgana asked.
Ren looked serious. “I was thinking of trying to help Dr. Takemi out with that guy.”
Morgana got serious as well. “I know how you feel, but what can we do?”
“Well, I was thinking,” Ren suggested, “what if that guy had a palace?”
“Hm” Morgana smiled. “Always willing to help others. However, let’s pump the breaks on that for now. We don’t know if you can take on one palace yet. Taking on another might be too much. Besides, Takemi seems like she can handle herself for a bit.”
Ren seemed frustrated. “Look,” Morgana said. “I know. And I promise, we will help her. But if you keep taking these tasks, you might break. Then you can’t help anyone.”
Ren smiled. “You’re right Morgana.”
“Of course I am,” Morgana said. “Besides, I have an idea as to what to do about him But we should focus on the Kamoshida thing first.”
Ren nodded. “We should head back. It’s getting kind of late.” The two returned to Leblanc and spent the rest of the evening doing some studying.
The next day, Ren met up with Ryuji at Shibuya Station. “Hey” said Ryuji.
“Hello,” Ren said.
“So, the shop we’re heading to is in an offshoot of Central Street,” Ryuji explained. “Since you’re new around here, just follow my lead, OK?”
“Got it,” Ren said. Ryuji began walking. Ren followed.
Ryuji was fidgety. “So,um, you wanna go grab something to eat afterwards?” Ren looked at him curiously. “It’s just, we don’t really know each other that well, and yet fate has tied us up in this Persona business. I figured we should at least learn about each other.”
Ren smiled. “I like that idea.”
Ryuji was shocked. “O-OK. Cool. I, um, know a-a pretty good ramen place we can go to. If that’s alright with you.”
“Ramen sounds great,” Ren said.
“Cool. Cool” Ryuji said.
Ren couldn’t help but giggle. “Why are you so nervous?” she asked.
Ryuji’s face turned red. “Well, it’s b-because…”
“You know this isn’t a date, right?” Ren added.
“Oh. R-r-ight” Ryuji said. “So, um…”
“And nothing you say will make it one” Ren said.
“Figures” Ryuji said in resignation.
“Hm-hm” Ren chuckled. “It was a decent effort on your part, but like I told Mishima, I’m probably not the right girl for you.”
“You turned down Mishima too, eh?” Ryuji said. “Well, I guess I’ll have some solidarity.
As they passed through Station Square, the pair heard a street orator speaking to a disinterested public. “People of Tokyo! Please, listen to what I have to say! These mental shutdown occurrences are continuing. Yet the government is in disarray! The government should be working for the people! Yet they do nothing! I vow to you that I will work hard for all of you!”
Ren was curious about this man. His speeches were passionate, and he had an aura of truth about him. Like he believed what he really said. However, she also noticed that she was the person paying attention to his speech the most.
Ryuji looked back to see Ren stopped. “Hm?” He looked at the politician. He walked back over to Ren. “Don’t tell me you’re into older dudes.”
Ren couldn’t help but laugh. “No. No. Sorry. No.” Ren took some time to regain her composure. “Sorry. I was just interested in what he was saying is all.”
“A politician, eh?” Ryuji said. “Well, it’s not like it matters too much, since we can't vote anyway,” He said, continuing to walk.
Ren began following him again. “I know we can’t vote, but it’s important to learn about the world around you. And who knows? He might be up for election when we are able to vote. I liked what he had to say.”
“Yeah Ryuji” said Morgana, popping out of Ren’s bag. “You’ve gotta pay attention. You could learn a thing or two.”
“Wha-WHAT?!” Ryuji said. “That cat’s been here this whole time?!”
“Yeah,” Morgana said. “By the way, you sounded kind of pathetic, trying to ask her out.”
“Sh-shut up!” Ryuji yelled. “It’s not like you’d do any better, you dumb cat!”
“I’m not a cat!” Morgana said. “I just happen to have the form of a cat…”
“Same thing!” Ryuji said.
“Boys! We have a mission” Ren said, calming them down
“Fine!” Ryuji said. “But why is he here anyway?”
“Well, I live in a restaurant,” Ren explained. “If there was a cat just wandering about, people would freak out, and I wouldn’t have any place to live.”
“Oh, I getcha,” Ryuji said. “Wait, you live in a restaurant?!”
“Well, you said it yourself, we need to get to know each other better,” Ren said.
“Well, yeah, but that would surprise anyone!” Ryuji said. “Are you doing OK?”
“Well, I’m doing as fine as I can be,” Ren said.
“Well, good…” Ryuji said. He sighed. “If you were in trouble, I’d be tempted to invite you over to my place, but we don’t got the room.”
“I see,” Ren said. “Well thanks anyway.”
They arrived on Central Street. “OK, it’s just round that corner. Keep close” Ryuji explained.
Ren nodded. She followed Ryuji around the bend and saw the shop in view. However, she got a sensation in her mind. She looked at the corner where they turned to see a blue cell door there, and standing next to it was Lavenza. Ren was confused.
“Do not be alarmed,” Lavenza said. “No one else but you can see this.”
“What’s it for?” Ren asked.
“It is to help facilitate your mission” Lavenza said. “If you ever need anything from myself or my master, you may be free to do so.”
Ren nodded. “Thank you Lavenza.” Lavenza nodded back. Ren walked back to Ryuji, and the two entered the store.
Untouchable, the store, was packed with real-looking weapons and other high quality gear. “Wow,” Ren said.
“I know, right?” Ryuji said. “This place is pretty cool.” He handed her some money. “Here.”
Ren was confused. “What’s this for?”
“Well, you seemed like a natural back in the village,” Ryuji said. “I just feel like you might be able to make the best choices for what I should have with me.”
“Understood” Ren said. She approached the surly owner. “Um, hello.” The owner looked up. “I was wondering what kind of stuff you would recommend for a really realistic-looking model.”
The owner seemed cautious. “What would you do with such a model?” he asked. “You two seem a bit young to be gun buffs.”
“What are you talking about?! I was here last week!” Ryuji shouted.
“Hm. Don’t remember you” the man said.
“For real?!” Ryuji said.
“Well, I’m a real gun aficionado” Ren said. “Truth be told, he showed me a gun he bought from here, and I insisted he show me the place.”
“Hm. I see” the man said, a smile adorning his face. “Well, for really realistic stuff, we have a few things.” The man helped Ren pick out weapons and gear for the whole team.
“Thanks,” Ren said.
“Come again,” the man said. “Just be sure to be cool when it comes to showing those to people. I don’t want any negative press coming back to me.”
“Understood” Ren said. She and Ryuji left.
“How did you manage to win him over?” Ryuji asked.
“Well, I do like guns,” Ren said. “I’m not that much of an expert, but I really do like the detail on these guns, even if we weren’t using them to shoot up shadows. Plus, he seemed like a man who takes pride in his work.”
“I see,” Ryuji said.
“Maybe you could learn a thing or two from her as well,” Morgana said.
“Shut up” Ryuji responded.
“So, how ‘bout that ramen now?” Ren said.
“Huh? Oh, yeah” Ryuji said. “Let’s head back to the station. It’s a bit of a commute, but it’s good.” The group headed out.
They arrived at the ramen place. “So this is it,” Ren observed.
“Yeah, it’s great!” Ryuji said. “But it is a restaurant.” He gave a look to Morgana.
“...Fine. I can just walk around a bit. Besides, this does seem like a personal thing between the two of you.” Morgana hopped out the bag. “I’ll meet you back here. Don’t worry.” He started walking about.
“So, shall we go in?” Ryuji said. Ren nodded. They stepped inside. Ren handed Ryuji some money. “Huh?”
“Well, you let me pick out the weapons,” Ren said. “And you seem to know this place better than I do. I’m just returning the favor.”
“Alright! I know just the thing!” Ryuji ordered them each a bowl of their best ramen. “Kay, so while we’re waiting, I guess I can tell you a bit about myself. What do you wanna know?”
Ren thought about it. “Well, you said Kamoshida took everything from you. What does that mean?”
Ryuji looked dejected. “Going straight for it, eh?” he said.
Ren panicked. “If it’s too much, you don’t-”
“Nah, it’s alright,” Ryuji said. “Truth is, I used to be on the track team. I’m not good at much but I was second to none when it came to running! So, I figured I’d try helping my mom out by getting a track scholarship.”
“Help your mom out?” Ren inquired.
“Oh, yeah,” Ryuji said. “My dad isn’t around anymore.”
“I’m sorry,” Ren said.
“Don’t be,” Ryuji replied. “The guy was the dictionary definition of the word scumbag. He left me and my mom and I before I graduated elementary school. All he would do before that was drink and beat my mom. I think he wanted to beat me too, but my mom wouldn’t let him”
“Sounds awful,” Ren said.
“Yeah” Ryuji said. “Still, I had thought I put all that behind me. But then Kamoshida showed up. He doesn’t like anything that he can’t control, and he knew that included me. He found out about my dad, and told everyone.”
Ryuji smiled, though he looked completely dejected. “I can still remember that moment. Everyone was looking at me in horror. I didn’t know what to do. I panicked and I ended up punching Kamoshida in the face.” He sighed.
“What happened next?” Ren asked.
Ryuji frowned. “Kamoshida knew something would happen, but I doubt he was expecting that. He got really mad and broke my leg. The school took his side in it all, and the track team was forced to disband. It’s bullshit! It sucks, you know?”
Ren calmly stated “Yeah. I get it.”
“Here you go,” said the server, delivering their bowls.
Ryuji was now curious. “You get it?” Ren nodded. “Well, since I just spilled my guts, it’s only fair you spill yours.”
“Hm. Fair enough” Ren said. She ate some of her ramen. “Wow, this is good.”
“I know, right?” Ryuji said, excited. “But back to the matter at hand.”
“I know, I know” Ren said. She sighed. “The truth is, I have a criminal record.”
“For real?!” Ryuji said. “What, did somebody think you were too cute and have you arrested?”
Ren giggled. “Ann asked me the same thing when I told her. But no. What happened was there was this man trying to force a woman to get into his car. I tried putting a stop to it, and the man fell and started bleeding. Some officers came by and he told them that I had assaulted him. I was tried and sentenced quickly, and now I’m on parole.
My family thought that a kid on parole in my small town would stick out, so they sent me here. The person I ended up with asked me to live in the restaurant they run because their home situation seems complicated. But he seems nice overall.”
Ryuji was in shock. “Holy shit! What an effing d-bag! I can’t believe it!”
“Ryuji?” Ren said.
“I can’t STAND selfish adults doing whatever they want while making us suffer! It’s BULLSHIT!” Ryuji continued. “How the hell are you so calm about things?”
Ren set down her chopsticks for a bit. “Well, it’s all I can do,” she explained. “I’m always worried about what will happen if everyone at school found out about my record. But fretting about it would be pointless. So I just need to press on.”
“That sucks,” Ryuji said. “You can’t just keep all that in.” He thought about it. “Well, I know I’m not the smartest person, but if you ever need anything, I’m always willing to lend an ear.”
Ren smiled. “Thanks.”
I am thou... Thou art I… Thou hast acquired a new vow...
It shall become the wings of rebellion that breaketh thy chains of captivity.
With the birth of the Chariot Persona I have obtained the winds of blessing that shall lead to freedom and new power.
Chariot-Ryuji Sakamoto: Rank 1
“Well we should finish this ramen,” Ryuji said. “No sense in letting it go to waste.”
“Agreed” Ren said. The two finished their ramen and left to go home for the day.
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