#just my take on things trying to connect dots in a fun headcanony way
shatmonster · 3 years
Oh I am so into the whole karl is a time traveler and dream is immortal thing. 
I mean the possibilities are endless. where would you start? how did karl become a time traveler? why is he fucking with time? like c’mon this is a basic time travel rule. logically, the only reason why karl would be time traveling all over the place, risking his identity and ya know time itself, would be to prevent or ensure something entirely catastrophic. what could that catastrophic event be? 
ive seen this pretty cool headcanon (saw the post from @rainbowtransform) floating around: the death of corpse, cornelius’ romantic partner, and robin, his adopted son, spurred dreams attraction to violence and cruelty and his eventual takeover of the smp (from the canon game of salem you can see dream is just a regular villager up until his “death”) after he respawned. karl was the gamemaster and had great influence over the outcome of the village meetings, (maybe even more so than we think), and ensured the murders of robin and corpse because, he wanted cornelius to become dream. now, you must be wondering, miss shat why the fuck would karl want and ensure the death of cornelius’ family in order to create a villain arc? easy, he is from a different timeline. a corrupt one.
after the death of cornelius’ family, all that was left, was a village of murderers. and obviously one village wouldnt be enough so they go over to the next village and the next and the next. and who do you think is around watching, waiting patiently to strike. oh look its dream setting traps, slaughtering, manipulating, anything, to get revenge. my family is dead because of those people. Im the good guy right? Im only doing whats lawful and right and serving justice. Until its just not enough, because no one is good and no one deserves to live, not when my family is dead because of people like them. lets just say the village murderers werent the only ones killed during dreams initial reign of terror. but eventually, dream does it, leaving a bloody trail he finally gets to sit on the throne and make sure no one else can do what was done to him. but more importantly, he gets to start over.
so thats what happened in the current timeline and eventually led to the current events of the smp, but what wouldve happened if karl was not involved and corpse and robin survived the murders (ill explain in a sec, carry on). the villagers would have won and the murderers, killed. cornelius corpse and robin would live a happy peaceful life on the smp; theyd watch as robin grew up and eventually left to make his mark on the world. corpse and corn would grow old together and die together never having left their tiny village, because why would they need to? they had each other. so whats so bad about that? isnt that good, wouldnt karl be happy his brother from another timeline got to live his best life with the love of his life and watch as his son grew up happy and loved?
because when dream eventually dies, with corpse right by his side of course, and respawns he wont have any malicious ambitions. hes content with his past life and works to stay true to the peaceful life he led with his lover and son. and so he meets george and sapnap and they become quick friends, and maybe he even sees certain similarities in george to someone he cared very deeply about, and they build the community house together. they enjoy their lives together farming, building, having fun! then tommy joins. and guess what, nothing happens. dream doesnt have any power. he may be immortal but he has no reason to have any ill intentions or violent compulsions. so when this silly little kid with a big personality and a lot of confusing goals comes wandering in, he thinks nothing of it. wilbur joins and apparently hes cooking drugs in a van with the child? not his problem. and with no pushback from a higher power, tommy anfd wilbur have no reason to start lmanburg. and so they fall victim to the harsh and tumultuous life of drugs, quickly snuffing out any roots of rebellion. and then schlatt logs on. and with no one to stop (or ban) him, he quickly realizes the potential of the smp and takes over, easily (lets not get into the logistics, its schlatt, hed figure out a way). so i think you can figure out what happens after that, murder blah blah tyranny blah evilness, so on and so forth.
and where does karl fit in? so karl presumably lives the schlatt timeline and decides to change it, cause anything is better than this shithole. and so how does he know where to go back and what to change? hmm that fishy dude in the green body suit seems eerily powerful in an unlocked, untouched way. he finds out dream is immortal (idk karl is karl) and decides to take the risk and go back in time to find his old life, cornelius. there he concocts a game (ahh see told you id explain ;)) in which he persuades 2 villagers to murder others, promising power, guys you can trust me im a time traveler, ultimately leading to the tragedy that befalls cornelius and corrupts him forever leading to what we now know as the dream smp (yes dream is arguably worse than schlatt, but karl doesnt know that yet and besides he has friends now!).
tldr: karl is from a timeline in which corpse and robin survive the salem game, encouraging cornelius/dream to lead a peaceful life not involved in political affairs (tommy and wilbur dont create lmanburg), ultimately leading to the unopposed rise of jschlatt and tyranny. karl goes back in time to fix it by creating the game and corrupting cornelius into becoming c!dream (evil bitch) and creating the smp as we know it today.
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