#just take two trips man
mr-ribbit · 1 year
frankly i just think that we shouldn't have been putting so much straw on that camel's back in the first place
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whyy are concerts so expensive and not close to me ಠ╭╮ಠ
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wraithsoutlaws · 4 months
not to be a baby but im gonna be out of town the weekend ff7 rebirth drops and im feeling insane and enraged about that
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justanotherfanfolks · 11 months
There are 4 hometown events so far. For each hometown event, 4 people get cards.
Scalding Sands = Jamil, Trey, Cater, Malleus
Harveston = Epel, Sebek, Idia, Jade
Sunset Savanna = Leona, Lilia, Vil, Kalim
Queendom of Roses = Deuce, Epel, Silver, Ortho
This leaves 7 people. There will probably be two more hometown events so one gets 3 cards and the other gets 4. Unless Portfest is passed off as part of this set of events, it means these events will have some combo including:
Riddle, Ace, Azul, Floyd, Jack, Ruggie, and Rook.
And I can't wait to see what they are!
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i havent made any posts abt it but now that the big part is basically over ive gotta tell you im absolutely fucking fascinated with this whole submarine situation
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pepprs · 1 year
my mom isn’t letting my dad go back to his office bc him being out of the house stresses her out and makes her have a flare up and it’s like kind of insane. like i understand why the idea of him doing that would make her panicky and angry as someone who also struggles w separation anxiety and abandonment shit / has physical symptoms from that kind of stress (though not to the same degree ofc) but also he is a grown man. he should be allowed to go to his office and not have to shape his entire life around her needs. and she keeps guilt tripping him out of it and it’s impacting his quality of life a lot and the whole thing is kind of… hm
#purrs#delete later#also she’s guilt tripping me into coming to the stupid fucking potluck on sunday bc she needs the extra help and it’s like… what are you#gonna do when i move out. like i am a grown woman and i should be able to choose how i spend my two precious weekend days. and my dad is a#grown man and he should be able to choose where he works. like is that not a little bit insane. i get it but also….. i do think it s kind of#fucked ip that it’s her way or the highway and her needs take priority over all of ours and she’s asking us to bend to what she wants when#she wants it. like i get it bc she’s sick but it’s not fair for her to expect that from my dad especially. particularly when me and my#brother are back at work / school in more high risk environments than my dad who would be in a private office alll day. and the thing is no#one is brave enough to all her on it bc if we did it would be the END of the world. she even threw a fit on my dads bday and complained bc#the things he wanted to do were things she didn’t want to do like all the man wanted to do was go mini golfing and when that wasn’t good#enough he just wanted to go on a walk and my mom complained the whole time and also scoffed the movie he wanted to watch and said it was#boring and it’s like… wtf it’s HIS birthday??? but what do you expect from the woman who (and in fairness her friends got her these as gifts#but still) has TWO kitchen items that say some variation of ‘a marriage is when one is always right and the other is always the husband’ 💀#i look at that little plaque every night bc it’s in front of the sink when im doing dishes and it makes me so fucking angry. like my dad is#a whole fucking person and he can be right too and he deserves to make choices and be happy and not have his wife put him down all the time.#idk. and she puts down his family all the time too and complains when he wants to do the most reasonable things for his own enjoyment that#don’t align with hers and criticizes his interests all the time and it just sucks to see. he never shows hurt or anything so idk how he#feels about it but it makes me so angry and sad and when i tell her to stop she just lashes out at me so. 🤪. like how do we get her to stop#making her needs more important than everyone else’s bc… she may be our mom / his wife / whateger but that doesn’t make her queen. no one is#(andalso this has only gotten worse bc of covid / her being sick. like this has been a lifelong thing it’s just it’s a lot worse now bc the#circumstances gave her room / forced her to have to take up more space. and it’s just so frustrating. i get it. but none of us are pawns or#dolls or subordinates or anything. there’s 5 adults here and we should all be able to make choices and not be guilt tripped by her. lol#)
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chika-nyan · 9 months
*lies facedown in the dirt* One more day……….. after that my long work week comes to an end and I will revive once more u_u Tentative otome day this Tuesday? We’ll see how I’m holding up after a long rest, honestly it’s 25/75 but it’s a chance nonetheless wheeze
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the--highlanders · 1 year
this is super niche but on a pedestal's little detail of two and jamie enjoying fishing feels like such an encapsulation of their relationship to me
wallace asks jamie if he likes fishing, and two's comfortable enough to slip into the conversation and say 'he loves it, as I do'. the implication that it's a Thing for them, they've done this before. the fact that he speaks for both of them so easily, and jamie's happy to let him. they're a package deal here.
and then you get to the actual fishing scene, where two's throwing his fish back, while jamie and wallace protest and catch fish for them to actually eat. both two releasing the fish and jamie fishing for food are set up as habitual - and if they've already established fishing as a shared hobby, it must be something they already know about each other. jamie protests about two releasing his catch having known all along that two /would/ do that. and it gives the whole thing this vibe of them coming at the same thing from two different angles, but still meeting in the middle because they both love fishing. it doesn't bother them, or two wouldn't have invited himself along/jamie wouldn't have let himself be spoken for. this is part of the ritual of the shared hobby, their gentle, almost playful disagreement with each other.
which is like. fundamentally as characters they're coming from two very different angles in terms of their backgrounds and their perspectives on the world. but as unlikely as it is, they meet in the middle. they turn out to be strangely similar in some ways, against all the odds, and find common ground, in a push-pull relationship of influencing each other. and when they disagree, they tend to respond from a place of knowing the other well enough to understand what they're like, and to tread and retread the same minor disputes until it's a fond joke, not an actual debate.
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theinfinitedivides · 1 year
hey is it just me or does SRK turn every speech he gives in a film into either 1. a love confession, 2. a motivational message or 3. the most devastating/terrifying news you've ever heard come out of his mouth at any given time
#film: billu#billu#billu barber#srk#shah rukh khan#local gay watches Bollywood.txt#disclaimer: whether he's hot af during said speeches varies based on the situation#on the one hand sometimes it's two of these at once with him being a pathetic little man and us saying nothing#or it's him being a despicable little man and putting our loins in danger but on the other#i just got through with the school speech/house conversation in Billu#and while i am known for taking my little bisexual hands and painting everything with the Gay ™#i sat there and thought 'sir this sounds like you're crying about your best friend in childhood who you may or may not have had a crush on'#sure afaik both he and Irrfan were playing married characters in this but#calling a man 'your support/your companion/blessing from your God' (generally paraphrasing here) and then telling him he could have#asked for your address when you eventually meet up again like a lover pining is very much Not Straight imo#how could i forget him getting to the part where he says he went back to look for him and found out he wasn't there#bby boy you broke down and went through every stage of grief#while you stood in front of a crowd and told them that you just wanted to hear his voice one more time#are you sure you didn't kiss him at least once in your childhood and he never said anything and you never said anything#and if you didn't kiss him are you sure you didn't sit there during that trip to Mumbai and wish you had#are we certain about that#look my brain has been chemically altered since KHNH i look at this man and try and figure out if there is any hint of bisexuality in him#in any of the other roles that he plays#even if there is not i will create it if the need arises#excuse me while i mourn over this being the only film that i know of with these two working together before Irrfan passed#it hurts and it's wrong and i needed them in more things *sobs*
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afamiliarsword · 11 months
Ah... How I wish to see an MMORPG/Oblivion-like with good art direction *Gazes longingly*
#It's an understandable tradeoff and technically the final fantasy one and wow are well made graphically and all that#BUT I MEAN MOODY#WITH GOOD ART DIRECTION#Like stuff where it's clearly designed to make you feel like you're a small part of a large world instead of focusing on the coding side#which is understandable if you make any large scale project like that#But dang man#If Oblivion just had like#A bit more love put into it#some funky ass shaders#Permanent odd fog#The feeling that you're walking through lived places#And like some wider variations of races and stuff to role play as#Then I would kiss that game on the head#Don't look at me Elder scrolls stop not being an rpg which is more a mod playground than anything#Especially when you take most of the npcs into consideration like come on#It'd be so cool to have some use out of talking to npcs and living in the world instead of going from place A to B for quests#Like it's a meme pretty much how pressing rumors does nothing#It's obviously a product of the process with it all but it'd be so cool to ask an npc about what they do for a living#And they show you around or something to give you a greater intrigue to their homes#Maybe you ask a fisher what their story is and you go on a little fishing trip or it cuts away to you two having a drink about it#And he just talks and talks about how his life has been and then asks you what you've got going on and then you could build character!#It'd be so cool to see that with strong art direction!#Oogling and boogling with my eyes at the idea#But it's difficult so lets hope a dedicated group of people get to it with love for it#Me that is me I want to do that#shenanigans
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z00r0p4 · 1 year
no girl im fine i just got hit with a plan for 1500$ worth of dental work because I don't brush close enough to my gums or something
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I know sometimes covid is unavoidable like you can do everything right and still get sick cos you got unlucky or you're a healthcare worker and it was only a matter of time before you were exposed or your careless roommate brought it home with them and didn't bother to isolate or get tested when they started feeling yucky but like. truly... sometimes it IS your fault! and I'm seeing so many people come down with covid cos they've relaxed their masking rules and then just shrugging it off and still fucking! going to big events or eating in restaurants or refusing to mask once they test negative again and it makes me fully insane. like. again I know it's not always the person's fault if they got covid and if that person is masking and being responsible and still got it anyway the last thing i'd wanna do would be to add any more guilt to their plates... but if you come down with covid you truly need to be honest with yourself about whether you were really doing your best to stay safe & keep others safe and if the answer is no you need to tighten up your act asap. both for your own sake and the sakes of your community's most vulnerable members
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cosmojjong · 1 year
#feeling sad#but also very numb as well#i keep swinging from crying to feeling nothing#i don't know when i'll actually realize that my grandpa is gone and i won't see him anymore#i don't think it's fully hit me yet#i cannot believe that it's happened#around two weeks ago we were sitting on his couch and he asked me to sit closer as we spoke#and then we held hands and talked about the trip i wanted to go on#that was the first time i had seen him after so long#and he was like 'my sweetheart i want to pay for that trip' and i was like 'oh no please don't worry'#and he said he really wanted to do it for me#his hand was a bit wrinkly but big and warm and he always had this sweet smile on his face#i always felt so cared for and so safe in his presence#he was the first and only man who loved me with his heart#i was his little chick his only granddaughter and even when i grew big he would give me pocket money or pay for my ice cream#i just cannot fathom a life without him#sending messages to my grandma i'd always include him and now it's nothing anymore#even yesterday i went to her house as he passed in the morning#and the alarms went off as he was supposed to take medication but of course he didn't#i felt my heart sinking then#i felt like he would come out of the bedroom or the bathroom but he didn't#when i went to the bathroom his shoes were there.. untouched.. he won't wear them ever again#i don't know why i'm sharing all this here but i don't get the time to be emotional in real life#not because someone's stopping me but because there's so much to decide on and to sort out suddenly#and the fact that his will is that we fly him to where he was born so we can bury him there#but i don't know if i'll be able to go with my health issues#and if i don't go i'm going to beat myself up over it so much because how could i not attend his funeral#when he did so much for me#he'd starve and save up money for me to be able to have clothes and find warm food on my table when i was a child#he did so much for me and yet i am over here debating and worrying over the flight and over everything
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yueebby · 7 months
12:03 pm  — gojo satoru
synopsis. gojo tries to convince his first years that he was able to pull you.
contents. fluff, crack??, whipped!gojo, mentions of having a kid, he is SO in love with his wife it's disgusting, the first years are sick of their teacher
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“[name] sensei is a good looking woman, isn’t she?” yuji remarked, nonchalantly propping his feet up on the desk. “you think so too, right gojo sensei?”
a sly smile played on the corners of gojo's lips, eventually blossoming into a wide, dreamy grin. “good eye yuji! she's undeniably the most beautiful woman on this planet.”
megumi, seated at the desk beside yuji, couldn't hide his grimace.
nobara's expression mirrored that of a disgruntled sea urchin. “dream big, you two. she’s way outta both of your leagues.”
“she is, isn’t she?” gojo sighs dreamily, his gaze far away. a dopey grin settles over his face; like a man walking on air. it was deeply unsettling to the first years to see a grown man behave this way.
megumi rolled his eyes and muttered his disapproval, choosing to ignore his sensei, who had casually seated himself backwards on a chair.
gojo propped his chin with both of his palms, leaning closer into the first years students. “do you think i’d stand a chance with a woman like her?”
megumi buried his face in his hands, audibly groaning in response.
“a sensible woman like that and you? fat chance.” nobara deadpanned, squinting disapprovingly at her teacher. her negative comments elicit a grunt from the snow-haired man.
yuji’s eyes flit nervously from kugisaki to gojo. 
“sensei! i think you have a chance with [name] sensei!” yuji tried to reassure his white haired teacher, offering a thumbs-up. gojo responded by affectionately ruffling yuji’s hair.
megumi couldn’t help but speak up. “she’s a married woman, you know,” he mutters to his friend.
yuji’s eyes widened,  “you’re kidding! who do you think got the honor?” 
“but she’s so young!” kugisaki exclaimed, slamming her hand on the table. 
their discussion is cut short when the shoji doors of the classroom slide open abruptly.
with hands on your hips, you stood sternly before your first year students and their teacher, an air of authority about you.
satoru couldn't help but gulp; you were indeed captivating when you were upset. it’s not his fault that you look so cute when your eyebrows furrow and you puff up in anger.
“i waited for half an hour in the courtyard to start today’s lesson and yet here i find my students, along with their sensei who should be in kyoto for a meeting.” a wry smile graced your lips, sending a chill down everyone’s spine. the three first years bowed their heads in shame.
yuji thinks this is the first time he’s seen his teacher nervous. a bead of sweat appears on the side of gojo’s face.
“honey!” he quickly stands up and walks towards you. with every step he takes, nobara’s face scrunches up at his disgusting conduct. 
“don’t.” you warned, raising a finger up to keep satoru at an arm’s length. he respected your wishes to some extent, grasping your hand and placing it within the hold of his own. the diamond on your ring finger glistened as satoru toyed with it.
gasps filled the room as yuji and nobara observed the display of affection. just how inappropriate could their sensei get, and why were you allowing it? what would your husband think?
satoru tenderly caressed your hand in his, cradling it as he leaned in closer. “please forgive me; it was an honest mistake.”
“honest mistake my ass. yaga told me that this is the second meeting you’ve skipped out this month,” you stated, peering fiercely into his blindfolded eyes. satoru’s cocky demeanor wavered, replaced by a nervous chuckle.
“the first time was when i took you to naha, remember?” he wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. “and if i remember correctly, you enjoyed our night out,” your eyes widened, recalling the romantic trip satoru had organized. 
feeling the heat rise to your cheeks, you attempted to pull away, but his grip on your hand tightened.
“forgive me?” his voice softened, lips curving downward, giving him the appearance of a dejected kitten.
a sigh escapes your lips. he was going to be the death of you.
“fine. but this is the last time,” you warned, “and you owe me for covering for you.”
satoru straightened up, nodding fervently. “have i mentioned how much i love you?” wrapping an arm around you, he placed a kiss on the top of your head, despite your futile attempts to stop him.
“this is…” yuji’s jaw dropped.
“so inappropriate! shame on you!” nobara’s chair makes a harsh screech with how fast she leaves it to come to your aid. 
“kugisaki–” you attempted to calm her down, but she clung to your elbow, desperately trying to pry you from satoru’s embrace.
satoru’s hold on you tightened as he wrapped his other arm around your frame, pulling you close. he plops his chin on top of your head and resists nobara’s attempts to free you. like hell he’s letting anybody take his girl, not even his own student.
“crushing on a married woman is one thing, but to openly flirt with her– ” kugisaki struggled. you tilt your head in confusion. 
satoru’s strong arms flexed as he fought to maintain his hold on you. he nuzzled your neck. “’m fine right here,” he inhaled deeply, as if trying to take in as much of you as possible.
“[name] sensei! how can you stand there and let this man disrespect your marriage?!” nobara implored, wide-eyed, disregarding all respect she had for her teacher.  “how will your husband react when he finds how gojo sensei behaves around you?” she looks desperate, and you want to laugh at the sincerity behind her actions. you get it now.
only your idiot husband would pull a stunt like this.
“i hope your husband can fight because i’m willing to fight him to the death for your hand,” satoru mutters from your neck. you take your hand from nobara’s shoulders to shove the six-foot-three giant away.
“you seriously didn’t tell them, satoru?” you ignored his whiney protests as you created distance between the two of you. 
“tell us what?” kugisaki demanded. yuji was on the edge of his seat, nervously watching the unfolding scene, while megumi put his head down in embarrassment.
satoru looks at you with a deep frown on his face. uncertainty clouds your mind as his silence forebodes something. wetting his lips with his tongue, he quickly closed the gap between you, too fast for you to escape. a secure hand rested on your lower waist as your husband dipped you down to deepen the kiss. 
had you not been so absorbed into the kiss, you would have heard the scandalized gasps from your students.
you managed to place a hand on his chest to separate yourselves, “satoru, stop.” his eyes remained fixed on your lips, but he complied.
“yuji, nobara.. satoru and i are–” you hold up your ring finger for display.
“happily married!” your husband finished for you, a triumphant smile on his face. he squeezed you close, throwing up a peace sign. “been madly in love since i met her!” 
“what– no way! you pulled her?!” nobara spluttered, head whipping from satoru to you, unable to wrap her mind around the revelation.
yuji’s jaw is still on the floor, “megumi, you knew about this?!”
the sea urchin looks the other direction, avoiding his friends’ judgemental gazes.
“they… raised me.. sorta..” he mumbles under his breath. your heart melts at his confession. unlike you, the other first years don't take too kindly to his comment, as they start shaking him by the shoulder and starting their own interrogation.
“and we did a good job too! don’t you think we’re ready for our own?” satoru smiles down at you jokingly, his hands snaking around your waist and his hands sneaking onto your stomach. he leaves a couple of soft pats. 
“you’re cuter when you’re quiet, y’know?” you whispered. taking advantage of your students' attention on megumi, you place a single finger on his lips, hoping your husband does not notice the way your face feels like it is on fire. 
he does.
“no need to be shy now,” satoru said, grinning wolfishly, “we’ll continue this at home.”
your face flushes even deeper.
unbeknownst to you, the first years had fallen silent, observing how gojo whispered in your ear, successfully turning you into a flustered mess. perhaps they should give more credit to their sensei.
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notes. not proof read (oh no). this was just a random scenario that has been plaguing my mind during halloweekend so i typed it on my phone at a party LOL this is me desperately trying to get out of my writing slump
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fazcinatingblog · 1 month
Remember when Brodie Grundy and Tim Broomhead were broommates
#i want to be a broommate#goals#Tim's in Albury now and Brodie's in Sydney#do you think Brodie takes trips down in his caravan to see Tim#he walks into Albury and there's a huge billboard with Tim broomhead on it#in the town square there's a statue of Tim#Brodie just like 'oh my god is Tim the mayor of Albury?'#asks the locals about Tim and they all gush about his heroic feats#holding up the queue at the grocery store because he asked the cashier about Tim and people push their trolleys over to join in#they live in a mansion on the hill#Brodie is worried that Tim's moved on and is so popular now that he's forgotten his old broommate#Brodie nervously knocks on Tim's door and Luka answers like 'daddy there's a strange man here'#'Luka finish your caviar I'll get it' Tim says as he comes into the foyer and he sees who's at the door#'it's me' Brodie says hope spreading through his limbs that Tim hasn't forgotten him#'Brodie' Tim says amazed 'come in'#shows Brodie around the mansion where there's a bedroom for each child plus a room for every cat#dea steps from the kitchen 'hey i was just in the middle of a Belgian feast Brodie stay for dinner'#'oh i really should get going---' Brodie starts and dea looks at her boyfriend 'have you shown him the basement yet?'#Tim blushes shyly and shakes his head#'oh what's in the basement?' Brodie asks intrigued 'is that the wine collection?'#dea pushes Tim toward the basement stairs and he cautiously descends into the basement Brodie following#Tim waits until Brodie is standing next to him in the darkened basement then flicks on the light#The room illuminates and reveals framed Grundy portraits on the walls and every newspaper clipping ever written about Brodie Grundy and#everything shining and polished and gleaming and 'i come down here to polish it all every day' tim boasts#'what's that?' Brodie points to an old dusty couch in the middle of the room#'sometimes i come down here and sit there and just think' Tim says 'it's our old couch from our broommate days'#'when we'd sit together and discuss the world's problems' Brodie reminisced wistfully#'it's beautiful' Brodie said walking throughout the room and gazing at all his paraphernalia with his name on it#'I even had a Brodie Grundy inspired chess set made' Tim said gesturing to the porcelain pieces on the coffee table#'awww you changed the chess pieces to incorporate my ideas for them!' Brodie cried picking up the two kings
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sexbot300 · 3 months
18+, minors dni! (being a slut for nanami bc honestly who isn’t)
authors note: hello! this is my first-ever post, i hope you guys enjoy it! (I literally have no idea how layouts work yet, bear with me)
sugardaddy!nanami who scolds you whenever you feel as if you’re “doing too much,” with all the lavish gifts he gives you. nothing is too much for his angel.
sugardaddy!nanami that asks which jewelry set you like best. emerald or ruby? ah. how about both?
sugardaddy!nanami who you thought would be a joyless, serious man as people portray him. they’re not lying, he really is serious, to people that aren’t you. you’ll witness a soft side of him that only shows the most gentle of smiles.
sugardaddy!nanami who gladly scoops you up bridal style in his arms, walking while you burry your head into his chest.
sugardaddy!nanami who unpacks the gifts he gets you on the countertop after a business trip. “kento, baby, you shouldn’t have.” you play with the polyester ribbon while he simply leans back on the fridge opening up a beverage. “I couldn’t help but have the prettiest woman in the world waiting for me at home. it would be embarrassing of me to show up empty-handed.”
sugardaddy!nanami who for the first few times that you went out with him, meticulously kept track of the things you called “cute” and noted wherever your eyes wandered for a minute too long. the next morning you woke up with everything you ogled your eyes at decorating your room. attached is a note that read, “please forgive me, sweetheart, I didn’t know which you liked best. p.s. my sincerest apologies again, I let my own thoughts get carried away. be good for me and wear this tonight.” your fingers gingerly held onto the note, until your eyes fell on two things you don’t remember looking at when you went out shopping. a beautiful silk gown and an expensive lingerie set.
sugardaddy!nanami who will gladly kneel to strap your heel, placing a kiss on your ankle, after trailing his hand up and down your shin.
sugardaddy!nanami who sends you a monthly allowance for your hair, nails, skincare, and whatever you desire.
sugardaddy!nanami who thinks indulging in materialistic things is futile, but he wants to see you decorated in every fine piece of fabric, clothing, and accessories.
sugardaddy!nanami who acts as if he’s unbothered by you curling up on his lap while he types away on his work computer. you couldn’t even tell how much he adores every second of this as he idly types away. he loves to have you pushed up on him all the time, the minute you slightly move? a strong hand is placed on your thigh or waist to prevent you from leaving.
sugardaddy!nanami who’s only condition is to continue this dynamic until you’re unhappy or want nothing to do with it. (you literally want to marry this man but okay).
sugardaddy!nanami who has a saturday night ritual with you where you buy the most extravagant of desserts and feed it to each other. oh yeah, you have to be sitting on his lap the entire time while you both feed each other from the same fork.
sugardaddy!nanami who places his nose on the nape of your neck while you’re seated on him as he sharply breathes in your scent. “as much as I enjoy eating sweets with you,” he said in a whisper, “they could never mimic your taste.”
sugardaddy!nanami who started off paying your rent, bills, and utilities which he felt mentally, secretly disgruntled by. not because he’s paying (duh) or he has to take care of you, it’s just the fact you haven’t moved in with him yet.
sugardaddy!nanami who considers you under his care and deems your wellbeing as his responsibility. you’re hurt? point to where. your body is sore? lay back down while he massages you. you’re hungry? food is being sent over and here’s money for grocery shopping. you’re upset? he kneels down in front of you as he attentively listens to your sobs.
sugardaddy!nanami who supports your hobbies. he’ll drop off little things that he knows have to do with your interests and only says, “you like this don’t you?” you name drop pilates, cooking, art, knitting, whatever it is, he signs you up for the nearest classes.
sugardaddy!nanami who actually notices if you did something different with your hair, if you wore a new shade of lip gloss. little things.
sugardaddy!nanami who places the most tender of kisses onto your forehead like he didn’t wreck your shit a second prior. “such a good girl… i’m so so proud. taking my cock in so well.”
sugardaddy!nanami that plays with your body in subtle ways. hands? his big, veiny fingers are stroking yours gently. thighs? constantly getting gripped. your waist? a strong arm wrapped around it. your cheek? a thumb stroking it. shoulders? relieving tension from it. collarbone? rearranging your necklace so it lays properly. guts? fucked out of place. makeup? smeared all across his luxurious bedsheets. lips? blown out from sucking his monster cock and making out.
sugardaddy!nanami who rents out an entire summer beach house with a glorious view of the ocean. partially because he likes the privacy of you two alone, surrounded by nature, and romantic sunset dinners. also because he wants to watch you ride him while he leans back on a beach chair without disturbing the public. (nobody is allowed to see what’s his).
sugardaddy!nanami who actually pounded you into another dimension, your mind still in a haze while he carries you to the running bath. “stay with me princess, i need to clean you up.”
sugardaddy!nanami who makes sure you finish several times before he does. oh poor baby, you’re out of breath? would you like some water? we’re not finished yet. poor nanami didn’t get to cum once, and you so badly want him to use your body to do so.
sugardaddy!nanami who buys you a personal collection of sex toys to play with when he’s not there. he personally studies the way your body twitches and convulses with certain toys, he needs to know how to please his princess. sometimes he chuckles to himself because he knows deep down, nothing– no one, can please you the way he does.
sugardaddy!nanami who sees you stressed or crying over school and work and quickly replaces those tears with ones of joy.
sugardaddy!nanami who will have you folded like a damn lawn chair and only whisper sweet nothings while drilling into you.
sugardaddy!nanami who has a high sex drive but hides it in the beginning like the gentleman he is, making sure you feel comfortable and safe.
sugardaddy!nanami who gives you the car you’ve been wanting forever. you ride the car for a bit with him ecstatic, kissing him over and over, giggling. you both quickly found a new way to celebrate. you’re pinned down over the glove compartment, one large hand gripping both of yours as they’re pinned to your back, and the sounds of skin slapping with your loud moans mix in the air. “ke-n-toooo~ I-I don’t want to ge- uh! It m-messy in h-ere…” “don’t worry darling, I-” a low grunt comes out, “i always cum inside dont I?” he quickens up the pace only to have you screaming like a whore. “t-that’s it. just take it. It feels good, I know,” he mercilessly pounds into you, kissing your temple, “just come undone on me, that’s it. make me proud.”
sugardaddy!nanami who texts you to quickly come to the office and sends you a cab for an urgent “visit.” why? he’s stressed and his favorite method to cool down is your throat expanding around his girthy dick. he'll grip the strands of your hair while cooing at you, "i know angel, i know. but you look so beautiful right now, don't stop."
sugardaddy!nanami who groans from the stressors of his job, turning his attention to you while he pushes himself back on his chair. he looks down on his bulge before sighing and tugging his tie down left and right. “go ahead. come suck me off, i need it and I know you want it too.”
sugardaddy!nanami who does the whole pillow underneath, hand pressed on lower abdomen, with a vibrator wand abusing your clit.
sugardaddy!nanami who has a diet that consists of devouring your pussy on a regular basis. “b-babe… i- ah! s-slow down,” as you elicit a loud dirty moan that fills the room, “pleaaaase.” if only you knew he takes more pleasure out of this than you and you’re the one gripping his hair to the point of leaving his scalp red. he further pushes his nose into you, mumbling, “beg all you want, I’m not done.”
sugardaddy!nanami who is a gentleman, really. who will kill anything within 5 meters if it remotely threatens you. but he can’t help but admire the way your little cunt can’t fully take it the first few times together.
sugardaddy!nanami who never thought much of daddy kinks, but when he hears “daddy” slip out of your precious mouth, his heels dig deeper into the mattress, his massive body weight shifts crushing you, angling his dick in an almost sinful way while pressing you deeper into a mating press. “say it again.”
sugardaddy!nanami who watches you squirm with a vibrator jammed to your clit and his tongue lapping up and down your cunt like any separation from his tongue and your pussy will cause his death. “k-kento s-stop this feeli- ah! I th- oh god! I think I need to pee!” he can’t help but chuckle in his head. his baby never squirted before until now.
sugardaddy!nanami who secretly wants to get you knocked up. man loves fucking his cum into you. he has such a big breeding kink that you catch on.
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