#kaya's nice and all but she's all the way in the east blue and training to be a doctor
that-bi-bitch-writes · 5 months
for every zosan enjoyer (me) there is an even bigger zolu shipper (me)
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one-idea · 6 months
Now let’s look at how the East Blue crew relates to each other. I already talked about their relationships with Ace over here. Now let’s look at the crew itself.
Kuina and Reiju.
Just like Sanji and Zoro they have a tense relationship because of their backgrounds
Kuina was taught to reject her femininity in favor of strength. She grew up in a culture where girls couldn’t be strong. So she rejected traditional feminine traits to make sure her opponents took her seriously.
Her hair is short. She doesn’t wear skirts, make up or care for her over all appearance. She’s strong and honorable and everything she believes a swordsman has to be.
Reiju grew up in a place where she was expected to be as strong as her brothers. Her gender wasn’t a weakness, her father definitely favored her brothers but she was trained right along side them. But she also had her mom. Her mom who was kind and soft and strong in so many ways that people don’t see. Her mom who even when everything was falling apart still put herself together and looked presentable for her kids.
Reiju is strong but is very feminine. She can fight with the best of them but you’re going to know it’s a girl kicking your butt (everything is pink) Her appearance is always near flawless. Between wanting to imitate the memory of her mother, wanting to be presentable as an employee of the Baratie, and most importantly because she likes to, she dresses well.
Kuina and Reiju have conflicting views on femininity and on men.
Kuina sees men as equals and competition. She is just as strong and will be stronger than all of them. Her opponent being a man or a woman doesn’t matter to her. What matters is winning.
Reiju has a lot of trauma from growing up under Judge. From seeing how her brothers treated Sanji and she knows realistically that they are outliers. That her brothers literally had there emotions stripped from them. But she’s very distrustful of men. She more brutal in her fights against male opponents then female. (Unlike Sanji she will still fight a female opponent, but she doesn’t go for the jugular as quickly with them as she does with men)
They’re differing opinions on strength, femininity, and men defiantly leads them to butt heads.
As they travel together and with the rest of the crew they start to reevaluate their views.
Ace’s presence (and later Hiriluk, and Iceburg) helps heals some of Reiju’s trauma. She won’t ever give her trust away to a stranger but she is more willing to give them a chance.
Between Kaya, Nojiko, and Reiju’s influences Kuina becomes a little more comfortable in her femininity. (I’ll talk about her relationship with the other girls later) starting to see strength in traditionally feminine traits and finding things she enjoys. Learning that she doesn’t have to reject that part of herself to be taken seriously by the people around her.
After three years I like to think that Kuina grows her hair out, wearing it in ponytails/buns as her crewmates like to play with her hair.
Reiju and Kuina’s relationship mellows the longer they are together and as they grow as people. They still are fundamentally different but they respect each other and will occasionally argue but it’s more for fun and to spar then it is to prove the other wrong.
Kuina and Kaya
Kaya is very feminine. She grew up as an heiress. Nice dress, soft gentle attitude. And Kuina loves her. This is her little sister now. And she excited to train this girl to be a strong fighter like her.
Kaya is so excited to have her new sibling, her new life. She loves training with the different members of the crew. She’s a range weapon user so she and Kuina don’t spar with weapons. Instead Kuina helps Kaya build up her strength and endurance.
Kaya also tries to teach Kuina things. I think Kaya is the first member of the crew to start playing with Kuina’s hair. Braiding it back, keeping it out of her face. Kuina loves it. She’s never had this kind of affection before. Eventually other crew members join in, Ace learning from Kaya how to braid. Nojiko showing off different hair styles that can be done with short hair. Reiju sweeping in with the fanciest styles you’ve ever seen. And it becomes tradition to play with Kuina’s hair.
Kuina is very protective of Kaya. She is their youngest. Kuina knows just how much the world tries to beat down girls with big dreams and she doesn’t want that for Kaya. She expect Kaya to becomes strong enough to stand in her own but that doesn’t mean she’s going to let any one hurt her.
That being said Kuina is also weak to two people on the crew. Her idiot captain and their youngest member. So when the two start on their nonsense, playing games being foolish, Kuina’s not far behind. She acts like it’s to watch over them but she just as foolish and is only waiting for an excuse to join in.
Kuina and Nojiko
Both women are rather serious at time. They know the harshness of the world. They know how they can be perceived as women in it. But where Kuina rages against it Nojiko uses it to her advantage. Where Kuina hates being seen as weak, Nojiko loves it. You think I’m too weak to be a threat, have fun being robbed blind.
While they have different concepts of honor and how to handle the world, they respect each other. Kuina laughs everytime Nojiko tricks other people I to giving them, supplies, cash, food. Nojiko is a hustler and know how to get by and is extremely helpful especially in the crews early days.
Nojiko is girly. She likes looking nice. But she also gets her hands dirty and has weaponized her femininity to her advantage. She the middle ground between Kuina’s rejection, Kaya’s traditional, and Reiju’s hyper femininities. And she gets along well with all of them.
Kuina and her definitely go out when they’re at port and find people who are stupid enough to think they can beat Kuina. Nojiko turns the challenge into a spectacle and starts betting on the fight. Kuina always win, and Nojiko always walks away with her pockets a lot heavier. And this is why she claims Kuina is her favorite. (She loves all the crew equally)
Nojiko and Kaya
Nojiko is the only one who has had a little sister before. She is the one who initiates girls nights. Spending time doing Kaya hair and talking smack about the other pirates they’ve run into.
(Side note: the first time she called for a girls night, Ace was super confused, what is a girls night and how is it any different from a normal night on board? Kuina has never been to one either and as much as Reiju claims to know what she’s doing, she hasn’t been to one either. And Kaya is excited because she’s always wanted friends to have a girls night with but between her parents wealth and status, her age, and their deaths, it was hard to make friends in syrup village. So Nojiko has to walk the crew through what a girls night is. She realizes pretty fast that Ace gets to join, after all it’s not fair to kick out the only boy on the crew, but once she’s done explaining Kuina is out, this is not her thing and Ace is going to go spare with her until Nojiko start talking crap about the Buggy pirate because seriously what was their deal. Ace is always down to roast someone and Kuina is not passing up the opportunity to talk about how ridiculous their unicycle swordsman was)
Kaya and Nojiko are the weaker members of the crew. They bond over their desire to become stronger to protect the crew. They both train endurance with Kuina, Ace is always willing to spare and show them how to throw a punch, Reiju has a lot of training on how to fight so she’s quiet helpful even thought she never explains where that knowledge comes from….
But Kaya and Nojiko are the ‘normal’ people on the crew. Much like Usopp and Nami, they bond over the lack of strength and how crazy strong their crewmates are.
Reiju and Nojiko
Reiju and Nojiko both get along well. They are both used to being older sisters and are the more reserved members of the crew. When Ace and Kaya start playing they can talk Kuina in occasional but it’s rarer to get Nojiko and Reiju.
They’re still silly (it is one piece) but they don’t have the relationship that Sanji and Nami do. Reiju isn’t falling all over Nojiko like Sanji does for Nami.
They are definitely gossip buddies. Kaya’s to young to hear some of the things they say. Kuina has dedicated her self to training that certain things fly over head (especially in the beginning) and Ace grew up in a jungle. He’s a weird mix bag of things that he understands and things he’ll gossip about. So Reiju and Nojiko definitely have secret gossip sessions in the kitchen where they talk about everything from how attractive a marine, pirate, villager, crew member 👀 is to how pathetic some of their adversaries are to the inner relationships of the crew.
The tea session is always piping hot. Olivia definitely joins in when she joins the crew. Offering motherly advices and scathing comments.
Ace occasionally gets invited because apparently his little brother was great at coming up with ridiculous nicknames for people and he has some great commentary to add on to conversations about their past foes. He’s unfitted and says the most off the wall things and the girls love it.
Reiju and Kaya
It’s Reiju’s first time having a younger sister. She loves Kaya. The girl is so sweet and different from what Reiju grew up with and she wants to preserve that. But she’s not sure how to interact with her at first.
Most of her interactions with her brothers was in training, and those are bad memories. It takes a while before she starts helping to train Kaya because she doesn’t trust herself not to go over board.
But as they get to know each other and Kaya talks about her insecurities about not being enough for the crew Reiju kicks into gear. They start training to get Kaya up to speed. She won’t ever be on Ace, Reiju, and Kuina but she can become strong enough to hold her own. Eventually she will be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with these giant and know she belongs there. Reiju will make sure of that.
They all take water seven hard but the tension between Ace and Kaya affects Reiju the most. It never gets as bad as the fight between Usopp and Luffy but Ace isn’t the gentlest and Kaya is so unbalanced at the idea of losing Merry. Reiju is just waiting for Ace to say the wrong thing. Keeps hearing her brothers taunting Sanji in her ears. And she’s loyal to Ace. She would die for him in a heart beat. He’s changed her life for the better in so many ways. She’s never been this free. But if he says the wrong thing to Kaya she might have to fight him.
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one-idea · 6 months
In your reverse Strawhats AU, do you plan on writing each characters relationships and dinamics? You mentioned that Kaya will be Dr. Hirulik's apprentice, and of course Ace and Kuina's captain-firstmate relationship will be important. And I guess Kuina and Rejiu will be frienemy rivals like Zoro and Sanji
I’m so glad you asked.
And oh boy did this get away from me. I’m focusing on Ace’s relationship with the with the East Blue crew and will make separate post for everyone else because woo I wrote a lot.
Ace and Kuina
definitely have a captain-first-mate relationship. They both like to pretend they are well respecting and composed people. Ace learned manners and Kuina was raised to be an honorable swordswoman.
However leave the two of them alone together and they devolve into gremlins. (Ace did try to murder Whitebeard on multiple occasions, he’s feral. Kuina was a 100% down with stealing real swords to fight with Zoro as children)
When they first meet Ace hears about the Demon pirate hunter and goes to see who it is. When he sees Kuina tied to the cross, her interaction with the little girl, he knows she’s a good person and a part of him wants her on his crew. But he struggles with letting people in, but he’s learned from Luffy so maybe he’ll ask her.
The two of them talk and he asks her why she’s tied to a cross and what her dream is. “To become the world’s greatest swordsman.” She says with her head raised and her voice defiant. Waiting for the rebut or the laughter. Ace just tilts his head and responds with, “well that’s going to be hard.” “Why! Because I’m a girl!” “No because you’re tied to a pole! Stupid!” And the comment is so genuine and stupid that it snaps Kuina to. It’s the first time since Zoro that her dream hasn’t been out right mocked.
Ace goes and retrieves Wado Ichimonji for her and after they defeat Axe hand Morgan. The two are set to leave the village when Ace finally ask. “Hey if you’re going to be the world greatest swordsman you should join my crew. After all i’m going to surpass the strongest man in the world and become an emperor of the sea. I’m going to need someone as strong as you.” And he’s ready for rejection but Kuina just smiles and agrees because ya this boy is crazy but so was Zoro. And it will be nice to have that manic energy in her corner again.
Kuina can calm Ace and point him back on the right path (or at least direct his firey temper in a constructive direction) when he starts to get a little two riled up. And Ace knows how to get Kuina to take a break from her constant training. The balance each other really well. With Ace keeping a more laid back fun aditude with the crew and Kuina being in the calm but serious energy need to be the right hand of a knucklehead.
But again send them off on their own and there is one to no brain cell between them.
Ace and Nojiko
They had a ruff start. Nojiko’s instant hate of all pirates and Ace’s belief that everyone wants him dead because of his connection to his father, doesn’t really lead to a great start. Nojiko is venting her anger at Arlong and Ace is internalizing it all as anger towards him specifically.
But Nojiko sees Ace and Kuina are different. They obviously care about one another and the other persons goals. They help the villagers, they are just good people. So when they go to leave orange island it s Kuina who asks if Nojiko knows how to get to the next island. (They need a navigator and she can’t tell if it’s pride or hurt but Ace isn’t asking a second time) Nojiko agrees to lead them to the next island and they have a ruff agreement.
Over the next couple of days she sees more of the other two interacting and hears Ace mention Luffy which leads to a “my younger sibling is better then yours debate.” Between the two. And it’s the first conversation the two have when Nojiko’s prejudice and Aces Trauma don’t get in the way.
When they make it to syrup and Nojiko sees how Ace interacts with Kaya she’s sold on this crew and this idiot captain being different, and in another world they could be her’s but not with Arlong in the picture.
After Arlong park is when Bojiko officially joins the crew. I can see her and Ace sitting at Nami’s grave. Nojiko telling him about everything that has happened, her hatred of pirates, her new desire to live her life and see the world and maybe complete Nami’s dream. And then she turns to look at him and apologizes because she knows some of the things she said about pirates hurt him (she doesn’t know why, but she knows it did) and that he and the others aren’t like Arlong and they never will be and that if he will have her, she would love to join his crew.
They sit there in silence for a moment. Nojiko’s request hanging in the air and she’s looking at him but he’s looking at the ground. And in such a quiet voice he asked her. “Do you want me to live?” And Nojiko is horrified by the question because she was mean but did he really take it as her wanting him to just drop dead. She responds without hesitation “of course I want you to live you stupid idiot!” Before she can say anything else he hugs and when he pulls back he’s all smiles like he didn’t just ask her if he should die and welcomes her to the crew.
The two have a great relationship after that. Nojiko tries to keep the crew serious when they need to be but she’s also 17 and it’s the first time in her life she can relax so she defiantly gets swept up in any games that Ace and Kaya are playing. She would do anything for her crew and though she is a weaker member she does start training with Ace, Kuina, and Reiju because she wants to be strong enough to protect her friends, and she also doesn’t want Kaya to feel like she’s the only weak link.
Ace and Kaya.
When they first meet Kaya is a weak rich girl and Ace is ready to write her off like all the rich people he’s met before. But she’s so kind. She’s soft spoken and shy but so kind.
I think they would met at the ship yard. Ace wants a real ship. Kuina agrees that the dingy is too small and though Nojiko hasn’t officially joined she can agree that the two boats is not the best way to travel. (Much closer to Usopp’s opla introduction then his anime introduction)
They meet Kaya at the ship yard while she’s walking the yard with Merry and Kuro. She hears them talking about needing a ship. As she listens to them she realizes they are pirates. Yet they don’t seem scary. Instead they seem funny, and they obviously care for one another. They remind her of Usopp’s stories.
Kuina’s the one who catches her ease dropping on them. She invites them into her home to talk about purchasing a ship.
At first Ace isn’t a fan. She’s a rich girl who’s talking to them because they are entertaining her right now. What happens when they stop being a thing of fascination? He’s got Sabo’s commentary of the celestial dragons in his ear. He doesn’t trust new people easy and rich people are not on his list of potential favorites. But Nojiko thinks she can con them a ship and it is free food.
Throughout the night they get to know Kaya better. She tells them about her parents who just died at sea and how lonely it’s been without them. If it wasn’t for Usopp and Kuro she would be all alone. And Ace is starting to feel for this young girl who is so much like his little brother. She’s not loud or confident or sunshine incarnate, but the way she talks about loneliness and the way she looks at the people she loves is so close to Luffy that he can’t help but be endeared to her.
And then Kuina recognizes Kuro and everything goes to shiz so fast. By the end Kaya is left shaken. The man her family trusted is a pirate who set out to kill them. She can’t stand to be in the house any more. Her parents are gone and their memories are tarnished by Kuro. But where does she go? What does she do now? She has enough money she could start new but where? With who? And she’s crying about this in front of Ace who listening to her talk about how there’s no one else. (There is Merry and Usopp but Usopp is to young to take care of her and Merry was hurt because of her) and he’s getting so many flash backs to Luffy that he just kinda blurts it out. “You can come with us.”
And now she’s stopped crying (thank god) but she’s looking at him with these big eyes. Because she’s not strong. She’s never been to sea. There are so many reason why she would be a bad fit for their crew. And Ace knows all of this but he asks one question. “Are you glad I’m here?” To which she responds with yes, she’s so glad he was here, he just saved her. “Do you want to stay with us?” It’s an offer it’s her choice. And this is hard for Ace. It’s hard to let people in, it will be even harder if she says no. But he tells her to think about it.
The next morning Kaya rolls up with a new boat. Some money for them, and her father’s old weapon (tbd pole here) and says she’s joining them.
From there on out Kaya is basically Ace’s little sister. She’s the little sister of the whole crew but I’ll talk about the others later. But Kaya is definitely the crews princess. She is their youngest and while she still has to carry her weight and she works very hard to build up her strength, the whole crew is weak to her. Ace is so excited to introduce her to Luffy and have both his little siblings being a terror on board.
Kaya finds out Ace was learning manners before he set sail and offered to teach him how to behave in a high class environment. In return Ace helps her loosen up. She’s been a rich girl all her life while Ace grew up in the jungle. He definitely showed her how to live it up in the wild (when they get to Skypia Kaya is so excited to swing from the vines and make the Tarzan cry just like Ace showed her)
Ace and Reiju
Reiju and Ace are different. In this AU Reiju is the oldest of the group at 19 to everyone else 17 and Kaya’s 14. So until Hirikul joins she’s the eldest. She’s used to being an eldest sister but Germa was so different than the rest of the world.
She’s spent so long separating herself from Germa 66. The Baratie was great. Zeff was everything she could have wished for in a dad. And being around all the cooks is so different the training at Germa. The only person she is remembering is Sanji and she doesn’t mind that.
(Side note I have three ideas for what happens to Sanji in this au one is wholesome and the other two are absolutely not. But I’m still figuring it out)
Her new crew being mostly women helps her remember she’s not at Germa. Even if her and Kuina butt heads.
But Ace. Every now and then she will see him in the corner of her eye and for a second she will think Sanji is with her. And it’s not just Sanji she sees in him. When he is being kind and protective she gets flashes of what Sanji could have been.
When he is fighting an enemy and he becomes cold and calculating boarderline cruel. She sees Ichiji.
She see Niji in him when he is angry. So mad he could just about spit fire.
It very rare for her to see Yonji in him but there are times when she sees just how far Ace is willing to go for the crew
But these are just heart stoping glimmers of her brothers. Then she remebers the fundamental difference. Anytime Ace behaves this way it is because someone has treated the crew. He is defending the people he loves. Ace is not cruel for the sake of it. In fact he’s one of the kindest men she knows (he’d be first place if not for Sanji and Zeff) any passing glimpses of her brothers is not who Ace is. Ace would never hurt them. He’d never let other hurt them. And this time she would keep her younger brother safe.
I think Reiju would have a problem other men. Her father and her brothers are monsters. And while Zeff and the cooks at the Baratie have shown her there are good men out there, they are the exception not the rule. It took a while for her to warm up to Ace when they met. But he won her over, his kindness to those around him and his willingness to protect Baratie definitely help. But there are still walls up and it will take time for her to fully trust him.
Which is fair because he has just as many walls. They care for each other and she willingly follows him but I don’t think she starts to trust him until after Arlong park. I don’t think she realizes she trusts him until she almost losses him in lougetown.
There relationship becomes very sweet. As they both start to heal a part of each other. Ace doesn’t understand why Reiju is so uncomfortable around strange men but he’s not going to allow anyone to hurt her. And she recognizes this and trust Ace’s intuition on which people they can trust and who they can’t.
But She can also see that Ace has his own issues. The whole crew can tell he has issues but again she sees Sanji in him. The heartbreaking desire to just have somewhere to belong. And somewhere along the path, probable in Drum kingdom after he hauls her and Nojiko up 5 miles of sheer cliff face, she sits down besides him. It’s just the two of them sitting in silence for a bit. And then with out looking at him she says “I’m glad you were born.” And she doesn’t know if that’s the right thing to say, if she’s reading too much into this. But it feels right.
And Ace just starts silently crying and leans into her as she wraps her arm around him and they sit there for a while content to just be captain and cook and not the son of the devil and the daughter of a monster.
Once Ace’s family history comes out she sits him down in the kitchen and kicks everyone else out and tells him about her family. How she understands the belief that you have devils blood in your veins and maybe the world would be better off with out you. But her world is better with him in it. And they get each other.
I’m going to cut myself off here. I’ll do Ace’s relationship with the grandline members of the crew in another post and maybe make a separate post for Kuina’s relationship with the crew, then Reiju’s and so on and so forth
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Part 1
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