#keisuke <3
fadefromthelight · 4 months
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I celebrate aro awareness week by making the fandom favs aro
gif version of my header below the cut ^^
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zipsunz · 1 month
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hermit // fortune
[ 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 ]
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coleslawr02 · 9 months
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assorted persona dump
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Hi bb, just a thirst idea for you: Study fucking. Your fave has trouble being "smart" but he is a genius when it comes to pounding that ass after he gets too frustrated during a study session.
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Oh, Vi, my sweet. I know you sent this a while ago. But when I read it, my heart wasn't the only thing to clench up 😈! Thank you so much for sending this to me. It was so fun to write!!
A/N ::: Nerd/Bad Boy!Keisuke Baji x F.reader, reader doesn't know he's in Toman until later (or at all, idk), he is NOT playing stupid, math is just really fucking hard!
C/W ::: Mutual pining that's super on the DL, unprotected P->V, Baji surprising us ... so nothing out of the ordinary.
WC ::: Just over 2k.
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"Why though?!" Baji yelled a little louder than you thought he needed to. But it was clear he was getting more and more pissed about this. "Why the FUCK does it have to equal the fucking same area as this fucking pellaroraglam?"
You bit the insides of your cheeks and your tongue to keep from laughing at him about his pronunciation of the word 'parallelogram'. "Because that's how the Greeks intended it. Ok? Let's take a 10 minute break and come back to this again, yeah? You're not an idiot, Kei. I think you've just been staring at the book for so long that things are starting to make less and less sense. Does that make sense?" You reached over and took his glasses from his face and brushed your finger up and down the bridge of his nose. "Do you want to go for a walk or get something from the kitchen? Maybe to eat or drink? Make this 10 count because when we get back, we're hittin' it hard again, ok?"
Something about your wording made his cock twitch. But he shoved that thought down almost as quickly as it bubbled up into the forefront of his overworked brain.
"Hittin' it hard again, hah? You're mean, y/n. You're a bully. A learning bully. You're not gonna give in until I understand this shit, are ya?" He stood up from your desk and he gestured for you to follow him to your kitchen.
Your apartment was nothing special. But how you made the space your own was something that Baji always found so sweet and comforting. Of course, he'd never admit that to you. He is, after all, the first division Captain of Toman. Captains don't find things 'sweet.' They find them masculine and bloody. That's what everyone from the outside looking in thought, anyway. Though, no matter how hard he tried to ignore the pull you and your apartment had on him, he always found himself wishing he was back here, with you, in this little bubble of mild contentment you'd created.
He was relaxed when he was with you. Save for right now. But you were trying to help him study for his midterm. Any other time he's been here, he always felt safe. Maybe even small, for lack of a better descriptor, when he is anything but 'small' in any sense of the word.
"You really do have a mean streak in you, you know that?" He teased as you both walked into your kitchen. "But you're right. I need a break from that book. My eyes are crossing and it's starting to give me a headache."
"Do you want a couple of tylenol? I think I have ibuprofen, too. Anything I can do to help you with this, Keisuke. It's my job, after all. Use me however you need to to get this through that stubborn head of yours." You smiled so cute at him that he had a difficult time not telling you what he really wanted to use you for.
"Maybe I'll take you up on that. But first, can I ask you something kinda weird?" He sat down on one of the bar stools at the counter and you followed suit, sitting next to him.
"Of course! Anything, Kei." You rubbed your fingers up and down your forearm, a nervous habit. Even still, you assumed it was a question about the math you were helping him study. "What's up?"
"So, like, I know you're not into me in that way. Right? And that's fine. You've made that very clear. But, like, if you were...into me, I mean, into someone … hypothetically, I mean, what kind of person do you think you would be into? Like, are you more into the nerdy type, or the bad boy type, or, like, the artsy type?"
You didn't really understand where this was going. But you decided to humor him. "Well, I guess I've always been pretty attracted to the bad boy type. But that doesn't mean I wouldn't go for someone who was nerdy, too. It all depends on the person, you know? I have to like them first and foremost. Like, just because I see some bad boy doing bad boy stuff doesn't mean I'll fall to my knees and s-"
Baji choked on his tea, spitting it all over you in the process of trying to control the amount of liquid that was coming out of his mouth.
"Oh fuck! I'm so sorry, y/n! Gahhhd damn it. I am so sorry!" He grabbed the roll of paper towels from the counter by the sink and tore some off to frantically wipe your chest.
"K-Kei! Oh my god! Stop! It's ok! I'm at home, I can easily change my shirt. Don't worry about ... about it. You yell so much. Geez."
You hopped off of the stool and went back to your bedroom to find a shirt to change into. As you did so, Baji felt his stomach turn. He knew he shouldn't have asked you that. It was stupid and immature. But he couldn't help it. He'd had a crush on you for so long that he just needed to know if he had a chance in hell with you or not. But, as he'd guessed, you weren't interested in him that way.
He waited for you to come back to the kitchen before apologizing again. "I really am sorry, y/n. I don't know what came over me. I was just, I dunno, asking for a friend. And then you started to say that if you saw someone doing something that you’d fall to your knees and …" He waved his hand in the air as if to clear what he was going to say away before it’d even had a chance to see the light of day. “And I choked and blew my tea all over you.”
You giggled and shook your head, smiling at him. "It's ok, Kei. You're a little clumsy, but you're still really sweet. I like hanging out - I mean, you know. Helping you study. I enjoy your company, regardless of what we're doing."
"Y/n? I really wanna kih-" He blushed and looked away from you before he thought you saw his face turn a pretty shade of pink.
"You what, Kei?" You leaned around him a little to get his attention. "What do you want, Baji? You can tell me. We're friends."
"Oh, y-yeah. Of course we're ... friends. Yeah. Well, let's get back to the math, then. C'mon." His heart, smile and morale sank as he headed back to your room with you.
Meanwhile, you were left to wonder what he was going to say. What did he want to 'kih'? Kiss? Oh, no. It couldn't be that. Right? Maybe he just wanted to kick your butt for making fun of his pronunciation earlier ... even though your face was the only thing giving away the fact you were getting quite a bit of entertainment from that. He wouldn't have noticed that. Right?
You followed him back to your bedroom and decided to keep quiet about the whole thing. You couldn't imagine that he would want to kiss you. You were just his tutor. And he was so cool. He had cool friends, girls practically fell at his feet when he walked by them. He couldn't possibly have feelings for you, right?
Oh, but he did. He really did. He was mad for you. He wanted nothing more than to pull you into his lap and kiss you senseless. But that couldn't happen. He couldn't ruin the time you spent together. It was precious to him, even though he knew you saw it as nothing more than a job.
The next hour of your time together was spent studying right from the book. There was no talking, no joking, just Baji finally getting to work. It was a welcome change for you. It meant you could focus on your task at hand and not worry about him trying to distract you with his unfinished sentences.
He was still so frustrated. But he was starting to make progress. He was starting to understand what you were trying to teach him. He just wished he could show you how he felt.
As you helped him work through the last of the 4 problems he had to do, he tried to come up with a way to say it. To tell you how he really felt. He was never good at words. Action was his strength. "I'm not sure about par-parallelograms? Is that how you say it? I'm so fucking sick of that long ass word. It's so stupid. Why couldn't they just say a special type of quadrilateral that has both pairs of opposite sides parallel and equal. That word is like 73 letters long. I hate it. It's so fucking annoying, y/n. Jesus."
You clapped and jumped a little where you stood, your tits bounced and his eyes went right to them. "Yes! Yes, Kei! Good! Good job!" You jumped into his arms and hugged him so tightly, burying your face in his neck, (accidentally) inhaling his scent. "I knew you could ..." you pulled your face back from him and looked into his brown eyes. "I knew you could do it ... Keisuke. Mmm ... Kei-suk-e. You ..." you breathed the words out heavily and found yourself staring at his full lips. That sly smile, his sharp teeth. Pain never looked so appealing. 
Your heart stopped in your chest when he threw the math book across the room and it slammed into your wall with a loud thud. Before you had time to process what was happening, his hands were in your hair and his lips were on yours.
You'd been so stupid for someone who taught other people things. So stupid to not see how he felt. And now, here he was, kissing you like he needed you to breathe. You reached up and pulled his long black hair back from his face and returned the kiss with just as much intensity.
"I'm sorry I didn't say anything, y/n. I didn't think you'd want me that way. I'm just a dumbass with no future. You're so smart and pretty and funny and ... and I just can't believe you're actually kissing me back right now."
You shook your head and smiled. "I'm sorry! I didn't realize what was happening, Kei. You're not as good at hiding your feelings as you think. You should have just said something, though. This whole time we've been studying everything together, we could have been ..."
"... fucking like rabbits?" He laughed, but his eyes were serious.
You reached down and unbuttoned his jeans. "You know, it's not nice to talk to your tutor like that. But Baji, you've made a lot of progress tonight. I think you deserve a reward."
He picked you up and laid you down on your bed. "Oh yeah? And what kind of reward do you think I deserve, y/n?"
You reached over to your bedside table and turned on your neon pink LED lights. "The best kind, Kei. You've earned it."
"Fuck, y/n. You are so hot. I can't wait to fuck you so hard you forget everything you've ever taught me. We’ll have to have some more lessons. Is that ok with you?"
You nodded as you pulled your shirt up and over your head. "That sounds like a wonderful idea. We can even work on your pronunciation. You're a bit of a mess with your consonants."
He kissed you again and smiled. "Y/n, oh my god, shut up ... you're the worst." He pulled his pants down and straddled you, his cock rock hard and ready for you. "But you're also the best. I can't wait to make you mine."
"Kei, you're already mine." You reached up and cupped his cheek, pulling him in for another kiss. "Now ... teach me something.” 
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@darkstarlight82 @katshimizuu @kazutora-kurokawa @southside-otaku @arlerts-angel
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soisauci · 3 months
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gekkoukan line up! kaz not included bc i struggled drawing him waaa
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pvj-karkalicious · 4 months
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are you like keisuke or mc
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mulletmitsuya · 1 year
Toman Groupchat
Warnings: swearing, suggestive language, might be offensive idk (lmk if it is so i should take it down if necessary) , mentions of birth, mentions of alcohol and weed, gayness
Desc: it's Mitsuya's day of birth
Baji: what's up with the emoji's
Mitsuya: thanks Chifuyu
Baji: happy getting out of the pussy day
Mitsuya: 😐
Kazutora: didn't he get circumcised?
Mitsuya: man what
Baji: ...
Baji: fuck that gotta do with what i just said
Baji: you just say shit
Kazutora: i'm talking about his birth method
Kazutora: keep up, Keisuke 😐
Chifuyu: you're so fucking stupid
Kazutora: Mitsuya's mom was circumcised
Kazutora: it wasn't a vaginal birth
Kazutora: he was essentially removed, rather than birthed
Baji: "he was essentially removed, rather than birthed🤓👆"
Mikey: bro how do you even know that?
Kazutora: i hate talking to stupid mf's 🙄
Baji: i don't understand why people say i'm the stupidest
Draken: *most stupid
Draken: you honestly proved everyone's point
Baji: fuck off
Mitsuya: ok you guys can shut up now
Draken: happy birthday Takashi
Draken: my sworn brother
Draken: my other half
Draken: my twin dragon
Draken: love ya man
Mitsuya: thank you Draken🙂
Baji: did u have socks on
Draken: ...?
Baji: you can't say "i love ya" and "my other half" without any socks on
Baji: it implies a sense homosexuality
Baji: but if you have socks on then it's fine
Draken: i'm sick of you
Baji: bro doesn't have any socks on 💀
Mitsuya: you guys can shut up now x2
Mitsuya: also
Mitsuya: you don't all have to say happy birthday just say it when we meet up cause i feel awkward saying thank you to every single one of you
Mikey: hope you enjoyed my birthday present 💪😎
Mitsuya: yeah...
Mitsuya: the half eaten taiyaki
Mitsuya: appreciate it
Mikey: anything for the homies ❤
Mitsuya: 😒
Draken: where's Hakkai
Draken: surprised he hasn't said anything about your birthday
Mitsuya: he's planning a surprise birthday party
Baji: surprise🤨?
Mitsuya: he told me not to not text him cause he's busy with my surprise birthday party
Mitsuya: i don't think he realized that he told me
Mitsuya: i don't wanna bum him out so i'll still act surprised
Mitsuya: i appreciate it either way
Chifuyu: Takemitchy, Angry and I have been helping him plan this for weeks, and he just fucking told you😐
Mitsuya: i guess lol
Mitsuya: also said he has a surprise for me
Baji: he's gonna tongue you down, i just know it
Mitsuya: stfu
Mikey: are y'all together or not
Mitsuya: don't know what you're taking about
Draken: bro's taking his time
Mikey: Mitsuya you're 21 now
Mikey: it's been 8 years???😭
Smiley: i may not have a birthday present but i'll bring queer and weed
Smiley: since y'all follow the law or whatnot and you're legal now
Smiley: hypocrites
Draken: what's wrong with following the law?
Smiley: you think beating people half to death was fucking legal, Draken?
Draken: well... no
Draken: doesn't mean we should abuse substances, underage
Smiley: ❤H Y P O C R I T E❤
Smiley: and a lot of the people we know smoke so idk why you're all the way in my ass rn
Draken: yeah but cigarettes aren't drugs
Smiley: weed >>>>> cigarettes
Draken: the ability to breath when i'm in my thirties >>>>
Smiley: fair
Baji: wdym you'll bring a queer and weed🤨
Smiley: why would i bring a queer when Mitsuya is literally right there
Smiley: i meant beer
Smiley: pride month changing my damn autocorrect😒
Kazutora: stop saying slurs
Smiley: bro the gays reclaimed that shit
Smiley: it's a blanket term for the ABCDEFG community or whatever the fuck
Draken: i feel like you're being homophobic
Smiley: nuh uh
Smiley: dude look
Smiley: 👬 👭
Smiley: see?😁
Smiley: am i still homophobic?
Baji: he got us there
Draken: wha-
Draken: what the fuck is that supposed to prove?
*Hakkai has gone online*
Hakkai: could you please come over to my place for no particular reason?🤔
Hakkai: hmmmm, it kinda feels like i'm forgetting something
Hakkai: maybe like, a public holiday?
Hakkai: who knows?🤷‍♂️
Hakkai: anyway
Hakkai: let's hang out like the regular days in which we are normal 🤗
Hakkai: see you soon 😁
Mitsuya: ...
Mitsuya: yeah sure Hakkai
Mitsuya: be right over
Hakkai: ❤
*Hakkai has gone offline*
Mikey: 💀
Chifuyu: i hate him
Baji: did he even fucking try
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emu-surveys · 1 month
(I included all the siblings with a Live2D model sorry Honami and Minori’s brothers and Airi’s sisters)
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zerokurokawa · 8 months
Awesome Izana Cosplay:
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of course, if anybody knows who this talented cosplayer is, comment below because i’d love to follow them!
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fadefromthelight · 25 days
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It's mermay again :3
And I wanted to draw Wataru and Keisuke again this year!
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persona-game-info · 8 months
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Character portraits for the first wave of showcased social links
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coleslawr02 · 3 months
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recent doodle requests. mostly men with glasses (my brand)
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yanderederee · 1 year
Im Rooting for You..!
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April24th, 2004
a/n: no trigger warnings!! Mostly fluffy!! <333 this was my first attempt at Baji removing his nerd disguise, but it got buried and I forgot ab it!
Before… › here! › After!
“Say.. Baji,” you said, almost in a whisper.
You’ve been tutoring Baji for about three months now. He was doing well, well enough that he could get by without your paid support. Yet…
Even knowing this, you wanted to stay by his side, and know more about him.
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t attracted to Baji. He was gentle, considerate, dutiful, passionate — well, that aside…
You just weren’t ready to part ways. Not yet, at least.
There was just one thing bothering you.
These three months, you felt as though there was a huge part of Baji you still hadn’t met yet. Like he was only showing you a mask of a person.
You wanted to see who Baji Keisuke really was. Behind the thick rim glasses, behind the suppressed persona he claimed to be.
“Why… don’t you drop the act, around me..?” You asked, forced and meek.
You tried to maintain an aura of composure. Baji could sense that.
He picked up on your little mannerisms so easily now. The glasses actually ended up being a blessing, he was soon to realize. You could never tell when he stared at you, or read him quite right.
They kept you curious. He liked that growing curiosity of yours, and wasn’t sure if he was ready to give in so easily.
“What act?” He feigned jokingly, maintaining his composure without neglecting his handwriting over the latest study packet.
You gave your best glare, which only came off as a pout, crossing your arms passive aggressively. “Fine.” You sighed sarcastically, heaving yourself from your seat.
He realized quickly you were packing up for the day. “If you’re going to keep pretending around me, then keep it that way. I’m leaving. ”
What did you mean by that? What the hell made you so mad all of a sudden?
“Leave? I still don’t understand h—“ he tried to weave his way back into your usual groove, but you looked back at him with a somewhat… hurt expression, stopping all brain function he had.
The hell were you looking at him like that for?
“Baji.. I’ve done by duty as a tutor. If…. If that’s all I will be to you, then I …” you said shakily, having to pause a moment to maintain your poise composure.
“If you’re worried about how I’ll react to knowing the real you, please, stop. I want to be your friend. A real friend to you. I don’t want to keep pretending like I don’t notice the way you act differently around me.”
Your face was getting warmer and warmer, the more embarrassing things you were saying.
You weren’t planning to spill your heart out, this type of honesty was beyond your comfort, so why couldn’t you stop?
“Whoever you turn out to be, I would proudly stand beside you. S-so,”
“Wait,” Baji stopped you, voice stern and face completely hidden from view.
Baji knew why he’d kept who he really was from you for so long. He wasn’t a coward, he wasn’t hiding behind a mask because he thought you were shallow enough to shun him.
He was hiding because as soon as you got wrapped up in Toman, your life could be at risk.
Having no way to fight or protect yourself, being associated with Toman would only make you a walking target. Being involved with a gang was unpredictable. Some real sick fucks roamed these streets.
There’s no telling what one miscalculation would result in your inevitable pain.
Emma, Mikey’s own sister, had been held at knifepoint more than once. Attacks against her have been made more than Baji even knew. But no matter what, Mikey was always there to protect her and ensure her safety.
Could Baji say the same? He wasn’t sure if that was a promise he could keep. Baji is protective by nature, but throwing you into that life without giving you fair warning would be cowardly.
It was easier to end what wasn’t meant to continue.
“It doesn’t matter if you accept me or not.” He felt himself fall into poker face, acting harshly neutral. “I won’t let you throw yourself in my life just cause it seems fun. Our crowds don’t walk the same streets, y/n.” He hissed, hardened eyes hiding behind the thick rims.
Baji has never used this tone with you before.
You were bound to be scared of him now, (right?).
“I respect how smart you are, but you’re looking to get yourself killed. I won’t be apart of it.” He said finally, his things gathered and stature towering over you when he walked past you and out the door.
You didn’t even get a word in before he was slamming the door behind him.
It hurt to swallow, but he kept telling himself that he was doing the right thing, keeping you at arms length.
He wasn’t smart. He didn’t stop Kazutora before he made that irreversible mistake— to shoulder so much guilt. Baji hasn’t noticed that the bike shop Kazutora led him to was Shin’s shop. If he was just a little smarter and noticed that obvious thing, he could have saved Shin—- saved Kazutora!
… This is how he saves you, right?
This was fine, this was the intended outcome. Baji could self study from now on.
To hide this gnawing guilt, he buried it deep, deep, deep down.
Toman has a fight tonight after all.
The perfect stress relief.
Chifuyu had always wanted to be a wingman, and after he realized Baji’s crush on you, he was eager to spring into action. You were innocent and cute, opinionated yet kind. Quick witted and perceptive. Chifuyu knew you were struggling to keep your patience with Baji.
That’s why, when Baji made his dramatic exit, Chifuyu’s snooping-self quickly snuck in to evaluate the damage. And just as he’d guessed, you were left flabbergasted and flooded with frustrated tears.
“P-please wait! Before you judge him too harshly, let me speak!” He stammered. He’d never spoke more than a few pleasantries to you before now, yet there he was, desperately trying to make a case in Baji’s defense.
It took a little explaining, but without giving too much of the situation away, Chifuyu had managed to get you to agree to follow him. He promised on his life that he was trust worthy, and honestly, you believed him.
So that’s how you found yourself in audience of a bunch of thugs gathered for mischief just ahead of you. A long row of motorbikes rangling the boys into formation.
You weren’t sure where to spot Baji, his dead give away glasses being no where in sight. Still, Chifuyu promised that if you kept your eye out for his own blonde bowl cut, you’d spot Baji not far behind.
Before you could get a proper gander, you noticed two thugs from each opposing side came to the middle of the parking lot to speak, before ultimately calling for war.
You had guessed Baji was associated with some kind of shady pass time, as he did have a very intimidating presence, and he often boasting about his excellent skill of martial arts. To think he would put it to use like this was… <3
As you stood watching the scene unfold, you took a moment to consider if your lack of shock at the situation playing out should concern you or not. Were you more desensitized, or impressed….
You were taken out of that train of thought when a deafening roar almost shook the ground you stood. A scream that loud could only be made by a rage filled monster. And rage filled it was, Baji Keisuke’s patience had finally ran out, unable to swallow back that guilt he pushed so far deep. All the vulnerable sides of him he accidentally let you see—- revealed in those rare moment of gentle hand touches and kindness you gave him unconditionally.
He knew Your gentle hands would become soiled before long. His bruised knuckles would start to stain you.
Forgetting about you was for your best interest.
His hair was uncontainable, hair-tie snapping before the fight had even begun. His eyes were piercing and sharp, ferocious and merciless to anyone who met his gaze.
He stood out like a wild beast amongst helpless prey.
Baji wielded a wicked grin that took up most of his face, screaming out insult after curse as his fists broke skin and bone alike. He was ferocious. Unstoppable and feral.
It was normal to run in fear of such a creature, yet you….<33
“Hey hey hey! What’ve we got here?” Sing-songed a delinquent who did not share the same black and gold uniform your classmates had on.
No one noticed this interaction at first, but your shrill shriek seemed to alert others tenfold. It was an unspoken rule that if there’s a girl’s scream, you intervene.
“I don’t recognize that school uniform, what’re you spyin around us for huh? Want in on the action?” The delinquent held you in place between your collar and the wall behind you, his grip harsh enough to rip some of the cloth.
Any do-gooder would easily have stepped in to put the sicko in his place, for pulling an uninvolved girl into a beef like this one, but no one dared move.
Because there was a sick, cold, heavy air that swept the parking lot. A nauseous feeling that made any man back down. Everyone felt it. And Toman knew damn well to get the Hell out of Baji Keisuke’s way.
Chifuyu let out a yelp when he noticed he had pretty much made you a hostage, putting you directly in harms way. But you wanted to see who the real Baji Keisuke was so badly, and Chifuyu didn’t mean for it to turn out like this— and no amount of reason would spare Chifuyu from the beating he was sure to receive once Baji learned the truth of how you ended up here in the first place.
But with having no further context, Baji’s intense rage was fueled with worry for your safety. ‘Why the hell is she here? Did she follow me or something?’
Baji spat, dead focus not leaving your squirming form. The way you squirmed in the offenders grasp seriously made him feel like puking. The way your eyes desperately darted around to look for him broke his heart. So helpless, so scared… Any bit of restraint he had left suddenly no longer existed.
“Baldys got a death wish, eeeehhhhh?!” Baji graveled his most intimidating roar as the distance became shorter and shorter, reaching your side at sound-breaking speed.
Before the bold delinquent who had a hold on you could react, he was already being slung backwards. Gravity corrected you quickly, and you hissed when your knees met the ground below. Baji’s attention was solely focused on killing this stupid sack of shit.
Chifuyu came following after, helping you to your feet as you stare in awe. “C-come on, let’s get you somewhere safe-“ he tried guiding you toward an escape route, but you refused.
You remained rooted in place while you watched Baji wail on the poor guy. The force of his punches shook the offending delinquent’s whole body, head to toe. Punch after punch, his fists grew bloody.
Minutes passed, and the man before you had long lost consciousness. Still, Baji’s assault remained uninterrupted.
Surely he had lost feeling in his hands by now. The skin on his fist couldn’t even be identified as skin anymore, painted and dripping red.
You knew that when that block head was lost in thought, like he was now, you could never get his attention with words.
When you would study together, and he’d all but forgotten your presence, the only way to get his attention…
So, unfaltering, you laid one hand along the back of the blood stained monster protecting you. Without fear, you gently wrapped your other hand around his wrist. Immediately he froze.
The night was silent. Your lone whisper broke the tense atmosphere. “Baji,”
Finally getting his attention, Baji slowly turned his head to look you face to face. Eye to eye.. as though it really was for the first time.
Damn the ‘love at first sight‘ troupe. Baji called bullshit since preschool. But there was no better way to describe the unfamiliar feeling growing in his stomach.
Your expression was angel-like. Smile as kind as the heavens, moved with emotion. Looking him in the eye for the first time was also sending you into a vulnerable state. It was so pleasant feeling.
Baji couldn’t move, couldn’t breath, couldn’t think. You were literally stealing the breath out of his lungs.
Were you getting closer? Why did it feel like one side of his face was being cradled? Wait, were you—-
Your body moved on it’s own, unable to restrain yourself, until the very last second.
Baji could feel the gentle sigh of your breath against his lips, any sudden movement could mean life or death. He took a sharp breath in, but by the time he gathered his bearings, you weren’t kissing him like he thought you might, not on the lips at least.
Your lips gently rested on his sweat and blood stained forehead.
You parted, created distance shyly, and tried to glare at Baji. But it was impossible.
“I like the way you fight. Give it your all, Keisuke. You have to do well on tomorrow’s test, s-so try not to hit your head too much.” You quickly lectured, softly punching his shoulder, before awkwardly backing away. Grossly aware of your surroundings now, having All eyes on you was not a good feeling.
“U-um, anyway..! I’ll be rooting for you, s-so don’t lose!”
Baji hated thinking about his future.
But god. Damn.
He did know one thing.
You would be the death of him.
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zooterscooter · 3 months
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this one goes out to the two other femc/hidetoshi/keisuke polyshippers, im seeing your posts and they're making me happy
i had a similar idea but my desire to actually draw it was amplified by a new mutuals tags on their post (you know who you are... heyyy,, hiii... :3)
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sleepysnk · 1 year
a/n: HI MARS 😁 thank you for requesting this. i had a lot of fun doing this, so i hope you enjoy!! I LOVE YOU TOO BESTIE 🫶🏻.
pairings: baji keisuke x fem!reader
warnings: nsfw, smut, oral sex m!receiving, cum swallowing, some gagging, mentions of spit, praising, dirty talk, use of pet names (baby, princess).
prompt #1: “let me see those eyes.”
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“Come on, baby.. just like that.” 
Your boyfriend’s voice sent pulses through your cunt. You had been at it for the last fifteen minutes. His cock was deep inside your mouth, almost reaching your throat. You were so fucking desperate for him to fuck you, but you couldn’t do a single thing. The pleasure you felt within your core was aching. It was driving you crazy and you honestly thought you could cum from just ducking him off. 
Baji had been quite stressed lately. He was dealing with school and his job that he hardly had any time to unwind. He also had neglected your needs completely, so when you offered to give him a little “help” he wasn’t going to waste the chance. 
He fucking loved the position you were in right now. He honestly thought you looked gorgeous with your mouth wrapped around his dick. It was taking everything in him to not fuck the absolute shit out of your pretty face. He didn’t want to be hardcore, but he was beyond tempted. However, he still enjoyed your delicious mouth nonetheless. He could never miss the way your lips sucked around the base, or when your tongue swirled around his sensitive tip. He could honestly watch you like this forever if he really wanted to. 
Baji’s fingers laced within the locks of your hair, slowly bobbing your head up and down on his cock. He groaned when the tip reached the entrance of your throat. “F-Fuck.. yeah, you’re so good at this, princess.” he gripped the back of your head, watching with lust deep within his brown eyes. 
Your nails dug into the skin of his thighs. Tears brimmed at your lash line from the pressure. You somewhat gagged when his dick moved closer to your throat. This sent you moving your head backwards from the lack of air. You panted and looked up at Baji with these gorgeous eyes that made his dick twitch. God, you had the sexiest look in your eyes. Not to mention, your pretty face made him wanna cum all over it. He was so lucky to have a pretty girl like you sucking his cock. 
Baji’s thumb ran over your swollen lips. He smirked at the small smile you had on your face. You seemed so proud of yourself. He doesn’t blame you for that either. “So pretty for me, baby. You’re doing such a good job,” he praised, twirling some of your hair around his finger. 
“Anything for you..” your voice was raspy from all of the sucking, but nonetheless was sexy to Baji. 
He tilted your face upwards with his finger. He stared into your glassy eyes that were somewhat tinted red from the tears that stung them. A bubble of anticipation formed in his belly at the sight of your features. He was so close to reaching his orgasm. He needed just a bit more from you so he could cum. “Let me see those pretty eyes.” he ordered, raising his eyebrows. 
You did exactly what you were told.
You leaned down and placed your mouth around his cock once again. The spit that had collected on his dick made it smoother. You had your eyes settled on his face. Baji’s expression was twisted with pleasure and he couldn’t stop the deep grunts that erupted from his throat. 
He placed his hand on the back of your head, moving it up and down once again. He could feel the knot inside his stomach tightening with every move of your mouth. You were also using your hand to jerk him off as you did so, which doubled the pleasure he was receiving. He was so ready to cum. His cock was twitching in your mouth and you could feel it. 
“S-Shit! Fuck.. I’m gonna cum, baby!” he shouted, gasping loudly when his cock reached the end of your mouth. 
Your eyes went wide when his cum filled your mouth, seeping down your throat. It was quite warm and honestly hot. Tears rolled down your cheeks from the pressure once again, but you gladly swallowed his cum. 
Baji removed his hand from your head, freeing you from his grip. He smirked at how fucked out your face was from him. “Don’t get too comfortable, princess, I gotta give ya something too.” he replied, squeezing your cheeks together.
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flightofthejackdaw · 4 months
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