#kell rambles
cosmererambles · 1 year
“I’ll Make a Man Out of You” but it’s Hammond to the Skaa Rebels.
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I thought I'd be more coherent if I wrote this in the morning and I was entirely incorrect so get ready for an absolute mess of Ahsoka thoughts!!
I love the palette of the show- I don't think we've ever seen anything in live action quite this colorful and it fits the Rebels look perfectly. Side note Lothal especially is gorgeous and I can't wait for people to make gifsets of it so I can reblog them endlessly
Additionally: the music!! I went feral every time I heard themes from Rebels and burst into sobs listening to the end credits. Kevin Kiner sir you have not lost your touch
Speaking of sound design: I'm so glad they didn't change the iconic loth cat noises. I would die for Sabine's kitty
Now, I miss the voice actors a lot, and I stand by the fact that this would have been better animated, but I do think the live action actors embodied the characters very well. They were well-written and had wonderfully consistent mannerisms
Also all the little Rebels easter eggs! Ryder! Jai!! As soon as I saw the guy standing next to Ryder I was like "is that Jai?" and I literally screeched "YES" when he was introduced as a senator
I wasn't expecting them to mention Ezra as much as they did! I kind of thought he'd be vaguely haunting the narrative like Kanan, at least for the first few episodes, but no- he is driving the story and I love that for him
I am a little confused as to why Sabine and Hera thought he was dead since Rebels never gave off that impression, but as reasons to explain why they didn't look for him for ten years go, I guess that's the most plausible. My thought is that they initially believed he was out there, but assumed he would be the one to find their way back to them, and lost hope when it didn't happen
As much as I'm anticipating Jacen, I actually wasn't too disappointed he wasn't in these episodes. It looks like the vast majority of footage in the promos was from these episodes, so there's plenty of time for him to appear later on
Overall: I'm satisfied! I'm emotional!! And I can't wait to see where the story is going from here
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antaripirate · 7 months
this is the exact scene from ACOL just before they board The Ghost, actually
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purplebass · 2 months
The way the publisher decided to blatantly change the names of the Shades of magic books in Italy is annoying. Adsom became "Magic", Agos became "Legend" and Acol became "Dark"... Huh?! And they also used the old UK covers which aren't my favorites (but they were released a couple of years ago so they didn't have many options).
Tftop hasn't been released yet here but I think they will keep the original name because V sold the rights to another publisher who is known to release books with their original titles/covers and sometimes by including unreleased fan arts that they commissioned to artists, so yeah... I'm curious to see what they do when they publish Tftop. No idea when that will happen because SoM is a relatively niche series in Italy and I wish more people knew about it. It would be amazing if the new publisher buys the rights and re-releases Adsom so more people will know about it because I don't think the original publisher advertised the series properly
Anyway here's Adsom and Agos when I was at the bookshop in front of the train station (because I like to go looking for my favorite books in stores to look at them again okay)
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mercurialskiies · 8 months
I need to talk into the void about the stuff i’ve read about Fragile Threads so far (because everyone I follow on the non-blue bird app hasn’t read it yet) since it came to my house early and I need to scream in a way that’s cohesive and also non-spoilery.
I just. I have so many thoughts.
So if you don’t want spoilers please don’t unravel this post.
I’m warning you.
Please do not click the “Keep Reading” tab if you don’t want spoilers.
You cannot hold me accountable otherwise.
Okay, if you’re reading this, I’m assuming you’ve sealed your fate on spoilers.
Good. Cool. We’re on the same page.
It should be noted that, in the five hours I’ve been reading, I just got to like, the second chapter of part three. We devoured two whole parts, which will be my main talking points here.
First thing’s first: I’m desperately awaiting more from Kosika and Tes. I really love their characters so far (more Tes than Kosika, because I’ve only seen that first chapter from her and Tes I’ve seen two). I want to know what it is about Tes’ sister (or, maybe, who her sister is involved with) that has Tes so absolutely terrified. Her character as a whole intrigues me and I’m excited to see how she interacts with everyone down the line (if she does).
Also, bonus points and shout outs to Tes naming her owl Vares. She’s just like me for real.
Second thing’s second: I really LOVE how so far the first nearly 150+ pages are a reunion for characters from Shades (which I think is really welcome if you read the Shades of Magic books first). Seeing Maris and Kell and Lila again was just REALLY nice, and I missed them.
Which, speaking of Kell and Lila, holy crap I missed them and their dynamic so much. I do very much love the growth they’ve gone through in the seven years from what I’ve seen. Lila, while she has some of the same traits (knife kleptomaniac), feels like she’s softened a little and Kell, while he has some of his sadboi traits, definitely feels…way more confident. Like, I’m talking LEAGUES more confident.
Plus, seeing them both function as Antari magicians is really cool, because Lila only really “grew” into her powers starting in AGOS. To see her using magic with proficiency is like “Wow”.
It isn’t the same for Kell, who, first and foremost, those flashback scenes to the months/early years after his magic was shattered hurt me so much, dude. Especially because like, magic was the thing he was valued for as part of the crown—his worth always lied in his ability to not just do magic, but wield it with ease and proficiency. He was always looked on as this figure of power.
I don’t blame him for being so afraid and anxious about what that means for his sense of self-worth. Especially considering that most, if not all of his worth, hinged on his ability to do magic.
I did like the little analogy that Lila gives him, though, about the swordsman who learned to use his other hand to fight (implying that Kell can still fight, just with using other things instead of his magic—magic, whether he can use it or not, doesn’t define his worth).
But the other little thing I appreciated is that this, even seven years after the fact, is still something Kell struggles with. Using magic, Antari spells or otherwise, is still a fallback for him when his swords and knives fail. It isn’t something that just goes away.
Some other small things I wanted to note is just I love all of the little callbacks to the first series (Lila and Kell’s little “What was that for?” “For warmth.” exchange had me giggling and kicking my feet. They’re so whipped it’s insane).
Also, this would explain where the ring (in that one snippet that had me literally on the floor) came from. It’s not a wedding ring (like I assumed it was), but it’s a binding ring. Which, is almost kind of like a wedding ring, but without the vows. Plus, the fact that Kell mentions he only wears two for the people he loves most (his girlfriend and his brother) made me 🥺
Some things for these characters never change.
And I’m excited to see the rest of it and meet the newer ones.
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pistachi0art · 6 months
Crazy thought following the previous post but Kell putting on a headset to be in a completely different POV to Gordon- which would be Opposing Force!
And who better to join him alongside the journey- drumroll please… FORZEN. Instead of a gaggle of people it’s a buddy comedy between him and Forzen as they traverse the facility.
G-Man would also be involved- as he would directly interact w Kell doing the whole time freezing thing as he did with Gordon
Uhhh also there’d be an HECU medic ai named Jared or something that pop in from time to time. His gimmick would be among the lines of Bubby/Dr. Coomer dying but he’d take much longer and show up at random intervals for Kell to be confused why he’s back. Also he’s not good at his job.
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 1 year
Y'all omg 🤣
So normally my mom cuts my hair when she has a good day, or I do most of it and she cleans it up (we weren't super well off so she did all our hair growing up, she kicks ass at it) but I've been keeping her updated about the poll.
Her: why cut it though? You just got those little curls back
Me: because of those curls. By the way it's looking like it'll be full Kells cut again
Her: But Kells and loverboy have so many haircuts! You could just do his hair now!
Me: nope! I used a picture, it's the short one!
I don't mean to torture her (she isn't actually upset, she's very supportive she just liked my ringlets as a baby) but I thought you all would enjoy knowing she calls Dom loverboy now. And at least two of you if not more are helping me torture her 😂 (lovingly)
She says hi by the way 🖤
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atokirina-writings · 1 year
should i join the stepdad!jake club…
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iateyourburrito · 2 months
Updated Tattoo want list
- Mars Rover (wrist)
- Crom Cruach Ouroborous (other wrist. Secret of kells style)
- The Aten (sleeve style, same arm as rover)
- Laika puppy [+ Sputnik?] (back?)
- Pale Blue Dot (ankle)
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mistermorale · 9 months
Thinking about her* 😔
*rákosi búzát szed tweet
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cosmererambles · 7 months
I need someone to draw Kelsier in a crop top. I will pay. 100 bucks is yours for a full body picture of him in a crop top. Send in your work. Let’s do this.
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As excited as I am to see Jai living his best life, I still wonder every day where my boy Zare and his fabulous sister Dhara are
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antaripirate · 5 months
very important poll ‼️‼️
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k-young · 1 year
Was I just supposed to find out that lockwood and Co got a TV show by myself??
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mercurialskiies · 8 months
Another Incoherent Threads of Power Post™️ (Spoilers for Part 4)
There’s something very interesting to me about how Kell feels about his old life. The life that he was kind of almost conditioned into and the same life he traded away for freedom at sea.
And what really gets me emotional is the fact that Kell feels wrong in it after all this time away, emphasized by the point of him and Lila staying in a tavern their first night back in London instead of the royal palace (which Kell is welcome back in as well as Lila by association)
He shrugged out of his coat, and turned it inside out, from left to right, and so Kay’s black mantle fell away, replaced by one Kell hadn’t worn in months—an elegant red coat, gold buttons running down the front. The edges were trimmed in gold thread and the inside was lined with gold silk, and the whole thing smelled of palace candles and sweet floral soap. It was a coat that belonged to Kell Maresh, famed Antari, prince of Arnes, brother to the king.
It was a coat that no longer felt like it fit.
And what gets me is how much this echoes the fact that he never really felt like he belonged in the palace to begin with yet…wants to, to some degree and it made me realize that his only major tie to the palace (aside from Rhy), was his connection to magic. Which he no longer has, hence his perception of his own worth to the palace is diminished.
He looked around, at the bed heaped high with pillows, the golden tray balanced on the sofa’s edge, the balcony giving way to crimson dusk.
The word rose up like bile. He forced it down.
This room belonged to a different Kell, the one whose coat no longer fit. The one who had sat at a gilded table downstairs, trying to teach Rhy magic, the one for whom it came as easily as air. And standing there, amid the memories, he flinched, because of how badly he wanted to be that Kell again. To have that life back. But it was gone.
He had become someone else.
By necessity, not choice.
And yet, this place called him back.
When Lila goes to the tavern to see if Kell had turned in for the night, she finds him in his PALACE ROOM INSTEAD OF THE TAVERN.
This started off really coherent, but holy shit Kell makes me so sad sometimes. I’m here for his confidence and his sass, but sometimes the narration in his POVs…
Shit hurted, bro
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stargirlrchive · 1 year
ani ur mine and no one elses
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OKAY MOMMY 🏃🏻‍♀️🤸🏽‍♀️
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