#kevin attwater x reader
Little Valentine's
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Gif credit @hennwilson
Hope you all enjoy. Happy Valentine's day everyone. Happy Reading Dollies
Taglist @nocturnalherb16. @jesseswartzwelder. @writerwithasoul
"Mommy, Daddy. Look what I got at school today". Avery came running into the house. She had just gotten off the bus from school. It was Valentine's day and you already knew what she was excited for.
"What's that you got there, sweetheart". Kevin picked her up and kissed her temple.
"Valentine's day card. We made them in class today". She squealed handing you some and Kevin the others.
"Wow, you got a lot there didn't you". You said matching her excitement. Kevin not so much.
"Who's Darius and why is he sending you kisses? Wait, who's Mason and why is he giving you little x's and o's"? Kevin went into panic mode as he saw all the little boys giving Avery a Valentine's day card.
"Babe, their boys from her class. It's okay". You tried to hide your giggle. He was such a cute overprotective papa bear when it came to his cub.
"She's six. She cant have boys chasing her already. I'm not ready yet. I don't think I ever will be. Oh God, why if she wants to marry one of them"? Kevin started to hyperventilate in the kitchen.
"Kev, again she's six. You have a long time before thinking about marriage. They're harmless Valentine's day cards". You soothed him by rubbing his shoulders.
While all the thought about marriage and Kevin hyperventilating. No one saw Avery try and sneak away with one of the cards she was hiding in her pocket.
"Come back here, young lady. What's behind your back". Avery panicked and dropped the card when Kevin got on to her.
"Nothing". Averys eyes went wide when Kevin scooped up the card and opened it up.
"Harmless, you say. Here's a phone number for a Rusty. It says and I quote. Call me sometime, bae. What the hell is bae? Who the hell is Rusty"? Kevin read along. You jerked the card out of his hand and you felt steam come out of your ears.
"I'm calling this little punks mother and we're going to have a little chat about respecting women. Little twerp". You growled.
"No, he's my boyfriend. I love him". Avery jumped up and down. Throwing a tantrum as she followed you to get your phone.
"No, no and hell no. Boyfriends are for adults. Not six year old princesses. You will not have a boyfriend until your fifty. Wait, make that until I'm dead and gone plus six years. Make sure I don't come back as a zombie and eat him". Kevin threatened as he followed the two of you. He was going to make sure his little princess didnt have a boyfriend dead or alive. Nothing will stop him.
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Caught Kissing Mrs. Claus
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Picture found on Pinterest
Hope you all enjoy
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas
Taglist: @nocturnalherb16. @jesseswartzwelder
"Thank you again for dressing up as Santa, honey. You dont know what it means to these kids". You kissed Kevin's lips in your Mrs. Claus outfit, Kevin was going back to work after he gave out presents to the awaiting kids.
"No problem. I'm glad I could help. Every kid should get a present on Christmas". Kevin kissed you again.
A crack through the door spied little eyes of a little boy who's father was kissing not his mother but Mrs. Claus. He gasped and ran to tell the land of his tell of daddy kissing Mrs. Claus.
"You get dressed and I'll go get everything ready for your entrance". You told Kevin as you grabbed the basket of candy canes from the table.
"See you out there". Kevin began to undress and slipped into his Santa outfit. He practiced his jolly laugh and made his fake belly shake with joy. It was time to go see the children.
"Merry Christmas". Kevin sung as he made his way to the stage. You stood by him with candy canes and Adam the little elf helped the children get in line for their present and picture.
It wasn't Adam's idea to dress as a elf in tight green tights and red pointed shoes with bells with big pointed ears. It was Kevin's and he enjoyed every minute of it.
Jay helped out as well but he tried refusing to wear the green  tights and shoes but he was forced by Voight. Voight was originally asked to play a elf but he wanted to bring his grandson instead so he made Jay do it. There were pictures they'll be forced to live with forever.
"Its your turn little buddy". Adam's squeaky voice made everyone laugh. Gave Kevin the jiggle for his tummy.
"What do you want for Christmas"? Kevin asked the shy little blond headed boy who was sitting on his lap holding his candy cane for dear life.
"A truck". He whispered.
"A truck? Hmmm. I think I can do that". Kevin searched with chuckle through his big red bag of toys and pulled out a big present, handing it to the boy.
"Thanks, Santa". The boy squealed with joy as he opened it up and saw it was a blue truck with working  lights.
"You're quite welcome. You be good for your parents and do good in school. I'll see you next year". Kevin told him as the boy gave him a hug.
"I will, I promise". The boy replied as he got down off of Kevin's lap.
The building was packed with kids and their parents. Thankfully the toy drive was a bigger success than you thought it would be. Every child got a toy, a picture with Santa and a lunch to take with them. The family's got a Christmas dinner to take with them and everyone was happy and excited for Christmas.
"Aw, it's our little boys turn". You squeezed Kevin's shoulder as your son walked up to Santa. He volunteered to help out as well but he did ask to talk to Santa at the last minute which you thought was the cutest thing.
"Ho ho ho. What do you want for Christmas, young man"?
Your son looked down at his feet and spoke. "I want my daddy to stop kissing Mrs. Claus".
Kevin wanted to laugh but he kept it in. "What do you ever mean"?
"I went to tell my mom that the kids were arriving and I saw my daddy kissing your wife. My mom is going to be so upset and then they'll get a divorce". He spoke so sadly. Your heart was breaking.
"Have you told anyone about this"?
"Yeah, my uncles. They said they'll have a talk with my daddy but I just want everything to go back to before I saw him hurt my mom".
"Okay. How about this, I'll talk to your dad and we'll figure everything out. I'm definitely going to have a talk with my wife about kissing other people's husbands. She'll be on reindeer duties until next year". Kevin chuckled.
"Thanks Santa. I'm sorry about Mrs. Claus".
"That's okay. We'll figure everything out. Just you see".
Your son hugged Santa and went on his way. Kevin looked up at you and tears in both of your eyes.
After the toy drive and everything settled down you asked Adam to bring your son in back so Kevin and you could talk to him.
"Santa? Mrs. Claus? What are you two still doing here"? Your son asked as he came in.
"Come sit down. We need to talk to you". Kevin patted the seat beside him.
"Son, what you saw was not real. Your mom is Mrs. Claus and I'm helping Santa out". Kevin explained, while taking off the outfit. You doing the same.
"You're not the real Santa and you're not the real Mrs. Claus"?
"No, sweetie. We're just helping out. Santa has a lot of children to look after and he gave your dad the honor of helping out. He knew your dad was a police officer and a trusting and good man so he asked him to take his place for just today. To give the kids something to look forward too".
"Oh". Your son because shy and bashful.
"So I was just kissing your mom. Not Mrs. Claus. And don't tell the kids that I was Santa. Don't want to ruin their holiday. Okay"?
"Okay, dad. I'm sorry I caused a problem".
"No. No. I'm glad you're looking out for us. We appreciate it. But nothing will ever come between us and taking care of you. Nothing".
"Alright. Can I go back out there"?
"Yeah. Go ahead". You kissed your sons head.
"Wow. That's something". Kevin chuckled.
"That was one thing that never crossed my mind that would happen today. I thought Adam and Jay would get into a elf fight or something but not this. My husband cheating on me with Mrs. Claus. How rude". You giggled.
"What can I say, Mrs. Claus is looking very lovely today". Kevin playfully growled, grabbing your hips, pulling you closer to him.
"Stop that. You old goof. You'll get us in trouble". You giggled playfully slapping his chest.
"You're right. I'll just have to wait to unwrap my gift tonight". He kissed your red hot cheek.
"Kevin". You gasped, with a blush.
"Wait, you're not Santa"? You both turned your heads to the door where the little Adam elf stood with a pout.
"Great. Adam wait". Kevin said as Adam ran off.
"This is it. No more Santa for me". Kevin grumbled as he went after Adam to tell him the truth well sort of.
You snickered as you got undress. You didnt think that dressing up would cause such a problem.
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Trauma Doctor & Wife
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Gif credit @mariahlauramarq
Requested on wattpad
Happy reading dollies
Tag list @nocturnalherb16. @jesseswartzwelder
"African American male, 194 pounds, BP is 94/30. Bullet wound to the abdomen, blood loss is severe". The paramedic informed the nurse as they wheeled the patient in.
"Doctor". The nurse called after you as you were checking on a patient in recovery.
"What do we have"? You asked looking at the chart given by the paramedic.
"Gun shot wound to the lower abdomen".
"Okay, let's get him up to the ER room and prep for surgery". You told them as you looked away from the chart. About to speak to the man laying on the gurnee you froze when you saw who was there.
"Kev"? You stood there shocked as they wheeled your husband up to the surgery room. You were having to do surgery on your own husband.
After the shock wore off you ran into the scrub room and got dressed out.
"No, exit wound. Looks like the bullet broke into pieces as it entered". Your assistant doctor informed you as you came in.
"Alright". You said nervously.
"Do you want me to take this"? He asked, knowing Kevin and you being worried.
"No, I got this". Gulping you took the first look at the wound and started to carefully remove the fragments. One by one. As time went on it seemed like it was going to be a walk in the park but then the excessive bleeding happened.
"Shit". You cursed under your breath.
"BP is dropping". A nurse warned you.
Trying to clamp the vein off you succeeded into stopping the blood flow.
"Heart rates low. BP is still dropping".
"Come on, Kev. Please pull through. You have too". You whispered to yourself as took the clamp off and the bleeding stopped. Letting a sigh of relief.
"BP is coming back to normal. Heart rate is up".
"Let's get you finished up". You tied the last knot and he was ready for recovery.
Watching as they wheeled him down to recovery, you saw Adam coming to the nurses desk to ask about Kevin.
"What happened, Adam"? You asked sternly.
"I'm sorry. Y/N. We went on a disturbance call and the suspect pulled a gun. It caught Kevin. The bullet was meant for me. He took it.  I'm so sorry". Adam sniffled.
"He's going to be okay. He lost a lot of blood and had to get a couple pints. But he'll pull through. He's a tough guy".
"Yeah.  When he comes too tell him, I own him. Big time. And thanks for saving me".
"I will". You hugged Adam, then headed to Kevin's room.
Kevin was still sleeping when you came in. You looked at him and thought you could have lost him during the surgery or he wouldn't have made it to the hospital for you to try and save him. You hated his job when there was shooting involved. But he loved what he did and you didnt want him to have to choose between you or the job. You just dealt with it. Praying he came home to you every night.
"Hey Beautiful". Kevin's groggy voice made you come out of your daze.
"You gave me a scare there. I thought I had lost you". You said coming to sit beside him.
"I'm sorry. I couldnt let my friend die".
"I know. Adam says thank you for saving him. He owes you". You took his hand in yours and squeezed.
"Damn right he does. He made me miss date night". Kevin tried to laugh but he winched every time.
"Dont worry about that. Just focus on getting better. We'll have time to make up for that". You kissed his temple.
"Thanks for patching me up. Good thing I have a surgeon for a wife".
"Don't go getting use to it. I dont ever want to see you in the operating room again. You really scared me". You replied gulping down the tears.
"I'm sorry for scaring you like that. It wont happen again. We'll be more careful next time". He squeezed your hand back.
"I love you, Kevin Atwater".
"I love you too, Y/N Atwater".
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So Annoying, Yet So Cute
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Gif credit @halstudandruz
Hope you all enjoy
Happy Reading Dollies
Tag list @nocturnalherb16. @jesseswartzwelder
"Kevin, if you don't stop bugging me I'm going to smack the shit out of you". You gasped as he did the unthinkable. He took his hand, licked it and smeared his saliva all over your cheek.
"Whatcha going to do about that"? He snickered, taking a seat beside you on the couch.
"I hate you so much right now. Like you can not imagine what I want to do to you". You groan, taking the blanket and rubbing his DNA off you.
"Oh, I think I can". Kevin chuckled then a smirk came onto his face as he turned his attention to the game.
"Kim! Adam!"? You yelled to them in the kitchen.
"What? You're telling on me? Tattletale. Tattletale". Kevin taunted you.
"Grow up". You stuck out your tongue and jumped off the couch, heading into the kitchen.
"What the hell are you two doing in there? I'm hearing giggling and laughing one minute then I'm hearing yelling and threatening the next. Do I have to separate you two"? Adam asked with a laugh.
"No, he's fine. We're just hungry and bored. This game sucks. Why did you call us over here for these loser teams"? You took a cucumber from the vegetable tray.
"No reason". Kim acted suspicious, looking at Adam.
"Whatever. Food done yet"?
"Yeah. She's just taking the pizzas out". Adam said cutting the rest of the veggies.
"Cool. Cool". You bobbed your head.
"I'm guessing that's my queue to leave". Kim questioned.
"Uh yeah". You laughed.
"Women". Kim scoffed with a chuckle as she got the pizzas and headed back into the livingroom.
"So what is so important that it couldn't wait"?  Adam turned his attention to you.
"Kevin, annoys me so much. I just want to kiss his stupid face". You blushed when Adam's jaw dropped.
"So you do like Kevin? I knew it. Kim didnt believe me but I knew. The way you both look at each other and the way you two tease and flirt with one another. You like him. Omg". Adam gushed with a girly squeal.
"Shh. Stop. He doesnt like me like that".
"How do you know without asking him"?
"He tried licking my face then proceeded to lick his hand and smear it on my face. That's disgusting".
"He's flirting with you. Drunk flirting with you to be exact. I should have waited after you got here to give him tequila shots".
"You gave him tequila shots? On a Sunday? You are crazy. He's going to be so sick tomorrow". You palmed your forehead.
"Then maybe you should go be his nursey nurse". Adam nudged your shoulder.
"Why dont you? I'm not cleaning up his throw up after you got him drunk". You shook your head and headed back into the living room.
"Who's winning"? You asked taking a seat beside Kevin.
"Um, Bears. They're 3 points ahead". Kevin sighed.
"You okay"? You looked at Kevin and he didnt look to hot.
"Yeah, just feel a little queasy".
"Must have been the tequila".
"Might be".
"Come here, I'll see if you have a fever to be safe".
Kevin brought his head to you. Your lips puckered and ready for his forehead. He did a zigzag and his lips met your.
The kiss took you by surprise and you pushed Kevin off.
"Really? Are you thirteen in a basement, right now"? You rolled your eyes.
"I heard you wanted to kiss me so I made it happen". He grinned.
"I think is was more like your stupid face which I was going to see if you were sick but seems like your fine".
"I am. Thanks. Plus I'm not drunk. I just like teasing you".
"Because I like you. I'm not good with the ladies like Adam".
"Adam? Seriously, he's the one you're looking up too? He's horrible with girls. I can't believe he's with Kim". You both laugh.
"So I guess teasing is away that I show you that I like you".
"Well, I like when you tease me. Just this time ask me out and then you can do some teasing in public". You bit your lip scooting closer to Kevin.
Kevin sucked on his bottom lip as he looked you down. "You'd really go out with me"?
"Oh yeah. You're pretty cute".
"I think you're pretty cute yourself". Kevin leaned in and stole a not surprising kiss.
"Oh come on". You heard Kim exclaim, breaking the kiss.
"Now I owe Adam 20 bucks". Kim left the room with a huff. Leaving you two laughing.
"I think we'll be making Adam a lot of money". You leaned back in, staring at Kevin's lips, panting.
"I think so too". Kevin devoured your lips. You both moaned into the kiss.
The game was forgotten, the host and hostess were forgotten. Just Kevin and you existed in that moment. Just kissing each others annoying stupid faces. 
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Same Dream, New District
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Gif credit @zeroxday
Requested by @multifandom123456
This is my first personal imagine. I don't normally do these so I tried, hope I did it justice. Hope you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting.
Happy Reading Dollies.
"My names Indiana Gomez, I'm twenty five. I'm a hard worker, I learn fast and I can take order. My dad use to work with Hank Voight so I'm familiar with a hard boss. I will learn to live with the chaos  that is district twenty one". You rambled off to the desk manager that day at CPD. 
"Listen lady if you want to join district 21 you'll have to go through Seragant Trudy Platt". He said with half a donut hanging out of his mouth. 
"Is she here"? "My mom and her go way back". You said with a smile. 
"No". "Now would you please go, I have work to do". He groaned as he walked off. 
"Yeah feeding your face with donuts, I can see where everyone thinks cops just sit around eating donuts. They must have met you". You growled. Turning around you heard a clap coming from the steps. 
"That was funny". A tall handsome man came walking down the stairs. "I'm Kevin Attwater". He placed his hand out, you gladly shook it. 
"Indiana Gomez". You replied with a smile. 
"Is there anything I could help you with"? 
"By any chance you know a Hank Voight or a Trudy Platt"? 
"I happen to know both of them, Voight's my boss".
"You work for Hank"? 
"Yeah, he's in charge of intelligence". 
"Wow so super cops"? The question made you both laugh. 
"Yeah, you can say that". He bit his lower lip and looked at you sweetly. Making you blush. 
Looking at your watch you scorned your self. "Shit, I'm late for work". 
"Oh". Kevin sounded a little down. 
"Can you tell Trudy and Hank that I was here"? "Please".
"Yeah, sure no problem". "Um where can they find you"? 
"I work at the coffee shop down the road beside the dry cleaners". 
"The new one they just opened"?
"Yeah, it's called Java my beans". Kevin let out a loud laugh, making you giggle.
"That is a stupid name for a coffee shop".
"Yeah that's what I said when I applied there". 
"And they still hired you"? "Huh".
"Yeah, well I have to go. It was nice meeting you Kevin". You say as you started to walk away. He waved goodbye with a smile. 
"I can't believe she's back, I haven't seen her in years". Hank told Trudy as they walked into Java my beans. 
"Do you see her"? Trudy asked as they both looked around the coffee shop.
"Let me go ask". Hank went to the register. 
"Excuse me, does a Indiana Gomez work here"? 
"Hank"? You turned around, surprised they showed up so fast. 
"Indiana". Hank reached over the counter and hugged you tightly. 
"Wow, you've grown". Trudy came up and hugged you next. 
"Yeah, I ate my vegetables". You said which made you all laugh. 
"You want to sit down"? Trudy asked. 
"Sure". You followed them to a table.
"How's life"? Hank asked folding his hands putting them on the table.
"Its okay". You said pushing a piece of hair from your face.
"What's up"?
"Nothing, mom and I moved to a new apartment, I got fired from district dickville and I think I found my future husband". You smiled as you thought of Kevin.
"Fired? At what district?". Hank asked sternly.
"At district 32. They were all assholes and I told them how it was".
"You and your mouth are going to get you into trouble, young lady". Trudy chuckled as she shook her head.
"My partner wasn't watching my back and we got into a altercation. I kicked him in his small balls and gave him a bloody nose".
"Indiana". Hank warned you.
"You should have came to me".
"I handled it, and I'm not sorry. That's the real reason I got fired cause I wouldn't say sorry".
"So how long you been working here"?
"Since they opened, haven't been opened for very long".
"Well you give your two weeks notice, you're going to work at the station doing odd jobs for Trudy and I". Hank looked at Trudy and she agreed.
"I don't want any hand outs, Hank".
"Its not a hand out, I promised your father that I would watch out for you and so far I'm not doing a very god job at it". He let out a husky chuckle.
"Tomorrow you come by the station and meet the crew. You need to know who's who before you start".
"Yes Uncle Hank and Aunt Trudy". You sarcastically said.
"Smartass". The three of you laughed.
You arrived an hour early just so you'll be there when Hank got there to show him you were all business and this is what you wanted to do with your life. No joking around.
"Sergeant Voight". You greeted him.
"Indiana, call me Hank". He rolled his eyes.
"Yes sir". You said as you followed him up the stairs.
The crew was slowly coming in. You met Adam and you already knew Alvin. Kevin came in with a smile as he saw you. Then you met Jay and Hailey.
During the day they saw you and Kevin sneak looks at each other and the flirtation was so thick they could cut it with a knife.
"He's not seeing anyone". Jay whispered in your ear as you got coffee for Hank.
"I don't know what you're talking about, detective". You stirred the coffee with a smirk.
"He likes you too so go after it".
"You just met me and now you're trying to hook me up with your friend". "Really"?
"Well Voight talked about you the whole time when he came back and Kevin hasn't shut up since the day he met you". "All good things of course". Jay added as you looked at him oddly.
"I don't know. I just started here and don't want to get off on the wrong foot by dating a co-worker". You said shrugging your shoulders. 
"I think you two would  be perfect for each other". 
"Thanks but we'll see". "So don't say anything to anyone". You warned Jay.
He locked his lips and threw away the key with a wink. 
"Thanks". You oddly laughed at him, taking Hank his coffee. 
Months have gone by and you were doing great at CPD, you were working full time as a police officer with Trudy. She found you a nice partner that she trusted and who you would get along with. During those months you and Kevin had started dating secretly until Hank found you two at Molly's singing, dancing and kissing on each other. The one time you bring your relationship out in public is the time he comes to Molly's. You both were shocked when he was cool with it, you were like a daughter to him and you thought he would kill him or depromote Kevin's position but he didn't. So you thought.
"Indiana Gomez". Hanks harsh voice called from up stairs as you were talking to Trudy. 
"Coming". You looked at Trudy with a worried face. 
"My office now". He opened the door for you and closed it behind you. 
"Sit". You took the seat as you bit on your lower lip. 
"You've been working for us for awhile now, I see that you're a hard worker, you do your job. Keep your nose clean and out of trouble. You show sportsmanship and caring for others so that's why I'm promoting you to Detective Indiana Gomez CPD intelligence". Hank handed you a pair of handcuffs as a gift.
"Your dad would be proud of you". "I know he's watching over you and at this moment he's probably giving you a hell yeah". Hank chuckled.
Tear slipped down your cheeks. "Thank you so much Hank, you don't know what this means to me. I have wanted this since I was a kid and you've made it come true. Thank you". You went to hug Hank.
"You've earned it kid". Hank smiled as the others came in and congratulated you. Kevin gave you a quick peck on the lips as Hank didnt allow you to show too much affection in his presence.
Your dads dream was continuing with you and you hoped that you will keep making him proud in the future.
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