#kichirou kanda. ic / they told me all of my cages were mental
ahsterism · 1 year
tag drop pt. 8: ocs (2/3)
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ahsterism-aa · 2 years
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@boughtastar​ asked: "we make a pretty good team ." ~kori from boughtastar to kichirou // dusty toybox
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  IT’S SUCH A CHILDLIKE SENTENCE, one that Kichirou would have thought hardly anything of if it weren’t for the situation he’s found himself in... he’s seen her innocence, the desire to befriend their class, the kindness she’s given to him even though Kichirou has never been the most skilled at communicating with those his own age. So the utter despair that they have found themselves sinking into... it crushes him, to not only feel it in himself, but to see it in her eyes too. 
     Guilt is already starting to gnaw at his conscious. Somewhere along the line, Kichirou thinks he realized how far this has gone— it had gone too far from the start, in a way, but despite the anxiety it had carved into his chest... he could never blame Kori for that day he found her and her parents. Now, though, he comes to realize he should have put a STOP to this long before it could spiral. If only he weren’t such a coward, if he wasn’t afraid, if the fear of mistakes and accidentally ruining another even more— if the fear of speaking up hadn’t gotten in the way... maybe they wouldn’t be here. 
    She knows part of his loyalty hinges on what she has over him— Tsuyoshi Kanda, Kichirou HAS to ensure his safety ( which... humiliatingly enough, does include being blackmailed by a thirteen year old )— though another piece of it lies in the connection they’ve made... Kichirou doesn’t want to hurt her, not more than she’s already been hurt. But his classmates... he doesn’t want to hurt them either. It all makes him sick to his stomach. 
   “I guess we do...” He responds quietly and with a simple nod, but when he sees her smile... he forces one, too. “Kori, I...” There’s so much he wants to say— he wants to tell her this isn’t the only way, that they could find another way out of this... can’t they? But... he isn’t quite sure if he believes that himself, either. “Is there anything else you wanted to do today?” 
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ahsterism-aa · 2 years
tag fix pt. 1 bc tumblr despises me
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ahsterism-aa · 3 years
new ocs tag drop (1/3)
kimiko omura / kichirou kanda (adopted from @boughtastar) / rosa fregoso (adopted from @piictureshow)
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ahsterism-aa · 3 years
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@casecmplx​ asked: " think fast, bunny! " aria grabs kichirou by the waist and picks him up right out of his chair, probably while he's busy on a project, before spinning around with him in her arms quickly. " it's attack tall people day, you're getting got you lil' shit! " she hasn't stopped yet -- looks like he's gonna be stuck here for a little while. // national kick tall people day except i’m late
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IT’S NOT THAT KICHIROU ISN’T USED TO Aria interrupting his work before— in fact, as careless as he might get with how much he overworks himself sometimes, he has a great appreciation for it… except this time around, Kichirou’s reaction is a little more extreme. “Wh— huh?” He just barely gets to exclaim before the grab to his waist sends a bright red blush all the way from the nape of his neck to right across his cheeks. The spinning makes him a little dizzy, but that’s nothing compared to the lightheadedness solely from the sudden surprise. “A- attack tall people day?” He repeats, he thinks he may have heard this going around… wasn’t it kick?
     “But we’re… we're the same height? And— aah, you’ve, well, you got me already!— I’m… got, believe me.”
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ahsterism-aa · 3 years
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@casecmplx​ asked: 187 for kichirou 👀 // headcanon exploration
187. Dance.
Kichirou has absolutely ZERO experience dancing— at least, in front of anyone. It’s not something he tries to do often even when he’s alone, either, since he usually doesn’t really have the energy for it in the first place and he’s a little too self-conscious to let loose like that. A lot more frequently, he’ll hum or sway to music, especially when he’s in the zone/mostly thinking about his work while doing so. 
Buuuut if he were to be coaxed in to dancing, he would at least give it some of a go— he’s pretty insistent on not being good at it at all, but he’ll eventually try mostly out of not wanting to disappoint the other person. He’s right, he’s not good at it, but skills ASIDE, it’s actually pretty nice and cute to watch him slowly let loose for a bit and do his best to dance a little. Any reassurance will help combat the worry, and the luckiest can get smiles and laughs out of him at least, even if the actual dancing isn’t his strong suit. 
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